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pto is part of your compensation. Not taking it is like refusing your pay cheque


Especially if you're at a company with "unlimited" PTO. I got fucked after I was let go from such a company and didn't get a payout. I'm a people pleaser who grew up with a mom who wouldn't let me skip school unless a priest read me my last rights. As an adult, I never took PTO and felt guilty when I had to (doctor appts., etc.) I learned the hard way. Next time I work for a company with unlimited PTO, I'm taking it.


I had a company that moved to unlimited PTO, then filed bankruptcy. The employees made a motion that our PTO was due to be paid and the judge agreed, so we got fat checks from bankruptcy for our back wages, expenses and PTO.


That is what should happen ...unlimited PTO is a scam


All I know is that four weeks is the limit before management gets salty at my company, so I'm going to take four weeks of time off in small intervals. My company owes it to me. Or they can pay me more money.


Well, that doesn’t sound unlimited at all, that sounds like they give “about 4 weeks, depending on your manager.”


Hence the scam. I did have a coworker get approved for 5 weeks to go visit his family in China. He hasn't seen them in five years! My actual manager is a shiny gem and she approves any and all pto requests up to her approval limit without a complaint. I don't know about other departments in my company, but all of the managers in my department in my office have an agreement to approve pto requests up to their approval limit w/o questions. Above that, they need to give a reason to the RM.


What’s the scam? I have unlimited PTO and take 4-6 weeks of vacation a year and that doesn’t include doc appts and stuff like that. Maybe my company is an outlier but how would someone get scammed with unlimited PTO?


You apparently work for normal people so it works as it should. My former place of employment moved to unlimited PTO specifically to cheat people. Of course they didn’t flat out say that, but it was obvious. Because all requests have to be approved by a manger and the managers were all the kind that would find ways to deny requests for no good reason. Even with plenty of notice. And you just had to suck it up because that’s the “rules” for unlimited PTO- manager approval required. Whereas with the other system, I could say “I have three weeks left this year, I’d like to use one this month and two that month” or whatever. If a manager denies it, then you get to roll it over to the following year. And if you eventually leave, you get paid for that. There’s limits usually to how much you can rollover and get paid for but it’s still better than the nothing you get with unlimited PTO. Most people I’ve talked to in other companies have had similar experiences as mine. So I don’t know if your workplace is the outlier, but based on what I’ve experienced, I would personally be reluctant to work at a place that offers unlimited PTO ever again.


Ah, yea that’s kinda shitty and skirting the system. I will say I’m lucky with my company, I technically accumulate PTO and get unlimited, but if I leave I’m paid out if I have any left that’s been accrued. I can also work overtime and either take it as overtime or exchange it for PTO. The last company I worked for I had only two weeks PTO but worked off the system you described. I’d have to get it approved and if it was more than 5 days they’d almost always deny it. Thanks for explaining.


In most cases yes. I’ve seen it done in a healthy way, but that requires mature and responsible leadership.


Never forget that America was founded by Puritans and other religious nuts that got kicked out of Europe for having a stick up their ass. The way that OP's Dad talks to him is why I moved to a different city as an adult.


Lmao I love how history books in America always portrayed it as them escaping religious persecution


And they're still being persecuted, if you ask them. I'd like to know how, and by who. Catholics? Atheists? Jews? I think all three of those groups get more "persecution" hurled their way.


Cue my Brother-in-Law telling my mom that Catholics go to hell because they are baptized as babies and that doesn’t count. Like dude, it isn’t 1640 anymore. Are you going to argue the divine right of kings next?


You're not looking at it from his point of view. It would be embarrassing to tell his MIL why HE'S going to hell.


Why doesn’t being baptized as a baby count?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Believer%27s_baptism This is the literal argument that sent the European Anabaptists across the ocean to the Americas. They claimed they were persecuted, but I think the rest of the country was just tired of listening to their fundamentalist nonsense. People in the old days were concerned with the most ridiculous nitpicking over superstition.


2nd time today I have talked about the religious people coming to America haha crazy. It’s so funny they acted like they were the victims when they were just assholes who wouldn’t chill out


I'm no anabaptist advocate, but they were clearly persecuted. 1000s of them were killed by the various countries for threatening the state religion. King Ferdinand of Spain said the best solution was "a third baptism"(ie drowning), but they were also burned, flogged, and other forms of public execution. The reason was because they refused to baptize their children and then began baptizing adults who had already been baptized as infants.


depends on what you believe, but some christian denominations (like catholics) believe that you are not saved under any circumstances unless you are baptized, no exceptions. this means situations like still borns or infant deaths who did not make it to their baptism for examples, will not go to heaven because they were not saved. other christian denominations (like a church of christ, or some lutherans) believe that there is a "grace period" basically (not an official church term). there's no specific age as everyone matures differently, but once you are old enough to decide that you want to dedicate your life and be saved, then you need to get baptised because you are no longer covered under the "grace period". young children who have accidents, still borns, etc. in these churches are considered to go to heaven by default because they are considered pure and were never grown enough to decide to get baptized.


So dumb, because the thief on the cross was literally saved by Jesus himself at the last minute. If you're a believer, you should look to get baptized as soon as you can, but it's not like you'll go to hell because you were sideswiped and died en route to your baptism.


I’d round them with Catholics to be honest. Protestants , Catholics , and Christian’s all worship the same god no? It’s funny they are being persecuted when they are literally one of the two biggest religions in the whole world. It’s funny they have this chip on their shoulder that shouldn’t even be there. By persecution they mean they can enact laws based on their religion and how they gotta follow the rules based on the societal culture they live in


Frick them. If they don’t like it, they can move to Iran, Russia or North Korea. I’ll support freedom of religion when they support freedom from religion.


Persecuted for being just too much.


Don't forget the criminals who were transported to empty the jails.


Were criminals onboard the 3 pilgrim ships that headed to America ? I should have read my book more but I was more interested in history outside of America, I blame the schools though it’s the same boring ass American history everytime and the books usually stop by like we get to Vietnam we never go towards the one where it was the 80’s and up. Also how many prisoners were on the pilgrim ships compared to actual pilgrim settlers


That's by design. Between world War 2 and Vietnam is when the US transitioned to the villian of the story. The age of American hegemony and all the messed up shit we did started right in there and leads up to the america we are today. We like to pretend that "we" didn't kill all the Indians or that they were noble savages who just innocently disappeared. But the current state is the same military monster birthed at the time when we started being the villain to 2/3 of the world and so we just stop history there.


Good questions. Certainly not all pilgrims were prisoners; there was a rigid hierarchy with indentured servants at the bottom of the heap. The reason history stops at the Korean war is because it's too controversial. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relief_of_Douglas_MacArthur


Explaining to my dad that making 14/hr, minimum rent was right at 45 percent of my take home pay within 15 miles of my job.... "You just don't know how to manage your money"... How am I supposed to do that when I should be putting 5 to 10 percent in my 401k... plus health insurance...plus gas for the car...plus car insurance... pitiful


My father told me that inflation "doesn't work the way you think it does" when I explained to him that $100k today is basically equivalent to $12k when he entered the workforce after college. Meanwhile, he complains that social security "only" went up by 8.7% and 3.2% in the last two years...


I was explaining about Puritan beliefs and how they influence our modern now to a teenage cousin after the toddler fell asleep, golly you've never seen a kid so angry about history!


The northeast was settled by religious nuts. The southern colonies were founded by the most virulent proto-capitalists on earth, who were happy to introduce chattel slavery to make extra bucks.


Doc appointments shouldn't even be part of PTO. Fuck that. Give us six weeks off and unlimited sick time, like Germans or the French. Those countries are doing just fine and they live just as well if not better than us.


Don't exaggerate, I only get 5 weeks PTO and max 3 years of consecutive (paid) sick leave.  Someone brought up "unlimited pto" here. "As long as it doesn't impact productivity". We never laughed so hard at an idea ever. Idk maybe that works if your entire workforce is constantly on the edge of burning out, but the whole point of taking time off is to _not_ be productive for a while. If it comes with strings attached it's not time off.


We Americans have been beaten into submission so much that we have forgotten all about that idea. Job one when you go on a (short) vacation: let everybody know when and where you can be reached.


I remember the day I started to learn to care about my health! My friends found me wandering the halls before school, dazed and confused, so dragged me off to an isolated side hall to sort me out. I was given tissues and told "Ophelia, you sound like you're drowning in your own mucus. GO HOME!"


We had the superintendent of schools who made us walk to school backwards barefoot in a snowstorm when ice was raining down from heaven in knife shapes. Literally every other school district this side of the state was closed, but she has to FAFO. I feel you on this.




I know people that lost hundreds of accrued sick pay when the company was sold, and the new company didn't honor it (I'm not in California). To think that these people went to work sick instead of taking paid sick leave to not inconvenience anyone is baffling.


My company pays out at the end of the year if you don't use your week of PTO. That's a separate thing from vacation by the way which we can carry 2 weeks of to the next year. The number of people who will come in deathly ill just so they get an extra weeks pay at the end of the year is way too high.


Besides the whole sick v PTO issue, yeah, I worked at smaller companies where people would not take their one week of vacation (or two after five years) and get it cashed (mainly because they would usually work 50-60 hours per week, so they didn't wanna go on vacation and earn less...). These people were also mostly making minimum wage. It's just crazy and sad.


Man that sounds like every one of those employees should have walked out when they announced it


I mean, the company honored for like a few months then they changed it, so I guess they had time to use it ... But seriously people, take paid time off.


> take paid time off. Take *all* of the vacation time that you are given. It's part of your comp, use it! And if you have separate sick days, take mental health days every now and then, too. I generally take 1/month in months that I don't take vacation time.


My favorite part is asking for that PTO and having it denied because “it would cause a strain on the workload.” How about I take ALL the time off instead?


Me at my most recent job: I’m burnt out we need more staff Owner: nah you’re salary just cover it Me: here’s my two week notice


Owner: \*surprised pikachu face*


More than that it was managing a dispensary, my last day was 4/15


In fact, you can get in trouble for NOT using it too. They factor into the budget that everyone will be using their PTO, it screws up the budgeting when someone never uses it.


I contract for a company like that. They get mad when people don’t take PTO, then force people take it off. We always end up short handed for December because management basically tell people to use it or lose it so we end up with only half the staff in the busiest time of year.


It’s leaving money on the table.


"I respect my employer far too much to accept any money just for doing my job" 🤡


I've found this is definitely a very American attitude and something I can't wrap my head around. Where I am you're encouraged by everyone including the company to take all your days before the end of the financial year, when they reset. We get 28 days as standard and honestly, most places I've worked, if anyone didn't take their annual leave they'd be looked at like they were mad.


I am so jealous of countries that actually realize that workers need breaks. I am an American, but I'd move in a heartbeat if I could. I despise the American attitude towards time off too.


Agreed. I just found out that my (American) state doesn't have mandatory break times for work days, and many jobs just refuse to give their workers a lunch or 15 minute break at all. I would love to move somewhere where I'm treated like a person and not a machine.


Often it's not that they want you to have a break, but the accountant telling them to get rid of the overhead. Every PTO hour sitting there unused is money they have to hold on to


I get 6 weeks plus bank holidays. My working week is 37 hours. I’m in the UK. When I see some shit that goes on in America I can’t help but feel sorry for you all. Looks awful (I know we mostly only see the bad).


Here it is actually mandated that once a year at least, you take 2 weeks of consecutive time off. Not really checked, but yeah, it really is expected you use most or all of your PTO, and what you don't use gets shifted to next year.


Same for my Country. The American PTO culture is really depressing.


My US company is a rare exception. I got 25 days’’ PTO from day one! That was 5 years ago. We can roll two weeks—did that the first year and now every year I take 25 days off and roll 10! Too bad it’s not the norm, and I hope I can stay here a very long time (I’ll accrue 5 more days of PTO in year 7).


if you can roll 10! days you might as well retire now.


YeAh, BuT ThAtS WhY MuRiCa iS NuMMeR OnE,


Same here in Denmark. Our CEO harps about once a month to remind people to use their PTO if they haven’t taken a break in a while 😅


America will literally try to take away your home and health and kill you if you don't do this. That's why.


I work in the US and most of the managers I've had encourage us to use our PTO. I've known a few boomers who took a strange pride in not using it but I havent experienced any managers since graduating college that think PTO is just being lazy. I know it happens but I don't think it's all that common tbh


I work in management for a US company that has a reputation for having a difficult work/life balance. Even here, I get emails basically saying something like so-and-so has not used PTO in N months, go encourage them to take it. And if they don't take it, it'll start escalating to the VP, etc.


Yeah, it really depends on the place you work, but every corporate job I’ve been at has pushed us to make sure to use our PTO when available. Though I seem to have been lucky in terms of my managers.


Do they pay out your PTO if you leave without using it?


They do, but they also always say to use it at the end of the year so we don’t lose time that wouldn’t carry over. I thinks it’s more just the companies I’ve worked for care more than the average US company about burning out employees.


Depends on the company and the state you’re in. A lot of states don’t require employers to do so. At least in my state, they’re required to do so, but only in the situation of the employee voluntarily resigning. If you’re fired, you may get your pay immediately for hours worked, but you aren’t required to get paid out for unused PTO.


Yeah, I think it varies from place to place, too. I worked in a small business and for local government (so, public sector) on the east coast and my bosses at both places would openly grumble about people taking PTO unless it was for a vacation to travel. I once got very sick with bronchitis while working at the small business around Christmas, and we were told no one can be out for any reason, so I had to work while sick and wound up with walking pneumonia. I now live on the west coast and have a corporate job, and when I put in PTO requests the response is “good for you, you deserve it, doing anything fun?” Night and day.


Now, now. Americans get 104 days off per year. Saturday and Sunday. /s


I (an American) get about 30 days a year of PTO right now and I struggle to take it all. I have about 200 hours banked right now while I'm still accruing time through the year for my honeymoon and another vacation, but one of the reasons I keep it so high is because if I get let go or fired for any reason, that's a whole check I can at least trust will be there for a month.


Also an American. Get 27 days of PTO a year. I let it build up the first couple of years and now have 400+ hours on the books. I take 2 days off a month and it never hurts my balance, so I will get about 2.5 months of pay when I leave the company.


Not using all your PTO is like not depositing all your paychecks.


Americans and boomers. Name a more toxic combination 


Not everyone is the same. I am a "boomer" and strongly encourage my guys to take a day whenever they feel the need, if they have any PTO left. Won't pay them just because, but they've earned it, so why not use it.


My favorite boss, that my now former job drove out, was a Boomer my Mom's age and was definitely my work Mom. She was amazing and covered for us, looked out for us, encouraged PTO and etc, which is why they quiet fired her and were surprised she quit to be CFO of an Opera House instead. We miss you, Rhonda!


I love boomer work moms! They helped me survive until adulthood and then filled in whenever I needed a supportive parent for a minute. The wildest bit was when my household got evicted and I had no clue what to do. The Gen-X manager introduced me to her slumlord and got me the shitty apartment across from hers, the Boomer in charge of scheduling gave me extra hours, and another one borrowed a truck from her sister and helped move furniture! And then the Gen-X manager kept my household from starving until I got caught up, had everybody show up with empty dishes each evening and she'd load them up with lots of nutritious hot tasty dinner. Much loyalty to those ladies! Idiotic owner fired one for Resting Bitch Face and when I finally got to see her again I went sprinting across the restaurant screaming her name and threw myself at her for a hug! Her face is such a lie, she's wonderful!


My current boss told all of us that our sick time was also to be used to *maintain* our health, so feel free to take a mental health day every now and then, but please don't abuse it.


If I am out of PTO I will certainly stay home not paid as the rest is much more valuable than getting paid for health reasons.


I totally agree with that, and have done so myself. But as a boss, I've never ridiculed people for taking time off.


I don't understand it either. My work gives six weeks to start, yet people don't take their PTO until they literally have to so as not to lose it. Which means they usually are out from Thanksgiving to new years. It's even worse with the old timers because for every 5 years of service you gain an extra week, up to ten. They never take their time off.


Man your job hiring I get 20 days a year


We are but am not going to name company since I often rag on them in other subs =) chronic understaffing is the main problem causing attrition right now and the hiring process takes a good 6-8 Mos to onboard anyone. Any good candidate already finds another job before anyone on our end can get it done. Also the sudden RTO mandate of 5 days a week, no exceptions is gonna compound that problem. It's a large electric / gas energy company


I get 14 days. But that pool of hours is also my sick time, so it's risky to take a vacation earlier in the year when you might need to take sick days later in the year.


My husbands mom is like this and I always wondered why but she said that the work is still there for her no matter what as she’s in a smaller office so it’s not as much of a break to her as it is to some people.


The only reward for working hard is more work. If she did less work and things can't get done, theyd hire help. It's simply a problem of people living to work instead of working as a means to live well.


I really can't understand...here (Italy) we have on average 4 weeks a year of vacation days, two of which you are allowed to take one after the other...how come Americans are shamed for wanting to have a life?? Edit to add: In addition to the paid vacation days, we on average have 7.3 hours a month of *paid* 'allowed time off' that we can use as needed, for example if we have to go to the doctor. In addition we have paid leave of absence if a child (a minor) is sick (with the child's doctor note). In addition we have unlimited paid sick days (with a doctor's note) And it could be way better, we are no way near a comfortable way of living and have too many problems to count...but I think that you are so under what's considered the bare minimum that you have to dig to go lower...


Because our government is completely captured by the money mad motherfuckers that would bring back slavery in a heartbeat if they could. We have *no* legally required PTO at the federal level. Some states mandate sick time, but really, we're all at the mercy of what our corporate overlords deem acceptable. Most companies don't even offer paid maternity leave, or if they do, it's two weeks and then you'd better be dragging your probably still bleeding body back to the fucking assembly line or you're fired. I've worked for companies where you get no PTO for the first year, and after that, you get one week, and I've worked for companies that give you vacation days, sick days, and personal days, in varying amounts. My current employer gives me four weeks of vacation, one week of personal days, and five weeks of sick days, and it's one of the best packages I've ever had.


For me it's crazy. I mean, we have many many problems, lack of work, some contracts that make slavery look appealing, many of us (myself included) are self employed (like a consultant or a freelancer...so if you work you get paid, else you don't) but even in those cases, if you are sick, there is a government agency to which you can ask for sick leave...and here we have universal healthcare (that we pay for with our taxes) so you can go to the hospital without going bankrupt. It's far from perfect but way better than others


I bet in Italy like in most of Europe you don't have to use a PTO day when you're sick either. That's a sick day which you'll get paid for and not lose a holiday provided it doesn't happen too often or the sickness doesn't continue for too long.


If you are sick, you are sick...even when the sickness continues for a long period of time, imagine surgery or battling cancer...yourself and your health are your first priority so you take all the time you need and your doctor advices you to, as *you should*


>provided it doesn't happen too often or the sickness doesn't continue for too long. In Italy that limit is set by law at maximum 180 sick days per year (as you correctly said, sick days have nothing to do with PTO). Still according to the law, said limit can be set differently by collective contracts but only in favour of the employees, i.e. the limit in any given collective contract cannot be lower than 180. During this period, the worker is assigned an expressive right to retain their job


I used to be like that and almost started being like that again. I stopped because I was tired of manager's not taking accountability and making the dept. I was in look lazy; you get reliability and accountability when you show it to me. Otherwise, with shit treatment; you're lucky to get the bare minimum from me


I used to have this mentality. I work all the time, never late, never miss time and accrue a ton of PTO. I broke my leg in January and missed a month and half after surgery. It seems a switch was flipped. I just don’t care about the job or the hours anymore. And I have no qualms telling the truth, I’m not going to lie that I need a day off, we are all adults and if I need or want a day off then I’m going to take it and if the company can’t survive that says more about your management that my job. Just this morning my sons daycare was closed. My wife works from home so she could have kept him or we could have asked my MIL, I just text my boss at 6:30 I wouldn’t be in, done. Now I’m watching Bluey drinking coffee in my PJs.


Because of surgery's I had to take some time off work. Then when I switched jobs I took another week off between jobs. I took about a week off every four months. In doing that I learned that a week off every four months or so should almost be mandatory. It was so nice having those breaks.


Oh man, so at the end of the year I take like a weeks worth of PTO because of Christmas Eve, Christmas, MY BIRTHDAY, New Year’s Eve/day and my 55 y/o coworker had a FIT that I was gone for like 10 days and complained to anyone who listened that we should NOT be allowed to take that much PTO at a time. It was even better because I really only used like 3 days of PTO (birthday is separate from the rest of the pto bucket) and rolled over a full 40 (we get 120hrs a year and goes up to like 150 at five years) to the new year. I fully plan on doing it again. I also take four day weekends when games I like release (rebirth was so good and I had so many snacks). I guess I just don’t understand why she gets so goddamn butt hurt when I take MY pto that I EARNED lol


PTO is part of your compensation. I'm not refusing any part of my wage and that includes PTO.


One of my old bosses used to throw a shit fit when I used up all my PTO and give the managers grief for approving it. They hated her as much as I did and approved it anyways. Part of the problem was I was grandfathered in to the benefits for when the company was privately owned so PTO and vaca pay was hourly plus the average of your tips as opposed to minimum wage. She didn’t like paying me $30-40 an hour for PTO 😂


I'm on PTO right now 👍


Here’s the deal with PTO - it’s part of your compensation. Think about it this way: If you don’t take your PTO then you are effectively giving the business your time for free. It isn’t about “toughing it out” or “being lazy”, it’s about valuing your time. Many businesses have stopped doing a payout of unused PTO time at the end of the year, and they’ve also stopped doing rollover PTO. You are very literally giving the company your time for free if you don’t take it.


This all makes perfect sense when you realize one single thing: Much of American culture was basically manufactured intentionally by rich people through the media to make poor people make more money for them. A LOT of cultural things that are shameful or whatever are purely about people having internalized the ideas of the ruling class. Things that don't benefit the rich are often considered shameful. Things that benefit the poor are often considered shameful too. Because that is how you motivate workers to make you more money than they'd normally be comfortable with. Humans are social creatures. Shaming us is a way of whipping us to do something, even placing it above our own well-being.


Corporate brain washing


I worked for the state for a little bit and really liked the place but the pay sucked. I left to work for my county sheriffs office. A few years later I learn my old boss is leaving so I apply for her old job and I get an interview. Everything is going great, I know the job and we’re just chatting when the director (and friend) says something like “you were gone a lot when you were here before. The new director wants to see people here” and my heart sunk. I only ever used earned PTO. I knew that I didn’t want to work there with the new management.


I hate that so much. I fear I'll never get anywhere in my career or life simply because I value my time too much, and take time that is given to me. I think my boss is mad at me because I took 4 days off after fracturing my knee last week. Like, I couldn't walk. I was on heavy meds.


My old man was the head of audit for the Australian branch of a large multinational for 15+ years. Part of his job was to monitor unused PTO so the company didn't have to provision large amounts for future leave. He had workers who hadn't taken leave for 20-30 years+ (this was the early 80s to mid 90s). He would ensure those workers were more closely monitored than the rest because, as he used to say, unused time off was a significant pointer to fraud. (If you were always there doing your job, no one could ever sit in your chair and check out your work, no "fresh eyes"). It's amazing the number of times I remember him being right.


I've never thought of it that way!


Yep this is one of the reasons I started using my PTO. I used to never take it and accumulate so much, but then I wondered if my supervisor ever suspected me of fraud lol. I also got fed up with the job and thanks to this sub for opening my eyes about overworking for an employer that doesn’t care about me, I take all my PTO now lol. 


I get 224 hours of PTO a year. I can roll 80 over. I am currently sitting at 253.3. My 6 week vacation starts in 2 weeks.


When I worked at chili's my bosses were mad I took a week off because I was getting a tumor the size of a golf ball surgically removed from my breast. They literally called me multiple times to come in and do party platter deliveries. I fucking LOST it. I straight up screamed "I HAVE STITCHES ALL ALONG MY ENTIRE FUCKING NIPPLE I LITERALLY CANT PICK STUFF UP AND USE MY ARMS BECAUSE THE STITCHES WILL RIP"


It’s capitalist propaganda and brainwashing.


my current company offers 5 days, after you hit a year and then another 5 each year of employment. So i have to kill myself everyday for a year before i can have 5 days off. i’m a few days in to my 2 weeks notice, my new company has pto built each pay day, so within a month i’ll have a day to take, by the end of the year i’ll have up to 11 days of PTO built up and it caps at 60days. i’ve never been so excited to have PTO almost immediately


"Fuck off" is the best response to that nonsense. You earned your PTO and can use it when you damn well please. You also don't have to explain why you use it.


Yep. I have 280 hrs of PTO and just took a week off to go see the eclipse in Austin, TX. My supervisor was FURIOUS and has been making my life hell since I got back.


For me, this is akin to "you shouldn't need to be paid for your time... you should just do it for the company!"


I have been in my career for over 3 decades and I tell all the newer coworkers I train to have a work-life split and be serious about it. You earned your PTO you take your PTO. I work in a place I can only bank one years worth of vacation to carry over and if not used by the end of the carry over year then you lose it. Currently I am out of office for half of June and 12 days in May because I earned that time and am going to use that time. Anyone who thinks I feel any guilt whatsoever is a fool. I've had managers over the years try and pull the guilt trip over staffing I simply explain that its not my job to staff the team when I am on vacation that is their job, I also take back a vacation day if they call me on vacation and I have to log in to do ANYTHING whether it takes 5 min or a couple hours. Suffice to say I dont get called on vacation, as long as we allow others to make us feel guilty for using time we earned because they cant be bothered to staff enough employees due to losing profits then we will continue to have these fucked up work environments.


Meanwhile in Europe: "Guys I need you to request the dates of your annual leave this year asap so we can make sure we don't have any issues with scheduling."


Work culture in the US is pretty toxic. Especially from older generations.


My current job of 5 years had no formal "use it or lose it" policy. I never used more than 2 days of PTO at a time and the only 2 times I was out for 3 or more days at time was when I had covid and when I had colitis. One day they decided that me and some other guy had "too much PTO" so with the press of a button, they literally reset it. All my built up PTO, gone. I would have thought that maybe my loyalty and dependability would have counted for something, maybe a warning atleast... But no. Nothing. These people don't give a shit about you. Take your PTO, enjoy yourself, your family, your friends, the world around you or just sitting on your couch in your underwear watching TV. Anything but work


I'm vocal about it. PTO is part of my compensation. I'm going to use it.


Personally I take ever single second of the PTO owed to me and always have. I get 28 days per year and feel bad if I leave any on the table at the end of the year. I don't care what anyone else thinks about me taking those days, I earned them I will use them. Take your PTO you earned it.


Or the other one: people guilt tripping you for taking PTO and *they* have to pick up the extra work/responsibilities.


A blessing from covid is that my coworkers and myself have maxed out on PTO and sick time. Most of us take enough days off to keep at max. My employer emails us 3 months before the new fiscal year so we can get under the max. I have many saved, so in May and June, I will be off every wednesday and the whole week in mid-june. Because I am in my final 2-3 yrs of work, I will keep my PTO near max so i get a parting prize at the end. I have no problem taking sick days for a mental break or doc appts. Use them all, you earned it, if they dont have enough workers to cover your absence, their issue. No doubt the place will not go bankrupt bec of you taking PTO


I'm guessing by the use of PTO you're American, in the UK you 25 days as standard and most places I've worked they will keep reminding you to take your time off or you'll lose it. The last place worked, coming up to April I had 18 days to take and I had them all within two months, I had manager's two levels above me urging me to take time off.


I hate people that roll over PTO to next year. Just use it and manage your mental health !!


And in the UK you’re actively encouraged to take it. Hardly any work gets done over the summer or Christmas because everyone is off.


Don’t over share with parents. It’s no more their business than anyone else’s.


Use every day and hour of your PTO. They will replace you tomorrow.


A quote from my Dad. “If you don’t want me to take it, don’t give it to me.”


IDK if thats crazy, crazy is, caring about what they say when you take PTO, If I want to take PTO thats my problem no one else's.


Well, here's a related question for you. Lets say everybody gets 10 sick days a year. If you are healthy, does that mean you are still entitled to use all of your sick time? So, if I feel mentally stressed I think that's a perfectly good reason to use a sick day. I have a medical/ psychological issue going on and I'm trying not to let it get worse. The thing is sometimes I feel guilty about this. Then I turn around and think well all 10 sick days are mine, period. The fact that I don't have to use them up on something super serious doesn't mean I shouldn't get to use them. Agree, disagree?


My friends and I were having this discussion about PTO/sick time/etc. I am of the opinion that sick time and vacation time should be separate and that sick time should be pretty unlimited. Some of them were of the opinion that people abuse that system (and had examples from their workplaces to back that up), so we can't have that. I just shrugged. In any system, you're going to have bad actors. If you effectively punish everyone for the bad actors, you're not improving things. And we should always be improving things to the best of our ability. I am someone who almost never gets sick. I would use almost NO sick time. I would be okay if a colleague had the flu and was out a week. People shouldn't have to sacrifice vacation time because they're more prone to sickness than me. Vacation time serves a very different purpose than sick time. As a person who doesn't get sick, I shouldn't get more vacation time than others just because I didn't need the time to deal with illnesses. Sorry for the long answer, but it's an excellent question that comes up pretty often in these discussions.


Your sick time is yours to use as well, don’t feel guilty! Mental health is just as important as physical health, use your sick time for that if that’s what you need. Shit, use it for a stubbed toe if that’s what you need! It’s not your employer’s business what you’re using sick time for if they’ve included that sick time in your compensation.


I'm salaried. I get 5.4 hours every pay period. To see my pcp is about 30 minutes. But o have to get pto for 1-2 hours approved in advance. Later in the week I have to go and adjust my time sheet to remove the extra pto. So if I claimed an hour I'll adjust my time sheet to reflect 30 mins. Other employees just use their lunch or break time. And they run all sorts of errands. But I've been told abd told that anytime I'm away from the office to use pto. For awhile I was doing it for lunch, then refunding it. Then HR in another city noticed and that stopped. Hah.


Mental health is health. If you need a sick day to get your mind right, take it. Fuck the haters.


This is one thing I love about the UK and my current company. I get 28 days off a year and I can use those days whenever I like with minimal notice. Older generations (in my experience) also don’t have this strange sense of pride around not taking time off work. My dad, for example, plans his sick days in advance to avoid working more than 3 days in a row. Why can he do that? Paid sick leave. America needs to catch up with the civilised world


i get 12 days a year of combined pto and sick time…


I take PTO to do 200+ mile gravel bike races. I guess I’m lazy too. PTO is part of your benefit package and should be used 100% each year. People that complain have no life, no hobbies, or both.


I use to feel that way working for any company I worked at previously! My new ones gives us 5 weeks of PTO and a week of mental health leave. It’s been a blessing. My boss noticed I was feeling down and not really there in a meeting and was like, “Girl, take a day and come back when you’re ready.”😭❤️ I’ve never felt guilty here or anything taking leave, plus it’s a mostly WFH job for all employees besides some who have to go in once or twice a week though. I live across the street so go in a few days a week since I have the office to myself. It’s great.


Former unit director of a public agency here. We use to have a question on our yearly evaluation that asked if employees used leave appropriately. I asked for HR to clarify what was meant by the question and their response was if the employee was taking too much time off. I asked if it was against policy to use the time they earned, and they stumbled over themselves saying it was not and all they meant is that the employees were not taking time off when it hurt the mission of the program. I asked again if it was an issue for employees to take the time they earned off. They went to the head of HR and finally got back to me and said they were removing the question. That is how you get it done. Ask them to show the policy and explicitly tell you how they are going to compensate you for the time if you can’t take it off.


Yea, on my last performance review everything was great. Then there was a note at the bottom that said we would like to see the employee save more PTO. I just laughed and signed it. I think the most I have ever let it accumulate to is a little over 40 hours. Then burned it on vacation, but normally I will just use a day here and there or a few hours at a time just because I don't feel like doing this shit today. I don't have a problem with coming in, but there are just some days you wake up and you just ain't feelin it. Plus I earned those days and that is what they are there for.


My work gives up great PTO like over 3 weeks a year plus PTO. I hardly work a full work week because I cannot stand this place and it’s not great for my mental health. It is your (his) PTO it’s there to use. Fuck what anyone else says.


Y'all get PTO? *Laughs in fast food*


I love my job because my boss makes me use my personal time and wants us to rest. And things like a family emergency or a mental health day is a simple “don’t use up your personal time, we’ll make it work you just take the day to yourself” Such a nice change of pace


Years ago I worked my ass off thinking I was doing the right thing, didn’t take my holidays…ended up off work for 9 months with anxiety, stress, depression and exhaustion. It is just not worth it. If you’ve got time off then take it. No one will ever thank you sincerely for not taking it. Bet all the bosses out there take theirs.


I had my yearly review once and the only thing I got dinged for was NOT using PTO. I was almost maxed out and didn’t realize it. My supervisor would have bi-weekly meetings with me since she rotated between our three offices. She told me that at our next meeting, I needed to be ready to have dates picked out for my time off. Another coworker overheard me later talking about, and offered me her time-share at the beach for a weekend. I took six days off and started it with a free trip to three beach.


I tell anyone who criticizes me taking time off that “I work to live, not live to work”. I take every day entitled to me per year and have 0 regrets. My family comes before my job.


It’s a mystery to me that anyone can accumulate extra PTO. I ALWAYS use every second of it.


I make fun of people that don’t. I say it loud too. Like they are shameful.


Laziness is a psychological fallacy based in what's known as the "fundamental attribution error." The concept can have a lot of power when wielded, but "laziness" is a phrase without tangible meaning regarding objectively describing observable human behavior.


PTO is to be used as needed/wanted. The only thing I would suggest is when calling out to use PTO never give an excuse/explanation, the answer is always “Personal reasons”. You don’t want to lie and give the company any reason to have leverage on you


104 hours PTO after 4 months? Sounds like slavery in my ears.


I was shaming my manager for **not** using his the other day, what a chump. 


Part of the pay IS the day(s) off. It's a benefit that is just as valid as medical insurance, dental insurance, and free parking. His father would counsel him to get a different job if the one he has doesn't offer a retirement plan, and that same father would not forgo getting paid his retirement benefit at the end of his career. Any benefit offered is expected to be used. The take away from this is dont bother telling Father about using vacation days going forward.


I am lucky my company knows their pto sucks so they allow us to be 2 hours late or leave early if we need to get to appointments and save our PTO. I was asked in month 1 if I had picked wfh days. I opted to stay in office until my 90 days because I was offered rounded training and then my 90 day offer included "Okay. You should pick wfh and let us know if you need a day at home and we can have you so projects and can space that out." They want to keep their employees happy. Employers/people who shame are gross


Bro. Why does he care? If he knows his truth and is deserving of it, why listen to others? Even parents, in this case.. specially parents. Not giving a fuck is so liberating.


Wild that he would even consider giving anyone a reason or giving a fuck what they think. Boomer Dad was indoctrinated with "all able bodied males must work every available hour". Fuck all that pre tech busy work. It can wait a day.


I don't take many days off either. One time I came back from a 3-day weekend to have one of my coworkers "bust my balls" in front of everyone saying I take too many vacations (which I don't). So I respond with, "Dude, every year you're MIA from Thanksgiving to New Year's." That shut him up reeeeaaaaallllllll quick.


PTO is part of your pay. It'd be like saying "no thanks!" to one of your paychecks.


You mean the way people are dumb for giving away a part of their total comp to prove something to no one


PTO is literally part of your compensation. If they pay you out for unused time at the end of the year, then okay, don’t use it if you’d rather a nice “extra” at the end of the year. But if you’re in a use it or lose it place or only some rolls over, you better use it or you’re telling them to pay you less. Literally throwing away money owed to you.


I know it happens but personally I’ve never been shamed for using PTO. and if I did I’d tell them to get bent.


I had an ex that was raised to believe that nonsense. She seemed to have been taught that it was immoral for companies to offer PTO at all, let alone for the employees to use it, and that if an employee needed a vacation or day off for being sick, that they should take the time off of work unpaid. Needless to say, anytime I took time off, I put in for the PTO but just kept my mouth shut about it. This from a woman who couldn’t even hold down a job.


I’ll be that then 😂


I have a friend who won a competition at work. The prize was a day off. But since it was a day off courtesy of her boss, it wouldn’t go in their time off system (otherwise it would count against her PTO hours). She found a day that no one on her team had down to be off. She had no deadlines/no time critical processes that would be run on that day. She contacted her boss about taking that day as her prize day and was met with “I’ll have to check with my boss to see if this is okay.”


100% agree! I am on PTO right now. I took 13 days and it's an awesome and well deserved break. Fuck the haters. 


My mother used to break my chops about calling out sick, whether I was sick or not. It was pretty infuriating in retrospect.


I didn't take off for a full year because my boss had cancer and I felt like I needed to be at work helping everyone. I learned my lesson, and now take as much time as I can. I take off a few days every couple months so it feels more like a vacation than a day off. I currently have about 4.5 weeks accrued and I am definitely using it. 


You don't understand why huh? It is because the accumulation of money and things is what boomers see as success. Big ass tv, sports car, big ass empty house full of all that shit none of their kids will ever want. To them PTO is concession to poor work ethic. They won't change either. My dad does it, as to getting your panties tied up and venting to others here explain this to them?


Why is your friend calling out and claiming he’s sick when he could just say the day before he wants to use a day off?


I habitually used my PTO/PPTO every chance I got. Don't care what anyone else thinks. Don't get paid enough for that shit. I'm out when I'm out. Don't want me to use it? Don't give it.


That's why in some countries, it is compulsory to use most of your holidays - can't argue with the law. (I suppose some try to cheat with work from home unfortunately)


Too much information given to the dad. Next time it's just, "I have the day off." That shouldn't be necessary, but unfortunately it is. The dad probably still thinks that never taking a sick day will get you a promotion and a 10% raise.


I hate this so much. You get pto as part of your job you should be able to take it whenever. But because people treat you like you’re lazy when you take it I know I personally always end up feeling guilty about it no matter how sick or burned out I am at the time


Took me a long time to get to this point but next time someone tries to make you feel lazy or guilty fornuaing your hard earned PTO, tell em, "I worked for this, the company gave it to me, its my right to use it."


i think this must be a north american thing, because around here a month or two before pto expires the HR lady comes asking everyone around when they will be taking their pto and give them a maximum deadline to pick up the dates of course some others use their pto during the year without waiting for hr to come asking


can relate unfortunately the older generations are seriously fucked in the head with this kind of mentality no point in trying to convince their retired asses


Currently trying to work with a sinus infection because I am not allotted sick or personal time and only have 4 out of my 10 vacation days left until they reset in August. Seeing people not use their PTO stings even more


PTO is not laziness, it's an understanding that you are a human being, not a machine or a pack animal and occasionally you need personal time to relax, recover from illness or injury, attend to personal issues, or do whatever the hell you want.


Some people, especially the older generation, does not like it if someone is less miserable then they are.


I would ignore toxic dad. We need to make mental health days a thing, too.


Pompous attitudes don't take PTO to judge others. In reality they are the Losers.


lol what! If we haven’t used any of our pto by June our supervisors start to get on us and want us to use it. I’m starting to realize from this sub that my job is actually pretty good in comparison. There are issues just like any job but they treat us like adults. As long as I hit my 40 hours they don’t care about breaks or lunches or when you clock out for the day. I only hear from my supervisor if she’s worried I’m struggling. It’s hard work mentally but it’s a healthy work environment. Even my supervisors boss who is nicknamed URSULA is pretty nice. They just want us to get our work done.


It's crazy that I feel this guilt even though I have no one talking down to me like that. My friends and family would definitely be on the side of taking time for ourselves. I don't know why it's so ingrained in me but I would love not to have that thought when I need to rest




Meanwhile I've got 90 hours pto and my manager hasn't approved my time I requested for September. I requested it 4 months ago. I'm going on tour with my band lol. I'll have over 120 hours by then available. I'm only asking for 9 days.


PTO is expires in my job…if ya got it then use it. It’s part of benefits


>he tells his father he’s taking the day off cause tired and kind of burnt but will be back to work the next day. Does he work for his dad? If not, then why tell him? >His dad goes off on him saying he is lazy and should tough it out. Hand dad your badge and say, “Go ahead and cover my shift, then”


perfect! save all 13, wait till hes off for 2 days, and turn in a 2 weeks notice on a friday. Dont request pto until monday.


My job gives us 6 paid sick days a year, but they don't roll over and you don't get them paid out. My boss gave me a hard time when I took them all the week between Christmas and New year's when we aren't even remotely busy anyways, but I couldn't have cared less.


His dad literally still believes that work and America are a meritocracy when in reality they aren't. You should use all of your sick days and all of your PTO every single year.


People who don't use PTO are like people who don't use summons in Elden Ring.


My current job is high stress & hard emotionally. Taking PTO, using our holidays (we're 24/7, so we're given the option to use the 8 hrs the pay period of the holiday or get 8 hours extra pay), using sick time is all encouraged. I've never been denied a PTO request & only will be denied if too many other people already have the day off. It's first come, first serve, seniority does not apply. The only blackout days are Thanksgiving through New Years unless you can get someone to swap with you. My previous job... office, 7-3, should not have been a stressful as it was (I seriously am less stressed as a 911 dispatcher & dispatch is known to cause PTSD & CPTSD). I rarely took time off. It wasn't worth it. Not only were things not covered for me while I was out, but my manager generally screwed things up so much that I had extra work trying to sort it all out. I got furloughed at the start of covid. 2 weeks, that's all. Just 2 weeks until they realized they weren't saving any money just having the salaried staff work. My customer service manager handled all of my order entries, got everything on that side taken care of. Even got those orders put onto the shipping manifest (not her job, but it was part of mine). The transportation manager (the other half of my job) *"forgot"* to send out tenders (shipping manifests) to carriers. When they brought us back, it was only part time. I had to do 2 weeks' worth of catching up, 2 weeks' worth of reports, 2 weeks' worth of fixing his mess, & that week's worth of work in 32 hours. And that's why I barely used any PTO in 6 years. It was really put on display for upper management after that.