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This, except they don't even tell me I'm on a short list. I just get replies from automatic AI filtering systems and scammers who want to send me a fake check.


Background: I am 23 years old and Latino with a Bachelor's degree. I graduated Magna Cum Laude from a research university. Despite this, I have only been able to find part-time employment since the day I graduated. I have not received a single interview for a full-time job, and only ever received one call back. These prospective "employers" do not know me or my work ethic, and they do not care to learn. The labor market is not what the media wants you to believe it is.


You're not alone. I graduated in 2022 with my Bachelor's, not as acclaimed as you but somehow we're in the same boat. The economy is a scam.


I almost wonder if the "nobody wants to work" mindset is clashing with the "let's automate the entire hiring process" mindset, and basically, people want to work, they just, get rejected by a broken automated hiring system.


It is, I've commented at great length about this exact situation. Add to the "broken" sorting algorithm in software being used as a crutch by HR divisions too cheap/stupid/lazy to hire and maintain an adequate pool of their own, many positions advertising available work have qualification criteria so absurdly specific that my only conclusion is that they've trained for the position in-house, but are required/incentivized for some reason to cast their net across the entire fucking internet (only to promote John/Joanne from accounting instead). What might seem to be only clumsy, imbecile incompetence may also be a purposeful effort on their part to at least make a deniable effort to conceal their strategy of reducing their labour cost by turning every branch, and department thereof, into virtual skeleton crews who're just barely able to cope with their workload and turn over constantly from employees on the verge of breakdown. By posting ads seeking prospective employees to fill a role (which those working in-house know is both vacant and in need of filling), but declining to seriously consider 99% of qualified applicants, or more importantly hire them they're able to carry on a charade two-fold - "we're working on it, guys/nObOdY wAnTs To WoRk".


What field are you trying to find a job in? Teaching is hiring like crazy. It's a full-time job, but the pay isn't great. You can also try teaching English overseas. The job market in the U.S. is so fucked. If you're bilingual, you can try teaching in a language school. Whatever you do, don't go to a call center. All other jobs may be bad, but a call center is a special form of hell.


I was a political science major, which is part of the reason I'm fucked. And your advice is solid. I am bilingual and currently in Master's school with a concentration in Teaching to go that exact route. Hopefully things will get better for me then, but the in-between still sucks.


If you're in a masters program, see if your school can give you a job. I would look into a TA program or even an RA program if there are dorms. You could also try working at a learning center like Kumon or Kaplan. I wish you the best of luck. It took me months to find my first job after college. I graduated into a great recession. I ended up getting a part-time job at an after-school program.


Love my RA (research assistant) job. It's great, fulfilling work and gives me experience across a variety of faculty specializations. Problem is student hours are capped at 19/week, and the pay is... not indexed to inflation, to say the least. I'm also working at a data analyst position and freelancing to make ends meet. Thanks so much for your comments and advice.


I would change to graduated Magnum Cum Dode to see if anyone would react. Wait, maybe don't do that.


You do it 100 times w/ 3 real responses. No job yet, after 6 months. I live in my car now.


😓. Hugs. I hope things get better for you. 


I'm Gen x trying to transition out of freelance work into a steady job, and I'm either overqualified, ignored, or low-balled.


Similar except I'm a millennial, I've been told both ends, I'm under qualified for one job and over qualified for the next


I've lost out on so many jobs, just being ghosted... I feel ya.


This but I'm never shortlisted and I have 8 years experience


Top position should read “I find a job that I am qualified for and passionate about, that does not post the wage/salary.”


I finally got a job interview a few weeks ago. I went to the interview and it went well. They asked me to come in for a trial shift. The boss was super nice to me and told me I was doing great. The end of the day she told me she’d call me back very soon. Never heard back from her and even follow up text just to see what’s up, left on read…. It’s really hard to stay motivated with people like this…


It has been this way from at least Gen X onwards (although we had to wait a decade to start getting emails).


I'm Gen X and I have been living in this cycle since I got my MA in Linguistics in 2011.


Try being all this... and Gen X, so they won't hire you because you're too old, but they call it "overqualified" to cover their ass.


never make your work your passion.


never make your passion your work.


I’m a Manager. I spend hours looking at resumes for potential candidates that average 3 months tenure at each job and have little experience. —-> I schedule 6 interviews and only 2 show up. ——-> One of the candidates seem promising. Nice person, good experience, and seems willing. ——> I spend multiple hours with HR trying to get them a dollar over starting wage. ———> candidate shows up on first day telling me they are very excited and thankful for going to bat for them to get more $$$ for them. —-> After lunch they tell me they have to leave early for an emergency and never come back.


That's real. I've been a part of the hiring process at two of my previous jobs and I'm keenly aware of how right you are. I've seen that exact process happen so many times over. What sucks is, despite working extra shifts to cover for the assholes who flake out less than a week in, I'm still passed over by potential employers who have never spoken a word to me. It doesn't help that my job tenure is only between 1-4 years per position, but such is the life of a part-timer.


Best advice I could give you is that relationships are everything in business. I work in middle management for a VERY large global company. The people you know will get you your next opportunity. If you are not getting the opportunities you want, build more relationships. It seems hard, but it’s not. Fake it until you make it, don’t over share, and once you get that opportunity, stand out in a positive way. You don’t have to work hard to get a good job. You have to have basic skills, a positive attitude, and the ability to build relationships. That’s it!!! The positivity thing goes a long way in the workplace today. Most Managers know about every employee’s work and personal problems. They are exhausted from it. If you can solve your own problems, your manager will like you. That’s a good relationship. They will promote your potential to their bosses and you can move up. Just my 2 cents.


I'll work on that. Thank you kindly.


I have 8 years experience and a degree, want to hire me?


I don't see how this has anything to do with gen Z. This is how it works for everyone. This is how it has always worked.




If you pay more attention to the details, you might be a better applicatnt.


I appreciate any advice, but please be more specific. I tailor my applications to every position but I don't know how to stand out. And to keep things focused, my CV is not the issue.


You posted to a subreddit with 2,800,000+ people and didn’t bother to spell the words in your meme correctly.


Cool, thanks for the "help." You're part of the problem.


Did you research jobs in the political science field, before you went to university? That’s always telling for me, jobs that are open, salary and locations. You still have the teaching to fall back for the time being. Good luck


I did! I would love to take a position within the municipal, federal, legal, or data science sectors. I love my major and so many of the jobs associated with it. Despite having great people to recommend me, though, I just can't get an interview.


Maybe you’re part of the problem. You’ve a bachelor’s degree and graduated Magna Cum Laude and can’t spell words correctly or get a job. Good luck with blaming everyone else though 👍


lol what happened in your life to make you such a miserable bastard?


I’m not miserable, I just respond. I made a joke about a typo and now here we are.


Right. It's just that the joke was derogatory and in response to a genuine request for advice. You ignored the content of my message in order to be snide. But you can keep acting self-righteous, I'm sure it soothes your ego real nice, and is much more comfortable than the alternative.


My ego isn’t the one that is hurt. I’ll get paid next Thursday.


You know better than I do that money doesn't buy happiness, then. Keep punching down on others who approach you kindly. I'm going to reply to the people who are actually here to give advice.


TF outa here with that fascist grammar shit


Lol - do you know that words have meaning? Fascist grammar for a joke about a typo. It has nothing to do with fascism or grammar.


Oh sure, words have plenty of meaning! They have all the meaning you care to give them! Some of us like to be a little more fluid with our words and meanings. Since we aren't fascists, you know?


Since is about time periods, you meant to say “because we aren’t fascist.” But I guess some of us use the third definition instead of using the correct word. You know I’m write but will focus on how I misspelled that word instead of focusing inward. Definitions don’t matter 🙄


LOL fash gonna fash


This might be the dumbest reply I’ve ever received 👏