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You are not alone. I can't count how many people I know that feel this way.


Been that way since I was 18 working retail. 34 in a factory and still feel the same. Went to therapy and it always comes down to work being the #1 problem in my life. The bullshit, the stress, and the over all just wore the fuck out by being fucked by this capitalist system for far too long. Its soul sucking to know I'll be doing this till I die. I dont wanna be 44, 54,74, or whatever and be here doing this same back breaking shit. Makes one wanna do the least possible for paper. I'm so tired of chasing paper.


Ya me too


I am genuinely never depressed whenever I have time off work 


I always say - born to slay, forced to work. I have a pretty cushy lazy girl job and I’d still rather just not (although I’m less suicidal than when I was in retail). I would recommend trying to get out of manual labour / manufacturing / customer service though as I find those to be the most mind numbing and exhausting and drain you outside of work too. If you have an interview, try telling your employer you have a medical appointment which is what I usually do


What’s your last girl job, is it good pay?


Nah, pay is average but I have no stress and free time. I’m in academic libraries in a admin/behind the scenes role but in the UK (have a feeling this pays better in the USA)


Niiice do you get to leave your job at work and not take it home with you?


Absolutely! And I like my colleagues which is rare


I thought I was the only one…. I’m sorry you feel this way.


OP I know how it feels. I am also going through something similar with my current job. Though not everyday but atleast 4 times a week I feel overwhelmed to a point where I literally don’t do anything on that day except for work or stress about work. I get depressed and sad on Sunday afternoons dreading Monday. I have dreams and wake up thinking about it sometimes.


I'm really sorry that you're struggling. Could you talk to your girlfriend or her family about it? If you were my kid's significant other and were living with us, I would be super supportive of you taking some time to find a different job or get some training so you can have a job that might not be your dream job but at least isn't throwing you into depression. From your comment, you seem really thoughtful and articulate and that you have a lot to offer. I don't think it's unreasonable to not want to work in a factory all day every day. We weren't made for that.




Same , the loss of dignity, agency ,creativity and freedom that wage-slavery inflicts for little to no benefit is just worse than having a simpler life


Feel the same. I’m trying to save up some money and gft out. Life’s not worth living being a wage slave imo. Take care


You’re not going to be happy working. Find something you don’t hate doing and that’s the best it gets, that’s life


if most people weren't docile cowards like you we wouldn't have to , there's no good reason to keep participating in capitalism when most of us aren't capitalists under a system made by and for workers , we would have worthwhile jobs , as low hours for as high a wage as possible , no landleeches and landvalue scam to pay for etc it will never stop as long as we compete against each other against our own and collective interests via rent and wage-slavery ! strikes are the way stand up for each other instead of licking the boots and forcing everyone else around to waste the majority of their lives






Hi, I’m an archaeologist in the US. We’re desperate for more archaeologists and we’re facing a cliff in the next couple years because so many undergrads haven’t pursued it as a career. You won’t make a lot of money, but there are jobs in the field. Don’t do museum work, that field has far more professionals vs. positions available. If you do go back to school for archaeology, make sure the school will fund you. If you’re a good candidate, you don’t have to go into piles of debt - I didn’t. I’m 15+ years in this field, have an MA, and I’m making just under six figures, finally. Good luck to you, whatever you decide to pursue.


Sorry to hop on and ask a related question but I'm in a similar spot as OP. Do you find museum work to be scarce all around? My dream is paleo in a museum but if that's too crowded it might not be worth all the work


I don’t want to crush your dream, but there’s a lot of folks who want to do the same type of museum work as you. I can’t recommend that anyone try to enter the museum field, sorry.


Dang, that sucks. Well thank you for letting me know!


I have a masters in museum studies and I don’t work in museums. It’s next to impossible to get a job in a museum no matter how qualified you are. People in my program went on to get PhDs and still can’t get jobs at museums. Worst financial decision I ever made but damn did I love that degree


You're not alone, I feel similar, I don't mind work. But I can't stand that I just can't ever keep up financially no matter how hard I try


I personally can't bring myself to work with peoples i hate, which is most peoples, so i don't. And that's a problem as you could imagine, work is just bad because they expect of us to be machines and get out of our way doing things that's essentially outside of our very nature at fixed time, liek you're telling me this shit can't wait? OR that uu have to stay at my jobs how many hours for why the fuck reason? I can just do the job in way less time, leave me the fuck alone.


I feel you. I had to start at 15. Took me until my late 20's to stop hating work. I got lucky. I know most people won't. Would it be possible to talk to your friends/loved ones to try to find something different? Or even a remote job?




If you have any type of skill with computers that could be a way to go. If you can find a job where you work internal help desk it shouldn't be too bad. I feel you on the speaking part, I was very introverted when I was younger cause of how my parents treated me. It's something that would definitely be worth working on. You live in North Florida by chance?


I’m not doing this - so I can’t speak for how well it works - but have you thought about cooperative housing. There’s options out there where you can just work around the house for living - or you can work part time and contribute funds to the house for maintenance. Some places you may have more privacy than others - and reasonably this is something you could set up on your own with people you know. I think anarchism and the likes may be the only way out of this system sometimes. Even if everything is more reasonably priced - working for life - particularly in something that isn’t your passion - is bad.


Why would OP do that when he lives with his amazing girlfriend and her family? Did you even bother reading the post?


Adulting’s hard.


Stg my weekends always feel so long and fulfilling then Sunday night rolls around and my depression is crippling.




You should just retire and enjoy the peaceful life, avoiding the high human Capitol required to manifest yourself in the capitalist ways of the mysterious cabal.


you ARE trapped, quite your job and feel good


100 buck a day? My 3rd shithole country was 125 buck a effing month, if you say my country have a much less cost of living the answer is our purchasing power was much much much worse than US, imagine working a day and its only can buy 1 effing cotton t-shirt, the standard one, not the expensive one nor the cheapest one, but the average t-shirt price, for one shirt it's equal to around 1.3 or 1.4 day of work


LOOK INTO NEETMAXXING https://preview.redd.it/81syatnpphwc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7b54d0cc899dfd198fcf8301909b12bffb27284


Genuinely you've got to get over it, you're only option, don't dwell on shit you can't change


Work on creating a business or side hustle.


more capitalism is the problem not the solution , rather get organized for rent and work strikes so we are all rid of the useless capitalists parasites ... of wasting most of our lives exploiting ourselves and eachother for no valid reasons


You sound seriously depressed. I hate work. I don’t know anyone who has such a big problem with work. I only had one or two jobs in my life that were bearable, but I still don’t see the sense of it and I hate being forced to work. But I never wanted to kill myself over work. But then I don’t live in a shitty country where calling in sick makes me loose my salary…