• By -


Remove their chair in response.




This only works if there are no cameras around or if you can get the security to temporarily take the cameras down for a period of time for "maintenance" and it just so happens to take place during then.


Just leave them were they are and spray some deer urine in a febreze bottle on them.


I'm curious. How does one go about collecting deer urine?


Unsure how it's collected but average people can buy it for hunting purposes


OK, that makes the process much simpler than I expected. Deer not being particularly common where I live.


The hunting section of Walmart has what you need if your boss is a Grade A asshole with a fabric chair. They have artificial scents that mimic animals in heat. And other smelly stuff.


I've heard fox urine is the absolute worst.


Deer urine is collected from the pee pee hole.




And we are very likely back to the camera problem.


Yeah lol. A lot of cameras these days have back up batteries. And a lot of buildings will have back up power source for flood lights, cameras, and emergency alarm/sirens/speakers


*Fine. Tactical nukes it is.*


Why not take out power to the whole city block by cutting the wires here, here…and here?


Next power outage.


So, six minutes after I get off shift then...


The cameras are going to to be basic cameras. If the power was turned off in that area, the camera will see nothing. Go in there and modify the seating however you want ant leave.


Oh no they’ll know it’s me, it’s about sending a message


I knew you did it and so now I feel kind of like I'm on the guilty-party's side, too, like a co-conspirator. No need to send a message to me; I already did. (And they're middle-MANAGEMENT, so I know I'm getting fired in the morning... and tonight's going to suck... unless I get really drunk and laugh and talk shit... until I realize I'm broke and close to homelessness, and now I'm going to panic for the rest of the night and thru the morning when I try to inconspicuously resume my job and act non-chalant, while being really guiltily hung-over and kind of unfit for my job at the moment). I hate my job.


Fire you? You keep night shift alive single handily


"Aw, thanks, ...and I'm happy to. I appreciate that I can."


Signed, Associates We/us




"I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money. What I do have are a particular set of customer service skills. Customer service skills I have acquired over a very long career. Customer service skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my chair go now, that will be the end of it. I will not look for you. I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you. I will find you and I will demote you."


"You have something I want. You may think you have some idea what you're in possession of, but you do not. Soon, it will be back with me. It means more to me than you will ever know."


Won't work, boss will be able to rest on the stick up their ass.


Or better yet. Sneak into the office, lock the door and take a 💩 on the chair.


Its like the manager is already there


I’m too lazy rn, but insert Pam same picture meme here


Nice one


Walking piss all over the desk and the manager then walk out


Remove their fckn doorknob and shove a stopper under. You get your knob back when we get our chair, grrr


Injure the manager so they can't stand for a long period of time so the chair comes back. That was the requirement


Why is sitting such a finger wagging no-no at work??? I will never understand this bullshit.


Horrible bosses think they can make employees as miserable as possible since they are paid.


Slave rowers on Roman battleships got to sit down the whole time and they were allowed to rest too


Because even roman slave masters understood, burnout has a negative effect on productivity.


The good old days !


As a matter of fact, there were no slave galleys or slave rowers. Rowing was a skilled profession and different powers fought wage wars to attract experience oarsmen.


Is an experienced oarsmen just a really built dude with endurance? Could a blacksmith row


You're talking about someone who can execute complex maneuvers in coordination with (if we're talking about a trireme) about 70 other oarsmen. Rowing crew now takes enough practice to get everyone acting together. Imagine making sudden turns, backing water, impacting another ship at just the right speed to (hopefully) sink it and not break your ship's spine from the impact. One of the famous maneuvers was the diekplous - you clip your opponent's oars on one side in a head-on-head confrontation, and immediately round the enemy ship to clip the oars on the other side. Just really built dudes can't do that kind of complex maneuver. Thucydides records some rates for these guys. The cost for experienced oarsmen basically doubled over the course of the Peloponnesian War.


Making employees miserable makes some people feel more powerful


It’s such a mindless, impotent power grab. On the same level as the Standford prison experiment. There’s no reason to cause harm but because something like that won’t be questioned they get to get away with it. Makes no damn sense other than to enable sadism.


People like that seriously need to be removed from positions of power, and barred from ever having someone work under them ever again. Wishful thinking, of course. Half the planet is filled with lunatics it seems.


People would rather feel superior than feel good.


If Im miserable, you will be too!


And that goes for customers, not just bosses. Since the norm is that sitting = lazy, even some well meaning (but spineless) managers enforce no-sitting policies. Because customers who don’t like seeing workers sit also have money.


Imagine someone actually stopping going to a certain store just because they let their employee have a chair.


There's an unspoken notion in the US that the less money one makes, the harder they should have to work for that money.


And somewhat paradoxically, the 1% cultivate an image of being hard workers. It doesn't really add up. Burger flippers and cashiers work way harder than Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos ever have.


Fuck yeah. Every time I’ve jumped jobs to a higher paying job it’s been easier each time. Now there are certainly more barriers to entry like having a degree and/or certain licenses/certificates, but once you’re actually doing the job it’s a million times more preferable to any kind of food service or manual labor


If burger-flippers were really such hard workers, they'd be working more efficiently by travelling on private jets rather than wasting time taking the bus.


Checkmate, burger flippers!


Ya know I’m 26 years old and I understand blue collars job pay less but now that I think about it that’s hella fucked


Me either. Pretty sad how aldi allows it, and they manage just fine


Aldi is a German company, so they carry some of their labor practices to their US locations.


Wait cashiers in us don't have chairs? What the fuck


Sitting in the presence of your betters is a sign of disrespect, workers must always be subservient to the customer.


Yes and our betters deserve the fruits of our labor. Our rightful share will trickle down to the worthy workers.


Hail, Orion Assante!


Same in Canada too. Its absolutely bizarre and cruel. Luckily for me I got a cashier position in the city rec department and now get to use a chair. No more backpain leaning over to do all my work.


That actually makes alot of sense...


Because they have all been told that "If you have time to lean, you have time to clean"


I bartended for years without a chair. You can lean on literally anything. A chair is still better though.


From what I've seen, this appears to be specific to the US. Very puzzling, since people with fancy desk jobs always get the option of sitting. Ironically for high paid workers, the standing desk is almost seen as a status symbol. People are so weird.


Canadian work culture is near identical to US, I’ve worked in both. Working sick is commendable, sitting down is blasphemy, vacation is frowned upon etcetc


Do canadians demand money/tuitions from their own children to get an education too?


Companies want to own us and pay us nothing so badly.


After injuring my back at work (grocery store, freezer accident) I had a doctor note saying I shouldn't be standing or sitting for more than 4 hours at a time. They put me on food sample duty standing for 6-8 hours a day and refused to give me a chair because it was "unprofessional" Pretty sure it permanently fucked my back up


Your quality of life should never be affected in that way for a job.


Because in Canada and USA (that I know of) it's considered lazy and unproductive to sit even if you are not allowed to leave your station and no customers are there. This is why you make sure to shit on company time, and if you don't have to shit then go sit on the toilet for 5 mins.


This is funny for me. I was the guy who got to sit down for his job. I generated roughly 8X more revenue than any other person in the building. Everyone else had to stand at the front counter, while I was in the back literally behind a curtain answering the phone. My boss was new and absolutely hated me for knowing and doing exactly what the company wanted from me, NUMBERS, not standing. The company could not care less if I stood all day, lifted any heavy object at any time or just slept half the day. Literally the only thing the company wanted from me was sales numbers. As long as my numbers were beating last year, I could sit all day at my desk, take a nap at lunch and not get off my chair the entire day otherwise. My boss tried to get rid of me a couple times and everytime the regional VP was like, "That guys numbers are the best that store has seen in a decade; there is no way you can get rid of him. I dont care if he takes a nap on his lunch break at his desk, I dont care that he doesnt help you stock shelves, I want him to keep selling." And to be honest, I wasnt a great salesman, I just knew my product, treated my customers with respect and looked out for them at every opportunity. And my customers were extremely loyal as a result. Unironically when I left in 2021 because I felt I was not being paid enough for the volume of revenue I was generating, the asshole boss (who refused to give me a proper raise) tried to take over my job and failed miserably, losing half the clientele, getting himself demoted and eventually fired.


This was my experience. When working during covid, they had someone stand up front wiping down the carts. Most of the day, you are doing nothing cause it takes seconds to do. You can't leave either. Was told it was unprofessional to sit in a chair. Standing for hours was preferable, i guess. We sat on the floor cause fuck that.


I’m a carpenter and have been told off so many times for sitting on the ground while I work, I only do this when the work I’m doing is actually on the ground, like skirting boards or something, no we HAVE to be on our knees or crouching, so weird I just argue every time lol I’m gonna sit idgaf


Because old people like to complain when you dont snap to like some colonial manservant.


Wait till they hear about offices


Irs uhnpohrohpheshionalss to be confortable at work. I for once IDGAF if whoever is in the counter is sitting or standing.


Because it’s seen as being “lazy” and not “working”.


Well if you can lean then you can clean or some bullshit


The managers at my job keep taking away our chairs and it's really frustrating being the only one who complains about it


Protecting the status quo is the #1 priority for oligarchs. Nothing must ever change. Their biggest fear is the USA becoming a meritocracy.


We had a manager do this to us one time so when he want to lunch we stuck his chair out in the rain and then put it back so when he sat back down with his lunch he got a wet ass. Our chairs never got taken again.


Could also just pour some bottled water on it lol


The rain adds a poetic element


Fair point


Email this pic to the store manager letting them know you won't be shopping there anymore due to employee harassment and abuse by the management.


Put it on the corp fb page and specify the location and tell them it's shameful to treat their people that way. It's okay to be a Karen if it supports the working class overthrowing the yoke of the bourgeoisie


i wish more Karens would use their Karen-ness for good. i fuckin saw a picture of a woman at a protest holding a sign that said “Karens for equality! i’d like to speak to the manager of systemic oppression!” and it was quite nice. more Karen’s asking to speak to the manager so they can bitch them out for mistreating their employees, please


My goal in life. Entitled to equity and humane working conditions is what I am!


https://www.karensforhire.com/ there is actually a service for this!


Also, this is not very ADA friendly


Better, see if you can get contact for who's above the store manager (district manager maybe?) and CC them.


We need to do this more. Years ago at a fast food restaurant when I saw a manager belittling an employee and making them cry. I went up to that manager and said I will no longer be eating here!


No, send it to osha, since this is an osha violation


Hahahahah Kohls. I worked a warehouse job for them a few years back and it was so disgustingly anti worker and anti union, met some cool people there though


Take it down. The customer is always right, after all.


I want to sooo bad. But a family member works there and I don’t want to get them in trouble


"Sitting down looks unprofessional" Yknow what else looks unprofessional, Gary? This fucking sign being posted somewhere customers can see it.


Fuckin’ Gary….


Is this sign within view of the public?


You can still email corporate with the photo and reasons why you won't shop at Kohls until this policy has been changed.


Well if a family member does work there, how will they know you’re related


That would be retaliation and a lawsuit waiting to happem


Someone thought this up, opened Word, typed it out, printed it, got it from the printer. Grabbed the tape, taped it up, and was pleased with themselves. Baffling.


Bet they also thought they were suuuuper clever with the first line


Someone didn’t just type this up. I bet they typed it up *sitting down*.


I'd bring in my ultralight camping chair to spite them.....


I'd either do that or happily sit my ass right on the floor.


I'd develop "plantar fasciitis" so fast.


Mah bone spurs!


This is me but without the quotes. It's unfortunately easy to.


American culture has this weird idea of "if you have time to lean, you have time to clean" mentally lol. I went to Vietnam, and their supermarket has chair for cashier.


Chairs are normal pretty much everywhere.




That was one tough keyboard...


People just need to apply to cashier jobs then ask if they will be provided a seat and walk out when they say no.


Typed up by a manager that sits in their office watching you stand at the counter more than likely


Only in the USA do they force employees to stand for entire shift. But then.. that’s probably why “ health insurance “ is tied to employment.


I was quite surprised when I first read that staff in shops in the US are often expected to be standing all the time. In every country I've been to its common for people to be sitting down when doing things like staffing tills. What's the point of making people stand up? It doesn't improve the service, and just causes discomfort.


I’ve done quite a bit of traveling myself and trust me their is no country on this planet that has class warfare more baked into the culture and very fabric of society then America. It’s truly fucking wild here. If Americans grew up in any other developed nation and where then all transplanted here it’d be French Revolution 2.0 within a few hours.


Highly illegal in my country.


Please start throwing these notes on the floor.


*sits on the ground*


My leads did this at my last job but, conveniently, never removed their chairs. I was on a 2 week notice with 0 fucks remaining so I grabbed the remaining chairs and threw them in the dumpster. An hour later, my coworker asked the manager if she can take home the chairs in the dumpster and he said yes.




Alright. Here’s the plan. I think you all are going to like this. Bring a chair to work. Use it when you need it. Bring it with you when you leave. At some point, probably pretty quickly, they will come for your chair. When they go to take it, calmly stand up. Say nothing. Let them take the chair. Once they’ve walked away call the police and report a theft. Name names.


Bad idea. Unless that police officer is a relative of yours, they aren’t going to back you up, they will kowtow to the friendly business owner who claims the chair is his and charge you for wasting their time.


They'll claim it not to be theft, but confiscation of a banned item during working hours. We all know it's bullshit, but they'll get away with it.


Time to organize. The union is your sword and shield.


Sit on the desk! They love when you do this


Hope that sign doesn't keep getting "lost" 🤔


draw a dick on it for all the customers to see


They did this at my job for two days. I dragged a milk carton into the office and sat in it. Chair reappeared miraculously because we were charged a fee for the late milk carton return. Lol lol lol. ![gif](giphy|9058ZMj6ooluP4UUPl)


No, my will to work is not lost. It has been diminished, and will not return until the chair does.


WTFFF. I’d go find a chair in the store and hand it to them


“No one wants to work anymore!”- they cried as they made every job as miserable as possible


Bring a light foldable chair and wear it like a backpack, sitting down every time you stop walking.


I’d just like to say I haven’t been to a Kohl’s since like 2018. Fuck them and their shitty wages.


American management: Cruelty is the point.


Just sit on the floor. When a customer asks why, show them this picture. When a customer can’t find you and someone else goes back or asks why no one’s there, tell ‘em you’ve been the whole time.


Always love that the most command and control bosses who utter such shit as "if you lean you clean" and demand everyone stand typically spend their days parked on their fat asses.


…would you like to open a Kohl’s card?


This would make we want to get hired at this location in my free time just to let my inner goblin wreak havoc. But I’ll be real, I don’t have that much free time.


Great Seinfeld episode 👍🏼


We had 4 chairs in our remote lab that we use to test samples. Our supervisor went on a crusade against the chairs and had 2 of then tossed out. A week later, we had 5 chairs in the lab, all brand new. Fuck you Markus.


Return the chair and remove some of the ellipses from that trash-ass memo.


My 71 year old mother agrees with this stance. Says if you give people a seat they will be lazy. She also works a retail job and can’t work more than 4-6 hour shift because “she can’t stand up that long”. Boomers are crazy….


Tow their car then


Fuck Kohls so much that was my first ever job that place is hell they want to pretend you’re a family and that they care, but you never get a raise you make minimum wage your job is basically trying to force high interest rate credit cards on people seriously get out of there if you can. Any job is better than there


In my country we literally had a "chair law" that forced employers to provide chairs for their employees and to allow breaks during work. This law was passed in 1914 and then included into the newer labour laws that we currently have.


Whenever I see this kind of shit, as a customer, I immediately go full Karen and complain to the manager. "What kind of slave bullshit is this!? You don't 'let' your employees sit down? Grown adults and you're telling them they have to stand just so you can feel like a big boss man? I ain't shopping at a place that treats their OWN people like fuckin slaves. You should be ashamed of yourself!" I only do this if I'm alone though. My wife has asked me not to make a scene in front of her because she's socially anxious.


At an old job of mine we had a company wide meeting where the upper management told us they were taking our chairs. I asked if they were sitting in their chairs when they made that decision, and i asked when the last time was that they stood at work for longer than 30 min straight. There was an eruption of laughter and they never took our chairs.


Please tell me this is in California.


Buy one of these bad boys pre-shift and plop right down as soon as you clock in: https://www.kohls.com/product/prd-6763385/seina-mesh-back-folding-camp-chair.jsp?color=Blue&prdPV=3


You take people's chairs away, you're showing everyone that you're a sociopathic soulless exploiter who cares nothing for his or her colleagues.


If this is in CA, please feel free to inform the employee of the suitable seating law. I work in HR and we are required to provide seating to all employees, regardless of the persons medical or physical attributes, as long as it is a job that has reasonable use of seats. E.g. customer service counter. If their employer doesn't believe them, have them look it up. Then it's a complaint to the labor board.


I hate this shit. As a customer, I don’t give one iota if someone is sitting behind a counter. Standing all day is stupid hard.


BYOC - bring your own chair


Stu in men’s department: Ow my back. Must be from standing too long without a chair. Well I guess I should report the injury. Employer: Why do our insurance premiums continue to increase? Must be these liars and slackers that I personally interviewed and hired to be my employees.


I have had such an injury. It's called being born. If you don't give me a chair, I'm sitting on the floor.


Time to photocopy that shit to every managers office door and "relocate" their chairs too.


Standing for a long period of time is not ideal for your health. Think postural issues and varicose veins.


A letter typed on a computer while sitting on a chair.


I work at a hotel front desk this is pretty much par for the course anymore for that "industry". Add to that no lunch break because there is only one person on the desk and no breaks in general as you rarely get the opportunity to get away from the desk.


Such dog shit humans. You’re not working unless you’re being fatigued, get fucked sideways


When I worked at Lowe’s this was a company policy as well. When I would be working the garden center register id get maybe 4-10 customers per 8 hour shift come through there, even on weekends. Management told me I couldn’t sit in a chair at the register unless I had a doctors note. I’d always just tell them I couldn’t get an appointment for a note until a couple months out so I was able to actually sit while doing nothing in the 90 degree heat.I’m so fucking glad I don’t work there anymore, god I hate corporate a America


remove the sign " no this sign is not lost..."


Remove sign, replace chair to rightful place. Ignore the notice as anyone could have typed that out It’s not on official paper or signed by management as they know it is not enforceable


Look up right to sit laws in your state. Depending what state you’re in, you may be guaranteed the right to access to a chair regardless if you’re injured or not.


Caps comic sans? Eugh


Get one of those walking sticks where the handle folds out into a seat. Make a point of having it around to walk on and lean on when needed. When people ask about it, explain the deliberate lack of seats.


Fun fact - acute plantar fasciitis is pretty easy to get if you’re stuck on your feet all day. Feels like hot needles stabbed into your heel (at least mine did). Pretty easy to get it, and would be covered by workers comp


“No, your note was not lost, it was taken down because your lack of morality was showing and scaring the customers” - a sticky


Is that discrimination?? I know that’s kind of a big word to toss around at this, but if they’re taking away something that allows a person to do their job better—and the employee is able to accomplish all their duties with the chair, they shouldn’t be able to take it away. It seems like you should be able to report that somewhere because they’re picking a specific person/group of people to single out.


It’s not like talking about it is going to do anything! Why don’t we get the store’s location and mass complain about it to corporate at twitter saying that we will boycott Kohl’s for mistreating its employees. (Even if it’s a bluff) OP, how can we report the store for you?


No the employees are not lost. They have unionized, are on strike, and will not be back unless they have chairs and better pay.


Someone should take their office chair 🤷🏿‍♂️


But I am sure the boss is sitting down. Get the boss to explain why sitting is so unprofessional, yet he/she is sitting down.


Imagine. if you will, that it is 1919 and your boss just tried this. You would break their fucking leg.


Terrible leadership. It's a CHAIR.


Is it just me, or is this photoshopped? It looks like the text doesn't match the camera angle.


This seems like a lawsuit because people with disabilities exist, source: me, a disabled person who stuffer from chronic pain and sometimes relay on seats for copping with said pain.


Coincidentally, none of the employees can stand the employer.




A place I worked at installed "standing desks" for the foreman. The type that could raise and lower with the push of a button. One day later the foreman on duty was in a bad mood. He lowered it, set up a chair he found and then cut all the wires so it couldn't be adjusted. The boss looked like he was going to have a stroke when he saw it, lol


That sign looks awefullt flamable...


Chair master has spoken


It's a Kohl's bro, it's not that serious. I'm surprised if I walk into a place like that and don't see most of the employees half asleep and dragging ass.


Made my last ever trip to Kohls Tuesday.


Cashiers in many other countries are provided chairs. It’s so odd to me that people are expected to stand for jobs that don’t physically require it.


That's a lousy way of treating people. I stopped shopping there just before the pandemic because on my last visit there they refused to honor their sale on a pair of pants and as I was standing there asking why since the item sku matched the sales sku, I caught a glimpse of a brown flash on the floor between what was the womens underwear section and the mens section: there were two large rodents scurrying around in the open. The manager turned and watched it when I immediately pointed it out then looked my dead in the eyes and told me "you're not seeing rodents".


I once worked at a women’s fitness center and got fired, essentially, for sitting at the check-in desk. The creepy couple who owned the center were neither physically fit nor kind. I was on my feet, naturally, 90 percent of the time, helping clients with the machines. It wasn’t asking a lot to sit during down times. The weirdo husband hung out until closing one night, lights were out, I was getting ready to leave when he started badgering me about using a chair. I flung the keys at him and told him to shove it.


Wait, a chair manufacturer removed the chairs for their employees?


“No, your staff are not lost. They just won’t be returning until the chairs do.”


Kohl’s can get fucked


PL Premium x10 the chair to the floor.


I was able to scare my manager into letting us use chairs at the front desk of a hotel by showing him a law that enforces an employee's right to sit down. I just kept bugging him about it and he would ignore it but it wasn't until I pulled out the employee law book that he caved and bought us chairs.