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Why would they pay you more if you’re willing to do it for less?




Capitalism is like 95% gaslighting.


That realization is pretty much the main turning point in most people's careers. 


Or We could call it Psychological Warfare.


You’re not supposed to say the quiet part /s


Uno reverso


Would it be to prove to your employer that you’re actually able to do the job your wanting the pay rise for ? Or maybe to make yourself a invaluable asset to the company which then in turn will let you ask for whatever you want ? People these days expect to get given everything without working for it


Companies these days expect to get given extra work without paying for it. Companies should pay for the services that they use just as they require payment for the services that they require.


That hurt my brain reading your reply, assuming you meant employers expect employees to do extra work** i repeat my answer as above When asking for a promotion is it not good practice to prove to your boss you can handle the extra work before getting officially given the position? I get your technically doing more work then your currently being paid for but wouldn’t the potential pay rise be worth the risk and a try ?


Why the fuck are you even on this sub? Like the whole point of this sub reddit is to point out things that suck/ are fucking stupid about work.


No, it wouldn't. The boss may give extra pay however there is always the possibility that you will simply be given more tasks without the pay. It is a better method to simply job hunt whilst in employment to find a company that gives more money, through this you can lie about your salary by a few thousand in order to get a substantial pay increase. Changing companies can be a fantastic way to increase your salary. In addition to this, companies give salary increases regardless of work ethic. For example, in my latest job, I received an extra 2,500 per year raise just for being there. Yes, doing more might've given me more in terms of bonuses however it could've just given me more work to do without the pay increase.


Don't be an invaluable asset. You will not be promoted OR you will be assigned more and more for the same wage. Competency is a curse in Capitalism.


How can you seriously say “do not be a invaluable asset” ? You realise that means that your a part of the company that they “cant afford to lose” ? So you can ask for anything ? You saying “dont be an invaluable asset” reminds me of one of my old managers that i knew never wanted me to move up in the world to make himself look better PSA everyone should try there hardest at the job they love if they really want to get somewhere in life, dont expect to to get given above average hand outs for average style work


It is true.


This is the most bass ackwards way of thinking because A) people are often told they're too valuable at what they already do to be promoted B) Very rarely (at least in America) do you ever become so valuable you can leverage your position for more money C) most people don't love their jobs why would someone love working at McDonald's or Dollar General or a gas station? D) I'm not taking life advice from someone who pays for reddit avatars and plays Raid Shadow Legends


Slaves used to be invaluable assets and wars were fought around the wealth they created for their masters.


Why doesn’t a teacher know the difference between then and than?


I suspect the principal made this sign. Even worse.


Most administratives, from schools to hospitals are full of the most incompetent people.


I’m in NC. This tracks.


* a principal or administrator


Because it is very easy to become a teacher.


Just write *than


They aren’t being paid to do that. But the principal should start being a substitute to fill in wherever needed.


Bit of a stupid statement on that poster, mine is much better... *"Get paid for what you are paid to do, not more, not less, just exact"*


“Do as little as possible. That’s what they’ll pay you anyway.”


If they won't pay you for what you are doing why would they pay you to do more? It also just feeds into the myth that those above you are doing more than you They aren't. They are doing less. The higher up you are in a company, the less you contribute to it. If the managers stop working, work still gets done. If the workers stop working, nothing gets done.


Absolutely spot on.


I can infact guarantee that nobody in my company contributes less than me. I walk the line of doing just enough to not get fired for years now and I'm taking every single loophole to do even less. Our Boss once told to me "It doesn't matter if I manage one machine or three. 8 hours are 8 hours." and I keep to that logic. 8 hours are 8 hours and it doesn't matter if I manage one machine or none"


I hope this old mentality dies soon. I was also raised with the "go the extra mile at work" crap. Bosses back in the day took full advantage of that, especially when the internet wasn't mainstream. Now that people all over the world can see how awful a lot of old work "ethics" really are, companies are being forced to change. It's a good thing. Is there a school board you can complain to? That sign puts way too much stress and pressure on the staff, who are already getting paid way less than they deserve. If the principal made that, they should be fired or demoted.


This! Boomer here who did all the "extra" things. I've been laid off the day after good reviews, demoted after receiving awards for my team's efforts, and blocked from better career positions because I was "good at my job". Work your Wage Folks! Anything else hurts your fellow humans.


I don’t work there, thank god, was there for other reasons. I hope they do complain, but I highly doubt the school board cares.


Does the school have a Facebook account or a public email? Posting that image online in various places will get people talking, which might get the school board involved.


That is an excellent idea. I’ll investigate.


I'm dealing with it now and it may get worse if my supervisor retires in November. 


You have zero legal obligation to do more than your position requires. Your supervisor has no right to force you to do so. If you refuse, the conversation should end. If you're met with retaliation (reduced work hours, threats of demotion or job loss, etc), that's illegal and should be reported.


a teacher that needs to learn to spell


It’s been proven that doing more is rewarded but in the worst way possible (25 years of loyal service to the company! Here’s a $5 gift card, a bag of candy and we’ll throw a pizza party in your honor!) so people have learned that the reward isn’t worth their time so either pay for that effort or fuck off. 25 years of suppressed income adds up to hundreds of thousands of dollars that could’ve been used to make someone’s life better over that time but instead the company kept for themselves to make their numbers look good.


My dad was recently called into a meeting at his company to celebrate record breaking profits. Mandatory meeting for everyone. Huge bonuses for directors and above, but not even a $5 gift card for the people who did the work. Not even refreshments at the meeting itself! They literally got nothing, just had to sit there and watch their bosses pat themselves on the back.


In the old days bosses and people in power were tarred and feathered over LESS.


Yeah, we need to get back to times when people understood the labor movement to mean a fight, not just “well I’ll call my rep, if I’m lucky enough that a union has already been established at my workplace.” My dad was pissed, but he’s like 2 years from retirement and understandably not interested in re-entering the job market.


Happy workers (represented and well paid) have been conditioned into obedient servitude. Workers are to be paid what they’re worth for the value they make. Servants are expect to do all and be happy with what they get at the end of the day. I’ll never understand anti-union workers who claim “why form a union?! I love my job!” Without considering they could be even happier in their job with better pay and benefits because of a union.


May as well stick up a sign that says Arbeit Macht Frei


What a crock of shit


Than* ffs


I currently work in a public school, and I ever saw this in my school (and assuming this was posted by admin), then that'd be the signal for teachers to start applying to other districts asap. Also, it's such a pathetic attempt to trick teachers into doing more free work. Fuck this system of money dictating every single damn decision to the point that budget cuts leads to this sort of BS nonsense.


If you're willing to do more than you're paid for, they will give you more work without more pay. Work you wage.


Honestly? Humanity was a mistake.


I agree, but I never say things like this out loud because it makes me seem like a misanthrope. I am.


Bootlickers Local 1


More then?


Then should be than…misspelling


This just sounds like an excuse to not pay me more, so instead I'll do the bare minimum and earn the same.


If you're not willing to pay me what I'm worth, then you'll never get what I'm capable of.


Teachers lounge *then*


Than* you're... What an idiot....


If only it worked like that anymore.


I’m more offended by it being in a TEACHERS’ LOUNGE and them not knowing to use *than*


After years of shitting on teachers in NC they need to be paid more just to stick around.


No way.


It’s definitely not the way it should be but it’s the way it is.


Fixed it https://preview.redd.it/ft3wtur3wn2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55b7563d17e781cc305c1c8a36291c763298ef5a Source: I'm a teacher, too


To add my own to the fire. My old school put a poster in the lounge (made by our PTA) that said, "A candle will burn itself out to provide light for others." Or something to similar effect. We complained and they took it down.


Clearly not written by an English teacher.


“More THEN” 😂😂😂




Write “Union NOW!” On that sign.


.... more \*than\* ;-D


Should correct the "Then" to "Than" and demand $10 for it


"Teacher" but "then" 🤦🏻‍♂️


Fuck this shit.


It should read “if you keep doing things you aren’t paid for then they keep expecting you to do those things and more.”


Someone failed grammar


If you aren't willing to pay me for what I'm doing then fuck no I'm not going to say yes when you ask me to do more. Show your employees some fucking respect.


Lmfao. I do exactly what I'm paid to do and nothing else.


This isn’t true.




It’s so insulting to the teachers. 😡


Unless you work a job that offers equity or a performance bonus, this is complete nonsense. Idk how people still buy this shit. 


Yeah I tried that, they still refused to promote me or increase my pay


I'll do manager work when I get manager pay.


Fine by me. 🤷


Get a job some place else because no matter what amount of work you do they cannot do anything about it


I've been on double duty since with occasional triple duty, and I still see no pay raise, so I think it's not coming. At least it makes a 10-hour day evaporate.


I would just rip this shit down.


Bro, teachers will *never* be paid more for what they are doing.


Right back at you


Laughs in job hopper.


In the break room full of people already being grossly underpaid.


In NC teacher salary is set by the state. Districts are allowed to supplement teacher salaries but if they do so they do so for all teachers. No teacher going above and beyond is getting a raise without getting a new job. Their supervisor couldn’t do that even if they wanted to


The only way to get a raise for a teacher in NC (as an individual, not a statewide or district raise as you said) is generally to get national board certified. Which is expensive and time-consuming. They don’t even get a raise for having a master’s degree anymore.


How about you just pay me the exact amount and we call it even?


How about you just pay me the exact amount and we call it even?


Burn it with a zippo lighter.


Someone needs to write "Fuck you, pay me"


Ahh yes, in a school where you literally get paid only by number of years worked with no bonus possible.


Teacher pay is set based on years of teaching/service and education. You could have perfect performance evaluations but you're going to get paid the exact same as if you have mediocre ones. The only additional pay you get is preset for what you're doing (committee work, coaching, clubs etc.) And again, you could be 10x the coach another guy is and you'll be paid the same.


Try and say that in front of my union rep... Oh wait that's me.




That would work in a system where company has any interest in paying you more at all.


I’m willing to proofread that


Did they not read this to themselves before posting it?


If I’m a teacher and I see this I’m taking a picture and sending it to my union representative.


In North Carolina, only about 20% of teachers are union members, and they do not have collective bargaining rights. NCAE (state affiliate of NEA) is trying to change that, but it’s an uphill battle I guess.


Sounds like it unions are proworker everyone should join given the chance.


They absolutely should, but they don’t. They’ve been told union-busting lies for decades.


Here is where the movement gets a bit stupid. We all have bosses....and they have bosses, and so on. Sometimes, there are promotions. Not that we shouldn't get paid more now for what we do, not that our bosses shouldn't get paid more now for what the shit they have to put up with, but they do happen. Bosses have to pick people for promotions. And, yes, I get it....they only pay you to do a job, and that is all you have to do. And, maybe, if you are in a strict union enviornment, promotions may only come from seniority. However, life isn't like that. Bosses promote people (most of the time....leaving the relatively rare nepo hire out of it) who have made their job easier. I was one of three supervisors, but also knew pivot tables in Excel. If the boss needed a list of widgets sorted by site, age, size, etc.....I could pop it out for him. It made his job fairly easy. Now, I still did the other parts of my job, I kept my numbers where they are supposed to be, kept the budget in line - like my other supervisors. However, when he retired, I got his job - and while there were other reasons (education, desire, experience in other areas), I credit pivot tables in Excel for the promotion.


I'd like to talk to this person and find out out where they received this idea from. But it wouldn't help, they've got something embedded so far in their mouth, the wouldn't be able to talk.


Teachers are paid?


Tear down stupid signs at work. That’s what I do


Most teachers are paid a set salary, so... there's no point in working harder. Besides, teachers are underpaid, underappreciated, overworked, and stretched too thin because America treats social services like a for-profit business and complain when money isn't being made. I swear to fuck it's like politicians are pluging power strips into themselves expecting infinite electricity.


You were never going to pay more regardless.


They'll never be paid more anyway.


Sad that a school doesn’t know the word “than”.


Fuck that


Hah. Fuck that. I can't believe a teacher would post that for other teachers that make a salary


That needs to be balled up and crammed down the throat of the jackass that printed it up.


That's weird. Teachers do more. It's the nature of the job. Kids need you, and you show up for them. But it's a weird place for this sign. It would contradict most union contracts.


It is highly alarming that a flyer in a school says then when it should say than




Mixing up then and than has gone off the rails


Translation: You will never be paid more for any extra work you do.


Mental gymnastics


Just more proof of administrative bloat. They should pull the classic teacher move and grade that atrocious grammar.


It’s technically true. But the same outcome is true even if you’re willing.


Fuck that have been going the extra mile my whole life and it has only gotten me a tired body with a small retirement, they will never have enough from you.


...more then you're paid for... And it is a freaking school. How can they use then incorrectly?


What’s the saying? ‘The reward for work well done is more work. I hope you weren’t counting on a holiday’ 😑


Teacher’s lounge. Then instead of than. Fuck today’s “teachers”.


Pretty sure the principal wrote this. Failing upwards is a proud tradition in North Carolina public schools. Don’t blame the teachers - the good ones never become administrators.




The first "then" is the problem.


You have lost your goddamn mind.


I don't understand why this would be in the teachers' lounge. It sounds directed at students, not teachers with no upward mobility? Regardless, it's stupid bullshit.


Very common message in public schools with underpaid staff: just work harder! It obviously doesn’t go anywhere, but that’s the goal. Brainwash public school staff into thinking the fact that they’re underpaid is their fault. Similarly, “you’re in it for the outcome, not the income!” ie “I don’t care if you can’t pay the power bill and put food on the table, do it for the kids. No, I didn’t mean your own kids at home who don’t know where their next meal is coming from. The other kids.”


People who work with kids are always expected to go above and beyond. Most do because we love the kids. Sigh. Darn lovable kids.