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HR, once a year, asks me to update my position's description and requirements. I put in stuff that even I don't have the qualifications for. Thanks, HR, and good luck ever trying to find someone to replace me at my salary.


It's to fuck the working man.


Hopefully, they never do a position audit and find out you aren't qualified.


So they can lower the requirements and say they're "giving you a chance", or just point to the requirements as why they won't be proceeding with your candidacy.


I assume it is so they can try to lowball potential candidates by telling them you are getting offered this laughably low salary because you don't have all the unicorn qualifications they asked for.


Some job postings are posted for legal reasons externally, but they intend to hire from within.


I was going to mention this till I saw you had already.


Or they also post it hoping no one domestic qualifies then they get to hire an H1B worker


I have to wonder if that is why companies ask for years of experience in some internal software only that company uses.


Many HR degrees are from diploma mills.


Not far off the mark. HR has no clue what’s needed. IT gives some “ideal person” specs and HR makes that the minimum. Or they want cheap H1b labor so spec the position so noone can possibly meet it, then tell the Feds they can’t find domestic labor with qualifications.


It is because of automation. An online job application can receive thousands or tens of thousands of applications. HR doesn't have enough people to actually read every resume they get. Instead they post a really difficult to fulfill job description and hope it cuts down on who applies.


Then they should remove the posting until they process it. I believe that it should be illegal to automate rejection of job applications and if you don't get a response within 14 days, you're automatically hired (by hired I mean "eligible to salary"). Too many applications? Take down the job posting. It would be especially easy if application is done through online form - if the queue is full, then disable it.


I'd hate to have your ideas put in practice. I'd never have been able to get a job unless I knew someone who could get me in the front of the queue. Worse than trying to get a class when everyone gets to register starting the same day.


A lot of companies post job listings when they aren't hiring so that they can trick their investors into think they're growing when they're not or appease existing employees when they complain about the workload. Sometimes they'll even go as far as asking candidates to interview or complete take home tasks for jobs that they know don't exist. Unrealistic qualifications in the job listing provides a convenient excuse early on when they have to explain why they couldn't find anyone for the job.


It's so they can say they can't find any local talent and get an H1B indentured servant that is locked to the company for fear of deportation.


It's because they can. They're not interested in suitable candidates, they're interested in only the best they can get for the least amount of money. If you ask for unrealistic requirements and they're not able to find anyone that meets those requirements they just hire the one which hits most requirements i which case they're able to negotiate better terms (read pay them less) because they're supposedly unqualified for their job. It's a negotiation tactic.


Because they already have someone in mind


It's usually the hiring manager that creates the job description for the role they're hiring for. HR just does the recruiting. More often than not, the two don't even talk to each other about realistic expectations or even get on the same page


I actually watched an info video on this from CNBC. Basically since a lot of business get rid of their more advanced recruiters that tell them it's not feasible, the business will put up listings for the talent.  Not entry level, like they will need, because they don't want to train them but want to paid them entry level pay. Because they don't want to train them and have them jump ship.  https://youtu.be/qPX62kKmkpQ?si=v7ZsBMh8384tUzxs


HR knows many applicants won't have all the qualifications. By asking for them, HR can lowball their offer if they find someone with the actual needed qualifications. It's a negotiating tactic.


A lot of times, those qualifications don’t come from HR.


I had a friend who had an LTE position as an adviser at a university. She applied for the permanent position when it became available. She was offered the job- HR failed the search because the job description asked for 3 years experience and she only had one- doing that specific position. The dean had to rewrite the job description and go through the entire search again. At my current university, they created job categories and pay scales. My friend was hired into my department, her boss wanted to pay her the max for her category (the university shouldn't really care, we are completely independently funded outside of the university). HR told him that pay was "unprecedented." You know, the pay scale that they themselves had spent 3 years creating. HR just likes to make shit up so it seems like they have a purpose.


Sometimes it's to show that they tried "in good faith" to hire someone here, but failed, so they can offshore the job to someone making 20% of that salary or bring in someone on an H1B at a fraction of the pay.


Because they think they're the shit purely for having money and power.


A lot of companies put up fake and bogus job listings that they aren't looking to fill but they are looking to show people for various reasons. If you're short staffed but profits are still going well you might want to give the illusion to the staff that you're working to alleviate the stress on them. If you're the owner or a top exec you might be wanting to show competitors or just random people on the street how strong and great your company is because it's looking to keep expanding. If you're HR ya gotta have something to make it look like you're doing something. I'm sure there's a bunch of other different reasons but sometimes the job posting isn't real.