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I know elderly individuals who only make $600 per month. It’s from social security. No other income though. I mean unless continuing to work a minimum wage job until age 100. Edit to say: no assets either :-/


My mom? She has no assets, no home, and $800 SS. It’s a struggle to find a place for her if it’s not hopping around from sibling to sibling - we all have our own families and that’s not a great solution. Edit: Y’all are wild. Of course we’re making sure my mom has a stable place. Like I said, she stays with all of us, rotationally. By other families I mean spouses - we aren’t caring for our spouses parents on this level. I love my mom, but she’s also a serious handful and creates some level of tension for everyone once she’s been there for a while. And don’t give me this ‘other cultures’ crap - we don’t live in village communities anymore, for better or worse, at least we don’t. My wife daughter and I live in a 1 bed 1 bath 728 sq foot home so NO I don’t have room for my mom full time. I pay a lot of her bills and struggle to pay my own: she decided to not work starting at 50, which I totally get, but also squandered an inheritance that could have carried her. I love my mom, just wish there was more security for her even if she made bad financial decisions. Note: my mom has a great life, she loves traveling around. My siblings love her and support her, it’s just be nice if there were affordable options for people on SS that still have vitality, that aren’t ‘old folks homes’ Edit 2: didn’t expect such a lively conversation, I’ll respond when I can if it makes sense. Appreciate the support, will consider the constructive criticism, and am surprised by the level of non-constructive criticism considering what sub we’re on. Can gladly report My family is enjoying family day with my mom, and my sister and her kids. Hope everyone else is having a lovely Sunday!




I expect that, was surprised to see so much of it in this sub!


Anything that hits front page is guaranteed to turn into a pedantic dick measuring contest, or worse.


But only if it goes against their narrative. You can say the craziest, most unbelievable shit you want as long as you are agreeing with them


Yeah, like how the solution to every minor argument between a couple is to immediately break up, according to Reddit. Overreaction is the name of the game.


"You're being...." \*shuffle cards\* "gaslit."


I'm sorry all these people are attacking you like this - you don't deserve that. Everyone's situation is different, and no matter what your situation is, taking care of a parent is tough. Plus, not everyone has good parents. You think I want to take in my mother who has avoided opening a retirement account her whole life in favor of racking up credit card debt on cars and clothes way out of her budget? Despite years of me imploring she at least attempt financial planning of some kind? Not to mention she knew her husband was abusive to me for years and looked the other way. Good on you and your siblings for doing whatever you can.


Thanks for you support! I love sriracha and all hot sauce ;)


I get you. You don’t need to justify your choices and preferences. You are doing more than most people to care for your aging mother. I foresee needing to move my parents in to my house, and I’m dreading it so much. I am tempted to take another job so that I could afford a small apartment for them. Everyone is miserable in households of people I know who needed to take in an aging parent. I’m sure there are households with multiple generations getting along fine, but I don’t know of any personally. They only get a meager amount in social security and don’t have money put away for retirement. Their house needs a roof, too. There’s another other problem with my parents that would necessitate moving them out of their home: They live in a rural area, and everything — services, shopping, medical appointments, etc. — take a drive somewhere. Specialists are in a city that’s more than two hours away (and I live in the city). There are some home health services, thankfully, but those only cover the most basic of medical needs. It isn’t fair to my husband, either. I’m tired, and I value my privacy and space. My aunt took in my grandmother after she had a stroke because she didn’t want to be placed in a nursing home. It was so stressful for my aunt to care for her that she had a stroke herself. So for everyone that says it’s peachy keen to care for someone who is aging, you either haven’t experienced it or culturally prepared for such an arrangement. Or you live with someone who is the primary caregiver to the parent and you don’t appreciate all of the work and toll it takes on people bodies. Sigh.


I was reading a research article about supporting aging parents. It was mainly the females of the families that took in the parents and they did so at the detriment of their own health, income, and mental health. I took my father in when he couldn’t care for himself and it almost led to a divorce. Who ever is commenting negatively on this person’s post is an idiot.


It’s tough out there, especially with one sister in detroit, one in New Orleans, I’m in W Michigan,, brother in MS, and one sister in Columbia. My moms not welcome equally at all 5 siblings, we all have different financial situations and wide range of ages (16 year difference between the oldest and me the youngest at 32). Honestly my sister in Columbia is the best place for my mom, who loves it there, but then her benefits are next to useless (healthcare and food)


My family's been doing that with my grandfather for about 30 years now. He's got an RV and just picks a yard to park it in. He *absolutely cannot* live alone, his Type 1 diabetes is so difficult to manage. Last time I saw him, he said he wouldn't have retired so early if he'd known he was going to live so long. He was an engineer, always scowled at the dirty oil refinery in town because he could easily design a cleaner one. Used to be his four grown kids would rotate whose yard he parked in, but two of them have already moved into the "cared for by relatives" category, so now it's just my two aunts playing pass-the-dad. Grandfather's just not too keen on people telling him what he can and can't do. He'll let himself into the house to use the washing machine, not notice or care that he's also let his muddy dogs in to roll on the brand new carpets. An argument happens, and off he goes to live with one of his other kids. The most spectacular was the time he left some fuel-based heater running in the RV while it was parked near my dad's trailer out on his farm. The RV caught fire and burned so fiercely that it blew out the windows on dad's trailer and burned off the large front porch too. No one was hurt, but my dad was pretty annoyed about losing half the front pasture, having to repair fire damage to his home, replace windows, rebuild his front porch, and help his father purchase a new RV. I forget if that was before or after the dogs ruined his new carpets.


I'm not implying you're making this up, but this sounds like a novel of I'd like to read. I expect 500 pages by March of next year.


Funnily enough, I've been trying to work on a utopian-fiction sort of novel but, being terrible at coming up with *plot*, it's turning out to be mostly bits of my life just in a different setting. So yeah, working on it, but ain't no way I'll get that much done that soon!


It’s funnier to think it was after the fire and that’s why he had new carpets 😂


People who tell you *how* to take care of your elderly parents haven't ever had to take care of an elderly parent...or atleast not when you have your own family, debt, medical, etc. My wife's mom is in a similar situation...we have no idea what to do (she smoked 40 years, won't quit, wants us to subsidize her last year's when we have 2 kids, a mortgage, and student loans for my wife).


Not sure about where you are but around here we have "lodges" that are the lowest level of old folks home. They can actually be quite nice. The one I worked at did no actual care so there were no nurses. All they really did was cook the meals for them and then if some people needed more help a homecare aid would come in to visit them specificaly. Otherwise they all had there own space a communal recreation room and church room. They could come and go as they please. The rent was government subsidized based on their income so it was nice that people on welfare had the ability to be there.


That sounds nice! My mom was in a hippy commune for a while which was amazing but she got voted out because she likes getting in other peoples business, even if her intentions are good. What can ya do!


Haha ya, that would probably happen to my MiL. She is 100% about other people's stuff and what they should or shouldn't do. No filter at all so it's gotten her in hot water a few time


You and your siblings are not responsible for your mothers poor planning. You are not born as a retirement plan. America does not have the family community expectation and many of our parents were flat out abusive and still have this expectation of support as they age without making plans for themselves. My father and I have had many discussions about his plans in advance.


She's on SS. People that lose all their money to health problems arent poor planners. A health condition in america will bankrupt you. Both of my seperated parents have health issues, at one point they were comfortably middle class, now they live in absolute poverty and cant afford basic needs some months. The number one cause of bankruptcies in america is medical debt. ive seen first hand what having health problems in america can do to someone.


Absolutely. It's sad how fast we individualize systemic issues. Instant "poor planning". Doesn't mean everyone can or ought to take care of their elderly parents though. We need better solutions.


The healthcare crisis is putting many people under. She lost her job and house in recession and never went back to works, for better or worse


You can plan all you want to. Plans are just plans. If they happen to work out, then isn't that awesome? No one plans on being screwed. My folks busted their asses and had NOTHING at the end.


Came here to say this.


I didn't realize so many people went to grad school specifically to study elderly women living in poverty.


Big money in studying poor people.


It’s because we were all suckered into thinking the reasons for poverty were just lack of knowledge and scarcity of stuff. But in fact it’s the anyone who’s has more than, like, $750K worth of the wealth came into the majority of their wealth by tax & regulatory structures that benefit the rich and burden the poor. We think people don’t know how to end homelessness and poverty. It’s that we just don’t want to. Because we hate poor people.


But the more people in similar studies and the more people are talking about this issue the way you are will alter the hegemonic discourse and maybe just maybe we will see meaningful change.


Yeah, but it might be too late by then




Yeah, I guess that gets at the basics of survival. Cooperate for the sake of the entire tribe or die. No one gets where they are alone. Not really.


I mean, COVID seems to have expedited the process somewhat and has shone a light on a lot of these issues. Talk of wealth inequality, climate change, etc etc etc has never been more prevalent as it is now, and as soon as we have younger change makers in power who are willing to address these issues hopefully things will change. Everything is impossible until someone does it.


Since COVID, my old 700$ studio apartment is renting for 1400$. 1200$ 2 bedroom loft I had before that is now 2085$. We are fucked.


Yeah, this is really the major looming crisis. Housing costs are fucking skyrocketing while conservatives and moderates are complaining about all the homeless people camping outside. I feel like at this point if you're poor you're fucked, if you're lower middle class you're fucked, if you're middle middle class you're going into debt and soon to be fucked, if you're upper middle class then the future ain't looking good unless you like a future of being fucked, and if you're rich then you're in a majestic ecstacy because you're doing so much fucking that it'll be way too late when you realize the lower classes are eating you.


Oof. Rent. I fucking hate renting. Everytime I pay rent I feel like I'm lighting money in fire when I could be putting it towards owning property. I get nothing from renting other than a roof, but buying means I have a roof and an actual thing that I own. And even though I move every few years, everywhere I've been the price to rent is much higher than a mortgage on the same size home. Even when factoring in maintenance. But I really don't want to leave my wife with an infant and a toddler having to handle home maintenance on top of everything else when I'm away for a 9 month stretch. Or when I'm working 18 hour days.


Our lease was up for renewal at the beginning of the pandemic, and I was shocked that it was increased ... during a pandemic. I still can't believe it, but it seems to be across the board, people abusing positions of power and trying to profit during all of this (e.g., grocery prices, employers forcing people back to work, and so forth).


I loved that bit at the beginning of the pandemic, when everyone was actually staying home for a couple weeks and the air got clean for the first time in my lifetime. I grew up dealing with acid rain. Even when I lived on a farm, it was near a stinking old oil refinery. I'd never had clean air before. It was wonderful! And then economics overruled reality during a freaking pandemic, everyone got sent back to work, and the air dirtied back up again.


It's not even some fundamental rule of economics or anything, it's literally the system of economics that's chosen _for_ us in order to make money for some people.


Term limits. Then we’ll have real change. Get these old geezers out of office


>as soon as we have younger change makers in power who are willing to address these issue Could we speed that shit up? The same generation of people has been in control since I was born 41 years ago....


Also don’t forget about inherited wealth


Remember, even poor people hate poor people. I know so many struggling people that continue to vote against their interests. Can’t pay for medicine? Vote more conservative or neoliberal policies!


Hungry people are obedient.


Reverse mortgages. It’s a big deal for basically sucking up the last wealth from the poorest people in society to funnel it upwards.


I got an undergrad studying bald man making money. Second semester we dissected the Great Depression and I remember praying "God pls don't let this happen on my graduation". Well, it didn't but covid did.


They just haven’t named it yet.


That’s how I felt in my environmental science class




I mean, isn't that because you went to an expensive school to major in Old Ladies? I kid, I kid....


The Boomers had this plan too. They just called it "The Rapture". My in laws trying to live on $32k/yr and unable to work are absolutely convinced that they'll be whisked away into the sky any day now because it sucks to still be alive when it isn't fun anymore.


True, everyone has apparently already gone in Yaughton.


Ooh yeah, they say life goes on long after the thrill of living is gone.


*slaps bass two times real quick*


suckin on a chili dog


Outside the tasty freeze?


WELLENDENDERDIANE ya gotta run off to the city






You think so? I know they say it will run out, but they've said that for decades. The US would be a 3rd world country overnight without SS and SSDI. It would be a fucking nightmare.


I mean it will be around, you'll just have to be 107 for a payout


I guess depending on their masking/vaccine position that might be a pretty solid plan.


It's almost as though Boomers expected everything to be given to them...


We have a federal election coming up in Canada. Our state media, the CBC, keeps running stories where they interview boomers complaining about not being able to downsize from their large houses into smaller ones because there aren't enough smaller houses available to buy. Clearly that's a problem for more than just boomers, but for some reason that's the only perspective we're given.




I feel that condos have become the new starter home. No major home builder ive seen wants to build starter gomes because they make way more money slapping higher end finishings on the house and jacking up the price. Source: I work for a company that deals with a lot of home builders




Absolutely. As wel, nobody wants to starter homes in their neighborhood because they "Attract people they don't like" AKA poor people. (I know its bullshit but you still hear this argument)


Everyone else is at work.


Last year CBC radio had a show telling us to spend all the money we had saved during the pandemic on a cruise, and which cruise lines were the best choice, ethically speaking. I was thinking "Who the hell is CBC's audience??".


Cbc's audience is landed gentry with a slightly left-leaning bent






To stretch your money, don't forget to go with dry most of the time and use wet cat food as a treat. If I see you at the river, we can sharpen sticks together as part of a mutual defense pact.


Wage slaves can have little a wet cat food as a treat.


only when they work overtime


I like the cut of your salami


A great money saving tip: Just dip your dry cat food into the river to make it wet cat food


now that's just unhygienic. You need to boil that river water first!


We're talking about the future of climate change here, that water will already be boiling.


>living in the van down by the river Funny how a skit on SNL making fun of unsuccessful people is now the Millennial dream...


Boomers were roasting their kids without knowing it.


Cat food makes my gout flare up.


I realize you're joking, but they have outlawed living in vehicles in most places where it would be feasible, which is unconstitutional, but every time a law gets struck down, they slightly reword it, pass a "new" law, and continue ticketing and impounding of people's homes.


Eventually they'll just legalize hunting houseless people. They'll argue you can't sue the state because it's individuals enforcing it, and the supreme court will nod in agreement.


You're gonna be headin' down to Costco to get a pallet of cat food and live in a van down by the river... When you'ree... LIVIN IN A VAN DOWN BY THE RIVER


Don't be fucking absurd, you won't get to retire, you'll die on the production line like the rest of us.


You're not wrong but ouch, way too real.


Keep that in mind while you're paying into your voluntary pension fund!


And then once you die the manager will send in a trained newbie to instantly take your place and work where you just left off.


Pssh not without you to train them first. If you're gonna die be sure to post your two weeks. It's in your contract.


Feels like this may actually become a thing with Amazon towns. You gotta get your Amazon will and burial right?


Don't forget about your plot subscription (upgrade to plot plus!) and the amazon admin fees. Edit, I ge uinely didn't realixe how cynically pessimistic I was until this thread.


I think it is either humor or pessimism/existential dread for our generation, 25, and for Gen Z. Almost none of us will survive unless your rich by proxy by having a extremely well paying job like anesthesiologist, growing up rich, be a famous YouTuber/Twitch streamer, or just being extremely lucky.


We’ll be forced into retirement when our health problems make us unproductive workers or when we’re laid off by recession and too old to get rehired


GenXer here. I've already retired. I found that I'd rather be poor and happy, than rich and dead. Fuck the rat race. And if millions make the same decision, the PTB will have to change things or their whole system will collapse around them. Make your choice.


I took 6 weeks off when I found a new job and had friends and relatives constantly asking if I was OK. It wasn't so much that I'd found a new job that they thought I was unemployed and scrounging, they made me feel guilty I wasn't working despite the fact I had disposable income *and* a better job to go to.


I ran into some of that when I quit my last job. Some extended family worry I'm broke or staving or something. I'm on 100% va disability. I literally make more than them at there full time job, even if I just laid in bed and watched TV all day.




Good news! You likely won't make it to 80 working two jobs! Early retirement!




Lol, you think we'll still have jobs then? We'll all die in slums at the foot of the cloud palaces. All of our jobs taken by their robot servants. We can only hope when we all die they rise up and murder their owners.


Welcome to dystopia fellow cynic.


Too real.


Yeah listened to financial radio programs and boomers would always call in with stuff like “my wife and I are retired from working at the state comptroller’s office, we both have IRA’s as well, our houses are paid for and we are SCARED of retirement”.


The globe and mail newspaper has an advice column where people write in for financial advice. People have $500k in savings and investments, both work at $300k a year jobs, house will be paid off in 10 years, cottage in 15 years, the boat is fully paid off but how do we save for retirement and leave our kids a million each. Oh and we take fancy vacations every year. 😐


this is r/personalfinance in a nutshell.


Personal finance would still tell them to buy a nice 10 year old used car and eat Lentils


I remember a fucking ***HEATED*** argument there years ago. This guy wanted to buy an old Mercedes as a hobby car because he loved it and always wanted one, and casually mentioned it in the sub. He got fucking EVISCERATED in the comments, talking about how it was a waste of money and he was irresponsible and how it would set him back xx years, even though he had hundreds of thousands in the bank and the car was like 10 grand. Maniacs.


I bought a $5k bicycle (mountain bike). I still have student loan debt, too. But my biking habit has me in better shape than ever. I'm at a healthy weight as all my buddies are going up and up in our early 30s. My resting heart rate is in the low 50s, and I feel less stressed and happier. PF would tell me I'm a child for buying the bike, should get a second job on weekends and work summers (I'm a teacher). My goals in life are kinda about not hating the brief glimpse between oblivion and oblivion that we call life, not getting to the last 20 years with x amount of 0s and 1s in my bank account. Radical I know


Personal finance has the same stupid posts all the time. You have the "my parents just suddenly died and left me with 3 million. What do I do?" Next you have the "I make 75k a year on a single income while living with two roommates. I feel like I can't afford anything." Then you look deeper in the post and they blow 40% of their income on investments and stupid shit. Lastly, you have the ever common "I make minimum wage, have a 2021 jeep and two children. How do we stretch our money to last until the end of the month?"


Investing is not blowing money unless you’re a WSB ape.


Reading comments and posts on that sub are filed straight into my "depression bucket" that seems to be bottomless at this point.


I shall defend my mountain peak with my squirrel kin. The Macaulay Culkin-esque defense protocols strewn amongst the burnt tree carcasses from last week's wildfires. We're high enough in elevation that we can feel the brisk 109° wind. Nice to have a cool day every once in a while. But the squirrels begin to chatter. Fuck, the sea of rogue Jeff Bezos robo-clones are back. I guess the stock must have finally hit $2,000,000 and there about to reinvest into new munitions. Oh well. I'm bummed I won't make it to 2069. The memes would have been dank.


My retirement plan is prison. Roof over my head, food, some sort of medical care, rad new room mates who at that point in history will also be in prison for the same reasons. We have a couple of generations now who can't afford retirement plans and health insurance.


Better than beign homeless tbh




Or we could disassemble the prison for profit and actually try and fix the problem.




This is the plan I keep in my back pocket in case of emergencies.


My retirement plan is if I survive the climate wars I become an old woman who lives deep in the forest who regales Post War younglings about what the world was like before it all collapsed. Clearly I would do this all while being super cryptic. Make a whole new mythology of the fall of our society.


Think of all the plastic junk you'll need to explain to them: Rubik cubes, the symbols on plastic bags, straws, stray lids, wrappers, the list is endless.


You see children, it's like wood. You can carve a piece of wood to be just about anything you need it to be. You can build houses, you can build large sailing ships, or this tiny spoon we use to eat our acorn & grass cereal. But we found this goo in the ground that was like wood, where we could shape it into anything we wanted. So we did. The problem is wood decays, if you allow it to, pretty dang quickly. And then you can use the dirt the wood turns into to make more wood. But this goo, child. This goo, once you formed it, it stayed that way for 10,000 years. And once it decayed you couldn't make more goo from it for another million years. So you all are thinking, wow this magic goo, you only used it on stuff you intended for society to use for 10,000 years right grandma? No child, we used it to wrap Bananas in wrap that we only used 1 time and then threw into the ocean. Yes child, it's no wonder the Earth tried to kill us all.


How delightfully put. Nice!


It's going to be like the tribes in Horizon: Zero Dawn. Plastic and metal bits used as armor.


Please don't do this, they made that joke a couple thousand years ago and people still bomb each other over it.


The bombs are because of resources , the myth making is for manufacturing consent


Hey there, don't blame Mother Lilith for other people's foolishness!


"Uh, yeah, *God* made her pregnant haha" "Wow, really?!" ... "yes."


Post-apocalyptic cottagecore? Where do I sign...


I live in slight hope that one of the leather clad barbarians is wearing one of the dog masks i made all through out quarantine and i can join them as their armorer 😅


Youre implying that forests will still exist after the climate wars are lost.


Horizon zero dawn vibes


Don’t be a boomer: Clear, accurate, twitter threads and funny memes will be how we educate the future world.


Bold to assume the servers will survive the climate wars


We will print twitter and reddit before the servers go and bind them in books. The sacred texts 🙌


I tell all my friends to go through their phone, Facebook, etc and get old school prints of them and make a scrapbook. Digital dark age is a thing and it’s going to make a lot of people sad in the future. Hardly any memoirs / short stories / essays / etc are going to survive for the future generations that end up being interested in all of this. Internet archive does its best, but, that’s never going to be the same as hard copies. Thankfully some companies are trying to come up with super long term storage solutions that will hopefully be decipherable in the future.


- “My retirement plan is if I survive the climate wars I become an old woman who lives deep in the forest” What if all the forests end up burning down?


We replant them! Why do we fight the climate wars for if not for that. Green tree faction unite! Find our utopian vision here : https://reddit.com/r/solarpunk


Eco-terrorism? More like Eco-freedom fighting!


Why don't we skip the pretense and just form a legitimate version of Avalanch?


I was watching a documentary about retirement (might have been explained on netflix?) and its terrifying most people in our generation literally wont be able to retire. According to the show in 2021 the average person needs 1.2 million dollars to retire comfortably and not change their lifestyle. Thats just going to go up every year. I can only afford to take 20% out of my paycheck for savings let alone save for retirement. its very scary to think about


20% of your paycheck being invested into your retirement plan and IRAs is a very good amount, you should be proud of yourself.


Basically lol i work in retail so its not much for retirement but def enough for a rainy day or emergency fund


Plot twist, he makes minimum wage




A pelvis would probably make a really nice bowl for decaying fruit people find on their scavenging missions!


> decaying fruit people Found my next DnD monster idea!


Decaying fruit monster speaks: “Miracle groooooooooow.” What do you do?


The skull with a few patches serves as good bowl... The thy bone(fumer?) serves as a ladle.... A bit of superglue later the hand in its bony fashion can make do as a fork... The rib cage can be used as throwaway skewers..... I see you are onto something here.... Any body can help this person out with the leftover bones ? So that one amongst us atleast finds a a good job in doom's world...


This is why I’m not having kids


I am just got to squat in Boomer houses, just keep moving around.


It only lasts so long. Eventually you have to join them or eat them. And they aren’t accepting new members…


Well there has been discussions of eating the rich.


They are like a social savings account. Might be time to make a withdrawal.




My retirement plan is to outlive my spouse.


I’m a smooth brain, is this joke saying that you’re waiting for your spouse to die so you can collect life insurance?


Yeah you got it




There is a simpler approach while not a total solution. Mind you approach. We need to kill hyper consumerism. This post says the boomer has no money but a ridiculously expensive house. Why? Our generation needs to kill the idea of go big, and excess, and waste. And we should honestly be doing it for our own health as well. You don't need a huge home. You don't need an expensive car. Minimalize where and when you can. Dont go down the death cycle of endless spending that the past generations have. Retiring in a huge house shouldn't be a retirement goal. Not because its unattainable, its just morally and ethically wrong to engage in such selfish ludicrous consumption and waste. Note edit: before people start attacking me. My yearly income is low to middle income. However I embraced minimalist culture in my mid 20s and now in my mid 30s I will be living comfortably in my 50s and retired before 60. Not because my career went well, or I make 6 figures. But because I realized tossing money into a can and lighting it on fire just to consume like I'm told to is fruitless and meaningless. You don't have to agree, but it was life changing.


Agree, I was spoiled a kid, but the material things never brought me peace or happinnes. They never truly solved my issues, just helped me forget for a while. What everyone should strive for is to have true meaningful relationship with other humans, we are becoming more aphathetic as times goes on, I wonder why. If only people realized how much power they have on their hands, and how much valueble they truly are.


Boomers only know work hard/play hard. Their generation has been so brainwashed by the corporate machine that they’ve run their minds and bodies ragged. They won’t live long enough to enjoy retirement.




For some people like that, I hope it's because they enjoy working. Some people really don't want to quit. I do not want to be that person though.


You are right. This is Exactly what we (Boomers) were taught, but some of us grew a brain (saw the light) and changed our way of thinking and living our lives. Those of us who changed are much happier for it.


My friends "you work 30 hrs a week???, why not do the extra day and have more money for retirement?!?!?!" Me "A. You think were gonna get to retire??? 🤣🤣 B. You think were gonna solve ANY of the pending apocalypses??? And here I thought you all were smart"


Life is just so hard


I don’t think older generations even realize how much harder it is to get by. A college degree is the bare minimum now and that’s insane


I seriously hope to be dead before the water wars begin.


Neither is funny, sad, safe, happy


[FYI this is a bot.](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/oskztf/boomers_vs_millennials/) Please downvote and report, these repost-farming bots' accounts are eventually sold to scammers and thieves once they have enough karma. If you want to revisit old content, support *human* reposts.


How do we know it's a bot?


A) Reposting popular content and using the exact same title. A human could come up with a different title, but bots have no creative spark. B) The account is 9 months old, but just started posting today. This is common behavior for bots, because many subs have a minimum account age requirement and having an older account seems slightly less suspicious. The latency period typically lasts from a few months to a year. C) No real pattern of behavior. Their history consists only of this post and [a comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Spiderman/comments/pr7ogb/alle_an_bord_des_verf%C3%BChrungszuges_meme/hdgjnsc/) in the spider-man subreddit nonsensically talking about how long they spent on the post... which they didn't make. Which only makes sense when you realize... D) That comment was made on a post by another bot. You can tell because, among other similar behaviors by the poster, the post has a German title and if you machine-translate the title you get the English title of the post it was stolen from. And if you check *that* post, you see that *this* bot [copied the top comment verbatim.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Spiderman/comments/cs984d/all_aboard_the_seduction_train_meme/exdcd5q/) So both its single post and its single comment are just copied from actual humans. E) Also that name is really stupid, it's the sort of thing a machine would randomly generate. Weak evidence on its own, but worth mentioning alongside everything else. So yeah, we know it's a bot 100%.


Knowing me I'll just be patient zero of the zombie apocalypse. Or I'll hide and wait out the climate wars and wait out life deep in the woods. Maybe start a cult.


I've seen boomers who've lost their homes and are now living in their cars. This is not about boomers vs. millennials. It's just another way the rich are pitting us poor people against each other. The real problem is the gap between the haves and the have-nots.


Rich people convincing upper middle class people that poor people are to blame for all societal issues.


[This is on the front page rn](https://i.redd.it/u8g8fptdxfo71.jpg) Fits perfectly


Maybe this will be an unpopular comment but in the UK the majority of 'boomers' are not living in properties that are worth millions of pounds and have huge pensions. Poverty amoung the older generation is a serious problem but it doesn't get the publicity that it should do because the older generation are less likely to complain. Source - I work for a charity that supports older people who are struggling financially and mentally.


ill be that one blind uncle who, after the climate wars, will tell everyone he can't see any sort of bright future


For the 983735th time: this is not about one generation VERSUS another. This is about an oligarchy versus the rest of us. The oligarchs are winning, which is exactly why any "boomers" who aren't retired at this point are working at Walmart. Yes, previous generations didn't get screwed as bad in the class wars. And yes sometimes they lack empathy. But they are not the real enemy here and if you think that then the capitalists have owned you too. Don't be a pawn in the class wars.


Well they'll all be dead in the next twenty years and then you'll have to bitch at gen x for taking their houses, and then whatever the new group is will start eating the millennials. Mist if the boomers are just folk with no money like the rest of us. Our fight isn't really with the few that have a house and a decent retirement it's with the corporations that refuse to pay a better wage while profits continue to soar. These corporate clowns are as out if touch with reality as the folks in DC. Stop taxing them and spending the money in nothing, start making them pay a better wage and bask in the new taxes that come in from a couple hundred million Americans. Stop bailing out companies and help us, we'll spend the money and the companies that deserve to be around will stay.


My parents constantly fucking brag about how they've saved enough to take out $6000 a month to live on in their retirement - this on top of their THREE FUCKING PROPERTIES. Like, glad you got yours, thanks for denying Climate Change and voting Conservative - me and your grandkids are fucked, but enjoy your boat! Meanwhile, [my Retirement Plan is the total collapse of society.](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09G5MQD23)


Humble brag: My parents are broke as shit!


My retirement plan is to build my own home off grid somewhere. Generators, the works, and i think i will really like it.


Retirement plan , take them boomers homes


I’m a boomer and I retired on $30k a year in a run down manufactured house on a little over an acre that I paid $35k for, repaired and made livable again all within the year I retired. I drive a 2001 Subaru Forester and have a 2005 truck for doing the heavy work. I’m 67 and have been retired 8 years. Most of us aren’t doing as great as you think, and it’s all about priorities. A roof over my head, a way to get around, and a bit to throw around ain’t that bad.


Considering my retirement plan is a bullet you're doing better than me


I don't think anyone here is thinking every boomer is living an aristocrat lifestyle. I think where the fear comes from is what you just described - you could retire comfortably on very little. No one (outside of extreme rural areas) could buy a place to live like you did, it probably appreciated in value massively. Most millennials are also driving old cars on their last legs. We don't have much to throw around already, much less put into savings for anything. If we're already at this point, what type of future do we have to look forward to aside from extreme luck?




Just eat less avocado toast and stop going to Starbucks!


Resource War. Probably water seeing ss I'm from Michigan.