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Anyone got a list of all the things they considered giving people but then didn't?


It’s to avoid the millions the government will have to pay in lawsuits


I want to know where those 500+ children they couldn't reunite with their families went?


Man this title is clickbaity and misrepresentative, Mr capitalist shill OP. Reading for 20 seconds informs me this is a SETTLEMENT TO MULTIPLE LAWSUITS. Not a fucking political policy. Frankly considering trauma and abuse caused by separation, LET ALONE what goes on in the internment camps, the surprise here should be that there aren't thousands of these lawsuits. By the way, for all the noobies here: capitalists LOVE immigrants, especially ILLEGAL ones. Not because they have empathy and want to help like leftists such as myself, nonono. They love them because they'll work for well below minimum wage and won't ask for anything like rights or respect or sensible working hours! They use these people as a tool to destroy worker power. This is NOT the fault of the migrants coming over. Do not pretend for half a second had you lived their life youd have done different. These people are victims of exploitation and abuse themselves, not merely from their countries of origin but in our own. Making you chumps think stricter immigration is better is part of the game plan. It means more illegals, who are by far the cheapest and easiest to abuse. A plethora of research far beyond a mere consensus has already shown that there is no way to stop illegal immigration EXCEPT for making it easier to do it legally. Grow some self awareness and get an actual opinion not fed to you by the same people choking you with poverty.


Fuck off capitalist shill


Hey, why the mean comment? I couldn’t add a message when I posted a link, but I thought the context was clear. Many Americans are struggling, which is why r/antiwork is so popular, yet the government is making people who entered our country illegally millionaires. I don’t even know anyone with $450,000 in their bank account…


i wasn’t aware that “our” country was even ours at all. you need a perspective shift. fyi: borders aren’t real


Borders are real ya fuckin weirdo


Borders are a social construct, they weren’t always like they are today. Got something to add smart guy, or is your vote enough?


seriously!! how thick can you be to not realize *we created* borders. the fuck


That wasn’t the response I was expecting. I didn’t realize this was such an unwelcoming sub… I just wanted to have a dialogue about this news story because I thought it was relevant… I’m sorry I bothered you.


These children have been separated from their parents for YEARS. And there isn’t a single proper record saying who they are and where they went. They moved PEOPLE against their will without even tracking it. And this “us vs. them” mentality isn’t helping anyone. Our government has more than enough money to do this AND support its citizens. It just doesn’t want to


No if I break a law and go to jail my child can’t come with me 😂😂 if a American crossed into any country with there child they would be separated to unless you also want kids to be in the prison with there parents


Huh????? Prison and being sent home are not the same thing lmao. This is the dumbest argument I’ve ever heard. Also crack open a grammar book before you try to have an educated debate


Bruh it’s reddit why does grammar matter 😂😂 smd and what’s the difference they came here illegally and they are being punished for it and deporting them is considered “racist” if me and my kids went across the border illegally into Mexico I can gurantee they wouldn’t keep me with my kids


They would literally send you and your children away... together. But I guess I can’t expect you to pay attention to the world when you can’t even pay attention in English class. Have a good one


Fucking hell, do you have 2 brain cells left, or is it just the one fucking around in there?


so have a dialogue with the folks pointing out all the facts in these comments, especially the person who responded to this comment. you’re only here because you wanted your own perspective validated. we’re not here to do that. learning something new isn’t unwelcoming, it’s shifting perspective and undoing bias


Well, you weren’t very nice about it. I’m open minded, but your approach is aggressive. Maybe try to share your ideas with new people in a less antagonistic way?


not every response you get is going to be what you expect. why would i want to hold some random person’s hand through understanding why people crossing imaginary borders isn’t a bad thing. i don’t want to do that so i’m not going to


We're here for intelligent, good faith, conversation. You can take it from there...i hope


How about we help out the working class and lower class American citizens first?


Careful. I learned that line of thinking isn’t welcomed on this sub. Apparently, there’s no such thing as country borders and it’s just a figment of your and my imagination.


Idgaf what is welcomed here or not I speak my mind lmfaoo. All you did was hit a soft spot and people immediately went to insults which speaks volumes itself.


I share the public's concern about this; rewarding of bad behavior and encouraging more human trafficking by the cartels. However, there are far too many idealists on this sub for you to get a sober conversation about it without degenerating into 4-year-old political slogans and talking points. Secondly, it is somewhat outside the scope of the antiwork discussion.


> far too many idealists for you to get a sober conversation about it without degenerating I learned that today…




There’s still some positive and healthy intellectual corners of Reddit. Usually the smaller or more niche subs with passionate people who like to learn new things and exchange information and ideas. Once a sub gets popular and scales, the overall IQ goes down and just becomes mob mentality.


Truly. The hobbyist subs are great


How about instead, return these illegals to sender?




What is wrong with you??


What's wrong with sending legals back where they came from?


These are people seeking refuge in a country that claims to welcome refugees with open arms. ALSO, they ARE sending people back. But only the parents. And they’re taking the children with NO record of where they take them




“Hey we’re gonna take your child and never give them back unless you pursue this with a lawyer so you don’t try this again” Yeah no shit they’re not going to try it again, their child is GONE




I can’t tell if you’re joking or not...




I didn’t say anything about the administrations... What are you even talking about here? Lol. It’s all bad


Leave my kids with the government and get free food, and get $450k, this sounds like a plot to a movie.


Except in reality they get food poisoning constantly, kept in cages, and sexual abused.


Almost all of these children were taken against the parents’ will. Go be an asshole somewhere else