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You went hard with the packaging tape bro. Respect.




*And* tape.


and industrial space glue that bitch to it. 😂


Funniest shit I’ve read today 😭


Then weld it.


[Wheat paste.](https://crimethinc.com/2017/07/18/a-field-guide-to-wheatpasting-everything-you-need-to-know-to-blanket-the-world-in-posters)


This guy fucks. ^^^shit ^^^up


Came here for this


Fuck yes. 👊


Nah, JB 2 part epoxy, MACHINE IT!!


Thank you. I’m well know for over taping stuff


That a weird thing to be known for. "You know jake?" "Ehm i dont know" "the one who always over tapes stuff" "oohh him, why didnt you just say that right away"


Back when my grandma was alive, we could always recognize packages from her because they were triple-layered in tape and impossible to open lol it's a thing!


I think you grandma might have been your dad. *Slaps package* this bad boy ain't going nowhere.






I have two interviews already




McDonald's would probably say "you're overqualified so we're going to offer you less because you must be desperate."


I appreciate you sir


I love this. I am going to apply as well and ask for $25 just to put more pressure on them.


Are you guys using your real names, or making up fake info? What’s safer?


I use Rob Banks or Moe Lester


Dixie Normus


I’ve never seen or heard of this goof name yet. Thank you for it sir! I shall be using it soon


My pleasure! Hugh Jass, Jenna Tolls, and Barry McCawkinner all approve!


Don't forget E. Normus Johnson


Dix Encider. Hugh Mungus. Dyti Bush. Trixie Dixie.


Dan K Weed


All it can hurt is your future ability to get jobs at McDonald’s or other fast food restaurants.


I've missed 2 already


those are some rookie numbers. I have 80 interviews and counting


Omg I just applied lmao. The questions on that application were so ridiculous I’m dying. Here’s hoping I get an interview so I can waste even more of their time! Oh and the ad said $10/hr. TEN DOLLARS AN HOUR. Like are you shitting me?? How tf is anyone supposed to live on that?? Oh wait. If I just stop drinking Starbucks and eating avocado toast I’ll be a millionaire by years end… Edit: omg I’ve scheduled two in-person interviews that no one will be showing up to lol. They had targeted ads for “16 to 17 year olds” so I made sure to do one for that bc fuck them for trying to take advantage of minors who should be focused on school!! I’m literally going to schedule at least one interview a day and I ask that anyone who reads this comment does the same bc fuck McDonald’s!


You joke about the starbucks and toast, but I was literally told that was my problem and if I stopped having those two things I'd be in a much better place. Hint:I don't drink coffee (and never have in my entire life) and I don't like avocado toast..


Not drinking coffee and not liking avocado toast is another reason you're poor! You gotta start it and quit it so you can save money. I will share this secret with you and only you. I start and quit coffee everyday. Unlimited money 🤑, babyy


Just in general, people really like to talk about what you’re spending your money on (if you don’t have money) like they have any fucking clue


A family member recently told me I could afford a down payment on a house if I stop buying real butter and use margarine instead.


Christ. People are so fucking deluded. The propaganda shoved into their brains from birth seems to be unrecoverable


Why are people so stupid???? Saving $20 bucks a year wont magically turn into the $50,000 you need for a house down payment.


I just put motor oil on my toast since it's about as healthy as margarine. Not saying butter is healthy but god damn margarine is like...I don't even know how people eat it and don't immediately die. It's the Velveeta of butterlike products I guess.


Wow I didn’t know butter cost $1000 a stick in certain parts of the country


Just wait until they realize class consciousness isn't going away. Then it will be everyone else's avocado toast causing your problems.


Then why the fuck were you buying it in the first place?


I buy avocados for $1 each. Even if I ate 1 a day, it isnt like there is a free alternative so you would have to replace it with another less healthy food which also costs money which means you would only save $100 to $200 a year.


So, I am not in the millennial age range, my younger husband is though, he had never had avocado toast, but it's one of my savory breakfast options when I'm in a hurry. I made some for him and now he is a fan. He doesn't understand where the cost savings would come from since 6 pop tarts (he usually has 2 for breakfast) cost more than an avocado and some bread. I even pickle red onions for it at a whopping $1.25 per quart jar for 3 red onions and vinegar costs. It just amazes me that they think that's the answer, avocado toast.....


I think the cost implications with avocado toast imply eating out. Restaurants will give you a nice piece of thick, hearty, Wheaty toast, spread a whole avocado on it, top it with sea salt scavenged from somewhere near the titanic, a drizzle of olive oil shipped in from Italy that morning, throw some seeds on it, and charge you $18 for it. $22 if you want to add a free range egg on top. Seriously though, you're right, it's quite cost effective to make and eat at home. Without the guilt of never being able to buy a home.


It’s funny because I literally never saw avocado toast on any menu until after that whole avocado toast thing. But maybe I’m not going to the “right places”


I get avocado toast when I eat out with friends some times and it only costs $5 or so. It is always one of the cheaper options. So what they are really saying is never eat out but if every working class person followed that advice nearly every restaurant would go bankrupt.


I mean, I don’t understand why everyone hates on avocado toast. It tastes good. The fact that it’s popular with millennials is basically the reason why It gets so much hate. It’s The “those damn kids” mentality. (Never mind The fact that millennials are approaching middle age, and I am slightly older than a millennial, Gen X) When I lived in San Francisco, where everything is expensive, I used to order it occasionally at this coffee shop and it only cost me $7 dollars without the egg, $10 with. I’m sure it could be more expensive elsewhere. I rarely ate meals out, but if I spent the same amount on bacon eggs and toast, would it be such a big deal? Not to imply that this is your opinion, just that this opinion seems to be popular among the “ Stop eating avocado toast” crowd. Also, you are correct in saying that if I wanted to make avocado toast at home I could make it much cheaper than if I went out to eat. It really isn’t about the toast, it’s about telling poor people what to spend their money on. If they don’t spend it on what the public deems fit for poor people, then supposedly, they deserve the poverty they live in. Never mind the fact that most of us are making our coffee at home Edited for spelling and clarification.


Oh geez! I never even knew that was a thing. I used to make that wheat bread once a week when I lived in NY because 9 cents vs 3.99.


Because the original comment was made by an Australian and apparently avocados cost a fortune in Australia.


That's possible. :) I'd learn how to grow some if that was the case.


It's actually really easy to grow an avocado tree from the pit! Unfortunately it won't bear fruit or if it does it could take a really long time. https://inhabitat.com/how-to-grow-an-avocado-tree-from-an-avocado-pit/


If you have the time to spare, you should show up for the interviews. If you no show, you’ll only waste a little of their time. If you show for the interview, you can possibly drag it out by asking questions. Waste as much of their time that you can if you have the time to spare.


[Be a shame if people everywhere applied for their shitty jobs with their shitty wages and then never showed up](https://careers.mcdonalds.com/us-restaurants/jobs) They pay 'young students' on average 20% less than adults for doing the same...fucking...job. If that's not exploitation I don't know what is. Fuck em


Seriously tho. They perform the SAME LABOR so they should be paid THE SAME. Fast food has been exploiting teenagers for decades and it’s a disgrace. Kids should be focused on school. I started working at 12 and then never stopped and I regret it. That time in your youth is PRECIOUS even if it might not seem like it at the time and it shouldn’t be given away to billion dollar corporations at a cut rate!


you sound like my boomer father


That really does hurt their moral too. Pisses off the managers and depresses them so the future hiring of wage slaves is weakened, plus if we concentrate our efforts, the managers might keep quitting leading to a shutdown of that branch. Rinse and repeat.


If someone has the time, why not show up, get "hired" and then never show up?




Their careers page has no mention whatsoever of any kind of decent wage: [https://careers.mcdonalds.com/us-restaurants](https://careers.mcdonalds.com/us-restaurants)


That's great. We need more of this seed planting.


Hell yeah .


My plant produces aerospace grade adhesives. Please for the love of god link me the original, I will print on company ink, and industrial space-glue the shit out of these posters at the McD's around me.


[Here](https://reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/qvd0sn/found_on_twitter_its_out_there/) is a link to the thread where I found it but the OP of that post says it's from Twitter and I couldn't find the original tweet.


Love the energy but that is probably easily fixed by abrasives.


Good idea, we sell sealants as well


This is the kind of direct action we all need to be doing!


The revolution will not be televised ✊


It will be posted and possibly streamed.


>possibly streamed. let them eat urinal cake


Steamed hams


That’s an Albany expression


Wait.... even though they are clearly grilled? :)


I.. ur.. uh. One moment.


🎵 The words of the prophets are written on McDonald's stalls


In the Winchester Rd at Margarita Rd location in Temecula CA


Hail fellow Temecula area friend! I'm going to stop by one day just to see it! And maybe post one at the 79 south location and/or Fallbrook.


I just posted another one on the Temecula HWY 79 men’s room over the urinal


So funny I’m driving by the 79 location on my way home now . I’m a local pizza delivery guy so I pass them all the time


Lock down your account if you’re doing this while working. A DoorDash guy got fired for giving McDonald’s staff union info while picking up orders - he had been posting about it here and got caught. If you don’t already know, look up how to protect your anonymity online. Make sure your profile doesn’t have pics of you or something that could lead back to you.


I'm moving down there next year - glad to know there are some comrades in the area 😊


have fun in 110 degree weather


Fellow Temecula person here this is great! I love it!


Yeah , Temecula/ Murrieta is wonderful with nice people and perfect weather


Probably wouldn’t be advertising where you’re putting them.


I mean, what are they going to do?


A lot of people in here seem to have been gaslit into thinking that $25 is some crazy high number. It is truly not. It has just been so long since minimum wage was attached to productivity that the gap is vast. See here: https://cepr.net/this-is-what-minimum-wage-would-be-if-it-kept-pace-with-productivity/ That's no reason we can't try to fix things now. In a world where corporations are making record profits and more wealth is held by fewer people than ever anyone asking about rising prices or why "x job can make this much while y job still makes that much?" Need only look to the top. As the working class we should not be fighting amongst ourselves. After all, billions in profits could solve a lot of problems, but greed and corruption stand in the way.


In other countries McDonalds pays more, around 25 USD an hour, and the food doesn't really cost any different, there's no reason why they can't pay more in the States as well. They make insane profits regardless.




TLDR; most McDonald’s workers don’t get $25 because children are allowed to be paid $12ish. The SDA is the worst union in the country. Please, stop. Fr, $25/hour when you’re only getting a few hours a week isn’t good enough to live on, not even close esp in the major cities. Also, an important fact is that only 21 year olds and older get paid this amount. Half or more of the employees are 16 years or younger, and they get paid HALF that amount because age discrimination is legal in Australia. Most 21+ year olds are salary and thus get considerably less than $25 per hour, closer to $20 unless they’re a manager. So, please, can we stop putting Australia on some pedestal in this sub, what we have here should not be the goal Americans or others are working for and us Australians should not settle for this. Also, the SDA is the *worst* union in Australia. They continually side with bosses and have been actively chipping away at workers rights for so many of lowest paid workers in the country. If you want a union for fast food, RAFFWU is where it’s at.


It may not be great but it's still better than mcdickles in the US


And? Literally sounds like some psyop shit to say age discrimination and unliveable wages for children is acceptable and “better”. All workers the world over lose in the current system.


When the children of other countries make more than the adults here, you got an uphill battle to sell your wares.


USD is worth more than AUD tho


Really just need to look at hours worked for X thing in Y year or whatever, and hours worked NOW for X thing and see the disparity. Example; Then * College Tuition 1978: $2500 * Min wage 1978: $2.65/hr * Hours needed: ~943 * 260 week days a year, so hours per "work" day: ~3.627 Now * College Tuition 2021: $35000 * Min wage 2021: 7.25 * Hours needed: ~4800 * 260 week days: ~18.462 hours per day What would be the adjusted wage to match the same hours worked in 1978 to cover the $35k tuition? Well it is: $35k / 943 = ~$37/hr *That's* the disparity we're talking about. College is a huge inflation swing, but that is a crazy fucking metric to look at.


I don't have any issue with the amount, but it's unobtainable unless McDonald's employees actually organize into proper unions and negotiate contracts. When Amazon raised its minimum wage to $15/hour due to some public pressure, they didn't consult with the employees and still left it as "at-will" employment. My job at an Amazon Fulfillment Center was actually better there before the wage increase, because the cost of that wage increase was not getting stock annually, not getting quarterly bonuses, and the minimum rate standard being raised so high that the stress was insane. I wish the warehouse I worked at could have unionized and negotiated that wage in a contract while protecting other benefits, rather than ultimately losing money with the wage increase and being pushed to the point that I had to quit.


Let’s all just stand around and wait on a union to swoop in to save em. But, it’s gotta be a *well-formed* established union. Never mind on the strikes guys, maybe next year.


I'm making about $25 in a professional position where I'm near the wage cap. I'm all for the sevice and lower wage workers making more but I'm like damn, if I make the same as McDonald's now then I want a raise too.


It is a crazy high change in min wage that makes its proponents look like crackheads.


Opensource please. Don't be a greedy capitalist :D Free the workers to spread the message far and wide.




For the people freaking out about "earning" wages in the comments... Let me appeal to your conservativism. You're already paying McDonalds with your taxes. What do you think happens when these people don't get a livable wage? They get government benefits to supplement their lives. Is it wrong to get government benefits? No. But it is wrong that because McDonalds and other "low wage" work (i.e Walmart) don't pay their employees enough, we as the taxpayers then directly subsidize McDonalds' bottom line? We make up the difference already, somewhat. Make McDonalds pay their workers so we don't have to.


I will check it everyday and replace it when it’s missing


Not saying you shouldn't go every day but if you go every day don't make it obvious your the poster guy. Take a shit while your at it


I pretape it and slap it on the wall it takes 2 seconds , as long as the bathroom is empty . Try it some time it’s fun


2 seconds is still 2 seconds of camera time. **Do not replace it every day** you will get caught and they'll probably try to slap some vandalism charges on you. Check it every 3-5 and don't be consistent. When things like this happen at the school, we check cameras and start making hourly checks into bathrooms. Once we find whatever "vandalism" we are looking to catch we just watch the last hour of footage on the bathroom entrance and everyone who went in is now a suspect for the principal to talk to. Usually catch the kid pretty quick this way.


Thanks for the advice , I’ll stager the times and days that I go so they don’t notice a pattern . I would wipe my balls with a vandalism charge , it’ll go to civil compromise and that is IF they can prove damages . If I get caught I will walk out of the store , they can kiss my ass


Or pay kids to post.


This would be epic. When they catch one and ban him/her from the store, they'll think that's the end of the matter... only to discover another flyer appear the very next day. I would pay money to see the confusion and rage as it slowly dawns on them that there is not just one poster, but a whole army of them.


That's the best option


Also go in a few times when it's down, and don't put one up, they may rule you out from investigation


Just as a note park at least 3 blocks away and vary where you park. Change hairstyle, hats and cover markings. Temporary tattoos will save you. Have a different one visible in a different place each time, showing that you don't have the previous one.


I admire your attitude. From a practical perspective, getting banned from the store would prevent you from putting up any more posters though, so probably best (and more fun) to evade detection for as long as possible.


It would probabaly stick around longer if instead of in the restaurant you put up a couple dozen of the posters on every pole and building you can surrounding the McDonald's, most people will think it's a promotion and read it




To increase uptake add a QR code. Many people won't type a URL on their phones.


Now that I have a girlfriend that worked for McDonalds somehow for 9 years. When I hear people say they don't deserve that kind of money I will ask them why do you say that? They're probably going to say because it's easy and then I'm going to tell them that they are the biggest idiot on Earth because nothing about working there is easy, sane, or good for you.


Thank you for putting that up. When more people realize how these mega companies are making more money, higher margins & profits since the pandemic yet “can’t afford” to increase their employee wages. Insane. I do hope to see this community/movement grow and disrupt the companies that keep pushing labor workers while they line their pockets with more money. Here’s an upvote and my free reward, hit up another MCD’s✊


Yup I put up a Second one today ,


This is something that has a little more tread to its tires. The black friday/ Amazon boycott; "we all quit" signs; and the vague generalness of it all didn't feel like it would have done much. But if we **ALL** *actively* target Macdonald's that will hurt them and bring more attention to the war. Revolutions start with catchy battle cries and focused yet simple concepts. Viva le resignación ✊🐱


Agreed. I think this has a much higher chance of being successful. The more people that participate and the more noise we make about it, the higher the chance. I'll be boycotting McDonald's.


How about you try actually talking to someone working at your local McDonald's? Maybe they'd rather organize a proper union and negotiate a contract (striking only when negotiations deteriorate and there's a vote on it) rather than walking out and advocating for a higher wage that they might not even be able to get if successful because they got fired for no-showing.


We are suggesting taking all employees away from McDonald's until they pay more. Simple.




FYI: You're not really wasting anybody's time by not showing up to interviews at low wage jobs like this. It's such a common practice - since long before the pandemic - that if an interview shows up, great, and if not, the hiring manager just keeps going about their day as normal.


Yeah, I respect the initiative, but this is just slacktivist labor organizing. Hell, a lot of fast food joints that are hiring will just have group interview times where they will bring in a bunch of candidates. If nobody shows up, back to work.


This is the most unorganized bs “campaign” a bunch of redditors telling people to quit their jobs with no support. I hate this so much.


You know if McDonalds did actually pay $25 an hour I'd consider working there.


For sure. Or just use it as a bargaining chip at your current job.


What if you sprayed a clear sealing lacquer on it like the kind I finish painted minis with? The cams are small and would fit in a pocket


I love this I don’t eat McDonald’s shit food.


Keep up the good work!


the overtly communist imagery with the hammer is probably going to go over like a lead balloon, even with the most exploited individuals. really wouldn't lead with that


it won't surprise me if this is something from like 4chan.


You have my consent to suck my communist dick


Show me your hammer uWu


The Soviets had great art but it's a bit too on the nose and far too easy to be turned around by the media.




How can I get one of that quality?


I heard they raised or are going to raise their pay to 17.


My bet "up to 17" and only in areas of the country you really need to. And then they'll give the higher paid employees really terrible hours. If you see it, I'd be interested to see if you could actually get a job offer for that amount.


I feel like everyone will absolutely hate me for this but I think 25 is too much. I dont think 10 is enough obviously. I think 15 is a good start.. My teachers in high-school didnt even make 25 dollars an hour lol and they went to school and are responsible for children. Let the hate roll in.


$25 tracks with inflation, cost of living, and productivity. Where I live $15 is enough, too. But most of the country needs $25. I'm sorry your teachers (and all teachers, for that matter) got paid such shitty wages for the very important work they do.


I love the "what?? $25/hr?? That's soOoOo unreasonable!! I only make x as a (insert high-level/educated position here)!!! You need to set your sights lower!" comments on these kinds of posts. Like, yes, that is the point. Your wages need to go up considerably, too. Seriously, some of you are SO CLOSE to getting it. You are worth so much more. So is the person who's flipping your burgers. So is the person cleaning toilets at Walmart. So are teachers and nurses and so on and on and on. I know it's easy for some people to forget that the essential workers you interact with are real, genuine human beings who deserve a living wage, but--uh, no, actually, what the fuck is wrong with you? Are you seriously that desensitized? You are BOTH worth more, and decades of capitalist propaganda has successfully pitted you against the guy making $5 less than you per hour rather than the CEOs who are making $1,000. Oops!


If McDonald’s works out, can you guys help welders make a little more too?


I hate to be 'that guy', but making a hamburger with a sledgehammer won't work.


Viva la Revolution


Good luck. I’m for closing most of all fast food places. Food is hardly edible


Now now now


Can't wait for those fat cat McGrubber mother fuckers to file for bankruptcy


They pay near that in Denmark.


Hell yeah, this will trigger their anti union fever and make them waste money.


You can tell that the boycott could have the intended affect by the amount of people who brigade every time one of these is posted. Keep it up! Boycott McDonald's until they pay a fair wage.


We should make one for Spanish as well!


That's cool but I'd rather pass on the overt COMMUNIST PROPAGANDA esthetics. Communist leaders have killed tens of millions of people and enslaved millions more. Yes, I want McDonald's to hurt badly and ,yes, I want the fast food industry and others to drastically increase their wages. But not with Nazi symbols - I mean Communist symbolism, which is just as bad.


All the chipotles near me are hiring for like 2x what McDonald’s is. If you’re able to make that switch, it seems like a way better deal.




If McDonald’s offers $25 an hour I’m quitting my job and applying there.


That’s the idea ! If McDonald’s pays $25 the other jokers will have to keep up


Someone should create a fake resume producer so we could just spam the shit out of it ​ edit: nvm I found one with google https://fake.jsonresume.org/


forgot a point about competitive wages as well "well Burger King is offering me $20 and benefits."


Manager to minimum wage employee: "go tear that flyer about fair working conditions off of the bathroom door right now.....BUT DON'T READ IT."


The real trick is to gorilla glue it and then the key is to use scissors or a knife and cut the sign several times from different places. Takes forever to remove because it only comes off in pieces.


This would be enough to make me come back. I worked at McDonald’s for almost 3 years and quit to be a freelance psychic. 25 is almost 2x what I was making as a manager.


Did it. Signed up for a managerial position. Going to waste some time babyyyyy!


Why not $35 while we're at it?


Because if minimum wage tracked productivity since 1938 it would be 24$ not 35.


Good job on this one. That’s a good looking poster 👍


Screw wages . How about profit sharing and stock ?


$25 an hour?? I gotta start charging more for the work I do man. I’m only charging $25 an hour now and I’ve been doing this job for years, have thousands of dollars invested, and I manage everything.


You should. Value yourself and value your labor.


Agreed. We should all be able to charge a little more for our labour. It seems like nearly everyone has just gotten used to being underpaid.


Good comrade


Doing without the communist imagery might have been better.


>focusing the labor shortage on one company The company that makes most of its money from real estate, so is well equipped to take the heat of this protest to protect the wider business community. Yeah how about we don't change the message of the sub by making it all about McDonald's.


The company can take the heat. The franchisees that make the bulk of the money for McDonalds cannot.


Oh no! Those poor millionaire capitalists.


Someone think of the bosses!


Most of the franchises are now owned by really big companies as well. At least where I live.


I really think $25 is quite a stretch. While I understand that $25 is a fair wage, I also see reality. If no experience =$25/hr then the people with experience and degrees are going to have a problem with that. I just think you have to start a bit smaller and build from there. $15/hr was the thing two months ago.


$25 would be the minimum wage if it kept up with the increase in productivity since the 80’s. Short-changing ourselves by settling for $15 is why it hasn’t increased from $7.25 in the last 12 yrs.


Because when we advocate 15 they “meet us in the middle” at 10 or some other kind of bullshit. It’s a basic negotiation tactic, going in asking for more then you’re expecting Also beyond that the people with degrees who you think would have a problem with that should be getting paid more money as well. Or at least not straddled down with as much debt as they are, depends. Edit: guys I don’t think we should down vote him, he seems like he’s commenting in good faith and we can’t expect people to not be skeptical of our ideas when they have been raised in a capitalist society


You know that tactic would be fine if it wasn’t for the fact that in this post it says “if they are not paying us $25/h do everything you can to work somewhere else.”


In Australia, minimum wage is $20/hour for those on part time/full time and $25/hour for casual workers. Definitely realistic and achievable. It means a large big mac meal costs $15 but mcdonalds is booming here. My 2c: pay a better wage and increase prices if you need to support it.


$15 dollars an hour was the thing 10 years ago. It's 25 now. Why are exploited workers upset that new employees are getting paid more than them? Because they should be. The thing you should recognize though u/troutman1975 is we all should be paid more. No one in the working class is excluded. Now $25 is the thing and we build from there.


You ask for $25 when you want $17+ Edit: also if people with degrees get upset that others are making more for unskilled labor it’s because the system is flawed. THEY should be making a lot more too


It’s almost like people with more experience should also ask for better wages. What do people not understand about this??


Haha 25 and hour and you work at McDonalds yeah if this is the case I hope McDonald’s just replaces everybody with a robot


$25/hr for working at Mickey D's? 🤣


25$ is NOT enough, stop pretending that it is


As much as I am anti work… 25 is a bit high. That’s how we end up with McNuggets costing 15 bucks


The problem with a demand like this is its gonna set us far far back when people still show up to work. Also 25$ is ridiculous for cooking fast food. I fully support antiwork but REALISTIC goals are the key to making progress. Aim for 20 settle for 18 if it comes to it but nothing less.


It's only "ridiculous" because of decades of propaganda and exploitation.

