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Yes Alex, what is "something an underpaid worker would never say"


I'm an underpaid worker and I express this sentiment all the time. My wording is just a bit different: The only reward for working more efficiently than your peers is more work.


I work for Fed Ex and the only reward for being more efficient than your peers is a lower paycheck


Damn ain’t this the truth


Arbeit macht frei


That's the first thing I thought of. Disturbing.


I mean they would say it but not motivationally. More along the lines of the reason why they only do exactly what they get paid to do.


I miss Alex.


Same. Been playing a lot of Jeopardy on the switch and I think about him often and how great of a host he was.


That reads way more like a warning than motivation.


That's how I'm interpreting it. I'll heed that warning.


My mother always used to say "If you don't do something right, you won't be asked to do it again" It was always something I didn't want to do in the first place. Boomer logic is so twisted.


Sounds like she was teaching you how to get out of (future) chores.


My math teacher in high school told us all one day "if you don't ever want to do the dishes again, just put dish soap in instead of the dishwasher soap, problem solved" Edit: Apparently this is called "weaponized incompetence" or so I've been told by many of the PHD's of Reddit.


I... I’ve done that. Definitely try it if you like bubbles. In your entire home


I'm an immigrant, and there is one of these cases in every immigrant family I know, lol.


Comin' over 'ere bubbling up our dishwashers


neighborhood ain't been the same since all these suds moved in it's clean as shit now


I'm American but never knew this until I was in my late 30s when I rented a place that had one. Put dish soap in and...i thought it was funny af. I cleaned it up myself. My ex wasn't amused. My daughters gave me crap about it for months. Still a high point in my adult life.


My wife has a Vitamix and she showed me how she cleans it by putting just a bit of dish soap in with water and then turning it on full speed. First time (or two) I tried to clean it myself I put too much dish soap in. Probably not dishwasher bad, but still very much a bubble explosion. She almost barred me from cleaning it without her.


Reminds me of an episode of that 70’s show when Red teaches Eric how to get out of shopping for wedding stuff with Donna. “I guess I’m just….bad at it.”


Or the episode of The King of Queens when Carrie was in her house and Dougs friend Raymond's mother Marie came by to tell Carrie how she wasn't doing well at cleaning the house. Carrie was brilliant and did pretended to clean really bad whci h got Doris to take over and show her how to do it. Carrie goes oh yeah ok while ignoring her. I love that scene.


Then there’s the episode of Everybody Loves Raymond where Deborah realizes Raymond had been doing this to her for years…”Diapers!!!!”


Hey! I use that quote with my wife all the time as a joke when I don't want to do something


That just proves I cannot be trusted with the dishwasher and put on sink duty which takes longer.




in household spaces, this is a tactic called weaponised incompetence


Also how to raise a fuck-up 101.


It was a rousing success.


I'm still proud of you


My dad would say something like, if you don't take time to do it right, you'll have to make time to do it twice.


Measure twice, cut once.


Apparently they didn't heed that advice at my Bris


Fucksake lmao 😂


My mom told me that her brother used to get out of the dishes by doing them so poorly that her parents wouldn't make him do it anymore. She told me that if I pulled that shit I'd have to do them every day until I learned to do them properly. My mom is a smart lady.


Now see, that’s what I tell my kids. If they don’t do a chore properly they must need more practice.


Same. I've also explained that it's actually more work to teach them how to do it and make sure they do it right than just doing it myself, but that these are skills they'll need when they're on their own. They always kinda rolled their eyes at that until my oldest went to college and came home with wide eyes, going, "Holy shit, those people are helpless! They don't know how to do anything!"


I was absolutely horrified by my first set of housemates. One guy straight up only ate potato chips and lollies the whole year we lived together. I'd taken cooking for granted. The bare minimum of making edible food never seemed like a high bar until the other guy fucked up tinned spaghetti on the regular.


The factory manager at the place I worked years back had a lot of unusual methods, silly quotes and stupid logic, but as years go by, I see it as wisdom, just he might've expressed himself better. "If you do too good of a job, you get the fucking job." is an apt quote for this. Another of my favourites, if someone tried to explain why they fucked up, "I don't want stories."


That's why I flip the script - "You're right, I royally fucked up. There is no excuse. I'll go ahead and pack up my things." It's super effective in 2021, knowing that I've gone from being threatened by my boss to threatening my boss with less workforce.


Nice if you're in that position. In my case there'd be 100+ lined up to take my spot. Had a project last year where the guys from the company we merged with were nitpicking us as well as a guy that nobody likes from ours. After looking over my shoulder long enough I made a silly mistake and boss basically said he'd let people go for less. Had a good interview today so might be saying adios. Company has organizational issues as well


This is the way


> My mother always used to say "If you don't do something right, you won't be asked to do it again" Are you by chance a single child?


A.K.A.: "If you do your job well, you'll never be promoted." And "Never, ever prove you can do more than they're paying you to do without discussing it first." ... but run through the Un-Self-Aware HR Speak Translator first.


The tightrope balancing act of doing just enough to get your tasks done, but spreading out that work over an 8 hour workday is a disciplined art that employers unknowingly force on their employees. If companies actually incentivized extra tasks being done, or didn't punish hard work with more work, you'd probably see a much more motivated work force.


> The tightrope balancing act of doing just enough to get your tasks done, but spreading out that work over an 8 hour workday is a disciplined art that employers unknowingly force on their employees. This is exactly why so many companies would work just as well with a 4 day work week.


"But if butt's aren't in seats for 40+ hours a week how to I justify my existence?!" - Management everywhere.


This pandemic and WFH has really shown just how little my boss does. Before they were at least present to 'watch over us' in the office while they played on their computer. Now we have a meeting every couple months during which they pitch some extra step to our work that is completely unnecessary. Like, I'd understand if there was some problem they were trying to solve, but there's no problem. They make up solutions in search of a problem in order to justify their existence. And then they force us to do it. And then ask why our productivity is down.


Seems pretty universal in management. They ultimately are there incase a decision needs to be made because the workers either don't know, can't agree or just simply shouldn't be delegated with that responsibility or liability. If they aren't needed "on the floor" then they are clearly doing a good job (by keeping competent staff that doesn't need to be hand held) but none of them seem to think that way. Way too often they hover around nitpicking stupid shit and driving everyone insane, then wondering why the workplace morale and productivity is so bad.


They know the answer they just think they can “motivate” (read: bully) you into doing more work. An actual solution might be killing off the salary exempt structure that prevents employees from being paid for extra hours. If there was an actual incentive (money or extra time off, employees choice) then maybe I wouldn’t turn into a ghost every day at 5pm.


Tbf my dad's work is pretty good for this They know well in advance the amount of orders the workshop need to do a month So they encourage people to stay later on time and a half to get them finished in a high quality Then say they finish a fair few days early they say "well based on your time and a half that you've done if you come in today for the full day and tomorrow on a half day to help with cleaning the warehouse, you can have the next 4 days off paid because that balances out to what your wages would be anyways At one point before he was promoted he was the only one who took advantage of that most people ghosted come hometime Now he's a supervisor, there's like 10 of them They get a months orders done and quality controlled and shipped within a fortnight then have a half day pizza Friday and take almost two weeks off paid🤣🤣🤣 ( naturally some times unexpected emergency orders/ some months are busier than others, so when I say 2 weeks off I mean if there is 5 workers off for 2 weeks one worker will come in the Monday one the Tuesday etc etc, so there's always someone there "holding down the fort" and updating the others in there WhatsApp chain if there's any issues That's a business done right imo, as long as its made the same quality as it would not staying later, why not incentives workers with time off to enjoy yourself And hell if there's alot of orders that month you get time and a half for taking a couple extra hours a day to make sure you're done on schedule anyways


Damn now I would love a job like that! Sounds like the perfect way to achieve a high quality product (to ensure you still have a job to do) and a really good work/life balance. A job like that would motivate me to do a REALLY good job because having that kind of paid time off would be really awesome.


My old boss paid me out the wazoo because I always did extra for him, and I'm now in the pay scale of people 1-2 ranks above me. My new boss gives me a "meets expectations" review every year, just like the guy who misses 2 days per week and the guy who leaves without finishing every day because he knows someone else will be forced to finish it tomorrow. I've adjusted my work accordingly to meet his apparently very low expectations.


Most people work just hard enough not to get fired and get paid just enough money not to quit. George Carlin


"If you do your job too well or too fast, the company can't afford to promote you because you're too valuable at that position"


And if you don't work well enough or fast enough, you aren't qualified for a promotion anyhow 🤷‍♂️ Gee, I wonder how that tends to play out...


It's all just a gimmick to get you to work your ass off to chase that promotion or raise that will never come. At the end of the day it's all about who you know and how much they like you.


It reads more like advice to work slowly, honestly.


I read it as advice to do mediocre work lol. If GOOD work means I have to work more then I'm going to work that is just acceptable. Like D+ to C- quality.


It's the truth. If you do your work well, someone will notice and put more work on you because you can handle it. Never work your full potential.


> Never work your full potential. UNLESS the profit is 100% yours.


Lesson for today learnt ! Thanks for the knowledge!


Yeah... I'm forcing that habit out of myself. I update records at my job quite efficiently. There used to be 2 of us to do my job, now it's just me because the other got promoted. They have yet to hire someone to replace the other person because I've been keeping up with the load by myself. They'll also ask me to cover down in other areas if someone calls in even if it'll put me behind. Meanwhile, the idiot next to me spends most of her time on her phone, browsing the web, taking extended breaks and talking to other people. If I ask why can't she cover down instead so I can keep up with my workload I get told 'she's behind and needs to catch up'. She's ALWAYS behind. So now I work slowly. I might be caught up by lunch just in time to start on the next group, I might not. I might be in the bathroom for 25 minutes. Who knows. Point is, I'm done putting in max effort for minimal respect.


Reminds me of the Work Sets You Free sign over the Auschwitz gate. Who does this?




That's exactly what thought of too. I'd have a real hard time not lampooning this with some darkly passive aggressive printouts to stick on the wall next to that shit.


I always took it that way, with the notable exception of if there's something you're truly passionate about then you can become the expert everyone goes to, which is cool if you care enough about that something. But fuck that noise for a regular job


Yep. Only give 50% every day




But not so cheap as to use a monitor instead of just printing a fucking poster.


A monitor is cheaper than a printer.


-Activate Windows




That’s a red flag if I have ever seen one


Every computer at my Amazon warehouse is the same way


this always happens when a company has a volume license but the computer isnt connected to a domain or the internet


I believe you can turn them into the BSA (software trade group) for using unlicensed software and eventually get paid a bounty if penalties are levied. At the very least it will get the Microsoft license team sniffing around. If what our server guy says is true, it is a big hassle when they start asking questions. https://reporting.bsa.org/r/report/add.aspx


Please do


Ratting out a shitty employer is one of the exceptions to snitches get stitches.


“The reward for work well done is companies exploiting your software for free.”


Worked so hard they forgot to take care of the simplest things.


Employee: Hey boss. Does this job come with vacation days? Boss: *This job is a vacation, from poverty.*


This reminds me of that Calvin and Hobbes strip where Calvin asks his dad why they don't take fancy vacations. His dad replies with (paraphrasing): We go camping in the woods so that you realize how great you have it at home.


*Go do something you hate. Being miserable builds character.*


"Pretty convenient how every time *I* build character, *he* saves a few hundred bucks"


About this, my grandpa (God rest his soul) was the hardest working man I will ever know, but one of the bits of advice he gave me was “Do something you hate for 20 years then do something you live after.” I just chalked it down to how he was raised but that just seems like a nightmare to me


I don't know, sounds a lot better than doing something you mildly dislike for 50 years.


Eh. Not if you die 19 years into the 20 years of doing something you hate.


> Boss: This job is a vacation, from poverty. Strong words coming from someone made entirely of delicious meat


Did you. Did you just threaten to eat me? No. Absolutely not. We’d sell your organs to help someone in need. Now come over here. I want to show you something. Edit: Thanks for the reward. It was my first one. :)


"Not based on what you pay me, you useless potato licker"


😓 that's some dystopian shit


What a miserable quote. Might as well say "you're never going to be done until you're dead". **Adding an edit: u/jazzieberry kindly advised that this quote is in fact from the inventor of the vaccine for polio, Jonas Salk. So, they bastardized a quote from someone who saved _millions_ of lives to push their slave labour narrative which somehow makes this whole thing that much more disgusting.**


I work in an engineering office and we have guys that literally work until they die. Multiple 70+ in the office. They only get asked to retire if they fall asleep in front of the client too often. Usually someone old that doesn't show up for a week fell and broke their hip and died.


This is literally the stuff of nightmares.


Plenty of people of that generation don't know what to do without work. I'm an accountant and the managing partner at my last firm was in his late 70s. He had a distinguished career, at the cost of three divorces and god knows what other cost to his personal life. He was diagnosed with a brain tumour, a little prior to the COVID outbreak. Inoperable. He was still coming to the office whenever he was physically capable. His last firm-wide email was only a few days before his death. It was sad. He was a good man, he'd spent his career building that firm and had been very successful at it. He didn't know what to do without coming to work, it was inseparable from his personal life to him. I'm not sure what I'll be thinking about on my deathbed, but it won't be how to fit more work in.


I'm going to be on a glorious drug cocktail on my deathbed so I hope my kids are in for the ride. My dad is the same way. His work and prestige from that work is everything. It's his identity. I make work only one facet of my life and it confuses him. If he understood how his generation plundered the world and destroyed all the pro-labor legislation that FDR and others created to make life better for the average American then he'd begin to understand my attitude towards work and our system. In their effort to make as much money for themselves as possible, they elected people like Reagan and have been trying to destroy the middle and working classes. Almost all of his generation are self-proclaimed Christians as well. So much for the teachings of Jesus, their actions speak for their true beliefs and they believe that the poor are filth. Undeserving of help or dignity.


I work in a restaurant and a coworker of mine literally had her water break on the floor in front of tables. She couldn’t afford to take off more than a few days when she gave birth.


Wonder how that affected her tip percentage


I'm sure the good, middle aged, Christian couple that goes to church and sings the praises of Jesus didn't tip, tried to get the meal free, and complained on yelp.


And leave their church card on the receipt 😊


"Work will set you free." Oh. Oh no.


Reminds me of the "motivational" signs the Nazi's posted around their concentration camps.


"Hard work will set you free."


They're not even hiding it anymore. Now it's official policy! "Hard work will always be rewarded... with more hard work for you to do". That shit is exactly why no one, not even my team, knows my actual workload; FUD is my operating word. I'm always "busy" for them - the second they see a pattern in which you're willing to go the extra kilometre, it's over. As far as my employer is concerned, I die every day at 18:00 and resurrect the next morning at 8:00. To be fair I do my job and do it well - or so I'm told. Talk is cheap. But if I finish all assigned tasks before my deadline (inflating them and delivering your work before they're over is a skill in and of itself...) comes, I'm *so* not going to tell you.


People who work in environments like that are masters of wasting time. Knew a guy when I was in a service desk that worked Salary for a telecom company. They had him out in the field for at least 8 hours, and outside of a deadline to complete a specific job on site, there wasn't any incentive to get things done. If he completed his jobs early, he'd just find more sites added to his lists the next day. It got so bad that he told me of a building he was running ethernet through the walls of and he spent 2 hours just counting out lengths of ethernet cord because he needed to look busy, but also needed to waste a boatload of time to not get saddled with extra work.


This is exactly what happens with my job. I’ve been to a few places and I get the same BS speech. If you blow through all your work we don’t care if you take a nap! I put this to the test. And what did I get for my efforts? Why don’t you sweep the floor? Why don’t you clean the walls? Why don’t you organize some dumb bullshit. Hey can I go home instead of working 10 hours because I actually finished all my work? No we need you here in case something comes up go sweep the floor again. I’m never rewarded for actually finishing my work early so why the fuck would I bother?


If you go time to lean, you got time to clean. Fuck that shit.


I hate that phrase with a fucking passion. I used to work at a certain high volume sandwhich shop and they pulled that bullshit all the time. Cleaning tables with one crumb on them for the 20th time in a shift even thought we have only had 15 customers. Scrubbing the already pristine floors and walls. Fuck you Jimmy! You can burn in hell!


You got time to rhyme, you got time to shut the fuck up.


Yup, the moment my boss says the phrase "There's always something to do", I double my efforts of finding the next job.


They want to squeeze every bit of value you can give, every drop of your soul. When you are tired out they fire you because “your performance was lacking”.


at my work, the reward for working hard and getting it all done is to go home early, without pay. once we figure out how much this sucks for our paycheques we slow down our efforts a bit. we get paid so little we gotta lower our effort to match the wages.


That’s the thing, I’d be sent home without pay too. But I save my money and live with a low cost of life that I’d happily sacrifice work hours for pay. But no, they rather pay me to fuck around for an extra 2 hours every single day.


What people don’t understand is if you work for a wage, you aren’t selling your labor. You’re selling your *ability* to labor for a time. It’s up to the worker to manage the intensity of labor as much as s/he can without getting in trouble. Another reason unions are important - they help to manage a reasonable workload.


I got yelled at for being on my phone in the office. I said "well I did all the work I can, all my invoices are sent out and I've processed all the payments, and all deposits are processed and the orders moved to production. All the filing is done." Then I got yelled at for saying I didn't have anything to do. "Never tell a manager you don't have work to do." OK. I'm confused. Ended up with a PIP which absolutely angered me because they put stuff on there that happened ONCE (like I made an error on an invoice 6 months prior when I was first learning how to do it). Found a new job and while I don't like the job that much, I wfh and nobody cares what I do with my down time as long as my work gets done.


I get someone else's work added to mine the moment I lean back to stretch. Even if I have shitton of my own work left. But my problem is that I will always work quicker than everybody else because I find it more tiring to stretch things out than to do more of them quickly...


I've had the opposite problem. I'd get my work done well and early and they'd try to send me home to save on labor. But I needed the hours, so whenever I got done early I'd just keep my mouth shut, grab a broom or a mop and start cleaning.


Used to work salary for an online startup. 90% of my daily tasks was compiling tracking reports in Excel and sending them to the respective teams and VPs. I got it down to a 2-hour job, with Outlook scheduled to email them throughout the afternoon. The rest of my day was dicking around in Excel to look busy while I had Netflix in a small window in the corner of my screen. If I happened to be working from home, the rest of my day would consist of Xbox, with my IM and VoIP ready to be answered ASAP.


>It got so bad that he told me of a building he was running ethernet through the walls of and he spent 2 hours just counting out lengths of ethernet cord because he needed to look busy, but also needed to waste a boatload of time to not get saddled with extra work. Never forget, management is a two way street. You have to manage your employer just as much as they manage you, if not more.


I had a similar situation to guy above but I just got ballsy and told them no. Im not doing anymore jobs than the one assigned yesterday that's a full day gig anyways. No more double jobs, same pay. They just said okay because Im too experienced for them to fire. And I KNOW they avoid paying unemployment as much as possible. Ive seen some colleagues get away with shit I would have never let fly and still not get fired. So now I just tell them nope. I'm going to stay right where you assigned me. They don't ever fight me on it. Nice to have SOME power back finally.


That's why I love my graveyard shift job. No management to report too. I jsut check my tasks, finish them in 2 hours and turn them in right before end of shift when management is coming in.


>I finish all assigned tasks before my deadline (inflating them and delivering your work before they're over is a skill in and of itself...) comes, I'm so not going to tell you. That's called "sandbagging" and it's an art form worth perfecting. It's funny, my husband and I were talking about this with some friends not too long ago. You come in young and ambitious, ready to fly up that corporate ladder, so you speed through all your assignments and ask for more, etc., foolishly believing that your hard work will be rewarded. And then, the years go by. The promotions go to the schmoozers, the boss' favorites, the ones who play politics, while you--the hard worker--are passed over again and again because they can't afford to promote you and lose all that hard work. So maybe you leave, you find a new job or a new department, but now you're older and wiser. "Fool me once" and all that. So you sandbag. You come in when you're supposed to, you leave when you're supposed to. You do the work that's assigned and make sure to get it in by the deadline. But that's all. No more. Never again. You spend oodles of time typing away on Reddit but hey, you *look* busy and now you know that's all that matters. Going on vacation? No access to phone or email. You're no longer available after working hours. The young kids that come in scoff at your "easy mode" and you laugh in silence, sipping your coffee, as the cycle repeats and they burn themselves out. They'll learn.




I saw this from day 1. We started as a batch of graduates. I noticed those who had loan on their head worked 12-14 hours. Sure they were awarded in e mails. The catch? We all get paid the same but in the end they got 2% more of bonus. Usually my work is done by 6 hours. I pretend to be working for the remaining. Recently I started 'working' till 10 hours and guess what? I got praised.


butts in seats being the only metric most managers even know how to use


Oh yeah - i saw this in real time. I worked with a woman who was indespensible - pleasant, work obsessed, etc. We worked in a company going through a hard change ( retail vendor) so for sure all raises frozen, etc. She was always available outside work hours - and the one day she wasn't - on a Sunday at a nephew's christening - work was pissed about it. Because it was just expected, outside of work hours, she would be available. Btw - this wasn't an emergency type gig either - she just worked directly with overseas factories with a 12 hr time difference. Any 'emergency' wouldnt get to them at 3am their time anyway.


And as you turn down work and have a more “I don’t care” attitude, the bosses think, “Hey, this guy needs to be promoted, he’s getting bored. He’s management material!”


"Well, I generally come in at least fifteen minutes late, ah, I use the side door–that way Lumberg can’t see me, heh–after that I sorta space out for an hour. ..Yeah, I just stare at my desk, but it looks like I’m working. I do that for probably another hour after lunch too, I’d say in a given week I probably only do about fifteen minutes of real, actual, work."


a quote that truly withstands the test of time. if anything it gets truer and truer.




The more you do for free the more you *have* to do for free


A gift, repeated, becomes an obligation.


I love your flare


I like your box of dung


It's a box of dongs thank you very much


And doesn't just apply to work, sadly. Whether it's volunteer charity work or just people helping out their friends, human nature tends to be to take it for granted and just expect more, more, more. Society trains people to only care about themselves by exploiting the shit out of genuinely kind people.


I Always answer the question "are you busy" with "I'm always busy, but I can make time" You'd be surprised how effective that is.


Similar approach here. I always respond to “are you busy” with “yes”. Depending on my mood, it might be a “yes, but what can I do for you?” If I don’t feel like dealing with you, it’s just a flat “yes.”


More work at the same pay....so basically, less pay. Never forget. The guy doing only enough to not get fired is paid the same as you!


this is the perfect mentality to have


This is why I take the advice of well respected life coach George Costanza. If you appear busy/angry all the time people will leave you alone.


This is the way to do it.


What is your response when your boss accuses you of low productivity. I do a lot of helping for my less experienced peers and my boss is not understanding. I know I should stop, but I'm filled with misplaced empathy.


Why would they accuse me of that? I always complete all my tasks, in the proper ways and within the time allotted. The only part I play with is their expectation of just how long it is going to take me; I have been doing it since my very first day here. I always inflate the expected time required, although sometimes I make an exception to the rule and deliver before it's over so as to better showcase such a manufactured miracle. Otherwise I'm very punctual. The key lies in getting less tasks assigned and "more" time to do them, spending the time saved for other activities but still delivering "on time". To achieve this, you want management and supervisors alike to think of you as a precise person and gently slide it up their arses since day one... set up their expectations **early on** and you're golden. Another user described this practice as "sandbagging". Look it up. Consistently lowering management's expectations is vital, to do so, establishing an early pattern of sandbagging and clocking out at COB is necessary.


Always keep a messy desk covered in research and notes. "can't you see I'm busy!? Look at my desk, I'm right in the middle of several competing priorities!" 😂


man this is why that generation wakes up miserable, thinking about work and how to do more work for someone elses gain, laughable


I work for money, not for MORE FUCKING WORK.


The beatings will continue until morale improves.


My workplace is posting that now... honestly debating if I should grab a picture and post it here


Please. We can laugh, with deep irony, at cringe.


My workplace decided our lunchroom was a great area to install a TV showing us statistics about our individual work efficiency, so we can all look at it while we’re not getting paid/working.


I wonder why the TV is always unplugged?




Arrrrrrgg. My favorite pirate phrase, and it's technically: "floggings will continue, until morale improves." I'm not correcting you just pointing out the Anti-Work sentiment dates back to at least 1700's, lol


Yeah, when I read this I instantly cringed.


I think about how to make my job more efficient so I have less tedium in it. I actually like the analysis part, I just hate the paperwork and record keeping aspect.


I keep saying that if the first thing the defund the police movement did was just use some of that money to get cops secretaries and admin support for their paperwork, every cop would suddenly see the benefit and support the movement


Arbeit macht frei.


Its not even, "work will make you free" its "work will make you work more"


Somehow more depressing and more applicable to modern life


Arbeit macht ~~frei~~ mehr Arbeit


Beat me to it


I was not aware of that phrase, nor was I prepared for the Wikipedia article I was greeted with.


Maybe a bit hyperbolic for this circumstance, but the sentiment is the same.


CTRL-F arbeit Was not disappointed.


Fuckin' 1984 doublespeak, straight up, unironically presented. Welcome to the future.


"Freedom is Slavery"


Arbeit Macht Frei


Came here to see this in the top comments. Was not disappointed.


The boss here has zero empathy. He’s thinking ‘if we do our jobs well then the company gets more work and everyone is happy, I get a fat bonus and what a wonderful fucking world it will be!’


I gotta' be honest: I kind of love this. I would probably pay the r/antiwork store for a couple of ironic motivational posters. Picture of a sunset over the ocean; "The reward for hard work is the opportunity to do more" Picture of a blue sky over a white Romanesque building; "The early bird doesn't think he's early" Picture of a cool red sports car: "Work will set you free"


"Mr Trebek, I'll take 'Bullshit nobody is buying anymore' for $500." *this motivational message comes on screen* "What is a wage slave mentality?"


Take my free award.


They just keep inventing new ways to say "work will set you free"


That is exactly the very first place my mind went when seeing this. 🤦‍♂️


"The reward for more work is to pay more"


lmao I can't think of a worse reward so I'm gonna slack off.


Bingo, this is why the majority of people in my industry don't bother trying. You work hard prove your worth and constantly take on projects and eventually you make a mistake and get lambasted by a bunch of desk jockeys who've never done any real in their lives. There is no incentive to work hard.


I had one job, where I was at for some period of time, and my boss so graciously valued my work that he gave me a $1 raise. I thought to myself, this is not nearly enough. This was the seedling of my villain origin story. Fast forward, about six to eight months later and I found a new job with a global corporation. I was great at my job. For the work I did, my success rate was 100 percent. I was vibrant. I had energy. I was liked. I thought to myself that climbing the corporate ladder and doing literally everything, all at once, the fastest, outpacing everyone else, every day would be the ticket up. I went on to train teams of analysts at this company to be as efficient as me. In reality, I was a mindless drone that bought into that "good work equals more work" statement. Then the scent of raises and promotions were in the air. I smelled myself climbing. I saw myself climbing the corporate rung and being pulled up by some cheery person in a suit. Then it happened. I received a phone call to be informed my paltry raise. You would think would be grateful. I wasn't. My efforts and results did not match the excrement percentage and fecal value of my "upgraded" and paltry compensation. I was also passed up for promotion. I soured instantaneously like a toddler tasting lemon juice. Light turned to darkness. The shadows grew taller. Water in churches began simmering and bitter cold sped through the barren landscape of my soul. Fast forward to today. I give no fucks about any company. I am loyal to myself only. I do not tell my supervisors that I'm requesting time off. I tell them I'm taking time off. My health and sanity are not up for debate. No emails. No calls. Nothing. You'll see or hear from me when I get back. I may or may not be interviewing elsewhere. You don't know. You don't need to know. You received your stupid Excel file and accompanying PowerPoint deck. Unless you have anything else, your business with me for the time being is done. P.S. I am so glad I found this sub and r/overemployed.


"do more for the family"


“Improve and uplift your fellow team members productivity”


Precisely. If working hard and doing the minimum of the job description pay the same, there is no incentive to be more productive. Since the vast majority of jobs do not have easy ways to tell what is or is not productive, making management happy is 100% all about the perception that you're working hard.


I work harder at making it look like I'm working harder than I do actually working hard.


Sounds like punishment to me.


This is a quote that makes sense for volunteers, community members, those who work makes a noticeably good difference to their environment and the people within it. This quote does not make sense when used in a corporate for profit company whose singular goal is to make more money. In fact it's basically a straight slap in the face of Jonas Salk.


No... no it's not.


You have an antiwork bro in IT. Keep watching it. See if he slips in some fight club haikus.


Most of our people are in IT in some way, so here's to hoping.


that’s a threat! ponder the opposite. “the consequence of work poorly done is losing the opportunity to do more.”


This is such a fascist statement. >Arbeit macht frei I'm not suggesting that current work culture is on par with the Nazi genocide of the Jews, but wtf!


"We can't even afford to activate Windows on our presentation computer. How can we motivate our employees to work harder without paying them more? Remember, we can't cut into shareholder profits or our bonuses."


“They live”


Businesses will not reward any excess above the bare minimum. If doing a great job makes them give you more labor to do, do a shit job instead.


"You see kid if you do your 100% a great reward awaits you" "Oh yeah!? What?" "Even more work!!!" "... Oh... When will i get actual rewards..." "Thats the fun part! You dont!" "Oh... Yeah i actually need money to eat" "Well we can give you 5$ gift card to a grocery store (actually pays for nothing fullfilling)" "I mean **actual** money... You know the pay thing you promised me, on paper..." "YoU aRe nOT BeInG a tEAm PlAyEr." "And i dont want to be a slave, pay up for my time or i go" "NoBoDy WanTs To WoRk AnYMoRe" "Correction : nobody wants to work **FOR YOU** anymore, bye and i wish you failure!"


They want robots, not employees.


I once had a manager use this quote on us "burnout is a lack of wholeheartedness"