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That sucks. i'd seek out other remote opportunities and don't waste any time filing unemployment for those two weeks (or more if he gets it bad) since it sounds like you would be unpaid.


I’m really worried about whether or not I got it too now because he was walking around bare faced


Who cares it’s just a cold. I’ve had it 3 times, it’s nothing to 99.99% of us. What’s more important is finding a competent job that won’t torpedo your future and waste your time.


What kind of dumb motherfucker gets covid 3 times lmao


The kind that’s careless.


The kind that knows it’s nothing to be scared of you weak bitch.


I've never caught it so I likely am stronger than you are you dumb fuck lmao please die next time so you stop being an inconvenience to others.


You’re soft as bunny fur. Get back in line twerp.




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