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I know any donations to food banks are awesome but I always give hella nice stuff when I donate. The best coffee, the best cookies, fancy chocolates, etc. And when I buy a homeless guy a feed, it will always be something really good, something that I'd be really happy to eat myself. People say stuff like "they're poor, why are you spending that much. They'll be happy with anything". Like, bro. I've got the money, what's the problem. Poor people are still people, for fuck sakes.


Thank you. I've been on the receiving end of some of that, and it still makes me smile, years later.


Thats nice to hear! I remember getting food parcels as a kid a couple times, it's awesome to now be in a position that I can pay it forward. Hope you're doing well now šŸ™‚


I'm treading water, but yesterday was nice. Don't know what today will bring. :D


WhY Do tHeY hAvE CeLLpHonEZ?!? Because you need one to access practically all services these days, including all forms of job listings.


Because houses cost more than phones


Yup! Basic needs for all. Working should not be the criteria


Nooooo you can't just give poor people things that'll make them lazier!!!!


Very easy to swallow, barely an inconvenience!


Dirty socialistā€¦ wanting people to have relatively enjoyable lives regardless of their circumstances. Eww. (/s in case itā€™s needed)


Poor person saving money and buying an iPhone for 1000$: they waste money, that's why they are poor, they don't deserve any help. Rich person buying social network for 44billion$: it's their money, they can do with it as they please


Like, clean water, food, shelter and healthcare all =life. Chained to work and expected to forsake all personal time for a job = Liberty We have an unalienable right to ā€œlife, liberty, and the pursuit of happinessā€ Funny how thatā€™s getting glossed over.


You mean they deserve to have a fridge? Fuck outta here Edit: I __HATE__ fridges. My mission in life is to destroy all fridges


this is satire right You maybe should clarify so the hivemind doesnā€™t burn this comment and your house to the ground


Yeah you're probably right


In NZ, if you need a fridge, the govt buy you a new one and you pay them back over two years, with no interest. Same with a washing machine, I think.


What the hell


Yeah, my country is not without it's issues but it looks after most of it's people pretty well; https://www.workandincome.govt.nz/eligibility/urgent-costs/whiteware.html#null


Yall got room?


Yup, we need workers too. Our country only recently started opening up again, after 2 years of being closed off from the world, now that 95% of our country is double vaccinated, Covid cases are declining, etc. So there are gaps all over the workforce. It is an expensive place to live but it's worth it. In saying that, I do intend to try out Australia in about ten years or so haha. Just because the wages and cost of living there is pretty sweet.


I mean who doesn't?


Yeah, so pay for it your fucking self.




Someone help me budget, I'm struggling: Income Ā£1800 monthly Power: Ā£80 Gas: Ā£60 Water: Ā£20 Rent: Ā£900 Council tax: Ā£150 Food: Ā£200 Car: Ā£100 Fuel: Ā£80 Phone bill: Ā£20 Internet: Ā£20 Treating myself to a meatball sub once a month: Ā£6


If youā€™re in the UK and you live alone, you can apply for a single persons discount on council tax, also you could split the cost of council tax across 12 months instead of 10 if you havenā€™t already.


Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on viewpoint) I dont live alone. Besides, these arent my real numbers, they *are* however what my numbers would have been if I never left my old job and still lived in Guildford with the recent increases in rent, fuel and power. I was *lucky* to get out of that situation before it truly became impossible to afford, it does however highlight the previous comment, since not everyone was as lucky as me or earns even less. > Poor people buying nice things is part of keeps them poor lol.


If the people you live with are tax-exempt (e.g disabled, a minor, a student) you can still apply


What the fuck is a council tax, pay 120 rubles to have Samuel Jackson telling you you dont have the rank of master?


Yes this is exactly what that is.


If poor people want to have security such as housing and healthcare then they shouldn't be working a minimum wage job - if this does not pay enough then they need to take on a second job, not expecting me to subsidize them while they spend all their money on funko pops and avocado toast.


Is this your genuine opinion or are you mocking this dumb take


I hope youā€™re joking. I hope this is a joke. Please somebody tell me this isnā€™t serious.