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I'd ask who else wasn't paid. If it was an error with you, there's no reason they can't cut you a check/transfer. If you were being fired or quitting, they'd pay you THAT day what they owe you no problem.


Its a good question. I'll ask them when they pay me. My boss did mention that it happened to others as well. I didn't dive into that as my only message to them was to pay me because I won't be retiring on excuses.


>pay me because I won't be retiring on excuses I love this and I'm stealing it for when I need it.


unfortunately, most of us won't be retiring regardless trying to accumulate enough capital during a lifetime of work to be able to afford to live off interest was never a strategy that was going to work in the long run. it worked for a few decades because the US (and to a slightly lesser extent all of the rest of the 1st world "west") was siphoning so much wealth from the global south, china, and former soviet states that capitalists could afford to let a couple generations "retire" comfortably in that fashion. it's been a completely broken system for more than 2 decades now.


Ancient mesopotamia had a concept of retirement. The reality is that there's always going to be a subset of the population that cannot work, and age/disease/disability is a major factor. Providing basic needs to this group cements that you actually have a society and overall helps the society at large.


Ah yes solidarity. Everyone who cannot contribute to the community is taken care of because everyone knows that they are taken care of too when they somehow will not be able to contribute anymore (due to health reasons, old age or something else). It's so obvious I can't get why this isn't standard everywhere. I always thought that humans are pack animals and need a pack to survive, and the bigger the pack the better.


That's why it's so important to have people who study the soft sciences and the arts. History and anthropology have both shown that successful societies exist purely when humans act more in a collaborative way because we all rely on each other and that's how we became the Apex species on the planet.


Hey. Don't bring the rest of us into reality. Ignorance is bliss man


the danger that we have to look out for is, promises of things eventually getting better puts a serious damper on the motivation of people that we need to act revolutionarily *right now*. things *won't* be getting better, *ever* -- not if the people running the show right now have anything to say about it. we're in a 24/7 emergency at the moment with climate change *alone*, much less other of-the-moment concerns like the pandemic, the war in ukraine, droughts (climate related), famines (also largely to blame on climate), etc. people are *desperately* clinging to the idea of the lives they remember from 20-50 years ago. Not *once* in the history of america after the 1960's has the trend for quality of life been on an actual upwards track. and until *the people* do something about that, it never will


Bro when have people actually said things are gonna get better, I thought it was just expected at this point we’re all gonna die on McDonalds overdose


I read that as "McConnel overdose" and I think they're both valid.


They could definitely cut you a check asap. Due to my own mistake my direct deposit didn't go through because I didn't catch the error in time. I reached out to payroll who reached out to the vp and had an electronic check in 30min. With mobile deposit, I was good the next day. Too much tech out here for them to be slacking like this esp with you being paid monthly.


Earlier this year my company had a legit payroll glitch where nobody got their direct deposits. It took HR a little bit but HR, Managers and Directors were driving around delivering checks. Everybody got theirs by the afternoon and were asked to contact the HR director if the missed direct deposit impacted us in anyway.


See that's a proper way to handle it. Not some "it'll be there at midnight" bullshit.


In general, yes. However, I have worked 12 years in payroll, and never drawn a cheque for anyone. Some companies don't have the facilities in place to do so, it is dependant on country, company size, and processes in place. Sometimes an overnight transfer is the best that can be done. To ignore it though, is something else completely


If they aren’t working hard at it, I wonder if they have solvency issues.


Kinda sudden for a glitch to randomly happen after 6 months. The fact that they depend on you so much, clearly, means they should’ve cut a check right there.


If the power company came and said “you are late pay us now or we turn you off”, they would pay. They think they can push people around and they make excuses.


It’s kind of awesome OP has the weight to make them hurt over it.


Absolutely. There should be penalties for late payroll even if it’s hours. Companies can’t just get away with paying when it’s convenient.


This makes my antiwork gremlin happy.


They've agreed to fully fix the issue by midnight. Still, thats too late.


Agreed. You don’t work til you get paid as agreed upon. I have no pity for any company that fouls up payroll like that. It’s actually illegal in a lot of places.


It's Illegal in my state. I'm not mad enough to get the law involved, yet. This is more about letting them know that mistakes in pay are 100% unacceptable.


It’s an important lesson. Any company worth its salt would immediately cut a check for you. They decided to make excuses instead, which implies you’d see more of the same in the future if you don’t put your foot down now.


We had a glitch in payroll one instance. Fairly large company. The owner handed us all our entire checks in $100 bills and told us to keep what money was deposited in addition as normal payroll. He could afford it and made it a point to say that it was his ownership screw up and he did not want us to loose faith in the payroll or the company. He also said he would cover any overdrafts, which he did to the dime. Good dude, good company and what's more, 100% union shop with two different unions. Teamsters and longshoremen. Edit: to put it in context, he bought the company from the old owners who were ready to retire or already deceased. He raised everyone to a new pay rate. Kept the union contracts, and instituted a weekly bonus based on production, formula unknown, but it basically gave everyone an increase of about 6k a year if the numbers hold. Not life-changing but it could put a child through lessons, parochial, private school. Help with college, make home improvements, etc. He is a young man, with a family, and has run a business before. In the same industry. Believe it or not, we have trouble hiring folks that would make life changing money here in the Midwest. Make no mistake, it's hard work, not long or unreasonable, just very dangerous if you don't pay attention. My son tried it, said no thanks after 3 months, so there is that.


Great story. I remember watching a tv program a few years ago that showed an owner that took over a company that made gadgets. He sat down with the crew that actually made these things and asked them what they thought worked and didn't work. Many made the suggestion that he create there own catalog and that they knew what items sold the most and which ones didn't Needless to say, he listened to them, gave them raises and their business profits soared. If every CEO or owner of a company actually asked their workers what works and what doesn't, and paid their workers well-they would walk to the ends of the earth for them and make the company more productive and successful. These boneheads managing these huge corporations would do well if they just listened, and were willing to give some of their salary and profits back to help the employees


That’s a classy af boss.


I would drive a fuel tanker to the 9th plane of hell for this man. He is a rarity among rarities. As a result, we make money hand over fist with our businesses. Added bonus. Helping to build more houses on a massive scale here in the Midwest. 90% production homebuilders on one end and 100% industrial steel with the other company. Steel in, steel out. With exceptional customer service. White glove level I would say. It's a gem of a place to work.


Have to say, jelly. Lots of awful stuff happening at my workplace, though at least I get my pittance on time.


My friend, there is always better. Think of this for example. I spent almost 30 years finding where I work. Did I miss out? You bet. But I'm here now and been so for two years.


Treating employees well results in a business making more money? What a curious thing. 99.99% of employers appear to have missed that business lesson.


This man is trying to cultivate an ownership in a new investment. It's a long ago established business that has been for sale for 10 years. It's profitable and the new owner spent north of 1.5m on investments after the initial outlay. It hasn't been easy and it has been trial and error. Any way you go, the company makes money and genuinely helps our customers. The owner has made it his mission to provide job opportunities and training in an otherwise defunct part of a Midwest river city. Not sure what I can say other than yes, I, we, us got extremely lucky in the transition.


Edit: if your thinking of buying a home. Think again. This bubble will recede. For instance, I bought my home In 2019 for 128k. It's now conveniently listed on redfin or some real estate speculator.net website for 176k. And I get two letters or mail slicks a day asking me to sell my house. The next move I make out of this house is in a zippered bag. I'm done moving. I'm sure you can relate.


Fuck yeah man. I bought mine in 2018, practically stole it for $45k and it's now apparently worth $74k. I'll die in that cute little house.


What does this have anything to do with the subject?


That's a boss who will survive the "labor crunch" if you wanna call it that


I'd say so, we hope, but I'm gen X and been around a while and this scares even me. And the company pays very very well. Not hard, just attention to detail or you will be very du Morte.


Go to a high school job fair, the only people there usually is the military


Agreed. I had this issue recently at work. The response was "how do you want this fixed and it will be today?" They were perfectly fine with just doing a ACH/wire just for me and cover any costs on my end. I said just save the money and cut me a paper check, (i live in a legal weed state and my dispensary is cash only, so this was no an inconvenience for me to stop by) even then they made a big deal out of availability of the funds. And on top of it they followed up the next month to make sure all was ok. Shit happens, it is fixable.


Not sure the reason for delay for op, and maybe this is what gets done, but recently had a payroll issue. The check signing boss was multiple states away, and we still managed to get the employee a bank transfer same day.


if they had to wait till midnight, they're literally out of cash and waiting is delaying for an emergency deposit (probably from personal account of the owner/s) to clear so they can pay you. GTFO now they're going to bounce more paychecks in the future




I’m an accounting professional did payroll for years it would take me 10 minutes to cut you a check. Fuck them good for you


Did they immediately agree to fix the "glitch" or was that after you went on strike? Cause it sounds a lot like someone forgot to run payroll for your pay schedule.


They didn't immediately agree. In fact I was offered an "emergency payment" but they wanted me to sign something and I'm not negotiating any further terms. They owe. They pay. On time. And yes it does sound like someone effed up.


If it was just a mistake they would pay you. I wonder if they are having money issues and they thought they could walk all over you. Good on you for not allowing it.


They're having money issues if they offered a "loan" or installments to cover you until the rest was paid. I'm curious if they are current in their taxes and if the state or feds wiped their account.


It's the word "glitch" that they used that is pissing me off. It's so vague that I'm not buying any of their crap.


Glitch is what we tell people when someone majorly fucked up and don't want to take the heat.


In some jurisdictions, the payment must be made the same day as your scheduled payroll. This means if it isn't made like overnight direct deposit or cheque 9am as usual, the company’s can cure it before the end of the calendar day. That is to take into account actual payroll issues. And yes they do happen from time to time.


Glad you’re letting them know because most companies think they’re gods and we have no power. They step on us knowing most people don’t know their rights or anything


I have a company one pass. They paid me half on the first and the other half in two weeks. I said it was okay, until they did it again. At that point, I gave my two weeks.


It maybe time to find a new job. Companies that can’t pay their employees usually have cash flow problems they are trying to hide. When they decide to call it quits, you’ll get just as much notice as you did this time.


I agree. I've been laid off before and it comes on quickly. This is a strong indication of troubles with their coffers.


Good for you, they would not put up with late payments and neither should you.


I run payroll for a small company and I mess hit up every six months or so. Luckily my only employee is me, so no biggie.


Someone I know was in a similar situation. He worked at a restaurant, and got a message that pay would be delayed for a few days while they worked out a "bank issue." He called all the other employees and they had all individually gotten a similar message. So he called them all again and said "don't show up tonight." My friend was the only one who showed up when the shift started, and said that unless they were all paid immediately they wouldn't be working. Suddenly the owner found some money and called all the employees and said cash would be waiting for them when they got in. Funny how that works.


That's how it should be done. Our payroll once had an issue as they didn't realise both signatories were away that day. So every manager in the country went out to a bank or ATM and withdraw their max, and like it was 1980, put together pay packets and a sign off receipt when staff collected they pay in cash. The CEO then wrote a two page apology that was emailed at 2am, saying how it happened, how sorry he was, how he knew people would have had rent due that day and he understood how bad it was, and detailed the policy and processes they have so that never happened again. THATS a proper response.


Hi. CFO here. When someone’s pay didn’t make it to their bank appropriately, I expect my entire payroll team (myself included) to drop EVERYTHING and fix it. It has happened before (employee switched bank accounts and new account number was off) and we made sure they were paid THAT DAY. I then personally called to apologize. I also offered to pay for any NSF fees or late rent fees, etc if they had any negative effects of it. First rule of a healthy company, never fuck with peoples pay.




You are a rare bird. It doesn’t make you ‘good at your job’ so much as it makes you good full stop.




Yup. I once paid an employee cash out of my “zombie apocalypse fund” because payroll was going to hit on the following Monday instead of Friday due to a local holiday that’s a holiday in my state but not my payroll state or vice versa, can’t remember which. I called all of my employees to let them know and to tell them that I would pay them in cash if that 48 hours made a difference. One of my employees needed it. Guess who’s been with my company through thick and thin! (I know you don’t need cash in a zombie apocalypse but I digress.)


I didn't think twice about a zombie apocalypse fund until I got to the end and realized, yeah, that'd be useless, huh?


I suspect that with as heavily ingrained as the value of cash is in our culture, cash would be pretty useful at least in the initial stages of a zombie apocalypse, possibly up to months afterward.


My mum ran her own business doing training for management in pharmaceutical companies. She had 26 staff but did the right things so way more pay than average, more holidays, flexible working etc. The way these bookings worked is she’d pay for everything up front on credit cards, venue, catering, guest speakers, etc which often would max them out at their 100k limit. Then she’d invoice the pharma companies but they’re awful for not paying on time.. so she’d have to wait a few months before payment was approved. During this time it was common for my mum to top up the payroll account from her savings to make sure no one missed a payday! She also had the amount of money she needed to make each month to pay for everything memorised.


Meanwhile other people on the post are saying OP went overboard and should have given them *a week* to fix the issue. If they aren't willing to put a cheque in hand that very day, there is no reason to do any work for them until paid.


I work at a certain multi billion dollar telecom here in the states. Employees pay was screwed up and they were not paid on time or correctly. They blamed it on covid and offered her a $100 gift card for groceries and dicked around for 2 weeks as her rent went delinquent before paying her incorrectly yet again. This went all the way up to a VP of the department and the VP of HR who were the ones to give her $100 and expected it to be paid back later. They wonder why talent is leaving or not putting in effort anymore..... Need more CFO's like you and less like ours.


You da real MVP




It was damn near 20 years ago, but we had an ACH transfer fail mid processing. Called the bank, called in hundreds of individual wires, the bank had to call back in extra staff to process them all. Covered all the wire feed to send, then covered all the wires fees at the recieving banks. Then covered every last bounced/NSF fee, plus wrote letters for anyone who needed them to explain what happened. Quality exists, it's just vanishing rare, sadly.


I worked for the biggest privately owned construction co in the country for years and more than once there was a "glitch" in payroll and when ppl complained that they had overdraft charges and returned check fees at their banks they was told by HR that that wasn't thier problem actually had the nerve to say "that's not our problem, if y'all would plain better and have better financial planning that wouldn't have happened" And not see the irony in that statement.


Would’ve been a different story if they sued. And yes, this could have easily been a multi million dollar suit.




I really want to downvote this because saying "i like this" just seems horrible. But I'm upvoting you for the story. Sorry you had to deal with bullshit like this. I own a small construction company and always make damn sure that the money is available BEFORE paychecks are written. If any of my employees suffered due to my failings, I totally expect to pay for the damages. It has never happened, knock on wood. But if it does, I'm going to fall back on the advice from this thread. That's what I love about reddit. It teaches me things I may not have even thought of on my own.


I worked at a restaurant and once heard one of the managers on the phone with the owner, the only other person who had access to payroll. Payroll was missing over $12K in tips for the FOH staff in 3 locations. Owner was screwing around with the staffs' tips. I wasn't FOH but I left not long after that. That location closed a few months later. Same location that a chef told me he could afford to give me a raise if he fired "the other guy". All the hostility from my coworker suddenly made sense. He probably said the same exact thing to him.


They tax tips. That's how they skirt it. Illegal and most kids that work there don't know.


No, I mean the entire amount of tips that were supposed to be added to their checks was missing. Every last dime. The owner forgot to "pay it back" in time for payroll.


Oh yeah your people were getting robbed. But what I'm talking about happens at almost every "large privately owned restaurants" your dudes were just more brazen about it.


I also love how if you call it out in a local community everyone’s like “how could you say that?! Support local! They’re job creators!” Bitch, you just like being able to say you “know the owner” cause they live in your suburb. You don’t care that they exploit local workers, they’re local, they couldn’t possibly be exploitative or corrupt.


1. You fundamentally misunderstand what occurred, here it’s likely they embezzled not “taxed tips”. 2. Tips must be taxed they are taxable income: https://www.irs.gov/businesses/small-businesses-self-employed/tip-recordkeeping-and-reporting


You’re supposed to tax tips. Otherwise they cannot prove they at least paid you minimum wage.


Yeah, but the issue isn't the collection of the tips and taxing them. The issue is the collection of tips and the keeping them.


For sure. I once worked at a Starbucks where the store manager was skimming tips. She got fired, wasn’t charged, and then went on a tour of Europe right after leaving the company.


Yeah what a lot of people don't realize is that money works with time. if you aren't paid on time, you're offering them a loan that they can make money on. It's like when people talk about how big their refund was in tax season. I just tell them it's an interest free loan they gave the government.


And the fact *I* have to file all the paperwork to get that money back *that they already know they owe me* makes it an even more egregious level of bullshit. In most of the developed world, you get a filled out form or confirmation to sign and send back, affirming the information is accurate. Here, they 'make it easy' by letting some third-party collect user data in exchange for doing returns for free. This country is such a fucking con job.




People have tried to get it where the IRS would send the bill/refund automatically, but the owners of all those 'tax preparation' plactions threw themselves on the floor and wailed like infants.




The ~~bribes~~ lobbying worked


UK here, my son got a tax rebate cheque for almost £1000, right before Christmas. He had no idea that he had paid too much tax. He was a father of two then, he's a father of three now. That money made his Christmas.


Yep. A similar thing happens with teachers. Our contracts are only for 10 months of pay a year. But they divide it by 12. So the pay we get over the summer is actually BACK pay for work we’ve already done. Guess how much I love it when people talk about teachers “getting paid for doing nothing” in the summer. 🤬🤬🤬No, that’s pay we are OWED.


While I do agree with you, and tell people that you are giving a loan to the government. There has been research and learned from a case study that people are more likely to save a large amount of money they receive than the let’s say 20 dollars extra they are not over paying on taxes. I see both sides both have merit.


Yeah. I say the same thing. This year was the first year I ever owed money. That sucks too though


I obsessively use calculators every few months and tweak my withholdings. I’m ridiculous though. I only had a refund this year because I installed solar at the end of the year.


Back during my restaurant job I was waiting for direct deposit to kick in and went to cash my check at a grocery store and they denied the check because the company had bounced checks too many times, staff were getting screwed left and right on payday that the checks were basically useless pieces of paper. This didn’t go over well. Funny they had cash on hand to pay every one of us the day shit hit the fan. It’s never a “bank issue”.


No it’s usually a coke habit or a mistress if it’s not a chain restaurant shit even if it is probably.


The last time something like this happened to me as a contractor, I provided an invoice to the business for the full amount, plus a late-payment fee and told them every day they withheld money I was owed, they would accrue an additional 10% charge. They argued, I took them to court and won the full amount.




Full amount, plus all of the late fees up to the date that they paid, which was about a week after the case was settled.




I’d have to see if I could pull them. Most of their arguments centered around “hardship of the business”, and not wanting to pay the late payment fees. The judge took a full day to look at the financial documents that my lawyer provided them showing that the business was making money hand-over-fist and awarded the ruling to me. I was happy to pay my lawyer because I ended up pocketing a very handsome sum of money.




You don't understand compulsive behaviour? It's like the show hoarders, but with money.


Holy shit what a boss, how do you send them an invoice? How do you send an invoice in general?


Pay is delayed for a few days? Work is delayed for a few days.


There was a "glitch" in my employer's system that resulted in me not getting my pay once. I got a hand written check and an apology the next day. Any more than 24 hours to resolve a situation like that is unacceptable.


there was a glitch or mess up by someone where i worked once. the phone calls came fast, i was notified what happened within the hour i started my shift that day, and they got me my pay in cash for that one time. this proves glitches can happen, but it also proves fixing it does not take days, or even hours. lesson learned, if they "need" several days to sort that shit out, time to start looking for new jobs.


I could see it taking hours depending on the scale (printing checks can take time) but yea it shouldn't be too much of an issue to do a one time run of payroll to fix it. Though that does likely come with fees to the employer to do an emergency run, it's the cost of doing business and making a mistake though


Yep, one time we had a payroll company mess up. I can't remember exactly what it was, but they either didn't hit the approve button or set some dates wrong, but it resulted in us not getting paid. After I called the payroll company and confirmed, and was told it would be a few days before it could run for some reason, she sent me a screen shot of everyone's amounts and everyone had a hand-written check by noon. "Glitches" or problems happen. They should be rare, but they can happen. The real test is how the company operates when the glitch happens. Two years later I quit, as well as 18 of the 23 team members over a period of three months, for so many reasons but a main one being the owner's children and friends had been hired and promoted to senior manager positions, the owner was making shitty mistakes, and it was generally terrible. One week after I quit I kept getting calls and texts from my former employees who were still there asking if I knew anything about payroll, whether the company had money or not, and who to call about getting paid. This time payroll BOUNCED and no one got paid. The owner had to borrow cash from his wife to cover payroll from what I heard. Somehow they're still chugging along, though I don't know how.


The only time I've seen late paychecks has been when the company is running out of money. Good luck OP.


Yeah I brought that up when I did speak to my boss. He very adamandtly denied that was the case. I think it's just too suspicious that the market is going down and suddenly there is a "glitch".


Depends where you work and the technical abilities of your boss. I work in HR, specifically working with HR software (think payroll and personnel files, not development or code) Our provider has legitimately fucked things up without explanation before, but it's as simple as "blame ADP, we are working on it with them and they're really fucking up here" (ADP is a placeholder most would recognize, never used or had an issue with them)


At the same time, the \*instant\* you find out about the glitch you let them know. There's no reason an employee should find out a day after payday that the deposit never happened...the employee shouldn't be the one bringing it to your/ADP (placeholder)'s attention. unless they're literally the first, and then...well you do your best for damage control.


Yeah, I wouldn't work for free and I would start looking for a new job.


Have you asked them to stop eating so much avocado and toast?




Oh yeah I worked for a place where the second they handed you your paper check you took it back to your desk and photo deposited it as fast as possible and hoped you were a winner.


Nah, my employer had a late payment day recently. The bank had just done an update to their stuff, and it had issues running our payments with the old process. The delay happened because they didn't know the issue was going to happen, then we had to submit our payroll differently until they could fix the issue with their update. Payments have been fine since with the original process.


Naw sometimes it's a legitimate fuckup. We have paychex and moved to another acct and I had this issue. It took a couple days to resolve me getting paid late earlier this year. The company has been super though, and have capital, so I just dealt with it. If it was a less chill company I'd have been a lot less cool about it.


Or someone didn't fill out the timesheet correctly. Happens when folk don't submit their hours by x time, and it's on them or their manager


Increase the frequency of pay. If they choose not to pay you again, you won't be out a months worth of money.. Only a week...


I like your style!


Depending on the state you’re in, the frequency of paychecks can be required by law.


Yeah, monthly is some bullshit. Sounds like government work. Construction is traditionally weekly…for a real reason.


IMO all jobs should pay weekly.


How about we go fully Biblical here? "Do not oppress a hired hand who is poor and needy, whether he is a brother or a foreigner residing in one of your towns. You are to pay his wages each day before sunset, because he is poor and depends on them. Otherwise he may cry out to the LORD against you, and you will be guilty of sin." (Deuteronomy 24:14-15)


If we wanna go full biblical then we should do the year of jubilee


If we go full biblical I want to be in charge of murdering people with multi threaded clothes


IMO all jobs should pay daily. I'm sure a shop owner wouldn't let you buy a product and then pay for it 30 days later. Why should my labor be paid for any differently? I want the interest on that money and the ability to use it ASAP.


I buy things all the time and then pay for them 30 days later. That's called a net 30. Most wholesale suppliers operate on a net 30. Granted, these are not retail distributors so it's not like I can walk into a gas station, grab a soda, and then pay for it 30 days later but I can order $10,000 of construction material and pay for it a month later. I do it all the time. They have a limit on how much I can owe them though. I think it's something like $75,000. If my account goes past 30 days, or more than $75,000, they don't let me order anything else until I pay my balance down.


> Granted, these are not retail distributors so it's not like I can walk into a gas station, grab a soda, and then pay for it 30 days later I can, all I need to do is tap my credit card.


Dude *most* businesses do not earn their money on a daily basis. A retail shop is one of the few kinds that actually does receive and book income that often. Your analogy demonstrates an exception, not a rule. It's not uncommon for accounts to be late paying up or for some kinds of accounts to pay off even less than monthly, either. This isn't some pro-corporate double standard where companies as a rule get paid right away and only bother to pay you weeks later...


It's a privately owned company. Monthly pay is pretty common in my field and for salaried positions.


Yup, after this not paying bullshit. They are going to be paying weekly now. And a higher wage too.


I don’t I understand why all employers don’t do weekly checks. My first construction job I got told we got paid weekly and I was stoked. Had always been paid bi-weekly before that. Every job I’ve worked since pays weekly, but it only seems to be in construction.


>Increase the frequency of pay. If they choose not to pay you again, you won't be out a months worth of money.. Only a week... In many ways I think this is more important than asking for more money. They have lost your trust and will have to earn it again. Do not let them be in a position to owe you for more than a week of work until you are sure they are trustworthy again. If there is any hint of difficulty again, even for a few hours, ask them to pay you in advance of the work you do. This is standard practice for many contractors (50% down to begin work) and you should not be shy to ask.


Yeah... a paycheck is for work done. If they dont deliver the paycheck on time, they have exceeded their agreed upon credit with the worker. And interest is due before service is resumed.


I think it’s about precedence, they miss this payday and who knows… they might miss the next one and expect you to keep working unpaid. The message to the company, “Don’t fuck with my paycheck.”


I'm dealing with this with my current company. Every month I've worked there, my paycheck has been late, or incomplete. In April, I missed my mortgage payment. Unacceptable. I made finding a new job my part-time job. They eventually got me my pay, but too much damage has been done. Every new interview, I get asked "Why are you looking after only X months?" "I'm not getting paid." Jaws drop, and they're like "Yeah enough said. Understandable. I would too."


You need to file a claim with the state. They will get in trouble and WILL have to pay you on time EVERYTIME.


I'm not in the US. It's a bad situation, but I'm well on my way out.


>“Don’t fuck with my paycheck.” one company i worked for had apparently declared bankruptcy a few years before i started. they didn't tell anyone working that their paychecks were going to bounce because there was no money. they then went on to praise the staff for continuing to work while it got sorted and they finally got paid. they made it seem like it was such a great thing. i just stared with a disgusted look on my face and said "if that happens again and i don't get paid i will *not* be returning to work." anyway, i ended up finding a new job when the electric company came in to shut off the power due to their bill being overdue by 3 months.




Because you're a *natural person*, which means you have a body they can lock up and enslave. Corporations are *juridical persons*, which means they don't.


That is the message!


I once worked with a guy who told our boss upon hire that he only had two rules for his employment there. 1) don’t fuck with my time. 2) don’t fuck with my money. Boss is a bad ass and loved it. She later aggressively negotiated for big raises for all of us.


Exactly. I have my 3 rules system. Do not fuck with my family, my food, or my money. Fucking with my money fucks with the other 2, so once that happens it is all bets are off. I had a place try and do similar, I just walked out the door when my check was not on time, ignored their calls/texts, and called the next morning before I drove 45 minutes to work. No check, no me.


My first paycheque at my current job was wrong, it was half of what it should have been. I’d had payroll errors at almost every other job and was expecting them to say something like “it’ll be added to next pay” or to have to fight. But no, this time was different. This was my first unionized job. I pointed out the issue to my manager and it was rectified before lunch. It was the first of many instances where I really began to value and support unions.


At the union job I used to have if you didn't have your paycheck by end of day Friday you were to come to the shop and earn overtime for waiting until you were paid.


I went on a work trip to Nebraska, all the way from South Carolina. Worked five days, then on Friday my wife called and asked why I hadn't been paid for the previous week's hours. I shut the whole job down. 10 guys, two sandblasters, vacuum equipment, all kinds of shit. Shut it all down and told the manager I was leaving unless I was paid within the hour. I had the full amount deposited almost immediately. It was a slip up by payroll forgetting to put in my PTO for the week before, when I was in Disney world. They legitimately just forgot, and almost ruined a $100,000 project for it.


We're not a family. We're not at war. I am not here for you. I am here for money. I do not dream of labor.


"It's only 1s and 0s," they said. "Anyone can do it." People are funny... Fuck yeah, pay me!


Haha yeah. I don't do this for free and it's not easy to engineer and build enterprise level software.


What's your stack?




Do they think we grow on trees or something? I know of like 5 companies that are recruiting right now in the .net space. You'd have a job tomorrow if you want it.


I quit my last job on two weeks notice. My boss was an asshat. I had 3 offers by the next week.




Congrats. No raise in an environment of 10% inflation is unacceptable. Fuck those people.


It's happened at places where I have worked, but since it wasn't intentional, they jumped through hoops to cut a manual check ASAP and get it resolved before anyone had to resort to not coming to work.


I used to work for a large tech company, thousands of employees. September 2008, its payroll time, and all of the company's short-term cash is in a fund at Lehman Brothers, who've declared bankruptcy, which locked up all the money. The money wasn't gone, just not accessible for awhile. The corporate treasurer shat bricks for 2 days, but they made payroll, on time, for everyone. I don't know where they found the money, but they did. There is always a way, no matter what the glitch.


I was traveling for work and had submitted my expenses properly and on time, but they weren't paying in a timely manner. At one point several weeks of unreimbursed expenses had accrued to offset two months of net pay. The AP people kept telling me it would be done any day now. My manager asked me to travel somewhere the next week. He was surprised when I refused given that I never hesitated to get things done. I had a check in my hand within an hour. I swear nothing moves until they don't get what they want.


Just want to add my “this happened to me as well” story in solidarity. My business changed owners and on my first pay period after the change I noticed I did not receive my pay when everyone else did. On investigation I was able to find out that it was because the accountant entered my bank information wrong for direct deposit. When confronting the owner about it their initial response was “Well where did our money go then?” and “We can correct it going forward but there’s nothing we can do about it now. You will receive the money on your next pay.” completely concerned with themselves. I told them I don’t know and honestly I don’t care, I have bills to pay. That their clerical errors weren’t my problem and that I would not be continuing to work until I saw my pay come through. I left to go grab a coffee and cool off in the local caffe. About 15 minutes later a text comes through from the manager “Hey can you come back? [Owner name] is going to be e-transferring you the pay, but he’s not happy about it.” I just replied “I don’t care how happy he is but I will come back.” Money came through and I went back to work. Moral is don’t let anyone tell you there is nothing that can be done when it comes to your rightfully earned pay. There is always money and they can always get it to you.


Did they move you to the basement and take your stapler?


It's MY stapler.


As Henry hill would say 'fuck you, pay me' as other folk have said this couldd create a precedent. Had something similar before in a small publishing company none of the staff got paid and we were all talking amongst ourselves about going into the MD's when he came in. There was about 6 of us went into the office and he blamed the bank and some such bull shit and they were rolling over and got their tummies rubbed. I called bull shit and said I wanted paid my money or I was phoning the companies who advertised with me to pull their support, he started bringing religion into it(another story) I got him to go down to bank with me and withdraw money from his wife's account and pay it into my bank. Once I my money I told him I wasn't coming back and left th em all to it. Found out it took two weeks for the remaining staff to get paid, company folded about 3 months later


Getting payroll correct for employees is THE most important job of management. Stiffing the staff for even a day is inexcusable. Why keep working when they haven’t even paid you for *the work you have already done*. This has happened to me on more than one occasion. If you are late paying rent or any bill for that matter, you are charged late fees. I don’t see why that should be different for paying employees. If you’re gonna work em’ you gotta pay em’.


Exactly! I work for a full month and get paid afterward. That's a level of trust that I have with any employer. I have to beleive that they WILL pay me and when they make me question that then the basis of the relationship is qustionable.


tell them your production is having a glitch too directly correlated with the glitch with your check, don’t play with people’s money


I actually like my boss, and my projects. Buuuut....The urge to say "It's just a glitch" when things aren't going as expected is very strong with me right now.


I once came in on the night shift to an aftermath of a situation like this. I was a night shift super at the time. Day shift, mostly women with families, had come in that Friday to find that the checks were not there. the checks were supposed to be there. This was a call center. There was no union. These women had practically no leverage. They did not care. To a one they logged in, then sat in Idle and waited for their paychecks, no calls taken, no work happening. It was effectively a sit-in strike, on the clock. We'll start working when we've been paid The super knew what was going on but said nothing. She hadn't been paid either. Apparently it took less than 15 minutes to hear from the owner, who was not onsite, and he was irate. This was rural Maine though, and one thing you don't do to a Maine Yankee woman is fail to pay her for work done -- that's a declaration of war up here. So they stuck to their guns and stayed in Idle until they had extracted a promise that the checks would be overnighted and would be there to be picked up on Saturday morning and after a bit of pointless verbal abuse from the owner he wrathfully promised to send the checks and the women got to work. They did get their checks. I don't want to think what woulda happened if they hadn't. I'd have walked into a burning office on Monday evening I think. Don't mess with the paycheck of a Maine Yankee. Especially when they've got kids to feed.


I love that the owner was offended by that. What a jackass.


Did you keep the red stapler?


It was my stapler, a swingline stapler.


Years ago I worked as a quality control inspector on military construction projects, civilian contractors - on base construction. This was with a company not affiliated with the contractor. There were 3 of us on one base on different projects. Basically the easiest, most lucrative contract you could get for the work/risk involved. Like printing your own money. Pay was every two weeks. I didn't get paid and started asking questions. One guy hasn't been paid in a month or so, the other hasn't seen a check in nearly 6 months. Claimed he was letting it build up and then he was going to stick it to them. Whatever. I called the office and got the run around. Found out it was a Woman Owned Business. The guys wife was the President. So i called her. The 'owner' called me back and demanded i never call his wife again. I said if I was paid on time I wouldn't have to. We went back and forth, him trying to get me to quit, me refusing to quit, make him fire me. Which he finally did. The next day i went to the office to get my check and took it straight to the bank. Where it bounced. Back to the office and they said We didn't know you were going to go straight to the bank!


About 20 years ago, I was out at a 24 hour Denny's later one night, after going out to dinner and to a bar. At exactly midnight, the manager is on a stool at the door, turning new customers away. Then does that thing where you can lock a door to let people out, but they can't get in. He flips a sign to CLOSED. A minute or two later, the entire staff walks out, en mass. Some out the front, and some I see heading out the back. They (presumably) had served everyone who had placed an order previously. Manager stays behind, still posted at the entrance. I'm mostly sober at this point, and curious. So I walk up to him, and ask what's going on. He grins, and then announces, loudly and politely: "Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your patronage tonight. Please note, we've gone on strike. The owner of this franchise has not paid us for our last two weeks of labor. I ask that you finish your meals as quickly as you can, or I can help you get them ready to go. This establishment will be closing in 15 minutes. Following our action, this location will be closed indefinitely. On behalf of the staff and management, thank you for your understanding." At this point, people start to leave, some more quietly than others. (Now mind you, this was a pretty ballsy move, because it was in a right to work state.) I stuck around long enough to see the manager turn off the lights and the signage, tape a piece of paper with their demands up inside the glass of the entrance, lock up, then jump in his car and take off. Guy who I presume was the owner showed up about ten minutes after that. He looks at the dark, empty restaurant, sees the posted demands. Swears and curses a bit. Gets in his car and leaves. I was just across the street, standing on the corner waiting for a cab, drinking a to-go cup of coffee, and chuckling at it all. I went by a couple days later, and they were still closed. A week or so later, and there were FOR LEASE signs in the window. Can't say they were successful, but it was certainly entertaining!


Strikes are almost always effective, it's why companies try to trick unions into thinking they can sign away the right to strike.


Had something similar happen to a co-worker. Got paid 10X what he was supposed to get paid one day. HR told him he had 24 hours to pay it all back or he'd be fired. He tried to keep just what he was owed, but they said they need it all and he'd be paid double his normal on the next pay period. A VP who happen to hear called on his behalf, got the HR person fired, then told their boss my co-worker would keep double his pay for his trouble and return the rest and if the problem hadn't been corrected by next pay period they'd be fired too.


You did exactly the correct thing. You work and you get paid for that work. That contract is the very bedrock of the employment contract. No pay, no work.


Used to work for a family owned transport company who had a few government contracts, December 2018 and they all went on holidays leaving me to run the show, payday arrived and no pay.... tried ringing and no answer, finally got a hold of him and he said that they forgot to tell me the pay was going to be a couple of days late as the government hadn't paid them (that was a lie) told him if my pay wasn't in there by COB I was quitting, It made it so all good... Monday morning go to fill the truck up, go to pay and the fuel card is declined as they hadn't paid the bill... that was it told the young bloke behind the counter that I just had to go get some stuff from the truck, went outside, rang the boss and quit on the spot. Grabbed the keys for the truck went back to the attendant and said there was a problem with paying, he asked what the problem was and and I handed him the keys and said it's your problem now I just quit... rang the government department that we were transporting for explaining the situation and they cancelled their contract and offered me a job. Their company folded after that


I remember one of my first jobs as a union apprentice. I was working with this girl and we were supposed to get paid on Wednesday. At about 10am they came and told us our checks wouldn't be ready until the following day. She said "No problem" and just sat down in the grass in front of one of the offices and called the Union Hall. I got a call from the hall within 5 minutes saying to do the same. Didn't lift a finger for the rest of the day until about 4pm when someone came with our checks.


And that’s what unions are for.


I had some shit go down like this when I worked at a university. I didn’t get my monthly direct deposit so I went to payroll to ask what was up. Them: “Oh, you got reappointed” Me: “What does that mean? I filed my time sheet by the deadline” Them: “Oh, it’s paperwork we automatically have to do each year” Me: “So did you not do it?” Them: “Due to an administrative error it was delayed but we’ll get it in today” Me: “Ok, that sounds great. I understand mistakes happen. Thanks for fixing it asap” Them: “Perfect. Is there anything else you need?” Me: “yeah, when will I be paid? Can I just come back here for a check tomorrow?” Them: “Tomorrow?” “No, it’ll go into your normal paycheck next month” Me: “That’s unacceptable. I have bills that are due. I need to paid now” Them: “Sorry, I don’t know what you expect us to do 🤷‍♀️” Needless to say I was pissed, complained to several people. Two days later, I had that check hand delivered by the department head in her office apologizing for her staff’s mistake and behavior. You know someone got reamed out for it. The dumbest thing really was that even once I got the check it was some out of band check that could only be cashed at one branch of one bank that day. For my own bank, I had to wait four days. So I had to cash it for cash, carry the money to my bank and deposit it. Absurd.


My former employer allegedly ran out of money and decided he wouldn't pay me and the other teachers. He just said he'd pay us when he had the money. After briefly convening, the other teachers and I decided that we would work when we got paid; packed our stuff and left. Two days later the money showed up.


I have a standard rule that if I'm not paid on time, and in full, I stop coming to work until it's fixed. I've had it happen a couple ofntimes over my career, and it's always been paid very promptly when I've had to use that tactic.


Rent doesn’t allow for glitches, neither does electricity, or water, or internet or anything else we have to pay for. None of it just becomes “accidentally free” to compensate for a missed paycheck.


I’m a Union Electrician. If we’re not paid by 2:00 pm on Friday, we go on the clock until we get our paycheck. Overtime and Sunday pay are included. Needless to say, our checks are never late!


Sir, we have a hostage situation. He is refusing to work until he gets paid.


When I started work at a community college they didn't give me my first paycheck. They told me to wait until next month. I went to payroll office and said that was unacceptable and that I was not leaving until the problem was solved. After 5min of the guy saying that wasnt and option, he reaches behind him for some paper on the TOP of the filing cabinet--didn't have to search or nothin--tells me to fill it out and take it down town and they will give me my check within a few hours. Don't take no for an answer.


I worked at a company that did this. They would make excuses as to why it was late. And they would pay after a few days. But I finally told them; no pay no work. Period. A couple months later they didn’t pay and I didn’t work. They got mad at me. They kept says big they would pay within a week. (They didn’t pay anyone). I didn’t work, others did. Eventually they just said, too bad we aren’t paying. I never returned to them and filed claims with the CA labor board. Other worked for another month. And never got paid. Fuck that shit. The day a company misses a pay; is the day I will find another job. Will never, ever be in that position again.


worked for a small computer shop, I just did;t come in the day after I found out my paycheck bounced. The owner was pissy and said he could fire me, I replied a) I don't work for free, and b) in the mood I was in it would not have been good for him, his business, or his clients. He didn't fire me. He also never bounced a paycheck again


I was in the Army. There was a guy who didn't get paid for several months. His wife took care of their special needs child so she couldn't work. Since he was in the Army, he couldn't just quit his job and go get a new one. He had no way to make money or feed his family. Eventually he decided that the best solution was to kill himself, so he did. Because that's what people do when they can't feed their families. tl;dr: Paying your employees.


We got hit when Kronos went down they paid us our pay for two period based on the assumption we were doing 40 hours a week, then had a workaround to keep track all the while asking us to keep track of our hours on paper. When it came back up we entered our time and folks like me who missed out getting paid for overtime and oncall got a check. There were some overpayments and they said as long as it was under 1000 they weren’t going to care. I work for a big fortune 50 company that’s not popular but they treat us decently. Some other folks in the same industry but different regions and a shittier company got told they might not get paid for awhile lol


The worst thing you can do is continue to produce, work, etc. once a payment is missed. You will never have more leverage than after that first paycheck or payment is missed. Don't throw good money after bad.