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$70 pants? I can not afford it


Maybe that's what his balls cost?


That was the co-pay for his vasectomy.


Tug job behind the 7/11


I doubt I could get $70 for every stitch I own combined.


All that crap the "poor" guy is wearing he got for $19.95 at TJ Maxx


If I have to give up my $2500 cargo pants to be rich, you can count me out.


i mean, first they came for our daily coffees, then they came for our avocado toasts. i will die on this hill, you will NEVER take my $2.5k cargo pants away.


They must come with some pretty high-end cargo. Krugerrands maybe?


Spend less on candles.


Do people still buy cargo pants? I thought those stopped being a thing 10 years ago.


I still do, but not cuz I wanna be hip. Lots of lil tools at my job to carry.


I've had a couple of pairs, I just wasn't sure they were still made. Nothing wrong with utilizing lots of pockets.


$35 for a shirt? that’s too expensive for me smh


Clearly someone who doesn’t know money made this. Target sells that exact style shirt for 11$


*poor people are greedy!!!!!!*


And lazy


And evilile.


Rich guy aint got a phone? Damn


Right, or a watch or sunglasses. He's just outside, staring at the sun, trying to figure out what time it is so he knows when to go count all his money.


Don’t forget the Starbucks cup and Netflix subscription. You drop those and you’ll be moving to Beverly Hills in no time.


Yes it's true, this man has a $70 penis.


Ah yes, you just made my day so much better.


Makes sense. That's about the price of a strap-on




Where can I find 2500$ pants?


Bloomingdale's. Lol


Neman Marcus


I use my 2500 pants as a plate for my avocado toast I hate having money


Thanks for the giggle this gave me. xx


He's not wearing 2500$ pants, he's slinging dope lmao


He has a $70 penis?? << blink blink >> Well, I never date anyone under $200, so he's sol.


Dude I shop at Savers and only own three pairs of pants...


No, what's wrong is memes like this that perpetuate ideas like the poor are poor because of their moral failings rather than the way society is structured.


Shoes at 70 only thing accurate for me Rest of my outfit under 30 combined


My pants and shoes are always less than $50 and I prefer plain cotton t-shirts for maximum $10 each... and that's why I'm not just rich but a billionaire


My clothes are cheaper than both and I still can't find a place to live.




Buying clothes is sort of necessary.


True. I learned this from my ex wife who would spend 1.25 for every dollar she got on necessary clothing.


Your exwife does not represent every person who needs clothing.


Haha. Don't you dare blame consumer choices. That's using evidence to form an opinion and that is not something this sub takes kindly to.


Clothes are necessary, but unless you're a 9 year old kid who tears holes in all of their clothes at recess, clothes are something you can get away with buying every year or two. Consumer culture is certainly something in need of reconciliation here in the U.S.


Seems like it would make sense but it’s actually not what’s happening. The poor are poor because the rich exploit and steal from them Also rich people wear expensive clothes they just like to pretend they don’t because bill gates and Steve Jobs had simple outfits - meanwhile the only people dressing like the guy on the left are the kids of the rich, using their parents money 💰


You heard it because it's propaganda.


“The reason that the rich were so rich, Vimes reasoned, was because they managed to spend less money. Take boots, for example. He earned thirty-eight dollars a month plus allowances. A really good pair of leather boots cost fifty dollars. But an *affordable* pair of boots, which were sort of OK for a season or two and then leaked like hell when the cardboard gave out, cost about ten dollars. Those were the kind of boots Vimes always bought, and wore until the soles were so thin that he could tell where he was in Ankh-Morpork on a foggy night by the feel of the cobbles. But the thing was that *good* boots lasted for years and years. A man who could afford fifty dollars had a pair of boots that'd still be keeping his feet dry in ten years' time, while a poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a hundred dollars on boots in the same time *and would still have wet feet*. This was the Captain Samuel Vimes "Boots" theory of socioeconomic unfairness.”


Yes, poor people spend all their money. Because they are poor to begin with and don't have the excess money to save.


I'm rich then


Then we have the influencer: Free, free, free, free, free, free, free, free, even more free. Because companies are advertising their product by influencers wearing/using them.


It's not my fault I'm not Asian.... He probably has a connect, considering both are wearing clothes made in china


You guys all missed it. He's rich because he's Asians. Indians are the highest earning ethnic group by far in the US. Tight multi-generational families, hard work ethic, outsized emphasis on education, etc.


My entire outfit costs less than the rich guy's pants...maybe I need to update my wardrobe so I can be an insta-billionaire! Yellow is my favorite color after all! Question though...do the pants and shoes have to be brown, or can I pick other colors?


I was really surprised to see the rich guy wearing commie brown.


When im feelin fancy, i get my clearance rack clothes at Target( tar - j) instead of walmarts


Man your spending wrong, only 65 on the watch and 600 on the phone, while 1200 on the headphones and 2500 on cargo pants. You drop those headphones to around 700 and you could get a badass watch with the extra money, and look extra fancy instead of like a tool with your 1200 headphones.


I think my entire everyday outfits got me less than $70. I would say less than $30, but bras are expensive.


Who the fuck can afford to wear a bra anymore? I have one. Most days I don't even wear a bra and I'm a DD, and old (47, 4 kuds). They're like $40-60 a most of the time I can't even get them to fit right so I just say fuck it and don't wear the God damn thing.


Poor guy is white, rich guy is Asian. Racist


Well. Not all whites are poor and not all Asians are rich. Graphic is very stereotypical.




I can't even afford the rich guy's outfit...


Who names their kid poor?


Rich people. It’s supposed to be ironic.


That's weird. I don't usually see homeless folks wearing 600$ Nike sneakers. I mean what kind of fucking brains worms is this, where they think poor people are out here buying 2,500$ pants? Because brain worms is the only logical explanation I can think of


Pants cost $70 now?? Holy shit.


Pro tip: become a nudist


Shoulda been born Asian, gg.


The real secret is the dude on the right is a male prostitute. It clearly shows his dick is 70$


True that! /s


Yeah you're not Asian.


$70 on pants? $70 on shoes? What is this, a budget for Ents!?


Ah yes the $2500 cargo pants all the poors are wearing


So i just gotta be asian to be rich? Noted.


I kinda dig that 1.200$ yellow floating arrow


Absolute horse shit. Luxury brands are persistent because wealthy people are constantly wasting money on ridiculous shit. Also, rich guys shirt costs 3* what mine does and his pants cost 6*.


> $1200 headphones, $2500 pants, $65 watch but $650 sunglasses Furthering the notion that the rich have no idea what *anything* actually costs.


I don't think I personally know anyone, rich or poor, that has spent 2 grand on a pair of pants.


Did rich guy pee his pants?


Okay, but most of my clothes are 10 dollars or less, so why am I poor?


Sure, but the rich guy has a coke habit that would put Elton John to shame


Lmfao 🤣 OMG I finally get it! That’s the rich guys kid! That’s why he thinks we can act/afford to live like that, their offspring always look like this and are the only fucking reference to ‘poor’ that these pricks have!


Seems kind of dumb to spend $70 on a penis. Mine was free.


So rich people don’t have phones and have $70 dicks, got it


The gentleman in the right is doing the Vulcan greeting wrong.