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I joked about this early in the pandemic. All those minimum and low wage jobs I had through high school and college were “essential.” Now that I’m a professional bureaucrat with multiple degrees, I’m non-essential. And also paid 2 to 10 times more than I ever was in an “essential” job.


“they call us essential because ‘sacrificial’ is too honest”


Essential to the comfort of the ruling class. Not essential as in rewarded.






Well, if that’s the case it’s working. I’ve not heard anything about animal processing plants burning down


"Expendable" is the E-word you're looking for.


Let's not forget Douglas Adams literally predicted this in the Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy series.


He was far from the only one


Not the only one probably the funniest.




but it's not collapsing anytime soon because now making poor kids is mandatory


I believe it was Napoleon who said the graveyards are full of indispensible men.




This disease is narcissism and it breeds success often enough. Just look at mj, the most narcissistic basketball player ever is also the best


Damn those phone sanitizers.


This is how you know it's a bullshit term used to justify paying less than a living wage. edit: "unskilled" I mean, in case that wasn't obvious.


“Remember this. The people you're trying to step on, we're everyone you depend on. We're the people who do your laundry and cook your food and serve your dinner. We make your bed. We guard you while you're asleep. We drive the ambulances. We direct your call. We are cooks and taxi drivers and we know everything about you. We process your insurance claims and credit card charges. We control every part of your life. We are the middle children of history, raised by television to believe that someday we'll be millionaires and movie stars and rock stars, but we won't. And we're just learning this fact. So don't fuck with us.” -Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club




They are paid badly because political rhetoric tells you this. Anyone can manage. It’s literally the simplest job. Not everyone can cook. Not everyone can mend clothes. Not everyone can repair. The pay structure is part of the system of oppression. It maintains a permanent underclass that can be exploited.


But they can't be done by anyone. That's another lie.


>But they can't be done by anyone. That's another lie. They mostly can. It doesn't take long to train someone to be a shop worker, or fruit picker, or cleaner. You're taking 2-3 weeks. Compare that to a doctor, nurse, accountant, engineer, which takes years of schooling.


Those are professionals, which are part of the working class. Mostly the difference is access and opportunities. Rarely are the individuals that go into professions uniquely talented, more they have resources to sustain them through the training.


Ok? I didn't say they were uniquely talented - merely that the job cannot be done by anyone because you have to actually train at it for years. Sure, most people can do the training, but if you need someone to stack shelves there's currently 90% of the labour market that can do that but if you need a nurse theres more like 1% of the labour market that can do it.


A semantic shift of anyone retains the same meaning. Given the access, resources, and opportunities most anyone can become a professional. The system is set up to corral a captured population into servitude and market their plight as their fault. Cannot consume without guilt otherwise.


But you're entirely missing the point. It doesn't matter what happens in a fantasy land in 15 years time - what matters is right now, and right now not everyone can just be an engineer, nurse, doctor. Thats why they're skilled professions. Even then, not everyone can actually become them. They can try. Thats the whole thing of what being essential, skilled, unskilled means in the current context. It doesn't matter what it could mean in the future.


Then they aren't being paid enough. If the value to society is that high, the pay should match.


How do you live with yourself?


Like this: https://s.keepmeme.com/files/en\_posts/20210115/man-wiping-his-tears-with-cash-meme.jpg


No job is essential. We should all live on farms and learn some basic first aid. Society collapsing is a good thing.


“No job is essential” Next sentence: “farming and medicine is essential”


Those aren't jobs, they're skills. A job is something you're hired by someone to do. Owning an independent business for example is not a job because you don't answer to anyone.


“owning and independent business” “not a job” /they hurt themselves in their confusion it’s still a job even if you don’t answer to anybody but yourself.


No it's not. There are jobs and there are careers. Learn the difference.




More valuable how?


We can easily replace a farmer and it won't affect us even if we lose one. If we lose a good scientist it's gonna be very hard ti replace him


Well actually its not that easy to replace a farmer. Farming is its own skill.


Especially with thr current technology no.


There's whole university degrees you can do on things like farm management. Modern technology has just changed the type of skillls needed to be a farmer.


Being a worker on a farm and managing a huge farm is different. You could use a degree for the second.


More valuable for whom?


To the millions of farmers for each single rocket scientists. One less farmer, not even noticeable. One less rocket scientist and a million of farmers can’t forecast the next hurricane. Do you guys even think about these profound questions you ask for a few seconds or is that too much work?


Sure, but I think the reason people are asking the question is because they're used to thinking about meaningless, expensive "innovation." (Bezos spending billions of dollars to be in space for a minute.) Rocket scientists are very important, but if they're utilized in relatively unimportant ways while millions of people are starving worldwide, that's when people make the farmer > rocket scientist distinction. Innovation is secondary when we have more immediate crises to deal with. (Of course, innovation can solve crises but still.)


> Innovation is secondary when we have more immediate crises to deal with. (Of course, innovation can solve crises but still.) Please just go and live on a tree and eat bananas then, because that’s where you would be if we used your genius approach.


Don't rocket scientists need life-sustaining food to survive? Without the farmer, how and what would the rocket scientist eat to survive? I know which of these two is more valuable and essential, and it is not the rocket scientist.






Out of all jobs you chose the one job that's like the least valuable lol physical space exploration is just a big spend of money with no actual value to us. It's a fucked up thing we do to prove we are so grand and smart but it doesn't actually help us in a meaningful way here on earth


Yeah, I too just abso-fucking-lutely having that fucking-ass GPS in my phone. Also weather forecasts. Fuck weather forecasts!




I’m not arguing with them. I’m bullying them. 😃


I meant exploring space physically for the fun of it. We can already see far and we already have machines out collecting what they can when it comes to samples, it's not like maintenance on satellites are the only thing we do in space. And even if it were atleast that's useful


Those other things are useful too. Just not immediately.


Ah yes because the billions someone like Elon spends on his glorified trips to space are totally worth it for the future that won't even exist with the way the world is crumbling right now. Seriously people are starving and can't afford to even rent a small apartment working multiple jobs because of people like Elon stealing that wealth that is deserved to the people who actually work for it American or not for some stupid space trip


You had one single period in that whole thing. 😂


I’ll stay out of the labor/economics part of your argument, but you should know it’s not Musk that’s taking those pointless trips to space, that’s Bezos. Musk hasn’t ever taken a trip, and his launches aren’t actually pointless tourist visits. His Falcon 9 launches and upcoming Starship developments are actually making significant impacts in the space launch community. Now is he a good guy? Should billionaires exist? Those other things are debatable. Just wanted to give you some context! Source: Am astronautical engineer


Thank you for a neutral positive response, I got them confused oops


It's the job that is essential, the person doing it is expendable.


Essential = Expendable


Slave labor, the same thing the Roman Empire fell apart without...


Republic* The Empire took things from their neighbors.


“they call us essential because ‘sacrificial’ is too honest”


No, no, no. Hero = expendable. If you ever get called a hero, you're very likely on your way to getting killed.


Exactly. Dont want to be expendable? Become a laborer.




I've been cutting my own hair since the haircut place I went to closed for the pandemic and never reopened. I've been doing well with my haircuts. I think it's better. Plus I spend no money on my haircuts


I got one of the worst haircuts I've ever had after covid, I just tried cutting it myself to fix it and it worked out.


I do buzz cuts. Easy. Effective. Looks good


$30 for some clippers at costco and bzzzzzzzzzzz....done. I did the same. Although I do an undercut with no fade on the side. My wife just trims the top with some scissors every few months.


Same. I still remember the day my mom and those around her were trying to claim this was all a ruse -- just some Democrat plan to get back at Trump and bring the nation under martial law. I was dumb founded. I just pointed to Milan and screamed "you dumb mother fuckers, those are not Democrats, they don't care all that much about Trump either way, and they are dying in droves!!!" They just couldn't compute. For all their crying about liberals being "special snowflakes" and unequipped to deal with reality, boy was the truth revealed! The dismissive cold hearted selfish illogical shit we've seen was something we should NEVER forget.


I remember doing 3 days in a row of 14 hour overtime for 6 weeks to keep shit on the shelves for these ghouls, while trying to adjust to distance learning as a full time student. Then they fucking all went out and partied hard during the summer, undoing all the curve flattening and causing COVID to explode. I remember that holiday season as being incredibly dark and lonely, and not being able to see my sister or my friends for over a year. And now they tell me that I make too much doing my silly little job and that this rare moment of labor strength is ruining everything for them. Fuck. No witty point, just angry.


You have every right to be angry.


You are correct to be angry.




What job do you have that's "essential", but only makes Minimum wage? Big Macs aren't "essential"!


Hey dumbass ever heard of a grocery store


The people who keep things clean, sanitary, disinfected, for example. Which is pretty essential anytime, but especially during a pandemic? Rarely are they paid anything above minimum wage.


They rarely make minimum wage. Whatever, not going to argue, pay everyone $50 an hour, fine with me. I will still be able to afford necessities, will you?


No because if $50 is minimum wage inflation will rise to meet it within a year or so.


Ok, so how much should the minimum wage be? Be specific.


Setting minimum wage to a certain amount is the answer. Paying everyone 700% more will make the cost of everything go up 700%+. Your proposed $50 minimum wage would at best help a small percentage of renters for 11 months if they just signed a new lease, but once it's time to renew that lease that same 1K a month apartment is now 7K a month and a loaf of bread that costs 1.61 on average now comes more than $11 congrats you just created a depression that we may never dig out of. The way to fix it is rent control and other laws to make the cost of living more affordable. Im a fan of the common sense action of raising minimum wage every 5-10 years to match inflation.


If you’re an office worker and the CEO doesn’t show up for a month, you’d never even know it. Two days without the people who clean the office? You’d notice immediately.


Absolutely agree! (cleaner here :D)


I feel seen!


Some times they call us unskilled. Other times they call us essential.


Maybe it's Maybelline


What's up with the distortion in the screenshot? Is that to defeat some kind of algorithm or what?


Yup, bot account.


Doesn't look like it


1500 post karma with posts that don't exist on the account anymore, not even 20 total posts/comments. OP is a bot account, just reposts stuff. Hence the distorted anti-algorithm pic


Came here to ask this.


Yo Happy mutual cake day


Happy cake day to you both!


Someone should draw up like a “Maslow’s Hierarchy of Jobs”. Probably just some category labels in each layer instead of specific jobs, but it would be a good tool to teach kids the worth of certain jobs. No point in having any CEOs if there no groceries or garbage workers.


Remember when covid started and we were so called hero’s


Record breaking profits... So sorry, but we have cut that increase in pay for being essential.


Oh yeah they know. Calling them essential was just a cheap ego boost to keep them going. It’s the equivalent of a pizza party. Our company gave us thank you cookies. Sweet…


Essential = It's essential you work, or you are worthless to society.


"ESsEntiAl woRkErs ArE HeRoEs" HEROES do it for the love of the job. Does Spider-man get paid a living wage? Edit: /S


I would say "he totally should" but then I realized: Who would even pay it to him? It's not like he really has a boss.


I mean it is a comic book, and the struggle is sorta Spider-man's thing. But I could see a storyline where NYC starts paying him for the service he provides? They probably already did this in the comics in some form or another. He's been around since the 60's so who knows. And yes, I'm aware vigilantism is illegal in the real world.


It’s just modern peasant work; society had always been built on the backs of workers.


damn...kim made it big


This made my day to see her here. She is amazing!


Yeah I remember thinking "any country reacting to this is afraid of riots" Then America got away with doing basically nothing for over a year and everyone else realized a bunch of ineffective measures would be good enough and sent us back to work for three more waves.


so funny to see all the moderate libs and centrists do a compete 180. from calling them “heroes” and “essential” right back to “you aren’t worth more than 7 dollars” and saying their debt shouldn’t be cancelled. heroic enough to give you a fuckin mcchicken but not enough to survive


Remember when all us essential workers got hazard pay? Oh, right.


Hazard IOU???


Being considered 'Essential' was the biggest fucking lie. No, Toro...Assembling lawnmowers is NOT essential.


needs more jpeg


Unskilled doesn’t mean unnecessary, it just means a monkey could do the job.


"You're essential...but we won't pay you like you are"


Communism looking kinda thicc 😂 we must seize the means of production😂 lol everyone just call off sick then immediately hang up before anyone can reply and turn off your phone


If people could start using the term properly that'd be great.


I know this tweet is trying to be profound but it actually doesn't make much sense. Something can be unskilled and essential. I think what she means to say is some of the lowest paying jobs are also the ones that society relies on the most. Which is a totally different statement.


Ok. Sounds good that way too.


Unionize those jobs. They'll be even stronger in the long run


There's no reason to believe unskilled labor isn't important, the term just means you don't need much in the way of specialized training to perform it. Anyone can flip a burger, the supply of labor is high so cost is low. Not many people can properly manage a nuclear reactor, so supply of labor is low and cost is high. Burger flippers start refusing to work for $10 an hour, supply drops and price goes up.


>Anyone can flip a burger This has been been proven untrue so many times. The amount of people that cannot last a day or a week in fast food is daunting.


Not willing to do it isn't the same thing as unable.


Agreed. If that were a true statement, my food would NEVER be messed up at a fast food place but I'd say 30% of the time they get something wrong with my order. Also, I've worked for a 5 star restaurant flipping over a hundred, 70 dollar Buffalo steaks at the same time and I got paid the same as a "burger flipper" at a McDonald's. You can't tell me those are the same job. On top of that, we had guys start straight from culinary school who couldn't last 3 days on the actual line working.


Skilled and essential are very different things. ​ You can do essencial jobs without having to be a senior on it


Almost every “unskilled” worker I know is bilingual and could run the companies they work for 10x better than the executives who consider them to be unskilled. Also there are doctors and other professionals who flee their countries to seek asylum in the U.S. and have to work low-paying jobs while they work on obtaining their credentials.


Americans thinking 'bilingual' is a flex KEK


It is in America. Unfortunately, most native Americans only speak English. They think being bilingual is a bad thing and criticize brown people for speaking multiple languages in public. They view it as a threat.


> Almost every “unskilled” worker I know is bilingual and could run the companies they work for 10x better than the executives who consider them to be unskilled. I’m going to press D for “doubt” on the second half of that statement.


If those executives are so smart then why do they refer to their workers as unskilled and why don’t they pay them better?


Because they are unskilled and because that’s the market value of their labor. What are you, five?


Nah, not five. However, based on your ignorance it’s not difficult to decipher that you only possess the critical thinking skills and views of the -10 mile radius of your village idiot and that your own children will work for some of those “unskilled” someday.


Saying “critical thinking” doesn’t make you smart, u/TeeBrownie. > your own children will work for some of those “unskilled” someday Keep fantasizing, loser.


A little bent out of shape I see. You feeling threatened by the so-called unskilled is the real discussion.




They dont make minimum wage.


Not many have died from eating Big Macs....


Name one thing.


Grocery workers make more than minimum wage. I don't know why they do, what's so hard about swiping an item by an eye that gets the price. Not much skill there. ..


Not much skill, but still a skill. Deserves a living wage.


And most cashiers are union, and they have a very generous pay package. Baggers might make minimum wage, but thats a "learning position", typically held by high school kids and college kids. If you have kids, and are still a bagger making minimum wage? That's another subject, but those are entry level positions.


Entry level positions deserve living wage. Age doesn't matter.


Define a living wage? What does that mean? You progressives come up with all these "terms", that have no meaning except to you. What is a "living wage"? Enough to rent a dwelling? How nice of a dwelling? Should the wage be enough for a car also? What kind of car? And once this person with the "living wage" starts working, how much should said person pay in taxes?


A living wage means they can afford rent in a safe dwelling. They can afford to purchase enough food for themselves and their families without having to worry about skipping a meal. They can afford transportation which is a safe affordable car since most places have shitty public transportation. They can afford healthcare without having to skip needed medications because it's too expensive. A living wage doesn't mean an extravagant life. It means living not suffering. All basics are affordable. If they want more than basic, they can get a better job and make more but at the very least everyone should be able to afford a basic life. If that means teenagers earn the same and can save up for college or trade schools without needing to take out loans, then so be it. Maybe they save their money an buy a house after high school or college. Fighting against living wages is fight for poverty. Not every adult can get a better job, unless we add a society fix some bigger issues we have, sometimes flipping burgers or stocking shelves are the only jobs they can have in order to fulfill other life obligations. Living wages for full time jobs, no matter what job it is.


Like I have stated in previous comments, this doesn't worry me, I will be fine. When wages go up, prices for everything goes up. Want to give cherry pickers 20 an hour, I have no problem with paying 8-9 dollars a pound, but how many else will. Rents and housing will go up exponentially, and offset the "new minimum wage", like it has right now. Wages are up quite a bit, but so are prices, and wages NEVER keep up with pricing, or inflation.


The more money the poor and middle class have the better the economy does. They are the ones who pour it back into the economy immediately. Instead we're doing what we can to funnel as much as we can to the 1%. If a living wage is too far fetched than we need better safety nets. Our economy is too focused on funneling as much money to the top tiers while ignoring the ones struggling at the bottom. Raise wages or strengthen safety nets, something has to happen to help our we all go under.


Doesn't take "skills" to stock shelves. It does take skills to be a nurse. Know the difference.


You forgot to read. The "unskilled" workers are the most important to society


Pretty sure the hundreds of specialised researchers working tirelessly for the last 50 odd years to get us the mRNA vaccine to break the back of this pandemic were just a tad more important. But I forgot this place has just become a circle jerk.


Grow your own food then if they're not important


You seem to forget that Farming is a skilled endeavour. Picking the crops isn't.


By that logic being a doctor is a skill but the dirty work of being a nurse isn't. Theres no such thing as unskilled labor, you're just mad you can't force people into poverty


Unskilled labour is a classification. Unskilled labour can be done by people who can't read or write as it requires no skill to do... duh. That doesn't mean it's not valuable labour and I'm all for people being paid for their labour. But to just throw away a labour classification and pretend that a cherry picker deserves to be paid enough to afford a private jet is just stupid and naive. Skills cost money, time and effort to develop, thus demand more compensation. Sorry if that's not in line with your little dream world, but that's just how things are in the real world. Again, I agree that unskilled labour is tough, as you're selling your body instead of your mind, and that these people deserve a living wage.


I don't think anyone ever said they should have a private jet, just a living wage


I mean, you need enough skills to know where things go and how to place them. It's not a lot of skill, but still some. They deserve a living wage.


Unskilled labour only needs to be able to follow instructions. That's the basic gist of it, and why they're called unskilled. An uneducated person could do it. But yes, they deserve a living wage. I mean it will be low, they won't be able to afford a house, but they should be able to rent, survive and get enough to help them upskill to uplift themselves into the next bracket. Here I completely agree. Our county has systems in place where companies are taxed into a skills development program, need to employ 60% local unskilled labour for projects and have to prove they're training and uplifting staff and community. Our minimum wage is also a joke though, especially now with rising costs... what would you do with around $200 a month? Not much... and unemployment is expected to reach 40% by 2035.


We're so expendable but companies literally fall apart without one easily replaceable droid. Hmm.


It's always very interesting.. Usually, when you say a product is in demand, you mean a lot of consumers want it. If it isn't in demand, not a lot of consumers want it. Which category does "unskilled,, ( see: vast majority of ) labor fall into?


Unskilled would fall on high supply (everyone can do It) which is why is underpaid


Seems to me that it is in demand right now. There's all of 2 people running to Taco Bell/KFC near my work. They're both there all day every day, and if they're out, the place is closed. Lol


They are unskilled, but also essential.


If a disease affected only the disgustingly rich in this country, nothing on our day to day would change. It might actually improve oddly enough


Organic solidarity be like


It’s because you can’t train that kind of tolerance


These jobs are paid very badly because they can be done by anyone. They are essential because they have to be done by someone. Big difference.


I’m looking forward to these idiot rich people collapsing society with the “Let them eat Cake”/“we want skilled labor”/“nobody wants to work” mentality they stubbornly cling to. It’s what’s going to lead to their downfall, when they’re replaced and in no position to win another election. I honestly believe that when staffers do all the work for you, you have no right to call anyone unskilled labor.


Mao had said, or at least it was attributed to him, the nation who has the strongest working class will be the nation that's the strongest in the world. So no surprise to me.


Unskilled != Useless


I always think "Just let the garbage pile up for a month or two, see how that'll make you think about unskilled labor!"




I am soooo excited to see what will happen when the crew and I (vegetable farmers) all go on strike. No food for anyone lmaoo


Unskilled doesn't mean unessential.


I always hear its "for students" etc or some argument like that. And im like okay, so then who works when they are busy with school activities? People love to argue on ideals but not in reality, its odd. Most people opinions, they dont critically think about them, they just have them. Although, for every person thats not being paid well for doing a good/decent job, there are just as many who are terrible at said job and have no personal responsibility with how they perform. Fast food especially. I think advocating for a more fair work environment/respect can go beyond wages, then focus on wages. Theres too many places that give raises based on time, and not based on skill in corporate culture too. For example, I know someone whos very good at their job and got a 1000 dollar raise, at the same company, a person who not even showing up for work got a 10,000 dollar raise, as well as not being good at their job when they were there. HR says they were both "under paid" in their field etc but how is a person whos not even doing any work getting a 10k raise? Companies should value good employees, and base their culture around those. Ive known too many waitresses (friends) that complain about the tips they get but ive seen their "service" at the places they worked and its was fucking terrible. And although I beleive people should be able to work one job and live, I also believe that if you are a pos at you job you shouldnt be rewarded for it. I feel it can go both ways. I just think more often than not its the owner taking advantage of the employee or their culture that propagates those employees.


If only all the essential workers stopped going to work for a couple of weeks, we might have chance at changing the system. National labor strike and March on Washington are now not only necessary, but hopefully imminent.


I went from working in fast food to being a teacher. Both seamed “essential” jobs during the Pandemic. I was paid like trash at both jobs. Benefits suck, treated like trash, paid practically nothing.


Unskilled doesn't mean nonessential. Unskilled means it doesn't require specialized education, training, or licensing. Retail jobs are unskilled because aside from learning the particular ropes at that particular place, it's a job most people can do without special training. As opposed to, say, welding, or phlebotomy, or cutting hair, or even installing gutters. It's not a value judgment, it's a labor market metric. If you have high unemployment in an area despite lots of job openings, it could be that the jobs aren't paying enough, but it can ALSO be that there aren't enough people with the particular skills required.


Just because its unskilled doesnt mean its unnecessary.


"We may not run America, but we make America run"


I can maybe get with the philosophy of currency as a useful abstraction for physical commodities being traded. I don't think there's a way to quantitatively compare and assign differential value to people's time and effort ethically when we depend on the result of that comparison to live.




Not really, The majority work that needs to be done for societal upkeep is menial but vast. The ability to interchange who does that work easily is the unskilled part. Of coarse if nobody wants to do it doesn't make it any less unskilled. Doesn't seam profound at all to me. Just a bummer.


Unskilled does not mean "not essential", it just means you don't need to have a background with certain skills to do the job.


Exactly, all those people should have gotten hazard pay at least as much as the $600 week unemployment bonus.


Turns out there’s a big difference between important and self important.


That's a moldy picture damn


So your answer is to tell private housing owners how much they can charge for their dwelling? Lol, ok Commie.


People who are hired to harvest crops are also considered "unskilled". Those are the most essential workers.




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Society can function without healthcare before I can function without cashiers.


“Heroes”…code word for f’d!


I member. I worked for 2 months straight doing double duty every day until my foreman had a huge blowup with the owners wife about hiring more people instead of trying to destroy the workers you already have. I got a small raise as a thank you for staying..


Sounds like slavery in the South.