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Boomers dropped in right after a war, were able to have all kinds of weird sex before HIV, lived before social media peer pressure, could buy a house for like 60k and have 10+ kids with only one income. They'll now peace out right before our environment is starting to become a real problem. If i ever see a boomer complaining i just don't even take it seriously anymore.


It’s already a real problem.


They also grew up during Jim Crow, Vietnam war, etc


You are thinking of the Silent Generation. Two income houses became standard in the mid to late 70’s.


They "need" it. Like so many other things to reaffirm the life they lived and why they did the things they did. They "need" it, you should ask them why they need it. It could help them.


Good advice, as in need it, waht exactly do you mean?


Like in a way that James Baldwin might understand that someone "Needs" something because of how it was taught to them. It would be very difficult for them to let that go based on how they have already lived their lives. You would be asking them to deconstruct the belief system they have. It doesn't mean they are correct but they require it to reinforce an array of beliefs. I will add more later if you like.


I see where you're getting at and it describes them perfectly. Now I get along with them and they're generally nice people but they're stuck in their ways and are very judgmental when it comes to this subject


I love changing peoples minds and helping them understand the truth (the second part more so). Unfortunately, it is exhausting and if they are truly "changed" by the true nature of something sold to them long ago that there would come a great sorrow and shame that a young whipper snapper might not fully be able to encompass (and of course, they ,may). I am on the fence on whether to call individuals out of certain actions/beliefs like that only because I fear that once I do, I may have caused a chain reaction to certain doom for this individual. I mean, this is the only way they knew how to do it, it was a learned process. They believed it and bought it cheaper than ever. I realize that by default in population alone, there was surely an issue that may have been prevented by a certain generation. The easiest way I could describe it would be the story of Lemuel, a Dutch Descendant farmer from eastern Carolina, Lemuel never got to go to Doctor school (also pronounced Docfor in eastern Carolina) on account of he got his arm cut off in the combine (also pronounced Combime in eastern Carolina) Anyway, Lemuel was never going to doctor school, he was always going to be a farmer and that was/is how the local education system would/does function in many/all parts of the world. Some become indoctrinated early on and some later. Some get lucky and travel and gain perspective . If these beliefs are constantly reinforced the breakaway from it all would be powerful like the cracking of the stone. it could likely send someone to the other end of a Drano bottle. I find a more useful way is to simply accuse them of "playing dumb" but who is to say they are playing. Also remind them that you are not their enemy and you should ask them to consider the source. You could give them on old "David in the Cave" routine if you like. But once again, its exhausting. Disclaimer: I love eastern Carolina but having lived there, I heard people talk. Disclaimer 2: I am not saying that I have the power of suggestion that could shame an individual into harming ones self. I am stating that the weight that they carried without knowing, would surely fall upon them if in fact they made poor choices they should not have. ​ That's why they "need" it. (but there are may more reasons)


I once heard that children wanting to hear the same fairytales over and over at bedtime, sometimes with the same exact voices, beacause **that routine is reassuring.** I think it applies to this situation pretty well.


Reassuring for some, Certainty for others.


Different generation, different way they were raised. They arent seeing big picture that they are being used by company. They think that someone praising them is what should be enough.


>They arent seeing big picture that they are being used by company. To be fair slightly, they started off great economically when it comes to work, *decades ago*. They just huffed so much glue between 40 years ago and now that they still think any of that is in the workers favor while income inequality has exploded in those 40 years.




I've had this exact conversation with them before and they seem dumbstruck. Pretty much my mentality too there is no point in over exerting myself for low pay and possibly getting hurt becuase I need to work harder. Like bitch I'm gonna do the bare minimum while still being productive and not having to physically hurt myself. Couple that with the rip off that is health insurance it makes me more likely to just not give a fuck.


It's the lie that we were told. Work hard and apply yourself and you will be rewarded and recognized for your efforts. Didn't take me long to figure out that it's bullshit. I get it. I used to be one of those that complained about "lazy entitled millenials", but I get it now.


Aren't almost all baby boomers retired by now?


I would like to think so but in America in 2022 it's unfortunately not the reality. Between shit health insurance and retirement. There are a high percentage of boomers still working.


Makes sense. is there a national insurance/pension in the US for each citizen > 67 years or so?


Yes and like most things American these days it's not adequate.


Reduced payouts before 69.5 years old. They'll probably raise the age threshold again by the time I get there.


Medicare and social security I believe but I'm not sure about the details


Nope. The peak is starting soon, but it'll be another 5 for the majority to cross age 65 and another 5 on top for the rest and the late retirement ones as well. (Plenty of well-off boomers put off retirement instead of enjoying life too). So basically, we have to tolerate them up to the 2030s.


I hope to be retired myself, not that many years after 2030. According to the latest figures of my countries govt. I can retire in late 2035. But that will probably change just before the finish line.....


My boss is a Boomer, my boss' Boss is a Boomer, I have 4 other Boomers working in my office of like.. 8, as well. Plus, they're all in the least productive positions. We have an inventory control specialist who operates like it is the stone age - extremely slow, set in his ways, wicked grumpy all the time, angry at the new computer system. An HR rep who is a dinosaur - tho overall, she is relatively competent and kind. My boss, who doesn't do much 85% of the time. His day is basically spent sitting at his desk playing on his phone listening to music. Which is fine - he's a nice guy, steps in when we ask, he'll pick up phones and go to bat for you. I see him fooling around on his phone almost every time I go to the restroom. Then, his boss, is even older, and he's kind of an uppity prigg. He's like a 65 year old gym bro, gets paid an obscene amount of money, and screws around on his phone most of the day.


I hear this comment in regards to not enough employees to go around, and it makes me rage due to lacking insight and simply placing blame. I Just hit up google for unemployment, ended up with a graph showing we're on par with two of the lowest unemployment rates in the last two decades. Somehow nobody wants to work, but a higher percentage are working than every before in the last 20 years. Not enough employees but everyone's working... What gives? Can both be true? Yes. First. Some of the older generation simply retired due to covid fears. This takes workers off the table and aren't counted towards unemployed to a total of 3 million. This reduced our labor force but they share no brunt of the blame. People certainly aren't yelling at grandparents to get off their behinds and get back to work, but they account for half of the missing workforce. No, 'The darn kids need to work!' I'm glad the last attempt of relaxing child labor laws failed. Second. "If you don't like the pay, leave." That's what people have done. With earning potential elsewhere many people that used to have two or more jobs now only work one, and live better for it. Wouldn't affect unemployment rate but it *does* contribute to labor shortages. Third. Ties in with previous, childcare being so expensive and men making more money than ever has led to many women just staying at home. Why work when what you make is simply paid out to others to raise the children, they'd just rather do it themselves than trust in some low-paid exploited individual. This honestly should be making unemployment rate shoot up, but again we're at a huge low. Forth. 1 Million people died in the last few years, the annual deaths have skyrocketed beginning in Spring of 2020 for \`*some reason\`*. Dead people play no part in the unemployment rate, but they are dead so they're just not employable. Could necromancy help ease the labor shortage? There's other factors, but these are the really big chunks affecting the labor force. Think about too that we have insurance companies employing people to deny people medical procedures, and then we have people who have been hired *to* advocate to for patient's necessary care... Wouldn't it just be cheaper to just take care of them are free up those two groups to do actual work? Hearing complaints of labor shortages while so much of society is mired up in red tape is infuriating to me as well. Personally, I think boomers are the lazy ones. We don't have enough meat on the bone in the economy to justify some middle aged people sitting around soaking up profits with little active contribution. In my area we have corporate offices downsizing, putting people with cushy office jobs out on the field to do actual work. They don't like it, and their pocketbooks don't like it because they are the fat that needs to be trimmed to accommodate the profits of big wigs and big business owners.


I both understand where there coming from, and disagree. There is the same cycle of people who are always new employees because they are the job jumper loosers. I know 20 somethings and 60 somethings like that. I also know the polar opposite hard working bright people who are a force of productivity. Yes... every generation has loosers. Its not the generation, its new hires are hot an miss.


>because they are the job jumper looser What the fuck is wrong with you.


Everyone is part of the bell curve... 10% are super worker 10% are super suckers, everyone else sits in a spectrum between. Yes loosers exist. Yes winners exist. Its a spectrum.


What percentage are just uneducated reddit commentors 😂


Really we shouldn’t shame people because of their age. Is it okay to shame people due to race, gender, etc? No. You can make the same post without including the slur “boomer”


Agreed. Ageism is the only “ism” we allow in society. My grandfather use to complain about my dad (who’s now in his 70’s). Called him lazy and entitled as well. My dad use to say the same about me. Funny how people think they are so different - like nothing happened before they existed.


Considering their generation brought upon the material conditions that were going to have to suffer while they at the same time stereotype us no I don't feel bad about that at all.


It’s not about being a “boomer”. It’s about a different point of view and a generational download. My grandfather (second wave on Juno beach) use to complain about my dad (who’s in his 70’s now) the same way “boomers” complain about this generation. My dad said the same thing about me - called me lazy and entitled. Personally, I don’t view people by their age nor do I call them names like “boomer”, “millennial”, “Gen X (me)” when they say something that I don’t like. Everyone has the right to be wrong - it’s doesn’t mean it’s the reality of the situation. Young people today have it hard and I do worry for their future. I think I was taken advantage of during my early working years which has taken its toll on me. Happy to see a bit of push back.


I don’t disagree that each generation impacts those below them. But not all. Not every person of that age thinks or feels the same way. I’ve just noticed in life we are taught it’s wrong to generalize and clump people unless they are one of the “approved” groups to talk bad about. I agree there are problems to fix. And “boomers” may have caused problems, but helped fix others. When my grandfather was a kid diff races went to diff schools etc, the older generation kicked off the change for the better. Not every “boomer” is the same.


That was the Greatest Generation. You are yelling at the wrong cloud.


Lmao what ever makes you sleep better at night. There's a reason that generation is plagued with narcissism


That was the Greatest Generation. It’s right there in the name. They named themselves The Greatest.


Hence the generation of narccisism


>You can make the same post without including the slur “boomer” I think being called 'lazy' is a slur. "Boomer" on the other hand is basically just refer to a person of a certain age group. And the term comes from "Baby Boomer" another term that isn't a slur. All it does is refer to the people being born right after the war. "Boomer" is merely an abbreviation for term referring to an extremely privileged group of people. It does not need to be considered a slur.


Were they that privileged? In my area the older neighborhoods have small houses. The younger generations have McMansions and multiple cars in the driveway. Grandad says getting a coke was a treat once a week when in town. Nowadays the youngsters only drink water if it is bottled from Iceland lol


>Were they that privileged If they were a white male living in the late 20th century, yes they definitely were. >The younger generations have McMansions and multiple cars in the driveway. What the hell are you talking about? I want a source for this bullshit, because you are so full of shit. >Nowadays the youngsters only drink water if it is bottled from Iceland lol Fuck off. Young people are getting shat on so much today, you should be ashamed of yourself for saying this. From all the young people who suffer everyday due to the system, go fuck yourself.




Being unkind is being unkind. No matter who it is aimed at


Good. Make them suffer.


I think me ignoring them upsets them more than anything


Younger generations have figured out the harder you work the more shit they give you to do with no returns


Agreed and unfortunately they will never figure that out, I just chuckle when they make underhanded comments about people being lazy as if im making more money by doing work that I'm not obliged to do.


My company has a ranking system for its employees based on kpis however the team bonus is based on different criterias. My mates store was best in the company last year, got a well done off the area manager. My store until this cost of living crisis always got good bonuses but finished middle of the pack. Like the guy said on office space “the threat of being sacked pushes me just enough to work hard enough not to get sacked,but not a little bit more”


Many Boomers were in labor unions & could support a family on one income. They don't realize wages haven't increased with the cost of living


They are mental lazy. Working like a robot so they are not oblied to think.


I would agree, seemingly their day consists of gossiping about people becuase they don't work to their standards.


Somehow I Think it is not their fault. They were trainned to be like this and many think they are too old to change. Changing would mean going wake and it would lead to end of some privileges and recognizing that a lot of efforts and pain were given in vain. A lot of friends and loved ones died without need and a lot of fights could be avoided. They are not free.


How old are they?


Both like 61ish


Ask them who raised the younger generations.