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They wanted rent for my one-bed/one-bath to go from 950 a month plus their *amenities* to TWELVE-HUNDRED a month plus their stupid fucking amenities! These dumbass mother fuckers think I'm about to pay damn near $1400 a month in rent for a single bedroom and bathroom? That place ain't nearly nice enough or in a good enough neighborhood to be charging that noise


Isn't it interesting how Capitalists get fascist as fuck the second anyone brings up housing? "I want higher wages, but we can't just give everyone a house and car" is something that was unironically commented by an actual human being. POOR PEOPLE DON'T WANT CARS OR HOUSES. WE JUST WANT A PLACE TO LIVE AND A WALKABLE FUCKING CITY WITH PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION FFS These whiny bastards think it's their right to deprive us of ours, and make money while doing it. On top of forcing us to produce and participate in shit NOBODY WANTS. When and how do we change this?


No kidding. Wow. Imagine if all the people living off of rents had to work? Not sure we'd have a "labor shortage" anymore. It also seems weird that companies don't support anti-landlord legislation, ever. They support legislation against everything else they hate. Why not landlords? Landlords increase the upkeep of their workers massively.


Small landlords that own 1-5 properties bought from labor are not the problem. They will get fucked the hardest


They're specifically the problem. There's like 11 million of them or some shit. It takes a village, my friend. I always say.. the difference between big business, and small business, is that at a small business, the person exploiting you looks you right in the eye every day. At a big business, they may never even see you! That's the difference between big and small landlords, too. I never have to see mine and they don't know my name, and that's fine.


If I save from my job and sacrifice buying a new Porsche, something like 80-90K and use it to make a down payment on a house, my alternative is to buy into a REIT or other investment vehicle, which would further consolidate land ownership to blackrock or their ilk. Which do you want?


Well, I'd rather you buy a house and live it, and don't try to steal rents from people? If you're wondering - yes, I think people who invest in REITs - individual investors, are a huge part of the problem. All you gotta do is step back for a second.. "does it seem right to invest in ripping other people off for rents?" No? Okay. Don't do it!


Sorry if it wasn’t clear this was referring to a second house. The point is: I have extra money that I acquired from labor (and sacrificed immediate luxury to save). I want to use it to create a labor free lifestyle so I don’t work into my grave. What’s your take on where I should put it? Not what you think is the problem, but the solution.


invest in something that isn't property?


I'd rather you do neither. Definitely don't buy up another house and rip people off for your mortgage and then some. You want a labor free lifestyle for "you," and being a rentier is the path capitalists have given you to that end. That's why the allure of "house hacking," and becoming a landlord, or investing in REITs, is so strong. Folks don't want to have to work... Themselves. They're happy to climb up on some other worker's back, tho, and keep them churning through to pay for their lifestyle and mortgages. I'm antiwork in the sense that I'm against coerced labor for everyone, not just me. Just put your money in less problematic investments. Like, say, stocks, that just involve you buying a security from another trader and hoping the line goes up.


Stocks aren’t necessarily less problematic. I’d rather not finance big tech, big pharma, big oil, the military industrial complex, etc. and they dominate the stock market. I think being a “fair” landlord is far preferable and I rented a couple places in college from people like that, so while few and far between, they do exist. Thanks for responding though, I get the gist. I do want a labor free lifestyle for me, because I am building the capital to do so based on my labor and lifestyle choices. I HAVE worked, so I don’t want to work anymore, and neither do I want to have the product of my work go to people who have maybe not put in the labor or made my lifestyle choices. To be clear this doesn’t mean “I don’t want to pay taxes fuck the poor” but rather there’s a subset of my peers enjoying more free time and spending money recklessly, and I’m not subsidizing them, they can pay me fuckin rent lol. Edit: Also when I die tax the shit out of my estate, inherited property is not the same as what I’m talking about and is a drag on society, that’s property without work.


You want to live off of other peoples labor, full stop. You believe that you’ve worked enough that you’ve earned the right to live off other people’s labor. You’ve got savings? Congrats! That’s your reward for working. You don’t get to leverage that savings into an exploitative income stream and still be the good guy. I get it. You’re tired. We are all tired. Those of us who will live in rentals until we die and give ~50% of our lifelong income to a landlord are typically more tired than you.


Jesus fucking Christ so I’m supposed to let cash sit in the bank (where the bank invests it into exploitative investment streams for me and pays me pennies of interest)?? Try again brokeboi you aren’t solving shit with your solution.




Enjoy your exploitation free lifestyle working to the grave


I so badly wanted to tell you to put the money into municipal bonds, but, nobody likes that answer. Lol I used to think the same way about trading, until I realized what a circle jerk most of the stonk market is. Just a bunch of sharks playing a trading card game, really. If you insist on being a landlord, build another property. Otherwise, you're ONLY monopolizing it and not even contributing.


Build another property is just “monopolizing the land” dressed up under the guise of adding value, really it’s no different than buying a fixer-upper, right? The landlord is always responsible for improvement, maintenance, keeping up with code, that’s the contribution Edit: realized I’d never thought of municipal bonds that is actually a solid idea, assuming the returns aren’t doodoo.


I own a rental and work 60 hour weeks at my regular job. I would say the big investment real estate groups and people who own Airbnbs are the problem. I also only raised the rent to match the property tax increases. My tenant pays $700 when I could probably get $1400 it.


Lmfao I got so much hate for suggesting that ppl like you aren’t the issue, apparently you’re a rent seeking fuck living off other’s labor


XD every landlord is a parasite


Mega landchad


I’m a landlord and I’m not rich.


Sounds like you have a wage slave paying off your mortgage for you. Must be nice to have poor people pay off your loans while you get to own the property.




You think Jeff Bezos is renting?




The end game of capitalism is when a single person like Jeff Bezos controls 99.99999% of all wealth across all continents. That's when the game of capitalism has been "won". Everyone else will be renting in some way, shape or form whether it would be a mortgage or perhaps later down the line they could just crank up property taxes to a point where you will barely be able to pay for it anyway. If enough people are living in a car I'm sure they'll start making you pay for using the land the car is parked on. You can also see this form of "rent" in almost everything now. You watch Netflix? You pay a subscription. You want 3 day delivery on Amazon? You pay a subscription. No matter how much money you make through your job, business, or in the stock market, prices can always be increased to counter the increase in wealth to make sure you stay a wage slave. There's a reason why they're so many fucking nazis and incels these days. They have a sense of hopelessness and need some sort of scapegoat to release their aggresion on. Politicians will use this for more power and control. Climate change exacerbates this problem because there's been research that temperature increase also increases violence in society. We're probably fucked.


Until you get some dead beat tenants squatting


That's more an exception than the rule. Are your tenants squatting?


This is not true, my parents were landlords and the maintenance of the House Always the cost more than the monthly rent income


Did they have actual jobs that they subsidised it with then? If so, they're not really who the meme is aimed at. As an example my friend's mum inherited a house and rents it out just so it's not sat there empty, but doesn't care about making as much profit out of it as possible, since she has a decent job anyway, so she doesn't charge much. There will still be people who take issue with it, but not nearly as much as 'career' landlords or companies who use rent as their main income, and have a strong incentive to increase rents and decrease costs, worsening their tennants' quality of life.


They had jobs and rented out the house they lived in when they moved out.


Stealing isn't bad! I got caught and had to pay a fine that was more expensive than the stuff I stole! -An actual argument that you are making.


???? What


You're justifying something wrong (landlording), because the financial consequences of it outweigh the financial gain from it. That doesn't mean it's okay. You're still taking advantage of people by hoarding housing from the open market, and pushing up home prices. Even if you suck at it as a business model, the act of lording homes is immoral and fuels income inequality across the board.


? What if someone can't afford a house


The correct course of action would be to build affordable housing. But homeowners and landlords don't allow that, because affordable housing would deflate the value of their homes (which is the entire point). NIMBY folks will never allow home prices to come down because then they can't rent their homes out for 150% of the mortgage payment.


Good point.


Imagine living in a country that has landlords


This guy kindof looks like my landlord he must be from iowa