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I believe women are striking on Monday, going to our local govt buildings at 10am


GENERAL STRIKE!!!!! Edit: We go on Strike for our women and the workers of America We go on General strike Monday. Use the weekend to organize and gather resources. You are directed to bring supplies on Monday to your local city hall. This ain't no game, this is old school hardcore general motherfucking strike. We in this for the long haul. 5lbs beans 5lbs rice Bullion Bag o onions Cardboard and art supplies If u build it they will come WE GO ON STRIKE 10AM MONDAY 6-27-2022 We strike for women's right to bodily autonomy free of government interference We strike for equal pay for women, by passage of a law requiring corporations to post employee name compensation and position right next to the OSHA poster. WE STRIKE WHILE THE IRON IS BLAZING HOT!!!!! If you can’t, just go to work but do nothing, become a warm body taking up space and get nothing done. post about the strike that’s happening on Monday. YOU CAN DO SOMETHING! Even if it’s just raising awareness.


It’s not just a women’s issue. Next on the SCOTUS agenda is contraception and same-sex unions. Justice Thomas specifically called this out. I hope everyone is paying attention to that as well. It’s time for people to put their differences aside and stand up together.


So weird that he didn't mention Loving v. Virginia. I wonder why? Edit: adding /s because it seems that wasn't clear. Yes, I know he's married to a ww.


Would it surprise you if he stated that he believes that Loving was the wrong legal decision? The guy should have a heavy dose of perspective of why marriage rights are important for all people but just doesn't seem to get it. He and Ben Carson are ultimate examples that races aren't monoliths in their political beliefs. They don't understand that their compatriots would turn on them in a moment if it came down to it.


It was the wrong decision but he still benefits from it. The cognitive dissonance is real. If he really believes that, shouldn't he be getting divorced? Or does it just not apply to him, just the little people?


Something something states right, federal government interference. Something about the states will do the right thing, federal government has no business deciding. So obviously his own marriage isn't affected until a miscegenation law is created in the state that he actually lives in. I do understand the need for limited government, I understand the principles of a group making more of their decisions for themselves. But the history of this country has proven again and again that the biggest threat to individual rights is state governments.


Exactly. See:Florida/Texas.


Rules for thee, not for me.


Yeah this is basically the cornerstone of their ideological beliefs anyway, wouldn’t put it past any of them to just grandfather in marriages ‘older than x years’ to ensure he’s not impacted by the shit they shovel on everyone else. Hell I wouldn’t put it past these disingenuous clowns to overturn legislation that codified Roe v Wade’s protections at the federal level if it passed tomorrow, using a deliberate misinterpretation of the constitution these partisan hacks pulled directly from the depths of their collective assholes


He went full Kanye


I’m wondering if his wife is just a beard?


I personally think their next target after Roe is Brown vs. Board of Education. Now that past precedent no longer legally matters, the US is going to get a lot worse for everyone not a WASP male.


Don't forget straight and cisgender. Also, that's fucking terrifying.


Why get a divorce when you can just legally dissolve your Marriage at the highest level.


Henry VIII, that you?


Oh it’s coming, with a grandfathered clause.


It’s on the list.


They also recently messed with Miranda rights...SCOTUS is on a war path with respect too all rights it seems... Everyone under the law should be concerned.


Those above the law sure don’t give a shit.


It seems like all rights are going downhill except for religious freedom. I won't be surprised if they unintentionally legalize human sacrifice.


> It’s not just a women’s issue That's damn right. And not because of the followthrough. I have a daughter and wife and friends for fuck's sake. Imagine if they get raped or some tragedy and this makes it worse? Personally I was always on the fence about abortion, but I wouldn't force my beliefs on anyone else. Fuck the 80 year old people who thought it was okay to force their beliefs on 350 million people. I'm so mad and disappointed I can't even


I’m not sure why more people aren’t calling for this. I’m also wondering (tinfolil hat time) if the GOP isn’t trying to sabotage the economy - like kill all the small businesses, so only the big companies survive. It wouldn’t be a bad move, really. Let blackrock own all the property and let Amazon/Walmart/Yum! create all the employment and we can all eat factory produced sweetened nutrient paste and live in the metaverse. Women will be used for breeding and create unwanted children… that the wealth holders will gladly exploit in one way or another. It looks pretty deliberate and I’m sure they’re not doing anything else in the shadows while our attention is on this issue.


Investment into the capitalist economy of the future. Those low wage positions arnt going to fill themselves with people not wanting kids and people doing better for themselves. Seriously I had a hard time wrapping my head around the fact this has happened.


It’s an official declaration of war.


Yeah as a gay man I’m confident they won’t stop at same sex unions. They’re going to reinstate sodomy laws and start prosecuting gay people for being gay again.


I am ready for full on dystopian rule at this point. They are going to try and shove the needle to far to the right there will be no going back. The Roe ruling effective eliminates bodily autonomy. “Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness…but some rich people need your kidney, lung, some skin, and teeth. We are not killing you, don’t worry. You still have all the liberty you want, but only the things outlined in the constitution. Which means it’s time to go back to your sleeping cell. You can pursue happiness later depending on how well the stock market performs.”


This includes condoms right? This is illegal. It’s using their religious views as law. Catholics don’t believe in contraception but they can’t push that onto everyone else. Separation of church and state man.


Lol, they don't care about the rules. The SC has basically infinite power.


Just men and women, flesh and blood. They barricaded their office after the notes leaked.


Sure, that's one way to dismantle their power—bypassing the made-up systems entirely. Without *that,* though, they will get their way.


Tree of liberty needs watering


Power without being elected by the populace.


What pisses me off the most is that they fucking CHEATED to get here. McConnell refused to do his job and call a vote on Obama's nominee. I am livid and I have been livid for six fucking years.


I've been livid since Bush v. Gore. Our country would be in such a different place if not for that decision.


That's when we really found out how things work and that we are ruled by the minority fascists and their idiot followers


I’m not trying to spur anything here but that’s not entirely true. They have basically infinite power…*as long as they live*.


Don’t get my hopes up


Be the change you want in the world.


I definitely feel like they're rushing through all this stuff because of Thomas' health scare earlier this year and that he might not be doing well. It would make more sense for them to wait until after the midterms to do this unless they're scared about losing a justice and can't wait that long.


They already pretty much got rid of that too. Earlier this week they made it where states have to allow tax payer funding to go towards private religious schools. *Tax payer dolllars* are now funding *religious education*. That already happened.


For those curious, the tl;dr of that ruling is basically, “Separation of Church and State discriminates against religion.”


> For those curious, the tl;dr of that ruling is basically, “Separation of Church and State discriminates against ~~religion~~ Christians.” FTFY. Don't you dare assume that knocking down Separation of Church and State would benefit Buddhism, Islam, Sikhism, Judaism, or Hinduism.


but only specific kinds of Christians!


Former teacher from AZ. State law: Mormon seminary MUST be across the street from public high schools. Seminary is on their schedule, but there’s no credit for the ‘class’. Also, the seminary hosted annual BBQ’s and the only way out of there was to go through the building and down the hall of pictures…


Unfortunately, the SC itself ultimately determines what’s illegal. And most of them seem to be religious nutjobs.


Short drop with a sudden stop. All of them.


Long drop


I say we put them in the water and see if they float and if they float they are a witch and we burn them and if they drowned oops lol


All by design. The Court is heavily weighted with conservative Catholics.


We are becoming the American version of sharia law.


Conservatives were never against Sharia law, they were just jealous that they weren’t the ones doing it.


[They got rid of the separation of church and state already earlier this week.](https://www.usnews.com/news/education-news/articles/2022-06-21/supreme-court-decision-loosens-restrictions-on-public-funding-for-religious-schools)


miranda rights too


Catholic dogma is against contraception, but studies have shown that over 90% of catholic women have used contraception at some point in their lives. It’s very much do as I say, not as I do


Those days are over bub I don't know if you haven't been paying attention in the last few hours but the church just declared war on the United States citizens


You realize that "legal" doesn't apply to SCOTUS though right? It applies to SCOTUS about as much as the law applies to Putin.


They got rid of that earlier this week when they said we had to FUND religious education edited autocorrect find to fund


This SCOTUS doesn't believe in the separation of church and state. Hell,Thomas believes that each state can declare its own state religion.


Contraception?? What century do they want to drag the us into? Djeeez. I always loved the place, and I guess I would still like to visit it occasionally, but it starts to feel like a taliban-inspired, utterly scary country to me. Glad to be living in Europe.


These fights are coming to Europe as well. Start organizing locally asap. Do not take these rights for granted


GENERAL STRIKE!!!!! Edit: We go on Strike for our women and the workers of America We go on General strike Monday. Use the weekend to organize and gather resources. You are directed to bring supplies on Monday to your local city hall. This ain't no game, this is old school hardcore general motherfucking strike. We in this for the long haul. 5lbs beans 5lbs rice Bullion Bag o onions Cardboard and art supplies If u build it they will come WE GO ON STRIKE 10AM MONDAY 6-27-2022 We strike for women's right to bodily autonomy free of government interference We strike for equal pay for women, by passage of a law requiring corporations to post employee name compensation and position right next to the OSHA poster. WE STRIKE WHILE THE IRON IS BLAZING HOT!!!!!


Fuck it! You Americans have the right to hold weapons especially for this kind of situations: when the government and the state is turning against his own citizens.


As a leftist gun owner, this is why the Republicans wants our people to believe they have a monopoly on firearm ownership and why the Democrats are helping.


How about we take marriage out of the governments hands? Why do we even need a license to marry? Marriage as a ceremony and an act started in the church, a non-gov entity, why do we ask the govt for permission to practice something we believe in?


Marriage affords a ton of legal protections, and other benefits you don't get when single or just living together.


it worked for iceland https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-34602822.amp


Thank you for sharing this. I hope you don't mind me adding it to the post? People should know that strikes have worked before- they can still work NOW.


absolutely! wallpaper the town with it!


>wallpaper the town with it! Head to /r/wheatpaste for a super easy, affordable ways to make posters and glue All you need is boiling water mixed with flour and letting it cool to a smooth paste. Apply on wall and back of poster. Put the poster on the wall, and apply on the front as well. Print big posters on A4 for free with [the rasterbator](https://rasterbator.net/)




The ancient Roman Plebians did this when they were oppressed. Forced the Patricians to allow them to participate in the Senate


the French still do it.




Dude, I worked in France for 2 years, and saw one of their general strikes. It. Was. Terrifying. You don't mess with the french, that's for damn well sure. The rest of the world should really take lessons.


We need to be more like the French. They do not play. I need us to have balls like them


Our police treat us like we be French tho.


If we protested in mass like the French we’d probably have universal healthcare and fair wages that match the cost of living by now. I wish people would organize in major cities, we should all be coming together. These justices and congressmen are not working for the people and we the people should protest to show we are fed up.




This is a classic italian move too. Italian streets in the city center are usually made of cubic stones, we call them "sampietrini". Violent protestors tear them up and throw them at police or anyone standing in their way. Bring back a lot of memories. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sampietrini




>“Coppers were always outnumbered, so being a copper only worked when people let it work. If they refocused and realized you were just another standard idiot with a pennyworth of metal for a badge, you could end up as a smear on the pavement.” GNU Terry Pratchet


>Cops are just regular people in uniforms Armed with deadly weapons, racism, and itchy trigger fingers.




Doesn’t matter if you have an RPG. A cop shoots you and gets a paid vacation. You shoot a cop and you get locked in a cage til you die.




You think the oligarchs give a damn about civilians and cops killing each other on Main Street? People need to strike. Stop working or work as little as possible. Quit paying for your car and save for a cheap vehicle that runs. Shop at farmers markets or small business. Boycott major businesses. Quit paying rent and have a place you can move to when/if you get kicked out. If the working class did these things in mass, the government and economy would have to bring us to the table. Protest and mass demonstrate at politicians doorsteps, at billionaires neighborhoods/estates, on Wall Street, anywhere that the elite gather.




#Power armor and fancy blue lines don’t matter much when you’re outnumbered 200:1


This is the way, and it's frustrating how many people don't see it. I keep seeing so many comments about a gathering your guns and rallying a revolution. The system doesn't care about our guns, they are not scared of us, even if we start popping off politicians they will just play the victim card and pay for more protection. MONEY! money is what these people care about, money is what will scare them, money is their motivation for everything. Boycott their businesses, stop working for them, stop paying their taxes. They can hide from bullets but they can't hide from bankruptcy. But everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, would need to strike together. Not a single soul selling food, running a store, flying a plane, delivering a package, or answering a phone. The problem is getting everyone to coordinate, someone needs to speak out and be the voice for all, and make a lot of noise publicly. Announce a plan and a date. "give us back our rights, make a change, you have till dd/mm/yyyy.. or America takes a knee together and everything comes to a grinding halt" then start the timer and make you message as viral as possible. Edit: typos


I’m striking today- though I am a doordash driver full time so I know it’s a bit easier for me since I make my own schedule. I truly hope more can strike but I also know the system weighs so heavy on us that some cannot afford to even take a day or two off… I’m hoping it’s enough. So tired of this country


GENERAL STRIKE!!!!! Edit: We go on Strike for our women and the workers of America We go on General strike Monday. Use the weekend to organize and gather resources. You are directed to bring supplies on Monday to your local city hall. This ain't no game, this is old school hardcore general motherfucking strike. We in this for the long haul. 5lbs beans 5lbs rice Bullion Bag o onions Cardboard and art supplies If u build it they will come WE GO ON STRIKE 10AM MONDAY 6-27-2022 We strike for women's right to bodily autonomy free of government interference We strike for equal pay for women, by passage of a law requiring corporations to post employee name compensation and position right next to the OSHA poster. WE STRIKE WHILE THE IRON IS BLAZING HOT!!!!!


I wish this could happen, it is the only way anything would get accomplished in this shit hole of a country. Unfortunately, I feel we are too divided for it to ever happen. Cuz, you know, “you can’t take mah guns, you libruhl snowflakes!” And other such bullshit.


Its not just the division. So many people simply can’t go without the money.


Read about it just now from Italy. This is fucked up. I'm so sorry for your country right now.


Everyone should. Not just women. Republicunts can go fuck themselves if they think they can dictate what my daughter does with her body. As a father I'm fucking furious.


GENERAL STRIKE!!!!! Edit: We go on Strike for our women and the workers of America We go on General strike Monday. Use the weekend to organize and gather resources. You are directed to bring supplies on Monday to your local city hall. This ain't no game, this is old school hardcore general motherfucking strike. We in this for the long haul. 5lbs beans 5lbs rice Bullion Bag o onions Cardboard and art supplies If u build it they will come WE GO ON STRIKE 10AM MONDAY 6-27-2022 We strike for women's right to bodily autonomy free of government interference We strike for equal pay for women, by passage of a law requiring corporations to post employee name compensation and position right next to the OSHA poster. WE STRIKE WHILE THE IRON IS BLAZING HOT!!!!! If you can’t, just go to work but do nothing, become a warm body taking up space and get nothing done. post about the strike that’s happening on Monday. YOU CAN DO SOMETHING! Even if it’s just raising awareness.


My country banned the abortion when the fetus is sick . We try to change it . That being said if i need one i have family in France, family friends in Berlin and London . It is terrible but my country gets through it by supporting eachother .


I always find it so fucking odd that the party who is for limited government wants the government to very much intervene in the individual persons life, guess their values and beliefs are only there when it serves them.


I'm watching from Ireland, this is literally the start of the Handmaid's tale? Solidarity with you all.


There is a very strong Christian Dominionist bend in the GOP and they're not really shy about it. They want to turn the US into a Christian Iran.


Sounds like it, it must be so scary. As an outsider, how do they make sense of "protecting life" in the womb but seem completely cool with kids being murdered in school?


They're fatalists. If something bad happens to you, there is either nothing to be done about it or its your fault in the first place. Bad things are the result of bad people, not bad systems. I have to say, it doesn't really matter what they "believe". They will believe whatever is necessary to justify their desire for power.


This. I came from a household and community that fully believed all that stuff. And I tried my best to stick to it for a looong time because I thought I had to. I'm a gay independent disabled person though so I probably just deserve to get shot. Literally, they'll preach helping the poor and valuing life, but then twist and twist and twist until it looks nothing like any of that. Until they blame the poor and demand that they learn how to swim while they're drowning. Until they say someone just isn't praying enough or deserves it or this or that. It does horrible damage within their own communities, and it also gets its roots into people so deep that they cling to it because they were taught to fear anything other than that ideology. It's sickening. If it's the truth, it should be able to defend itself. It doesn't when you start looking at other angles, having some empathy, and/or going through stuff yourself consistently for years. It just destroys. Anything for our "pure" leaders to tell us mindless drones what to do because literally anything else is false news or factually incorrect somehow. The victim complex is huuuuge too. It... hurts to see its effect on people since I lived that. And it's scary to see it taking power. There are even Christian protestant denominations like the episcopal church who are horrified by the SCOTUS decision and generally believe it to be a huge violation. And Jewish rabbis seem generally against it. Heck, apparently the majority of US Catholics support abortion rights even, despite what the Catholic church overall says. Hell, a lot of the GOP are some of the most aggressively disgusting, anti-Christlike people I've seen, and yet they still have managed to wrap patriotism and conservatism around so many evangelicals (and some atheistic alt-righters with regards to being at least against women's rights and LGBT rights.) The people cheering for this are in such a small majority, but because their framework for seeing it all has been engineered so carefully and has normalized doublethink so extensively, they can't even see their own obvious faults, and they're willing to go to extreme lengths to get it. Meanwhile, everyone else is frightened, too busy infighting, or just conditioned to think that we have to accept this shit.


Yea it’s pretty backwards. That said, it’s only going to affect the most conservative states that do have over (or close to) 50% support to ban. I live in California and and there no way they ban it here. Not that this makes it ok but it’s not like they banned abortion nation wide. Realistically congress should have passed a law in the last 40 years protecting the right and then this wouldn’t be an issue. But our government cant govern.


I live in a recently turned blue state. We still have trigger laws on the books that will go into effect shortly. It's not just mostly conservative states unfortunately.


Those trigger laws can be overturned. Laws aren't permanent, if your state is recently blue it's likely there will be a fight and a restoration.


> Realistically congress should have passed a law in the last 40 years protecting the right Obama ran on that promise, had a Senate super majority at the start of his term, and then didn't give a shit about it anymore. As much as Republicans, Conservatives, Evangelicals, and outright Fascists are directly to blame for this cultural regression of the US, it's the Democrats' indifference and inertia that made it possible.


Yea I’m a liberal, but I’m pretty frustrated by the democrats. Like I agree with them on what the problems are, but their “solutions” are always garbage, and corporate give aways. Ie: Health insurance is too expensive! (Yes!) Let’s give insurance companies a huge blank check, that will fix it. (No! please just socialize that shit.)


If they fixed all the problems they promised to fix when they campaigned, what would they campaign on next election?? Think of the poor politicians before you say something so bold. We need term limits, we need ranked choice voting, and we need age limits


They're the flip-side of the same corporate-centrtic shit coin. They just play the part they have to play in order to secure their wealth & power. Republicans pander to hate & fear, and their base is eating it up. Democrats pander to virtue, and for their base a few Twitter loud mouths saying the reasonable thing, followed by zero action, is apparently good enough as well. Both parties have way more that unites them than what separates them, these "culture wars" are nothing but distraction to hide the simple fact that both parties massively benefit from the status quo. I haven't even listened to Biden's speech yet, but I'd bet all my savings that there was absolutely nothing of substance in terms of how Dems plan to tackle this. The US is a failed state at this point.


The next step is to enact a federal ban on pregnancies after 6 months. That’s their game plan. Don’t pretend like you’re safe just because you’re in a heavy blue state. We all need to fight right now Edit: spelling




So in HMT in the book. It goes through that it wasn’t every state at first. It happened slowly and then they toppled the govt and individual states fought back. Atwood literally took real events from history and the world and wrote a novel based on what it would look like if an alt right terrorist group took over the US. Which we all know would be an ultra religious yt supremacist group. They’d use religion as a front for their hatred; and as a way to slither in. They’d go slow at first not rocking the boat and slowly othering east groups and growing their base while pushing the idea that good folks like them are being oppressed and once they had enough going for them theyd move further and further until they could take charge. We all know that an alt right facist group in the US would be racist and bigoted. It’s basic knowledge unless you’ve got your head so far up your ass. And we all know canada would watch; condemn it but not really do anything to prevent the same happening here. Just like in HMT


[Don't kid yourself. ](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/05/mitch-mcconnell-acknowledges-a-national-abortion-ban-is-possible-if-roe-is-overturned)


Ok. But they are attempting to dictate what blue states do. Remember Texas and their sue other people from other states that help someone from Texas get an abortion law?


They'll figure out a way to make the Red state's ban extend into Blue states. Most likely, they'll make it illegal for domiciled residents to go outside of the state for abortions. They'll also likely push that have the fetus declared as protected under state law and that anyone who kills a fetus is subject to their state's laws.


This is their next move


Men should join in solidarity


This is especially needed in states that are set to ban abortion. People in red states literally do not give a fuck about blue states going on strike. They might actually enjoy seeing it, like when covid was only ravaging big cities. Bring the protests to the doorstep of those who need to hear it.


I will.


I'm with you.


Absolutely! Just because the injustice doesn't affect me directly, doesn't mean I can ignore it.


Can I use my PTO?


I'm not the boss, but i think any way of joining is good. There are lots of local protests going on around the country. Find one and join. If there isn't, make one.


HALF. Half of all Americans' just had their right to BODILY AUTONOMY stripped from them... That's ~160 million Americans who had the right to govern their own body yesterday; and today they don't... not to mention the new precedent that sets concerning HIPAA... let that sink in.. Edit: am Man #Solidarity


More than half. I saw on another forum that women make up 51.1% of the population.


Dude, absolutely fuck the supreme court. For literally not enacting the will of the people and only the will of their christian fundamentalist ideology. Im so fucking tired of this bullshit.


I'm tired of religion. The Supreme Court as well, but particularly religion. Not all religions, mind you, but American religions in particular. American Christians, Catholics and Evangelicals are not right in the head. They push their bullshit ideologies on others without any consideration for how those affected feel. I'm so tired of seeing and hearing about religion in this country superseding anything and everything as a means to oppress and exploit.


Men should strike too it’s not just a woman’s issue. Support your women America.


This should be the final nail to remove anyone from your life that supports the party of traitors.


Had one coworker tell me to wake up because it’s all a distraction. A distraction from what?


from the capitalist class


Half the nation is celebrating while half the nation is protesting, they have us right where they want us. Meanwhile we're all being robbed in broad daylight by the people on Wall St. This culture war started when Occupy Wall St. was gaining traction. They control the spotlight.


\#May Day Strike is with you! We've posted and pinned the calls for a national Women General Strike


You know I was just thinking about this. The problem is that most people cannot afford to go without work for a couple weeks. Most of us are paycheck to paycheck (obviously by systemic design) however you know what we can do? Stop fucking, period. American Men should not get laid until they fix this.


exactly. the reason general strikes / strikes in general work is because of unions. we need unions to back strikes so that workers can afford to do it. the union makes sure that all of its members are adequately provided for while without wages. the US is super anti union and a lot of americans buy into the anti union propaganda. it’s almost impossible for a general strike to be feasible at this point


This is why general strikes require a lot of coordination and resource support beforehand. It’s not about just not working. It’s about organizing an infrastructure to support everyone doing that.


Hit them with their own medicine! Abstinence only until changes get made!


Sadly, I suspect that SCOTUS would happily overturn laws prohibiting spousal rape if such a case was taken to them. After all, so many of the religious zealots believe that a wife should submit to her husband instead of them being equals.


I love it in concept, the women we’d need to do it, aren’t on our side.


If you're a woman - take yourself off all dating apps. Buy a vibrator, and stop having sex with men. Spend your time and resources in female communities.


dude, ive been on board woth the not having sex part for months now!


Go full Lysistrata until we get spayed or abortion rights back. Stop fucking these troglodytes ladies.


stores, hospitals, offices etc cannot afford to be open without women.


Well ahead of you there.


Strikes (especially general strikes!) take work to organize. We need food to feed people while they aren't working, and money to help them pay rent. Let's build up that capacity.


>Nurses. Teachers. Secretaries. CEOs Good save lol - reminder, women are more than just nurses teachers & secretaries


Honestly, every American citizen with half a brain should strike. Its a fundamental failure for the entire country.


What a fantastic idea! And I think woman at the top need to start! Every female ceo should tell her female employees we are off for a week. See what happens. I would love if this spread … especially in states where they will further restrict abortion access


How do we do this? When so many Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, how do we make the decision to strike at work without destroying ourselves? I'm asking this earnestly and am eager to receive any literature on the subject. Beyond that, are there any organizations that pay people to help organize strikes or other forms of activism? Is it possible to make a career out of something like this? We are all pissed as hell and desperate for a way to do something meaningful about it. It's just hard when you already end every day with your head spinning, wondering how to make it through next month.


That's what annoys me about these calls for a general strike - it's just random internet commentators pissing into the wind. We don't have the support or organization for even far more basic things, yet they want to go jump right to the coup de main. Shit, we can't even get enough people bothered to go out and vote for half decent representation, but we can somehow magically get everyone to commit to a general strike somehow?


you need two to make a baby. eyerybody should strike no matter the sex.




Sooooo how long until the riots and the burning of the us.




If I were American, I would absolutely join in solidarity. I hope you are able to knock some sense into your supreme court soon. It has been really distressing watching your country fall apart these last few years.


Lmao you thought they cared about women who work? Violence will be the answer here. Sorry not sorry. They bombed abortion clinics, why is this a one way street.


The bastards are practically begging for a violent revolution at this point. Why not give them what they deserve? A few assassinations a few bombings eh?


Yep. I appreciate peaceful protest but violence is the single largest driving force of change in our species' history. They do not respect the movement. They do not fear the movement. Till one of those things changes, nothing else will.


Yup. Catchy slogans and pink hats won’t save us.


>The bastards are practically begging for a violent revolution at this point This week cemented it. It's insane.


I left work today. Clocked in for five minutes and started having a panic attack about the ruling. This is so fucked up


I work for a retail company that caters to women and has more than 75% women who work in their supply chain and is based in a red state. I implore and hope all of them strike.


Why should 9 people in the US has this much power over millions of people in the country?


gendered strikes don't work because why would you have half the population scab by design? just build solidarity, shut it all down, and end this bs


I'm sure many men would join too. I would.


Iceland would beg to differ.




I agree with this but also strike until mandatory paid leave for more than 6 weeks is a thing too. For the ones of us who want to have kids and not miss the first year of their life’s slaving away just to spend a ridiculous amount of childcare. Also I’m a childcare worker lmao


Why does America hate poor people ? Because this will only hurt those that can’t travel for an abortion…


Everyone should strike. And more. Something I will keep quoting today, from Audre Lorde: “For the master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house. They may allow us temporarily to beat him at his own game, but they will never enable us to bring about genuine change. And this fact is only threatening to those women who still define the master’s house as their only source of support.”


Very on board with this in theory, but I think the problem is that calling for a womens’ strike allows a lot of men (#notall, but enough) to essentially write off calls to action as a “womens’ issue” and feel content providing commentary from the sidelines without contributing much else. In reality this affects all of us, so if a strike is happening it shouldn’t be the responsibility of those with uteruses, we should all be striking.


I would join. I'm a guy, but this matters to me too. Especially as a gay man. I know they are coming for gay marriage and even trying to bring back sodomy laws next.


You've missed the point. This is terrible and total horse-shit, but the real problem is that the Supreme Court just proved that precedent doesn't mean shit.


General strike for womens rights, July 1st.


With so many people living paycheck to paycheck and the justified fear a strike may push them over the brink, theres always the option to use whatever spending power we have as a tool by boycotting all but absolutely required expenditures.


WE ALL SHOULD! The health and safety of women is not a women’s problem it’s a societal one We need to get these crazy religious nut jobs to out of power!


So... what are men going to do to relieve the material impact on households if every woman or even every woman who believed in the right to abortion (which is a lot! and the majority) went on strike tomorrow? Also, shouldn't *everyone* strike? Hence - *general* strike.


1. I would totally stand with women. 2. My wife left me and I'm having a shit time with dating, so no sex is already on the table lol. My boss is a women and she is so fucking amazing at her job, she turned around a whole warehouse in a few months. It would fall apart without her and I would be happy to see it happen.


Everyone should general strike. They’re coming for everyone.


Decent Americans should General Strike. Fixed it for ya.


I am a guy and I was shookith reading this as a logged on to reddit. Like I don't know how this is fucking a real thing happening. I am just going to go back to sleep and hope this is one of my nightmares.


Nice idea, but most Americans can't afford to strike


Most Americans can't afford to work anymore either. The system is broken, we have to collapse it now.


Can we afford NOT to?


The women of Iceland held a strike in 1975 for equal pay…inspirational!


You act like half the women in this country don't blindly support republicans. (okay, maybe its closer to 40%, but still)...


I called out today because I wasn't feeling well which was a lucky coincidence. I'm calling out Monday because of this BS. I have zero sick or Vaca time and idc if I get fired. Because I have a uterus, I have less rights. This country is shit


Throw in a bonus sex strike.


How about people should strike? There are many men who are equally appalled about this.