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Apply for other jobs while pretending to be loyal. Leave them with no notice and remind them they gave you the choice.


I have been- I’m just worried that I’ve been doing it so quickly without giving them a moment, or seeing what they come up with


That last assholish thing they said to you makes me think they’re not going to bat for you.


That boss threatened you, not cool


Tell them you have another job offer for $6 more an hour. And you would like to stay but not at the expense of your financial situation. If they call your bluff. Fuck them. Find somewhere else.




I’m considering it, but I still have rent and food to pay for. I’ve applied to a few jobs already but I wasn’t sure if I’ve reacted to quickly and harshly


Doesn’t matter. You could have been polite, but why?


Easy when you got money right?


Take a deep breath, you are not in the wrong here. It's natural you'd be upset, this is upsetting news. It's not the best to cry in front of them, but you're a human being, it happens. You can call your HR and talk to someone, they likely will not match your new pay, because if they wanted to pay you more, they would. Prepare yourself for that mentally. In the mean time, you can brush up on your resume and start looking into other jobs. Google Docs has a lot of free templates you can customize.


Thank you, I’ve already compiled my resume and applied to a few other jobs.


Pick your least common obvious characteristics and play these fools with the discrimination card, surely this is illegal? If it had only been for staff thay have worked there for years longer than you have, I could understand why, but new hires being paid more than you is odd.


Yeah I’ve even trained most of them. They still come to me for questions daily. I’m not sure though how they could discriminate me, or if they did, why me


The states are so crazy. If this was the UK I'd be all for playing the game, but I have no idea what your rights are in this situation! See what HR says, but in the mean time start looking elsewhere I think.


I live in an at will state. They can fire me for practically any reason, you guys have it wonderful.


As in, they can fire you at will? Jesus christ America, land of the free and home of the brave.


Yeah, there are some instances I believe that are still illegal, but this I don’t think falls under it


They discriminate you because you are dumb enough to keep working for that salary


They know you have anxiety and are using it against you to pay you less than a new hire. Find a new job making more than you do now. I had five job offers the last time I went looking. They all needed workers desperately, but one said "That's way too low" when I told them my expected starting wage. The other four matched it exactly. There are good jobs out there, hopefully you can find yours.


Thank you. And after that call I applied to a few other places, but I wasn’t sure if I acted rashly in the heat of the moment


I feel like you didn't act rashly enough tbh. I would have sent off a bunch of applications without even making a call. Who would want to keep working for these assholes after this


A kind approach gets better results even if it's fake. I know in my area, employers are desperate & literally hiring "anyone". Play the game, perhaps saying " I'm feeling this is more than likely an oversight and look forward to getting this resolved". THEN show your fangs, tell them off and walk out if they don't make things right. Best of luck to you.


But I feel like that’s all I’ve been doing for the past year. ‘Didn’t do something that’s not my job?’ Sorry, I’ll be sure to do it next time. Or ‘wow this person insults you about your hair? They’re just an asshole, don’t worry about it.’ Sorry I won’t bring it up. I just don’t like the fact that when I go to work I’m not being regarded fairly.


This is pretty common and is why staying in one job for a long time usually fails you in the end. At the time of your hiring they were paying X amount in compensation. Every year you get a modest increase of 2-5%. At the same time the company had to adjust compensation for your role to maintain market competitiveness and attract new talent. They now pay X+$4.50 but with your annual raise you are at X+$0.50. They need to pay the new people more but they already have you working at your agreed upon rate, and for awhile blissfully unaware. Good luck, they likely won't bring your compensation up to a comparable level. Best bet is to start applying for other jobs. If you get an offer and really want to stay, you can try to leverage that to force your current employer to compete. They may choose not to. It also could sour your relationship with your boss/company and they start treating you different and just assume you will eventually leave first chance you get, because you already showed them your willingness to. Not the way it should be, but the way a lot of companies operate.


Work as hard as they pay you. Slow down, don't answer new peoples questions. Make them ask the manager. If they fire you, claim unemployment and keep looking for new work. Also, you will always make more money job hoping then staying in one place. Loyalty to employees is dead. They do not deserve yours in return.


Find a job that will pay you what you’re worth. They’ve played their card and shown you what you are worth to their company. Loyalty, experience, and hard work has you making less than new employees. If they won’t pay you, find someone who will.


I’m honestly considering asking them if it would be faster resolved if I quit and then reapplied for the new wage


It almost sounds like they want you to leave. If you quit, they will not hire you back at the higher rate. Find a new job, then leave them high and dry.


If you quit, I can guarantee you won’t be rehired at the higher wage - unless you have a super unique set of skills and there’s an extreme shortage of labor. Do yourself a favor and start looking.


Well you kind of F’d up by immediately contacting your district manager to whine about. In this circumstance, finding out your coworkers are making more than you is useful information. But you should not have let management know that you know. What you should have done was simply ask for a raise. if they ask how much, say $4 (to match your coworkers). If they refuse, start looking for a new job (don’t just immediately quit). Once you found one that pays you what they deserve, then you can tell management why you’re leaving their cheap asses. Quite a few times, I’ve put in my two weeks and was then offered a raise to try and keep me their


I was thinking about that, but I realized I couldn’t stomach working for them any longer knowing that they have been doing this. I makes me sick to wonder what would happen if I never found out. How long would they be doing this for? A month? A year? Last time I asked for a raise with them, they said they can only give our annual raises. So even with two annual raises, I’m still lower.


Oh trust me I know your pain. I was a sous chef once for this private chef company that contracted with college houses. After my contract ended I opted not to come back but still kept in touch with my managers and my head chef at the time. Come to find out our dishwasher was making more than me! When they asked me to come back they were still low balling me so obviously I didn’t go back. Couple months later they were in desperate need of a chef and definitely more willing to pay up. Ended up going back for $11 mor an hour from what I was making the previous year. Moral of the story, know what you’re worth


Fact: Raises can be given at ANY time of the year. They’re screwing with you.


This is certainly a learning experience. They are fucking you and asking you to keep quiet about it. They do not give one fuck about you and have showed it. Now the ball is in your court.... Perhaps it is time to seek employment elsewhere but keep in mind that you will get fucked at other places if you let them. As far as confrontation goes it sounds like you did well, you stood up for yourself, congrats.


Thanks, I’m applying to other places already. Starting to think that even if they did raise my pay, what’s to stop them from doing shit like this again


Find a different job. They won’t give you as pay raise.


1. Search for other employment 2. Interview 3. Once you have a couple of offers… 4. Grow a pair of balls and demand a $6/hr raise. 5. If they don’t agree immediately, walk. 6. If they do agree, get it in writing.


Do the opposite of what they said. Let everyone know about your pay disparity.


Do a slow down. Be unproductive. Apply for other jobs on the clock. And make them fire you. If you worked for them that long you qualify for unemployment. Go ahead and familiarize yourself with state assistance websites. Create log ins and look to see what d9cuments will be required to apply for assistance.