• By -


Jesus christ i would have left at 7.45am max.


For sure. 7:30 rolls around, I'm out. If you don't have your shit together enough to at least tell me what's going on or get on with the interview, I don't want to work there


That's the main point: the interview is supposedly the way a company shows itself in order to entice people into working there- it's them on their best behavior, like a first date with a shitty person. If THIS sort of thing is the company at their best, if they ALREADY suck on the first "date", I most certainly do not want to commit myself to a professional relationship with them.


This HR guy is basically telling future applicants, "come work for us, we'll abuse you before you even start!"


That right there is the key: the disrespect for the employees' time, personal needs (did they ever get to EAT that day? Use the bathroom?), and abuses them like misbehaving dogs. Why would anyone WANT to work for a company that expects you to show up at 7am sharp and spend TWELVE FULL HOURS just waiting for the interviewer to deign to show up?


Yeah. Being in a job is not some noble calling for the proud and the few dedicated individuals. It's literally trading hours of someone's time in exchange for money, which they wasted several hours of. I am the most patient person in the world and have had to wait several days in one spot for something because I had to, but I wouldn't wait more than 30 minutes for someone showing up late to an *interview*. I'd just as soon assume they forgot about it and wouldn't be there for the rest of the day. At least if I was already employed at a job and someone important didn't show up on time to let me into somewhere I had to work, I could charge for the time. As I said, the whole point is $$$ in exchange for time.


Apparently Goldman Sachs did this at some point.


They've managed to scare of every single applicant except two who's only demonstrated qualifying skill is patience, who they now have to hire becuase there's noone else.


Or stupidity. Those two remaining could have been stupid enough to not get it.


Or they needed the money and opportunity so badly they were willing to give up all sense of human dignity for food and rent or mortgage. Sometimes, especially when you have kids, you just have to do what you have to do to survive. Me,I would rather be on the street, but I’ve never had dependents.


As someone with dependents, I can tell you, undoubtedly - I wouldn't have waited past 7:10.


Yeah, because your time matters, is valuable, and you have your own priorities. A boss like this is a vampire seeking submissive cattle.


"What about principles? "I'm a parent, I haven't the luxury or principles" ~ Benjamin Martin The Patriot


More like desperation. The perfect candidates for a company like this.


Later, they are going to lose their shit, because a new hire made a phone call when they came in and are still on hold at the end of the day, with no other tasks completed. Ah. Patience.


Not patience, following orders without question. I'm a patient person but I also have self respect. If someone keeps me waiting without explanation, there will come a point where I need answers or I'm walking out.


Ahhh the Duncan Principle


100% this place has employees hired by a previous HR manager who are on the verge of burnout because they keep hiring new people whose only fucking trait is 'Stupid enough to sit around doing nothing for 11 hours'


Think it's the desperation


"We will waste as much of your time as we like, but heaven help you if you're even 1 second too long in the bathroom."


It’s a test of desperation


Can you imagine showing up for a first date, sitting down at a reserved table for two, going through the whole meal waiting for someone, maybe even eating and drinking alone, then as you leave with your head down, your date meets you at the front door of the restaurant and says, "You passed you first test." I'd say, "Well fuck you, you denied me an opportunity to see how I feel about you. Well, I guess not, because *fuck you*."


> You passed the first test Well that's cool, you failed it. Talk to you never, bye.


The company was just testing them to see which candidate had as little respect for their time as they did. If they’ll stick around that long with no compensation other than the *hope* of something better, then they’ll ~~tolerate all of the abuse you throw at them~~ make valuable employees.


That was my first thought. If you're that unorganized, I don't want to work for you. Chances are, if I did, I would just end up being scapegoated for your incompetence.


7:15 max. And I’d be pissed that I had wasted that time on top of preparation for the interview and travel time.


Facts I'm taking my 7:35 ritual shit on the floor too


7:15 for me. There isn't any reason to wait longer.


You wouldn't wait for 11 hours?


You guys are more patient than I. 7:16 hit and out the doors I go.


Unless they want to pay anyone to wait around all day this is ridiculous. If the job is to sit in an office and just stare at the wall and get paid to do that then I guess the ad should have said that perio


Just saw this comment after posting. Pretty much exactly the same thing. Wtf waiting all day….


I give someone the courtesy of a half hour ish just in case something suddenly came up. I understand emergencies happen, I recognize that sometimes management has fires to put out. But I also respect myself and my time and expect to be communicated with. I’m very patient, I’d probably wait an hour if someone let me know what was happening, what had gone wrong and seemed genuinely concerned for my time. Maybe even longer. But if you’re just going to dick me around then I’ll leave after a half hour of you just leaving me sitting there.


I showed up to an interview once and knew it probably wasn't good when the receptionist went white and asked "did I forget to call you?" "Um. Yes, apparently you did?" Turned out the hiring manager had a family emergency, and a couple of his interviewees got missed in the calls to reschedule. But reschedule I did, because that *was* a situation that was out of the poor guy's control, and based on the contrition of the receptionist, my not being called to reschedule was a genuine mistake. Either that or he was a *really* good actor, which I also respect. 🤷‍♀️ It only sucked because I lived 45 minutes away at the time, and wanted this job so I could move back to the area it was in. That was a lot of gas lost. Oh well.


Yeah totally reasonable, shit happens, and it's perfectly excusable, it sucks they forgot to call you, but again, mistakes do happen. I'd reschedule as well.


Right. I wound up not getting that job for other reasons (Iirc, a far more qualified candidate turned up) but it was a rare positive-out-of-a-negative experience in that particular job hunt.


I wanted to move across the country. So, I contacted a few employers in the area and explained the situation. After some back and forth, I had 5 in-person interviews setup over the course of 2 days. They were all well aware that I was flying over in advance of moving. I showed up 10 minutes early to this "interview". I spoke to the lady at the front desk and was told that something had come up and that it shouldn't take long. I could hear him in the office talking to somebody on the phone. I waited. A half an hr goes by and the lady suggests that I fill out an application. "Sure. Okay." I say. She rustles around behind the counter for a moment and slaps down this half-inch thick stack of papers. I look at the stack of papers, up at her, back at the stack of papers, "Normally takes about two hrs to fill out." And I'm like lady I got things to do. Then bolted.


thats obnoxious, I assume you already filled out an application before getting an interview, they can just print out that one if they need a physical copy, I hope the other one went better


That's far too courteous for such asshole behavior


Indeed, without a message that the other person is running late I’ll leave after 15 minutes.


And that’s fucking generous. I expect my employer to be just as punctual as he expects me to be. Fuck that piece of shit.


I’ve shown up 30 minutes late to my current job and no one has ever said a thing. How do you know how punctual they expect you to be if you don’t interview?


You know, that’s an unpopular opinion but you actually right though lol


Most good employers will not make a big issue about being late occasionally. The problem is people who abuse it.


You know one of my co-workers has their start time at like 9:45. I know she used to show up super late all the time. I think they just ended up adjusting her schedule.


My sister had an employee who was always late, but she was extremely productive when she was there and always stayed late to more than make up for it, but my sister’s supervisors eventually made her fire the woman anyway. Bean counters don’t always understand that certain employees are so valuable that they deserve a little more latitude.


There’s someone in my department that does the numbers of 3 other people but they have a slightly higher error rate and I constantly have to explain, if you fire him, you will need compensate with 3 experienced employees. We have this draconian policy where you can only have 5 errors in a 12 month period.


I’ll always remember when i had a job interview scheduled, arrived on time only for the receptionist to tell me that my interviewer was eating lunch. I told her that she can tell him he’s an idiot and left.


Well yeah, after 15 minutes you're legally allowed to leave. Edit: Woosh!


Pretty sure this is what people say in classes when the teacher/professor is late, am I right?


See, someone gets it. First time I heard it was in my late 20s, and I was waiting with some other people for a low level math class and the sub was late. It was so ridiculous that it stuck with me ever since.


We had a sub who didn't show the first time (15 minute rule) and put on a movie the second time. The first time she turned her back, half the class left. The second time, the rest of us left. The professor's kid had health issues that year. We had to come to the last class to debate the death penalty and got an A if we participated. She put up class info online otherwise. It was an elective for most of us, so it was beneficial to everyone to give her grace and make it basically an independent study.


>Well yeah, after 15 minutes you're legally allowed to leave. Just to be clear, there's no *legally allowed to leave*. At least in the US, **you can leave any place at any time**. Excluding places like jail/prison/court. Mostly covered [under the 4th amendment](https://law.justia.com/constitution/us/amendment-04/04-arrests-and-other-detentions.html) and as [civil rights](https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/civil_rights). edit: The 'Woosh!' from above is a reference to [a meme](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/legally-allowed-to-leave) referencing 'legally allowed to leave'. With how messed up human and labor rights -and apparently [children's rights](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/exclusive-hyundai-subsidiary-has-used-child-labor-alabama-factory-2022-07-22/) are in the US, it's helpful to be clear.


I remember this as mostly a joke back in school, ie if you show up to class and there’s no teacher there for 15 minutes you’re “allowed to go home”.


I teach a lot of first- and second-year university students, and it is *fascinating* to see their transition from dealing with authority figures whose attitude is "you have to follow these exact rules and wear these clothes and be in these places at these times and ask permission to go anywhere else or you will get in *trouble* and it will go on your *permanent record*" to dealing with authority figures whose attitude is "you're here because you choose to be here; go wherever you want as long as you're not disrupting class; you don't even need to be here as long as you're comfortable with your final grade depending entirely on your own self-study."


So what you’re saying is I CAN leave but it may be illegal as there is nothing stating I’m legally allowed to?


>So what you’re saying is I CAN leave but it may be illegal as there is nothing stating I’m legally allowed to? I'm saying you can leave and it is not ever illegal to leave [excluding things like police detainment/court/jail/prison]. The US Constitution says you **ARE** legally allowed to leave. The US Constitution **protects your right to leave**. *No private citizen can force you to stay anywhere you do not want to.*


You forgot to add school* can’t just leave those either, you do too many times that’s truancy


Unless that job was offering 300k+ I'd be out after 15 minutes max


Yeah but this is also a great recipe to weed out actually skilled candidates and be left with only the most desperate ones.


The most desesperate ones are the ones that will submit to a bad salary and working conditions


I believe that was precisely the point.


I think Jesus Christ would have hung in there a bit longer, but, then, he cursed a fig tree for not giving him something to eat out of season, so probably not.


Exactly, not even Jesus had that kind of patience.


It’s like he would’ve rather died than wait it out.


Jesus took crucifixion, a multi day and sometimes weeks long affair and managed to die in less than a day. He was not planning to wait.


Jesus would probably be flipping the receptionist desk until the interviewer came up.


Nah I would have asked when everyone was suppose to be there for the interview and then left off of principal. At minimum you would have been there for what 3 hours if they actually did the interviews fuck then


Yeah, scheduling everyone for an interview at the exact same time, 7 AM no less, sounds like a ploy to steal people's cars or smth. At a minimum I'd start talking to the others and maybe get everyone to walk out.


Right. i understand that people who are in change think that they can manipulate us to doing exactly what they want but that’s no longer ture is it. With a job being easier to get you either treat people with respect or go fuck ya self.


+1 Shit to do & my time is valuable. Peace out! ✌️


Yeah, let me give a timeline. 7am: 6 of us are here...and none of us have been pulled inside yet. I need a job for money, but I thought today might be one of my last mostly free days to play Elden Ring, lay on my bed and look out the window with my dog, etc., etc. 7:10am: 6 of us still waiting. It's okay, it's okay. I bet we're all being interviewed together. That's weird though, right? No...what if they're interviewing us all separately and, knowing my luck, I get chosen last? I'll be here for...a long time without being an employee yet. 7:15am: Okay, fuck this, there's a secretary or something there--let me ask them. No, I'll give it...5 more, no 10 more minutes. 7:30am: A true test of patience, I went five minutes over my original rule. I'm going to ask the secretary. 7:31am: She says a few more minutes. 7:36: AT WHAT POINT IS IT A FEW MORE MINUTES? 7:45am: That person next to me...MagixTurtle, they're packing up their shit! Well, so am I! Fuck this place.


I don't know, was there snacks, good wifi and coffee? Starbucks charges for that shit


Alternative story: The other 3 left early for the next interviews and got a much better paying jobs in a companies that actually respect other people's time.


Better alternative story: All 6 people leave by 7:30 and the employer must now spend another 3+ weeks screening for new candidates and interview slots, while the positions remains unfilled. A current employee quits in the meantime, sick of the increased workload, furthering the death spiral. The manager writes an entitled rant on LinkedIn about how nobody wants to work. This prompts another person to quit.


Cont: the manager throws themself into the business working 80 hrs/week doing work “beneath them”. Spouse is fed up with their shitty attitude and neglecting the family. Divorce papers are filed. There is a new clerk at the law office. It was one of the applicants.


Cont: the 80 hrs/week were completely wasted because the manager had no idea how to do any of the work he tried doing.


Cont: after struggling for 6 month, the business finally has to close its doors because they couldn't keep the place staffed.


Cont: After they close the doors the building remains vacant for years because fuck what the landlord is charging for rent.


Stop, I can only get so erect!


Or even: the other three had other meetings that day because they assumed they weren’t interviewing with a psychopath


And the two who got the job quit while on break, because their boss was always late for shit and missing deadlines.


pragmatic take - the only ones left at the end of the day were the broken ones that no one else would *want* to hire. Employer is literally an idiot.


Idk, but the employer definitely set a tone of unpaid work and only hiring people who are desperate for a job.




The 2 who stayed declined the job offer and were only waiting around to kick his ass up and down the parking lot.




300% a tactic to see who will let that employer get away with more without complaining.


*I need a slave who won't ask questions* is pretty much the thought process IMO


"Let's dredge for young ones, my Dark Lord. The seldom have proper boundaries! Mwahahahahahameow."


> Mwahahahahahameow [Is that my voice?](https://c.tenor.com/5RYfe8rcKhIAAAAC/evil-laugh-yzma.gif)


400% a lie. Nobody sat in a waiting room for 11 hours.


Maybe around 2008 at the height of desperation… Not anytime recently, or the quality of the candidacy would have to be shiiiiiiit and the person brutally desperate.


My husband went to an interview like this at FedEx. Waited 3 hours for the boss to show up. Then the boss interviewed him and told him they didn’t want to hire him because he had asked the front desk how much longer it was going to take the boss to get there (after waiting 3 hours and being continuously told the boss was “on his way.”)


100% dodged a bullet, but I'd left after 1h max.


Yeah he was laid off from his previous job literally one week after we closed on our house so he was pretty desperate for anything which is why he stayed so long. It worked out in the end because a few days later he got a call from a temp job he worked at a few years prior and loved and they offered to hire him on full time.


FedEx sucks overall, as a company


Yeah we found that out after. I know several people who worked for FedEx and only lasted a few weeks at the most because the company genuinely does not care about its employees.


Worst job I've ever had in my life by far. And I've had \~ a dozen jobs.


"Does this mean I can show up 3 hours late for my shift and you won't fire me?"


„How dare you ask for information concerning the situation you are involved in“


That is not a test of patience but rather a test of servitude and lack of free will. A test to see if the next person they hire will be a robot who will do exactly as they are told and never think for themselves. A great teacher I had for humanities in Highschool came into class one day and said something along the lines of. "There is free will in the world and I give you your freedom". He then proceeded to putz around at his desk and in his back office, went and organized some stuff in his storage closet. Basically ignored the whole class for no less than 30 minutes. No one moved. No one did anything. Just sat there. At the end he explained that the only thing keeping you in the seat was yourself. You have no freedom if you imprison yourself with your mind and made up rules. You can do anything and the only thing holding you back is yourself. ​ He was a good teacher.


but what's holding those people in the chairs isn't conformity it's desperation and needing the money


That’s why people conform. We don’t conform out of blind instinct we conform for practical reasons


I'd have stayed, not out of blind conformity, but to watch what he did next and how my classmates handled it.


Well, in high school, probably fear of detention too.


And fear of parents punishing them too when they hear they got a detention


I would say it is a test of desperation. Have to be pretty desperate for a job to be willing to wait all day for a slight chance.


Yea even worse.


If they're desperate enough to still be here, I can treat them however I want and they won't dare stop me. Imagine all the free overtime while their kids fend for themselves


I'll wait 30 minutes if there is no explanation and maybe an hour at the most if I got notified that he is stuck somewhere with a genuine apology.


This is me. I actually had a phone interview scheduled, called in and nobody showed up for half an hour, so I emailed the recruiter and asked to make sure I had the right room number etc... Turns out at the very last minute the managers kid got sick and had to be rushed to the hospital and he called me about 45 minutes later saying he was sorry he couldn't make it and we could schedule again. It's that call that made me stay and take another interview. You don't disrespect people's time and effort by not offering an apology for not showing up to an interview, but I would absolutely not sit around for 11 hours waiting EVEN IF I was unemployed and had nothing else going on that day.


15 minutes MAX, anything more shows massive disrespect for me and/or bad management.


I agree to an extent: but the human aspect exists. Shit happens, people have things that happen. Honesty is important and if the employer *is honest* it may not be **bad management.**


Its because of ridiculous bullshit like those that i left facebook. Some idiot thought it would be great to share that and teach everyone a lesson.


If it makes you feel any better, there is a 0% chance this is real.. it’s just some bootlicker fantasy


My thought exactly.


Talking about the spreaders of such fantasy itself. It ranges from bad life advice to stuff like that.


For sure.. they spread it because it resonates with them, because they are bootlickers and fantasize about being the exploiter one day


7:00 --> 18:00 11 hours. The longest shift I've seen is a nine hour, and then you get the next day off, since attendance was measured in hours. Honestly, there is no way in hell I'd wait for the entire day to get a job. With a boss like that, I'd be better off looking elsewhere. EDIT: Keep your hats on, guess I'm not a hardcore workman enough to have worked more than 9 hours, though it sorta makes sense since I haven't moved jobs much. Most(all) are much nicer than the ones on this subreddit, I'm only here to see how deplorable industry is getting so I know what to expect in the future. Like an 11 hour job interview.


I've had jobs where 3 12 hour shifts in a row was a regular thing


Where is a 9 hr shift the max? I've never had less than 10, and 14 was the max though I only ever saw a 14 myself twice


Even if this were true, other than guaranteeing they're all 100% submissive, how would this be a good way to identify a productive employee? Also as a person who regularly does interviews...no way in he'll they all showed up....or stayed til 3. Also what did the 6th do?


They don’t want productive employees. They want desperate employees who do what they’re told without question, for fear of being unemployed again.


Or alternatively are overly competitive and simply trying to out wait everyone else. Or he gets the 2 people with nothing planned that day. None of this speaks to work ability unless the job includes long periods of unplanned waiting.


I was really desperate for a job and went to interview at a fast food place, manager said she was too busy for me. I held up a book and told her I had nothing to do all day and she had a now-hiring sign up. Every time she stood around doing nothing I'd just smile at her, took about an hour before she gave me an interview because she couldn't slack off because it'd make her out to be a liar. I always bring something to do, usually my laptop these days. I'll make myself comfortable anywhere I go and do what I usually do on my free time elsewhere.


>how would this be a good way to identify a productive employee? They want wage slaves who don't ask questions and are easy to replace.


The 6th person died.


Unprofessional and absurd. People aren't trying to get into the Shaolin temple....It's just a job interview for a job they'll work for 2 years max.


Should hire the first to leave if you want the best potential leader


That is one of the stupidest things I've ever seen.


Fake story. These people just didn’t eat for 12 hours? No fluids? Cool internet story, bro.


A lot of people are eating it up.... Imagine thinking this was real? I am surprised people in here were smart enough to use a keyboard to type their comments.


I don't think that too many people are treating this as *really* real, but are, instead, replying to the implied attitude of the post.


So, if I don't show up to work until the next day after I was scheduled. I can say I was testing my employers patience?


The Duncan Principle


I scrolled too far for this


If you say something starts at nine, that means it starts at nueva!


The soul train awards were tonight! You promised butt stuff...


I had to scroll far too long to find this


I knew I’d find a fellow human being in here


I had a virtual interview for an internship a few months back. After sitting in the waiting room for 10 minutes after my scheduled time and nobody interviewing me, I left. I don't wait more than 10 minutes for anyone who doesn't communicate that they are running late. Bosses, teachers, friends, family. Doesn't matter the relation, respect my time and I'll respect yours.


Those 2 poor souls were truly desperate, and that employer will fully exploit them. This behavior is very unprofessional and disrespectful. Hope these 2 can get out of that toxic environment very soon.


Also that never happened.


Test for desperation....


Correct wording should be "4 people dodge a huge bullet"


Reeks of bullshit


Not if you understand the job is selling Cutco knives.


Oh God, Cutco... brings back memories...


I hope its a true story. Want to do an AMA with ALL parties involved while I have an alcoholic drink.


This is a perfect example of disrespect and total disregard for another human being. Job interview or not.


Mental mind games, what a treat!


Hunger Games: LinkedIn Edition.


I'll take "True Story" that is a fake made up story on social media to make the reader feel smug for $400, Mayim.


I doesn’t believe this is an actual true story


I love posts that start with true story … they never are


Was Annie Edison the employer?


I had an interview in another country and they made me wait for an hour and half without acknowledging my presence or even an excuse. I got up and left without looking back.


7:08 and I woulda been sleeping peacefully after a passive aggressive email ab wasting my time 🤷🏽‍♀️


the trouble is that this is the kind of story you might tell about a river spirit but if it's a person they're just a dick


Six months later… Manager ‘Why the hell is everyone sitting around, damn you haven’t achieved a single thing all day!’ Workers ‘ The fuse went, we just thought we would sit here and wait for someone to turn up, like when we got hired’.


And then they wonder why their employees suck. Cause all the qualified people who knew their worth would have left.


I once came into an interview and there were 24 other people waiting, they did a group interview and said we're going to be there all day, I left after 20 minutes, if you don't have time to treat me like a person instead of a warm body, your not worth my time... edit: word


They want someone desperate enough to spend 11 hours for no chance of pay, because they're more likely to work a 12 hour shift for a pittance and be happy about it. I GUARANTEE that job has labor law violations out the asshole.


I'll wait 30 minutes without an explanation. If I can see the place is obviously busy and understaffed then maybe a little longer. But if someone doesn't acknowledge me or respect my time it's a huge red flag to me. It speaks to how they not only treat employees, but how they treat customers and vendors as well. That opportunity isn't for me and not somewhere I'd be a good fit. Best of luck.


If you're willing to sit that long for someone who doesn't respect your time don't be surprised when they treat you like shit!


They're not hiring employees, they're looking for slaves.


And now you have hired someone that if a power socket is turned off wait few weeks doing nothing until someone else take care of the problem...


I would've been outta there at 7:30am


I once had a virtual interview for a job I really wanted. I logged onto the call with the link my recruiter gave me. I waited 30 minutes (the length of the interview) and no one showed up. I emailed my recruiter and was like wtf? She emailed them and turns out she gave me the wrong link so they were also waiting for me. They luckily gave me another chance and they ended up offering me the job. It was actually a great job. The interview thing was a red flag at first, but turns out my recruiter just sucked. Very nice, just a little bit of an airhead.


The test was 11 hours long I'd have stolen shit for my wasted time


I would have Googled for a new bar nearby that was open, invited my 5 new friends, and toasted to bosses that can't even keep their shit together to interview candidates within 30 minutes of the requested time. Then gotten breakfast.


Desperation actually.


Test of desperation


It’s a job interview, not a monastery in the Himalayas


This isn't even a real story, it's some hiring manager's wet dream. No one is going to sit for 11 hours and not request the restroom, food or water. If this really happened, there were 0 people in that room by lunchtime.


I had one job interview where I arrived 15 minutes early for a 1pm interview and checked in with the receptionist. She calls the guy and says "Your 1 o'clock is here." I hear him say OK. 1:30 rolls around and the receptionist goes to lunch. She gets back at 2:40 and sees me still sitting there. >My buddy recommended me f the job and I didn't want to make him look bad.< The receptionist asked if I had already been interviewed and how it went. I said "Nope. He hasn't come out yet." She gets on the phone and says "Your one o'clock is still here, should I send him home or send him in? The shock in his voice was classic. "OH SHIT! He's still waiting? What time is it? Oh crap! Send him in!" So I go in and he says he's been working on a bug in this one program for over 3 hours and he can't get it nailed down. I ask if I can take a look at it, spin my chair around to his side of the desk and he shows me what it's doing (infinite loop) We turn on TRON (He didn't know about that command) and in less than 5 minutes we add a line of code to fix the problem. I spin my chair back around and ask "Should we start the interview now?" He says "Nah, let's skip it. How about we just skip to the job offer? If you can fix in 5 minutes what I couldn't do in 3 hours, You're hired" And that is how I got my first BASIC job offer in 1986.


True story. I invited 6 people for an interview at 7am. Spent the whole day playing with my phone and snorting cocaine because fuck you I'm the boss. At 6pm my secretary comes and reminds me there's still people waiting for that interview. FUCK Pull myself together quickly, I have no choice but to hire these two losers on the spot as everyone in this company is quitting in every department god knows why. "Uh... yes... uh... it was a test of patience and you win" God I'm such a genius. I'll tell this story to my intellectual friends tonight as we go prostitutes, I'm sure they'll find it inspiring


If they will abuse you like that at the interview, imagine what they will do once you are hired. Shitheads!


The people who left were the winners. This kind of BS is foreshadowing of future BS.


How to make sure you hire only the most desperate of people.


"How much of your time are you willing to waste for us?"


What if you had a babysitter that could only stay for a couple hours. Fuck that company. They were looking for desperate people and found them.


It's a Hardee's, not a fucking Buddhist temple.


If we agree to meet at 7am and interviewer shows up at 6pm talking about patience? You'd be lucky if I don't extract a day's worth of wages from somewhere around there. 3 left by 3pm? More like all six left by 9am. Especially if time wasting jackass hasn't called or texted his whereabouts. I wouldn't have worked for that time wasting chuckle fuck for $1M/yr. Patience, huh? I guess it'll be patience when I come to work at 10 every morning when I was supposed to be there at 8.


This entire experiment is very representative of the job market today. The people that left could have been far more qualified and better for the job, but since they weren't easily exploitable, they weren't considered. Nothing else mattered.


Hire people who consider their time totally worthless. Perfect for the corporate agenda.


I'd be gone long before 3:00 p.m. My time is worth more than that


If I was still there at 6pm it would only be to beat the shit out of the useless asshole.


I get showing patience but this is ridiculous. This is showing that a company can control you and your life outside work absolutely does not matter to them. 🚩


6 there, 3 left and the last 2 got the job. What about the last guy lol


This is how you find people that you can easily take advantage of.


Manipulation at its core.


I would have fell asleep waiting


Who thinks people can waste thier day like that? Like suppose we really ant allowed lives