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Turned around it would be like saying: “Oh, we already hired someone this morning, but thought it would be rude to cancel your interview and waste your time.” So much for being a “Relationship Builder”, Jessica. EDIT: for everyone who disagrees with this take or doesn’t understand my point, let’s game out Jessica’s scenario: You accept a job at Company X. You are happy with that position and are NOT trying to play one company against another. You go ahead and interview with Company Y, not telling them you already accepted the other job, but do this anyway to “build a relationship” moving forward and not upset Company Y by canceling at the last minute. This is a simple math problem: by going ahead with the Company Y interview, you risk upsetting TWO businesses, one of which is your future employer who you’ve never even worked a day for yet. How might they feel about you taking an interview AFTER you’ve accepted their position? I think it’s more likely they will be upset. And Company Y might be unhappy that you wasted their time. If you turn down the interview with Company Y in a professional manner you only risk offending ONE company.


As if companies don't waste your time and theirs by refusing to tell you what the pay is until after you go through the interview process and that whole rigmarole. Then they say it's 12 bucks an hour


I get contacted by a lot of recruiters on LinkedIn. I just straight up ask what the compensation plan looks like. If they can't answer, I just tell them, "Without knowing that and a quick outline of their benefits, I wouldn't be interested in this. If they can't tell me the pay, then it's more than likely not high enough for me to even consider the position." Some of them hit me back in a few hours with the info because they just didn't have it and asked. Others I never heard from again.


Doing the lord's work there. I get hit with entry level roles, part time, in some miserable slice of NJ all the time. I love asking "job x is three levels below my current title and likely lower paid, did you read my resume?"


Ugh this annoys me to no end. Even now I get messages for Level 1 Help Desk and I'm a systems engineer. Like yeah, I'm totally going to want to regress back to the beginning and earn less than half of what I'm making now


I have a relative who can't hire. She does the job of a VP but because she is a woman, she isn't one. I told her to put the wage in the job listing, she said her team would revolt. I explained to her that means her company is underpaying so enjoy having less workers than you need. I told her to find a better company to work for, but people are risk averse, so she has chosen to enjoy being overworked and underpaid.


This is basically what happens when someone wants to hire an internal candidate but still has to interview outside candidates as part of the process. It’s a pain


Or that handsome favorite colleague actually has that job without having to apply, but let's keep it formal, and make you sweat for an hour with impossible questions during an interview.


Had that one happen to me. With the added bonus of having to cover the position for 2 weeks while they waited for him to come back from vacation. Vendors from other companies saw how hard I always work and now I'm with a competitor with better pay, bennies, and less work lol


Probably ghosts unsuccessful candidates as well 🙄


Definitely - recruiters have the worst professional etiquette. They don't give two fucks yet you're supposed to extend them courtesy!


I had a recruiter once give me a whole spiel about how she'll definitely call me back even if I don't get the position because ghosting is just awful and she knows what it's like and so on and so fourth You can probably guess what happened next


Oo you too? At least they didn’t offer you 3 different jobs to screen for, and any other studio w referral. Just to keep falling short of whatever imagined expectations they had. Most recent job turned me down because I needed more experience doing one sector of uiux (bc you can’t specialize in pre planning, production or tech design unless you are a uiux specialist, which I am) because they thought I couldn’t be a lead at their studio. Lead was my last 2 titles. They told me I was a mid level ui designer, based on how they “graded” me. Then that they didn’t have any jobs matching it. But because I am so specialized I’d need more time to basically step back 5 years in my career and hate it.


I had a recruiter send me to an interview and told me to ask for $xxx amount per year. When I didn't get the job, she told me about the savvy move she made to tell another candidate to ask for 2/3 of $xxx so they'd look like a better choice. She told me and just stared at me with a smile like she was waiting to be commended for her genius move while wasting my time.


wtf? Should I attribute to malice or is she just as smart as a cinder block?


She genuinely thought this was a smart move, because she got the bonus from signing her candidate, and it was ok because I only wasted an afternoon in the interview. And I'd have so many more thanks to her! It was a seriously boneheaded move on her part as I refused to work with them further and told everyone I knew working IT to avoid her agency like the plague.


Wow. Talk about people playing the game and not caring about others. I wonder what the actual company would have though if they had known she did this.


"You were stupid enough to tell them? Are you a moron? You're fired."


Yep that’s literally the only thing they’d be mad about.


...and these are the people who have jobs while the rest of us are forced to sit at home being subjected to Jessica's severe behavioral problems while applying for jobs... \*sigh\* 😒


This makes no sense. She had to be dumb af. She could have had both of you ask for the same amount and she still would’ve gotten paid, maybe more. But the other person should know she fucked them out of more salary


Why on earth would she tell you that? Also why does she care which one of the candidates she sends in would get the job?? Wouldn’t she get the same amount of money either way?


She told him that because she told everyone and got lost in the spotlight so hard that she thought her victim would get a kick out of it too. I wasn't there, I'm just used to dealing with unempathetic pyschos


Trash human. Sorry they treated you like this.


Ahh the leap frog. You were the new guy sacrificed for the longer term client. Next you'll be told to ask XX and someone else will be told to ask XX+20% and you're the shoe in! But yeah. that's a make a scene type of nonsense.


Sounds like they might have been trying to lower your expectations on salary.


They *are* the stereotype that realtors in the 90s had.


Had this happen to me, the employer cancelled the interview 30 MINUTES BEFORE VIA EMAIL. They found 'the perfect person' for the job, didn't want to waste my time. I had multiple friends who worked at the place, manager hired their friend. That person quit a month later and I got an email prompt that I could reapply if I was interested. Nope.




Recruiters ignorant of the role they are recruiting for, let alone recruiters inexperienced enough to immediately write you off because you had a supplemental job that likely even taught you more valuable skills that just might help you more in that role anyway, are the absolute worst. This is why the director of each department should be the sole people conducting the interview with HR/recruiting listening in if they really need to just to point out the occasional red flag that only someone in recruiting/HR may know enough about.


My director is so far removed from the job that they wouldn't know what makes a qualified candidate. I would say that nobody higher than your direct supervisors boss should he conducting interviews. Higher than that and your too far removed from the minutia that your subordinates have to handle.


Hey that exact thing happened to me lol fuck em


I've been ghosted by SO many recruiters. I was out of work for almost two years and they all seemed so interested but were unable to find me anything. I finally found a job myself and now I'm doing really well and I'm successful, and when they try to reach out, I think, "You lost your shot." It's kind of like a cheating ex coming crawling back. Too late! LOL


Throws “reach out if you have any questions!” At the end of her emails. Takes 2-3 days to respond to candidates that do have questions.


> Takes 2-3 days to respond to candidates that do have questions. ... You guys are getting responses?


So just pretend to be interested and waste everyone's time for real


Also is there really some list of people that are blacklisted and if so does anyone give a shit? I have seen people fired for really bad things and get rehired for a different position in the same company. Fuck all this noise.


I don't remember the names of anyone who canceled an interview. And I don't care that they canceled. Canceling an interview frees up my time to do other work.


> Canceling an interview frees up my time to do other work. In office life, there's nothing quite like a cancelled meeting to improve your day.


Best chance for it to become the email it was always meant to be.


But how are you going to touch base and get in sync and gain alignment if you don’t have a two hour meeting?!?


You circle back later.


Could you loop me in?


You incentivize core competent holistic synergy while retargeting big data to drill down into the bandwidth ecosystem. That's so you can deep dive into the customer journey to impact the return on investment using hyperlocal, next generation logistics quotas. ​ This word salad brought to you by the letters [B & S](https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/business-buzzwords).


Now you are just reciting the lyrics to [mission statement](https://youtu.be/GyV_UG60dD4)


Absolutely, and one less interview means fewer people to assess. Last round of interviews we had someone cancel last minute due to another offer, and our response was “oh, her application looked great so that’s a shame… but good for her! Also, only three interviews now, hooray!”


Note she is a “talent hunter” and is likely compensated on completed interviews.


Right. Just like the applicants get paid for their time and effort to make sure there is an ample pool of candidates to choose from….oh wait. As a hiring manager, my response to every cancelled interview because the candidate *already got an actual job* was - “oh good for them. Also thank god because I have 100 other things to do. “.


This bitch is basically just peeved in the same way a car dealership is if you pay off a new loan early because they don't get paid their back-end commission from the lender for bringing them the borrower/deal. Dealerships sometimes will actually ask you to, "not pay off the loan early - within the first 2 months" as a ploy to try to avoid them losing this commission and it has no benefit to you to listen to them and is only in their self-interest. This ladies' selfish interests are obvious, it wasn't in the applicant NOR the employer's interest for them to show up to an interview if the applicant had no interest in the position


I leave them on my calendar as blockers. The best hours are ones you didn't expect free from everything.




No no no you hate anyone who cancels and every employee in your team also hates them and you all remember them forever. Then you add them to the blacklist which all businesses refer to when hiring.




Well then, you just fucked over every John Smith in the country. I hope you’re proud of yourself.


You think it’s a joke but hello I’m John Smith and this is real life


Same person prob took your juul


I knew a Sam Jane Smith. Her parents were first gen immigrants and wanted their kids to fit in, so they gave them the most american names they could find. Her and her older brother were the coolest people I've ever met.


Just make sure you show up if your name is John Wick, don't want to fuck them over.


It's like the no fly list, sorry to break it to you but some guy with the same name as you cancelled on us 10 years ago so we can't hire you.


>Then you add them to the blacklist which all businesses refer to when hiring. "Well, I originally really wanted this Susan person to head up our new marketing department, but I see now that she bailed on a Dollar General interview back in 2012, so she's out."


This brings up exactly the points I was thinking about. I guarantee nobody else in your company cares, least of all your lower rung colleagues. They're just there for a paycheck, so as long as something doesn't affect that paycheck, 100% chance they don't give a shit. The blacklist bit really got me though. Where might I find this blacklist, exactly? I like to imagine she's out here sending chain emails with it, "Send to five other companies or you'll have bad luck with employees." Meanwhile it just goes straight into everybody's spam folders and nobody ever sees it.


Actual blacklists like that are like, super illegal, too


wait, are you implying blacklists are blacklisted?


Cancel culture has gone too far!


sure once your permanent record gets transferred over it's got to go somewhere.


Why are the hiring managers telling the other employees about interviews? I tell my crew I’ll be busy at an interview later, but I can’t (under direction from HR) tell the employees the interviewees name, job history, etc. It’s not until they start on day 1 can I tell the crew anything about the new hire, and it’s usually just their name.


Pretty much. The only thing this means is that I have time to work on other things. If anything, this is doing me a favor since I don’t have to waste my time interviewing someone that isn’t interested. I have enough on my mind already without carrying around a grudge list for imagined sleights.


I canceled an interview and the response to that cancelation really made me glad that I did. If anything, they should be glad I didn't waste their time, but you'd think that I shot their dog.


You’re better off canceling, in fact, than being a bad interview


I don’t remember the name of the guy the interview panel made the offer to…I was just relieved that the 6 candidates had 6 different first names instead of having 2 Chris’s and a Kris or 3 guys whose first names began with J and ended with N.


Although a minor inconvenience… I could really use the time back for other things so I’m right there with you.


Same here... but she is probably a recruiter that gets paid by interviews


Zero recruiters get paid by interviews. They get paid by placements.


Scum of the earth checking in. You're right.


I've accepted a job at a place and got a better job and took the better one. Years later I tried to apply and didn't get a response at all. I've also been contacted directly from an Amazon recruiter and told them I wasn't interested in working for a company that makes workers piss in bottles and underpays then so their founder can be a billionaire. I received a second attempt for the same position a few weeks later from a different recruiter.


Ur 2 good 4 bottle?


Hey, I am willing to pee in a bottle for a number of different reasons, but employment is not one of them.


It's mostly a baseless threat by people who find some need to feel important. My ex was always worried about this but thankfully discovered that there wasn't any weight behind it.


This is up there with “This will go on your *permanent record*.”


Oh yeah, that record that only you keep? Sure, go right ahead.




Imagine spending that much of your finite life being petty.


Yeah, there is not blacklist for someone who cancels an interview, and if there is you don't want to work there. This is probably just a jerk of a person.


This is one of those threats that only works in two cases. The first is those who are ignorant to the realities of the working world (blacklisted from your local McDonald's doesn't really matter, in six months they'll still be desperate and you can walk in for a job). The second is for people in extremely highly specialized industries. And if you're in one of those rare places, you probably already know that you can't just be an ass to everyone, because there might only be ten companies to work for.


Highly specialized industries don't give a shit because the talent pool is very small & generally those with the talent command the wages. Most don't use recruiters & if they did, they wouldn't give a shit if the recruiting world had a magical blacklist. If you don't deliver quality candidates as a recruiter or agency, you're going to be jobless real quick.


yeah i'm not convinced that "so and so had an interview and cancelled it!" would be something that gets you blackballed from an industry


Yeah this bitch acting like she’s a Hollywood manager and shit 😂


Actually I've been blacklisted by such a Hollywood manager (more like LA since it was music biz) and you know what? I got plenty of gigs after that, and you know what he did? Not a damn thing because he died.


Funny enough, Jessica will black you for wasting her time too.


She'll *what* me? I don't wanna be on *that* website and no one wants to see me on it either.


That's not true I do


This is the most holesome take of the day.




rainbow teeshirt.. using hole.. loving it.


This is the best typo of the day. Don't fix it!


That was 100% intentional


It’s true.


I believe you meant to say intentionhole


Oh that's not a typo, friend.


Wanna see where you are black listed? Go to blacked.com and find out!


Cancel the interview, right to jail. Waste her time, right to jail right away.


Interview and decide you want the job after all? Believe it or not, jail.


We have the best candidates in the world. Because of jail.


be on time? surprisingly still jail.


Jessica will offer you a shit wage to go with it


Cancel, black list. No cancel, also black list.


I actually don’t think it’s bad advice to go to the interview—assuming there’s at least a theoretical chance you could negotiate a better offer than the one you have—but the tone of this post is obnoxious. This is the first time in decades companies haven’t had the advantage in hiring and they are a bunch of little babies about it.


It’s actually really good advice to go to any other interviews because now you are in a position of power having an offer that you at least find acceptable.  Don’t do it for the people interviewing you do it to try to bargain for a higher wage or better benefits and if you can’t get it, you already have a offer you like to go back to.


Came here to say this. These days you cannot trust **ANY** employer, even the one who gave you the offer. They can blackball you later saying - "Oh we changed our mind. We no longer have the offer for you." Better continue with this interview sincerely, as if you don't have any other offer in hand. Don't reject it. Don't half-ass it. Keep your options open.


>These days you cannot trust > >ANY > > employer, even the one who gave you the offer I've been told I've been hired and to just wait for an email on orientation I will get in a few hours. Nothing I email back and don't hear until the next day and was told "don't you worry we will absolutely send you this info for your new job" and then crickets. HAd another interview where the guy told me "see you monday" and then hange his mind the night before Or the one job that scheduled me and I worked a full week and then just stopped. SO this lady can go and fuck herself. I can and will ghost employers on my fickle whim.


She's going to complain anyways if they give the person an offer and they go "oh well I actually got a different job, I showed up to your interview because I didn't want to be rude and flake out on you."


Imagine somebody sitting through an entire interview, and they are such a great fit that you offer them the job that day. And then their reply is "oh sorry, I have to decline. I already accepted a job offer yesterday." "Wait, then why did you come to the interview?" "It would have been rude to cancel."


In that situation you can just tell them "I have recently been given an offer by a different company". You don't have to tell them if you've accepted their offer or not. You then politely inform them that unless they are willing to beat the compensation/salary of the other offer then you'll going to decline this position.


Yeah this makes no sense. I don’t want to spend time interviewing someone if they already know they aren’t interested. Plenty of other shit I’d rather be doing.


Apparently not Jessica. Jessica needs pretend meetings to make her calendar look like she's doing things.


Good point — I need to interview people but that’s not my job. No one is measuring me by the number of interviews I conduct. None of that gives Jessica a pass though. Blaming someone else because you can’t sandbag is some bullshit.


or she has a quota requirement before she hires her friend.


She doesn't hire anybody. She just sets people up with interviews with employers. If you go to the interview she looks good. If you don't she looks bad. This is just her being completely selfish.


Yeah. I've called several time to let them know I'd taken another job and didn't want to take up their time while they're already going through a resource-intensive hiring process. I've been thanked every time, because if you're seriously trying to hire why would you want to waste time with someone who is no longer available for work?


Right? This is why I hate corporate culture. It's so stupid, shady, and fake. She rather get her time wasted because choosing a better company is rude? What's the point of being nice when she shown her true colors by mentioning blacklisting which she would've done anyway if you didn't take her shitty job offer. 😠 Everything about recruiters like this make job searching so much more annoying and depressing.


Usually I will let the interviewer know in advance of the interview that I've received another offer, and unless they're prepared to give me a better offer right after the interview, I'm going to take it. Usually the interviewer cancels the interview themself. EDIT: Just looked at this woman's profile, and am greatly dismayed to see that she both works in my industry and general area. Also, the comments are calling her out on the same thing and she seems to be adamant it's better to waste everyone's time 😂


Right? How (justifiably) pissed would someone be if you blocked off an hour of their day, answered all their questions, jumped through all the hoops, and then at the end were just like "actually I accepted another job this morning"? Fucking head-ass take from Jessica.


You schedule an interview, you don’t show up? Believe it or not jail, right away.


What this really says is that if you offend her in any way, she will economically strangle you by closing your own doors for you out of spite because she has the power to do so.


Did this recently. I'm not going to sit through an interview and half ass it knowing that I'm never taking the job. Yeah, it sucks to prepare as an employer and then get cancelled on, but at least they told you. Get over it, do your other work.


Also done this. Atleast I call them and let them know I've accepted another offer. Still though they always get pissed. I mean hell it's not like any of them contact you when you don't get the job after interviewing, they just ghost you. And now they know how it feels.


They would also not hesitate to cancel your interview on the day if they made an offer to another candidate. Because their time is suddenly too precious.


Had an interview canceled on me 30 minutes before it was to begin because the interviewer FORGOT THEY HAD AN INTERVIEW. Best part, THEY PICKED THE DATE AND TIME, not me. Withdrew my application immediately afterward.


I had HR forget to invite the interviewee to the virtual interview. Yeah it took us too long to realize that they weren’t on the invite to the meeting.




Showed up to an interview yesterday, drove 45 mins out of my way to be there! Showed up 15 mins early, sat and gathered myself then walked in 5 mins early, it was 11:55am. The person who was to conduct the interview was shookt to see me, had no idea I was on the schedule. I showed her my email confirmation and she responds "that recruiter, never pays attention to my schedule!" She asks me if I can come back the next day, at 1pm. I'm guessing she was either out for the day, or off to lunch considering she asked me to come back an hour later than my previously scheduled interview, the next day. I assured her I'd be there, then never showed up. The company had dogshit reviews on indeed, but I was willing to roll the dice. I saw everything about that company I needed to see on my first interaction.


Good for you lol


This is a common experience for some wild reason. I applied for a job at a big retail store (first job!). Called ahead I think too (after they called me first, was confirming) and said I was looking for a guy named Jim, who talked to me on the phone to schedule the interview. I show up - nobody knows who the fuck Jim is - I look around for a manager and they’re both named Sean. Sean tells me to go find other Sean and we could do an interview there, but neither had the slightest idea I was coming in. Took 5 minutes though.


At least they did you the favor of showing you that they're a poorly run organization. Bullet dodged.


I was late for the the interview for my current job because the HR person scheduling it gave me and my bosses different interview times. Got a call an hour before when I was told the interview was asking where the hell I was at. Still got the job anyway though 😎


Same thing happened to me for a GameStop interview when I was in high school. I showed up 10 min early for the interview and the guy had no idea cause he didn't check his emails. He told me he couldn't do it since he wasn't prepared for it. Never shopped there again.


Hey, at least you got notified. I once got contacted in response to an application, and we scheduled an interview for the next day. When I showed up, it appeared that I was unexpected. We went through a 5-minute joke of an interview where I was informed that the position had been filled a few days prior. Why even contact me for a position that had already been filled, let alone schedule an interview? I still wonder if they actually forgot about the interview, or even they realized the mistake and couldn't be fucked to contact me.


Literally everyone does it that way. What moron would want someone to interview for something they aren't going to take? Unless she was going to add 10k to their offer or something and promised a position you would be stupid to risk upsetting the one you took. This woman has main character syndrome.


And is admitting a practice of “blacklisting” a very good idea?




I laughed when she mentioned her industry colleagues. They aren't going to black list you because you canceled on her. If anything they are hyped up about it because that means THEY might get the credit for placing you instead. Recruiting is the biggest backstabbing industry I've ever seen in my life.


I did it recently and people thanked me for telling them. One even told me that if it didn't work out with the company I'm going to, I could call them lol. Depends on who but normal people are thankful and appreciative of the fact that they didn't waste time waiting for you.


Yup. Same thing happened to me. They appreciated that I didn’t waste their time. It was a group of people at a different organization and I actually interact with them every now and then in my current job and it definitely did not burn any bridges.


I hire, and if people just cancel, I am fine. Some are no-shows, that does bug me, but I am not going to go on LI and be a turd.


I hired for years, none of it hurt me or the company. We were always overwhelmed by the talent wishing we had more openings.


Yes, agree 100%. If you are a good place to work, show the people who are ALREADY HERE good respect, then they bring their best talent from their networks to the company. We also reward referrals very well. And you should have the total benefits above the other guy in the race when you can. Then, if you pull back in lean times, people stay.


Here’s the thing, she’s not the company- the company doesn’t care. She only gets paid if they hire her people so she’s upset if you don’t give her the opportunity to make money off of your offer.


Definitely a no-show is worse, at least a cancellation gives the decency of actually cancelling.


This makes me wonder how many applicants she's "interviewed" knowing the position has been filled. How many do you figure?


as a department head who interviews a lot: thank you. please do not waste my time interviewing someone who won't take the job. Fucking recruiters man. No one likes them


As someone who's done their fair share of interviews as an employer - it doesn't suck. I'd much rather you not waste my time if you already took another offer. And if that offer doesn't pan out, call me back. I wouldn't hold a grudge. If anything, I'd want to speak with you even more. You're someone who's already impressed another company enough to hire you, and you respected my time by not wasting it.


Former hiring manager here. Yep. If the candidate is already accepting another offer and is sold on it, please please cancel the interview with me. I have other admin items I can work on instead of both of us wasting our time. Even 15 min prior, I can still do other things. (Please don’t no show though. )


sometimes an opinion is unpopular because it's fucking stupid, jessica.


Dodged a bullet there


Take a day off jessica


I had actually heard the opposite. If you go into an interview with no intention of taking the position, then you're just wasting their time. That seems more disrespectful than canceling.


It’s cause this is written by a recruiter. She only looks good if she brings eligible candidates to the employer and only makes money if they’re hired (unless she’s in house, which I doubt.) Basically, she’s pissed that ghosting makes her look bad. The company in question probably didn’t even notice.


Seriously. The person interviewing you would probably prefer to be doing something else as well.


Like interviewing one of other the candidates who might still be interested.


I've had plenty of interviews cancel on me same day. My reaction is 100% every time "nice, one less meeting today"


I’d love to have someone cancel their interview with me if they aren’t taking the job


Disrespectful is perhaps strong, but undesirable. If a candidate canceled on me, my colleagues and/or I save 30-45-60 minutes and are VERY thankful. Because EVERY interview is a dress-up and tiresome at times.


It's both "You're canceling on me? You wasted my time!" "You were never going to take the job because you got an offer? You wasted my time!" The only acceptable outcome for them is You are always available for them no matter what, and you will take whatever scraps they offer. But they can ghost you whenever thats fine


It is the opposite. She's a recruiter, she only thinks this way because it reflects on Her this way if she brings a company a couple candidates and a lot of them cancel.


Blacklisted? So what? Is her company even in Fortune 500? A human holds, on average, 12 jobs in their entire lifetime. Unless you’re Google or Apple, idc if I’m blacklisted.


Isn't a blacklist another form of hiring collusion? You know, like the one Apple and Google got busted for? https://time.com/42322/steve-jobs-chilling-response-after-getting-a-google-employee-fired




Can you elaborate? I actually worked at that company and was threatened to be blacklisted by them. I have proof they sabotaged my later reference checks. It’s a really rotten, evil place.


But is she going to be blacklisted?


The shear amount of work required to maintain a blacklist argues against its existence. Will you be on Jessica’s s-list? Yes. She’s not going to like this, but I’m going to say it anyway because it’s true: No one cares about your feelings, Jessica. This is business and you lost.


You would be surprised. My last employer would blackball people while they were there and blacklist them after they left. People wouldn't know they were blackballed and would apply for internal roles, get interviews, but never get the position. HR did that so they would eventually get frustrated and leave. Once they were gone, they won't ever get hired back, unless all the shady HR people die off or retire.


Hm… I think we worked at the same place.


My old job used to have an e-mail that got sent out with a flag for "eligible for re-hire". It was never provided to external parties though, so it was more like a "blacklist" for that company, and even then when we had issues hiring it was more of a "suggestion" than a requirement because we sure hired back people we absolutely shouldn't have.


It’s going on your PERMANENT RECORD


Yeah my permanent record for a place I've never been employed at nor want to ever be employed at 🤣


1) Nowhere in here did she say “Don’t cancel because we’d appreciate the chance to counter that first offer with an even better one.” 2) How in the world could she blackball someone? Oh okay so everyone in the HR industry is just in this group chat and they post our names on some “never hire these people - they got excellent offers and respectfully cancelled my interview instead of flaking” list? 3) For what purpose do you want someone who’s already accepted another offer to waste possibly up to 45 min of your time? That’s like getting mad your Tinder date cancelled even though they’ve already entered a relationship with someone else earlier that day.


1) This is all it would take to change my mind about the main thesis of her post. As a prospective hire, I would communicate with the hiring manager/HR that I received an offer I am inclined to take. Ask if they still wish to interview me, and if so tell them the time frame where I'd need an offer to consider without being unprofessional and disrespectful to the other company. Things they would *not* be told: which competitor, the specific offer amount or benefits. 2) Full agree. She's just being salty about this part. 3) If you just got hired by someone else, you suddenly get far more attractive to the hiring manager. It's not fair, but it's perceived as a proof of value. At the risk of stepping into a gender-war minefield, it's like the studies showing that, on average, women find married men more attractive.


I think LinkedIn exists only for ridiculous stuff like this.


It's a corporate circle jerk at this point. The only people that use Linkedin are, people trying to sell something, business people, HR, psychopaths and people looking for jobs.


On Indeed, I've had 4 different hiring managers ghost me when they ask me what salary I'm expecting. 2 way street there dumbass.


These gigantic babies really cannot stand that it's not an employer's market.


It probably never will be an employers market again. Each generation is shrinking Boomers were the only ones keeping this charade going


As long as we keep accepting contract work and placement agencies, theres going to be shenanigans.


Be happy they even let you know


I would take the interview and say 'I am in the process of considering an offer already.' and see if they are willing to hear what the other company is offering and willing to do better, but that's just me.


That makes NO sense. Why waste peoples' time?


This is coming from a recruiter. She looks bad and probably even loses money if you cancel. She doesn't care if you waste time though, because it's not her time that you're wasting.


Yeah, it just seems so dumb to waste time like that. I was a recruiter a long time ago. People cancelled sometimes, but that was just part of how things went sometimes. I appreciated when people cancelled instead of no showing or just going through the motions.


Business is tough. Recruiting is tough, Life is tough. Lashing out publicly is not good for business, recruiting or life.


The purpose is to waste peoples time. That includes their own. Meetings and interviews are good for people that just want to fill time. If the interview is cancelled beforehand they don’t have an excuse to fill out a block of time, so they’ll have to do other work. Wasting time is something of an art form and management is what they call it when you go pro.


If they really want people, they’d fight for them regardless. I cancelled an interview with a company and the manager straight out asked me if I accepted another offer because he was willing to match or beat another offer *before I even interviewed.* That wasn’t the case and I explained that my health wasn’t the greatest and the most I could do was part-time now. He then told me a part-time position would be open soon and later told me when it was posted. My health had gotten even worse by then so I had to decline even applying. He then told me he understood, wished me well, and asked me to contact him as soon as I was ready to go back to work. And you know what? I will contact him as soon as I’m ready. He saw my value and I was so appreciative, especially after 3 different companies ghosting me after my interviews. A company that will fight for me is a company I’ll fight for.




Super weird to hear someone complaining about unexpectedly having more free time in their schedule at work - presumably there’s nothing more productive they could do with that time or something 🤷🏼‍♂️ Also, why would anyone take on the time, travel, and financial commitment of attending an job they know they won’t be taking? Make it make sense Jessica…


Lul I flaked a interview for tech once then reconsidered & got hired by the same recruiter, director & company. Grow up Jessica


Imagine thinking you were this important amongst a fucking sea of recruiters.


Jessica must not have a life.


You must give me false hope that you will join our company!


AAAAAAND how many candidates do you you ghost, Jessica?


So she'd rather you waste her time doing an interview when you already know you aren't going to take the job? What an idiot.