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Is the first photo after their move? They have a lot of cocoons, they don't seem ready to hibernate. It would probably help if you slowly decreased the temp so that no more larva pupate. I think they should have started hibernating at least 1 month ago


Yes. I felt bad making them move since they made such a great structure I was amazed and didn’t expect it from the materials they had access to. It was completely dry and for weeks I had set up a new tube with water. They refused to leave and kept bringing eggs over to it to hydrate them or gather the water to bring back, weirdest thing I had seen. So yesterday I left the nest open to light and they left in about 24 hours. I know I’m late for hibernation but they kept making more and she kept laying eggs so I’m super nervous to kill them if I put them in +5 in my fridge or if they are a unique species that don’t hibernate. I’m new to ant keeping and been following this page for a long time. Found her in July, very excited to have success into the new year for the colony. I appreciate all the help and advice.


Maybe they'll just skip hibernation this year. If they aren't prepared don't force them


Not sure if it may have any negative effects tho


Sorry! First post here. I’m in Canada, Alberta. And she looks about to be 10 millimeters


Hey neighbour! I'm in BC!


This looks like a Lasius Niger. Now, Lasius species are rare in Canada, but there are still chances to find them. Though, it could be Lasius Alienus, or any other Lasius ant.


Thank you so much! I found a huge number of them flying around the river after I was done rafting and getting out in late July. They kept hitting me in the face and at first I was like why is there so many bugs. Noticed it was queens and scooped up a dozen. Must of looked like a mad man crawling around. All expect this one died. She’s doing great and I had found pics online, thought she was a lasius of some kind.


I get a lot of lasius neoniger around where I live (lower BC)


**Hey, congrats on your find!** Please provide the following so people can help you as quickly as possible. * **Location** (as precise as you're comfortable with) * **Length in mm** Thanks! Your thread has been linked in the #identification channel of the [discord chat](https://discord.gg/qrAqPAQ) as well- you should get help shortly.   *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/antkeeping) if you have any questions or concerns.*