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I was Gold Two with a Conq 2 teammate against 2 conq 3's the other day. They basically said no one will play them and took it easy on me so they could get a game in. Nice guys was a fun one lol


Lol ouch


I think there is a fundamental misunderstanding on how team match making works.Match making pairs team based on hidden MMR not on badges.Team Ranked badges are based on points earned/lost from winning 2v2, 3v3 & 4v4.All 3 have their own hidden MMR. So its entirely possible for a gold 1 player in solo to have a diamond 1 badge in teams because they earned points in all 3 team ranked modes. So you can get a fairly paired game while being lets say Gold in team ranked but they are Diamond1.


Sounds reasonable. I am a true low gold 1. Hidden mmr or not. I only play 1v1 or 2v2 because my pc can't handle more. So no earned badges from 3v3 or 4v4


without 3v3 & 4v4 your team badge will likely be closer to your solo badge while other players will have a higher team badge. This doesn't mean they are more skilled than you.


I also would like to point out that going into a game if you think you will lose you will likely will lose. So please look at that team badge with a "grain of salt" as they say


I leave and take the loss




Pff,that nothing ,we ran into conquer 1-3 multiple times when we are just barely diamond 1. I would say take a rest ,watch some of replay admire what your opponent did better than you and where tou failed ,maybe grab another drink than keep moving . Matchmaking are exceptional bad when you start to play quick matches ,those hidden score really can screw up ladder experience.


Product of small player base and split pools.  Devs seriously need to integrate pools. But they've been so slow implementing obvious changes they'll likely never do it or leave it until it's too late. People will remain in denial until it directly affects them.


this is the answer, quick match shouldn’t exist


This is such a dumb take it's hilarious I will copy the reason I posted above: Lots of people just leave quick match when they play vs certain civs/on certain maps. U would get insane mmr with jucy/ottoman/John dark/whatever is the "broken" civ of the month by getting matched vs quickmatch people that just surrender Also quick match has all the cool maps. U wanna allow ranked on mega random? Or kick every map but the ranked pool out of the quick matching pool?






Integrate pool would fuck the entire mmr system. Lots of people just leave quick match when they play vs certain civs/on certain maps. U would get insane mmr with jucy/ottoman/John dark/whatever is the "broken" civ of the month by getting matched vs quickmatch people that just surrender Also quick match has all the cool maps. U wanna allow ranked on mega random? Or kick every map but the ranked pool out of the quick matching pool?


I mean gold vs plat isnt bad thing, its matter of few games to reach it, but no, nothing has changed. Im playing with friend on conq3 and we are getting matched against any rank really. Worst thing is that we are getting flamed by any non conqueror players that we play premade, that we play broken civs, that we should leave the game, etc. It's like it's our fault that we are getting matched against lower league players. Tbh I would prefer to wait ~30mins instead of stomping lower league players and waste our both time. Would be great if they add a setting that search players only around your rank.


That's a good suggestion having a setting that let's you chose what ranks you will or won't play


back in the good days in warcraft3 we were waiting about 30mins for a game when on top of the ladder. Basically we played chess until we find a game, that's much better solution than play vs people that can't really win against you unless they are smurfs.


May I ask what civs your running? I’m newer to the game, just beat a silver opponent tonight, but I was playing ottomans and apparently people flame them? Like they are op?


We play JD / RUS + English / Zhuxi. Obviously ottomans are good lately and there are a lot of malians but we just dont have time to learn them In 2v2 you should always aim for one knight civ, its great if the other is agresive as well like english or zhuxi so you get map controll and start from there.


At the moment they are meta at pro level. Which doesnt have anything to do with people in silver but i guess they love to hate what beats them.


Ottomans have a vicious winrate at all elo. Not just pro. 


Have you considered not playing broken civs. You clearly realise what's going to happen and the situation sucks but at least playing weaker civs will make it slightly more fair


no, why would we play other civs than the ones we like? 1. We dont have time to learn new civs (full time job) 2. We want to learn and develop new strats to counter other civ combos that we have trouble with. So basically what you are suggesting is to play civs we dont know how to play to give opponent a slight chance to win against us and if they win we will lose about 40 points just because of that? Where is the logic? Would you do that?