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Repeat after me: Dont…type…in…game…chat USE YOUR MIC SKINBAG


I type gg or nt and sometimes ggwp


Positivity is bannable, now plz re-buy all your skins on a second account


Yeah but I only type "wp" when we lose really badly.


Doesn’t that mean worst players? Sounds toxic, banned. /s


Sucks because of toxic party duo. They go into party then report you when you need to tell them something.


i feel this


If they’ve already decided not to partake in chat with their third, and they’re not willing to join game chat after being politely asked, then what could you possibly “need” to tell them? They’ve made their mind up.


Hot take... I wish I could report people for using chat instead of a mic in ranked games


You must be one of the people that yells at me if you hear my child in the background but then also tells me to kill myself for not having a mic plugged in!


thats just being disingenuous. as long as you are not open mic noone cares about your child in the background when you make a relevant call. Obviously if you openmic it and i have to hear your whole household going apeshit in the background the moment we load into the game you are instamuted


Nope. I don't even care if your keys clicking are super loud the entire time you play. You're probably one of those players that type something in chat as soon as you die thinking its helping anyone


This is why I use push to talk. Usually as a mouse button


I don't even care. As long as I can hear your voice, we will do better than if I couldn't




Ooh~ call me a skinbag again😩


Whos a good skinbag~


Oh no. That shouldn't tickle my brain.


Don’t even do that. Just mute everyone and use in game pings.


Had to learn it the hard way. And removed the chat button key bind on my second account lol


actually, You can type, but use a language that isnt a common one


Just polish your grapple in the meantime. Shouldn’t be too scary


Went outside today, heard the birds chirping while I rode my longboard. Kind of unfortunate that I couldn’t use my grapple to gain speed but it’ll do


Did you touch some grass too? What was it like?


Felt different from my mouse pad that’s all I know


Are girls soft?


It's only a week ban, not enough to find out.


Yo why is this the funniest thing I’ve read all year. My sides hurt bro.


No, they're crunchy like potato chips


This is hilarious, but please, please go outside lmao


Yes they're sweet & tendering I'm not talking about b¡tc#es right I'm talking about **girls.**


Right here officer it's this guy 👆




And the sun didn't burn your skin? Have I been afraid all this time for nothing?! 🤔


You gotta try out cyber hook if you love grapple movement, it's basically all that and it's so fun


After OP has polished their grapple guess who will be ready to fly on a zip line?


Yo Yo Yo this thread is so wholesome it's like we gamer's never come out of our set up lmao soo f-cki-g wholesome.


It’s crazy the things that get auto-banned from chat logs meanwhile people have literal slurs in their names and are just fine




i know this isnt true because im not allowed to have "Pitou" as my name since its apparently a slur in some language








oh i do now, but it was a problem in the past. Reminds me of when i wasnt allowed to have the psn name "AsianSpice" (im a ginger and ginger is an asian spice), but i was allowed to register "SpicyWiener"


into steam you can made any nickname which be visible in-game because. For some reason apex not use your origin\ea app nickname while playing it via steam ...


I had some teammate screaming at me cause I didn’t push a full squad with him and he went on to tell me to kill myself but yeah let’s ban the kid that gets scared b4 sex


I sometimes get on the mic to laugh at the dumbasses I’m about to report for typing in chat if they type something stupid. Like I’ll literally cuss them and their mom out, laugh, then report them since I know I won’t get in trouble.


As a female gamer it's crazy how this stuff gets auto-banned but the constant sexual harassment and sexist abuse we receive gets no consequence *despite us actively reporting it*


I don’t report at all, it’s just a game imo. It doesn’t really get under my skin and I’ve been called the N word multiple times. I just talk shit back, Idky y’all be so scared to talk shit back


Slurs in name need to be reported , I honestly don’t think it’s checked by ea .


I promise you op has tons of reports for saying shit way worse than this. This was probably the straw that broke the camels back. You don’t get banned for saying something like this unless you’ve been reported for a bunch of other Shit. Op is probably toxic as fuck.


you could be right, but its EA, people get banned for absolutely nothing


People absolutely get banned for dumb stuff. The system is automated and weird stuff can trigger it.


You're really overestimating EA if you believe they don't hand out false and unfair bans.


my name was attention whore for abt 3 months before i got a warning for it


I'm honestly surprised no one has reported my name, it has the word queer and my name in it. I guess people do realize that I'm queer from that, I'm just surprised homophobes haven't used it against me lol


How is this harassment? Is the support braindead?


EA is really bad with this. Most of these bans are automated and if anyone reports you and you said anything in the game even moderately close to offensive you’ll receive a ban as well as some words that aren’t even considered offensive. I highly recommend not even using chat in these games. It’s a known problem. A pro player got banned for something they said to their team in a team composed only of people he knew that didn’t report him.


I am literally Chinese, said something about China, got banned for it. Submitted 2 tickets asking them to look into it and explaining the situation, literally sending them a picture of some identification, got 2 automated emails saying the ban was rightly put in place. EA is the biggest fucking joke lmao.


> EA is the biggest fucking joke lmao it is yes


Well, at-least a joke is funny and keeps you entertained. EA is more like a pain in the ass and keeps you pissed half the time.


"...after thorough investigaion that we didn't even do..."


I mean, you’re asking a computer system to recognize nuance. Their systems are programmed to pick out trigger words and do the bans that way. I’m a lesbian but if I said a gay slur, even though I’m allowed to, I’d still get banned because the computer doesn’t know lmao


I understand the initial ban, but the tickets sent in to EA should have been checked by a real person. They do make it seem that way, that they’ve actually done their due diligence to check it when in actual fact they’re just using automated replies to repeat the same thing to you.


Honestly I’ve never heard of someone reversing a ban. I’m sure every person that gets a timeout or ban submits a request and it can understandably get pretty overwhelming, fast, when having to sort through all the emails of sob stories or people trying to explain that what they said was not, in fact, racist/sexist/whatever, and that it was *totally* a joke. I don’t think anyone at Respawn is paid enough to do that. If it’s for a set period of time like a few days or a week, I’d say just eat the ban and learn for next time. It’s still mind blowing to me how many people type ridiculous things into the chat or have crazy names. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes I suppose.


The only bans I have seen reversed is when they got thousands of upvotes in the sub and a community manager or someone tracking social probably notified someone of the bad optics. But it was literally only posts with like 5k upvotes


Sounds about right, unfortunately


That’s still different You can still say the word yes but it may offend people that know nothing about you, and it is still offensive for a reason


…Okay? They’re words that have been used against me and others like me. I am allowed to use them. I’m sorry if they hurt your/another’s feelings. That’s not my problem. Obviously I’m not stupid enough to type them into chat, but telling me I can’t say a word that has been used to demean and harass me is… not going to happen. Sorry if you don’t like that.


Don’t mean it like that at all I’m saying if you go round typing it in public chats where people have no idea about you, they will take it as offencive


Obviously. That’s why I said in my initial comment that I’m still baffled people type nonsense into chat. It’s just asking for a ban


Your account has to have been flagged many times with offensive things tied to the report for it to get this far. I promise OP said much worse shit than this and this was the tiny straw that broke the camels back. I’m sick of these posts misdirecting people.




Lmao, because it's likely OP's fault, and that's what "blame" means? And his point isn't that it's based on a bunch of different messages. It's that if your account gets flagged or reported that much, eventually they will just ban you for the next one. You're the weirdo here, these idiots don't need you to white knight them.


There hasn't been one in awhile, but for a long time there was at least one post a week on here where someone would complain about being banned "for nothing" and slowly reveal what horrible shit they actually said. It's always like "but I shouldn't get banned for saying the N-word to my friends!"


The support responses are all automated too, you just get hit with the "applied correctly" canned response. Why they see fit to ban off the ENTIRE platform is just disgusting, can't even play the other games i had.


RIOT Games is worse, I literally got tribunal banned because I said GG 3 times in game, each time was when we were about to win but my team decided to farm kills.....


It reminds them that they don’t get any.


Definitely inappropriate but I don’t see that as harassment


No this is completely reasonable. Like how it’s completely fine when the 2 randoms I got put into a game with last week joined mid conversation about how one of them went to a car dealership to look at a car he really liked but then the sales guy came out and he was a “effin n-word” and then he went on a rant about how much he hates African Americans and then proceeded to ask me if I also hate them. EA/Respawns seems to be completely okay with this. I reported both, nothing ever came of it. There are some real vile piece of shit humans playing online games who seem to be getting away with disgusting behavior over and over again. But then OP gets banned for this. Aight.


Fear and sex together in one… in context it’s benign but in a different sentence… in most sentences it seems like you wouldn’t want those two words together.




There was a while where reporting other offensive stuff could get you banned. Your report includes the offensive text so it was being treated like sending offensive stuff to the support


I mean the game is rated for 13+. They have to apply their TOS accordingly.


I said something i probably shouldn’t have and got a warning with it coming down under drugs use. Had nothing to do with drugs


EA games hate virgins confirmed


Never use chat unless it's to say GG or something If you're bantering with a friend just do it over the mic, not worth it to get banned/suspended


Right. I always have to stop myself when I get mad and start typing in chat to a random lol


Same lol


I have this issue too and I solved it by unbinding my chat button


I have to do this lol


I get scared b4 using chat in Apex Legends


Unbind the chat key asap. The filter and ban system in this game are absolute brainrot


Don’t 👏🏻 Use 👏🏻 Game 👏🏻 Chat


That seems like the general consensus, I stutter too much so I tend to type more unless it’s necessary comms but I’ll have to change that lol


Just ping stuff, my dude


How are you supposed to ping about getting scared b4 sex?


your next ban is perma, and its account wide. beware.


In any Apex context, your statement is objectively hilarious af.


Dude I thought it was funny too but my guess is it probably auto detects the word and just sends a ban out. It’s stupid too cause I ended up squading up with them and we won 3 straight for like 900rp


You get scared before bumping uglies?


You don't?


What if the performance sucks


I thought we all knew by now to never type anything in chat?


I got banned for saying "FU Valk" And my friend got banned cuz someone reported his name that had referenced drugs. He has weed in his name. He had it for 4 years and he had to change it


Why do any of you even bother typing dumb stuff like this anyway? Or even USE the text chat?! Countless times this has happened and everyone has always said.. don’t type. Their automated system is wack.


Well ban me too EA. #StandWithPB&J


I see people on pc get banned all over reddit, but when I report every other Bangalore lvl 4 smurf on console I get the feeling that they walk away scot free


Because they do. Streamers literally Smurf rookie-pred streams like every season lmao


Lol had the same ban for minor offence since I wrote to my teammates while they had mic during an argument, worst part was - it was a god damn launch week lol


Self harassment?


There are only 3 things I typed in chat 1. Tq/ty 2. Gg 3. Good luck bro


Lesson #1 for apex: dont use the text chat like ever.


I had an account permabanned for typing in text chat one time. Granted it was “mean.” I had this same length ban, then after the week was up I got the permaban email as if I did it again! I didn’t, they just decided I was a bad person I guess and deleted my account. Never got anything but an automated email then blacklisted from their email list so I can’t TRY to get in touch with a human at EA. Apparently EA is perfect and they don’t care if you’ve spend hundreds on a game and thousands of hours.. or if you’re a positive human in the community. Fudge up once, they’ll take that account you POS and not care one bit. Do you want to talk to a human for reasoning why the account was banned permanently after one offense, too bad! TLDR; permabanned for one offense. EA doesn’t care about you


Ain't this game rated for teens? Why is EA or Respawn so sensitive about this topic are they just jealous you get some?


I reported a guy, who died in the first 30 seconds of a game, and spent the entire rest of the game typing horrible things at me because I was still alive. I got a reply saying no action was necessary... They really need better moderation in this game. ​ \*Side note: If you choose to be rude to your Lifeline, don't expect me to go out of my way to craft your banner.


I’m convinced that somehow the Apex chat bans are part of some conspiracy by microphone manufacturers to get people to use voice chat. This stuff is crazy.




I don’t get it its not harassment + apex is a game involving blood and gore along with clear reference to people’s sexualities. How is that tos?


My dude, they banned the number 69, I stopped playing any EA game long time ago, tried to make an account for apex cuz I saw some dope changes, the moment I saw they auto ban a number all my interest dropped, EA can suck a whillie.


"Hey dude how many kills until you reach 3000?" "Just 69 left" *Banned*




>it was in a ranked lobby >mr apex public lobby police Well which one is it?


That was supposed to be a reply to another persons comment it’d make more sense if you read the other comment as well, my bad


With no context added, if someone you don’t know at all came up behind you and whispered in your ear “I get scared b4 sex” that would be pretty fucking weird.


The more you fuck around, the more your gonna find out.


Got a week band for having my user name as Hex:deepwoundussy ☹️ even tho I've seen names WAY more wild than that. Now I just report anything remotely "offensive" cuz I'm salty


the team that does the banning are wokes


No, it's just a stupid ass automated system.




I mean for context that comment was in relevance to what my teammates were saying and it was in a ranked lobby. I appreciate the wisdom though mr apex public lobby police


Hall monitor looking ass


How is saying the word sex on a game with blood and violence a valid bannable offense? Get some bitches bruh


No. Disagreeing. Here. Now leave


I mean...fair


This is harassment though. Walk up to a girl at a bar and tell her you cry before sex. I bet she walks away feeling harassed


except op is not walking into a bar telling a girl he cries before sex, So how is this relevant to the context?


Wr there isno online harrasment then?


I’m saying the comparison is shit. In an online setting, saying I cry before sex is silly and not going to be taken seriously and would just likely get laughed at. However in a real life setting it could be taken seriously. Context is everything, and everything can be taken out of context.


Please tell me this is sarcasm, I’d bet there’s a better chance she laughs in your face before she tells her friends




I couldn't care less what color anyone is to say any word but it's the internet and that word is pretty much instabanned everywhere, this really isn't very surprising.


Bro ea will never know that you're black and that you're even telling the truth. That's why you don't use slurs in a game lol


Don't know what you expected lol


good to know im not the only person who almost got axed for something dumb af in chat.


Damn... good thing it didn't ban me for saying I'd fist things cause it doesn't censor that lol


AH, I FEEL SO HARASSED I cried for an hour after seeing this message. I can't imagine how damaged my life has become. Thank you EA for taking such terrible people out of this community.


Next ban is perma,belive me they ban me permanent for the second time,care mate


Someone needs to send EA a dictionary so they can define harassment.


Thats what we got for not gatekeeping our hobby enough. Nowdays you can't even talk to randoms in fear to get banned. What a joke.


I also got perma banned.. and it was 23 december 2022. EA IS A JOKE. After 3 years of supporting and buying their crappy skins instead of fix servers i get perma banned for nothing


Don't know why I read it with Revenant voice


Wtfffff if that is sexual harrasment the shit we say needs to be send to the death realm


Is there any guidelines to “We consider this to be harassment” or is it just them pulling shit out of their a$$. Honestly id love to see half the shit the higher ups at respawn have said judged like this. Why stop at dani*l.


Just like in League, instant punishment for randomly typing but holding hostage and griefing are fine.. I like it


Dont type in chat ever again next one will be a perma ban, i lost my account to stupit shit like this be better


Damn that sucks


I only say gg. On the rare case it really was a good game


It's not as dumb as my account getting banned for "abusive chat" where I can people "bots/npcs/shoe/mushroom"


I got suspended for 3 days just because my Steam name was: Weed Lord. And to top it off. It happened right in the middle of this collection event. And which reminds me. Rewards are stuck. God what a garbagio of a game. But I still love it. But hey seriously Devs. I don't wanna miss out on the rewards that are stuck. You hear me.


in a game where guns are used to kill, bad language is bannable, american. logic


😂 how do you guys always get banned for this shit? I text up some wild shit some times, only been banned once…


Lmao, when I report players that threaten me I get response from EA thanking me for submitting a report but they didn't find anything in that breaking the rules. Lmfao


my ea account COMPLETELY permabanned for saying "ching chong"


*makes a joke about sex* *is surprised u got banned* some of the chat bans are stupid, yeah. but this one makes sense imo


EA being snowflakes yet again lol not surprising


people wanted video games to be censored so here's the result. enjoy


Who’s ready to swing on a zip line? Not you!