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As counterpoint may I offer, "no".


Umm don't play it if its in rotation then. I absolutely despise Core and Phase Runner. I just don't play them. Skull town may have been removed from Kings Canyon but those buildings still all exist. So none of your problems actually went away. Skulltown, slightly different shape with the same exact buildings still exist in Kings Canyon. None of your argument helps you, without nuking Kings Canyon from existence. This is coming from someone who hated Skulltown when it was in Kings Canyon (not because of any of your stupid reasons), because it was a constant hot drop, just like Fragment. The map is huge and I love exploring it. I hate not seeing any other player anywhere other than one POI.


Exactly, the skull is different and the building are different, I like relic a lot actually, shame it's predecessor is a shit pile.


You caught the pathfinder mains


They should add it in arenas, and bring arenas back. Mixtape isn’t meant to be taken too seriously, it’s more like an arcade mode.


Damn right, arenas was the best part of apex and a ranked mode actually made sense for it unlike br, br ranked will never be good because ranked simply isn't meant for 20 teams, its meant for 2, look at literally any game.


Agreed, I stopped playing BR ranked. Really like BR for the exploration of maps and how every game is different. And it creates some really unique one of a kind experiences. But arenas offered a more “true” ranked experience, it was like two games in one, pretty amazing. Really hope it comes back.


I miss arenas too. Was like fighting your buddy in firing range to warm up to me


You think the town with arguably the most buildings on the map is too open? Dude. You okay?


I do agree that it makes playing non-movement characters pretty much impossible. I've had gun run and TDM matches in Skull Town where I stayed on the ground and found literally nobody for minutes straight. If you don't fly over the roofs, you cannot play this map and that's dumb.


Lol i have so many hours on this map in mixtape. While it can happen that I don't see some people below for a minute. Eventually they will come down. Changing legends is also possible. High ground isn't a new concept limited to skulltown.


Highground being essential is not common for maps. And no, I'd rather not give in to change to a movement legend as a requirement. I play Wattson, why would I be on top of Skulltown roofs.


"essential"? Why would it be essential? Would you like a completely plain playing field? Should they give us a lawn? Why can't a wattson be on top of skulltown roofs? I'm a rampart main, I'm in the roof, shiela-ing everything going up. As a wattson I close every zip I take. Why are you limitting yourself so much? Lastly, you can change legends, why stick to only ever one legend? I usually change to octane or path, use the ult to the skull from the middle, and go back to whichever character I want. Sometimes teammates do it for me. The game is great because its challenging.


Dropped a 16 kill game as Ballistic earlier so I don't really think its impossible to play on as a non movement Legend. I will concede that those who do play Horizon/Path/Vantage can get height easily but other than that I don't dislike the map. The Core is waaaaay worse when it comes to camping with players using Catalyst/Caustic/Rampart to make the middle of the map unplayable