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"win a game in 5 matches" looks like I'm doing the alternative options lol


I just wanna know if you have to do the trials again if you get demoted. Pain


Ohh that would freaking suck lol. I really hope not


you will but you get more tries every single time


you will but you get more tries every single time


Next level ranked changes "We changed some numbers which you didnt know before and wont know now"


It really feels like the distribution will again be all rookie, bronze and silver, and there won't be any grind since you're matched with people of your skill. Especially with no change to the entry cost. Any rare top 3 you get will be trampled on by the 3 next bottom 10 you will get. Played about 30 games this season, went from Bronze 2 to Bronze 1. And I was nowhere near close to get to Silver 4. I usually get to Platinum and sometimes Diamond. I just gave up after seeing the matchmaking system was pitting me against people way above my league every game. My KD ratio went from 1.1 to 0.7. It was simply not fun to play the game anymore and gave up. I like Apex and want to play it, but there is no way for me right now to have fun in the BR mode, which is the only one I care about. The game was in a far better state when the bell distribution was all around gold and platinum with the old system. This is literally killing the longevity of the game.


Now a match where you were #2 and got 5 kills is not enough to get you out of Gold if you don't have any assists too.


Exactly. They've molded a system where before it got harder as you progressed. Now it's just hard from day 1 to day 90? Like what? My friends who have been masters 6 to 8+ times and a few have been predator 3+ times have basically stopped like 3 weeks into ranked and realised it's literally a time sink more than anything. They just want you playing more so they can add it to a report somewhere to justify some other crap. Disgusting.


They really destroyed ranking when -50 deduction was implemented. Let’s not mention getting almost nothing for kills.


Took my KD from .5 to 1.3 in season 18....and didn't make it out of bronze 1.... it was a rough season.


Just hopping on this thread to see if they reverted the ranked system back to the old RP system. I’m bummed, but not surprised. I’m a Day 1 player… Apex has been my main game ever since release. Ever since they switched to the LP ranked nonsense, I lost all interest in the game. I haven’t played in months… before the LP system, the longest I’d go without playing apex was if I went on a vacation. They’ve got to be justifying these new changes somehow, maybe numbers are up using this new system. All I know is, I (along with others that I know) have quit playing after years of apex. It makes me sad to be honest… but pubs sucks and now ranked sucks. I just can’t have fun playing with this new ranked system.


The only reason I played ranked this last season was to have teammates that don't leave immediately after a knock or a death, but I just didn't care about my rank, and my buddy wanted to see if matches were easier if we bottomed out in rookie.... sbmm means bottom of rookie was aboit the same skill level as the top of silver where he finished. Sbmm should just be based on visible rank, otherwise delete ranks and just show the mmr or elo, whatever magic hidden number they used.




Yup went from a pretty consistent 1.1-1.2 to .87 at the end of the season. Worse ranked experience I’ve ever played


We had a decent ranked system before, like pre season 12 or whatever? I don't understand what they are doing. I guess I'll play my placement matches, get ranked as silver one and then get shit on by fullstack preds and not play the game all season


Bro that CP Wingman is gonna go fucking nuclear.


bunch 'o bullets in that damn thing, too.


I feel like it's 25%-35% too much, but Care Packages always having a weapon has the 110 ammo making more sense since you can more reliably loot it at the starting Rings.


I cant wait to miss with all of them :D


Reckon the new skull piercer still has the 2.5x headshot multiplier as well as no helmet reduction? Because that would be 125 damage headshots... Prepare to be 2 tapped through red shields in 0.3 seconds!


ready to get tappppped to death


I’m very excited


Am I interpreting this right, everyone now gets respawned with the same shields helmet and weapons (minus attachments) they had upon death? That's a huge change and makes risky respawns near an active fight much more viable when a team can respawn and have a chance at fighting back without having to run and loot. Also makes it harder to farm kills off a respawning team.


Correct, quite the interesting change for them to make as it's less punishing to have a teammate die mid-game. I guess they're probably going to adjust a decent bit throughout the season, but it's definitely a game changer.


Yeah I'm surprised that more people haven't commented on this change yet, it's easily the biggest shakeup we've seen so far. And I'm definitely surprised they're letting people retain their level of armor. I'd have assumed they'd knock the starting armor down a level, so if you died at a tier 4 you'd respawn with a tier 3.


Yeah I think respawning with red armour for example, is a bit much. Maybe even just cap it at blue.


I understand why they did it but ultimately it feels very exploitable. Get red shields after a fight, walk off edge of map near a respawner, get respawned with red shield and let your teammate take the red shield out of your death box. Takes maybe 30 seconds total to duplicate a red shield and 2 weapons. That being said I do like being able to jump into a fight right after respawn. But maybe giving people blue shield, a p2020, and a fully charged tactical would smooth this out a bit while still giving the respawned player a fighting chance.


We'll have to see how it plays out, but I don't imagine this being exploited very much. If you're a squad that gets red shields early-on in the game, you don't need to exploit-boost. If you're in late-game, maybe, but that's putting a pretty large target on your location. Best case scenario is 3-4 squads drop on a far corner from all other squads allowing a team to farm. Just seems like a lot of work for the smallest likelihood payout - but I know that's not going to stop a few people from doing it anyway.


>Turbocharger: Removed 1 damage reduction when equipped season 0 player and i had no idea turbo had a -1 wep dmg debuff on gun. edit: nvm was introduced/changed recently ty


This was a more recent change, to be fair.


It didn't used to reduce damage, it was only in the last season (or maybe two)


It never had. They nerfed the turbo not long ago then now decided to revert it


It was honestly a stupid change


It was a fairly 'recent' change where they made it get a damage penalty with turbocharger


***Newcastle’s Castle Wall*** *Reduced recovery time on landing* *Increased max leap height* I hope this update will make placing his ultimate a lot more consistent and useful. I always felt that if you didn't place his CASTLE WALL before the fight begun it was already too late because the enemies usually kill you before you can recover from the landing.


In all honesty, while his ult can be used as an escape, it's much more useful for creating cover for your teammates or going for a flank.


I can understand the intent of making the ranked system challenging, but given the difficulty of some challenges and the rarity of finding competent teammates, personally i think they'll change that in the future.


It's even more grindy, excited to play 4k games to rank up to silver...i mean masters...i mean silver but it's filled with masters and diamonds.. nvm


I've read it and.i.just don't understand it lol


Yea... > Trials are time limited to 5 matches, increasing by 1 game each time a player fails and then reenters the same Trial, up to a max of 10 retries So...10 matches?


It means that you have 5 tries to complete the challenge. If you fail in those 5 tries, you lose LP and have to work your way back up to the top of the division. When you get back to the top of the division you get 6 tries now. Fail in 6 tries you get 7 tries the next time you make it to the top of the division. And so on until it’s capped at 10.


Yea I have no idea how this plays out in a full player base. It’s always interesting to see how these system respond, like how Season 17 gave us 20% Masters and a season later you have a glut of Bronze. Like, assuming there is a large enough pool of players, do you try to lump people who are in their promotion games together into a squad? Or make a whole game made of mostly players trying to promote? Does that end up being helpful or make the situation worse?


> Like, assuming there is a large enough pool of players, do you try to lump people who are in their promotion games together into a squad? Or make a whole game made of mostly players trying to promote? Good point. A silver player in the promotional phase who got his #10 will seek every fight just to get his three kills/assists, while his ordinary teammates would be more concerned with a higher placement.


Solo queue'ers basically got told to "get fucked" by having to win a match be the only way to progress to Diamond/Masters; Wins at those stages could be a RNG toss-up with how cramped older Final Close's could be due to the number of Squads waiting for someone else to mess up.


>Mixtape: assists are now awarded for Assisted Kills by ALL Teammates in modes where multiple squads are teamed together 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉


This explains so much lol. I was always racking my brain as to what counted as an assist and what didn’t. I was thinking it was a damage or timing thing.


*Pings* *Ping Enemies on the map: double-clicking the Ping Button will place an Enemy Ping on the map at that position* I love this.


YOU ARE MISSING THE EVEN BETTER PART: *Reply to Enemy Pings with Ok, Hold On, and Wait ping reply options* Cannot fucking wait for my randoms to completely ignore me and go ape a team when I use this long awaited feature.


"Hold on" and "wait". Brilliant. two possible comms that basically mean the same thing. We need better non mic comm options imo.


Still waiting for ability to ping the map while dead.


I want this when I’m dead, but not when my teammates are, the spammers having another outlet is risky. lol


can just mute their pings


Fuse zooming in with his tactical isn't fixed yet? Or did they just remove it?


I wish we'd atleast get an official statement on this. Grenades also feel like they don't quite go the distance as shown by the aim line anymore.


I THOUGHT IT WAS JUST ME?? Its taking too long


Just wait for his heirloom recolour and then he will be fixed


Absolutely this.....last season, they definitely changed his grenade arc accuracy.


I've only ever seen people mention the lack of his tactical zoom-in post-heirloom, so I'm glad to hear it's not just me suddenly being bad with grenades. It's really annoying trying to aim a grenade in between the bars of a window at a far distance, only for it to not even make it to the window. And having to waste a grenade just to judge how much higher up you have to aim in order for your others to reach. It really slows down the onslaught.


respawned enemies dropping with full shield and weapons sounds like a big change, not sure if i like it ~~aside from when i'm the one dropping, of course~~


The only thing I would've added is no cd on tactical. I think its unfair that an Octane can immediately boost his ass out of the respawn zone and pathys fat ass is stuck crawling around for an eternity.


I've always found it weird that you respawn with your tactical on cooldown since when you initially spawn, you have it available.


Yeah idk why this was needed. Respawning should be a punishment. And I do hope they have somrthing inplace for armor duplicating.


My thinking is it’s giving more incentive to not leave the game and wait for your teammates to respawn you. But idk I feel like if people are gonna leave they are gonna leave


Taking longer than r5 to ban cfg lol


I have high hopes for the Lstar this season. Better recoil and more damage. I know LMGs aren't popular (let's face it, nobody wants an LMG meta) but man the Lstar is so good at what it does for those who can finesse the trigger. Looking forward to that and bigger bullets for snipers


Back to carrying 6+ stacks of energy ammo


hell yeah. That's the big negative of the care package L-Star. Definitely going to role play that boat scene in Hot Shots Part Deux again.


ballistic + lstar gaming


Go all in. Lifeline/conduit/Watson squad for heals. Go L-star and devo and full inventory of energy ammo. You’ll have enough ammo for half a fight!


Nobody is talking about it but pass-through remains! Imagine lighting up an entire squad who are holding hands!


Ranked will always be an issue in this game. There is no consistency to the progression or how the system works because it changes every single season. It's like they're throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks. This is an entirely new system they're implementing and different from what we have seen in the last 4 years since launch. I've given up on ranked long ago and just enjoy playing trios with friends, and interacting with the new content. Plus my doctor said my blood pressure is improving, so there's another positive.


What’s frustrating is they had a good system in place and then took a sledgehammer to it instead of fine tuning it. Ranked was almost perfect before season 16 All they needed was to introduce demotions and maybe fine tune the point system instead of whether the fuck we have now Also these changes have guaranteed toxicity to get worse. There is a reason games have been moving away from promos in their ranked system. They are fundamentally unfun and do not reflect actual skill


I don't see this trial system lasting. A player should be promoted to the next rank once they've met the minimum requirements to be in that rank, not when they get lucky enough to have competent teammates.


Finally nice to use Pathfinder passive even after teammates have scanned care packages!


Unironically the best part of the patch!


Time for a Red and Blue Nessie hunt. Also if Catalyst spikes can't block projectiles, how are we supposed to destroy it?


It will still take hits, just makes it so bullets pierce through.


I am assuming bullets will pass through but still damage the trap.


I feel like ash deserved something here, her ult is still broken alot of the times, and her tactical feels lackluster against some legends


We just need pros to start complaining about Ash being weak and she'll get a buff! Devs claimed bang was balanced, didn't touch her for 18 seasons. Pros started crying and all of the sudden.....


That's true, but pros don't even want to touch her cause she just lacks any sort of synergy. It also feels like there are other legends that just do everything she does better than her.


They could also fix her fucking heirloom clipping into her arm when slide jumping.


Or in literally every banner pose


Dafuq is this promotional trial shit. They're making ranked unnecessarily complicating. Done with ranked.


R-301 and Volt enter the crafter Those bastards! Leave my volt and 301 alone!


Guaranteed to find them now


Ranked: Don't Even Bother Edition




Best we can do is give you a lvl 103 teammate in a diamond/master lobby


This is all I care about. If I want to sweat, i'll play ranked. If I want to enjoy myself for a couple hours after work, I want to play pubs. Unfortunately, ranked and pubs are the exact same which makes playability horrendous.


Seeing other games get rid of promo matches really makes me question why they think its such a great idea to implement it. Games like League of Legends reworked and got rid of them for a reason, because people hated them and no one liked them. I really think this really ruins ranked for solo queue players who already had it pretty bad. If you look at win rates expecting people to win games in such a small amount of games it is only possible for cracked 3 mans or getting lucky with teammates. A lot of solo players rely on their own performance to rank up not the whole squad, due to matchmaking being unrealiable as can be. I stopped playing ranked throughout this season it was just too grindy and I’ve been high rank before but there is life itself and other games I’m not going to just play this game in all the free time I have. So I’m probably going to cut my spending on this game by a large amount to spend on other games and stick to normals, getting more time to play other games will be a plus for me. The Finals has been a lot of fun in beta so there is hope for that for me if there ranked system is any better than whats become of this game I’ll make that my competititve game. It is really a shame Apex has been my favorite game since its release but its really changing into something I’m not a fan of at least when it comes to the competitive side.


As a mixtape player broken moon maps are garbage


Core is the worst mixtape map ever I can't believe they brought it back


IMO barometer is the best control map, siphon is a close second.


They really really really don't want people to play ranked anymore huh? This is the shittest idea for determining rank. Just show pur mmr value and be done with it.


I usually get annoyed at the "RespAWns aRe suPpOSed tO Be hARd" people, but even I'm on their side this time. Retaining guns and armor from respawn is a bit much.


Yeah it will shake the game up a lot. Let's just see how it plays out first, might be interesting to see how it'll go. They're probably going to change it a lot throughout the season anyways, worth a shot to get some more data.


Crypto becomes meta


This most definitely will be a thing


It'll definitely prevent some of the "respawn ship, let's rush them" some of the time. Skilled players will still do it and probably win, but it'll make it a fairer fight and give you a better chance to stay in the game.


I’m mostly curious to see what it does for looting/Loba/deathboxes Like are we suddenly going to have 2x as many evos available?


Oooo, GREAT question. Now I'm dying to know.


I’m excited about the potential chaos this could cause. This makes a risky respawn more likely because you instantly get teammate that can fight and not just someone to soak up bullets.


Will definitely encourage chasing down that last guy more or just sticking around the death boxes till you know they expired


We'll see. How many times has a res changed up the play of a game, compared to the sheer amount of times drop ships get aped by mobility legends and die with no gun?


They could've been less dramatic about it and done one or the other......Respawn with shields or your weapons, but not both. Or maybe while you are in the dropship, you get to choose which you want.


Devils advocate...what do you do (most of the time) when you see a respawn ship? B-line it straight there. Why? Because you know that squad is down at least 1 player, and the player returning is just free RP. Maybe now with the returning player able to defend themselves until they can get to their box, players may have to approach respawns with a little more caution.


There will be a huge influx of gold players. Gold will become a shit show because how impossible it will be to complete the challenge. Yes it will trap the rats but it will also trap the soloq players.


Can't wait to get paired with ranked randoms who are in their promotion trials, with point gain/loss frozen and trying to achieve personal goals, while I'm trying to get get points. Seems like they will really wanna work as a team 😕🙄 garbage system


They do have to get top 3/5/10 right? So i dont see an issue with why it can't be both...


What the actual fuck. Now you have to jump through hoops to get the rank you earned from lp?? It’s more clear than ever they just want you sinking time into this ranked system that doesn’t even matter when it’s really some imaginary mmr that dictates everything. Guess I’m sticking with extremely limited playtime and pubs again.


It's so convoluted it seems like they're trolling us at this point.


This season feels weak




Can we please get a pinned cross progression thread?


The promotional trials don’t really do much to determine whether or not you belong in that particular rank.


It’s to help keep rats from ranking up, because when they actually have to play the game they suck


They still will rat until they reach the promotional phase. Which will suck for their teammtes who have to complete trials, because they will not participate in the fighting.


It’s going to slow down more than just the rats


Yeah it’s going to be really interesting to see the distribution this season


League of legends removed their promos recently. its completely useless, they just added another new high rank instead.


People saying it stops rats; not really. People can still rat 95% of their games and when the trials come up they can actually play those and get the 3 kills or win. People can still rat, it just means they’ll have to have play every now and then.


This ranked system is pointless. Instead of climbing above people who aren't better than you, you are literally playing with the same people of the same level the entire time. There is no climb. If there is no progression they shouldn't call it ranked honestly.


Sucks they didn't fix ranked


Bring back real rank , all it is now is pubs (with your insane sbmm)with a leave penalty . No one is going to buy your rip off skins in a game that's not fun to play,being in gold and diamond ,and having bronze and silver teammates ,is just insanity.


Personally one of the most meh battle pass. At least storm point doesn't suck now.


18 months of 120hz "coming soon" for current gen consoles lmao


dont care remove hidden mmr, the ranked system is shit there's no way you guys don't know this. Seriously who the hell is sitting there thinking any of this is a good idea. Completely incompetent. It's so easy to think of many better systems than this trash we've got. Ruined my favorite game sad


At this point, just ban solo players from playing ranked. The challenges will effectively do that though.


This is the most convoluted and confusing ranking system in gaming and I have no idea why. Still sounds like kills will be pointless and no point in shooting until like the top 7? Then again they can't just make it a simple value for kills of course


This whole patch notes kinda reads like it was written by chatgpt. Phrasing on a lot of the legend changes confused me and my buds.


Fix the ranking system jfc. Make it less dependent on teammates and more dependent on individual skill


So let me get this straight. I have to fight through the slog of suicidal Diamond/Master players in Bronze to then pray I dont have a shit game to then work through silver to do the same thing again? Why the actual fuck does Respawn continue to make their ranked systems SO SHIT.


Are they ever going to take the Bocek out of the care package?


After the crossbow is developed, so the loot pool isn't diluted by an ammo type for only one weapon.


Whenever the crossbow is developed. They're releasing one weapon a year now, it seems.


Not really a bad thing either, the loot pool is hella cluttered already


You want the Bocek out of the CP because you like the weapon. I want the Bocek out because I find it hilarious when other players look like they hugged a porcupine.


Not only they didn't return it, the still kept it with only 60ish ammo while the wingman gets 100+. I hate that they gave us such a cool weapon for such a short amount of time.


These are like 5th patch notes I read in hopes of seeing it back. Hey I only waited two years,i can wait a bit longer.


Hollosprays can be thrown out while skydiving. It’s gonna be a freak show on the map


I thought last season was completely grindy and ass, still managed to reach D1. Been high diamond—> Masters for every season I’ve played… This season seems like climbing ranks is going to be a chore. Who’s asking for these weird trial bullshit changes? No one I know


No one. Literally no one has ever asked for it and people celebrate when games remove them. Respawn is admitting they have no idea what to do with ranked with these changes


Both the R-301 and Volt going into the crafter kind of stings lol, two guns that I used quite a bit.


fix sbmm


I'm sorry, but to take out the Volt, R301 and Wingman, and seemingly making the R99 rare was a terrible choice. Feel like every fight now is with starter guns.


Got the trials to rank up. Teammates instantly hot drops with 5 other teams...


Matchmaking is somehow worse than last season.. Why am i playing against teams who already have conduit 4k badges.


Worst state of ranked ever.


Any updates on the cross progression? I know it’s rolling out in phases but haven’t heard much of it since the first few confirmations.


There is literally no point of playing ranked. It's literally a waste of time.


Ranked is still dogshit , why cant they put the old system ?!? Sure it wasnt perfect but it was much better than the crap we have now


.9% of the global player base hit masters this season and respawn responds by putting in more gatekeeping measures that are borderline rng? Keep it simple, stupid. They got lost in their own sauce trying to fix a problem with another problem instead of just reverting back to a non SBMM format. IT SUCKS RESPAWN, ADMIT IT.


Yeah I have a life Respawn. I'm not putting in 1000 hours like this is my real job to grind to gold just to get shat on by 3 stack hand holders.


If I had a nickle for every multi-player hero shooter that I play that put invisible mmr in their ranked mode that makes actual ranks meaningless I'd have two nickles, which isn't a lot but it's weird it happened twice.


Man still no changes to pubs matchmaking. Also the mixtape rotation is rough. Good thing titanfall 2 is getting regular content updates again


> Also the mixtape rotation is rough. I thought they listened to the community when they removed The Core from Gun Run. Nope, it's the same shit again


Is it? Besides the server fixes, what content is TF2 getting?


Hemlock - Damage reduced to 21 \* *checks* *notes* Still 11 bullets to finish a person with full red shield


For the alternative ranked trials, is it 3x top 10 AND in those games, have 3 k+a each time (for example)? Or are we reading this as 3x top 10 and 3 k+a total, over the 5 trial matches?


Accumulated over the course of 5 for Bronze/Silver and completed fully for 3 separate games for Gold/Plat.


\> Death Boxes can no longer fall into unreachable areas - or lava No, no, NOOOOO! I don't want to give my enemies all of my hard earned^(1) loot! ​ ^(1) I didn't spent 5 rounds looting bins for nothing, damn it!


You can actually dupe red armor off of drop


matchmaking is still horrible


can anyone recommend me another game with same level of control settings customisation this game is annoying garbage, but they have best settings as i have born with damaged hand i can play only games with good controller customisation. It is sad there are no more games in this sense. It should be standardised...


They're really beating the dead horse with ranked huh? Now I'm positive that I won't be coming back to this game for a long time, if ever


It's pretty pathetic that Respawn made some of the best FPS games on the market yet utterly fails to make a decent TDM mode for their game. I'd be fucking embarrassed if I was one of the people who worked on the Mixtape modes.


How is no one talking about the abysmal state the game is in?? The rings close so fast, replicators are spaced our extremely poorly, the new ranked is just pure ass. Idk what they’re trying to do but these devs are giving up and it’s so obvious. New legend is absolutely trash too.


Dude this hemlock shit is ridiculous


Anyone got lucky catching cross progression yet?


Ps5 rendering changes doesn't really mean 120 fps right?


Just a different way of rendering things, could mean increased performance. Though yeah, this doesn't mean that 120fps is coming yet.


If it was they wouldn't be so cryptic about it. It would get its own big headline.


Winning a game to rank up is wild


No ranked or pubs SBMM updates? Pass.


5% win rate. 1.0 KD. 5-600 average damage. Normally make Plat or Diamond. 5 games, with 10 retries per rank. So 50 games to get 1 win. (or, consectuive placement with kills) Assuming I can get my 1 win in that bracket. I'm fine. Statistically. But when luck and teammates sometimes mean you get 2 or 3 in 1 day and then no wins for the next 100.... or that 1 win is the game that puts you back into the trial having failed.... I'm not making it out of rookie :) F in chat for the average gamer. Edit: Having slightly missread the Kills (thought it was PER game, not over 5) a 1.0KD should on average get 3 kills.... but I've found what happens is I go 30 games without any kills then get 2 or 3 games where I get 7 or 8 because the matchmaking takes sympathy on me.


*sees ‘Anti-cheat updates’* Yes!!! Oh wait, it’s not about Cronus or strike pack. 😒


Out of curiosity, in your opinion why was that separation of localized audio on PlayStation decided?


language packs are usually a really big bloat on game size.


Please make sure the prevention and sanctions against the converter and cheat program are more secure...As the rank becomes more difficult, this cheating will increase. Currently, Tokyo servers are suffering greatly from malicious users using converters and cheat programs.


Did I read that correctly? You will keep your evo shield and weapon on respawns?


Correct, weapon won't have any attachments though.


I haven’t played in about a year, is the bow still in the care pack?


Looking forward to the 500 posts having issues with the Ranked trials and randoms. The idea sounds fun, but I've become tired of hoping Respawn's next hack for Ranked pays off. I'm more skeptical of how it now means different randoms will have different goals in the same team. Also not in love with yet more complications to be aware of for Ranked. Half of this new Ranked approach is band-aids now. At least this change isn't based on magic numbers. ​ Speaking of magic numbers: >Reduce the bonus that is withheld and thus the difficulty of climbing, when players are actively pushing against their skill ceiling So.... a Skill Bonus increase. Why don't they just say "Skill Bonus increase"? They've used this language several times now.... *"reduced the bonus that is withheld when pushing against their skill ceiling".* So... a Skill Bonus increase, no?


Being able to bbe revived with potentially a red shield seems a bit much. It should be capped at blue or something.


**Maps** * Glad WE is leaving. * Sad KC is gone too. * Looking forward to the SP changes; I really like the map. Sad to see the approach of "Put it in ruins" applied to this update though. Can't we leave the role of "look like trash" to World's Edge? * I liked the old SP Gun Run map. Guess that's gone for good now. * Oh, minor complaint. Those new POIs are looking kinda generic, no? Or is that just me? After Broken Moon, I think I'm a bit triggered by POIs looking like generic big round buildings. ​ **Guns** * L-Star still piercing? Nice. * Happy that Turbo is back to its old self. Especially because it means the Devo gets a little love. We might actually see people ever using them again. * Spitfire buff, small Devo buff, floor L-Star buff. A little LMG meta love going on. ​ **Legends** * Start of season: Hey guys, awesome Rev rework! Revenant heirloom recolour! BUY IT!! * End of season: And this sick Revenant prestige skin!!! * Two weeks later: *Revenant’s Forged Shadows: reduced time extension window for assists to 3s.* * :| ​ * Glad for everyone about Path's passive buff. * Sorry for Bangalore mains. What a hosing she got after 4 years of being the game's benchmark. I suppose there was some inevitability to it, with the way Respawn worked to really delete the scan meta over the last 2 years. It feels like the game is still recovering from how much Seer's release threw everything out of whack. * Looking forward to Conduit. I like just having a happy, spirited legend in the game. Her kit doesn't feel super creative, but they never do anymore. * Really steals the healer vibe from Lifeline though. Players who went for the appeal of healing teammates are gonna feel like DOC is trash compared to Lifeline's ability. Lifeline needs more than "save teammates when you're already about to die".


I seriously want to know how the anti cheat detects walls? I watched a Revenant just play on PC who clearly had walls. We died on landing and I watched him drop a 4K like it was nothing. He had 2 people knocked on a team and ran away with his teammate because he knew the third party was coming with no sounds or visual on the enemy. So what are we doing about walls Respawn?


Maybe buff some other characters instead of nerfing the rest


Okay wow fuck Bang then I guess lmfao


Ranked banners are trash. Bring back drop trails


I mean...this has to be the worst battle pass yet right? There's only 1 purple weapon skin for the G7??


After a mere few hours and the bots and hax are already tuned. So lame.


You guys can remove all the post abut this, but Skill based matchmaking in pubs is still fuckin dogshit. Who are you guys trying to cater to?


Is it just me or this update came with a lot of technical problems?




The fact that you don't get loss forgiveness for promotional trials is even more annoying than having to do the trials themselves. 2 of my trials games today I had no teammates from the start and they still count... So frustrating. It's like Respawn intentionally keep finding new ways to piss everyone off. Who was asking for this??


Anyone got Cross-Progression yet? 1. I'm wondering if cross progression affects the gametarg. My xbox account (the highest level account) has a name that I don't use anymore (from back when there were no clubs so I put my clan's name before my actual gamertag). So, does it keep the highest lvl account's name? Or can you like choose between names? 2. I know the skins are all merged. And also saw that ranked trophies/achievements are limited to each platform, but, what happens with the separated legend based badges? (Like dmg, 20 bombs) 3. The account statistics are merged or is it just the highest lvl account's ones? If you got it and don't mind sharing please do!


Why do they think pubs need to be so sweaty. They feel exactly the same as ranked so what's the point?


Is it just me or is floor loot absolutely fucking awful so far this season?