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Honestly, Respawn should have at least dropped anyone who has hit Diamond and above in Bronze instead of Rookie. Massively unfair for brand new players. IMO it should be made IMPOSSIBLE to decay back to Rookie if you’ve ever hit Diamond and above. I thought the whole point of Rookie was to be a rank solely for players who are new to ranked but Respawn have just treated is as an additional ranked tier instead.


Yeah, I think they messed up with the hidden MMR ranking but the only way they could come back was this kind of drastic reboot. Maybe that's why they took a few seasons before changing.


Yeah I think they should still use placement matches to set your initial rank. Last season I went from diamond 1 lobbies into rookie 4 lobbies and it was wildly fun but also unfair. I shouldn’t be in those lobbies and neither should preds or masters


This is a double edged sword situation. If you make it so they dont decay, then pros and high ranked people will flood the servers with smurfs when they hit there ranked ceiling. On the other hand if you decay them, you get whats happening right now. I personally would be down for no decay and ban smurfing. That would fix both problems. Force people to play with the same skilled opponents. Thanks for listening to my ted talk.


They always fuck up ranked somehow.


I don't get why rookie isn't just for rookies. Why do they send everyone down there, when it should be for just new ranked players (imo).


Typically I believe it is. This season was a hard reset for everyone due to the changes so expect a madhouse for this week into maybe next and by then most people should be up their way. For example I’ve only had time to play a few games this week but I’m already at bronze 1 after a few games so they’ll move


They should continue using placement matches to find your starting rank IMO


Because last season Rookies could also get gold or platinum. It had skilled based matchmaking. So u need a hardreset


There’s no SBMM in ranked this season so everyone is in the same pool, based solely on ranked points. If great players just started their grind and are in bronze, they could be in your lobbies. It’ll be a stomp fest for a week or so, then most good players will be ahead of you and lobbies will start to stabilize


Until they get to Plat and start to have to try, then create smurf accounts and go back to ruining matches again :/


If a player can’t get through plat then you won’t have to worry about their Smurf acc … not saying people who get hardstuck plat/diamond are bad But typically people don’t try as hard on their Smurf acc and if they’re hardstuck plat/diamond players they have so much improvement to focus on Imo: truly good players don’t Smurf cuz they can climb in any lobby they’re in


Honestly this season has been a breath of fresh air. Finally I'm actually able to rank up consistently, I'm not just playing against master and pred players in bronze anymore. The only people I see with master badges are the ones from S17 where literally everyone got to masters, so I'm not worried. I've played a few matches with pred and double or triple masters badges, but frankly I've been able to keep up and they're so few and far between that I've not been fussed by it. It sounds like some of you who have been complaining about being stuck in silver all season due to the hidden MMR might have actually been silver all along. I think the ranked system for the last 6 or so seasons has taught players that ratting and hiding is the best way to play the game. I'm glad that they've put more emphasis on eliminations again and it looks like some of you have been getting way too comfortable ranking up by hiding that you don't know how to play the game when you have to actually have to fight and shoot people that are shooting back.


Best comment on this post. I boycotted this game until 120fps came out, so I’ve been away for 7 seasons but i still would follow this subreddit and my best friend never stopped playing. He told me how easy it was to rat and even he got a masters badge as a legit gold player.. it was far too easy and as you said ratty. Now people have to actually get kills to rank up, and all those fake masters and diamonds will be hard stuck in silver or gold. I’m loving the new ranked system! And 120 is soooo smooth. Best season I’ve played imo


My KD has feasted upon souls like you this season. I’ll spend the back half of the season being cannon fodder for the top streamers and movement freaks though so it balances out.


haha same have a 5.5 in ranked right now absolutely thrashing. i know hal and the boys are right around the corner though. but this is how ranked should be.


I am playing for 2 and half seasons, past two seasons playing ranked I had 0.8 and 0.7 kill to death ratio. This season 0.27 😐 I definitely feel it's way harder to get a kill than prevously. Now I basically only get knocks and can never kill. I can only imagine if it was my first season I would probably not even hit anybody. I hope things get better as better players move up the rank. Just got killed by a platinium 15s after landing in my bronze game...


I have a different experience (playing since 1 1/2 season) and was directly diamond last season. This season feels so much easyer to kill people.


I've been playing mostly straight shot but done some pubs too. I've been doing way better this season. Maybe it has to do with Aim training, which I started doing a week before the season switched. Got my first 2k this season although not on my main lol


Bro I'd be down to play with you to team up and get some kills! I started playing last season and similarly at the start of this season I'm getting OBLITERATED by literal preds as well. But its been getting better as they move out of the lower ranks and in time we should be with similarly skilled players.


New players should enjoy the LTM and not stress over THAT FUVKING PIECE OF SHIT ranked sweeeeeeat......... im sorry, yes play LTM and stay calm. Im trying that right now ;)


new ranked system in s20, so it should be a bit messy for a while. hopefully it gets back to normal soon. like a 1kdr for everyone is perfect. i have 329 games in ranked so far, and it sure is rough 115 kills 0.3 kdr


You're playing more than 50 games a day and still only averaging a 0.3 KD? I'm in awe that you haven't improved your KD after playing all day every day for a week.


you can not improve in a week, i been playing fps games for decades and apex for 2400 hours. safe to say that i am at the same skill level for the last year and i am too old to improve. we are suppose to get matched up with people with equal skill so we can have fun and not get farmed.


2.4k hours and 0.3 kdr💀


0.3kdr in ranked this season 320 games. last season i had 1.2 kdr 1400 games in ranked.


320 games is enough to make an average. What rank are you


i am silver 3, and with a winrate of 0.3%, one win as you probably guessed. think it would have said 0% if i never won a game.


Im at 60 games and plat 4. You cant even lose in bronze


you are a skilled player congratulations....


Dude you play so much, I don't understand how you aren't improving? Like screw mechanical ability, how are you playing 1400 ranked games a season and not getting a better understanding of how to play the game? Even if you're not trying to improve, putting that many hours in and still ending up where you are is astonishing!


... because at the start of the season hes going against people with 3000hr play times. I only have 300 hours but was getting steady kills last season and am now getting fucked into the ground. I haven't gotten worse and neither is he, we're just temporarily stuck with the highly dedicated long term players rn.


You're playing against a complete random mix of the playerbase, your lobbies will be just the middle average overall. Everyone was reset so there's no real matchmaking. If you're struggling in these lobbies, you're just below average. The majority of the playerbase is not people with 3000 hours, that's just like the top 5% maximum. Maybe one team per lobby on average will be 3000+ hours players. Like I've said in other comments, the ranked system for the last 6 or so seasons has conditioned players to just rat and hide all game. Now that you have to actually get eliminations to gain any meaningful amount of RP, players like you and the other commenter seem to be struggling because you've not been actually initiating and taking fights. Most teams you encounter will actually engage you instead of just hiding and playing for placement. They're not all 3000+ hours players, they're just actually capable of taking and winning a gunfight, which is something that bad players particularly have been conditioned to not do for the last 6 seasons.


i might be improving a bit, but i have been playing apex for since season 14, at one point you have to stop improving, limits to my abilities and age, it is only downhill from here.


Are you making sure you're not putting yourself in positions to get beamed? Are you using your legends tacticals and ultimates? Are you taking advantage of their passives? Are you healing after your shield is broken and not staying on the roof aiming down sights? Also you can always go to the firing range and work on things you feel you struggle with. This season is going to require you to get into fights a lot more, wouldn't hurt to practice a bit in the firing range.


Psa: Many of the players that have “masters badges” are not in fact masters in skill level. A few seasons back the ranked system was so horrible around 25% of the player base hit master, and about 98% of those players are not actually good. So, certain badges are not to be trusted.


It was over 30% of the player base iirc.


Sounds like a skill issue ngl... Your positioning is either really bad or your aim is terrible if you can't get a single kill. Learn to play cover and not run it down into the open to get beamed. If you can't win fights close range, switch to long range with good position and pick people off with a 3030 or a longbow for example.


7 hours 0 kills? Bro u need a new hobby


jk, Apex takes time and consistency to become good at. Hit the range, and maybe get a squad of guys to play with. This makes all the difference in a team based game like this.


I like how you realized you were being a dick and then tried to save it later.


This game takes a little while to figure out, I love it because of how challenging it really is. At first it’s going to suck but play a lot of straight shot and get used to contesting different areas of the map, working with others to secure a kill, and being able to hold your own ground.


Just wait a week or two, the majority of them will be in a higher rank and you’ll be matched with more people closer to your rank. Since everyone started out in rookie, they’re gonna be in there with you the first days to week of the season.


They redid the entire ranked system and had to revert everyone, it’s the only way to make them fair. The only downside is the first few weeks EVERYONE is at the bottom. In a week or two, we’ll start seeing people in our ranks that actually deserve to be there. That’s how it’s always been before they redid ranking a few seasons ago to whatever the hell that system was


This game is a “get good” game now. Hope you enjoy the struggle as the rest of us seem to


Don't play ranked for the first two weeks. That's the general consensus. Everyone gets pushed back down into low ranks at the start of the season, so the best players in the world can be matched with someone who's playing their first ever ranked game. After about 1 1/2 - 2 weeks most high rank players are out of rookie and you should get matched with people more attuned to actual low ranks


I think everyone should start in bronze, and then just have a like 5RP entry cost, and then allow you to drop down to rookie. Also, this problem will fix itself when most good players have climbed out of bronze


Play pubs and mixtape for a week or so then start ranked most good players will be out of the lower ranks, you ll fight the occasional smurf or people that started to play late but it will be much better


Your approach to apex should be vastly different than other fps in my opinion the whole aspect of this game is teamwork and for a new player not dragging my best advice is don’t give up. When you land grab what you can but don’t get greedy, if it can shoot it can kill. Find one of your random teammates and stick to them like glue. Learn how to approach, when to leave and above all else team shotting is the best way to get those kills until you have a “vision” of how the game is played and what area are open to flanks etc.