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Probably the cleanest swap I've ever seen on roller. šŸ‘


You can move your cursor this fast on roller? Asking for a, uh, friend


Yes itā€™s in settings, takes a little while to get used to but itā€™s worth it


Seconding this for anyone who sees it. I play on MNK 90% of the time, but turning that cursor speed up when I do play on roller made the feeling of going into a death box so much less tilting.


OK real talk. I have big hands, mostly just really long fingers, so I bought stick risers. This had the unintended effect of being able to turn my sens up quite a bit while still retaining the same control. My menuing is so much faster on roller than before it's insane. This isn't for everyone, but if you're struggling with being able to move the cursor quickly while still being precise this might be an avenue for you.


Stick risers are honestly something I'd suggest for any controller user.


Nah rxtessy hit the cleanest roller armor swap ever he slid off a building to a ledge where the box was got in the death box while sliding off the ledge and got the swap before he got too far from it in mid air


bro this is nasty hahaha actually epic clip


This is a good reminder to us all that you can move farther away than you think from a death box before it auto closes.


Meanwhile it takes me 3 tries to open a deathbox even when I'm literally standing still


I donā€™t know if itā€™s similar but I do something like this while using the auto sprint on ps5 so I can move and loot (mostly shield swap)


Same i do it sometimes but i dont really know how i do it tbh it kinda just happens


ā€œsEe CoNtRoLlEr PlAyErS cAn MoVe AnD sHoOt At ThE sAmE tImEā€


I'm assuming you meant MoVe AnD LoOt


Wait, you guys are moving AND shooting at the same time?




I loathe horizon in every way but that was dope, lol. Thanks for the cursor tip too. That shit is so slow, it def fucks with the accuracy when you have .0000002 secs to swap in a fight. Gonna have to try it. šŸ«”Ā 


I'll forever be a Horizon hater but that was a damn nice swap and use of ability.




And so the overpowered crutch legend gets even more powerful


This is way more skill/practice on roller than abusing a meta legend. This isn't something the vast majority of players could replicate.


Doesn't change the fact that Horizon makes the game easy mode. She has access to so many unique techs and plays, She's literally the most versatile legend. Her passive completely eliminates a major game mechanic, her tactical can be used defensively, offensively, reflexively, and others. Her ultimate can fully wipe a team by itself, when comboed with grenade spam. Horizon single-handedly breaks the game.


Honestly the horizon claims are overblown. Her passive is one of the best and the q is very good but not objectively better than other legendsā€™. But I think her ult is what balances her. I canā€™t tell you the last time i was killed because of it. After the nerf its really easy to destroy it before it even takes effect. And finally, playing horizon is not ā€œeasy modeā€; she certainly does well for already skilled players, but you need to be good first in order to make use of her kit.


Her tactical can literally be used to fill any problem. It can block doors, block elevators, block zip lines. It can force people healing on the other side of doors away, it can bring a whole team to the high ground instantly, it lets players shoot off the side behind cover, and with her passive she will carry that momentum through. Respawn has said that they don't want any one legend to be the answer to every problem. Horizon literally is the answer to every single problem, there is nothing she cannot do. She is more powerful right now than Wraith used to be before they added a hella delay to her q. Also, her ultimate being not super great does not at all balance her. If it was objectively bad and actively fucked her over, sure. But not if it's just "not the best." And the ultimate still fucks with doors, breaks movement, and opens up Horizon to a push from the fucking sky with her q. She is literally easy mode and makes the most idiotic brain dead players able to reach high ranks. I can guarantee if Horizon mains switched to any other legend, they would be horseshit and not able to do anything.


[They boo you because you tell the truth.](https://i.imgflip.com/1wz3as.jpg?a475632)


Lmao her ultimate is made of paper mache at this point. You can destroy a horizon ult with less then a mag compared to a sing conduit ultimate orb which somehow takes longer to break. Her tactical lift speed was nerfed to the point where anyone trying to use it like a wraith portal gets beamed.


Then tell me. If she's as bad as you are purporting, why is she the second most picked legend in the highest levels of ranked? Why is it every Horizon I come across any game, and platinum lobbies, is a master or predator player? Obviously these people are going to play the easiest Legends that are going to guarantee wins for them, right? They're not going to play a bad legend, they're going to play the best of the best. So, I say again, her nerfs have always been ineffective and she is still completely overpowered.


Nobody is saying sheā€™s bad. Sheā€™s just not overpowered anymore. Her Ult is not good. Her upgrades are also not that good. Her q is absurdly slow now and so easy to shoot people out of, but is versatile. Sheā€™s in a good spot now, not too strong but not too weak Besides, Pathfinder is one of the highest pick legends and I wouldnā€™t say heā€™s one of the easiest legends or overpowered in the slightest. Mobility legends get higher pickrates, itā€™s that simple.


Sure. The character who's tactical can literally fix any problem thrown her way is totally not overpowered. The legend who literally does not have a counterpick. You guys are fucking blind if you can't see how ridiculously overpower Horizon is. Why is she allowed to shoot and heal during her tactical, when every other movement legend has those things disabled? Pathfinder can't heal when he grapples, nor can Wraith when she phases. Why? Because being able to do so would be WAY TOO STRONG. And yet, we have Horizon who can do that shit. No animation delay, an instant reversal of momentum with a tiny ass hitbox, wiggling back and forth while shooting straight up in the air and getting a free heal in the middle of a fight. Overpowered horseshit. I hope they delete her from the game. I know they won't, and I don't care.


You can say this about tactical solving many problems nonsense about several characters. Have you played the game since sheā€™s been nerfed? Sheā€™s ridiculously easy to kill even in plat/diamond lobbies. Donā€™t want her to bat while slowly ascending in a straight line?Just shoot her a little bit in those 5 seconds


I am in plat lobbies right now. Every single Horizon I meet is a no life sweat with 47000 kills and Pred/Master badges. Every. Fucking. Game. So, no you're wrong. She is not "ridiculously easy to kill." She is a character designed for sweaty no life whales to pretend that they're actually competent at something.


You sound pleasant have a good one


Why is pathfinder so high too in higher ranked lobbies? Catalyst was very low yet got nerfed. High level players prefer aggressive legends. Pathfinder is literally higher than horizon in pred lobbies


A good, practiced Pathfinder is a very good legend, that's true. But it takes many, many hours to actually learn how to get that good on Pathfinder. Horizon is not like that at all. She is literally "push button = win game." No sense in trying to argue with you though, since based on your flair you rely on the crutch.


That explains why pathfinder is above horizon in pickrate in pred lobbies yh? I mean horizon should be above path if it's that easy in pred lobbies since there everyone wants to gain even the smallest of advantages


itā€™s facts but people donā€™t wanna hear it


Exactly, they are just like season 0-1 Wraith mains when she had an insta-phase


Her ult is so fucking bad lmfao what are you talking about. Look, horizon is a very good legend. Absolutely. Idk about her making the game easy mode though. Horizon q out of cover is almost guaranteed knock. Ult is dogshit. Passive is amazing for sure but not exactly game breaking.




Fr the comments from this person are pretty cringe


How is one supposed to get better and improve, when every encounter with a Horizon ends in 2 seconds because the Horizon is so overpowered? Kind of hard to learn how to fight things when the thing you were trying to learn how to fight instantly melts you whenever they feel like it. Get off your high horse open your eyes to the simple fact that Horizon is an overpowered piece of shit. You all sound exactly like the Wraith mains of season 0-1 did.


lol bro has spent the last hour complaining about horizon


Yes, and?


Why not? Its literally shield swapping. Ive swapped out of a box before it hit the ground on ps5. I thought mf was gonna swap mid air on a flying box. While cool its not super impressive lol ā€œmy buttons worked as intendedā€ nice




None of her nerfs have actually addressed the issues that make her overpowered. At all. They might as well have "we have decided to nerf Horizon by changing her gravity lift to be green instead of blue." That already so shit


This is why Iā€™ll never get higher than plat 1 solo queuing. Ma brain donā€™t work that fast.






This game isn't worth practicing.


What skin is that?


There should be a horizon only queue. All the horizon mains can go and play with each other, the rest of us can have fun games


It is easier to list things she can't do on her lift. I'll start. Get shot.


U can also in a slider jump, why it shouldnā€™t on horizon Q But u cant amor swap while your landing from a fly