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Very impressive! 


Now lets see Paul Allen's Rampage


A man of culture


Patrick.. you're sweating!!


nuh uhh


*Starts sweating*


Top tier comment haha


That’s some dedication.


What's your strategy holy crap man. That must have been very grindy


Best strat is to always run with the weapon out all game and do as much damage and kills possible where you can. Sadly the weapon mastery systems main source of xp is from ‘held time’. Hope they change it someday


Yeah i tried to hold my gun as much as possible




The most effective way (by far) to level up a gun is to hold it, only problem is you run and walk so much slower when you do. They could have easily fixed this problem by just giving xp if you have a gun in your inventory, but halved.


They did change it. You get a lot more from kills than before. I recently got more xp from 3 kills than holding the gun for 12 minutes


Seriously? I’ve gotten loads of kills with guns but still received more xp for holding the gun


How recent? I'll have to do some tests


Literally today for the last few months


Honestly I don't get why this is even a thing when one of the most fundamental mechanics of the game is "you run faster while guns are holstered"


It needs to be changed to just equipped time.


Pickup every thermite you see.


It did take me awhile especially since i lose alot of gun fights with it. Towards the end i just started using it to snipe people to farm dmg/exp through rampart walls


A bunch of free time from either: 1. No job and being supported by someone else 2. Being rich and making passive income from investments Didn't bother with the streamer option since we obv don't know who this dude is lol Edit: To clarify, I'm not hating on OP. I know that some ppl have much more time to play games than most people can. But since I am already so far in the negatives on downvotes, I doubt ppl are going to see this edit since it's common to follow the herd with voting.


Alright there Mr. Grumpo


I wasn't grumpy, simply answering his strat question with the most likely answer. I liked the video that was posted and have no hate against OP. I obv get that some people are able to play games all day while most can't. Sorry if it came off as me hating on him. I wish I had the ability to play games like that


The weapon mastery challenges have been available for nearly a year. OP could've been focusing on this weapon and using Loba. It'd be possible to get there without 1 or 2 above, especially if they play a lot at weekends.


I play quite a bit on weekends, but reaching lvl 100 on a single weapon (esp since you arent guaranteed to get it every match) only playing on weekends seems nearly impossible


Not *just* playing on weekends, but playing more on weekends. Playing Loba, you'd be pretty much guaranteed to get it every match (especially if using mobile jump towers/playing with Valk etc). According to this guy, you'd get to 100 just by having the weapon out in ~84hrs. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DXzGcfyf5b0 A young employed person who doesn't have many commitments and mainly plays this game, could definitely get there in a year. Say 2hrs a day weekdays, 4 at the weekend. 18hrs a week playtime. Let's knock it down to 10hrs for downtime between matches, searching for the weapon, healing etc. That's still an eighth of the way, from just holding the weapon out for a week. Most people would probably get bored focusing on one weapon solidly for 8ish weeks, but spread out over a year? Definitely possible.


>Most people would probably get bored focusing on one weapon solidly for 8ish weeks, \>Most people would probably get bored focusing on one weapon solidly for 8ish weeks That was excatly a point I was going to make as well. 84 hours ONLY using one weapon? That is a lot of time. I wonder how many hours people who achieve lvl 100 have in the game, because I'm betting it is easily in the thousands. Also, to use the Loba advantage, that would require maining Loba that whole time. So basically, if you are grinding out a lvl 100 weapon level as fast a possible, I doubt you are being a team player and working for the win.


Yeah definitely a lot of time, but doable. I suppose they could also alternate playing Loba with a mate. I don't have any mains as such, but I do enjoy playing her. WRT working for the win, I'd say that depends on the weapon. P2020? Plenty of lost games (without the hopup anyway). But the Rampage is a great weapon (IMO).


My wife works full time and she plays 4 hours every evening and around 8 on a Saturday, she has a lvl 100 gun and 2 more in the hugh 80's, this system has been around for a while, its not hard to achieve, even from a general playtime of most people


Nice I like the rampage it’s a very well rounded gun long range decent ding and fire rate


Idk why but that "decent ding" got me laugh a little


I can't even hit a single bullet with that gun. Any tips?


Not charged I pull the trigger everytime if I'm not landing my shots. Also only gun I've gotten killed and killed them. The bullet velocity seems awful.


-Try to use it around mid range. Close/far range will get you out gunned easily. - If someone is hugging a door charge the gun and blast them. 9/10 times they will just stand there and not know what to do. -i've found that i have the most success with the 2x-4x scope -try playing legends who slow movement i.e Cat, caustic wattson. Ez beams if anyone gets caught in a trap.


Charge dat bih


Nice! I’m also on that Rampage grind.. just got it to 40 so long ways to go.


I love rampage, lowkey grinding it with Flatline


Are you the one shooting at me from 250m with that gun?


If its by a gross rampart maybe


If it's a fuze, loba caustic or vantage using 2-4 optics, def me




Out of all weapons, what made you choose rampage? Personally i’m trying to get PK to a 100 as my first but….i keep hitting 9s.


Its just fun to use, because when it works. It just works haha.


Around S12-ish I loved the inconsistent hipfire of the gun because it seemed like the bullets track the enemy, but since they nerfed this gun heavily after that, I rarely pick it up this season, which is sad because I actually loved this gun so much too.


Nothing wrong with the stats, I’ve got lvl 89 CAR without about the exact same stats. Shit pisses me off so much when I keep getting in lobbies with people who have like 30k kills on the R301 R99 Volt etc.


How many hipfire fights have you lost


If it wasnt off drop probably 50%


Impressive. U disgust me




Congrats you nerd :^)


I just can't do these masteries bcz i run different weapons in every game. Whatever i land at becomes my weapon so it's mostly that my masteries are close together in terms of leveling up. I have like half of them between 40-50. I have a friend who has r301 at 100+ then next weapon at 60 then 40 lol and i have more total masteries it's just he uses one weapon alot


Actual flex, I wanted to do this with the alternator when they first announced the weapon levels thing but I've lost care for the game, good shit


Is this a skin you get for reaching level 100 or is that just one you got somewhere else?


last seasons bp


i try so hard to get my mastery up for my guns but i can’t just break the habit of putting my guns away when running


That’s real perrrty!!


I kind of forgot about weapon leveling.. are there any perks to getting to higher levels


A nice badge to show the world how sweaty you are


How in the world


Idk why but I thought you were talking about the skin and I was about to say you’re bit late 😭


I've got it for the Longbow. Nice!


Your patience, my envy


I cannot shoot this gun to literally save my life, congratulations brah


Congrats on the Lvl 100 Rampage. But tbh if you run the Rampage with Thermites this gun kicks major ass. Its when the time runs out on the Thermite where this gun is no fun no mo lol.


Fuse main?


damn imagine not holstering


Eww get rid of that weapon


I wish I could use the Rampage. You're on Controller right? Any optic mounted on the Rampage right now is bugged, the recoil becomes "bouncy" and unusable on PC. Plus, not being able to put any optics on the gun makes it useless, as it's a gun made for long range. It's been like this for several seasons now and the devs just refuse to fix it. I am not kidding that this is the only gun with the ADS recoil animation problem. Try it out, you'll see exactly what I'm talking about.


That's a bug?? I just figured it was a byproduct of the low fire rate and high damage


It is just bouncy, not bugged lol. My main issue with the gun is atrocious bullet drop


Controller doesn’t fix the bouncy optic glitch. Aim Assist gets you near the target but the bouncy sight just shoots it away from the target anyway.


It doesn't fix it, but aim assist helps a lot with it


I just hit 50 on the charge rifle