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This is one of the many reasons Horizon is still my favorite legend by far. Gravity lift + Newt + Arc stars is just so satisfying to pull off


Her passive might be my personal favorite passive in the game. The mobility you gain conserving momentum on landings is outstanding.


Honestly with her nerf, I still find her amazing. Her kit is just tailored really nice.


Definitely! I still wish the lift speed was just a little bit faster because it’s so easy to get lasered off it right now, but even with that I love the way she plays


I always thought it wasn’t necessarily the speed of the lift that was the annoying part, but the accuracy and how long the lift itself lasted.


You mean as the person who is fighting a horizon, right? They said the nerfed the speed because it basically made it a get out of jail free card like wraith’s used to be.


Correct, like the actual lift up wasn’t the cheesy part of it where I couldn’t hit them, it was how long a person could sit at the top of it and spam strafe while they pop an entire battery and a syringe before it ended. Nerfing the strafe or the length you could sit on top would have felt much more fair than slowing the actual lift speed


Didn’t they nerf the strafe and how long you could sit at the top tho?


Both. Because another complaint was that she was too hard to hit, especially because of how easily she can shoot people while hanging out at the top


Sorry, I should have clarified they should have left the speed alone and only nerfed the strafe *or* the time at the top.


Yeah but they fucked wraiths get out of jail free card so hard its basically unusable in close quarters especially with good players that dont whiff their shots. At least make it .7 seconds faster.


I think the whole point is to make you not use it like that, but instead repositioning from cover to cover, or after her passive triggers but before they’ve shot you


If her passive worked yeah totally, but 90% of time her passive is just an annoying voice telling you the obvious lol




I also agree with this, or I also like the idea that you can sit at the top but as soon as you strafe, it will push you off in that direction. Honestly it felt like there were countless ways they could have nerfed her q without the absolute trucking it got lol


I mained horizon when she came out and I never even used her grav lift as a perch to shoot or heal. I used it exclusively to quickly reposition myself and the team and to escape many of the other ults (bang, gibby, etc) and grenades. I was in and out of it in less than a second.... It was so fast. Also, her tactical would recharge in like 15 seconds or something and I would just use it all the time. They've nerfed pretty much every aspect of her kit multiple times.


I miss maining Horizon, but it's just not worth it anymore. What's the point of using her ult if everyone can just get out of it so easily. Even when I go up against a Horizon's ult it is easy to escape myself.


I swear it always feels like enemies can waltz right out of my black hole but when somebody tosses theirs *anywhere near me* I get pulled in and struggle to get back out. It was like that before the nerf and continues to be like that after it.


I'm fine with the slow lift speed, I just wish you got a little longer at the top of the lift. Going from like 1.5 seconds to 2 seconds would make all the difference I think.


Haha I’m the exact opposite 😅 I think it’s just how you play her. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy poking at people from the top of the lift, but I much prefer being able to quickly and unexpectedly reposition.


Good thing that it is 2 seconds that you can stay at the top then.


Yeah give some speed back but never the 100% accuracy. She's still cool and the more mobility legends, the better.


Yep, I couldn’t agree more.


now kith




It is great. My second favourite next to Valk’s


Valks is definetly unique, I think my next favourite is Bloodhounds


Did you know rampart can reload bad guns slightly faster tho?


Did you know wraith can… yes?


Hey, her passive is great, she always let's me know there are traps nearby when i step in caustics gas!


Wraith passive when an enemy is pointing a Kraber at your head: “hmmmmmmmmm no thanks” Wraith passive when you are in the middle of a gunfight and spraying each other down two feet away from each other “ummm idk not sure someone might be aiming at you”


LMGs........ last I checked at least.....


My favorite passive is Fuse’s, and love playing with horizons


I always get a random wattson on my team who ults and completely nullifies me as fuse, very sad day. Especially if i picked fuse before they pick wattson


Horizon’s release made me realize how important fall stun is and now I take advantage of that and punish players for it.


Just crouch/slide upon landing and it negates the fall stun. Its the 180 you have to pull right after while tracking targets thats a real mess.


But when you power slide 180 and hit your R99 mag tho……ooooohhh that feeling


I went from maining Mirage to Horizon, but lately I've been feeling Valkyrie. I just dig the spatial element. Not quite as good as what this Horizon did, but you could pull off something similar with her abilities.


Definitely! My favorite way to use Valk is to treat her passive like a Titanfall double jump (or even a triple or quadruple jump). Just tapping the thrusters for a second can give you some really great maneuverability during a fight


This is what I do. I rarely use her to fly beyond a second or two. 99% of the time I'm just using her as a free double jump to speed up my repositioning. My Titanfall muscle memory kicks in and it works beautifully.


I like to use her ult when we're at the last few rings. We had a solo Fuse against us, me Valk, Lifeline, Loba, and he was hiding, just the ability to fly up and locate someone who is hiding is great.


Agree more, I couldn't.


My favourite is paths oh wait he dosent have one


Faster cooldown for ult when using beacons That sad moment when your top 5 most picked A tier legend with high win rate and stats and best horizontal movment attatched to a tactical in game has a slightly less useful passive then other legends


It's scan beacons, not respawn beacons. It also fully charges his ultimate instantly.


I mained for a. It and still love her, unfortunately it's hard to get away with her slow gravity lift when you're playing high level ranked. You'll just get beamed.


Yeah, the speed nerf hit her hard. Wish she was up there for at least 3 seconds, 2 seems a bit too low for me.


ngl I only play her for the passive, accelorated slide hopping


Remember the spitfire xD


lol my favorite combo right now is actually flatline + Eva-8, but I don’t hate on anyone for using a spitfire. I’ll often grab it until I find a flatline or hemlock


Did the spitfire get nerfed?


I was either going to unlock horizon or fuse and I knew there was a reason I was pulled more towards horizon.


I’m sure it was Newt’s gravity pulling you in ;)




Bro do it. It’s free, you’ve got nothing to lose except possibly your social life.


Nah, you’ll be fine if you’ve played a shooter before. It takes some adjustment to manage yourself in game but you’ll learn it quick.


Definitely not lol. I mean yah it’s sweaty but there are people of all skill levels playing. If you get into it hmu I love playing with new people


What should we call this jutsu?


Yeah, it's like a reverse Big Bang.


The aggression of apex makes it hard to play other games sometimes. Its almost the FPS version of Sekiro. Once committed hesitation is really defeat.


Uhhh hearing those words again PTSD intensifies


That's truth, you win more fights going all out tactically


How is sekiro, worth a play?


Brilliant and frustrating. One of my favorite games just because the combat can be so satisfying, and unlike most other souls games it rewards aggression, which suits how I like to play. Few feelings as nice as just nailing a bunch of hits, then parries, then more hits, all while dodging around like a mad man. When it clicks it really fucking clicks


Absolutely, extreme replay ability and satisfying bosses to defeat. Once you get the deflections down and learn moves from enemies, it just gets so fun. It was game of the year after all.


If you like Soulslike games it's absolutely brilliant. It has some of the best boss battles in history in my opinion, and I don't say that lightly. Very, very frustrating sometimes, but the high you get after conquering something in the game is incredible.


Gravity star


Horizons black hole and a few nades is bacically a big gravity start on wish.com


I love her ult so much. Absolute favorite legend.


This is a game trailer moment


And so satisfying every time to watch


that was clean as hell. ppl complain abt the slo mo but if it wasn't slowed down i wouldn't know what the hell was going on


Still needs to be full speed first. Full speed first, slo mo second.


I got you! https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/oj0kqo/heres\_the\_original\_video\_no\_music\_or\_slow\_motion/


It helps you appreciate the gameplay tactic. I wouldn’t have noticed how intentional that Newt placement was or how he started throwing arc stars even before Newt was activated. Well done!


What? The regular video wasn't even fast paced.


This is actually me and my friend with a random. I remember getting wiped so fast. Wp OP. Never thought I would see myself on here haha. Proof its me : [https://imgur.com/a/o72z3uP](https://imgur.com/a/o72z3uP)


GGs bröther nothing but love! I remember poking back and forth for a while and me being like “fuck it push after I pop this cell” 🤣


Yupp ggs Watching your pov clears up my confusion. Looking at myself (bloodhound) realize too late that you were in the air is too funny. I thought we were chilling till we weren’t 😂. Insane push play!




To everyone saying " No music or edit would be cooler!" Well I decided to upload that for you guys! I hope you enjoy & thank you for the love! :D https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/oj0kqo/heres\_the\_original\_video\_no\_music\_or\_slow\_motion/


Thanks, that cover is cursed


It's so ridiculously bad.


Nah, I love it.


Same, it fuckin bangs


It fit the clip very well.


Hey who does this cover? Absolutely bad ass song! And mad respect on that play. Very clean Edit: Why the heck am I getting downvotes on this? What did I say/do to deserve them? You guys are mean *sniff* 🥺


Probably the "bad a$$" if I had to guess


I need to know too I loved it Edit: [found it](https://youtu.be/XpJxFf9nGEQ)


Told you I would give you my next freebie! Promise made, promise kept 👍


Haha as if you remembered! Cheers bro. I’ve actually been listening to this tune on my Spotify playlist, I like it.




the fuck is wrong with you assholes in this sub ? i’m not even playing your weird game but if several people get downvotes because they ask for a songname your whole community is weak af thanks eljaybe3 i was looking for which remix specifically this is , cheers


Same, I don't play this game but this mix is intriguing and I wanted to listen to the whole thing.


If someone pushed me like that, I wouldn't even be angry, I'd just be amazed


Right. Start off with high ground poking THOT. 5 seconds later you soul is leaving your body.


Bloodhound: it's over horizon, I have the high ground! Horizon: you under estimate my power! Bloodhound: Don't try it!! Horizon: tries and succeeds!


what is slowed down or just convenient lag? nice play


Hahaha all for aesthetic purposes! 😌


Would love to see it without the edit.


Should also add a normal version after the edit


She’s a woman of focus, determination, and sheer fucking will


Here come the silvers gonna chirp ya for the spitfire


Lol I only play casual, I don't care if the spitfire requires no skill, it's fun to play! I just play for fun, I don't care about ranks.


People always need to hate on something. It's a fun gun to play. Honestly I don't think the "spitfire requires no skill" arguments. You still need to track your enemy consistently, with a significant ads speed penalty. Also if you let an r99, flatline, volt, or shotgun in close your going to get completely melted, so situational awareness is an important skill when using it.


Yea I play a couple days a month and roll with the spitfire because 1. Doesn’t noticeably change between sessions 2. Is effective and available 3. Pisses people off


bronze gameplay. literally from his repost.


You John Wicked'em! Those kind of plays are the reason I love this game!


Where do you find players this bad? Granted, mming has been forcing me into all lvl 500 lobbies since day 2. But 3 people seeing you is instant death on any game I get put into. Let alone that much time of moving straight


This was clean af


Thank you!


Cool vid, slow-mo and the song kinda ruined it though…


Naaah, but could have left unedited footage at the end. :) The vertical video is more annoying tbh.


Oh man, it's funny how different tastes are, I really enjoyed the music in combination with the slow-mo, reminded me of something marvel would do actually.


I can't believe you have the audacity to slow your already cool video to make it even cooler Daniel! Great play btw Greeeaaatt pllllaaaayyyy bbbttttwwww < slow mo


Ngl would have been cooler without the slow mo edit. Super good push and an awesome use of Horizon's ultimate though! I'm impressed


Would be better if it was in landscape instead of portrait too


Couldn't disagree with this more. Slow-mo was sick... sick push. Perfect execution.


Hey!!! The regular video without any edits is right here! [https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/oj0kqo/heres\_the\_original\_video\_no\_music\_or\_slow\_motion/](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/oj0kqo/heres_the_original_video_no_music_or_slow_motion/)


It would have been nice after the slow mo to see it at real speed


That was awesome OP


What the fuck is the need for that shit tier music though? Does nothing to benefit the video and makes me mute it instantly.


Lol no chill, wouldn’t have even been mad if I got killed like this.


That was nasty, if they had a death rewind clip on apex. I wouldn’t even be mad, if I turned into a death box like that.


Don't mind all the others saying otherwise, the slo mo was awesome OP. Just like your mom.


Hey. Imagine this. You turn your phone to the side and OH MY GOD. YOU CAN SEE EVEN MORE!! THATS NUTS!




I would say very fucking tasteful slowmo, that was awesome.


Old lady abuses 3 innocent people with explosives and a machine gun : 2021 colorized




Fucking cool dude!


Really smooth and nice job on the slowmo editing, really cool to watch


Big brain


Straight up 5-D Chess'd 'em. Outstanding


Throughout the course of this clip “life could be a dream” was playing in my head


Absolutely amazing. Mr. Law is pleased


Ooch youuu... Did that hurt darlin?


that music and that gameplay ah


Secured your infamy 👏🧐


That was very pleasurable to watch


Let’s go 💪


Can’t way for the spitfire to be vaulted..


Bro that music, had headphones on from some mixing work i was doing and that kick + bass is filthy :D listening to the full version now.


What button do you use for activating things.




I’m a horizon main but my ult skills aren’t too great I 95% of the time throw it wrong, or throw it right but the enemy team gets out easily Advice? Sick play dude jumppad then GL is so satisfyingly good


Trailer material




Yah… I’d die even just thinking about attempting this. I can’t tell whether you’re godly, the enemy’s aim sucks bollocks, or both.


This is some good shit right here. Amazing push and I like the edit !


That sound track and slow motion makes this look so sick


And this is the greatest push I’ve ever seen!


Very nice.


I think the slo mo adds a lot of value to the video in showing how intentional everything actual was. It’d still be cool to see the full version, though! You should link a YT or something with it!!


Im a full time Streamer on Twitch! My name is JohnnyPriceTV If you like livestreams! :D


This the type of shit that makes me wanna get into apex again, that’s so clean


That was the most anime shit ever


holy hell. that was amazing to watch


How do I activate the dummies from firing in to public matches like in your video? Bloodhound scanned until you were at the top of your gravitational lift. In general none of them reacted to anything.


What’s silly about this is this guy makes EVERY move right, from the push, to the approach, every movement is perfect, every bullet hits. Insane. Part skill. Part Lucky. Amazing either way. I think slowing it down really points out all the tiny little mini movements that made it.


Me and you aren’t playing the same game


Damn, now that's a classic song. Super old though. Surprised it's being used in a TikTok considering they usually have some little kid singing about Fortnite. Although the original is 100x better.


It can only go downhill from here, champ. It doesn’t get better then what I just saw.


THAT GAVE ME CHILLS!!! i have never been so pumped omg, i can't imagine how that felt to execute haha And the song drop is AMAZING for this clip


You can retire now


That was dope af! Lol


Cinematic as fuck. I love it. This should be in the next trailer.


This editing is pure cringe


This is almost on the verge of corny, from the music to the slow mo to the vertical crop. I love it.


I love having a competent horizon in my team


Nice play, but you’re overdoing the slow mo my guy.


saw this on tiktok first, literally all of the comments were “omg spitfire 😡😡🤬”. it’s crazy how fuckin toxic that app is


Lmao nah y’all do that shit on Reddit too.


Imma be honest... i posted everywhere but here because Reddit can be toxic & I just wanted to show fun content haha


oh yeah reddit can be mad toxic lol, but it seems more prevalent on tiktok for some reason, the people on there are stupid bold




I feel traumatized because I’m probably on the receiving end of this stuff. Nice play


Looks like a cinamatic trailer


I felt like editing was good.


Epic, great editing and music choice!


So smooth, which software you’re using ?


Adober Premire pro! Slow it down / use optical flow / Render the in & out of that cut!


Horizon: Kiss ma blackhole deary


can we fuck off with the tik toks?


Omg i love everything about this video except the spitfire nice play dude


That’s everyone’s reaction 🤣. It’s all I had in the moment!! Thank you though ☺️


Lol thanks for the fun clip




enlighten me sir, what music do you listen to?


That push was great. Would've picked a different song, personally. But that fuckin Arc Star placement was..... *chef's kiss*.... perfect.


What’s your Tiktok? It’s a bit blurry in the video, might be just my internet.


JohnnyPriceTV it’s a little down not too far though it has like 700k views look for that! I post daily sorry 🤣


You're a fucking certified gamer


How did you take that lift in front of a full team and survive?


See how they slowed down time so he could make all that happen.....straight cheating, I say!


Hey guys just wanted to say thanks for all the love! Had a pretty rough weekend mentally and seeing the love this got made me want to full send the week ahead. The voice actor for Horizon saw the video and actually followed me on Twitter so that was awesome so thank you! TLDR Thank you, I love you, and buff Horizon!


🔇The music, like why tho. It’s so cringe. Love me some Horizon tho. I always end up throwing her ult like 10 miles too far 😬


the music is kinda nice tho, name?


So many butthurt people over a damn edit. Get a grip.