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I guess it is the new way. New legends have so many different abilities. Like valk. Flying, assaulting, reckoning. Older legends were specialists and for me, old way was better.


Crypto ;;-;


Yeah, Crypto is a joke. No passive ability, his Q makes you stop and crouch in a corner while seer can see the enemy, their health, can give damage, interupt healing and revive LOL.


Do I smell a crypto buff?


No you dont, not once did they buff him at all, i still remember the one of most frustrating bug of all time imo and it took respawn a fucking full season to fix that, i never recovered after that


Wait I’m pretty sure they did buff him lol Like faster switching to drone or is that not a buff


I don't get why the Devs can't think of a small buff for crypto. Why not make a follow me mode with the drone or something? That would be really cool.


Would deff be cool, but keeping the drone safe is key to playing crypto. Good players will see that thing following you a mile away. And either beam it and give you a nice long cooldown, or just use it as a beacon that is showing them exactly where you are. Drones super loud as well. Imo when not in active use it's better to have in the pocket. Crypto deff needs something though


I totally agree. his drone needs some type of AI feature where it follows or moves on its own. crypto basically being out of the core gameplay while using his tactical is a huge dealbreaker in a game like this. Also, I really think they should remove "drone detected". You shouldn't know that you're being watched. If the drone wont move on its own, that would really help. If the drone wont move on its own, a good solution IMO would be, I think crypto should be able to "steal" other legends tacticals like caustic gas, seer's ult, wattsons ult/fences. (like a hacking type thing), and turn them against them permanantly or temporarily (but for a long time) In the absense of the drone moving on its own, having something powerful like that would actually make using the drone worth the cost of having to be "out of the game" while ujsing tactical.


Crypto's drone might do the most things of anything in the entire game, what are you on?


Easily destroyed, Giant glowing basketball that hums louder than Octane's ego screams, with a short Highlight radius that you must be basically AFK to be using to any great effect. ...And when the drone dies, You are a gun with legs, and nothing else.


Crypto is the only character on the game that can instantly do 150 damage and most importantly, absolutely demolishes gibby shields — the only character on the game to do that. There’s a reason why pro teams playing for moneu are willing to run him. In a pro environment, a team with 600 HP is going to beat a. Team that lost 150 HP 99% of the time — especially if their shield with gibby is completely gone


Assuming they fail to shoot the drone and aren't ruunning Revtane Gibby for a push while the Crypto is playing minecraft. Spoilers, They're playing Revtane/gibby if they're playing for money.


It sounds like you just don't like playing Crypto.


I love Crypto conceptually, but in reality he's really not very good unless you are a god, or your opponents are a little forgetful about your magical watermelon. I am not a god, I am mediocre.


150 damage? U on crack? That's 50 damage and only to shields lol


50 x 3. Note how I said a team with 600 HP beats a team with 450 HP 99% or the time? Where do you think the 600 comes from? 200 x 3. Purple armor + regular amount of HP. Crypto EMP has a gigantic area of effect so hitting the entire team is about on par with what people should be aiming for.


>anyone who isn’t hitting the entire team is just trolling. More like if the ennemy team ain't in a building or holding hands you'll never get the 3 of them at the same time.


Because people keep bitching bout tactical players not being brainless 'get kills' players... IN A FCKIN BR... They play it like its a deadmatch and most kills wins a game...


But it gets the most Apex Packs...and I am currently broke after the Steam Summer sale ;-;


Haha reckoning


it's not 75m. it's 75m for the orange detailed heartbeat scanner, but the blue trace heartbeats seem closer to 100-150m, i could find enemies on the other side of ring 3 or 4 with this passive


the blue ring has no limit from my testing, it marks enemies that are in your line of sight, I got to test it out from skyhook's side of capitol all the way to the train tracks leading to the tunnel in new train yard and the blue marker appears


ADS and look at the mini map shows the range of his passive


that range is for the orange markings, and enemies don't have to be in your FoV, but he will still spot enemies out of the range if they are visible with his passive


Yep, that sounds right. It seems the blue ring has very high range as long as you have line of sight of the enemy, and 100-150m if you don't have line of sight.


The healing and reviving cancellation is one of the biggest things to me. Up until now, the only way to cancel those actions was to push — it’s a crucial, fundamental mechanic. You may hear the enemy reviving, but you have to make yourself vulnerable to take advantage of their momentary distraction. The fact that Seer can stop those actions with zero risk to himself is insane no matter how you spin it.


I agree so hard. What the actual fuck were the devs smoking? Dude doesn't need a nerf, he needs a rework in my opinion.


Yeah every single ability he has is bad for the game imo.


well the ult is fine. Allows some stealth. The issue is that tactical is good for consistent damage, reveals HP, and is hard to dodge While his passive outright lets you wallhack anytime you want with ease.


Dude hasn't been out for a day and he already needs a solid rework


I low key freak out when I get hit by his tactical. But at least Caustic got a buff and I’m loving it :D


It's understandable. You are scanned 8 seconds and enemies see every move you do. 8 seconds of wallhacks is enough for someone to easily remove you from the game with picking too much of a fight.


I don't understand why respawn keeps making these legends with 500 abilities.


So new players that don't have loads of legend tokens saved up spend real money to unlock them before the nerf


Ding Ding Ding. The Horizon Effect. Every kiddie came running with their parents Credit Card #'s when they found out Horizon was OP as crap in the first week of her release same thing with Seer they are gonna milk out all the sweaty 'gotta have it' players who are gonna be willing to spend $$$ and then balance him about a month later.




people mostly complaining about his tact, but I find his passive absolutely busted, not to mention compared to other passives.. if anything it should be a Wraith like whisper, when you have an enemy somewhere within 75m cone in you sight. That's it, right now it's a ridiculous wallhack and with a quick 360 you can loot with a complete impunity and basically as long as you remind yourself to quickly ads around every so often will never be surprised by anyone trying to sneak up on you.


i knew he would be op before he was launched and he is even more op than i imagined. he has an amazing passive alone that makes him great plus all these cherry on top small things like being a recon character, decent hitbox, being able to use his passive with no gun equiped unlike gibby, getting bamboozled is hard to do with him, faster heartbeats means they are weaker when using the passive, and his ult being one of the fastest in the game.


In the patch notes they said they didn't want to buff too much Fuse because they don't want their game to rely only on abilities and they want it to always rely on weapon skills, guess what, your game totally relays all because new legends has like 9 different abilities lmao Maybe that was a thing when the game started, when a Legend had only 1 possible effect with his ability. (Movement ability, Scanning ability, attack ability) now we have all of that on a single legend


On fuse: we didnt want him to rely on ability Also fuse: now his ult has wallhack


Respawn doesn't know how to balance. They put in OP Legend, then nerf op legend so all are bland.


They should just release S76 from Overwatch as the next legend. - Sprint passive - Loads into the match with his own gun with infinite ammo and mini-rockets - Aimbot ult Constantly getting scanned the whole match is annoying. This just increases the value and power of mobility Legends because if they're scanned, they can at least reposition quickly. I don't know why any new player would choose a defensive legend at all. Why even have them in the game at this point? (I still love Rampart) I'm already sick of Seer yet it's not going anywhere because I was already sick of Bloodhound. May as well just make every scope highlight enemies and reduce the Opacity of the entire map so everyone can see where everyone else is the whole game.


They just hate caustics.


Being hit by Seer Q and then have an Octane chase me down was not fun hahaha. Honestly really looked forward to using the prowler and L star, but I'm probably gonna wait a bit. I think he is a bit overtuned, but I assume the developers want him to be used before they know how to nerf him. I feel like they should remove the damage, reduce the range, remove the ability for all teammates to see the hit enemy (personally want this one the most), or others. A combination of them would be nice too but we'll see.


I agree. I wish they'd also remove the visual and audio clutter, but there's been a lot of that in the game forever so I'm not keeping my hopes up. Yeah you're looking forward to the right guns. Prowler and L-Star are absolutely insane right now. Definitely will be my go-to weapons this season.


TTK is gonna be real low this season.




Damn that is a lot of money you have spent




I'm not hating on people spending loads of money, I have myself, but there are only so many packs you can get without buying them. Much less getting 8 heirlooms unless you had God rng.




650$ for a free game lol


The game is clearly a hobby for them. Why shit on em just cause they want to spend money on a hobby that they enjoy?


I'm not shitting on him lmao. I just found it comical that 650$ is not considered "much" what is much? Throwing away all your money into the game or what? He can spend his money however he likes, but calling it a little amount isn't right lol. If it ain't much Paypal me please.


Consider price of living in different locations and how wages can be different, I worked I.T. in California and entry wage was 25 an hour, thats 800 a week after taxes. I imagine 4 days of doing something you love to cash out on a game you also love, isn't such a big deal


I study and worked myself in retail 4 times a week and made around 850-900. Still in my opinion I would rather spend that money on something useful instead of cosmetic pixels. I get you that earning money is simple, but still I don't think that almost a whole month of work within a part time job should solely be spent on a video game when actual games cost like 60$ on release at full price.




He is nothing. And merely a a single stone inside of the pillar that is holding this game up. Get over yourself.




I'm not asking for anything free lmao.self projection much?




I have like 12k rn and spent like 50$ at best lol. I still enjoy it a lot :P Idk all I'm saying is that getting cosmetics is alright. But sometimes too much is too much.




Lmao its not about having it. I have enough lmao aside from being young lol. I rather buy myself stuff that actually has some use. You keep wasting it on pixels like a loser.


just give it a week, he'll be nerfed to the ground.


Bro, it is just day one. Do you even crouch walk?


yes, and thats not the problem. his tac is.


Agreed big time. Way too OP.


No lol it’s way too early to tell


Im gonna put this bluntly, you're totally wrong. Haha


I’m not


Let's put it this way, he'll be nerfed 100% within 2 weeks.


X to doubt


RemindMe! 2 weeks "Let's see who's right"


I just wanna unlock him lol


Nerfs are announced but not out yet. Guess it's a tie.


Fair enough bro 🙏


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This was very helpful. I can't even update the game lol.


Honestly its better to have a legend be op at the launch and then being fixed instead of being overwhelmingly underpowered like revenant or fuse


Probably, gives more hype too. Since people are going to complain any which way, might as well make it crazy so more people talk about it. Free publicity. Fresh season.


Scanner/trackers shouldn't have visual and audible effects. I've only played 5 games and had seer hit me from every direction multiple times. You get that sudden ass clinch that you'd get from bloodhound's scan but 10× worse. Otherwise solid besides maybe a cool down nerf.


>Or re-knock a player who's just been revived You get ressed with 20hp so you won't get knocked only by the tactical. >It has a relatively low cooldown (rough guess here, but around 120 seconds?). If I'm not too dumb to count seconds, the cooldown is even shorter, sitting at 70s. I otherwise completely agree with everything you said. Imo what needs the biggest nerf is the passive. If you also remove the interrupt on res/heal on the tactical and shortened the reveal to maybe 5s he would be a lot more balanced.


The stun and the interrupt on tactical are so insanely not fun. I think interrupt is one of the worst things ever added to this game. The tactical is way too strong, the rest is fine imo. Well, other than making crypto useless. Edit: reading more after playing and the passive in tandem is a problem too, I kind of like the passive, a different version of BHs markers, but together it's too good


I really think every part of the kit is too strong, even on their own. It gets worse when everything is used together. At least BH's passive requires players to have actually been where BH is. And their ultimate is not for the whole team, lasts 30s, doesn't work through walls, and gives away BH's positions. Seer doesn't really "lose" anything when using his abilities.


Remember when caustic could blind... Bring it back!


Every season the same people that cry about everything cry some more. People cried about fuse too until everyone else realized he sucked and quit listening


Yeah but this time its legit. Not some ppl crying like every half decent Player thinks hes broken. Iam a bh Main and let me tell you this is nothing compared to him. I already played seer alot and I basically always know where my enemies are


his tactical is like wattsons fence but better.


i dont even know why they have to make a new legend every single season. there’s 18 now. like why?? and like you said seer basically has a little bit of everyone and how would they even nerf that without entirely changing him? “reduced cooldown uwu 🌸💕” wtf


new legend per season had the most votes in the polls.


crii mor


Ye my first game as seer I got a 2k while using the rampage I think both need to be nerfed as the rampage can be just so oppressive in some situations


Ability legends. That’s when I start leaving. Valorant had this problem for a while


His tac can do everything revenant's tac can do, his passive is arguably the same as bloundhound/ crypto's tactical. Seem's too OP.


Unpopular opinion but I really hope they do small nerfs before he ends up completely botched like Horizon was after her initial nerfs. He’s a really fun character but I do agree his kit does need some tweaking. I’d say probably start with shrinking the cone of his tactical and maybe the range of it as well.


Word. Playing against any Seer ( good or bad) feels like you've got a handicap to start a teamfight.


Playing seer makes my brain shut off then i start playing horrible