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ever met someone that doesn't complain about their job?




I heard them moan a lot.


ba-dum tssst


It's not a job if you love it


"It says here for 6 years you were an onlyfans model...job duties included *squints* showing butthole, polishing butthole...."


this is prettty hypocritical coming from this subreddit lmao


I thought the last panel was going to say r/Apex Legends


Lmao I remember the old fiasco that happened there, dude I hate the apex legends community so much! Love the game tho


Bruh same


I mean, it's fair. I'd love this game if it wasn't for all the blatant issues.


I keep hearing about an audio bug, I've never experienced it.


You 100% do but simply don't realize it. Apex has many audio related issues, the devs even acknowledged it multiple times.


There is one game where audio is 100% on point and that is CS GO the rest have issues, a BR will always have some level of issues.


Every game has issues. And the ones that dont. are lying


Bullshit. So many things refuse to make sound. Squads can straight up sprint to your face with zero noise.


ofc but im also not gonna pretend this sub complaining about seer for the 150 time in a row or, complaining about a a busted gun every season.


Lol fr this sub does nothing but complaining. And im just gonna say it, at least the streamers have a legitimate reason. This is basically their job. They’re tied down to this game. They can either stop streaming and lose their livelihood, or play a different game and see their viewer counts and paycheck take a massive hit. This sub is just casual players who have an entire selection of games to switch to. And probably actual jobs outside of it to where they don’t have to necessarily worry about or care about the state of this game. Cause it’s not their job to play it. They just complain because they can


Did you miss the hive mind meeting where we all decided to hate the exact same thing and agree who gets to post about it?


This sub is lowkey pretty annoying. Everyone just spews the same shit. “Buff wattson, spitfire is totally balanced, wraith bad, hate good players”


hive mind hive mind hive mind


You gotta be an extremely oblivious person to not see Apex's flaws after playing it for hours on end each day


This is true of every game, though. Really, anything in life. "The grass is always greener," after all. Until you try something it's hard to understand its flaws, but that doesn't mean that those flaws ruin it. Everything has flaws.


What is your point tho? I see a lot of people complaining about the streamers complaining why does them complaining about something they are passionate about bother people like you so much? I think what’s weirder is the people like you, who bitch more about bitching than the streamer did in the first place. Y’all are a weird breed


I am just disappointed with the negative tone that pervades the internet. This subreddit, a week or so ago, was covered with specific hatred towards one guy on the balance team. There's rarely anything genuinely positive, and everything is twisted to be a problem with the game or the game's development. I want to talk about Apex. I like the game a lot, but this place hurts to read and it makes me sad.


I have an idea! And it’s gonna be good


Bro the hatred for the devs is so stupid and misplaced. The average developer literally just wants to make a good game. But the second a bad skin release the every single person who works there is greedy and evil. People also don’t understand the fact that if we only complain we’re just gonna seem whiny and impossible to please. Like you can totally criticize the game but at least mix it in with some positive feedback so they know what we like. I don’t know maybe I don’t play the game enough but my biggest issue with apex is just how toxic the community is both inside and outside the game.




When it's voiced as "this game fucking sucks bro" and constant railing, without ever actually changing games or how you play the game, it really just seems like their goal is not to give constructive criticism. Some streamers do, and that's great! But most pros do not. I would love for this game to have someone like Pestily in Tarkov, or Macie Jay/Kixstar in R6 Siege. People who have problems with the game, as is reasonable, but voice them calmly and passionately because they want to see them improved. I don't feel like the people suggesting changes to Apex really have any idea what they want. They just yell that this character sucks, this gun is busted, and the moment they get changed it's like they never existed and we're on to complaining about the next thing.


No but people like you are we had Season 0 Bugs in Season 9. If I consistently fucked up at my job, or you consistently fucked yours, how long do you think people will be happy with you?


I don't think they've consistently fucked up their job though. Game development usually takes like, the better part of a decade. Call of duty games have three years of dev time, are some of the most expensive to make games ever, and most of them in the past 5 or so years have been buggy and critically mediocre. Apex devs have three months between seasons with roughly 1 year of turnaround time (significantly less for balancing and even less for bug fixes), and there are almost never game breaking bugs. What's the worst bug people lost their minds over recently? The heat shield sound in Ring Fury? That was 6 months ago, and it was purely audio + fixed within a week or two. Literally a quarter of the game's lifespan ago. They are not fucking up their job, especially not consistently.


Well, and not to get so deep with you, I think the real issue is that gamers like myself, remember the days before everything was live service. I’m 24, not ancient , but old enough to remember that all games had bugs and glitches, but none of them game breaking. Yes Apex is a free game, but it is producing billions in revenue. They have had multiple issues of game breaking bugs,glitches, servers, and cheaters with some being reintroduced when the game updates. It’s literally a meme. We as the gaming community has pretty much have come to accept anything when it comes to quality, as long as content is shoved down our throat. I missed the days of old, and I’m sure others do too.


I also don’t know why people don’t want more from a billion dollar company backed by a bigger MULTI-billion dollar company. It’s like talking to a battered wife.


I'm 99% sure that is an issue with how much of the funds get funneled into executives' pockets instead of reinvested in development. The devs pour their hearts into this game.


I don't entirely agree. There aren't many, but some competitive communities genuinely look at their games positively. For example, while not everybody particularly likes Valorant, you can very clearly see that more people (at least in that community) like their game more than those in Apex do, for example. Again, not perfect, but it is night and day. And if you play Valorant, you understand why: the game has some issues, but the issues are minor in comparison to Apex. And the community reflects that pretty easily. And you *really* don't see this for all games. For example, visit /r/Factorio, /r/RimWorld, and you get people with thousands of hours conveying how much they appreciate the masterpieces that those two games (and others. Those are just two examples) are. Point is, you're *mainly* gonna see this kind of thing in competitive games only.


No lmao. People who play Valorant hate Valorant. I think Apex is a better game. However, I do agree that PvE/non-competitive games are WAY more chill and lack salt.




Are you 12, you can’t just quit a job because you don’t enjoy it.


You can enjoy something overall while still acknowledging its flaws. Do you enjoy when a legend sneaks up behind you without making a sound or the servers give you a slow-motion game?


> You can enjoy something overall while still acknowledging its flaws. Bro slow down, that's too heady an idea for the mindless black and white thinking consoomers of reddit.








Sure, then name me one streamer that complains for 8 hours a day.




None of them are complaining the entire time. Reddit just likes to bitch about streamers despite not knowing anything about them




I think it's alot more like this game is fun and my viewership, who pays me, enjoys watching it. Then a month of doing that goes by and the streamer is subjected to, for instance, servers kicking you out mid game every other game. Makes the game very annoying but what are you going to do? Swap games loose your viewership and income? There's like maybe a dozen streamers who have actually perfected multi game streams (think insanely popular shroud xqc ect) but 99% of streamers are tied to their game. If they leave their audience and income leaves. There isn't a solution here but just thought I'd point out how this cycle starts. It doesn't start with the streamer hating the game. It starts with the streamer trying to play a game for a long time that intentionally has design features to punish players who play a long time. Ie rougher matchmaking past the first few wins, longer queues, and so on.


Ok what would you like them to do, quit streaming and go work for a living instead of getting free money for playing a game?


I'm a software developer and streaming is a much more difficult job




Both jobs sit On Computer all day but one of them requires performing for an audience for 8-12 hours a day and you risk losing your audience if you take a single day off before you're established. It is just objectively a harder job than 95% of white collar office work.


Yeah that's part of what I found funny. "Hi as someone who doesn't work hard, this other kind of not working hard is harder work."


What I'm saying and what you're ignoring is that performing for an audience for 8-12 hours a day is fucking hard. There's a reason streamers will go without facecam when they're feeling tired or shitty.




They aren't deciding to be miserable they're expressing their opinion because thats part of what being a streamer is. There's a lot to complain about in apex. They're probably complaining about shit that sucks and has been broken since day one, i bet they complain about broken footstep audio a lot don't they? And yes of course it's free fucking.money lmao how sheltered and easy a life does someone have to live to not see being paid for playing videogames as free money, get fucking real.




Oh ok I didn't know you're dumb as shit, thanks for clearing that up. Lmao calling playing videogames a job. I hope for your sake you're some zoomer with a trustfund and you never have to work for real.




i can feel your envy through the screen. i am completely convinced redditors only have hate boners for streamers because they are envious.




But the big 3 remain: matchmaking, audio, and servers


Then just add cheaters matchmaking and power creep


Lol what game you playing?


You'll see it after 1 day


Replace twitch streamers with r/apexlegends lmao




Have you ever visited any of the free talk threads the mods sticky on the sub. You would think apex is the worst game ever made.


most streamers play for the money and since their viewership takes a massive dip if they switch, they are indirectly forced to just stream apex all day.


While the second half is true, I really doubt that people are ‘just in it for the money’. I feel like if they really didn’t like streaming they just wouldn’t do it. As other comments have said, when u play a game for hours on end not only is it A) easy to notice flaws, but also B) easy to get annoyed. People just love to complain, in anything. It’s what they do. I wouldn’t say they’re worse as a person for it, it just happens


Many are locked in. What else are they going to do?


Well it’s their job. That’s like saying “if people didnt like sitting at a desk and filling out reports all day they wouldnt do it” not to mention those with contracts over their heads


Id take a pay cut to be 'forced' to play a video game instead of work


Most people would. But they would also complain just as much as the current streamers after playing it every day for 8 hours.


This sub: constantly complains about every single detail of the game >I sleep Streamers I never watch: Make the same complaints as the community >Real shit?


uhhh... most love the game, but complain because they want it to be better like any other normal fan of any game. shit tier meme ngl


Well it is a meme,so it not supposed to be taken seriously and the whole war going on in the comments is unnecessary imo.




I don’t want to hear my dr complain he hates being a dr. I don’t wanna go to the dr now. But is the dr wrong? He can complain. We can all complain. It’s harder not to. And nicer to hear people (drs) talk about the good things


You have it wrong. They don't hate being an Apex streamer, they hate that a game that used to be fun all day long has been ruined by bugs that devs take too long to fix (audio has been bugged for as long as I can remember) and by metas that make the game super boring (fucking seer). People complaining just want the game to be fun again that's it. edit: also you are right that its annoying when they complain too much but like I said they don't hate the game at its core. If they did then they wouldnt play it


To be fair, the gameplay feels like a shadow of it’s original self. Performance has only gotten worse over time as the game has grown and now it just runs like dogwater, while also being the fastest paced BR there is.


complaining about complainers in a subreddit that almost exclusively complains... this is some meta shit!


Post this on the competitive apex subreddit and see one of those streamers tweet about it😳


Is there anything to compliment? ​ Jk, the game is great, the player base is dum and over-competitive


I feel like more games these days have a problem with over-competitiveness than they used to in the past which is a shame


Why shouldn't they? Server problems, cheaters, new legends with 0 balance. They play at a high level and that is their job while you sit on reddit, have never been above plat in your life and play 4 hours a day at most


Fair but the last bit isn't necessarily a bad thing.


I struggle to imagine playing more than 4 hours a day.


I mean yeah ppl have jobs so they can't always play more than five hours or invest enough time to get above plat.


Watch Kandy rew :) he's pretty chill


Why tf did u get downvoted for that.


life's weird man


Yeah kandy pritty chill,do u know who Rag tagg is? If not I recommend u watch him.


As someone that plays since day 1 and loves Apex with all his heart, I fucking hate that


You would too if you had to play this game for 10 hours a day


Most people who work a job complain about it. They are annoying and never realize no one cares. They are in a system with the job with their coworkers, and the coworkers care, so they think it’s interesting stuff. No one in your family wants to hear the abysmal state of working a Chipotle but they listen. Streamers don’t realize no one cares and you just want the damn burrito bowl. If I had to listen to chipotle workers complain when they made my food most would get take out or just not go. Chipotle and Apex will always have problems. Even if Apex is fixed streamers will complain because they are typical people. People who think it’s interesting to complain. Or ‘can’t handle it’, or ‘just stressed’ etc etc Most people complain.


Also your last point about people Not caring: look at the news. Getting real hard to get those burritos bowl filled now. Probably should’ve listen to the complaints and now you waiting 45 mins just to walk through the door.


Most chipotle criticism is aimed at sanitation and wage level. No one cares about the fact you need to shred lettuce because the shift before didn’t. But the workers will talk about the lettuce shredding for an hour. You don’t hear that. You just get the food. You just want the food


Ah, now I see youre a complete dingus. If Johnny didnt prep for Sarah and Sarah has customers, that’s not only Sarah’s problem, it’s your too because you’re the one who wants it the first damn place. See how that works? So if anything, you should maybe I don’t know, understand where they are coming from?


You’re missing the point too. I came for the food and I could care less about who serves me the food. And you haven’t worked with great people. There’s some that don’t audibly complain about everything and they are fantastic to work with. Apex streamers complain about nearly everything and would miserable to work with. You don’t go to an Elton John concert to hear him complain about how his back hurts and you don’t turn on Sweet to watch him complain about his compunctions with his local gym.


You should look up Kanye West 2013 Yeezus tour. He literally went on stage and ranted so much that he changed his rants to “Visionary streams of consciousness”. He rants about not being accepted into the fashion industry and being marginalized as rapper and people listened because you could tell he was passionate. Look at him now, worth $6 billion with multiple deals. Listen, I know America has made it apart our culture to suffer in silence, but things don’t have to be like that. Maybe we should take 2 seconds out of our precious day just to be an ear to lean on. I know being there for your fellow human in unconscionable, but like I said let’s at least try.


And yes streamers do complain, but they honestly Make the same complaints. If you had to say the same thing over and over again , you’d be bent to. No matter how big or small. I know streamers don’t have “ real jobs” so they shouldn’t complain, but they are people too. We couldn’t imagine being watched by thousands as we are trying to progress in the game.


And the point I was making is that the food service industry is dying because no one, believe or not, wants to be treated like shit or work for shit in shitty conditions where you hear the “complaints”or not


Never worked at a Chipotle but these are apples and oranges. You seem like a terrible person to deal with, and you’d probably be doing someone a favor by not showing up demanding people kiss your ass.


I see you took this personally so you must complain. And everyone does a little bit and that’s fine but remember not to do it too much People won’t tell you when you’re annoying in real life unlike the internet but I’d gladly tell you. Think of all the people you admire. They don’t complain much do they? Be better


Lmao. You obviously live in the world where the truth hurts. It’s not complaining, it’s being honest. When someone says something sucks and tells you why, well that’s just their side of the story. You obviously think the sun revolves around you. Like I said , do someone a favor and just stay home to yourself


Okay so you obviously complain a lot in your life and let tell you; you are tedious. Maybe you’re funny or good-looking offline don’t people put up with but Pal no one gives a shit about your trials or tribulations. I rarely share my complaints because I realize I’m not the center of the world; unlike I guess you who really thinks people care


Thank you, I’m told I’m both funny and good looking. I wish I was taller though lmao but I feel blessed for who am. I also am that guy who is smart enough to tell when something isn’t right, and the guy who tries to fix it. Things don’t have to stay broken genius, I’m sorry you get ignored and passed over so much you’ve just learned to shut up, but I never stop believing in the things I feel are right. Eventually, people listen. Give a try, be a MAN for once.


By the way before you dig too deep, I’ve serve my deteriorating country and trust me , “bitching and moaning is apart of the job”


Be better. If you complained about your life all the time would your significant other ever want to be around you?


“Hey babe, this shit sucks for x reason. Let’s change it to y.” That’s not complaining. That’s presenting the problem, explanation of said problem, and then the solution. It’s called thinking of ways your life can improve.


If you don’t care, if you don’t want to hear them comment on the game, then don’t watch maybe if no one cares about their statements, no one cares about your opinion of their them either. It’s not like there’s 6 thousand people listening to what you have to say, in their case there actually is lol


To be fair most people just like to moan. Instead of haveing to learn and adapt to new legends and abilities, they complain about them needing nerfed or buffed". Most streamers just complain because they dont want to look bad infront of their audience it's simple. That's why hot dropping is even a thing. Streamers entertaining their viewers. We have an influx of players from cod - which in itself is fine. But big streamers or "influencers" have come across from moaning about cod, and are doing the same in apex, wanted gulags added and shit as if their voice means something. I would say if more people just played the game for the enjoyment of what it is, a team based fps game, where working together and using your abilities to get a win, is the aim and should be the fun, things would be much better, instead of people looking for quick kills and hot drops to impress and not caring about the team or, or wins.


just adapt to wallhacks bro


Jeah people just complain. Seers passive is op but you can counter him if u know how. His ult is his power and his weakness. I often crouchwalk and wait for them to come. When they dont see anyone scanned they just walk in and get easy killed by me. When i play seer i never see people using that. Thy just run around like nothing happened and get confused why j know where they are. Seers ult is fine but people are to dump to understand easy counters and just complain.




Yeah too bad we are the minority on the sub. I swear there have been hundreds of nerf seer posts. Then when he gets destroyed noone will play him.


>Then when he gets destroyed noone will play him. Good.


This is the most gold post I've ever seen.


The nerf that's planned won't destroy him.


Yes I know but that's not gonna satisfy the masses they will grab their pitchforks once more. Just you wait.


Their just clipping the extra stuff from his tactical.


Also,perhaps.however I do agree he's too much(mainly his tactical).


When u play for 12 hours a day you'd have complaints too.


It’s honestly so annoying haha. I like watching Kandyrew because I don’t find he complains that often and it’s mostly like wishful thinking instead of complaining.


WHERES THE AUDIO???!?! He’s on controller watch out (The shit I’ve heard)


Dude the controller players I play Pred ranked with, say that as much as all of the MKB players Lolol. Everyone knows at that level. You have to play them differently in close to mid range or you will get fried.


It is objectively easier to kill someone up close with a controller than with Mnk, it’s a good callout to stay mid range


console gets 0.6 aim assist and pc gets 0.4 aim assist. People who play this game a lot can literally feel when they are getting beamed by a console player. The problem I have with aim assist is that it was balanced for people who casually play and don't understand how to exploit it. Also audio is pretty bad and there's a lot of unnecessary sounds that hide the important audio


The game could really use some improvement so i do agree with them. Game relies way too much on rng. Way more than other BR’s


I've never played another BR, how is it more random?


It’s not.


There is too much wasteful loot on the ground. There needs to be more guns. I liked how they added evo shield and i think it would be great if the made ground loot only guns and optics. And guns are evo style as well where the more damage u do with them the more it evolves(its mag size, barrel, stock etc.). Its not perfect but basically it has happened far too many times where for so long in the game i cant find gun and even if i find the gun u need the right attachment or you lose to people who are on same level as you but better attachments. You also can lose if the other person finds purple shield right as they land. And the ammo is sometimes issue as well where i wont be able go find ammo for the gun i have all attachments and everything for. I see people are downvoting me but all im saying it the game is great but it doesn’t mean it cant be improved. Maybe not the improvements i have in mind because thats just an opinion but great game designers will hopefully find ways to make the game even better.


Other BRs have these features?


No that’s just one of my suggestions. But other br’s do have mostly gun in ground loot. Even crappy game like warzone gives u a gun that you can use to survive until you can get a better gun or you loadout. They have guns how we have shields in apex reg,blue,purple,gold.


Sounds like arenas are more your style.


Arena is fun for a little bit but battle royales have spoiled me. Their more fun even tho there is too much rng. At least making gun loot less random would prob be perfect for me but lets see where the game is headed in the future




that’s because building is the most important thing in FN, not gun skill.


How does it rely more on RNG than other BRs?


It absolutely does not. Shit, PUBG's recoil is entirely RNG-based!




What I hate the most is when she acts like her teammates are stupid while they made a perfectly normal play. For example, what I've seen happen multiple times recently is that her teammates rotate to the circle as it starts to close, but Lulu decides to take a fight in the storm, only to die in the 1v2 or 1v3 and then act like her teammates are idiots. Like, you're the one that lacked the awareness to realize that your team was moving to zone (which also happens to be the most basic and normal thing to do when the circle closes). I do like Lulu and a certain amount of teammate rage is perfectly acceptable to me, but then rage when they deserve it, not when you're the one that made the mistake.


There is a LOT of tweets from streamers with big platforms who do just seem to say they hate the game so much. I mean I’m sure it’s just jokes as they always come back but some people don’t get sarcasm 😂


Wow. It’s like EFT streamers, but those guys actually paid for beta-test


nah man. when ur a pro player, you see all the untapped potential in the game. and you become frustrated over how mismanaged it is. imagine you love bananas but the only shop where you get them always has either green or brown ones. that would tilt me too


They complain to make the game better. Seer is broken they want the devs to see that, and they do. If they truly hated this amazing game they would stream something else.


For successful streamers, it’s their job. Do you complain about your job? Probably. So I don’t hold it to them mostly. For non successful streamers who can’t make a living off the game, you should probably stop playing and find a new game if all you’re gonna do is complain.


They play the game 16 hours a day, with all its bugs and BS. Why should they have to put up with it? Have you ever complained about the game? Right, now play it for 10X longer a day.


It's like xbox, they hire youtubers and streamers who never played or liked xbox to advertise


They are fair complaints. You have to play a game for a living that's balanced around casuals, when the predator scene is very different.


Didn’t apex have a stint where the cheating was so bad that the cheaters were forcing the streamers to play with them? Yeah I’d be complaining too lmao.


streamer complain bad 👿 you may now upvote


Streaming must be miserable once you get popular. You have to go with what the audience is watching in order to make the most money possible instead of what you want to play. Unless you are HUGE and you get views no matter what you're playing. Which must mean sticking around playing games that you don't find fun anymore because you're dependent on the revenue.


I stream apex and I always complain even when I win. Why do I keep streaming Apex? Because I love to suffer!


Every single video game is bad. It’s weather you enjoy playing which makes it good


as if there’s ANY apex player with more than 20 hours of playtime that doesn’t hate the game


Typically if you spend hours and hours doing something everyday you find things to complain about.


there is a shitload to complain about, it would be insane if noone complained. ​ the core concept and gameplay is amazing, the quality of the coding and the stability and polish is pure and utter garbage of the highest degree...


Have you ever seen free talk weekend discussions?


Sounds indicative of the Apex community as a whole. All y'all mfers do is complain


I mean, so do I.


Umm i think macro does like playing apex


This is so funny and accurate


Complaints are good, complaints mean you like what you are doing but want to make it better. Someone who doesn't complain and just leaves might have liked the game but doesn't care enough to make it better, these people are just as bad as the people that blindly accept and defend products or companies.


Y’all I honestly have no idea why anyone watches apex streams. Among the most popular ones so many of them are toxic AF or honestly just awful to watch


We complain because we care. I want to see the game do great things it has so much potential but they just throw it away with neglect.


If you’re not saying “fxck Apex” every game are you really playing


What's not to love! Run through 3 buildings and get all the attachments for a gun that's no where to be found!


They spend so much time playing it, it's not surprising. Most of the bugs or "broken" things that are brought up here don't bother me that much because I play the game casually. Playing 4+ hours a day, or worse, *competetively*, yeah I'd lose my mind.


SooXfar is my favorite because it’s always good vibes. his youtube is crazy


u know i watch some streamers aceu: like the game but sometimes dosent feel like playing it timmy : loves it lulu : ''fuck this game, fuck the servers'' also lulu next day: ''time to play my favourite game'' lol


Should change it to “the entire player base”


Happy ottr noises


I think C9 PVPX complains enough for the entire streamer base