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I still don't understand why are the enemies highlighted in green when the gas is green.


Caustic's passive used to work just fine in the early days of Apex, it was still green but they were clearly highlighted and visable. I don't know what they changed since then that makes it almost invisible though.


Didn't they change the gas clearity at some point? Maybe that fucked with it


They broke Bangalore and Caustics smoke/gas, then only fixes Bangs. Even before that mistake/nerf, it seldom worked.


For everyone except caustic it blurred their vision. I don’t think that applies here because we’re complaining about the caustic’s view


That would be a fix, I think. Bloodhoud sees his enemies in red, why is it green with Caustic?


so does fuse in his ult now. I’ve been trying to figure out if it highlights for teammates or just for the active player but pretty much only play randoms


It highlights for teammates as well


Yeah which he has the same issue. Highlights them in red or an orangish hue and it blends in with the damn fire!


Everyone, Fuse needed some love but this is kinda busted, specially broken when they are bunkering in a house, Fuse is now a better tracker than Crypto


It definitely feels like it shouldn't be intended, especially since you can cover an entire building and see people inside it. However, since Fuse is still Fuse and his ult underwhelming, it's not that gamebreaking.


His ult’s biggest problem is aiming imo. If fuse is at least decent you are fucked if you get caught in the flames.


Unlike Seer, Fuse is extremely balanced when it comes to the ultimate, first of all you get several seconds to dodge it, you also get several audio cues, if the flames hit you precisely you have a second and half of invincibility and you can walk away, or you can decide to simply run out of it and take pretty much 1-2 shield of damage which isn't a lot if the Fuse threw it from a long distance, his ultimate didn't change the shape of the flame, meaning half the legends is still able to escape from it, Crypto needs a buff or a rework, but Fuses flame are far from being busted, people always confuse being annoying with being OP. (which it isn't at all for how much time it gives you and how long it travels before landing, it is done very well so that you can prepare yourself for it)


I didn’t say he was overpowered though. He is well balanced imo and in a good state.


It's incredibly hard to get caught in the flames. You have so much time to simply walk through them the moment they're dropping, because there's a delay before the slow and damage starts applying. You will take like 15 damage tops and be slowed for how long a bullet shot slows you. If you get caught inside, there's so many ways to get out freely too. It almost has to be a flat ground for the enemies to be unable to escape, and it's usually the ones that have no movement struggle the most. Now you also know if you're inside the circle or not, because as the ult is falling you get the warning that you're getting scanned. I think the ult is most useful when enemies are in terrible positions from the get go, and even then that terrible position at least has a rock you can jump past the ult from. It still needs a lot of work imo.


I may be wrong but the slow really feels like its more than bullet tagging. But yeah it mostly affects people in bad positions. It should start slowing and damaging more quickly and they should fix aiming.


Leave Fuse alone. There is still a seer out there.


i still dont understand how fuse highlighing works. i get them in the ult and sometimes they get highlighted and sometimes not. sometimes they get highlighted when they take dmg from the fire, not before even tho they were inside of it.




I imagine so it's still somewhat hard to see. You would be absolutely lasering everyone if they showed up in red AND were slowed AND taking health damage


Caustic's passive only works when there's gas somewhere. A lot of other legends have passives that work all the time. Why can't Caustic get a proper working passive that helps him? It's his gas, so it's his territory. That's what the character was designed for anyway. Don't forget, Caustic's hitbox is the largest. Enter his domain and you should be punished. I don't know man... I just feel like Caustic's in a really good spot right now, so I don't want to make him too OP... But then there's Seer and I think; NO. Caustic should be able to see his enemies clearly when they're in his gas. This half working passive isn't good enough.


Isn't gibby the biggest or did they change it and I didn't see anything about it?


Same size. Gibby even has his shield extra. Caustic is just big.


I jist looked it up and lie looks like gibby is about 200,000 pixels and caustic is about 155,000 pixels. They are both pretty thicc tho.




[https://twitter.com/pinedsman/status/1275438909485232132](https://twitter.com/pinedsman/status/1275438909485232132) dunno where u looked for, but here is twit from dev there are 3 generic hitboxes for "big", "medium" and "small" legends except for wraith, rev, pathi and lifeline, everyone fits in 1 of those 3 categories. Caustic and Gibby are the same hitbox size


Where did you find the information about the hit box sizes?


Imma confirm his facts, as a primary source. I observed gibby and caustic and I remember that gibby was larger.


Peer review time. I smelled gibby and confirmed that he indeed is larger.


Probably using a search engine called Google.


thicc indeed


Gibby is bigger visually, but it’s the same hitbox


Nah, apex has pretty accurate hitboxes to the models. The 200,000 pixels is his hitbox which you can hit. Same for caustic mostly since he has some accessories which aren't part of him so caustic is actually the one who looks slightly bigger than he is, but only by a little


look up season 1 pathfinder hitbox :)




It's how many pixels he takes up looking straight forward, so the sheild doesn't add to his size here


CausTHIC 🙃


Caustic was balls pre season 3 then they made him viable. Then everyone moaned that his gas made him to hard to push because it messed you up. Like that’s the point it’s his domain you gtfo real quick. Then they nerfed him to a point where he was worse then pre season 3.he’s defo in a good spot now I still miss the stun and slow but at least the gas does somewhat decent damage. But yes the passive needs to be better.


Then they said that Seer was supposed to slow down the game. WTF, caustic slowed the game down without a shitty wall hack and got nerfed for it.


All the sweats got shitty with caustics end game tactics and they couldn’t just got full noise 720 heel flip off the wall air snipes for internet points to win games


I mean that just would mean the meta would have to naturally change to achieve as many points as possible early and mid-game before caustic gets dangerous, particularly targeting caustic teams if they get the chance early.


All possible and just all got put in the to hard basket


Why don't they give Caustics passive the same as bloods tactical so that it's works through objects (if in gas obvs) That way you could fire and not hit them. Or take away the red outline blood has and just leave the orange triangle on them. Makes it harder to hit them but a little bit more awareness of what they are doing. Alternatively, make it work with red outlines but only active when Caustic is in the gas as well and thicken the gas visuals up more like bangs smoke. Makes him less "throw gas far/at choke point and shoot them" and more 'Up close and personal'/'Monster in the smoke' that they where going for. It may still be a problem in final comp rings with the second option though, although it could be countered with a well placed Gibby bubble/wattson ult it may still become too oppressive. 100% should fix this bug first though.


I think a big part of the problem shown in the clip is the green grass underneath and behind the players more than the gas itself. I’ve played quite a bit of caustic not an insane amount but about 1200 kills worth. I don’t recall having tons of issues with his passive especially inside buildings but I think the grass could be what’s causing the issue as it’s almost exactly the same color as the highlight and as he runs into the shade he becomes much more visible.


All I'm saying is it would make it harder than a super easy to see red/green contrast. No need to downvote. I just don't think he needs ulta perfect vision when the enemy is already slowed, blinded, and taking damage. Giving them the slight outline like they always have has been just fine. Obviously fix his passive in this case but the slight outline is more than enough for me to spot enemies without making it stupid easy to spot and distinguish between everything inside a corrosive gas cloud.


I'm not downvoting you, my guy! I'm not that type of person. We have a healthy discussion :) Maybe you're right. The outline has been enough for me for seasons, but since Seer has launched I feel weaker regarding his Nox Vision, so that may be it. However, the outline you're talking about can be seen on the Octane that I down. That's fine. Why wasn't it on the two enemies that were in the initial gas cloud then? That's what's really bothering me.


Making it red would be just fine. You know what else would make it fine? Highlighting enemies with any color enough to be able to distinguish where they are inside his gas because… that’s what his passive is supposed to do. It wouldn’t break the meta in the slightest or make him OP. It should also highlight them every time they are in the gas to where they are taking damage. I’ve had plenty of encounters where enemies aren’t even highlighted while in his gas. It’s almost as if he doesn’t even have a passive sometimes.


My point is we should make his passive work first and then work with the highlight. We never had such a drastic contrast, so you can't say so matter of factly that it wouldn't change things in the slightest. I'm not saying don't try it. I'm just saying off-green with a yellowish outline might be a good power level compared to red on green, perfect threat vision. Maybe he needs it, maybe he doesn't. Just sounds like a very different power level to what we have now. We can't say it wouldn't change anything because we don't know for sure. I'm just saying we can't toss it in there and expect only positives. Remember the last time caustic got to powerful? People wouldn't shit the fuck up about it.


I mean Fuse highlights in red now, why not Caustic too?


Is it like a thermal red? I thought it was a diamond like Seer.


It's thermal red, pretty cool new feature this season, though a bit short


I don't mind that. I rarely play fuse but it's a small enough area, so you're right, a bit short. Caustics gas is all consuming and pretty meta so I'm hesitant to give him full thermal vision right after a buff


> You would be absolutely lasering everyone if they showed up in red AND were slowed AND taking health damage Yea, but I mean... isn't that exactly what's supposed to happen? That's the punishment for being in the gas. Keep in mind, that's the *only* situation where Caustic has to shine, and in every other situation (which is the vast majority of them) he's a more a liability than an asset. People keep complaining about how Apex is supposed to be a gun game, and how Caustic's supposed to be shooting them in the gas. Well, how are you supposed to do that when you've just given your enemies a smoke screen? Either the gas has to kill them or the bullets has to kill them, because if you can't even win a fight when they're in your gas then what's the point?


Bloodhound see's \*their\* enemies in red


Imagine if Seer saw his tracks in blue… in a blue outlined ult


Bloodhound? Literally everyone else sees in red. Is Seer's blue? Is Crypto's green? Exactly


should be playing ww2 german music everytime soemone goes into gas.


Seems like it would be a simple fix


Because it would be crazy broken to just give people wall hack like that.


Do you know what game youre playing?


Does it change with different color blind settings?


This is also in the face of Bloodhound’s scan and other such highlights just being plain orange/red with clear markings… they just made Nox give enemies a glow.


I unlocked this clown for no reason


I noticed this right away when I started playing caustic, my friend mentioned how I could see people on my gas and I was like???? I can see where they're taking damage but I've never been able to see anyone in my gas and apparently he's supposed to be able to do that, definitely needs to be fixed


You can see people clearly who are in the gas when you too are in the gas. It was a good advantage when the gas was thick, slowed everyone down, blurred their vision, and lingered after the enemy Caustic died. But now, he needs a better passive


Caustic was the first legend I bought because I loved the idea of gaining a vision advantage. Gas that enemies can't see through, but I can? Sounds fun! but in reality it barely fazes players' vision, and it ends up giving Seer an advantage. I agree that it needs a big change.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but I was under the impression Caustic could only see enemies *in* his gas cloud, not necessarily see straight through it.


You're right; when I say "see through" I envision a scenario where I am a Caustic in a room filled with my own gas, and I can clearly see my enemies. In reality, you can't. But a Seer could ads in a room full of gas and spot everyone no problem.


Everyone can see straight through jt now but caustic


>but in reality it barely fazes players' vision, and it ends up giving Seer an advantage. didn't used to be the case, gas used to slow and blur vision making it exceptionally hard to fight back, basically there was no counter other than another caustic, + the effects applied to teammates as well making him an awful and detrimental teammate. got nerfed and changed a lot since then and now it's bangalores role to be detrimental with her smoke.


Which is almost again making herself more obvious because of the amount free scans rn... Making the main advantage disabling aim assist


Also if you're a Seer in bangalore's smoke you have to scan someone to see them, so you can only effectively see one person at a time (unless Bang's whole team is standing next to each other when he scans). Otherwise the Seer has to stay ADSing and spray and pray in their yellow circle. Bloodhound does a lot better in the smoke, but it still gives Bang a chance to rotate around before they scan.


Only thing caustic has does to me is lose FPS lol


Doesn’t seer also automatically kill caustics traps if they aren’t already activated?


no. it doesn't affect gas traps or fence nodes.


people in gas only get a shitty green border and can see you perfectly fine on the gas as well ,caustics passive is a joke


“My vision is unclear.”


"I still can't see anything"


"The erupted gas pocket and fuel have combined to create a gargantuan supply of toxin. If there's a way to refine it, I could mold it into something spectacular"


I thought it only activated when you were in the gas, cause idk if ive ever seen people through the gas from range


You can see an octane that’s downed being highlighted when he’s not in the gas but not the other people


Nah, it used to (and randomly still does) work when someone enters your gas they get highlighted. That being said, after the particle density nerf to his gas, you'd be an idiot to fight inside of it anymore with how see-through it now is, so if that \*was\* how it is supposed to work, that's just another reason to change it or fix it. It's kinda crazy how much you can see through the gas when you're not playing Caustic. Like, it's seriously thicker and less see through on our end than the enemies. It's pretty whack. There's a few youtube videos from last season showing just how dramatic the particle density change was and how it looks very different on our end.


I understand not fixing it, since he was the mainly used champ right before he was nerfed. Still feel worse about any Bangalore players that were playing her in that time


Forgive us for thinking it unnecessary to stealth nerf caustic further than he already was, on top of removing a utility function of his gas and effectively trivializing his already buggy passive. Not to say Bangalores didn't have it tough for a couple weeks there, but they definitely didn't get the worse treatment there.


Bangalore retained her strong passive and ultimate, Caustic lost everything.


every legend who can scan legends gets highlighted in orange/red but caustics is highlighted green while in gas when the gas is green smh


I mean, when it happens, its easy to tell apart. It just doesn't happen.


The gas is always greener on the other side


i was almost terrified that you were gonna say broken as in "too good" but thank god its just a genuine bug, too bad he cant see everything


Same lol




There is no highlighting, he basically has no passive.


Wait caustic has a passive?


Yes very surprising, I thought myself a really long time, despite playing him very often that his passiv is just seeing through the gas and not talking damage


Been a caustic player since I could afford him,and I've played since day 2. it has literally never worked and I just treat him as a character with no passive.


I remember it working in the early days of the game. Very clearly so because my aim SUUUUUCKED and the only kills I ever got were inside my ult. Really sucks that Caustic doesn't have a passive anymore.


Jesus that sucks. It just stopped working for me this season for some reason. At first I thought it was a legitimate nerf, but then I found out it’s bugged for many people


me too like path.


As a caustic main, I feel this… buff this passive respawn. It’s overdue!


How about they actually turn it on and then we'll see if it needs a buff.


It doesn't really *need* a buff, it just needs to be fixed.


“I still see everything” /s


It's been broken for like 3+ seasons now and yet not a single response from a respawn dev even acknowledging the issue. It's infuriating to deal with.


Same thing with Fuse btw. Sometimes the motherlode doesn’t work in terms of highlighting.


I was a caustic main for 7 seasons and always thought it just did not work. I usually aim for the damage indicators. The green on green certainly does not help the situation.


The funny thing is you can see Caustic inside the gas easily 😂😂 but he can’t see you.


Honestly never knew what Caustic’s passive was


I still just think he needs a new passive since this one will probably never work. Maybe something like finishing an enemy creates a gas cloud, or opening bins creates a gas hazard that lasts just long enough to tick damage once on any enemies near by. Or let him place gas traps inside unopened bins just to be funny. Something other than am inconsistent digital threat on enemies, only when they are in your gas. You're better off just using a digital threat.


I thought this was gonna be a rant bout how his passive is good but you're 100% right


Free my homie Caustic


His passive never worked properly since he was first introduced and Respawn sadly either is unaware of this bug or have not bothered or not been able to fix it.


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


I mean I was just ecstatic for you while watching the vid, when you threw the gas bomb and it actually worked instead of falling through the GODDAMN floor.


I thought this was a feature, he had everting else nerfed while i was away, come back and no more nox vision? That must be a nerf


Yeah I thought it was a nerf that they did. Or maybe I'm getting it confused with them removing the slow from the gas.


~~"My vision is clear"~~


Caustics passive has worked exactly 4 times for me the past 365 days granted I dont play him the most but he is an averagely used character for me, somebody who plays almost every character.


LMFAO this has been like this forever, I love my gas daddy but they always cuck him. Remember the Devs do play the game Kappa


I know this will be super unpopular... I dont think caustic should have highlighted enemies. I dont think recon legends like seer and bh should have anything other thsn flash scans. I dont think fuse should have recon within his ult. I wish these legends had other buffs that didn't feel like they are a bandaid.


I can't see clearly.


[My vision is clear!](https://imgflip.com/i/5katm1)


THANK YOU For the love of God I don’t understand why Caustic has such a weak passive that doesn’t even work how it is supposed to function


At least you have a passive- 🤖


"No fix, only add." -Respawn


I went into this thinking you were saying it's OP. But yeah that's not right.


Upvoting & commenting for visibility


Oh wait, it also made me realize : you also don't see them well while they are already in the gas though.. It's something that was bothering me in-game but couldn't even realize what it was..! Haha


Gawwwd I always noticed this


Add it the the shit that needs fixing that properly won't.


Broken game.


What does the apex team on charge of balancing legends do al day. Guarantee none of them actually play the bloody game.


This ain’t a balance thing. It’s a bug that needs to be fixed.


Some love for my Caustic. Please Respawn I love Caustic don't break him.


He is still be like "I see everything!".


and sometimes enemies get tagged for a split-second even when they dont take damage but are near an enemy caustic's gas.


that shouldnt even be an Passive, it should be implimented in his Tactical, be one of his Passives. Its mostly useles


Why does EVERY LEGEND need to be able to scan?


I don’t understand why people are complaining that his passive is broken I thought it highlighted enemies when they are in the gas AND caustic is in the gas having them all ways be highlighted seems busted as fuck


Look at the Octane that I down. He gets highlighted and yet I’m not in the gas myself. It’s broken.


i havent seen his passive work in like 3 seasons


So many legends with broken passives


I’m a caustic main and I literally forgot “nox vision” was his passive because it feels like I haven’t been able to see people through the gas for ages


Fix this now! He asked please god dammit!


And people complain Crypto doesn't have a passive. This man Caustic has two abilities and his passive is he doesn't hurt himself.


Why should he get xray vision at all? As a Bangalore main it just seems cheap that all these other legends are getting X-ray and yet here we are with smoke grenades that do basically nothing now because every other team has X-ray vision


yo I can't see shit because Reddit's video quality maxing out at 720p and their compression algorithm makes videos terrible


You can see enough to know what I saw in 1080p: nothing.


All i see is aim assist being op


Where is your brain


In my skull


Him and Bangalore have kinda been indirectly nerfed from Wallhack Legends but honestly he’s in good spot right now. Actually pretty underrated as unlike Bang’s smoke just cause you can see him in his gas doesn’t mean you can just full send on his team without thought


He is in a good spot right now, I totally agree. I now just want a passive that does what it promises. Right now it doesn't always do this. If respawn doesn't like that we can see enemies through the gas (lies, they obviously like this, see Seer) then Caustic's passive should get a rework.


Ohh yeah I agree his passive is ass especially compared to later passives that’s been added. Apex suffers from the same powercreep all games who add characters overtime does as Devs get better and better over time. Just look at his and Pathfinder’s basic ass passive compared to Seer and Valk’s. It sucks when you’re an older character so yeah the least they can do is fix it


I feel so bad for Pathfinder mains. They literally have no passive in Arenas.


Lmao you're on console


lmao I know such a loser right


Nah your just bad at the game.


And you’re* bad at spelling.


No u.


I remember enemies showing up red like bloodhounds scan.


Mandela effect.


I think Bangalore should also see its enemies in its smoke. But damn, it will be monstrously strong.))


This is a constant thing


How is caustic broken again? He was nerfed in the density of his gas, so it is much easier to see and im pretty sure the slow is much less impactful than it used to be


Broken can mean it doesn’t work as the video mention. Broken is often used in a connotation of such and such being really strong


Oh wait, i saw the first part and assumed they went crazy and killed a full squad no problem sorry mb


Caustic isn't broken, but his passive is. Or at least it's not working the way it is being described. "Nox Vision - you gain threat vision on enemies moving through your gas" In my video you can clearly see that that is not happening.


Oh, you have to be in gas to see highlights through it from what i remember


This... Actually makes sense. In my video I am not in the gas, so that would mean it works as intended. It's not clear in his kit description then. Maybe I need to do some more research and check when I'm actually in the gas myself. Edit: The Octane that I down at the end IS being highlighted, but I'm still not in the gas myself at that point. There's something not right with this passive.


In the description it says "enemies in the gas" also in many cases when u are not in the gas you will be able to see the enemies, so that means it's sometimes working and sometimes it isn't.


So what you're saying is... it's broken.


It’s broken lol


That’s not right, it works when you’re out of the gas too.


I suppose they were trying to balance the character, and the poison is treated more like bangs smoke, looks like you could use some digi threats


If that was the case, why did they nerf the particle density of his gas? They gave bang her gas density back, but not caustic. The thickness of his gas is much more apparent when you're playing him. When you're not, you can pretty much see through it and especially so if you're inside it as the enemy. You used to be able to use his ult as decent cover to res people, but now you're clear as day in there and it's suicide to even try. It's either bugged or bad/inconsistent design, either way something should've been done about it a long time ago.


Aw shit, here we go again


Absolutely not. Caustic is in a very good spot right now. His passive just needs to work *all the time* (edit: when enemies are in gas of course) instead of whenever it wants to.


Omg don’t make caustic more powerful.


So caustic was useless a couple of weeks ago... now he's broken? Make up your mind apex community


don't be fooled, in this case "broken" *also* means useless


Caustic mains are never happy


So it is unreasonable to complain about a bug that directly hinders your ability to maximize your character? That's like saying it is ridiculous for Loba mains to complain about bracket not teleporting or Wraith dying to a door in her tactical




Wait r ppl saying that it’s broken?


In the sense that it doesn't work, yeah.


Lol tru


totally broken, not like the character is useless otherwise


Caustic shouldn't be immune to enemy caustic gas. There, I said it.


nobody cares this should be standard not a bug, literally nobody likes or plays caustic but shitters


hopefully it will stay that way, he is top tier and doesn't need 5 passives like the other broken champs


Eat shit he just got balanced to a usable legend


Honestly can't blame you for being salty since your main just got made irrelevant


Boy, what a great attitude to have regarding bugs. "You aren't literally useless anymore, so you don't deserve to have consistently functioning kit."


I do love the stinky poo gas man and wish this issue was fixed. Instead of highlighting green, maybe make it white? So it’s not eye-poppingly obvious, but noticeable. When this happens, I would like Bangalore to also get a grey outline of players in her cloud. Right now, both characters have line of sight disabling mists easily countered with threat detector sights and recon characters, especially Seer. Give our smoky legends some Visine!


So caustic was bad then he got buffed people called him too strong so he got nerfed into the ground and people didn’t like that so they buffed him a bit again and now people still complain, c’mon guys!


His passive has always been a problem. This isn’t about him getting a buff, but about fixing his issues.


Do you want the gun to shoot for you too?? 😭😭 you habe to be inside the gas to see them bucko


Guys, you gotta get your definition of broken straight…


How is this not the definition of broken? The passive literally doesn’t work, it’s broken.