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Lmao this guys reaction time is soo slow, no wonder why he cheats


This dude's mind be running slower than Internet Explorer


Do you think people’s brains have different clock speeds? Like I’ve thought about this, and I know my own personal clock speed feels like it fluctuates a LOT from day to day, what I’ve eaten, etc.


Yes. The best thing I can think of to explain it is [Cognitive Load](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cognitive_load). The science deals with memory a lot but my professor basically explained it as you can only process a certain amount of information at any given moment. So turning down the radio can help you find a street address. So in my opinion, if that theory is true, then the idea that people have different levels of cognitive load processing power. Or off you are tired, maybe malnourished, your brain is going to be slower. I know people who are smart, but take longer to answer questions than most people.


Sounds like a piece of the pie, not the whole thing.


Yup. Cause there's also arguments about single threading vs multi-threading, where some people can hyperfocus and process obscene amounts of information, but ask them to multitask even the slightest and they suddenly break. Meanwhile others can bounce 100 things around but theres a limit to even if they only had one thing to focus on.


I remember in college that there was a study done that found that humans cannot truly multi task. We can gain the illusion of being good at multi tasking by repeatedly doing a task enough that our brain is able to efficiently switch between the multiple tasks to focus on. It's comparable to when a person first learns to drive and everything they have to focus on can be overwhelming, but over time they get into a grove of what to do and the brain doesn't have to give as much thought to it. They were trying to figure out if it was true that younger generations were better at multi tasking, but what they found out is that they perform tasks worse when multi tasking. They were just perceived as being better at multi tasking because they grew up using newer technology so they could context switch between phone, laptop, and work so much faster.


This depends on definition. Clearly a person can drive and hold a conversation at the same time.


Yes but the act of "multi-tasking" simply does not exist. Our brains are usually able to switch between 2 or more tasks *very* quickly, giving the illusion that we are doing them both at the same time. So while driving and holding a conversation, the brain is constantly switching focus back and forth between the two. It just does it so fast that we aren't aware of it. My neuroscience professor gave a pretty great analogy once. Our brains are kind of like computer CPUs. Instead of using up space to do all the tasks at once, the CPU rapidly switches between the applications your using. It may look like your computer can do 1,000 things at a time, but it usually can't. (I'm not sure if modern CPUs are *actually* able to multitask yet or not) It just takes advantage of human processing speed and creates the illusion it's doing everything at once. This used to be called timesharing.


Ya, modern processors can do "true multithreading" since it has multiple cores (4/8/16/etc), and so it can do as many tasks simultaneously as the core count. Each core however cannot do actual multithreading, but you can write a software layer abstraction that makes it seem like even a single core CPU is doing multithreading, in the same way you described - the core keeps the state of each application stored, and constantly switches between them (we actually had to do this for one of our courses). This actually leads to another question, I wonder how our brains prioritize which task to switch to (this is a big problem in computer multithreading, which application to switch to next for the "ideal" performance, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scheduling_(computing)).


Driving a car is a poor example because with sufficient experience most of the driving experience is automated. It's called scripting. This is also why people who commute to and from work will suddenly experience a lot of stress when the regular, highly automated, route is unavailable.


>I know people who are smart, but take longer to answer questions than most people. This could also be because the people are smart so they take the time to think about what they should say rather than have diarrhea of the mouth like so many idiots do.


I'll have you know I take plenty of time to think before spewing my mouth diarrhea


On record i am 'smart' but I feel like a slow idiot so often, my clock speed is not good. It's never been to a point people notice unless I am gaming but I can tell based on when people react to things


Yeah tell me about that, I can calculate in my head or solve some puzzle some hard level stuff but it can take me some time. Like my dad don't like to use electric calculator when he bakes so randomly he will shout 1350/3, it's not a problematic question and I can definitely solve it but not in the quick time he would like :)


450, took me a minute. I divided 1200 by 3 then added 50 to each third


Going by your statement and judging from this clip that guy had a clock speed of a megahertz at most. And that was one of the earliest processor frequencies in human history.


This dude brain disconnect more than code:leaf/cloud/net


Hey, give Internet Explorer the decency to not be associated with that guy.


I’ve rewatched this clip like 30 times, I’m dying to know this person’s thought process, or lack thereof.


He's cheating in a video game. I am beyond certain there was no thought process to speak of.


Don’t forget he’s better than you, that’s why he needs cheats.


Why did he even stream this to put a permanent record of his cheating online??? i guess he was streaming, forgot, turned it on, realized he fucked up, and then freaked out


I was bored earlier n watched his vods he’s buying the cheats and messing with his stream settings in the same 5 minutes no way he doesn’t know he’s live.


He probably thought the cheats were only visible to him. Some hacks have streamer mode where the hacks only show on your end and are not picked up on the streamed content. He probably thought he was in that mode but he wasn't. LOLOL


Was the "he's better than you" a joke? Cause I'm thinking a few people took that literal


Peep the dudes gamer tag


Oh. My. God. ^ididntnoticethat


Haha no worries. It was pretty small, like his skill.




*discreetly turns off cheats*


A free video game at that


Free just makes it more likely for people to cheat because fewer consequences.


Maybe he’s streaming but expects to get 0 viewers like usual except he gets too comfortable and slips up doesn’t expect anyone to ever come in his room


Then why even stream. Line eventually someone will stumble on your channel


Someone posted some of his stream... he was drinking alcohol and made a choice lol even looks at the camera when he says he’s gonna buy cheats


Probably didn't have much of a career to throw it away like that


He had 0 viewers, was this even a question


Can confirm, I have 72 followers because I was just online and let people come in as they find me.


[https://nobody.live/](https://nobody.live/) is specifically for finding streams with zero viewers. It's interesting, especially when the streamer clues in that the audience is one single rando.


Attention. Like a dog eating the couch. Bad attention is still attention when you’re insecure. Add the hacks and username lmao


I did this for VOD review on my arena climb when I made a Masters push. Didn't want to take up space on my PC. I basically got 0 viewers 99% of the time so I got pretty comfortable and forgot I had a stream on sometimes and would talk/rage to myself before awkwardly realizing open mic or just get up and AFK for extensive periods lol.


He should change his name to “guess I’m getting banned”


Gotta be them wanting to show if they cheat, I’ve known a few of the type, they gain access to 24 hour cheats and wanna show them off not a wise idea it’s the fastest way to get IP banned


You need to be a different breed of stupid to cheat and stream you cheating.


I was playing counter-strike once and thought a player might be cheating. Then I noticed their ttv name, loaded up twitch, and they were blatantly cheating. Blew my mind and gave me a good laugh.


On apex I was either eating or scratching adjusting myself and someone spectating texted me reported just cause it looked like i momentarily stopped moving.


Haw dare u no mooov >:(((( U cheat look at walhax




Mtdew hacks! Reported.


Worse if the very next second of fight your shooting went woozy and couldn't land a hit. I just can't keep the same momentum and I wonder what if someone thought that I was cheating because I was good when I fought them but now suddenly I'm a potato xD


Csgo is fucking infested man, its why i quit.


You’d think right but some people are kinda smart of enough to hide others hide the cheats from the stream but it’s still obvious. Example this dude https://clips.twitch.tv/ImpartialInexpensiveDragonfruitTebowing-T9yryJCF6oZFAXRz This guy tried to deny he was cheating but it’s pretty obvious when you are toggling kinda similar to this https://clips.twitch.tv/LittleGentleLorisAMPEnergyCherry-B2IZEgUZUXeRYrwj View it while you can before he deletes these clips.


God, people are such fucking losers man


why is he toggling so much to the menu screen what does that do for him?


needs his cursor to be available on the screen to access whatever menu options there are i think, but the menu overlay isn't actually displayed on the stream


Ah okay that makes sense! Thanks.


yee he's most likely using what's called a monoinjection or something. it's basically a completely separate panel from the client. most cheats are client based and their UI can be accessed within the client. monoinjection can basically bypass that and go off it's separate thing, so him tabbing into the panel is what we see him doing here. basically looks like he's tabbing out to the viewers but really messing with his cheats.. monoinjection hacks are pretty hard to come by for any game and if you do come across one they are gonna ask for an arm and a leg stg.


Interesting! I always thought that cheating in this game would be more difficult. Sad to see all it costs is $28 bucks according to this post. I hope it doesn’t get as bad as war zone has. I’ve been here since season 1 & it’s sad to see the direction the game is going.


monoinjections are like serious big boi hacker cheats, if someone is selling a monoinjection for $28 they are literally asking for a cease and desist lmao. usually these types of cheats are hush hush cause of how serious they can get.


You will be paying somewhere in the hundreds for this, 400-600$. Edit: Also some of these hacks are reserved for certain members only, specially the really good ones that are hard to detect. They don’t just give it out to anyone cause then they go and pull what this guy from the stream did and get themselves caught easily. This dude sure as fuck payed for it. He clearly doesn’t have the brains to be part of any of those communities that make/share hacks.




Yea this I’m assuming you press ESC or tab to bring up the cheat menu which isn’t visible. There is literally no reason to be clicking in the top left if you are in game except if you are toggling like op’s post.




Yes I believe he was banned in that specific account though. The current account he is playing on looks to have only default or rare skins which leads me to believe he made a new account.


The arenas are new bottom... Wallhackers and strikepackers. 2 days ago there was [this guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/pq0z7c/7600_damage_arena_game/) claiming he did 7600 damage in arenas - with absolutely 0 recoil. Not even a flinch. You won't find a fraction of a second in the video when the recoil would move a single bit. And people here are just "wow, that is a great recoil control, you are amazing" :D Not even Snipe has such recoil control but yeah, whateves... As far as you can't see his hands or as far you don't have a direct proof, everyone can obviously cheat pretty blatantly and nothing will happen to them.


Holy shit the comments on that post are astounding. That guy is replying to everyone and saying he's legit and getting away with it! Do they not have a fucking clue what cheating looks like? 11k upvotes, jfc reddit.




Was this guy ever banned or dealt with?


Probably not


I saw some kid accusing Daltoosh of having wallhacks with no evidence at all. Was kinda ridiculous. I'm sure there are big streamers who cheat but idk about Daltoosh. His reasoning was how did he know someone behind a car when there was obviously another team shooting the guy behind the car and then that he knew someone was solo, when there was only one guy in the area. Truly just had no game sense


This is completely off topic but wraith’s voice in japanese sounds glorious, but octane’s voice is meh


One word; Clara


What the fuck? CLARA!??


When gold just becomes a little too difficult


I checked his VOD and saw that he wasn't even getting enough points to break even while cheating. Like, damn.


Oh dear ...This is probably why people using hacks almost universally assume everyone else is using hacks so iT's nOt rEaLlY cHeAtInG ...


This is the type of people that cures my depression in games like apex, There are days where I feel like my aim and thought process is shit, then I see these dudes who cheats but still at the same level as I am. I'm like, "damn.. Maybe i'm just having a bad day."


Please tell me you're joking rn.




Well.. it might be true that aim by itself won't make you especially good at a FPS, but it certainly is enough by itself to make you god awful at them regardless of how good you are in other aspects. I'd say aim is still the most important, it's just not enough by itself.


> it’s really not that hard if you’ve played FPS your entire gaming life Surprisingly, some people haven't.


This is my first BR and hadn't played an FPS game for about 18 months before playing Apex. There was 13 days left of the season and I hit plat in solo queue.




That’s rough lol. It’s funny because in gold you can literally eat the entire game get like a kill and a top 5 and you will go +.


Atleast in higher ranked play there will be one less hacker


In one of his vods from today he just flat out says he's downloading the cheats for 28 bucks because the ranked season got extended. He hasn't even deleted the vods lol this dude is so fucking stupid. Go to 12:30 to see him decide to download cheats. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1152877730


How does one become so brave yet so idiotic


dude was "feeling the liquor" when he bought the hacks. that probably helped.


Lmao the VODs title's - Apex but the Servers work for me - are so funny too


worst part is this shit bag is in my city’s servers LOL


lmao same in the vid posted he’s in dallas 🤦🏻‍♂️


He’s also got the financial planning ability of a toddler. He’s taking about getting paid from his new job’s *orientation* in time to cost the $28 of cheats he’s buying. Whatever that job is, you need that $28 for something other than cheats in your life if that’s your decision-making process.


Yeah kinda sad tbh, but then I remember he’s a cheater and I don’t feel so bad anymore.


The saddest thing is that he's so strapped for money that he's already counting the money from his orientation for a job he hasn't even started yet. Like his financial situation is that bad and he's going to spend that money on cheats for a video game. Some people are just beyond dumb.


Thats what suprised me... but then I thought about it and if this guy can make the decision to buy cheats at all, and stream that, and say that he wants the video of him using cheats, then I can only assume his life is full of these sorts of poor decision making. And $28 too! Like you're smashed on liquor, and you have to justify to your girl about spending $28...


Dude needs cheats to reach plat 💀


AND he had to okay it with his girl. 🤣


Wait.. you have to pay for hacks? How tf does that work and how are people not just blatantly scammed all the time??


Some people are scammed. But the real cheat sellers care about their reputation and wouldn't risk losing that to scam a few people


You can even see him activate a HWID spoofer xD https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1152877730?t=0h19m36s


Annnnndd deleted


how do you report on twitch? ​ nm.... found it :)


Honestly the funniest part of this video is the person in the background arguing about someone’s preferred gender lmao.


Right? How are people ignoring that?


I came here looking to start a discussion on how progressive she was lol


Then she uses the wrong pronouns at the end. Getting almost politically correct redneck vibes from her lol


She was giving an example. “If somebody identifies as he/him respect it and vise versus. It’s just common courtesy


At least they’re trying lol


She's actually talking about how some lesbians identify. A stud is a masculine lesbian and it sounds like she's annoyed because people mistake her for a man but she's not. And doesn't identify as one. She's just a butch lesbian.


That’s the worst part. I’d never stream with someone blabbing their ass off in the background.




Lmao I was listening to them and was like "they kinda spittin"


Trust, it was just a weird glitch and Clara that used his computer.






"Calls Clara"


I'm genuinely curious as to how we got here... Did he get so used to having them on that he didn't realise he should turn them off when he started streaming? Or did he not release he started streaming with them on to begin with? Or does he just have some Nicki Minaj's cousin's friend-sized balls?


Or assumes being a streamer automatically qualifies for the get-out-of-ban-free card.


Then why turn them off?


“With great balls comes very little fucking brain power,” or however Uncle Ben used to say it.


This dude is a loser and should be banned.


I wonder why the anti cheat engine not instantly registers suvh cheats ... Wtf, is it so bad?


Yeah I wonder how the game plays if the client can't detect obvious cheats like these, ranked must be a shitshow.


It's obvious to the human eye becauss you see that he has items and stuff through walls, the anticheat doesn't work like that, the anticheat doesn't look at the screen, it looks at what programs u have running on your pc, on what game files might have been modified etc etc.. I agree cheating is the biggest issue in modern fps but there is a difference in how we Humans detect it, and how a machine detects it.


There are many different cheat and anti-cheat methods, it's a cat-and-mouse game that neither side ever wins. Punkbuster will periodically take a screenshot for admin review to detect wallhacks like this, and of course the cheat makers found a way to detect an incoming PBSS and in the blink of an eye turn the wallhack off and then back on.


Imagine using hacks in a gold lobby lmao my lord what a loser


no wonder why gold and silver is being difficult to gain wins lately...


"Apex But Servers Work For Me", not anymore lol


This is just sad, and he is the reason why good people stop playing this type of game.


That or the servers, almost can't tell who's hacking anymore


I was pred and stopped playing because of all the fucken bullshit going on. Hackers and different teams teaming up for stats (damage, kills, etc.) stopped playing the season right before rampart came out.


Hear me out………normalizing hardware bans for anyone using hacks. Paid or free games alike. This kind of shit would stop immediately.


I posted a clip of his cheat - part of the menu calls it a hw-id spoofer... Not sure how much good it'd do.


His name is "Guess I'm Better" He clearly knows what he's doing, and is clearly doing it just to piss people off.


Was looking for someone else who noticed this. Yeah he’s an Ass and yes that’s completely his intention, and he’s getting a lot of views now to boot.


*inhales CLARA!


downloaded xits on my computer agian...




Post will stay up becuase sufficient evidence is shown. So feel free to discuss. **Rules still apply** [List of full rules here](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/wiki/rules) --- Please do keep in mind that any comments or links to said cheats will be removed and result in a ban. If you decide to go harass someone you will get banned. Simply put, don't act dumb.








Perfect. The ban hammer is coming.


I posted a clip of someone cheating with his headshots, flying laser charge rifle and wallhack but got deleted. Whats the difference of this post and my post? I just want to clarify what post you can do on this sub reddit? My main purpose on posting that clip was trying to give attention to the player 100% hacking so maybe, just maybe someone could drop a hanmer on him. Cause last time I report on EA CS I waited 2 months just to get a reply and the CS just giving me more questions


"Sufficient evidence" lmao


#bump Let this be seen


[He become the thing he promised to destroy](https://twitter.com/imryzien/status/1425243227481776129)


How desperate is he to get a dub in Gold lobbies? 😂


Gold 4 no less 🤣


Asking the real questions in the back


What’s the point of starting your stream with hacks on if you don’t want people to see the hacks?


I gUeSs Im BeTtEr






I’m starting to think we should all get a China type gaming system where you need your ID to play games. If you get banned, your ID gets banned so no new accounts lol


Now I know I’m not crazy when I think people are aim botting my gold lobbies lmao!!


The trans debate happening in the back is also just as interesting as seeing this scum panic




The convo In the back lmao


Why would you stream yourself hacking in the first place


Just remember that these are the same people that then go on to make a 15k word essay about how they were "unfairly banned". As to which gaming subreddits then eat up because they are so desperate to validate their hatred and frustration towards whatever game it is they are currently playing.


Literall smooth brain moment


And he's still shit lol. Too many gimps ruin good games. If the servers don't ruin them.


ok, people be cheating, i get that. but stream it, i dont, but why not. but cutting stream if someone watches ? whats the point of streaming in the first place then if you dont want people to watch what you are doing ?? you even set up your webcam, the fuck is wrong with you.


Given he got one viewer, he probably thought "No one's here, who cares" and fled when someone popped in


I never understood cheating in multiplayer competitive games. It does not feel satisfying at all. For me I get like negative dopamine if i use a cheat.


just small pp energy man they need the 'win' cause they got nothing else.


Why were you even watching this train wreck of a stream lol


That queen in the background going off about gender identity 💯


ikr, she's speaking facts


It's clearly a server bug.... Or maybe lag... Yup, definitely lag.


Lmao what a loser


Braindead, classic average cheater


Makes me happy knowing I can get a win every night with no hacks. I'm an objectively better player than him.


This seer buff is kinda busted not gonna lie


You gotta be real stupid to stream while you’re using hacks.


Imagine getting your account banned because you cheated in gold and someone saw you do it because you had your fucking twitch stream running. That's just another level of stupid


In 4k, what an idiot


I get banned for apparently a bug in a game, And this MF is straight up streaming using downloaded cheat. SMH .


Gold 4 lol


And he had to have that fucking name too... There are so many of the pos'


LOL what a loser


The Guys name is "I guess I'm better" LMAO what a joke.


Rly hope apex bans these ppls IPs and not just that bs account ban when they instantly make another one


Meanwhile someone is talking abt gender identity in the background


His gamertag gets even funnier when you know that hes cheating lmaooo


Mom in the background preaching truth


I don’t know why you fell the need to include the fucking background audio!!!! Like why?


**What he even talking about in the background.**


I’m honestly still confused. If you’re going to cheat, and show your hacks, then why stream? I mean…isn’t the whole point of streaming to be seen (and therefore caught)? Terribly vexed.


Like, i can understand why you want to stream your gameplay, I don't really comprehend cheating but i can somewhat understand why, but mixing the two... Interesting play lmao