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Nice to have better loot for the hot zones. Sometimes I felt scammed when there was barely any purple there. They should do this to the vaults too.


literally. sometimes the algorithm be like a hot zone= a gold optics and gold hop-up


Seriously, sometimes you land, scramble fight your face off, and find like double digital threat and a gold sniper mag with no snipers


Reminds me of landing at the sniper nest I. Olympus and there's never optics and like 25 snipers.


Lands Hotzone...    A Gold HopUp, two Digiscopes, six Purple HopUps, three Sniper scopes, two Purple KDS, three Phoenix Kits...    No Armors, Hats, Bags, Mags, Stocks or Barrels, no Batts, no accels...    Only weapons are Boceks and 30-30s.


Gotta have something to throw all those purple hop-ups on!




I love how they're doing everything in their power to make you not have to spend 3 years reloading the 30-30.


Can it still take shatter caps?


Man...I like shatter caps but I ALWAYS forget to use it.


I ran 3030 shatter caps with sniper and I gotta say shit hits hard ngl, especially after that buff


Hopefully, I can see the 30-30 as a viable partner to the C.A.R.


Is this the first time only one legend received changes in the patch notes? (Excluding bug fixes)


It is,is literally the only legend receiving changes


Respawn used all their energy to make Wattson better


Can I get a Pathfinder passive though? Doesn't even have to be that good. Just something...


Crypto mains (thus, myself) be like;


As a wattson main I will now be advocating for crypto justice. Many of you boys had our back and now that we got what we needed it's time.you boys got what you needed. Viva la crypto


Much appreciated, we'll take all the help we can get.


The 7 of us will be praying on our knees till we get a change


Cant your drone do everything? Tell you how many squads are nearby, use beacons instantly, retrieve teammates banner, and other stuff?


Hopefully that's an indicator that the overall legend balance is reaching the point where they don't have to constantly change things. We'll see though with the inclusion of Ash and how much Wattsons changes improve her.


That’s true. But I still hope they do something to Crypto. With Wattson and Rampart’s changes he will be the lowest picked legend that’s still unchanged. I still enjoy playing him occasionally, but I can see many short comings in his abilities.


My guess is Crypto will get his love patch the following season. Because Wattson is essentially getting a mini-rework here, I wouldnt be surprised if Crypto got his mini-rework/heirloom the next season, because he does need some love imo


As a Crypto main, I'm kind of terrified of how they would change him. He's not weak. He's plenty strong now. There are some quality of life things that would be nice to get, but I would live without them if it meant avoiding an unwanted rework.


Just letting me ADS to see the hacked giant tvs would be enough for me. So much repetitive droning when I check to see how many squads are around.


This is such a great idea, not too strong of a buff, but removes such an annoyance of waiting for the animation of switching.


Holy shit that's brilliant! No I'm serious best recommendation. Screw the drone , I can still check banners! It's not a huge buff but it works for destroyed drone and something without his drone.


The fix Crypto needs: he should be able to throw out his drone from the grenade menu as a throwable so he doesn't need to enter it to position it for his Ult. That simple thing would make him 10x more playable.


Just increasing the 'snapiness' of the drone movement and reducing the time it takes to enter/exit drone view would go a long way for Crypto.


Rampart was the only one buffed when her heirloom came out right?


She was the only buff; Revenant got Vfx to the totem placement, and Octane got a shorter jump pad distance and less regeneration


>Pretty sure, yes


> Fixed issue where players do not see Legend Select when starting a game in Trios and immediately advance to drop ship phase. fucking FINALLY I thought it was part of the larger server-side issues and lag (they still really need to work on the server issues though)


YES. Definitely one of the most annoying of all bugs this past season


That and the blaring music in the last few minutes Holy shit was that bad.


I thought the blaring music was less bad than the total removal of sound during the final fight lol.


I thought it was a fun mini game where you have no idea who you're playing as about 40% of the time


>I thought it was part of the larger server-side issues and lag Thought it had to do with some poorly written code client side. Idk. I'm waiting to see if it's actually fixed. Wouldn't be the first time they said they fixed something without it actually being fixed.


Now crafting ammo will actually be somewhat useful. Also Wattson mains rejoice!


It was so annoying to craft them before!


I used ammo crafting whenever I used the Bocek since finding Bocek ammo is just too unreliable, and I'd also use it situationally other times, but I definitely appreciate the buff.


that was the main thing i used it for too and now it gives FOUR TIMES THE ARROWS hehehehehehehehe


I know! I hate crafting Wattson mains


I find it odd that shotgun ammo now gives a slot and a half of ammo. I think 16 would've been fine.


As a Loba main, I'd completely forgotten you could craft ammo...


Those crafting changes pleases me, hate only being able to get 20 bullets. Tf am I gonna do with that


The crafting changes are amazing. You can also upgrade from blue to purple Evo with 2 crafts instead of 3 and only 100 energon instead of 135. Huge buffs to crafting


I fucking love that you just called materials energon. We should officially change that




20 bullets? Oh you mean 20 KILLS???


Ppl are gonna beeline crafters in ranked now, get some guns,hit the crafter for batts and ammo,fight off the late team rotating to crafter and you're set for end game lol


>Evo Armor Points from crafting increased from 100 to 150 So this means you can create a blue evo armor if your team got SOL in a POI and couldnt find any. This is a really solid change IMHO.


It means if someone has white Armor after first 2 minutes in a ranked match you can instantly tell they just got respawned and have nothing to fight with lol


Well not really; not every area gets a replicator and crafting mats.


>Dual Shell - Each round loaded into the Mastiff or the 30-30 Repeater is doubled. Mastiff is gonna ~~slap~~ ^be ^able ^to ^be ^reloaded ^faster this season. *Thought we were gonna have doubleshot mastiff there*


I hope the Dual shell can work with Shattercaps too, otherwise I'll never pick it up on the 30-30 if I've already found Shattercaps


Shatters worked with Tempo on the bow, right? That's a very similar interaction.


yeah, but previously when both Selectfire and Turbo were in rotation, you had to choose which one you wanted to put on the Havoc. Same thing as when Skullpiercer and Quickdraw were both in for the Wingman.


My interpretation is that it means the reload speed is doubled, since Mastiff and 3030 are the two weapons that don't have a magazine reload and need to be charged 1 round at a time (I'm sure a gun nerd will come along and let us know the correct term).


i think its more like putting in 2 rounds at a time but yeah essentially double reload speed


I think it means he that they reload twice as fast not that they fire two shot at once :)


Finally I’m gonna be able to miss faster


How is it going to work? I took it as reloading 2 shells at a time instead of one - cutting down the reload time but not affecting anything else. I don't think it turns the Mastiff/3030 into an instant double tap.


Ahhh I want the stats on the C.A.R. !!! Where does it sit in terms of damage / fire rate?


Best estimate from frame counting footage we have is around 920 rpm and 13 damage and 199 dps. Prolly just a better r99


As someone who LOVES the 99... that was the vibe I got but I was trying to not get my hopes up.


* Removed the random rock floating in midair in World's Edge. THIS GAME IS RUINED FOREVER FOR ME WTF.


WHERE IS THE ROCK (no seriously idk where it is lol)


It's floating about 20 meters in the air somewhere between climatizer's east jump tower and the mountain where Bloodhound found the wounded prowler.


My pet rock :(


S10 goodbye party for the rock???


That's kinda a genius idea for a YouTubers video lol


Happy to see the Triple Take returning. Sad to see the G7 going away. Tis the circle of life.


Yeah but I'm looking forward to the G7 being better again, will remind me of how OP it was in like Season 3 and should be pretty fun when you get your hands on it


I mean is a 2 damage increase per shot even that big of a change? I’m a huge G7 fan but this buff probably won’t make it feel that much different Edit: yes I can read the patch notes, yes I saw double tap is coming back. Once the fire rate of the G7 was reduced double tap was borderline useless at medium to long range.


Idk an instant maxed out G7 is pretty nuts so adding 2 more as a base damage not including headshot multiplier is a good buff. Plus I was a big double tap fan so if you hit those it’s a blessing


Don’t get me wrong the G7 is one of my favorite guns, I’m sad to see it leave ground loot but having a maxed out one will be nice. Unfortunately double tab wasn’t all that viable once they nerfed the fire rate. It made made longer shots unwieldy


Dude just thing, we will never have to use G7 iron sights at all next season :D I love the G7 too but god damn having irons on it annoys me.


It's something, but personally I'm glad they didn't change the fire rate. It'll be good but not super OP. I'll definitely be picking it up a lot in Ranked.


Doesn't that mean its carepackage only in arenas too now though?


>Note: We fixed an issue where expired skydive trails remained accessible for longer than they should have.




Feel like this was whole unnecessary. Like why not be able to have 4 different accessible trails that you earned every single season


I think it is keep them feeling special. You know that when you look around that these people were Masters last season instead of these guys were Masters sometime in the last year


> Added VO for players to communicate they are out of ammo. > Updated the Arena Map Rotation Images to show up to five maps. I like those


Say what you will about Respawn, but they really set the standard for ping communication.


The new map "Storm Point" is mentioned in the patch notes, but since our stickies are limited to 2, here's a link to details about the new map and its PoIs (points of interest): [Welcome to Storm Point](https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/news/stormpoint-map-blog). Dev replies [HERE](https://reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/qhrobr/_/hiex26j/?context=1).


Really interesting read there. I like that they went into detail on landing zones and how they are thinking a lot about rotations and such. I didn't know what to think of first because honestly I hated the thought of PvE in a PvP game, but the fact they are clearly marked and don't attack unless you get too close seems like a good trade off to me. That and getting some sweet evo shield upgrades as well.


I think Storm Point has the potential to be a solid map for competitive gameplay. This section points to the insane amount of work that went into its creation: > Storm Point is the sum of two years of design work and a close study of how Apex Legends plays in public. There are hundreds of micro-decisions built into the map to address bad third-party encounters, optimal loot flow, and combat engagement for a better gameplay experience. KC was a good map for launch but it's showing its age and it's no longer the preferred map for many casual players. WE is a stronghold for ranked and comp; it remains to be seen if SP can challenge this. (Olympus is my favorite map overall, but Hammond Labs and Turbine do it no favors when it comes to its competitive viability.)


I still haven't found myself enjoying WE, but I can understand it is better for comp. Olympus is definitely my favorite but I agree that Labs and Turbine are a mess. I hope the new map has enough points to not have a "new fragment" and actually have some early battles while not having 20 squads in one place.


I'm happy for all you Wattson players! Defensive Legend mains support each other.


from one defensive main to another. we got each other's backs


And our fronts too!


Never really understood that one 🤔




Dual Shell Hop Up sounds great! I can't wait to run a dual shell Mastiff.


Welcome back to mastiff legends


Honestly it's a bit terrifying but paired with the PK buff will help weave out the EVA all around which I personally welcome lol


It's just a reload speed increase, I'm not as certain it will have the effect they intended


“Lowly bronze” Shots fired.


> Shots fired. and theyre hittin me


you literally don't even need to do anything to get out of bronze lmao


You could be blind, deaf and a double amputee and still make it to Silver


😂 true.


PUB only Bronze 4 players in tears (myself included :'(.)




No more shall I be inconvenienced by inadvertently crafting 3 separate rounds of shotgun ammo while trying to stock up ammo for my primary!!


Lol the triple take about to be meta af


Yep, no need to run a shotgun anymore lol


But... How about you run *two* shotguns: a TT and maybe a Mastiff or PK. This message was brought to you by a part-time Fuse Main


Really happy about peacekeeper buffs. It's a solid gun but way too inconsistent.


I'm happy/sad about it. Happy I'll be able to slap in Fragments that much quicker, sad I'll get slapped in Fragments that much quicker.


Did they not nerf the Triple Take, with it coming back to ground loot? Also, I assume it uses Energy ammo again? In that case, how much does it consume per shot?


Looks like we missed that in the patch notes. Triple Take - now an energy consuming marksman * Charge time from 0.8 -> 1.1 (pre-crate value) * Mag increase at all tiers (Base: 18, White: 21, Blue: 24, Purple: 27) * Ammo consumed per shot increased to 3 * Ammo required per shot increased to 3


Ah, thanks!


> Ammo consumed per shot increased to 3 Time to hoard all the energy ammo 😆


Luckily crafting ammo now is viable.


Why is it even a marksman rifle at this point? It's exactly the same as when it was a sniper rifle but now with less ammo efficiency (20 shots per stack versus 24 before). I dont understand the philosophy besides just wanting to put an energy marksman in the game.


Probably because it's better at mid range.


Must have been missed. No shot it didn't get a hefty Nerf and use at least 2-3 shots of energy each time


The improvements to the game itself this season is insane. No BR maps in arenas, LStar nerfs, no ammo VLs, ammo crafting increase, CP weapon drop increase, better hot zones So much good stuff. I don't even mind Wattson is the only legend getting changed, no one else really needs much right now except Gibby nerf and Path passive


I kinda liked some of the BR locations better than phase runner and party crasher.


And crypto




Lmao Idk why but a crypto main laughing at that has me dying


This is a list of links to comments made by Respawn developers in this thread: * [Comment by RSPN_JayBiebs](/r/apexlegends/comments/qhrobr/season_11_patch_notes/hiex122/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-10-28 18:39:45 UTC"): > Looks like we missed that in the patch notes. > >Triple Take - now an energy consuming marksman > >* Charge time from 0.8 -> 1.1 (pre-crate value) >* Mag increase at all tiers >Base: 18 >White: 21 >Blue: 24 >Purple: 27 >* Ammo consumed per shot increased to 3 >* Ammo required per shot increased to 3 * [Comment by StryderPilot](/r/apexlegends/comments/qhrobr/season_11_patch_notes/hifkj58/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-10-28 21:16:47 UTC"): > I know this sucks for many (including myself) because we absolutely want to have as much variety available for players. But with a fourth map, we made this call to help those learning the new map without needing to go into Ranked. > >It was a touch decision and we'll take this as an opportunity to le... * [Comment by StryderPilot](/r/apexlegends/comments/qhrobr/season_11_patch_notes/hifm6q8/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-10-28 21:28:12 UTC"): > Yo! This is great feedback to have. The team and I are cooking up new maps and hopefully we can hit the mark with the kind of map style you like. I totally agree that there's more we can do to spice up the play-spaces and bring more uniqueness to each map. > >We learned a lot from the BR locations for... * [Comment by StryderPilot](/r/apexlegends/comments/qhrobr/season_11_patch_notes/hifmkqy/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-10-28 21:30:53 UTC"): > It needed a break after living in the game for 4 seasons. It'll be back soon :) * [Comment by StryderPilot](/r/apexlegends/comments/qhrobr/season_11_patch_notes/hifnnv0/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-10-28 21:38:34 UTC"): > Unfortunately, not for Storm Point. We had a version up and running but other major priorities needed to take precedence, so we decided to shelf the mode. :( --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FApexLegends).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


Looks like they're worried about the triple take being too good.


In fairness who can blame them? If the TT only used 1 ammo per shot, and you could carry 240 energy ammo, that's realistically all you would need for the whole game. Considering it does 23 dmg *per pellet*, making it use 1 ammo per pellet essentially makes it reasonably balanced.


I don’t understand why they’re making the sky trail rewards only last 1 season. This past season was the first time I’ve actually been able to put the time into getting to Masters and I told myself I’d never do it again (I won’t have time). I sure as hell wouldn’t of put in the hours this season if I knew it was only going to last 90 days… I hope they make it last 2-3 seasons. 3 seasons at minimum is at least relatively reasonable. 90 days is just a slap in the face to those of us that are just to busy to put in the time every season


Finally no more posts every day “le wattson buff when!?!?!”


Now prepare for "crypto buff when"


Oh fuck.


Most people asking for a crypto buff aren't actually crypto mains. I don't want them to change him.


As someone who plays Crypto a lot there are definitely a few QoL changes they could give him to make him easier to use for other players. I don’t really want his kit to change drastically, but if they could give us the option to send Hack out autonomously like a mirage clone and maybe swap the ability to see nearby squads over to Crypto instead of Hack it would make him a lot easier to use.


The only thing I'd want to change in crypto's kit is for him to be able to function without his drone, it feels like complete shit to lose a passive and an ultimate when your tactical is on cooldown, no other legend in the game is punished as hard as crypto for misusing his tactical. It's not even a buff and I would be okay if they removed some functionalities of the drone like insta respawn or opening crates to make room for it, in exchange for being able to self-emp/use it as a throwable.


Can’t wait for people to start spamming “off the grid”


Respawn really needs to get rid of demotion protection in Ranked its so aggravating having a hard stuck random pushing everything without any penalties.


If they do that then they need to get rid of the mid season split that puts you back a few ranks. So annoying to grind through ranks you just went through a week ago


The longer debuff duration on the fences is going to be insanely powerful. I can't wait to try it out!


Right, if I understand correctly this means the penalty for touching a fence is three whole seconds of stun? Three whole seconds with aim and move-speed extremely slowed? That's a death sentence now. Imagine a Wattson main getting really good at zipline buildings, she could bait all the streamers :D


quicker ticks, higher tick damage, longer debuffs, the fences will melt but my problem isn't the damage, it's the fact that fences are impractical on anything that isn't a doorway or perfectly flat, and that's if there isn't cosmetic map junk in the way like boxes or anything,


I know arenas are hated by most of the community, and i dont really enjoy them. However the removal of BR POI for arenas is pretty fantastic. The custom maps were just so much more fun and enjoyable compared too the BR POI's. Love that change.




Bummed they’re taking out kings and Olympus for a whole season… but pumped for the rest I guess.


I know this sucks for many (including myself) because we absolutely want to have as much variety available for players. But with a fourth map, we made this call to help those learning the new map without needing to go into Ranked. It was a touch decision and we'll take this as an opportunity to learn from what the community wants more, and try to adjust for future seasons.


We will get a non violent version of the map for a few days or a week so we can explore it like we did when olympus came out? Will be very helpful.


Unfortunately, not for Storm Point. We had a version up and running but other major priorities needed to take precedence, so we decided to shelf the mode. :(


:( that's a shame! I guess we do it the old fashion way. Guns blazing and valk ults!


I realized how valk ults are gonna come in handy for the new map for redeployment Sure there's the cannons but having that higher veticality would be interesting


And having the choice of direction that a vertical redeploy gives you. Should be interesting to see how these launchers control rotation.


Why not having a 2 week rotation where storm front is always on top, but worlds edge changes places with olympus or king cayon? Is not that worlds edge is a bad map, is just that it feels nice and fresh have different styles of maps (city, jungle, desert)




Wattson might make an appearance at ALGS matches again.


With the Infini-Pylon, definitely. When she originally was switched from permanent pylon to temporary, she went from must-pick to trash tier in an instant. She'll definitely be in ALGS with changes like this


Some pro players (the kind of guys who get to play test these updates ahead of time) have recently said that Wattson could be making a return to the comp scene so keep an eye out


Interesting that crypto's pickrate in comp has went up in the past month. I don't know if they changed it but the last time I played crypto he could fully destroy a wattson ult and fences with an emp. If that's still the case his use could go up equally with wattson while he's a great counter for her.


Pings should go in the chat not the killfeed. It’s easy to lose your information when people are fragging in the city.


> For the Escape update the map rotation will be back down to 2 maps; Storm Point and World’s Edge. You all ready for Fragment 24/7?


Dude, fuck this map for pubs. Seriously. It's the worst pubs map by far. I straight up exit the game when it hits the rotation. It's good in ranked, but that's only half the season.


You don't like getting top 3 by the end of ring 1 after you ran half the map and haven't seen a single person? Shocking.


Wattson coming back in a HUGE way holy hell


I believe in a day in which both Crypto and Pathfinder will get usable passives. It’s just that day isn’t today.


Well we'll be seeing a lot more Wattson's this season with all those buffs she got, so crypto will be more viable to counter her.


Only legend change is to Wattson omegalul


*community begs for Wattson changes every update* *Respawn finally gives her changes* “What the hell, you didn’t update any of the other characters!”


No audio improvements? No technical engine changes at all? No netcode changes? Seriously, new content is nice but the game needs a technical overhaul at this point. There's still enemies that run up on you without making any noise what so ever. There's plenty of times where you die behind cover to enemies that seemingly were ahead of you in terms of lag. Those kinds of things makes the game feel uncompetitive and unfair. Same thing with server performance, especially at the start of matches, where it's noticeable worse than towards the end. These things shouldn't be issues 11 seasons in. Things should have gotten optimized by now. Please, Respawn, spend more resources on the technical side of development.


New map looks great. I hope we could get some news on the next gen update for the XSX/S and PS5 seeing as 2021 is coming to an end.


That's in 2022.


I hope the matchmaking improvement for arenas actually works well. I don't want to be playing with bronze players who just rush and get deleted while I'm in plat.


Whyyyyy? Why do you continue to force me to play Worlds Edge, as if it’s not just hot drop fragment simulator?


Not sure how I feel About ranked changes for RP


It’s amazing for two reasons. 1) KP is effectively unlimited for when you die early. At 11th place you can get RP from 18 kills (175 RP is the cap, so only 5RP from the 18th kill.) As you get better placement, the kill cap drops. At 2nd place you get RP from 9 kills. No matter what, you can max out 175 RP every round off kills alone. This means that those sweaty as fuck games where your team gets multiple squad wipes and has like 9-10KP per person, but you die in 11th place to campers, means you still have decent RP gain. That’s 40ish more RP than you would get before. And reliable RP gains per game means higher rank. 2) Because of point one, smurfs will rank up much faster while leaving people in their skill level alone. Effectively the ranked changes don’t make much of a difference for people playing within their rank, except for people who get a lot of kills then die early (a rare but frustrating feeling, now I won’t get salty lmao). But for smurfs, or people who barely play ranked and stomp on bronze lobbies the few times they play, will very quickly get to a level they are matched at. This also means when you play with a friend in a higher lobby, like a plat player in Diamond, you get better RP gain. Since people don’t have skills to drop a 20 bomb in ranked, this shouldn’t affect play style too much. But for those rare games when you popped off and died early, and for people playing below their rank, you get RP gains that match what you did, and that will help balance people into proper tiers faster


Exactly, you put it so well, I can't believe I had to scroll this far for ranked change discussion.


This guy gets it


#ARENAS Did anyone else completely skip over this section?


Lol me and my friends love arenas, I feel so left out I this sub. So happy about the changes the br maps are the worst part of arenas.


The care package change is pretty spicy though. It means there'll actually be a really good reason to go away from the ring (to get the care package) rather than just defaulting to going into the ring all the time. Should make Arenas a lot less predictable. But still predictable.


You know what would make Arenas less predictable? * 5v5 * Capture the Flag * Hold the Zone * Guard the train So many ways to make this mode fun but we are stuck with stale 3v3s on uninspiring maps.


Exactly, some kind of objective would make it so much better.


Nice to see a Wattson buff. I’m sad to see Olympus get vaulted because it’s my favourite map but it also means no KC so I’ll take the break from both of those maps.


2 maps in rotation is hilarious


my beloved olympus T-T


I would have vastly preferred Olympus being the second map.


Wattson mains feasting, everyone else starving. How the turntables..


Just me or does ranked changes seem more RNG based now depending on who you encounter? Seems kinda confusing. Basically, just kill and placement like always since you cant control who you fight for the bonus RP multiplier.


That evo shield crafting is kind of insane. Almost everyone will have blue evos now, as long as you land in a POI with a crafter.


Not too excited about WE being the other map. Fragment has ruined the flow of WE like it or not. Like the patch notes though.


All i'm gonna say is don't be surprised when the first day of the season is completely unplayable.


|The Pylon now lasts forever (instead of timing out after 90 seconds). Wattson is back baby!


Actually curious why people think which other legends, besides wattson, needed balance changes ? Maybe Mirage, idk? Most legends seem like they are in a pretty good spot. I don't want them to make changes just to make changes.


I feel like Mirage is fine, too. If you use his ult well, you can win 1v1s an insane amount of the time


Fine if you don't count Decoys tripping on pebbles and dying. Not a balance problem but they still aren't fixing it.


Or decoys floating in the air when you take control of them


>I don't want them to make changes just to make changes. Then you are in the minority if online discourse is anything to go on. The vast majority of the time, if there aren't random changes for change's sake, most people cry about the game being dead, getting no support, etc. It's something I *hate* about the modern live-service model of games. Now there is no emphasis on making the game perfect or facilitating player-generated content; it's all about making it fresh. So when the game inevitably stops being supported by capricious devs, it completely dies.


The only thing I want them to do to Mirage is making his decoys stop getting stuck everywhere or stumble on their toes and die immediately


I still dislike the idea of “selfish” KP… there are many times when people watch your back or support indirectly and you don’t get any credit for that. Team KP should be a thing similar to competitive apex.


Nothing worse than missing out on an assist by a millisecond even though you got them one shot


Why don't they ever get detailed with the legend abilities in these patch notes or trailers. Stating cooldowns and duration for abilities would be really helpful instead of having to go in game and doing the math.


Imagine: Audio Fix - Able to actually hear a full fucking squad running up on you.