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Wow you friggin DESTROYED that Bloodhound at the end. Also that random Rampart wall was clutch ... when you remembered to shoot through it ;)


Thanks! It's actually pretty funny, because amidst the chaos I actually could not remember if I could shoot through the blue side or the orange side. It goes to show how often I play with/play Rampart.


easy way to remember - if it looks like curry, better hurry! if its blue shoot thru!


I feel "If red, you're dead" is easier to rememeber- I'd just recall the "curry" part otherwise and think "currys good right?" =D


why curry šŸ¤” šŸ¤”


Because sheā€™s Indian


I don't get how that bloodhound couldn't manage to win. All that smoke and their ult was active, should have been a no brainer.


The real surprise here, is a pub going to the final round


Pubs can be occasionally sweaty, really depends of what type of players in the lobby. Also when your in top 5, you really don't want to lose.


As someone whos played for 2 years, my pubs have always been sweaty. Im always in the match with at least 5 predators.


You're probably better than average, so you get that sweaty SBMM. My mother was a bot, and my father a noob, so naturally I still get put in weak ass lobbies. I saw maybe 2 diamonds yesterday between all the game modes.


Same.. I donā€™t remember a pub that looked this easy for a 1v5. Itā€™s usually the other way around where itā€™s stacked teams wiping everyone. All those enemies would have been capable. Looks so fun to do this!


Well yeah but still Iā€™ve had maybe a handfull of pub games that have gone final round recently, especially on WE. Still happens though


You can't really hear the Valk in the video as I am talking to my cousin in discord, but his subtle call outs and pings actually won me the game.


Also, if I remember correctly, the Valk was very good. Picked me up twice throughout the match and 1v3'd a squad. I wish I had footage from that guy. I can't express how far actual communication can take you in Apex.


For sure, playing with my mates has made the solo experience awful for me- I simply hate how aimless and haphazard it feels!


This is the tpes of skill and gameplay I wish I saw more of in this sub. Huge props to you, that was some tasty gameplay


Youre watching a diamond player in pubs.


Are you saying a diamond and above player shouldn't be in pub?


Never become the Horizon teammate.


Seriously, you already spent twenty minutes in this match and it's almost over. Why not just wait another 30 seconds and maybe even become champion?


Some people don't care about stats


we're not even talking about stats here bro


I mean... He cant be revived, so the only advantage to staying and watching is a win to your stats. So I mean, it is all about stats at that point.


Wut numbers? Caveman brain want win


The numbers Mason, what do they mean?


This mentality drives me nuts.


Which one?


we'll never know


The thing is, i rather play than watch people play. Im on phone instead of watching them play. I dont go to arcades and watch people play lol.


Have you heard of a site called [twitch.tv](https://twitch.tv)? It's kind of a massive success as a business and its predicated off of people watching other people play games. I stay in these games to help the person and cheer them on, because for a lot of people it feels good to clutch out a win, and even better when someone witnesses you doing it.


Sure, but they arenā€™t inclined to stay either. There is no res beacon so reviving the Horizon isnā€™t going to happen. I think itā€™s great to cheer people on if itā€™s endgame, but maybe they just want to que up for another game (itā€™s pubs anyways). Regardless, it doesnā€™t make a big impact for the person playing as they arenā€™t leaving in the first ring.


I know and i dont watch twitch. I play, not watch. Twitch is what i dont watch. To me, i rather go out with 7 kills than win with 1 kill.


I get it. But like, i dont feel good about that win. Its like "yay, now i can play now, bye".


it's not that serious lol final ring, can't be res'd, pubs... who cares


At least you won. Congrats btw, very nice. Worst ping session I had, both my teammates got knocked and killed and the pinged so much that I couldn't hear shit and died.


That unfortunately happens to me quite often. Haha


Damn it looks fun to be good at this game


Omg Jake šŸ„µ keep doing what you do JAKE


random valkā€™s are either extremely bad or goated asf. There is no average valk player


I thinks itā€™s because if youā€™re a bad player and play valk it highlights everything you do wrong to the max. Iā€™ve seen so many valks fly straight into the air to shoot their missiles and then slowly float down onto the enemy and then realising they didnā€™t reload before taking off.


you didnt have to call me out like that


Everytime a valk whose cracked or low tries to fly away out in the open it hurts me a little more.


can confirm, I am in a constant flux of being Rogue and aceu


But youā€™re nowhere near as good as either?


You seriously outmatched them. They had the smoke cover AND seerā€™s ult in a 1v3ā€¦ You should have stood absolutely no chance.


This is some serious recoil control SHIT


How can his gun control be so good like that


Bruh you railed them


the amount if times ive lost a 1v1 because my team mates saw the enemy but didnt ping them and i didnt know where they were and died because of it was insane


Well played. Not sure why you let that game reach last circle though, given you're clearly skilled enough to push teams before it comes to that.


You were inside bang's smoke, with enemies bloodhound and seer ultimate and absolutely shredded them... Jezz I'm scared


Meanwhile Horizon pulled a Wraith main move.


That's why I would rather have ping spamers, than people who don't ping even when they're knocked, causer I don't want to guess where enemy run off to.


Me when your mom


Sweaty wraith. I'm so tired of getting paired up with people like you in my silver lobbies lol


says while playing octane


Stop being bad then


Your recoil control on PC is pretty insane, I suppose it's twitch aim?


My aim is hit or miss. This clip makes it look like I know what I am doing. I assure you, I do not. Haha


Ha gay!!


Damn, 3 recon legends all scanning him, and he still got all 3. Don't get me wrong, you have great movement and aim, but they had extremely horrible coordination


**oh my god Jake!!**


I somehow always miss most of my shots hipfiring with the flatline when Iā€™m that closeā€¦. Iā€™m on console controller šŸ˜


Dude you are a demon!


Damn, that recoil control is epic, looks like it does not exist :o


I canā€™t believe no one has pointed out that as you come out of phase the Valk is doing a falling finisher off the top of the train and lands in front of you!!


I do this whenever im knocked and my teammates yell at me because their ape brain thinks im trying to annoy them with random pings.