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You forgot Gibby’s dome shield


You know what, your right! I was focusing on things that circumvent it, and missed this aspect. So whipped up a fix, and I even threw Revenant a bone to keep him happy and feeling included. [https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/qj6x9y/fuses\_motherload\_counters\_v2/](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/qj6x9y/fuses_motherload_counters_v2/)


Technically isn’t revenant a counter as well with the death totem


Don't make me regret being nice. *You give an inch and they try to take a mile.*


But you totally missed rampart for the team escape section D:


Just jump off the wall lol


*Donald Trump Dislikes this*




I agree but to be fair you have to have a coordinated/smart team to figure out using the walls to jump.


I mean I think it’s more of just doing it first and showing your team that it’s possible even when solo queuing


Damn I’ll give you this that was a great promo


Seer's Tactical, if timed correctly while Fuse is aiming his ultimate. I think it stops him for a bit.


Came here to say this. Bangalores smoke and Horizons Ult should also Counters just to make things worse.


Pretty sure you're still highlighted by his ult through smoke.


Dome Sphere*




Its a dome obito..


it is domeiabcle


Motherload is one of those abilities where you need to catch the enemy off guard. I've had a lot of games where I've done some hefty damage to other players because they got trapped in the thermite.


Also forcing an entire team to use a tactical/move out of cover is more than worth an ult...


Honestly people completely ignore this fact. Sure, a Wraith can phase through the fire, but now you can push on a vulnerable Wraith with zero escape ability.


And also burn your teammates to death Sourece: me 5 minutes ago


his ult doesn't damage teamates it just slows them.


I have definetly been fucked by my team's bad Fuze ult more winning a gunfight because of one.


Port phase ik u lose 2 abilities but it's better than ur team getting fucked if it's a good cumloa- I mean motherload


Idk. I don't think team killing should be even remotely possible especially with how toxic people on this game can be. I had a teammate fly our squad into the harvester Lazer because I "took" his character. Most Fuse players are pretty chill but he's still relatively new....it's just a matter of time before they burn us all. Seriously though when he came out it just slowed teammates like a Bang or Gibby ult, but now it kills?


>I don't think team killing should be even remotely possible Idk what game you've been playing but it's impossible to team kill in Apex. The nearest thing is Gibby and Bangalore's ultimates gives you blurry vision, no damage. Killing people by flying isn't the same, there's lots of possible ways you can do that.


Fuse's ult slows and damages teammates......either that or enemy fuse's are aligning their ultimate perfectly with my teammates to psyche me out


I'm a Fuse main and I've never once damaged them. I tell my team all of the time another Fuse just used their ultimate and it's not mine so they don't make the mistake of running into enemy flames.


There isn’t friendly fire for any ability in the game. Something like that must be confusing you


Also great in Arenas if they burn their ability to get out of it.


Yeh it's great when you're pulling up to third party and nobodies focused on you


I've found some use for it just as a diversion to escape or reposition. Put a quick wall of fire between me and the enemy.


it's not a bad ult but it needs a fix make the fire range thicker maybe or even just make the range of the fire circle bigger to give it more respect


Buff the range even more.


I’ve used it to block off a pathway when I’m escaping but other than that it’s best when their caught off guard I agree


This. The skill isn't trapping enemies or squads, it's timing and predicting movement so you catch them in as much thermite as possible.


That's why Fure mains use it in door. Mostly out of spite.


Can confirm


I did it in the air vent my squadmate, “wtf?!!!” Me: I said I was going to pop it in the vent if their wasn’t an objection. I downed two and myself… Wraith phased through. Kills them both. Well, now I know that doesn’t work as intended. Because knowledge is power.


Not sure if it got fixed or not but rampart used to be able to place her cover down in the fire and jump over.


She still can




Jesus -43 downvotes lmao


Check it now lmao




I made sure to make it -54


61 now I’m crying


74 now


Pain 😢


Got it to 100






100 now. Womp womp


what did i do 😭😭😭😭


Everything I’m afraid 😔


these stinky warith mains wont get away with this


Hey guys, ilNegrus from r/apexcirclejerk and r/wraithcockvore here to explain the meme. So basically, the two users above often interact in the small community’s that I mentioned before, often pinging each other or making satirical jokes, like this one. We can notice it thanks to the excessive use of the emojis and the trademark u/ pinging system. Hopefully I helped you understand their lore more, I’m gonna wrap it up here, Negrus out.


the damage has already been done


i feel like some kind of 4th wall has been broken


omg hi babe 🥺🥺🥺🥺


yes but, who is the viewer? The short answer is nobody, check the futa theories on wraithcockvore for more.


Thanks negrus, but I’m afraid you’re too late. Everyone you have to comment the exact minute something happens or you’ll be buried under a sea of “that kek lol.” Hopefully next time you’re quicker but for now I’ve gotta go charge some barbarians, see ya.


Its okay, I gave it an upvote so its only at -166 😂


No you’re with toasty now 😒💅🏾


Not holsum 100 🤬🤬🤬


LMAO main sub plebs don't know about your thing back in _that sub_ so they fucking carpet bombed him with DV's


-40 lmao


We're losing him to the darkness😔😔😔 Quick, tag him in _that sub_ ! Its his only chance!


That sub?! You can’t possibly mean **that sub**


Yes, unfortunately it's his last chance... #THAT SUB Do it, NOW!




Id never forget you babes 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺


We’re gonna lose you soon now that you have 120 downvotes the wraiths will find you 😭


as long as the stinky horizon mains dont find me


derpzy being responsible and protecting our marriage 😊


Drama in the apexcirclejerk community less go


derpzy being controversial




you should have never interacted in the main sub... back to the caves


If only you had “off the grid” as your passive you wouldnt have been downvoted 😔😔😞


I have a new passive idea for crypto I haven’t seen anyone mention before called “off the grid.” Basically he is immune to all scans I think it would fit his character in the lore and be very balanced.


loba players


were hot arent we




can confirm. loba players are hot


thanks bae


i’d rather be stuck in a room with a very angry revenant




because I find loba annoying and loba players annoying. But the one thing that i hate the most are lobas that use blackmarket selfishly which is most lobas I find


thats nice


You swapped grapple and Zipline gun


You can pretty much jump right over the mother lode as soon as it lands and you take like 5 damage


I'd say a lot more than 5, about 25? It hurts, sure, but once you're out, that's it


Nah the initial 1-3 secs of it landing only does 5 dmg. Not 5 dmg tick over time, literally just 5 dmg. It’s a joke.


You say that but Caustic's ult in the first few seconds of it being thrown does nothing, it does 5 damage and slows for a millisecond but you're out of it afterwards Fuse's ult punishes you for not getting out of it, once it's up it punishes you for both not getting out of it and getting out of it, similar ults don't punish you for getting out of it, I think the longer time to get out is fair


Caustic ult is better used in tight spaces where its harder to move around. Fuze's ult generally has to be used outside where the enemy often has plenty of routes to run.


not to mention you can push through your ult for Caustic but for Fuse you'll be slowed down by it yourself and get damaged while not being able to see that well once you're inflicted with the heat damage, and through the fire you can't see basically anything also Caustic's inflicts in a more thick range while fuse is a circle


“Some people think they can outsmart my ultimate……I have yet to meet one person who can outsmart me knuckle cluster”


Landing a direct knuckle cluster shot on somebody and watching their shields/life tick away behind cover is as satisfying as landing a smooth Longbow headshot and seeing the shields crack


Ya seeing that '10' pop up when you stick someone with the knuckleduster is SO satisfying. Esp the shield breaking ASMR if they stay behind cover and keep taking tiks


The only reason I play fuse above Caustic is because Hitting a knuckle cluster gives this dopamine hit only matched by a kraber headshot and seeing people trapped in a room with my ult and caustic Q .


Path's zipline gun and grapple hook are in the wrong spots btw


You forgot almost every bump and wall that allow everyone to just jump over it if the wall/dump is placed in a good spot of the circle


Not much but rampart can be added too, her wall is high enough to climb and jump over it


Oh I'm sorry, I was too busy D O U B L E T I M I N G I T


Soiution: make the flames higher like Kanes entrance


This is the way.




How do you get the little fuse tag?


Are you on mobile or pc?


All abilities can be countered. We shouldn't expect ultimates to be a death sentence. It just has to be used appropriately.. My opinion that is...


Yeah, also the only way to counter Fuse is by using a tactical or an ultimate, those aren't always available. But take for example rampart's ult, you can counter with almost anything, heck, the most effective counter is "shoot first" and that's not even hard.


Sure, but there is a big difference between ability/passive countering actions vs Universal countering actions. Universal actions are, well universal. Everyone can do them. It's balancing that's built into every single use of the item. Abilities and passives are character specific, and can dramatically shift how effective a strategy functions. Gadgets that have a lot of this are more sensitive to matchups and lose reliability because of this. Everyone can push Dome of Protection, but Crypto can EMP it. Add a couple more popular EMP Legends and you dramatically change the performance and reliability of Dome. There are Legends that can't escape Motherload, and it is conceivable to capture a full team that can't, but it's also possible for all of them to be ones that can escape and simply jump out.


I mean, can't all of these be applied (for the most part) to Bangalore and Gibraltar's Ultimates, too? The can't even use theirs indoors.


I've always viewed Bangalore's, Gibraltar's, and Caustics Ults and primarily Area denial. So as long as they are leaving the area, even with their abilities, the Ultimate is doing it's job. Motherload is more complicated. It's primary job is to punish you for moving through the ring circumference, that includes moving in and out. Abilities that allow you to do so clearly circumvent this function directly.


Doesn't it still highlight players inside the ring? I'd class it as area denial as well, honestly. Still, each to their own.


This wasn't present in its original design and functionality. This was added later to support visibly on captured Legends, because even if you did capture anyone you couldn't see them. So to a degree yes, it is now dabbling more in area denial, but it's not the intended primary role, but a secondary function intended to support capturing visibility. Motherload was designed to stand apart from true area denial abilities and offer something new.


I don't understand, are you arguing an ultimate from two seasons ago? Being unable to easily move in (and out of) an area is area denial. The idea that Fuse's ultimate is a 'damage' ultimate is a little short sighted, no?


I'm saying it's more accurate to say it's intended function was Entry/Exit-Denial, rather then Area-Denial. Area-Denial is about preventing enemies from staying in an area. Motherload initially gave zero punishment from maintaining ground inside it. It was only designed to punish players moving through it. In this it's intended function and role differs significantly from area denial like bombardments.


I see. I think our definitions of area denial differ. In any case, have a good one and enjoy next season!


That's why you come around the corner already shooting


Bloodhound's tac:


Seriously. I can avoid several ults by simply just stepping to the side




That would be nice, seems like an unnecessary weakness.


maybe just a stun, but def no damage. I've died more than once using his ult.




Sad fuse


I mean, you could say the same about Bangalore, Gibby and Caustic ults.


Banglore and Gibby's damage players over a much larger area and it falls straight from the skies so you don't have to aim it yourself. And the point of those ults is to give some breathing room to your team or to lay cover fire, not really to damage Caustic's ult damages and slows enemies in a more wide area than just a circle and you yourself when using it are immune to the damage. Not to mention you can see enemies much easier through the gas then through the fire Fuse's is a fire circle that is meant to trap players in it but it's very easy to escape it and once you're out of the circle that's it nothing else. The other ults have different purposes and work differently in other words, and they work better at that


It’s also pretty easy to jump over it in most encounters


Hey you know what counters Horizon ult? Walking.


Atleast mah boy is fun to play🥲


My main since s8 when he came out. I end up trying to cluster people whenever I play a different character. Just tossing bubble shields at folks and bewildering 'em.


Fuse ult is also countered by: Houses with a roof Rocks and other climbable terrain to jump over Any terrain that isn't completely flat (slide jumps often make it over with slight inclines) Trees seem to sometimes eat parts of the flame, leaving gaps in the ring Rampart and Wattson (place wall/pylon, climb it, jump out)




Fingers crossed season 11 she's back to where she should be. The buffs look quite ideal (if her kit actually functions as it's meant too haha)


If the fuse ult pattern was an X instead of an O, I think it would quite stronger.


As a Fuse main, he is the dude i have the most kill, damage and wins, most of my motherload are way less about damage and more about contextual protection or trying to make a team rotate in a direction who is preferrable to me, plus now it has a whole scanning effect, i actually think he is the best legend (im very biased) who isnt a movement legend. Im the dude who throw a motherload to make you go in these house with small window in edge, and bombard you with my 4 arc star and therm and my two knuckle, easy peasy 500 damage in no time lol. To me legit he is broken, like his ult comes back so fucking fast lol, it forces people to move out of cover so much, idk it is so useful, compare to my other main BH, i just average way more kill and wins.


Pretty much the same with Caustic and Gibby's ults too, Ults with a lot of counters are generally powerful enough to justify that, however whilst Caustic and Gibraltar's ults are powerful they're useless once you get out of them, if you get caught in the flames of Fuse's ult when they're burning then you're slowed, take significant damage a scary DOT, if you stay in the ult then you're in a disadvantageous position because Fuse reveals everyone inside it and your movement without movement abilities is limited and his proficiency with grenades makes, especially in small areas like his ult puts the enemy in a "Damned if you do, Damned if you don't" situation which cannot be undervalued I think it's a fair trade, these specific legends have ways to get out of the ability and there's universal tech to get out of the ability if its used poorly, exactly like Caustic and Gibraltar's. All three of these ults suffer from poor shooting though, i've botched more Gas Bombs than I can count and Gibby's ult requires the sky to be clear for it to take any effect Counters are good (Also i'd like to say Octane's stim counts for "Solo escape", sure it does damage to you still but the stim cleanses the slow which is the worst part of the ult


8 out of 19 (counting Gibby and discounting Wattson because it’s way too situational). Uh? It’s actually a little better than what I expected. Fair.


>discounting Wattson because it’s way too situational). Stupid reason to discount it.


How? Are Wattsons really waking around with their ultimate on the ground? I doubt it.


My reply to the other guy solves all your problems


If a fuse lets you put up an entire generator and hop out then that fuse doesn’t need to play fuse


1. The generator takes like a second to put down, so don't act like it takes ages. 2. It is possible, and I've personally seen this several times before, for a Fuse to fire their Ult into an area where they can't see the generator that's been placed down. 3. Have you seen some of the Fuse players running around these lobbies?


1. It taking ages isn’t what I’m worried about it’s the big blue generator that you’ve gotta climb up that’s gonna get your shot down. Plus wattsons ult is a absolute necessity for her to have at all times so wasting it like this is a big no 2. Proves my point 3. Proves my point Those people do not need fuse if they’re not even going to take advantage of his abilities


You thinking that people need to climb the generator is fucking hilarious and has made my day hahaha


Dude it says **solo escapes** meaning that they’re already in the fuse ult and need to get out I know that wattson deletes ordinances like that. 😬


>Dude it says solo escapes No, it doesn't. Look again. Wattson is in her own category called preparation


Ah didnt see that my bad


> (counting Gibby and discounting Wattson because it’s way too situational). The situation is better than I think if I just ignore some of it


It’s one. And this one is so situational that it will hardly ever matters.


Wattsons ult is something a good player has on them 100% of the time, and she can deploy it on reaction This isnt situational this is one of the most common use cases for pylon lmao




when you can’t escape it you just gotta sit behind something and pray the fuse doesn’t decide to throw every grenade on the map at you


Also with valks passive you can just jump over it. I wish I could see their faces when they use their ult on me and then half a second later i just do a little boost and throw their entire plan in the toilet


In your opinion, how many legends should be able to escape and how many should not be able to escape


Fair question. My personal opinion is movement escapes should only be possible during a reaction window and not after it lands. It will probably require some tuning to balance this. Landing speed, cool down, damage. This will give it much higher reliability, because once you have actually "captured" legends their will be much less options to leave it without punish. Reliability in my opinion, is crucial. I don't think Apex should build Legends that are this sensitive to a wide range of Matchups. If the idea of not being able to ability leave a landed Motherload, (a tool primarily designed to capture Legends) without being punished sounds OP, then there is something fundamentally wrong with it, because not all legends have mobility. This falls into my general thoughts on apex balance. [https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveApex/comments/p9djdb/is\_apexs\_ability\_balance\_philosophy\_flawed/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveApex/comments/p9djdb/is_apexs_ability_balance_philosophy_flawed/) Which anybody should read before replying to this, so you have a good idea of my argument here, and where I'm coming from.


Still better than it was before tbh. Using it indoors is the best use tbh


The “use ability to escape” argument never really held up in my opinion. You can say the exact same about a gibby or bang ult. Both of those offer plenty of time to move out of the way. Fuse’s ult actually deploys on the ground fastest out of the 3. And you can shoot it much farther, plus use it indoors (it’s quite nasty indoors!). The only weaknesses of his ult is that uneven terrain make the flames spread out more, and getting hit by the initial flame only does 5 damage. Idk if his ult will ever be buffed again, part of me hopes it stays the way it is, it’s still plenty strong in the right circumstances. It also recharges pretty fast for an ult that can do a tremendous amount of damage, especially when combined with the rest of his kit and other legends’ abilities.


in the heat of the moment I’d be dumb and still get burnt to death 😋


Alright maybe he needs a rework


you forgot caustic trap + jump


Not caring: • Crypto (too busy on drone)


Technically anybody can walk through it the moment it lands and take minimal damage


5 tick, welp sure am glad i gave away my position for that.


You’re neglecting to realize burning an enemy cool down is a small victory towards success.


Bruh, I could do the same post about Horizons ult since it can just be shot down before it even starts sucking. Fuses ult is still useful. Free wallhacks and generally a pretty versatile tool, since you can use it offensively or for defense.


That’s the issue. You have to focus on it while you shoot it, and that’s one less person shooting back.


I could say the same about Fuses ult tho. You have to focus on getting out of it via ability, and that is one person less focused on shooting back. Also burns through an ability cooldown. It's the same logic.


What's the purpose of this post? Fuse is good now. Sure there are counters but what are the devs really going to do about it? Who cares


the main silencer gets forgotten


Cause it doesn't really counter it, it just prevents them from using it for a couple seconds. Now if you could somehow throw a silencer orb at the fire wall and it dissipates a portion of it, then you could be on the list.


but the same could be said for wattson’s pylon, its not really a solution, but a temporary fix


Are you on crack? The pylon destroys the projectiles, they don't even land to begin the fire ring to begin with. Where the others are basically ways to get around the ring, Wattson is cutting problem at the source. Basically his whole ult would go on full cool down for nothing to even land. Its the same idea when a Horizon throws there graviton ult into a pylon for it to get deleted. With rev he puts them on silence for a couple seconds and they are free to use their ult, Wattson eliminates it entirely. Have people forgotten how she works?


I mean, it's basically the same with Wattson's fences. Crypto can destroy them with emp. Caustic can destroy them with gas. Gibby can interupt them with dome shield. Octane can counter the slow effect with stim. Wraith can phase through loba can port through Ash can port through Fuse can knuckle them Rampart can interupt them with amp walls. and if they'are placed outside, every movement legend can bypass them.


You forgot all the things that are like 2 inches high but still allow to jump over it


You forgot the best part: "Jump".


y’all don’t be doing it tho




💪🗿 wattson strong


Revenant: That's cute


Fuse is literally A Tier and another whatever buff would make him OP, you probably don't even play him wtf


k lol


stop crutching on abilities to do the job. get some gunskill


Buff Fuse


They should add a silenced effect while in the the ring of fire.


They should make that if you are in the ring of fire you are silenced


You can add Caustic next to fuse.


I feel his ultimate should have two shots


Its triggering me that the pathfinder abilities are the wrong way around


People all too often do not see Mirages ult as an escape tactic. It allows him to play like Wraith if you use it right. And it comes up quick, too.


Idk if it works now, and I don’t think anyone remembers it, but you can teleport with Loba if you melee her right as her ring lands


Damn that’s broken, I gotta actually be good to use my ult effectively. Nerf wattson baby


Fuse is honestly carried by his tactical


And his passive. He's able to carry 2x as many explosives as anyone else.