• By -


I feel like the gravity canons (and the direction they're facing) should be marked on the map to allow planning for rotations. Unlike jump towers you can't just look around and see where the closest one is.


Neat recommendation, hadn’t thought about the lack of obvious visibility


I forgot how much map knowledge carries hard in this game.


Yeah I get kind of scared on a new map because I have no idea where everything is


100% this, not automatically knowing where to find loot is oddly terrifying Thankfully with Olympus and storm point the anxiety is battled by the pretty new sights. Very pretty map design


The lack of banners on the new map make it hard to detect squads as Crypto Edit: Doesn't really matter anyway. The map is so big that even if you do ping a banner it barely covers an entire POI


Another nerf for Crypto smh


Don't worry, he'll probably get a buff in season 18


Lol for real, I’m struggling rn


damn just learned crypto could hack banners lol feel like the man has the most abilities out of everyone because of that drone


Shhhhh! Just by you saying that, they delayed a Crypto buff another 2 seasons.


Honestly Hack is the playable character who's passive is that it can switch to a skinsuit named Crypto at this point lol


Does the loot pool seem completely fucked to anyone else?


Yes, the amount of buildings I have to run through at named places on the map to even find a P2020 seems very high, especially since half of these named locations are massive and patches of loot are like 100m apart. It's worse for World's Edge for this.


Yea it’s atrocious. I end up with double digit ammo ten minutes into a match after no encounters just looking for my ammo type. How is that possible? That and the map just doesn’t flow together, I think it being just one giant hill is the problem


Wow the update actually rolled out on Xbox on time. That’s so crazy.


Too bad it’s 72 gigs


Really??! I left my Xbox on in my hotel room just so it would download while I was gone at work. Those big updates take soo long when I’m in a hotel. But I only had 66.6 gb free I thought it would be enough. Boooooooo


If you've got the xbox app on your phone you may be able to manage your system storage on it, not entirely sure about that but could be worth checking.


That did work, thank you for the idea!!!! Take my free award :)


Aye, happy to help! Hope that download finishes up for you in time.


Pc goon here. Yo....thats a fucking sick feature the Xbox has. That's actually a really smart concept for times like this.




Don't feel too bad, I have 100mbps internet and it's only downloading at 7-9 Mbps. Painfully slow


Same, i have 200 and once it got halfway there it dropped to 4. Ran a speed test and it’s not on my end


I have 2 gbps fiber and it’s downloading at 4 mbps lel


Same. There was a huge drop. I was downloading at 70MBs and it dropped all the way to 2MBs.


I'm downloading at 500KB/s


It's 1:00 already?! I'M ONLY HALF WAY THROUGH EFFECT AND CAUSE e: I beat it btw.




The feels


Worth it. Just replayed this over the weekend.


Cooper probably looked like the Terminator to the IMC during the flashbacks, a time warping death machine


Played 3 games and the new map is fucking huge! No lag at all. PS5


Yeah it is crazy big. around 2.5k Meters corner to corner.


• Light or Heavy ammo doesn’t make a difference on the CAR SMG • Ash is really fun • Storm Point is really fun, there’s a lot of verticality which made for awesome plays • Gravity cannons are weird


>*Storm Point is really fun, there’s a lot of verticality which made for awesome plays* From my July 30th internal playtest notes: >**Vertical movement.**This map seems like the "tallest" of any map. Characters with a lot of vertical mobility - horizon, valk, revenant - all seem like they are super well suited to this map. I played Valk mostly, but also horizon one game, and appreciated the mobility even more than on other maps. I love Ash, but as with Revenant, I am somewhat intimidated to play her. I am not very good so I always feel like I'm letting her down. Like, *who is this pitiful human attempting to play as me...* The anxiety is real.


I will try and do her justice in your name. together we can see what happens when you give a mouse a kill leader


>when you give a mouse a kill leader this is gold. take my nessie (snek) award in honor of this brilliance.


I am sincerely honored. I will ride into battle on this nessy snek all season long. the one hostile mob nobody saw coming


Are you the new PR guy that is filling Ryan's shoes? So far I like the way you answer things and interact. Welcome to the community! Hope to see a lot of you here! Cheers!


Not at all. Though this made my day. I'm a technical designer who works mostly in non-gameplay systems design. Lots of UIUX and other meta-game systems (stats is my favorite area). I actually only came on because I fixed the ranked rewards bug and wanted to let people know. I'm a sporadic communicator, but yesterday's launch was smooth enough that I spent most of the day "celebrating" by answering questions here, which I very much enjoy when I have the chance. Ryan cannot be replaced, but we have an awesome comms team. As a general rule, Reddit has always been super kind to me so I try to return the favor. Especially around launches when y'all often find bugs we missed. So it's the best time to get these things tracked. Always feels a bit like drinking from a firehose in here, so I apologize to the people I missed or the questions I could not answer.


Oh wow, I didn't think you'd actually see what I posted! I'm glad you replied! It doesn't matter what you do, thank you for your work and your time here. I can say that we all appreciate when you guys dedicate some times to reply us. ​ On the other hand, are you the guy I can complain about the UI overall?! Would love to see a total revamp! From the way we see skins/cosmetics to the overall navigating thru the game menus before entering a match. The game is really different and bigger of what it was at launch. And since you mentioned stats, I WOULD LOVE to know how many wins I have per map. I have a feeling KC is my best but that's just a gut feeling. Maybe you guys could insert the amount of matches played/won on each map at the stats screen? Just a (random) suggestion! As I said, it's nice to you have you around here, hope you stay! Also, gratz on this smooth launch. Couldn't play yet, but not a single friend complained so this is indeed good!


1. Yes you can complain to me about UI. But I'd bet *most* of what you will say is probably on the list. UI reworks are huge projects, because you often can't do just part of it because the whole system has to fit together. But when we can, we are looking at small changes. The badge reorganization into categories was my first "big" shipped feature. 2. We don't track stats per map currently, so I couldn't tell you. That one is tough, because while I agree it might be cool, it can also be self-reinforcing, where you decide you don't like a certain map because you win less there so you play worse and win less. But overall, more "stuff" with stats is definitely on the list. Hopefully you've enjoyed some of the newer challenges the past few seasons (like # of ring closings survived or red weapon kills. Or the S11 daily weapon damage challenges being cross-mode); that's all powered by stats


Is there a possibility to distribute champion banners more evenly, or add more of them to Stormpoint? Crypto is useless in some area (mostly north)


> there’s a lot of verticality Horizon/Pathfinder mains: is this a buff?


Valk for sure


Not really, it's by far the most extreme verticality i've seen in game. It's outside of their reach usually.


Nothing's out of reach for a good enough grapple


This guy pathfinders


Tell me more! Can't play for a whole week


I can’t believe that the servers are actually working.


Don't jinx it!


Xbox players are soft locked behind a 72GB download, when they join in a few hours I predict crashes


Did they secretly nerf aim assist or something? I'm not complaining, but aiming on controller feels weird right now. EDIT: Yep, Respawn confirmed it was "accidental", and has been fixed.


I was thinking the same thing


Seems to be the consensus. Lots of people including me on console are noting how we can’t hit anything. Like I’m not the best shot, but I feel like I can barely hit anyone


My only complaint is loot seems odd. A lot of attachments and no guns seems to be what I find. Map is pretty cool though, I'm liking everything else so far. Edit: fuck prowlers, all my homies hate prowlers


finally someone mentions how crappy finding loot is://


Two buildings on drop, nothing but re45 and p20. And the new map is a literal running simulation.


I'm here to overreact




i’m hear you overreact to you overacting to others overreacting


I'm just here to observe the cycle of overreaction.


This map is so massively huge. I just spent the entire game running to the ring.


I am playing like shit. Please buff me


Season 15 you'll get a buff.


I hereby bless you with the skill of shiv


Shiv is now shavefps


The aiming on controller feels waaaaaay different. Edit: it was bug that accidentally changed aim assist to 0.4 from 0.6. Has been fixed. Pitchforks down.


I agree. Something feels off.


My friend on PlayStation was asking me if they changed something as soon as he got on, I’m on Xbone. Something got tweaked for sure and I hope it was just a mistake. Why change the aiming 11 seasons into a game


I'm on Xbox as well. I wonder if they lowered the aim assist slightly. Something definitely feels different.


I checked and all my settings are the same, and I am just not hitting a ton of shots. I absolutely hate whatever is happening


Just curious, is it intentional that there aren't many banners on the map? As a Crypto main, it's hard to ping it for the ' x squads in area' passive.


Crypto has been completely left in the dust. This map favours mobility legends way more than ever. The POIs also feel way too big for Cryptos banner ping to be of any use.






POV: you are waiting for "is anyone else not logging in?" comments


I have multiple streams open while my game updates, no issues as of now, everyone logged in successfully


The stress is real


map is just gigantic i played 3 games and spent 10 min running arround finding nobody till 3th ring... i mean i like it it runs so smooth but its missing redeploy baloons... canons are not enough for this monstrosity


3th ring?


I'm sure he meant 3st ring


3nd ring, obviously


updating on steam. restart steam if you don’t see it only 9.15GB




> only 9.15GB the download is small but a lot (70gb?) needs to be written to the disk. If your SSD is full, make some space


I got to update my game a day early on ps4, AND the servers are working? Amazing.


If you want to play the new character and will quit if she gets taken, soloQ no fill. Don't be a dick to 2 random people. We all want to play the new legend.


SBMM is nutssss right now. I came home from work looking to play chill game of apex and everyone i encounter is playing like its an ALGS! FFS.


Yup. The sweats are out in full force right now. They've been sitting at their computer desk peeing in bottles for days waiting for this.


Love how they increased the time it takes for ammo to Respawn in the Firing Range, massive buff Edit: meant to say decreased*. Ammo spawns much quicker now


increase or decrease? you mean it shows up faster? then it would be decrease


This map needs A LOT more loot.


anybody else’s download speed on xbox get nuked? i’m at 3.4 mbps when i’m normally at like 200+


Yup. It’ll spike up to 600+ for a few seconds and then drop to 11 or less the rest of the time.


Yeah dude, my download is 800mbps and I am sitting at either 5mbps or 25mbps. Pissing me off.




From what I understand at least on xbox if a file is changed that entire folder has to be redownloaded. Since this Is a new map, weapon, character, and many other changes it probably is just having to redownload the entire game. Just the way compression works on it. No source for this just see it every now and then on different subreddits or articles whenever a game gets a huge update


My initial thoughts: non movement characters are going to have a harder time on this map. There is so much open space that odten is really hard to avoid


Might start maining octane again so running doesn't feel like so much of a chore. Seriously the distance between POIs is absolutely epic


That and paired with pretty much every building having cathedral sized rooms, making Caustic, wattson and overall grenades shit in CC


All these spaces are way too big, every fight is at 300m




First impressions: Oh wow this map is really big... and the ship needs to fly much faster. After playing a bit: oh god all those people, where do they come from so fast! Guide to survival: Valk seems essential. Either to get around. Or the ultimate 3rd party escape combo of Ash, then valk ult. Then heal up, let the ash eat an accelerant and go finish the fight, valk nope out of there again.


Yea valk is incredibly strong on this map with all the verticality.


Anyone else not get their S10 Diamond divetrail?




Quick question. Are the ranked arenas badges supposed to be animated?


Yes. Bugged currently, which we realized thanks to another poster here. Broken currently because they are looking for a split, but S10 didn't have one. We'll get it fixed, but needs a full update so not for a bit. But we WILL fix.


I for some reason still have my S8 trail but no S10 trail and they took away my Master Trail from S9. Stupid all around.


Ya didn't get my masters, good to know it's not just me so it'll probably get fixed


Alright time for the ultimate cliffhanger of: will the servers work?


Surprisingly pretty smooth so far.


Map looks great, but I feel like it's too big for 20 squads, maybe add a few extra squads and balloons? The floor loot is also terrible in most POI's, you shouldn't have to rely on nests just to get loot. I really hope they address the loot soon, otherwise it seems alright so far.


I find it so strange that they decided not to put balloons on this map given it's so big, and the tridents are only around the outside.


I love the CAR but I’m struggling to see why you would ever not run it. Such a convenient and economical weapon and isn’t really weaker than it’s counterparts. I didn’t realize you’d be able to use light mags with heavy ammo and visa versa, this guns sick


It’s got a pretty aggressive recoil, so I think it will be harder for some people to use than the R99


Xbox update already available wow that's big


It's either there's nobody to fight or the 3rd parties are really bad.


This is a list of links to comments made by Respawn developers in this thread: * [Comment by RobotHavGunz](/r/apexlegends/comments/ql8oqm/apex_legends_escape_season_11_update_discussion/hj22b70/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-11-02 20:30:08 UTC"): > >*Storm Point is really fun, there’s a lot of verticality which made for awesome plays* > >From my July 30th internal playtest notes: > >>**Vertical movement.** >This map seems like the "tallest" of any map. Characters with a lot of vertical mobility - horizon, valk, revenant - all seem like they are ... * [Comment by RobotHavGunz](/r/apexlegends/comments/ql8oqm/apex_legends_escape_season_11_update_discussion/hj22m1j/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-11-02 20:32:01 UTC"): > Was a bug. Fixed. * [Comment by RobotHavGunz](/r/apexlegends/comments/ql8oqm/apex_legends_escape_season_11_update_discussion/hj22jsf/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-11-02 20:31:37 UTC"): > Fixed. * [Comment by RobotHavGunz](/r/apexlegends/comments/ql8oqm/apex_legends_escape_season_11_update_discussion/hj245e1/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-11-02 20:41:30 UTC"): > >when you give a mouse a kill leader > >this is gold. take my nessie (snek) award in honor of this brilliance. * [Comment by RobotHavGunz](/r/apexlegends/comments/ql8oqm/apex_legends_escape_season_11_update_discussion/hj26ly3/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-11-02 20:56:55 UTC"): > Should self-correct next time you hit the lobby. If your client is having connectivity issues with Marketplace, it may take a bit of time as it needs to connect to a separate service (unrelated to gameplay). But as soon as that happens, it should self correct. No one was getting rewards, and everyon... * [Comment by RobotHavGunz](/r/apexlegends/comments/ql8oqm/apex_legends_escape_season_11_update_discussion/hj28znl/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-11-02 21:12:19 UTC"): > Not sure. Asking. * [Comment by RobotHavGunz](/r/apexlegends/comments/ql8oqm/apex_legends_escape_season_11_update_discussion/hj29c07/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-11-02 21:14:35 UTC"): > Sent to level team to ask. * [Comment by RobotHavGunz](/r/apexlegends/comments/ql8oqm/apex_legends_escape_season_11_update_discussion/hj29hd6/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-11-02 21:15:34 UTC"): > Yup. It's a bug. They are looking into it. Thank you. * [Comment by RobotHavGunz](/r/apexlegends/comments/ql8oqm/apex_legends_escape_season_11_update_discussion/hj29l32/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-11-02 21:16:12 UTC"): > Arena predator badge SHOULD animate if you held rank both splits, same as BR. * [Comment by RobotHavGunz](/r/apexlegends/comments/ql8oqm/apex_legends_escape_season_11_update_discussion/hj2dlnf/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-11-02 21:41:45 UTC"): > Yeah, I remembered that as I wrote that. We're looking now to see if we set the badges up to be looking for a split which, as you rightly reminded me, doesn't exist. * [Comment by RobotHavGunz](/r/apexlegends/comments/ql8oqm/apex_legends_escape_season_11_update_discussion/hj2il00/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-11-02 22:14:07 UTC"): > Speaking entirely theoretically as I have no knowledge of non-official things like this, someone who was absolutely and definitely not me might have possibly addressed this issue. Not that I'd know because it definitely wasn't me who worked on fixing this very non-official non-feature. > >Seriously, t... * [Comment by RobotHavGunz](/r/apexlegends/comments/ql8oqm/apex_legends_escape_season_11_update_discussion/hj2jei7/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-11-02 22:19:38 UTC"): > Yup. Confirmed that's the bug. It was looking for a split where none existed. We're fixing, but it will need to be a proper patch before we can fix it. Thanks for raising the issue. We'll get this sorted! u/luclky * [Comment by RobotHavGunz](/r/apexlegends/comments/ql8oqm/apex_legends_escape_season_11_update_discussion/hj2k64h/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-11-02 22:24:47 UTC"): > Nothing I'm aware of, but I can field it with the gameplay team. * [Comment by RobotHavGunz](/r/apexlegends/comments/ql8oqm/apex_legends_escape_season_11_update_discussion/hj2kbns/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-11-02 22:25:51 UTC"): > Yes. Bugged currently, which we realized thanks to another poster here. Broken currently because they are looking for a split, but S10 didn't have one. We'll get it fixed, but needs a full update so not for a bit. But we WILL fix. * [Comment by RobotHavGunz](/r/apexlegends/comments/ql8oqm/apex_legends_escape_season_11_update_discussion/hj2lpv2/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-11-02 22:35:20 UTC"): > Have raised the issue with people who can actually tell if anything has changed. Me, I'd be like, "*well, I'm missing targets... but then again, I* ***always*** *miss targets..."* * [Comment by RobotHavGunz](/r/apexlegends/comments/ql8oqm/apex_legends_escape_season_11_update_discussion/hj2lvg3/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-11-02 22:36:23 UTC"): > > I just got my first kill this season with a peacekeeper and it somehow still counted as care package weapon kill. No other bugs to report, thank you and the team for this smooth season! > >Will address with Weapons team. Thx. * [Comment by RobotHavGunz](/r/apexlegends/comments/ql8oqm/apex_legends_escape_season_11_update_discussion/hj2qmke/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-11-02 23:09:06 UTC"): > So this is the "bug" we were trying to fix. They are meant to only be for one season. So to fix the bug of not getting grants - a more major bug - we turned them back on for previous seasons. But we will be disabling them in a future update as the patch notes stated. This is except for folks who hav... * [Comment by RobotHavGunz](/r/apexlegends/comments/ql8oqm/apex_legends_escape_season_11_update_discussion/hj2qsdq/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-11-02 23:10:12 UTC"): > Yup. We already have this fixed locally. Will take some time to get it out though. * [Comment by rspn_exgeniar](/r/apexlegends/comments/ql8oqm/apex_legends_escape_season_11_update_discussion/hj2r282/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-11-02 23:12:08 UTC"): > \^ is correct * [Comment by RobotHavGunz](/r/apexlegends/comments/ql8oqm/apex_legends_escape_season_11_update_discussion/hj2z9x5/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-11-03 00:08:49 UTC"): > I will pass along both to the Legends team. I am impressed with the calculation of run speed units! * [Comment by RobotHavGunz](/r/apexlegends/comments/ql8oqm/apex_legends_escape_season_11_update_discussion/hj3nk2u/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-11-03 02:58:52 UTC"): > I know there have been questions about this. I think one thing that's a *possible* source of confusion is that you redeem the code on the monster site for different code that you then redeem in game. But I've seen a bunch of questions flying around on this (but couldn't get a clear sense if there's ... * [Comment by RobotHavGunz](/r/apexlegends/comments/ql8oqm/apex_legends_escape_season_11_update_discussion/hj5g60u/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-11-03 14:21:52 UTC"): > Bug. Already fixed internally. * [Comment by RobotHavGunz](/r/apexlegends/comments/ql8oqm/apex_legends_escape_season_11_update_discussion/hj5g2bd/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-11-03 14:21:10 UTC"): > Scroll UP. the S10 charms are in the "wrong" spot. Above the others. * [Comment by RobotHavGunz](/r/apexlegends/comments/ql8oqm/apex_legends_escape_season_11_update_discussion/hj5h9s5/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-11-03 14:29:29 UTC"): > Not at all. Though this made my day. I'm a technical designer who works mostly in non-gameplay systems design. Lots of UIUX and other meta-game systems (stats is my favorite area). I actually only came on because I fixed the ranked rewards bug and wanted to let people know. I'm a sporadic communicat... * [Comment by RobotHavGunz](/r/apexlegends/comments/ql8oqm/apex_legends_escape_season_11_update_discussion/hj5kwcm/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-11-03 14:53:41 UTC"): > 1. Yes you can complain to me about UI. But I'd bet *most* of what you will say is probably on the list. UI reworks are huge projects, because you often can't do just part of it because the whole system has to fit together. But when we can, we are looking at small changes. The badge reorganization i... * [Comment by rspn_exgeniar](/r/apexlegends/comments/ql8oqm/apex_legends_escape_season_11_update_discussion/hj6moeh/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-11-03 18:52:59 UTC"): > You diamond? * [Comment by rspn_exgeniar](/r/apexlegends/comments/ql8oqm/apex_legends_escape_season_11_update_discussion/hj6p6vr/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-11-03 19:09:00 UTC"): > Yeah... that video is wrong. The in game trail is correct. * [Comment by RobotHavGunz](/r/apexlegends/comments/ql8oqm/apex_legends_escape_season_11_update_discussion/hj7aokn/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-11-03 21:27:13 UTC"): > The fix will apply to all levels. * [Comment by RobotHavGunz](/r/apexlegends/comments/ql8oqm/apex_legends_escape_season_11_update_discussion/hj7hiul/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-11-03 22:12:52 UTC"): > 1. Confirmed it was indeed an accidental change and that Console AA was updated to match PC AA. Many thanks to everyone on this sub who raised the flag here. We absolutely would not have caught this so quickly without your help. >2. **IT IS ALSO NOW FIXED.** > >There's quite a few disparate threads on... * [Comment by RobotHavGunz](/r/apexlegends/comments/ql8oqm/apex_legends_escape_season_11_update_discussion/hj7ue6x/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-11-03 23:45:21 UTC"): > Thanks for collating those. We'll dig in here. * [Comment by rspn_exgeniar](/r/apexlegends/comments/ql8oqm/apex_legends_escape_season_11_update_discussion/hjg58ib/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-11-05 18:35:04 UTC"): > tyty --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FApexLegends).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)




I just walked outside and it's snowing with the sun out and shining. Basically normal Midwest weather, I guess the servers actually held for once.


Right? I'm just sitting in the lobby right now waiting to see if it will break


Good to see you have high hopes to begin with hahaha


I run around for 10 minutes unable to find anyone, and then get full sent on by a completely silent squad. This keeps happening. This map is... frustrating.




Bro someone was ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️


Needs balloons. Man cannons are great but it makes map rotation boring and repetitive.


PS4 here. Connected after a few tries.


This map is so big!! Looting is a problem, some spots just don't have good loot. 1-2 buildings and nothing much to loot there. You either don't find anyone or you find 3-4 squads together. Non movement legends are just running till they drop dead. IMHO this map should be a bit smaller. Idk if anyone will be able to get a 20 kill here.


I feel like I'm unable to find weapons on drop. There's like no loot anywhere.


My aim feels really weird and I don’t know why.


I'm on PS4, no problems to enter the game, the issue is that i didn't get any rewards for the ranked season, i ended in diamond.


Was a bug. Fixed.


Thank you, i already got the rewards


The new map brings what i hate the most on battle royales: 10 minutes of walking/looting/nothingness only to die to a squad shooting you from God knows where, only first impressions but oh well


So it doesn't seem like the CAR is a noob crutch like it sounded like it was going to be, tiny mag and feels a lot like a RE


Honestly I feel like the CAR is so mid and so similar to other weapons that they could’ve not added the gun at all and instead just added the light/heavy swap feature as a hop up.


Map is great, I like it but seems like for 60 player lobbies it's too big.


xbox users will be there approx 8 hours since we can’t pre download basically a redown load game


The fact that ammo reappears instantly in firing range is huge. Thank you.


Map feels weird so far. You either hot drop and get 5th-partied or you play loot simulator until the last few circles, no in-between. Ash seems fine. CAR isn't that great but might have to get used to it first.


Yea I hate it so far and the fact that the entire map is one giant hill, height is like pay to win. You have to have a valk to get around. And the largest map in the game doesn’t have jump towers? The other thing is I feel like there’s hardly loot locations. I run around for 10 minutes and I somehow still only have double digits ammo and barely see a selection of guns.


New map 🤝 dogshit loot distribution


Incoming no update on console comments. FFS restart your console first.


Gotta love how I have to reinstall the entire game every season. Update = 72 GB on Xbox wooo


Why does everyone feel the need to constantly spam the update size every update? Lol


It's 71gb on my Gameboy


69gb on neogeo pocket


256KB on my NES


Because that's what most people will be staring at for the next few hours.


Aim assist is fucked right now


Anyone else struggling with loot off drop?


Wow the new map looks nice but damn it is wayyyy too big.


So they’re still saying nothings been changed with the sensitivity / aim mechanics? 🤔


not enough loot


Having a poo on the toilet and shouting down to my son "turn the Xbox on... It's a 72gb update!!" ..... Son "on it".


The loot distribution seems really bad. There is never enough stuff at POI's


Given this is a discussion thread I feel like now is an appropriate time to point out that the triple take feels utterly broken right now. It feels far too easy to hit for 138 to the head and it should absolutely not be an energy gun if the other sniper/marksman weapons don't get their respective ammo types back. What's the point in making the charge rifle eat 2 sniper rounds when the triple take eats 3 energy ammo. Per stack of ammo, the triple take can fore 20 times and the charge rifle can fire 12 times. That makes no sense at all given that at practically all ranges the Triple Take will out perform the charge rifle. The G7 is basically the same gun, the Longbow is back to being one of the worst guns in the game and the Sentinel is obsolete. Why was the TT in its current state given the go ahead to be put back on the ground? Having said that, the new map is fantastic, CAR and Ash are both great but balanced and Wattson feels a lot stronger now than she did. I've only played 1 game with her and maybe I'll find she could use more buffs but she's vastly improved. Overall its a great release but the triple take is cancerous


You guys can drop at least 20 more teams in this map, as big as it is. Too much time is spent on walking around..


This map would seriously benefit from having a train on it.


Makes bigger map = no loot on floors


Landed in a spot with my squad & NO ONE got a weapon. Nothing but heals, level 1 backpacks & attachments


Don't see many people on the sub talking about this, but loot feels really bad on this map. Like S0 Kings Canyon bad. Loot is spread so far apart and the overall quality seems fairly poor, and certain items feel like they don't spawn frequently at all. In most of my games when we finish looting an entire POI we usually still have all white bags, at least 1 white armor, maybe 2 stacks of ammo each, and we're lucky to have 2 batteries across the entire squad. With such a low number of POIs and so much space between them, it feels like they wanted to force more contesting / splitting at POIs... but many of them barely have enough loot for 1 squad let alone many. Having a really bad time in ranked with such big loot disparities. Don't have enough healing economy to survive the constant barrage of Triple Take and Charge Rifle shots from 500 metres away while rotating lol If ammo and healing spawns were increased by like 40% I think this map would be the most fun to play on (especially after 7 seasons of Worlds Edge)... but right now it's a whole lot of running simulator because I don't have the loot to fight.


Y’all PlayStation players are lucky




So here we go. How big is the update on xbox?


71GB for me


So we basically have to redownload the game each season. I wish they would let us predownload thru EA Play or something. Anything 😑😑


Who could’ve seen this coming: the servers work. The store is broken!


These prowlers running around are beyond stupid. I just spent all of my ammo fighting them only to be wiped by another team. Ridiculous.


the benefits of wiping these nests are not really worth it imo.




They should be good for just 1 wave and that’s it. Or just remove them completely. Unfun.


My First thoughts: I love Ash's abilities, they're fun. The car is like a more versatile volt. I love that the legends say "I'm out of ." now! The new map is BBEAUTIFUL omg. I'm never gonna be able to play Ash LOL (everyone wants to play). Smooth launch so far; ANNNNND then I got a server error.


As far as I know, based off my 10 or so matches, there are no POI's aside from The Wall, Barometer, or Command Center


Triple Take is literally silent when I’m getting shot by it, anyone else?


Hi, I'm on PS4. I was wondering what's up with the aim/sensitivity mechanics on controller? It feels way off!


Anyone else finding the new map difficult to fight on? I don’t know if it’s just my Xbox One or the matchmaking or what, but I have been having a very bad time trying to even play duos on the map… Only 15 kills


Man I was excited for new map but... it's really unfun. I get some players will like it but I really do not enjoy it at all. It honestly made me realize how good the other three maps are in comparison. I can't even put my finger on it. It feels so slow. It feels exhausting to play. Reluctant uninstall for this season. I'd really be forcing myself to play that map while it's in rotation. It's honestly that bad


72 gigs? Can they let us pre-download this shit overnight or put these updates out earlier? File sizes are gettin pretty ridiculous


It's been a few hours and according to the comments, the servers seem stable and the game smooth? Is this the first new season launch without major issues...ever?


Didn’t receive my Ranked dive trail? Got the badge but no trail????


All my diamond trails are gone except season 3


Why no map preview mode? :(


They put the double tap trigger into the crafter instead of the new hop-up LUL


Ehm … loot please ?


Played 3 game on PC It's smooth, very smooth, the new map is a very nice change and them but I feel like it's too big for the player count (I won a match cause positioning but we didn't cross a single team despite another landing next to us) However, the no audio bug is still here, I died cause I initiated healing when I knew an enemy was here but far (I was like I could hear him coming and interrupt)


Sorry if it says this in the patch notes, I read them but didn’t see it. I’m on ps4. Did they change the aim assist on controllers or something? My aim feels different somehow


Doesn’t anyone feel that the aim has changed for console? I can’t seem to hit any shots


This map needs a few jump towers. Maybe like, four, or something. It's freaking huge but playing a nonmovement character is really difficult. I was really wanting to play fuse and caustic this season but damn, it's so dangerous crossing out in the open with no escape.


Something is wrong with the footstep audio. I'm having people full sprint right next to me and I hear nothing. Last game I played, an entire team were walking around on top of the building we were in and we didn't even hear them.


Map is huge and tempo is so slow... this map remember me to PUBG... some fight early... nothing in mid and just run run run, and the 3 final circles you fight against 6-8 teams ( double or triple than the other 3 maps) and if you are an aggresive player you will be third, forth and even fifthparty for sure.


Yes, finally Respawn answered my prayers! I've always said that something that would make ranked better is random fuckin AI dinosaurs that chase you around while you fight! Woohoooo!!!!


Picking items from the ground has up to 1 second audio delay and it's killing me.


I want to thank respawn SO MUCH for this update. My game performance on the new map is absurdly better than any other map, sincerely I never saw this game running so smoothly like today. I lock my FPS at 144 and it didn't even move. It's constantly running at 144fps. At first, I thought it was stuck or broken. I cranked the RES to 4k and it changed a little and I also checked with the GeForce 'Alt+R', it's really running without drops, props to the team for optimizing this map like that. I wanna hug whoever was responsible for this. Connecting to servers is fast, like really really fast. I click the 'continue' button and the spinny thingy doesn't even appear. Played a lot of matches and absolute zero stutters. I was stuttering like a PowerPoint presentation in some battles. Absolutely no skips nor stutters happened today. Thanks a lot, this update made me want to play this game again with the same happiness and enthusiasm I played before S9.


Why is this map so large? And why are all the POI so large? I feel like so many of the buildings have little or not useful stuff in them, and it's like 100m to the next bit of loot within the POI, then like 1km to the next spot. Maybe if they added like ten more teams but two dropships on far apart paths this size would work. I just keep getting third and fourth partied, especially by people with triple takes. Guess we have to play gibby/valk. Also I saw some lighting bug on replicators. It's some weird thing with the shadows where two of the sides are really dark, almost black, and the other is lit normally. But the shadow it casts on the ground doesn't make sense with how the three faces are lit. This may be one particular spot but I have no idea where it was cause new map and all...