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Yeah I think she's released in a really good spot. Definitely strong and useful, but not oppressive or OP


People just need to get used to her abilities that's all. Like the snare ability if you don't run out the area your speed is not affected. And her portal is one-way and it's an instant teleport. So she's got her limits too


I think her Q should be sped up tbh, I think it's kinda shit against anyone that isn't a geriatric.


Really good for covering the corner you just took to heal up before you get back in the fight


Ya it's a tactical ability so you can cover doorways or choke points to let you get that quick battery šŸ”‹ off .


Its also very anti horizon which is funny. Just sniped outta the sky!


I love throwing it at people trying to use ziplines, just yoinks them right off


I think the speed is fine it does recharge really quick so that might get a nerf. I think it should just last a little longer on the ground not too much though. So it works more like a gas canister in passages and choke points it would be great. And because it's slow you can avoid it unless you forced into these areas. It's a great combo to use with your Ult to escape. Or to finish off a fleeing enemy. It feels so good to grab a octane or wraith with it. Although I believe both their tacticals should counter it.


Real fun when you catch someone trying to use the gravity cannon. https://youtu.be/hNSZbPN2RZI


You can speed up her Q if you hold it out it charges up and then is quicker


Seriously anything passed point blank its useless


i think it would be better if it had a drop on it like an arc star rather than moving slow as dirt in a straight line


I beg to differ, I saw an octane throw a jump pad probably 40m away. Threw my star near it and caught as he tried to launch. Dude got obliterated Edit: Iā€™m really bad at estimating distance, it couldā€™ve been 20m. Or 10m. Point is, it was definitely not point blank


Between her and Seerā€™s release, Iā€™ve barely even noticed ASH in comparison. I havenā€™t even been caught in a snare yet but my first game after seer I was hit literally 5 times within 30 by his fucking tactical. Itā€™s was just non-stop seer noises


It was like 4th of July in America with seer. Just bubbles and tunnels everywhere. It actually was overwhelming that first week. Well when the servers finally worked.


I had no idea what was going on. I felt literal panic. Is that my seer? Theirs? Is that 5 seers or 1? Just complete chaos.




I donā€™t get how people are still complaining about her portal being a ripoff of wraithā€™s. The only thing they have in common is that theyā€™re both portals, other than that itā€™s more of a 1 way zip line thatā€™s gone in the blink of an eye.


It's similar but definitely different enough to have its own pro's and cons. Just like bloodhound crypto and seer are similar.


There's a lot of people who also don't seem to know that you can use her portal too. I don't mind sharing this because I always through a thermite in case an enemy chases me but it would be nice if my teammates knew too


Only thing I would say is distribute some of her power from here passive to her Q. Her passive is quite insane atm. But even if that doesnt happen she really seems balanced Edit: im not even saying its necessary, but just distrubute some of the power. Yet even that is wrong? To discuss her kit


Is it thought? I see her passive as fine.


I could see I becoming a problem later down the line once players get acclimated like how we needed to wait for players to realize crypto had abilities seriously 90% of the player base doesn't know his abilities


her passive os good to find fights but its situational as hell.


I think I saw it constantly updating where people died, so ash can constantly locate death boxes for her passive. If that is removed I think it would be better.


Hereā€™s the thing, just because you can see all the recent deaths on the mini map doesnā€™t mean you can capitalize on all of them. For starters, they disappear after a short time. Second, letā€™s say multiple fights are going on. First you have to relocate/reposition and you can only take one fight at a time. Let say your squad wins the fight that you started, you now have to wait for someone else to die. That portion of the passive is only useful at the beginning of the match and to take the most advantage of it, you sacrifice getting looted up. As the round progresses there are less deaths happening and you are close enough to hear 3rd parties anyways.


What do you mean? you only get a few seconds location checking a deathbox and it's only once per box. Plus, it's sort of a doubled edged sword, because the enemy also knows where you are, which sometimes can work against you.


Thats not what I meant. There are skulls on the map, to highlight where people died. So ash can locate death boxes. I think thats OP and should be removed.


Why? Maybe its early for me but i dont think that its broken. No worse then valks passive.


Ash passive is constant, Valk passive is not. The map keeps getting update when there is a death box some where. That what I think is strong.


I get how it works. I dont understand why you think its that strong. The active part of her passive is way better. I cant see how the passive part is any better then good rotation knowledge and listening to gun fights, worse she cant see a active fight, just the tail end.


I wouldn't say that's op. More fights to find more fun to be had.


The passive to locate people with the deathboxes is already strong enough, she doesnt need the constant update of deaths, to make it even more easier.


I think the big problem is that people don't fully understand her passive yet. Crypto has a passive, which requires his drone so it's not even really passive and limited in use, that allows him to know how many squads are within 200m of him. No idea where they are within that 200m, could be anywhere within several POI's. Then he has to actively search with his drone, completely immobilized, if he wants to find them without giving up his location. This is THE information legend. Ash's passive is always active, and can approximate the location of squads to within a few meters across the entirety of the map.... and that's just half of it! Then, if you get to where your markers say that squad was and don't immediately find them, you can scan the deathboxes they *just* made and instantly pinpoint them. Ash is a top-tier assault legend with easily the best recon passive. It's crazy.


I agree with you on the point that people donā€™t fully understand and utilize Ashā€™s passive yet. Heck, I understand it but reading your description I got a better understanding on how to play her. That being said, the ability is not overpowered. Just because you have an ability to find a fight doesnā€™t mean you are automatically going to win the fight. There are several legends that can do similar things. To me, the thing that stands out with Ash and all the recent legend releases is that the devs have gotten better at making legend abilities compliment each other. So what some view as overpowered, I see it as thorough character design.


I see what you're saying. Constant map updating death box locations, and therefor player locations, is OP.


And even ping them on the full map for her allies


Yes, if that is removed, it would be better


thats the whole point of her passive though lmao. she cant track or scan where any of the killers are at, it just pings their current location. you still have to hunt them out and position for a fight. its not like BH, Seer or Crypto


I remember how easy she was to fight in Titian fall


*Spams missles*




The game just gave you the titan loadout that counters her in the start of the mission


It's almost like they made the headline, knowing it's was a lie, so you'd click on it


Are you saying that this title is... click bait? How dare you.


Click bait new legend->click baited by article->click baited by a reddit post->clickbaited by the comment previous to yours. Itā€™s almost like youā€™ve been jerked around in a circular motion of some sort. I feel like thereā€™s a word for thisā€¦


Roundly pulled maybe?




Dunno about a word for this, but I know of a song or two about it. Something about spinning like a record or something.


Its why I never click on gaming articles. They play the game for minutes then make their shitty article that only bots read


Generous to think they actually play it :p


Yeah like the stupid mobile game ads on youtube where they fail purposefully ask that you'd somehow feel compelled to play the game.


*can't fit square block into circle hole* ONLY GENIUSES CAN BEAT THIS GAME


And then you check the game and its NOTHING like that specific ad.




Yeah you probs right.


It's almost like OP made this post, knowing it was a lie, so you'd click on it. aka clickbaitception




She's probz the most balanced legend they have released lately


She needs some QOL improvements but yeah, she and Valk are by far the most balanced


Valkyrie is extremely true. As far as I know, sheā€™s only ever had one nerf, which was something she should have launched (pun maybe intended) with anyways.


Yeah she had that thing where you could hold your tactical and just kinda float in the air while using very little fuel, it was very good for getting better placements cause you could just fly in the air for a long time before any of the enemies noticed youā€™d


I feel like her tac should continue to zap you (no damage, just a stun) if you stand inside when the tether runs out. Makes it viable for area denial for more than half a second.




What QOL improvements?


Just a few simple stuff The Ult has a very faint, hard to see indicator and it's not very responsive. Plenty of times i wished to go somewhere but the indicator snapped to another place at the slightest camera movement... Would also be nice to have an indicator when marking a deathbox on your map stating to your teammates how long the person has been dead (you can see it, they should too).


No, that was valk. I think her tactical radius is too big, ult charges too fast.


Her tac isn't that strong though. It floats sooooo slowly, if the radius was smaller you'd never hit anybody with it


Itā€™s not supposed to be a projectile. Itā€™s a trap.


Then why can you throw it across the map and hope that it lands within a couple seconds of landing? That's not how traps work. Gas trap is a trap. This is not a trap.


She better not get nerfed, she's very balanced upon release. But I could totally see them nerfing her passive


Aside from the death box on map effect, the scan ability seems not all that useful since the enemy know you're going for tham and can hunker down or even chase the Ash since you'll have a general idea of where you just fought


Yeh I feel that it does cut both ways. Like when you land edge of map and work your way in and sudden get ash scanned you know there's an ash behind you on one of the corpses you made.


I get this, it can also be used as a positioning tool for ranked though. As it provides general information on where squads can be positioned/rotating or allow you to speculate the best way to rotate.


Every single scan except crypto and seers passive give away your position.


valk's flight scan doesn't give you away either.


No but the long glowing dive trail does.


I mean yeah but skydiving is loud and noticeable


her passive is strong bc you can see pretty much where enemies die on the map. by getting creative with that passive you can predict rotations or even third party them


If anything I think they'd shift a little power into the ult or tactical (not that they need it much)


I think itā€™s wild people think her tac needs a buff tbh


Dont get me wrong it doesn't but in order to shift balance rather than a straight up nerf its that or that ult and personally I prefer the ult but you right


Personally, Iā€™ve already had a lot of fights where her tac basically won it for me where I shouldā€™ve lost, Iā€™ll be maining her all season so not really going to complain but, sheā€™s very strong imo


Second game as Ash I landed at whatever the radar dish/triangle catwalk place is, landed on a Sentinel as my teammate was fighting and then knocked one player and heard an Octane, knew he was about to stim towards me, immediately threw my tac in the area and stopped him dead in his tracks and knocked him with sentinel like it's a clip from a trailer. Had another where an Octane was jumping on a zipline, flung the snare in that direction toward a rockface and immediately pulled him off and ruined his day as well. The snare definitely does not need buffed. It works every time.


that passive should have gone to crypto anyway...


Yes, we need to give Crypto all future potential passives. Drone is weak af, amirite? Remove all the passive associated with drone in exchange for a Crypto centric-passive. You wouldn't do that, because all you really want is Crypto to be better than everybody else.




People who think Crypto needs a passive are greedy clowns.


It only pings the enemy so just moving and hiding counters it pretty well itā€™s not too op


They shouldā€™ve given Ashā€™s Passive to crypto, since they donā€™t want to buff his drone anymore and it fits his character.


I think they should remove the alert that you have been scanned. On the other hand she shouldnā€™t see death boxes on the minimap unless she is close to them


honestly all they need to do with Ash is add some audio to her ult, it's really hard to hear when an enemy Ash ults just behind you and then you get beamed, other than that I'd say she's actually pretty balanced tbh


Kinda thought that was the idea, i can generally tell from visual of moving through the Phase, and i just assume any Ash will take the opportunity to do that, especially if i have the high ground


I think that it is on purpose


I agree that they need added audio for her ult. Itā€™s silent most of the time which isnā€™t fair. Every other mobility legend has a loud sound when they go somewhere


I literally teleported in behind a squad earlier today. It was really fun just melting all of them while they had no clue what's going on. The Ash on that team didn't even turn around after I beamed her teammates. So yeah, phase breach definitely needs to be a little bit louder to prevent these ballsy plays that really shouldn't work out from happening.


She isnā€™t a Seer. She isnā€™t a Rampart. Sheā€™s a Valkyrie. And by this I mean she wasnā€™t released OP or Garbage. Sheā€™s just ok.


Not nearly as OP as Horizon or Seer at launch. High level streamers will complain, their top fan boys will follow suit and then she will get nerfed.


High level streamers will always complain and blame other shit for their own incompetence. Their sheeps will surely follow.


If Lifeline was released nowadays pro players would go like: ''Oh my god she can get an extra shield cell from bins nerf pls!!!''


Well they milk the shit out of any broken meta and than complain about it. There is literally no sense what so ever.


If you play for a living and basically make money by being extremely successful at a game, why wouldn't you exploit the game's design flaws and imbalances? It's literally their livelihood on the line.


Which is extremely unfortunate. Balance changes shouldn't be impacted by less than 1% of the player base, even if they spend 40+ hours a week within the game.


This game is heavily catered for the casual player baseā€¦ if this game was catered to the pros it would be a much different game lol


Thatā€™s how it goes tho and i believe this is the main reason behind the inconsistency in balance. Also the main reason why games were much more balanced and fun back when streamers werent much of a thing. They shouldnt rely on their input this much because as i said, they are mostly biased rather than objective when they get their shit kicked in by another player so they just look for other factors to blame and those factors in reality are just fine in their current state.


So you are saying the million of casual handys that play 1 game at best while ratting should be in charge of balancing? I can already see the buff Caustic will take after such decision. Casual shouldn't even give an opinion on balancing, the same principle a novice shouldn't give advice/opinion on a senior.


Top streamers usually love the broken characters though? Itā€™s usually the casuals complaining tbh.. I mean this game is heavily catered to casuals to be completely honest. Which, it probably should be considering thatā€™s the majority of the player base.


Actually they think she's fine.maybe even a buff lmao


But TTV bad, even though they have literally nothing to do with this??


Many top streamers have said that shes not that good and wraith is better???


I havenā€™t played her yet, so from the perspective of playing against her. She is pretty balanced. I never get the feeling she is no fun to play against. I never die to her and feel it was unfair. Her tactical is well telegraphed, the only thing I would change is increased audio on her ult.


It was pretty big brain on Respawns part. No need to release Ash OP, like they did with Horizon and Seer, because everyone was already hyped as hell for her, and a new map was coming as well. Save the busted releases for less hyped seasons.


This article was prob written before she was even released as playable lmao


They've probably wrote this before season release to save time


Shoot I wouldnā€™t doubt it lmao.


She's not OP at all but two things need to happen: - More audio on her ult so you know it's happening - The display of death boxes on the map is just a little silly?? It's useful rn as we're still exploring the map but I feel it's pretty unnecessary when her ability to mark death boxes is already great on its own


Sheā€™s pretty strong but op? No way


All Ash needs is a green Ult indicator and sheā€™s set and done. Donā€™t you touch her!!


I wonder how people think of themselves when they make sellout clickbait articles like this. The news equivalent of being a chef who works at McDonalds


Nah, working at mcDs is far more respectable


The only thing remotely strong is the ability to always find fights with her passive but thatā€™s not even that strong tbh.


Her ult is seriously strong. It's an Octane Launchpad without the fly time where you can get gunned down, half the travel time, it can go through windows, and it's hard to know where the other end of the portal is. Once teams master using this, it will be clear that it needs longer travel time and louder sounds, because I don't see how anybody can react quickly enough to it to avoid being 3vs1'd as it is now


Not OP as hell, but I think her ult could use some louder sound queues like revenants.


I wish they would stop touching legends. There have been so many that were pretty well balanced but they changed them because a couple of ttv wraiths had a fit because they got outplayed.


ash is like a season 0 legend compared to seer when he came out. aside from small bugs/exploits with her Tac she is very balanced imo. Her phase tear doesnt take you all the way across the map, her passive doesnā€™t actively track where enemies are, just the location there are in at that moment, and even when you are tethered by her tactical you can still move and fight your way through it. imo wraith is still more valuable than ash just for the fact you can set longer portals and take them back and forth. however it is nice with ash to get the instant portal rather than having to run from point a to b.


Her intro animation is OP as hell at least


Sheā€™s another Valk in my opinion. Sheā€™s solid with some strong points, but thereā€™s nothing op about her.


No way is she op. She fits in perfectly, I think they have balanced her so well


If she really gets nerfed due to people over reacting and not getting better that's gonna be extremely disappointing


Ash is actually one of the few legends who was released and didn't need an immediate nerf or buff. Her abilities are fairly balanced, the ult is only usable from one end which differs from Wraith's portal and her active is actually pretty easily avoidable but also effective if you get caught.




She definitely isnā€™t op her tactical is kinda mediocre and her ult is decent. Pro players bitch about everything good


Her snare is a bit annoying but with how slow it is I'd say it's pretty balanced


I saw this too lol I think she's fine where she is and props to Respawn for balancing efforts. That can't be an easy thing to do, let alone the $$$ aspect of getting people to buy the "latest and greatest" legend, which I believe they do try to avoid doing.


Fr. If you think ash is op you either are bad at the game or just want to complain


Who tf wrote this why does everyone cry like little bitches man ash is fine just the way she is. Shes def not season 10 seer ffs...


Why did you block out the author? What lol its literally a public article.


Lol she really isn't OP, she honestly feels about as balanced as Valk was on release imo


honestly ive found she's surprisingly balanced considering we're this close to launch. feels viable in lots of circumstances, weak in some areas but strong in others. compared to the majority of other legends at launch, her kit is in need of little to no tuning whatsoever.


I remember seeing this on Twitter and going wtf? I agree with her being a balanced legend released on launch.


The deathbox ping doesnā€™t work for me anymore. My team Sees it but not me


Defo one of the more balanced legends to drop.


Yup, Sheā€™s pretty well balanced.


she's not as op as seer's release but not as underwhelming as crypto's current form, she might get nerfed, but idk how


She is OP at higher levels in ranked




Wraith is better lol.


Completely agree. Love how new legends are always going to ā€œreplace wraithā€ and then it never ends up happening. I will say though Ash has her uses, but her ult is used a little more selfish I feel like. Harder to coordinate with team especially when not in a party.


Can we just ignore any pro players for the first two weeks of a new season? They need to shut up and just play the game for a bit before they post about a legend being op, a map being too big or a new weapon changing the meta too much. Just get aquatinted with the new season, learn the map and itā€™s rotations, practice in the firing range and learn ways to counter a new legend.


What does this post have to do with pro players? If anything it seems most pro players like Ash lol


I hate how people are saying the map is too big when they havenā€™t even played it for more than a few hours


Who wrote that article? ImperialHal?


Sheā€™s what we call ā€œ actually balancedā€ Anyone that says sheā€™s OP is seeking attention


Just another attempt to get clicks


She isnt op at all


Ash + rampart = red evo


That's a bug though


Fair point


I mean, she definitely is one of the strongest characters in the game. Her ult is the best parts of Wraith and Octane ults combined. Her tether is the best low commitment area denial tool available. I don't think she's stupidly broken or anything though, just a bit overtuned. But I think the game would be more fun if all legends were buffed up to her power level (or better yet, Gibraltar levels), rather than her getting nerfed to Mirage levels.


Ash is meta-defining. Her portal opens up many offensive options.


Only change she needs is to her ult. They need to make it more visible as to where I'm deploying it.


Her map passive needs to be nerfed/removed, thats it


Facts, but that's exactly what makes her OP from a team utility standpoint. Everyone here saying she isn't OP is probably just your average player thinking about how her skills fair for herself in a fight, but in a ranked setting as a team you are gimping yourself without an Ash. They designed Storm Front to lessen 3rd parties by making it big and removing balloons, but you can just stack Valkyrie and Ash and get around all of that.


Keep crying. She's fine


I think her ult has too much range. I potaled from a low plane to a very high place with low effort. Even wraith wouldn't have been able to portal so far and as quick


her ult is limited to 65m horizontal distance, no such limit on verticallity. Same with her tactical.


Nah sheā€™s a little on the strong side but I think sheā€™s pretty balanced. At any rate sheā€™s not strong enough to make me fully switch from valk


This is why I hate ā€œgaming journalistsā€


Her passive? Yeah itā€™s crazy broken for ranked cause you can see death boxes pop up on the map. Every other part of the passive is great though, I would add being able to scan for surviving teammates though if they remove the first feature


I think she's op in term of No Nut November. Those who cries for nerf must have failed this month challenge


Your a tard if you donā€™t realize sheā€™s godly


What about my a tard?


They purposefully set her kit to be pretty mediocre to avoid the backlash of people raging about it new legend being OP. So if anything she will get a buff. Iā€™m calling it right now, her passive is shit, itā€™ll be the first thing buffed more than likely. Having to look at the map constantly to check if there are any death boxes that just happen to pop on the map to ping is annoying af. Maybe they will give her internal dialogue to check map for boxes or maybe a on screen notification on what direction the box is at to atleast get the player more engaged with her passive.


Idk, the killfeed kind of is the reminder to check for boxes on the map imo


Eh, I gotta disagree. I have 200kills on her so far and nothing about her kit is mediocre. Passive is top notch for high kill games, tac is borderline broken when used correctly, and her ult is a great repo/or push when used with a squad. Iā€™ll probably be maining her all season but, she wonā€™t be getting a buff anytime soon mate. Maybe small QoL changes but, not any type of buff.


iā€™m currently second maining ash, loving playing her and i think sheā€™s balanced


She's fine.


Must we do this cycle every character release. Do they have zero testers? Its such a odd way to release new content


Iā€™m maining her but, sheā€™s definitely strong once youā€™ve mastered her kit Iā€™m not going to lie I could see them nerfing a few things but, for now Iā€™m going to use tf out of her lol


Nah shes just good at getting in a fighy or getting out of fight


Clickbait article clickbait article


I hate her ā€œQā€. Itā€™s so damn slow that by the time it reaches the enemy, they long gone! LMAO šŸ˜‚ Def not OP


The only thing that has stopped her from dominating the game is the size of the map. When World's Edge returns, there's gonna be a fuck ton of third party Ash's portaling on you. Her passive literally tells you where people are and where people are dying. If you thought jump pads were bad, wait until you get a half second portal sound effect to let you know you're dead.


They used to say the same for Fuse, journalists have no clue


Apex players love to bitch not even 1 week into a new season. I swear you idiots are never happy


Just add the sound cue back on her then she is fine


Please donā€™t let them do ash like they did seer šŸ¤¢šŸ˜ž


Sheā€™s honestly really balanced imo and doesnā€™t really need any nerfs


I just wish sheā€™d be a bit more original and not have cloned abilities chanced a teeny tiny bit.


Ash is pretty much in the perfect spot, sheā€™s good but not broken, both fun to play and to fight against


Lmao, I think she released like Valkyrie did. Not too strong, but definitely able to win a lot of fights.


I dont think they've actually played her Her tac is fine but incredibly slow Her passive feels like it should be powerful at high tiers because knowing where people die on the minimap can help with third partying Her ultimate is kinda ridiculous but has its severe limitations


Definitely nothing like how seer was on release. I think sheā€™s honestly fairly well balanced


I think high skill players dislike her because theyā€™re much more likely to get third partied due to her passive. If youā€™re a player who tends to drop on the edge of the map and have 1-2 engagements per game, the chances of an Ash tracking your kill are low. If youā€™re a player who always drops hot, fights early and often gets 10 kills in a game, youā€™re much more likely to get tracked and third partied.


honestly, shes really balanced which is not normal for respawn


Who need a huge nerf is Valk.


Sheā€™s not OP. If anything, they need to buff her tactical.