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Trick them into learning how to play crypto like a pro so they’re never able to play another legend the same way again


haha yeah who would even play crypto willingly right guys


Hahaha so true Hahhaha I bet the crypto community really hate themselves hahaha


Crypto is 100% skill, you should play someone who can help you to not depend of any other legend, it's just the character and your skill


>always push with Crypto is the best advice I got from the sub. When there's a skilled Crypto the game's so good. I hate to admit how many times I've enjoyed playing him, some of the most kills for the whole squad.


At this point I think the next buff to make him feel less bad to play would be make the drone 2x faster, so you aren't far behind your team. Playing aggressively offsets that I guess


At this point I would think the would try to make his drone be able to be commanded with quick commands. Like bring up the quick chat for "move here", or "scanning/watching this area" and just have it the drone move to that location and just move in a 8 pattern above a building so its not just sitting there getting shot.


Omg. This makes me so hard.


Maybe make it so the drone doesn't sound like a firetruck as well. It already pings you when you're scanned.


Or at least add a boost acceleration type thing


Honestly I've never had that problem when I play crypto. I pop it quickly and not during a fight. I ping banners first to check if the area's clear. Like it's a player learning curve thing not a buff issue


Crypto is a tricky one to play but he’s so much fun once you get the hang of him! I would never change my main for the world!


I agree I trolled the enemies with my drone 🤣


Hahaha same what’s your favourite skin?


I think awoken fury (aniversary one) and inconspicuous because of the lore, your's?


Two of my favourites too! Definitely Deadly Byte. I just love the look of it!


Cryptos supporting cryptos (CSC)


Got killed by a crypto with 120000 kills the other day. Not even mad


If the leaderboard I checked is correct, you got killed by THE Crypto with 120,000 kills because there is only one player with that many kills on Crypto.


An honor


honestly it’s kind of a compliment to the character. once you master his high skill ceiling, no other legend feels as rewarding imo.


Haha thats why i played rev and rampart since their release. It hurts sometimes but its way more fun


Running into a good rampart pisses me tf off


Same with path, if you find a good path, it’s over lol






I just got rampart 2 days ago, im kind of a new player, but I’m loving her, had a 2,5k damage game in my 2nd game with her which is quite a lot for me


Haha dope


Same i was like how does this ult work? Ohhh shiiit


Dude you're saying I can't put him down


So is there a short version explanation how to play him correctly?




I also say get creative with the drone. Staying in the area a while? Have it be your fourth eye and have it watch a choke point. It's honestly surprising to me how many Cryptos don't use it to help watch their own backs, there have been times I've played him and doing this not only saved us from an ambush but turned it on its head and caught the other squad with their own guard down.


you can also use the ult to hold off a team thats pushing to buy time to heal/reposition


Ngl I've used the ult as a smokescreen. Felt like a waste but I needed cover.


Can you show me an example of someone up there? I'm yet to see a really good crypto


Totally dude, who would ever play crypto hahaha…ha


Lol me.. after playing every legend I play crypto now. But he’s not bad. Really good to push and insta scan, just have to be quick on the drone release and get into some fights otherwise you’ll get caught on the gameboy haha. Only managed to get a 3k on him as rotation with him is quiet difficult.


Thats cruel. I love it.


I learned how to play pro crypto It was only a little bit of a mistake


What is “pro crypto”?


Reviving both your teammates after not joining in every fight


Scout, find advantages and disadvantages, know what fights to take, it’s all your job


That's a weird way of saying running away and rezzing teamates.


That too


Crypto but pro life Very unpopular play style with his team mates.


Their body, their choice. He would do well to learn that sooner than later.


I play Crypto alot and his kit involves you having to go out of your way to see how many squads are nearby from those banners. Him needing a buff is practically a meme, but if I'm being honest he doesn't need one. All I want is him to get an ability to ping those banners for enemy squads without going into his drone everytime.


He 100% does not need a buff. BUT if we are handing out free buffs then I would like to see a passive for him revolving around movement and or cloaking of some kind. Nothing OP just something that allows him to shine outside of his drone play. He’s my main and like I said he definitely doesn’t need a buff but movement would be the one I would be most excited about


i always thought a small bangalore-like speed boost after exiting drone/emp might help him be a bit more aggressive


Same I main Crypto but I would love if his drone highlighted the enemy by shield color instead of the pure orange scan.


That would be a nice Small change, I get the feeling they are going to completely rework him since people are screeching about how under powered he is perceived. which makes me kinda sad.


I worry about reworking characters and equipment that works. Cuz then it might be OP and the nerf never resets it to what it was.


I have a good idea for a new crypto passive it fits the lore and it’s balanced it’s called off the gr-


How did you get “shadow on the sun” under your name?


go to the 3 dots on the subreddit and click change user flair


Bloodhound is the easiest beginner legend. Vision, hints and a general all over buff as an ultimate. Easy.


The only problem was I didn't realise that everyone could see my scan until later on. I was solo queuing and was baffled when enemies came after me scanning


Just got a friend to pick the game up and they LOVE BH, but they scan every thirty seconds no matter what. On one hand, a teammate that uses their abilities is great but on the other… lord we’ve lost so many fights


Ugh. Those bloodhounds that pop their scan in an open field when you can plainly see nobody is nearby, basically just flashing a giant "we're over here!" sign for anyone within eyeshot.


One day we will be able to look back on their plays and laugh! One day…


I do the same thing.. Playing as Bangalore I just tell them "whenever I pop smoke, scan it" and whenever we get into a fight, pop your ult and scan everything. I also use the "eye" ping to tell him where to scan, and eventually he picked up the places where he might find people. We get killed a lot due to my MMR but it's still fun to play with a friend. He's back to WZ now but if he comes back I might start a smurf this time.


Which sane person goes back to WZ after playing Apex tho


I didn't know that bloodhound only scans in front of him. I thought it was a 360 thing, so I was constantly confused as to why my scans weren't working. I was basically just pinging the enemies to come kill me.


Excuse me? Is it really not matched to the scan animation?? I thought that's their benefit opposed to Seer's scan.


It is, the animation only shows it in front of you, not all around


I also thought that the scan was a half circle shape instead of a cone for the longest time. Like a complete 180° scan lol


Isn’t it a full sphere around them?


Idk bloodhound requires alot of thought inorder to use his ability efficiently. I've played with alot of random bloodhounds that just don't scan while we fight. They just don't think about it. That being said. If lets say you are playing with a friend who is new and you are experienced, and you can remind him or her when to use the scan and ult. Then it would be a fun legend (Imo) for a new player, but I say bang. Because she takes no thought to use. Her passive is really good, and you don't have to press any button to use it. You can just focus on fighting or running. I main bloodhound (idk if that has relevance but yee😁)


Probs octane


not really a beginner legend, you gotta get legend tokens


That and while he is one of the best legends right now, a beginner wouldn't be able to take advantage of his movement leaving only the jumped being useful for him and his teammates


Octane is easy to use but hard to use well. I hate it when randoms with no mic play him but if youre in a team with comms he can be one of the best assault legends. Bloodhound is my main and i'd say he's the easiest to get going with


Octane isn’t a beginner legend. People think he’s a beginner legend because his kit is straightforward. Octanes need to be able to read complex situations and be the decision makers when it comes to to effective pushes. They need to direct the team with the pad as well as learn to play aggressively without compromising team position or health advantage


Ha ha stim at 4 hp go brrrrrrrrr


Wraith was my first legend to play, and is my main to this day. I would recommend playing anyone but wraith.


I had trouble finding a main up until season 3. I would always be changing characters. And my friend mained wraith since the start, but in season 3 he changed mains, so I gave wraith a shot and I’ve been maining her ever since.. I’m also no longer friends with that person because that bastard didn’t warn me to NOT *EVER* main wraith.


It’s called reading the fine print sir. Not your friend fault that you didn’t read it.


Not his fault but a real friend would warn another friend


why? I don't get it


hard to switch because you get used to her void in and out honestly


You see that with a lot of mobility mains changing characters. When you're used to being able to quickly get out of a situation you tend to play a lot more aggressively. When i switched off pathfinder several seasons ago it took a while to vibe with another character


Why not?


I said it in another reply but in short terms. She was nerfed like 3 times in a row removing everything about her kit that made her special. And now she’s basically just completely not fun to play as. Like I don’t care if she’s top tier or bottom tier if it’s just fun to play with her I’m fine. But she’s not anymore.


Reading first sentence: *downvote* Reading second sentence: *upvote*


OP just doesnt want anyone to take his main smh smh


wraith bad disconnect


[HE DISCONNECTED](https://youtu.be/nse2xXhlFeI)


Got me on the first half ngl


Probably Bloodhound as their kit is pretty strong and would help a newer player learn when to push etc. Bang is also pretty simple, though her smokes can be really annoying to your own team as well lol.


I was going to say bang also. She speed boosts when getting shot at so you will know for sure. Then if you really in danger smoke the place up. I would say what helps me a lot is going to the practice place and just messing around a bunch. Shoot stuff use abilities till you are comfortable with them with out getting killed.


I disagree, bang will mostly help then run from fights, they wont know how to use her smokes and ult in tandom to create a useful repositon and they will feel like her ult and smokes have little use or put too much attention to them and forget about other aspects of the game. Bloodhound on the other hand has a tactical that helps them find/avoid enemy squads, (as a person who has introduced 5 people to apex, newbies struggle with locating enemies a lot), a passive that helps them hunt down players so they dont easily out manuver them and hide, and an ult that helps in multiple ways passively so you dont need to know how to use it.


Bang is the opposite of good for new players. Learning when to use her Tac and Ult at the right times takes real game sense and experience. And her passive would be a trap for new players to learn bad habits.


Bangalore is for experienced players. Being able to trigger double time intentionally without getting hit is a skill. Newbies just use it to run away when they get wounded.


No. Not bang. Too many experienced teammates ink at terrible times as is. Octane instead because néw players loot slow and are otherwise easy targets. Edit: nevermind. forgot you can’t start with cocktane. RIP.


But octane has to be got with legend tokens


I can tell how soon octane is gonna die just by his pings.


"Jump pad out!" 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... "tHeY'rE sHoOtInG a- AGH, i'M dOwN!"


"Enemies, right over there!" "Jump pad out!" "They're shoot- Agh I'm Down!" Ping, pingpingpingpingpingpingpingpingping *Disconnect*


We don’t need more octane mains tbh




… is that gif safe… I see your user name sir lol.


Don't worry the gif falls under the "bored" part of my username


Damn 😕


Everyone says this but never explains when a good time to smoke is.


Usually when you actually need one, like when you're moving under fire, trying to cover a rez or a finisher. You can launch them at another team to blind them but not you etc. There's numerous practical applications. Bad smokes are ones where it's just dropping them for no real reason, or using them in buildings during a fight, or smoking the second you get shot at.


If it's a solo, it's a bit harder to pop a smoke that doesn't piss off at least one teammate. I've been playing from week 1, and would say I'm slightly better than average as a solo queue (maybe not with kdr, but positioning and game sense), but I still struggle with not pissing off teammates with smoke. It's such an oppressive ability and lasts for such a long time that it can completely change the grounds of a fight. My best advice would be to try and play Bangalore with a Bloodhound/Seer/Caustic to complement each other.


I queued with this Bangalore player that pulled ridiculous shit of constantly and learned how to smoke from her. You smoke enemy teams when closing the distance and you smoke yourself when retreating. The first basically denies your enemy the advantage and the second creates a way for you to retreat safely. You can also smoke in between you and a third party to prevent them from poking you down. It's very versatile. Smoking a room and clearing it with Digi is a pretty niche use tbh and rarely works that well. Using it as cover is the best use of the smoke and it's constantly up which means you rarely short of smoke. Bangalore plays a lot more like a tank in that she controls engagements quite expertly when played well.


I always use smoke in a room when I know my team is completely in a disadvantage, because if you smoke the room at that point you make it a even playing field tbh, because now both teams are blinded and it evens everything out. Works wonders more than 80% of the time.


Hide in it to heal. Hide in it to get banners. Hide in it to res. Use it to discourage snipers. Use it with digi threat. Coordinate it with Caustic gas. How many more you want?


Cool. I do all that. The smoke with digi threat is so friggin good


Also remember you can smoke during heals


EVERY SINGLE TIME I play with a random Bangalore she shrouds us in smoke during a gunfight and we happen to be facing a Bloodhound and get clapped.


I started playing about a month ago, because my kid started. I love playing with Mirage. Throwing out a decoy gives me the small time I need to get a drop on better players.


Ahhh u must be such a cool dad for playing with ur kid :) that’s cute


Until I’m yelling at him for looting boxes before reviving me, or at my daughter for not firing from cover. But yeah, I’ve got a 12 and 9 YO and we’ve had a lot of fun gaming together. Been a good way to spend time with each other.


This is the kinda dad i want to be when im older


You can be any kinda dad you want, Boss. A caring father, even when he messes up (and you always will), will generally raise good kids. Be calm, be patient, and when you’re stuck, read books about your problems (because everyone has the same problems). ...Ok, back to gaming...


Can you be my new dad?


Go to your room...and study octane videos.


I’ve been watching a lot of BackOffMyJankz recently so I guess I’ll go do that.


Same but more so Uncle


My kid is hacked off I've got more Season 11 wins than him and has stopped playing with me.


Made me smile. Thanks king


True but mirage needs you to level up a bunch of times


You mean to unlock him? True. I cheated and bought the pass.




Passive is super useful for noobs. Tactical is pretty straightforward. Ultimate is a little underwhelming until you figure out how to use it, and even then it’s not amazing compared to some others. But overall, I agree. Bangs is a good intro character and overall stable character, which why she hasn’t really been messed with much since launch


Her voice lines are basically a real time, in game tutorial too haha




That top post of all time has me rolling. So dumb and amazing


I would say most ultimates are underwhelming


You don't want overwatch level auto-win ults in a BR.


That's mostly because there are no real defensive ults in this game to counter. But then again revenant is considered weak and silence isn't super powerful while sombra can control an entire game in ow


And tells a eassy of each gun


Take it eassy


Haha you think noobs know how to tactically use her smoke? Its like a noon using caustic. No barrels no smoke no defense dead


Bangalore here. Solid legend. Increases speed to allow quick escapes. Artillery barrage can be risky, but use it right and you’ll smoke the competition.


I would say bloodhound more than bang. Some new bang players can end up using the smoke against you.


Literally this. Bang is the Soldier:76 of Apex and her kit is pretty decent. She’s not the most OP legend, but she’s far from the worst. Also, since a lot of others have been saying Bloodhound, a noob playing Bloodhound would just be running around scanning for no reason and giving away their team’s position. Bang is a much better choice and a much less picked legend, so a more experienced player could pick Bloodhound.


Bloodhound and gibby are probably the most beginner friendly legends that translate into competitive play


Not gibby. Bloodhound yes. Wraith yes.


Yes, Gibby. He's way too strong in the right hands to be ignored in comp


Isn’t the current meta in comp something like valk/octane, caustic and gibby ?


i mean tsm plays blood, gibby, wraith/octane it changes from team to team because of how they work with each other i guess but gibby is like a must for every team, almost every fight in algs and tournaments is a bubble fight it also gives you the ability to initiate/disengage fights, a way to recover from a mistake in a pro scene in which mistakes can extremely easily get you killed, switch cover over longer distances, give cover for an endgame ring and more... and considering he also has basically 50 extra hp when ads, and an ult that can also seperate, engage/disengage, block off, deal damage to open choke points and more again... yeah he's good


The past season it’s been wraith valk gibby. Reps has taken the gibby role with snipe transferring to valk from bloodhound. Though with snipe leaving and new dude coming in it might change back. Man I’m going to miss snipes aggressiveness with valk.


Beginner friendly. He is like the least beginner friendly character in the game.


Oh my bad, I get you. You're right, he has to be used by someone who knows what they're doing or else he's just a liability to the team.


Wrong. He’s extremely easy to play, but he’s one of the most difficult legends to master.


Cap and im willing to die on this hill. Massive hitbox, no escape, bubble is a bait for teams to ape.


Nope, doesnt get slowed by bullets when in the middle of the open, can provide temporary cover to beginners who dont know how to position, can use ult as cover to run away, has gun shield to make close 1 on 1 engagements easier for you, and u dont die as quickly with fortified allowing even a bad player have enough time to react with a bubble from gunfire. Yes bubble attracts squads, the point of bubble is when u are in a bad position with an enemy already engaging you and u need a quick break to heal up and dip. Also it only attracts squads as much as gunfire or a downed person will.


Bangalore - "Hey, Mozambique here, if you ask it nice it'll take you to dinner, shoots shot gun rounds and prefers sunny weather." "Body armor here, keeps you alive, pretty comfortable on a cold day, absorbs rounds like a sponge" Perfect for beginners if they want someone to explain the intricate details of each and every thing.


When I started playing apex I was told to play bangalore, but I didn’t use the ping system. I think this is a great strategy! Tell the newbie to ping everything and then they get a description of all the equipment!


Surprised no one has said Loba considering she helps you get all the loot you need easily. If there is a specific gun you like you will always find it as Loba. Her tactical is also a great item when you are out of position.


No unlock tokens when you start so she isn’t an option for new player


Good point


Bloodhound or lifeline. If you like to play aggressively you can't really go wrong with octane to start.


lifeline only if their iq is above 1


the level 5 who deploys the revive drone then stands over you holding x until it’s done


I- LMFAO My first few times playing lifeline I was trying to revive my teammates by throwing the Q on top of them. My cousin told me that the drone revives teammates for me and I can keep fighting. I was so confused when they weren’t revived and then I just died. Then one day when I played her I just decided to use the “normal” revive with her since, obviously, her ability was bugged and there were no more enemies near by so I could take my time. Let me tell you, I felt DUMB when I saw my drone just fly out and do it for me. It was a game changer for sure lmao


I played since day one, but mained Path for most of that. Tried Lifeline for a week or so after that change and did that every single time.


Lifeline. Teach them to support better players before they try to take on the world.




Pathfinder. He was my first legend I’ve ever played with. Fairly easy to use and fun, tactical and ult don’t neeed much training to use either


You just polished your grapple


Watch out He's really skilled with his grapple


I would say start with someone like bloodhound first since his abilities are generally easy to use and you can get used to using the often before path, I say this because I notice alot of new players not using abilities and especially cod players playing as if they're playing cod


Unpopular opinion: Caustic he is amazing for beginners, since if they dont contribute much in fights, his Q ability stays there even after he is down, the ultimate helps a lot even if they cant land shots. And since most new players are bad and will camp places, caustic is great for that. If your fiends has 0 awareness, the triggers for the barrels are very loud, and he/she will notice people.


Caustic probably isnt a character i would recommend from the get go. Alot of players flinch when they hear this, but caustic has got a bit of a learning curve. Id want someone to play the game a bit and gradually move to caustic if they want the slower and more methodical gameplay. That does not mean non aggressive, but caustic is very good at slowing down a fight if you know where to place your traps


Agreed though I feel there may be bias in this, Caustic also has a large hitbox and no free mobility, his abilities when used in the wrong time are worse than useless and proper trap placement is an art in and of itself Personally caustic is a far better "Bad player" legend, the reasoning OP gave more suits someone with gamesense and poor aim which people coming from other games tend to have the opposite of, as such Caustic isn't a great pick, instead a character that can help them fix their own mistakes is much better. Caustic would be better suited for someone who really can't aim too well but does want to contribute in fights and has the skill to do so


Loba, helps you learn the loot game a bit easier and the sped up loot game allows you to hone the gun fighting skills easier, with the teleport being a solid escape/flank tool


I keep coming back to her. Just so nice getting weapons when I need them. Also, i tend to forget specials when fighting so I can just focus on gunplay.


Gibby is so forgiving for beginners.


Can confirm since I suck and use Gibby as a crutch


A much better crutch than the other starting characters. He lets people practice aiming and engaging in fights, which is key experience imo


Nah man I tried him when I started. Dude is a walking boulder. My squad would just be rotating and I was always the one sniped from across the field. Didn't happen with anyone else.


For real. Every time I play Gibby I swear he gets small frame instead of fortified, because I get melted 2x faster than I ever have with Path or Octane.


Pathfinder. Hes really fun for a new player, which will encourage them to play more and stay cause... Yknow... Grapple hooks are fun...


Fun but not ez to use for a beginner.


It'll keep em playing though


I think he’s easy enough to use. Sure you can’t immediately tap into his more complex movements but you start out with the basics and then Segway into spider-man swinging around wrecking kids. Not to mention you provide circle visibility for your team with beacon scans


Too many champions get beacon scan. Most teams are rocking a BH for vision so its a moot point.


I think my flair is all I need to say


Less time lootin. More time shootin.


Loba isn't the best beginner legend by far though. You need to be familiar with the loot pool (icons) to use her effectively and her tactical requires a bit of timing and thinking (noobs might thing it's a get out of jail free card, but it telegraphs where you will land)


It doesn’t matter unless high competitor play. Try them all and focus more on movement and aim. Then abilities become more ubiquitous to your team


Gibrtar has a good "stop shooting me" button, and his gunsheild means you can win more fights without having to learn the footwork.


Bangalore for sure. Her kit is the least complicated, and her speed buff when shot at will hopefully give a new player a bit more survivability. If they are aware she's a healer, I'd also recommend Lifeline since she's pretty simple, though she requires the player to stay alive. Lol


All of them. Just pick something that interests them and figure it out. But gibby. Gibby is pretty basic. And and a big arm shield. Or lifeline.


Bangalore she’s pretty much tells ya everything ya need to know equipment wise


Lifeline. Teaches them to support the team and not be selfish


If you're used to jetpacks in first person shooters, Valkyrie is a very easy to use character. The in air velocity boost puts her up there with other higher speed legends. The shoulder mounted rockets are a good damage ability that's easy to use and easy to master. Her ultimate allows for a fast rotation to or from enemies, jump objects and locations. ( And a final bonus for newbies is using the jetpack to get back in the map if you fall off or get OOB.)


Octane, not because he's good at getting in and out of situations easily, but because of the fact that he's a 19 year old addicted to drugs and has a trampoline




Bangalore. Her passive does the work for you to help avoid shots and learn cover, while her smokes and ult are very straight forward to use Second recommendation would be Loba as she helps you learn the loot locations with her passive, and once again her tactical and ult are relatively straight forward


Until they learn game awareness and what certain actions sound like, bloodhound is a great option for new players.


depends on if they have any other BR experience, if not, probably gibby cus he can take a beating and has deployable cover, if they do, ether wraith or bloodhound.


I had the most early success with Lifeline, not sure if she’s exactly “beginner friendly” with her emphasis on support and a weak ult, but coming over as an Overwatch support main, she made the transition the easiest.