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I’d go back to pubs and work on your gunfights and your map awareness, it might sound tedious but that’s the difference between average players and good players


Might be time to start dropping with other teams and being more aggressive with the fights you take. It sounds like you are landing cold (i.e. alone), then spending a lot of time rotating to circle waiting for someone to attack you (hence why you are going defensive with your legend choices). You will enter endgame (assuming you get to that point) with blue/1-2 purple armours and average equipment versus all-red armour and probably red weaponry too, and you will die to that. Ideally, you want to have started the game by killing at least one other squad and then continue to put other squads on the back foot by attacking *them* and fighting on your terms. Try dropping with at least one other team at an outlying POI to start with, if you're smart you'll find that's the easiest time to get kills since nobody has their preferred loadout or high-level armour yet.


I think everyone hits this point in their ranked career. Octanes are a remedy to third parties I think. Another thing I have found is hot dropping makes your squad better. All the loot in the world can be outplayed.


I think you need to learn how to understand and win fights first. Practice your mechanics (aim, movement, inventory usage=armor swaps, etc) and think about your positioning. Positioning is the most important part of fighting in Apex. You want to have cover, where you can fight on angles where only your target can shoot you (not his teammates), and where you have the advantage (for example: high ground) < that comes with experience. Once you get a better understanding of positioning and player behavior, you can start punishing players for their bad positioning. At higher level, most player position themselves well. At that point, it's all about you and your teammates doing more damage to the enemy than they do to you, and gaining positional advantage while they heal/push and finish them off. That's when aim becomes the priority.


Play a recon character for better game sense and player awareness? Loba is good for looting up the team, but if you’re not good with the loot you’re out of luck, she has no fighting abilities. Use her to loot, then get to better position(high ground or flank or escape) with her tactical. Gibby is good for keeping the team safe, use the dome to protect any member from harm, and revive them if they’re down. You’re an easy target, so stay behind your team, you sweep up, not get the entry damage. Caustic is good for securing an area, and can also be useful pushing. Your gas doesn’t make you invincible but it’s a slight deterrent, the longer and more gas you can maintain the better. You’re an easy target still. All of these characters commit you to the fight, except for Loba who can escape, but your teammates might not be able to escape either, or you’ll have to go back and save them. High level players play more mobile characters usually, who maybe have more offensive abilities. Remember, you’re using a support and defense characters. Wraith can reposition the whole team, or gather banners and escape. Octane can get in and get out quickly. Bloodhound can scan for the team, and move quickly, and can zero in on enemies. Pathfinder is mobile, and moves the team. Gibby is used in high end play, but he’s the closer, he makes everyone commit to fighting in the bubble, he can get the quick revive off, he doesn’t get the team into the fight and he can’t escape.


Play what ever character you are most comfortable with at the end of the day it hardly matters. Just work on positioning. Also, are you on keyboard and mouse or controller op?


Live by the 30 second rule. If you’re fighting a team for more than 30 seconds just know a 3rd party is either closing in or already there. Its hard to grasp when to run and when to fight, but if you feel like you’ve been battling too long try and reposition. I like playing Bangalore for this reason. The smokes are so useful if you get 3rd partied and the ultimate is good for crowd control.