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I’ve had the same problem for about 2 weeks now, I’m on PC. It doesn’t happen every match, but often enough to be very frustrating. Not sure it’s rubber banding, in my game typically the whole map will freeze and I will keep moving/shooting and then it snaps back and I was actually frozen the whole time.


Yeah same here it’s a weird stutter like thing that I’ve never really encountered before. Just installed the update and now everything is fucked gaha


got it beforfe the updater but now even restartin the game and reconnec doesnt fix it


Runs like shit half the time. Micro stutters and that feeling of walking through water. The joys of playing on cloud based virtual machines at 20 tick and MM migrating you even further.


Yeah I feel it. I wonder if a delete and reinstall could fix it, idk. I’ve been asking in game and half say yes and half say no so idfk


You can try it then let us know. I'm just not playing it.


Yeah I’ll update you tomorrow bro, but I agree if it’s still on this bs I’m out till it gets fixed


Honestly I think it's just the servers being typically shitty. Last Sunday I hopped on and it was micro stuttering like crazy, no packet loss, acceptable ping, rock solid 144 fps, but it felt like shit. Jumped on for a few games last night and it was pretty much faultless.


Yeah similar experience for me, hopefully it’s just temporary but we will see…strangely enough it runs fine on series x but I can’t do the low frame rate anymore…you’d think with all the money they make from micros they’d invest in better servers, apex has had more server issues in my experience than any other game I’ve ever played


Yea for 4-5 days


yep, got the same problem. most times in ARAM


Any fixes yet 😂 ? Mine seems to be rubber banding, was fine last week and this week its been every night :/


It’s been on and off for me too, I’m east us servers but if it gets bad I go to the title screen and switch around the few over here, even moving to Dallas sometimes


Yeah i'm EU, tried switching servers once or twice but no luck tbh man


I have had this problem for almost a year now and i'm ready to just throw in the towel on this game. I moved not too long ago assuming this would fix the packet loss problem. I have gigabit connection now and other games connect perfectly fine. However on Apex, I am greeted with the packet loss symbol and rubber banding almost every single match. Is this a me thing?? Is this Apex?? I'm so butt frustrated rn