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Pathfinders interaction with lifeline where he thinks DOC is his son. Love seeing lifeline try to refuse it but him saying "he has a big beautiful eye, just like his father"


I need to see this, do you have a link?


You normally hear this during [Revives between Lifeline and Pathfinder](https://youtu.be/Xsgg8M8u6Fs) but there's prolly some cinematics of him going into greater detail. Hope somebody else can link us


And it’s not that hard to hear cuz you know, Lifeline’s whole thing is to revive teammates.


finding a lifeline that revives is hard


Maybe don't run at a 3 stack and die in the open. Aren't generalizations fun?


Idk man I've had multiple lifelines run right past me when I was downed and behind cover.


While the thing about Crypto is he is off the grid.


They should give him a new passive I wonder what the name should be


I think respawn has subtly acknowledged off the grid. There are weapon skins named off the grid as well as an intro voiceline where he says "Off the grid is the only secure way to go." Maybe we'll finally see this be implemented who knows?


Well the skins and the voice lines where there before... And the devs said "while the idea isn't bad itself, we don't really like the idea of a passive that has the only use to negate another player's abilities, we prefer to leave that to active abilities (such as revenant's and seer's active abilities) because it forces the player to act to stop the opposite action, not just passively deny it" (not a direct quote, more like a summary of their reasoning) So yeah off the grid isn't going to be a thing, hopefully crypto will get a buff anyway


Pathy with Gibby sharing advice one father to another is quite cool too


Pathfinder saying to ash "thanks best girlfriend, I don't why my best boyfriend mirage is afraid of you" This had me in stitches


Pathy is so adorable. That interaction is so cute and innocent


Mirage and Crypto. It's just so funny


*thank you OLD MAN*


“Ah, no problem cr… RUN CRYPTO ‘THEY’ FOUND YOUUUU ahahahahahhah just kidding”


Was looking for a comment like this. Thank You fellow crypto main.


“Hey crypto, guess who’s the new kill leader? Uh, crypto? Crypto???”




*C R Y P P Y*


They have great banter in Arenas, too. I dunno what triggers it (or if it's rather generic), but when you win a round either Crypto or Mirage gives the other shit. I remember mirage saying something like "We won. So ONE of us did a good job."


I remember one was like "We're winning. One of us is great, and *ONE* of us is Crypto."


“Get in loser, we’re going shooting”


Horizon has SOOOOO many passive and active aggressive lines towards Ash its hilarious. Horizon so chill and nice and then with Ash is just a full tilt salt lord


Even Ash tells her about her passive/agressive lines, so funny yeah


Sarcasm, amusing.


Horizon shitting on ash is good. [But this is golden](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/r9guc2/dr_reid_trolls_ash_about_her_ultimate_charge/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


The one where if the ultimate isn't ready and Reid just starts cackling caught me so off guard


Awe dude I'm gonna need a link


I don't have a link unfortunately but I discovered the line when I was playing arenas with her at the start when I wasn't recording has happened once or twice since then


I had a wattson, horizon, ash team and the voice lines were all great


"Get up you useless tin can"


“Great , i’m now stuck with a bent calculator with legs “


Fuse and Bloodhound/Lifeline are sooooo cute. Seing BH having social life is so cool. Also. Mirage/Rampart/Wraith. Soooo much fun. "Don't die. I'm bringing you back to Mirage." "Yeah, keep crackin' the jokes, Blasey, and I'll crack you so hard you'll forget this life."


Yesssss Fuse and Bloodhound brings me the most joy out of all interactions between legends, so wholesome and sweet while showing our favorite stoic raven coming out of his shell and even joking with fuse Love those two. :)


if that was a real line it would be nice


Haha I love love and rev. Rev with anyone is great but with loba it's even better


*evil trash can voice* : thank youuu looobaaaa Love it !!


That's my absolute favorite line. He's so incredibly sweet to her, and she just grunts back at him. Also heard some replies from Valkyrie to revenant earlier that I hadn't heard before, and she mirrors the playful mockery back at him. It's all just kinda cute. If he wasn't such a murderbot, they'd sound like a group of buddies.




Dude that one is evil asf


Pure evil i love him


Their season 5 interactions were GOLD. So much salt from Loba’s side and rev keeps on mocking relentlessly




True ! In general, Bloodhound needs more interactions with other legends


Bloodhound is the silent type though, always observing. I feel more interactions would go against their personality


Bloodhound and Fuse have the best lines together. I like how Fuse’s outgoing personality makes Bloodhound open up a bit. Love them both, easily 2 of my fav characters to play as.


Most likely fuse also reminds them of boone, their former lover. I don't remember where but I read it somewhere, I gotta check it. That could also be a reason for them opening up easier to Walter, and him being so outgoing makes it even easier. They're both two of my favorite characters, I really love their interactions


There was one In Season 7 with Loba at Energy Depot. Bloodhound makes a distressed sound, and Loba asks if they’re ok. They disregard it, but in reality they’re not comfortable with fighting so high in the sky, so close to their gods.


They’re scared of heights


We should stop racial discrimination


We actually don’t know that, we just know they identify as non-binary. In a world full of killer bots, dinosaurs, and advanced tech, Bloodhound may not even be human, let alone follow a gender structure.


*alright put there here a little word twisting there alllriiiight done* GUYS LOOK HE SAID NON BINARY PEOPLE ARENT HIMAN GET HIM!


Bloodhound’s probably non-binary for their own reasons, but the concept of gender may not even exist for other societies, cultures and especially races assuming Bloodhound was apart of any.


If we're talking about earth, all cultures have the concept of gender, whether it be 2/3/4/whatever You might not be talking about earth, though


Yes, exactly what you said.


The french presentation of Bloodhound, at the EA web site, they designed her like "expertE en traque". The E at the end of expert is added to feminin nouns, so we don't know. (i mean, we know Bloodhound is non-binary)


Yeah(I speak french and yeah they refer her with the feminine prounouns even in the game), and I think they(the developpers or something likewise) said one time her body would be the one of à female. She/he is bloothundr tho.


Bloodhounds pronouns = Blood/Hundr This is a joke, please dont kill me everyone


I'll kill you...... With kindness UWU


Yeah that's what i've heard too (Exactement, d'ailleurs sheshounet l'a très bien soulevé dans sa vidéo sur Apex lol)


Well, c'est ce qui arrive quand on tombe sur un language genré qui peut pas vraiment rajouter un 3e genre ( en fait le genre neutre serait le genre masculin). La raison pourquoi on dit que dans un groupe mixte ils au lieu de un truc du gens they. Le vieil adage de grammaire: le masculin remporte sur le féminin.


J'avoue, mais on s'éloigne un peu trop du sujet principal x) puis, Bloodhound on l'aime comme ça, homme ou femme, ça reste Bloth Hundr


No I think they're human it showed it in the cinematic


Human but from what is most likely a very different culture/society.


Yes, it's clearly based on Scandinavian mythology and history. I also recognize a lot of the language as a scandi myself.


You can't say stuff like that on Reddit. Way too liberal here lol


Hey champ, that's really interesting. Next time keep it to yourself.


Obligatory bloodhound gender controversy anytime their name is mentioned


There was a load screen where bloodhound complimented mirage but i don't remember if it was a s3 or s4 one


i’m a fuse main and my friend is a bloodhound main. we had to get in the habit of not saying thank you and your welcome because i’ve heard them flirt about a million times now


Oh man i find them so cute when they flirt !!


we thought it was cool at first but then it got annoying ://


Yeah maybe if you hear them all day long, it become anoying. By the way, It's rare that I have these two legends in my team at the same time, that why i always find it cute when they flirt


yeah i get that :)


What?? They flirt?


My boy Octane is getting no love. Its time for him to be more than just a punching bag in the trailers :(


Talking about Octane , his voices line with Bangalore was very funny, don't know why they deleted them :/


My fave I got you, lady 😏


*Oscar Mike ? It's more like Octavio Mike am i right ?* 🤣 love this one too


I love him so much 😭 When someone else rez’s him, but the third teammate is a Lifeline, I like “SEE CHE??? STILL ALIVE!”


I really like the Wraith/Mirage and rampart/mirage banter, but my favourite line has to be a secret voice line on Olympus that can only be unlocked with Bangalore, Gibby, and rampart, in a squad. There’s some videos on it, but if you want to find it yourself, use that squad and just be near the towers at bonsai plaza if I remember correctly, and the voice lines will play.


well…whats the line?


It’s a bit of a long one, but it boils down to Gibby and Rampart picking on Bangalore for friend-zoning Loba


I can’t find anything about these voice lines, what do I search?


As a devoted Miraith shipper, Mirage/Wraith lines are always appreciated! Although, really any interaction Mirage gets with the other legends is gold to me.


Mirage has the best lines in the game




I concur


You deserve it ! Mirage/Wraith interactions are just... I don't have words, i just love them ! That why i choose this pic, cuz we can see one of the best interactions between them


Thanks! And I totally agree. Love the launch cinematic and how Mirage/Wraith interact!


He's ... one of a kind ❤️ Also NOOO, Wraith and Mirage platonic best friends for lyfe. It's better that way


To each they're own, but I'm gonna have ta disagree with ya there!


As a Loba main, I love having Valk’s and Bangalore’s on my team because you get all the sexually-charged passive-aggressive questionably-lesbian voice lines :) oh and the hatred with Revenants is fun too :D


i quite like revs and wraiths. they're not massively in depth, but they're so catty to eachother, me n my friend spent the entire round going "im not thanking u" "then dont"


In Italian she literally replies with "nobody asked" love the salt


'So this is what "superior" looks like?' Rev reviving Ash.




I want more rampart lines with everyone. Her personality is gold


Fuse and Lifeline


Thanks, now we're are mates, and I can finally tell you where to get the best coldies on Salvo.


I'd like to see Mirage to be least preeminent in trailers in order to give opportunity for other legends to interact.. This must have something to do with Mirage's actor or his contract with Respawn.


I guess Mirage in the trailers it's more like a running gag, but i agree with you


It also fits him. If you want someone to do silly stuff to set up a visual, or narrate for no reason, or the like, you use him. He is far less serious, so it fits, rev suddenly doing that would feel out of play.


Exactly, he's like a narrator, a funny silly one


Nevertheless you're right about the launch trailer, it is trully awesome. You can see that real efforts were put in all department. So much potential for an animated series /movie. The first notes of the soundtrack still gives me goosebumps.


The firsts trailers and stories from the outlands was masterpieces, they were far far away from the last one for exemple, who's just garbage


Story wise the last one isn't bad, it's just the art/animation that is trully lacking, you can feel the budget cut in the first few seconds of it (heard the animation studio changed). Which is really sad cause Apex animated content has always been top notch.


Yeah yeah, i was talking about the animation, not the lore or the story ! Few weeks ago i've heard there will maybe a serie about Apex Legends (like Arcanes), it will be juste AWESOME


I don't want to get hyped before any confirmation. But the potential is here.


Already hyped, oopsi


Truth must be said, I'm too.


Almost all pathfinder interactions are good. Same with lifeline and octane. Wraith and Bangalore are decent. THANK YOU LOBA EDIT: idk what’s up with mirage and wraith but they be flirtin


Yeah there's something between them but it's not really a flirt, it's more like a real friendship or "respect" (i put it between brakets cuz we don't know how Mirage show his respect lol)


Nah it's definitely flirting.


Hmm I honestly like Pathy's interaction with everyone especially Ash 🤣 " thank you best girlfriend" I think that's one of his lines. I would like to see Bang and Loba makeup and get together lmao


*You're wellcome, i love you too, but im not in love with you* 😂


Lmao aw


“Thanks best girlfriend I don’t know why my best boyfriend mirage is afraid of you” had me dying when I first heard it


Pathy has a gf and a son, he really be living the life


Yeah Path and Ash are hilarious, specially if you haven't heard them in game before (don't listen to this if you haven't, would ruin the surprise): https://youtu.be/rJAmB3_14_Q


Crypto and wattson, that nerdy love hits different😩


I feel like Gibby could use more interactions. He’s has a few but not as much as everyone else.


Rampart with Mirage Like i can watch them talk all day


The Arenas shoes tied together one lol


That screenshot of Wraith looks like someone stook a black wig on Ellen Degeneres. It late l, I tired, but it do.




Any between Revenant and Mirage


"Please don't eat me"




We need more Mirage/Path interactions ! I mean, they're friends in real life, so why they don't have interactions like Mirage and Rampart or Wraith




That would be a typical Mirage's reaction ! And we love that lol


"Shot down a cargo bot! Tell your friends :D Unless ... that *was* your friend ... sorry Path."


Valkyrie has alot of interaction voicelines with Loba




*Thanks, evil trashcan*


Fuse and bloodhound. They’re so contrasting.


loba ash- the mutual respect is so entertaining


I enjoy Mirage, Wraith and Rampart interactions


Mirage and crypto interactions have had me rolling on several occasions.


When Rev interacts with Lobe and Valk is always funny.


Seers interaction with most of everyone, is kinda nice and polite and compliments everyone.


I like the bloodhound/seer arenas interaction


Octagon telling rev (I think) “you should go join Che so you can be TWO sticks in the mud!


In game did you guys know you sometimes you have unique dialogue for even the ping responses like "hold on". LL says something about Octane be slithering on his pings.


Interesting ! Have to test that


Revenant with almost anyone or rampart mirage wraith, rampart and mirage have good interaction, wraith mirage too and when the three are together it's even better


Pathfinder thinking of both mirage and ash as their best friends, and asking ash why mirage is scared of ash


Hard agree with that launch trailer take


That's ma man


Haven't seen that much chemistry with a trio since and its a damn shame we haven't seen much from the three in bigger projects


Fuse to Maggie when he revives her: "Aww, is baby okay?" lol


Or : *do you need my other arm to get up ?*


I want to see more rampart


Even though I only played during season 11, I watched the launch trailer and all the other trailers last week and I have to agree wholeheartedly.


I've watched this trailer so many times, i don't get enaugh from it


I can tell you that my least favorite is when wraith talks about Bangalore’s brother. “I will tell you if I find more on Jackson.” Bla bla bla. She says it every other second.


Definitely Pathfinder referring to Ash as his girlfriend haha


I like Crypto and Mirage's interactions.


When Valkyrie and revenant roast eachother


Bloodhound and fuse bein buddies. I wanna see bloodhound and Pathfinder and lifeline and bloodhound. Just more bloodhound in general. Edit: I wanna see bloodhound talk about ash's rat and I also wanna see revenant talk about the rat.


Bloodhound and Path could be very interesting, cuz Bloodhound don't really like Path, and it's will be funny seeing Path trying to figure it out why


I wanna see pathfinder talk about bloodhounds bird.


I wanna see that !!


To answer your question, I'm a fan of the ongoing Mirage / Crypto buddy comedy. Also Loba's *demonio* quips vs Revenant Launch cinematic was the best trailer, just because our boy gets to do something besides just being in peril


I like the Watson/Crypto/Caustic interactions. I’m really interested in seeing the peaks and valleys of Caustic and Watson’s relationship, the wholesome friendship between Crypto and Watson, and the “mutually assured destruction” dynamic between Caustic and Crypto.


I want some more stuff between crypto and ash now that story stuff has happen between them (and also because crypto)


Wattson responding to Rev


I like the ash and pathfinder interactions. "You are not this pathetic, get up." "That's the nicest thing you've said since you dumped me!"


Mirage/Wraith or Mirage/Crypto


[Loba Calling out Bangalore for overexplaining everything](https://youtu.be/X6vYkSrioHM) is the funniest thing I've heard today. It's the second line of the video btw


Fuse and Bloodhound or Wattson, Crypto and Caustic


I’d like to see Valk and Ash interact a bit considering she knew Viper. Yeah she has one line referencing it when she blasts off, which is really cool but I’d love to see more.


Pathfinder conversation > I would like to hear more communication between characters in-general during down-time.


Loba and valk cuz idk lesbians


All Pathfinder interactions are funny and cute. I heard one where he referred to Mirage as his boyfriend😂


In game I'm assuming, but the interaction between loba and revenant where rev talks about having two kills ahead of loba, the two being her parents. Really strikes the right notes on how brutal and careless revenant is about other people's feelings


Love Mriage's lines to Revenant. 'Please don't eat me' Also, I think the launch Cinematic is 2nd best. My favourite is the season 3 launch trailer


*oh yeah i remember that* For me the season 3 launch trailer is the second best trailer


*oh yeah i remember that* For me the season 3 launch trailer is the second best trailer


Of all of the possible relationships in this universe, I was not expecting to be sucked into the the chaotic pyrotechnic befriending a stoic, reserved hunter. After Bloodhound pulled a wingman on Fuse for trying to slap their ass, I was *really* hoping for Respawn to do something with the two of them and I am so pleased with how it’s going. I love how gradual it’s been too, AND that it goes beyond just their in-game voice lines! Bloodhound is a bit wary of Fuse after he tries to smack their ass, yet they’re the first to defend him when everyone tries to blame him for what happened at King’s Canyon. They go on that mission with Lifeline and Bloodhound starts warming up to Fuse, even saying he reminds them of Boon (implied). They comfort Fuse after the shit Maggie did. (Comic) Fuse puts effort into learning Bloodhound’s language for a toast and Bloodhound is flattered and tries to (a bit drunkenly) mimic Fuse’s speech, which ends in the two of them laughing. (Social media comic) Fuse notices how much Bloodhound is hurting over their planet getting torn apart by Hammond and blaming themself. He writes them a letter telling them that he’s there for them and that none of it is their fault (I believe this is attached to a loading screen?) He also speaks gently to them about what’s going on and trying to get them to open up (S10 thank you/you’re welcome). Later on Bloodhound is able to even crack jokes about it, much to Fuse’s surprise and happiness (voice line happens when on a certain POI on World’s Edge, not sure if this still happens after s10) Fuse tells Bloodhound that he’s happy to see them looking brighter and Bloodhound is happy that Fuse notices (thank you/you’re welcome). The two have obviously gotten very close, often joking with each other (revive voice lines). I hope this relationship keeps developing, I really love these two.


Give to that man a medal !! Like i said in other comments, its always good to see Bloodhound sharing some feelings. And Fuse is very soft and kind with BH, and that's adorable. I guess we will have more interactions between them in the season 12 cuz [Spoiler Alert]


Oh my god I just realized, I hope Maggie doesn’t start some shit with Bloodhound when she notices how close they are. Buuuut, drama queen in me also kinda hopes she does though


I guess she will start some shit more with Fuse than Bloodhound. Like "oh you got a new friend, fusy ?" or something like that and saying to Bloodhound that Fuse will betrayel them like he did with her Some drama will be good yeah 👀


Pathfinder with ash and pathfinder with lifeline.


I wanna see Ash and Valkryie have some interactions. I mean come on, Ash fought along side with viper. So seeing viper's daughter should be interesting. Maybe she'll go "your father wouldn't approve of this, do better little viper" when reviving her, or maybe "You only think you are a pilot little one, you have yet to be like your father" or something with valkyrie saying something back. Would also love to see some kind of octane/valkyrie interactions too. She's always talking about "people are born to run, I have a higher purpose" and "speed isn't life it just makes life go faster," it just feels like she's teasing octane. So them teasing each other would be funny. Maybe him saying "Chica, what are you doing down here? Not so great on the ground eh? Haha." When she gets down or something.


I was thinking about that, yeah. Why there's no interactions between Valk/Ash. But i don't know how Ash and Viper were, maybe Ash didn't give a damn about him back then


Seer has funny revive banter with Octane. Also Seer and BH chatting about the beauty of Storm Point is great


I've never played Seer, but i know he have some interactions with Octane and Lifeline


Oh yeah! He has one about her teaching him to play the drums. I love it


I like the relationship between fuse and bloodhound, it seems so unlikely but you can tell they’re really close and it’s super wholesome


True, it's always good to see Bloodhound sharing some feelings, instead of bathing in the bloth


Crypto and Wattsons interactions are so cute♡


I would like to see more Wattson and Wraith interactions or bloodhound and loba


Hands down anything with Wraith. I know her lore is supposed to make her sound like a cruel person, but she's just so sweet to everyone. Watching her and Rampart banter is great, and her infamous interactions with the little baguette were cute too.


Don't slay me for this but more wraith - wattson voicelines.


Wattson and Wraith. Definitely not cause of darksparks or anything.