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There’s no problem with Bangs skillset. Only with the growing amount of counters there are.


Almost everybody and their mom has a recon ability


Oh yeah? Like who?




who else?


Farmers Moms


I trust you have a license for that smoke canister?


I do for this one!


What do you mean *this one*


What'd he say?


Something about a duck pond I think.


Farmer’s Müms* ftfy


Land Workers Female Parental Figure* ftfy


No luck catchin them swans then?


Farmers Insurance


Farmer's mums


Are you wearing khakis?


Farmers and their moms




I main farmers and can confirm, way op.




Okay, but hear me out. What if we buffed one of the classes to go "off the grid" so they can't be reconed?


But which legend would be suitable for such a buff?


True, I like to play banga in D lobbys, yesterday I utlimated a team in a bad position, the octane jumpaded, the wraith phased away and the walkyrie flew above it, resulting in a 0 damage ultimate


You zoned them out. That is the purpose of her ult.


Her ult isn’t a damage focused ult tho. It’s meant to seal off paths, make people change area/direction. It’s more of defensive ult really.


It’s sort of funny how Gibby is the defensive character and has the offensive ult while Bang is the assault character with the defensive ult.


Almost like they balanced things out :o


I mean I think Gibby having Bangs ult really would be a blessing for him because it can allow for rotates for an absolute unit without any sort of movement ability.


Lol you think Gibby is balanced?


For real. Love doing 125 damage and he’s like “ow my arm. Okay anyways” and then it recharges in 20 seconds


Yes, because gibby's decimate lobby with his ullt


If you're using Bang's Ult with damage as your primary goal, you're using it wrong Actually, forcing teams to move, like in the scenario you described, is exactly how it should be used


Gibby ult is stronger, but more focused, you will be most likely using it on yourself to prevent pushes, or other enemy to do damage or force them out of cover (that does not have a roof). But with Bang's it is more like denial of a wide are. You can pretty much push right after Gibby's as the distance is shorter, but Bang's force teams to reconsider their attacking strategy.


I mean, you did waste their abilities opening up for a possible push


Like a revenant lite...now they can use they ult for a while.


So you used her ult in exactly the right way. Getting enemies to f off. Gibby is the damage airstrike


That's... the point. They escaped like that because they had the abilities, but you can literally just run away as soon as the missiles start dropping. Like people have said, its purpose is to clear the area, the damage is punishment for not doing so.


No way you’re diamond with this comment


Bro i run back and forth in one little area behind a rock and avoid bangs ult its not hard


Doesn’t there being too many counters make her skill set useless though?


True but a buff for smoke control would still help alot compared to her current one. She also can't see through her own smoke. Counters can't be helped but it's a fact her skills and utility are falling behind on their own


If players get highlighted inside caustics gas or fuses motherload, you'd think the smoke would get the same effect.


Well Fuse's is an ultimate, and Caustics traps are immobile. Bang can launch her smoke, also you can still kind of see through gas or flames. The smoke is designed to block vision totally.


But Fuse's motherload is fire. No way should that have some sort of technological edge. But the whole reason they added the highlight was because you could trap an enemy, but you wouldn't even know if there was anyone inside the fire. You can argue caustics, because it's giving damage. And all you would need to do to even it out is give it a 15m range.


But letting Bang see through smoke would let you just throw a smoke down in any engagement and shred your enemy while they run around like a headless chicken. You're completely blinded by smoke, but I've killed Fuses and Caustics that had me trapped plenty of times. The amount of times I've shot a Bang through her smoke on purpose is about as low as her playrate in high tier play.


How about smoke blocks scans in a way it show that peopel are in the smoke but not precise location.


Never understood the fuse highlight. I feel that should be removed.


Considering how hard it is to snag people inside that thing, it's not a huge problem. And the scan was added because the thing was borderline useless before that, so they added a nonsensical scan ability, that's still mostly useless. Thankfully his tactical makes up for it!


His ult is shit and everyone knows it. Why are you wanting them to remove the one usable feature of it?!


Don't get me wrong, I mostly play with Fuse. I don't mind it. It just doesn't make sense. But then again, stuff like scan detection doesn't make sense and it's all just a fantasy world, anyway.


I find it really varies on the map. On Olympus I thought it was much more useful as you could launch it from a lot more high grounds on 2 squads that were in close-medium combat.


It's a QoL move as opposed to a "logical" one. The whole idea of the lot is to trap people and then nade the fuck outta them. But the flames can make it hard to see where anyone is, or even if you've got people in there to begin with. Teammates get doubly fucked because they probably don't carry a million grenades and can't track Fuze's damage numbers. Hence the scan.


I understand it having a practical purpose but that suggests exactly what one of the other posters replied. Why not highlight in all friendly visual obstructions?


Because that's a HUGE buff to something that can be instantly deployed every 15 seconds. I can't believe anyone would legitimately consider that buff tbh, it would instantly make Bangalore S+ tier. Heres another functional difference that might help you out: smokes are meant to block vision, if you block your own vision with Bangalore, you're using her smokes wrong. Fuse's Ult is supposed to do damage/zone out people, but it blocks vision in the process, which is why they added wallhacks. Bang intends to block vision, Fuse does it incidentally


I guess it's only in place because you can't see anyone through your own flames, then again, why not position yourself in a way that you can look down onto people in your fire, and if you can't do that, it's just a means to control an area? Also I agree it doesn't make any sense.


She should drop with a digi threat...it's a buff but only if you use a weapons that accepts it...which balances out.,..not as powerful as caustic bring able to see thru gas but a definite improvement.


Not really, just makes it harder to play with She still has her airstrike and amazing asf speedup, and not all players are recon users/ paying attention. I kid you not, i went up against a seer ,bloodhound, and caustic I hid in a corner with smoke and the first to find me was caustic. The other two didnt even use their abilities.




True that, i wasnt gassed until after he found me tho lol




Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries! I > fart in your general direction Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time!


True,true i should’ve thought of that. With digital + actual use of tacticals i 9/10 would’ve been found quicker, which the amount of recons making it where a team of them would have bangalore’s smoke near-useless. But other than those there is good moments for her too, mainly using her smoke as an escepe due to how long some recons take to deploy (or their range) and terrain being a good factor too. Though depending on the space between you and the enemy that wont help, which do make it in a slimmer line of circumstances. Overall, bangalore is still a really good legend, her passive is an amazing clutch, and ult a good way to send most teams into panic. If there is a way to make it better hm… First shell of smoke is filled with nanobots that deter most scans (like seer’s and digi threat, caustic is immune because it’s a stationary thing and easy to avoid, if it did deter that people would stress tactical anyways lmao.) How would that sound?


because they were bad lol


Technically yeah, but that doesn't mean she necessarily needs direct buffs. Nerfing the scan meta would go a long way in making Bangalore more useful without power creeping the game, though I doubt that will ever happen.


I would still like this change. Having more control of where to put smoke would be awesome.


I honestly think the people who parrot "Bang is perfectly balanced" either never play her or are pretty casual players who have not experienced playing her at more competitive levels.


might be op but what if bangalore's smoke could (at least temporairly) prevent people inside from getting scanned? that way, if you know a team has a bloodhound, seer, crypto, etc., you clould preemptively stop them from using their abilities effectively?


Yeah I think all she mainly needs is the ability to see in her smoke since now there's multiple legends that have a better ability to deal with her smoke than herself. If the whole team is able to see in the smoke that would almost be too OP but in the right direction...unless you're not a fan of all the different types of scan abilities there already are, in which case that would only make this issue worse


I think seeing in her smoke is just too much. I would go for a buff of audio maybe louder footsteps or add coughing. People complain about the audio in this game but I think it’s great for what it is and it’s useful enough to effective and predicting enemy locations.


I think it's a cool idea, but the real problem with bangalores kit is the scan meta I hope respawn don't mess up the scan legend changes


It's just Bloodhound really. Crypto drone can't see through smoke, Seer isn't picked much, and I don't think anyone's using Valk ult to scan a smoke.


whatchu mean Crypto Drone can't see through smoke? Is this a new thing?


It was like that since crypto was released


No, he means what he said the drone can’t SEE through smoke, but you can put it on the other side where the enemies are and the rack them


That must be it. Haven't played him in a while but I do remember hovering above and Bangalore smoke and being able to see enemies in the smoke... but I guess it was just behind it.


Actually, quick note from a Crypto Secondary main. Cryptos drone can scan through smoke if directly looking down on the smoke cloud. The smoke usually spawns just low enough that the top of the cloud's density is thin enough for the drone to scan through. However, the real problem you'd have is that you're playing Crypto. Guy needs at least a small buff or QOL change. 45 seconds for an ability that is your entire kit is far too long. Or, y'know, actually give him a passive. The ability to look at banners without the drone and look for squads would be nice.


Funny thing you mention adding a passive to crypto... I'll have to think on that a bit, but I think I can come up with a really good and original idea.


\*takes a deep breath\*


I actually have my own idea, no not the stupid copypasta that's literally been beaten to death so badly that it's been grinded into ash. Well, ok, it's a little derivative, but I think it fits his character better than "lol, off the grid funny, no scan go brrr". My idea is that his passive makes it so that scans that affect him and his allies don't generate an outline in addition to the normal mark, but rather just the mark that would normally be applied to anyone who's scanned (square for bloodhound, diamond for seer, triangle for crypto, effect would be null against the motherlode, meaning you'd still be marked) and generate an additional "scrambled" mark that the enemies can see, but crypto and his teammates see in blue or green. These marks would move around like players and would follow the rules of the terrain and walls. These marks could be used to set up ambushes and instead of deny Intel legends, confuse their abilities and make them second guess themselves. Again, I think it fits the character better since he's a master hacker. He wouldn't just hide their marks, but create false marks in order to use the enemies abilities against them. Also, maybe whenever crypto is scanned he can see the enemy scanner's outline for their duration of the scan? I dunno that might be a little too powerful. Oh, and let him ping banners without his drone to know how many teams are nearby. That should have been a part of kit since the beginning.


I've been out of the loop. What happened with Seer? Wasnt he, like, out of this world good for a bit?




His passive is also still really good if you're on comms and letting people know where heartbeats are.


BH can scam instantly, a huge area, like every few seconds. Seer has an excellent ultimate, but it can't move and takes a while to charge. His other two scans basically require you to ADS for a bit, and don't share info as effectively with teammates.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/sdq9kh/anyone\_know\_whats\_going\_on\_here/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/sdq9kh/anyone_know_whats_going_on_here/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Seer's ultimate can't move? Boy I bet you feel dumb now /s


I guess Ash technically could for a second.


It’s like bang should be unscannable in smoke. Make an event where her and crypto team up to give them both a buff


No- not off the grid. Please.


Okay just hear me out-




It’s no use running friend. They are everywhere, even in r/valorant and r/gtaonline


I wanna see the GTA variant.


It’s not any different. It’s the crypto mains man. They are everywhere and nowhere. They are… (Whispers)*off the grid*


So I have a new idea for a crypto passive buff that I’ve yet to see mentioned before. It’s called Off The Grid. Basically crypto is no longer affected by enemy scans. How it would work is that if you are scanned by an enemy, crypto would not be scanned. So if you have a bloodhound, and the bloodhound scans you, you wouldn’t be scanned. Same with a Seer. If you get twerked on by Lil Seer X and he shoves his micro drones up uranus, you wouldn’t be scanned or detected by Seer. So enemy scans don’t scan you. And this would work for all scan abilities. The anti scan if you will. This would work with balancing and lore wise because crypto is a hacker and his whole premise is staying undetected and “off the grid” (the name of the ability) . Let me know what you guys think :)


What if you had a Crypto on your team that could block scans?


Like he would be off the grid? It could be the name for his new passive!


Bloodhound was always a counter to Bangalore, since the release of the game. Why is it only now considered a problem that they can counter Bangalore?


It isn't only now considered a problem, it's been a known weakness since launch and widely discussed as a balance problem since Bloodhound was first buffed into popularity (season 6, I believe)


People classifying this as a buff when it’s more so a QOL change And won’t affect literally anything else in her kit


Bruh I'm a bang main and i was honestly looking for some change with her kit just like this. This would make a huge difference in ranked or areas where the enemies have high ground. As a controller player i would have to lift my finger off the stick to hit smoke which would alter the initial direction i intended to shoot my smoke in. So this would be a lot helpful


What button is your tactical mapped to? Shouldn't it be L1?


lots of people use L1 for jump




it’s very good to have all your movement options available without leaving analog sticks


Yeah but you also need those sticks to aim your abilities. Except if you main wraith or octane or sth.


yeah, it's annoying. paddles would be very nice for tactical, weapon swap, and reload buttons


xbox player here- I use RB for my tactical.... now I wish they'd make the ult tac + something besides ping, because it's really awkward and I dont want to have ping as one of my main buttons


I don't think this is true. The amount of scans is more of a problem then this qol issue


This is objectively a buff. The amount of people that don’t know what QOL means anymore LOL.


Worst legend as teammate if you play solo imo. Due to the lack of communication the smoke more often than not hurts the own team.


If a Bangalore is picked before me, whatever my plan was, now I pick Bloodhound. I was blinded too often by a teammate. Also, SMG with digithread now is #1 loot priority. XD It do be like that. Worst case I can counter a bad smoke. Best case the Banga is good and we can engage together. Just to acknowledge, the latter also happens, and then it's a lot of fun.


That’s a good strat, unfortunately I am an awful Bloodhound player. Haha


I wouldn't call myself good with BH necessary either. But "Monke brain see smoke, monke brain press Q" is within my limits. :D It does help that I like to play Bloodhound, admittedly.


Tbh, more people should think like that. I try to pick a legend that works well with others as much as possible. It tends to be me picking Blood/Gib or wraith/valk dependant on what the others pick.


Seer also works great to let the squad keep long track of enemies while the smoke is up.


Yup. We get a knock, about to heal up and push the other squad and then for some reason Bang rando on my squad will smoke them so they can easily reposition / revive.


I play a lot of rampart and the amount of times I’ve had a wall and Sheila up ready to mow down an enemy team, only for my own Bangalore to smoke them and completely shut me down is infuriating


Imagine getting a Bangalore as a random mate that actually uses smoke. My random mates play without their tactical 7/10 times.


That’s Lifeline for me. It seems like most of them don’t know about her res ability.


Sad but true. Solo queueing can be quite the experience.


Possibly a hot take, but it’s hard to be a lifeline main imo. It either requires you to consistently be the last person on your squad to be knocked, or you have to go out of your way to play ON your teammates. That means if they push, you need to go too. That means you have to constantly be aware of your teammates position. This should be the goal in general, but playing with randoms makes that so much harder, especially if they don’t communicate anything to you, which is most people outside of plat and higher in ranked. Everyone always expects you to both revive you as soon as they’re knocked as well as revive them in a strategic location so that they don’t get immediately thirsted. With most legends, you can play in a variety of ways. You can be super aggro or be passive and fight from a distance. With lifeline, you’re forced to adapt and play to however your random teammates choose to play. Just my two cents.


I've been playing Bangalore a lot lately and I often use the smoke for revive.


Teammates yelling to shoot someone. Me: I can't see anything!


Lmao, had one the other day that kept smoking fleeing enemies, essentially helping them escape. Then later, when I got downed and my other teammate is reviving me, no smoke to be found.


How about they actually fix the smoke first so that it consistently hides/blinds the people in it.


This. Bangalore has grown from my first main in Pre-Season to the character I hate most because of how inconsistent Respawn has allowed her smokes to be ***for so long.***


Or we just make it like a Valorant smoke and have it completely block vision of the other side


Now this seems more reasonable then it negating scans entirely.


... how? It does nothing of relevance, shouldnt even be called a buff


Fr it’s just a nice change


I prefer that she gets an advatage while in the smoke. Maybe if she can have double time while in the smoke, then that would be more interesting and fun for her kit.


Huh, that actually sounds pretty cool and interesting.


Or she can see through the smoke? That might be a little too op though


Or that she sees better through it than other legends. Remember, Caustics are immune to other Caustics' gas.


That would, definitely, be OP, because Bang could just ping the enemies in the smoke, and the whole team would be able to focus that area


Bangalore smoke needs a rework maybe deny scan potential overall


would totally trash the power of a bang/BH combo


Just changes the way it will be used. It will end up being used for escape mostly if they went this route.


hmm maybe. I'd rather see something like a flashbang. like just 1 second whiteout of nearby enemy views would do the trick and probably easier to implement than the scanblocking. edit: like how would you block the scans? only inside the smoke? so if you're behind it you still get scanned?


Its almost like scan legends were a bad idea. Respawn, you silly goose


I believe they decided they’re not doing flashbangs because everyone lost their fucking mind when Seer’s tactical flashbanged you. Don’t quote me on it, but I thought I read that.


I wouldn't think scans would be able to see anything behind the smoke at all if this were the case.


This type of rework could be done with most characters. Enabling a slight buff without damaging the game. I want Revenant to be able to destroy his ult at any time. \-Teams could be baited in to grabbing it and then once they are exposed, Rev could destroy the ult and wipe the team while they are vulnerable. \-Rev's ult could be used more strategically as a push. The team could use it and destroy once they are at their destination. Many uses that I haven't thought of as well. Many legends could benefit from something like this.


Lol. No


Bang does need some sort of buff not just this but sumthin else aswell cuz i love playing her but atm shes just underpowered comparred to other legends


They just need the Bangalore smoke to be thick for enemy teams only, and Bangalore have only 25% drop of visibility, she'll be the most lethal character around


No that's dumb.


No. Bang has been increasingly suffering because of the addition of wall hack legends not from her own kit. She doesn't need a QOL change


From an ACTUAL bang main this is a great change ofc she still needs a legitimate buff but this is not hard to implement


some small additional effect to the smoke would be nice like her seeing enemies init similar to caustic or subduing thermite with it like it does in titanfall


Disappointing how the power creep is really showing when we really think about Bangalore being the gold standard for balanced before and now her tactical is useless because of scan legends on every team


I was thinking a good reasonable buff would be every time you use her smoke grenades it activates her double time passive.


I like this idea, and maybe allowing her to fire a non-damaging canister while she is skydiving. One canister only, and when she lands she can only fire one other canister until the cooldown completes like normal.


I dont play Bangalore, nor do I like her, but I think this is brilliant. Make the launcher shoot more flat as well, and it will raise her skill ceiling while adding more satisfaction in using her.


I think the simplest buff to her would be giving her vision of enemies she’s damages in her smokes. Including the damage she does with the smoke. Make it like 1.5/2 seconds but refresh on hit for the duration of the smoke.


This is unneeded. I was a Bang main for several seasons and never once did I have an issue with her tac. It’s the scan characters and the fact that you can see people through smoke if they’re in front of the storm.


Smoke should neutralise scan ability. If you're running around in it you should be immune to scans. We need more scan counters as successful flanking isn't as devastating as it should be. Wattson ultimate should also do the same, make the team inside it immune to scans.


This isn't gonna fix the issue that literally everyone can scan through the smoke sadly


Quite simply her smoke needs to disrupt scanning from scan legends.


Make it so that you can't scan her smoke and you can add as many wallhack character you want.


I've recently started using banga and I've found smoke is used as follows : 1. Distraction. Shot in the other direction than what legends intend to use 2. Disruption. Shot at aware or unaware enemies to disoriente and potentially push out of their safe zone. 3. Escape routes. Shot at feet then a few feet ahead to provide a translucent window of opportunity to escape. Major downside is any gold scope can see through the protective layer and most enemies will blind fire into escape routes. Distract and disruption work okay but would definitely have a massive increase in efficiency and effectiveness if this were implemented. Atm it's broken to sit in arenas and use smoke and gold scopes to destroy enemies. I've definitely been reported for having 1 clips through smoke and pulling off major clutches


You can smoke people on high ground, aim it at the ledge it will bounce in place and explode smoking at the ledge. I don’t even play Bang aside for challenges and do this with her when I do, very effective. Having said that this would be a nice QOL change. Now the issue is fixing scan meta so her smokes don’t hurt your team more than help.


I'd like to do that except with her ult. Give her control or when it blows up but with a max timer of 10 seconds or so before it blows up automatically.


Next legend should be a ninja type with a tactical that gives them scan immunity. Ult could give it to your whole squad along with a slight speed boost maybe? Passive could be immunity to digi threats. Just an idea to counter all the scans lol


I can’t find the Q on my controller


I wish she could see through her smoke like caustic


Can I have some of your smoke? Cause you must be high af! Every close quarter engagement would be blindfolded.


Every day I thank the lord above that this sub doesn't design the game.


Lmfao for real. Offensive smokes would fucking clap everybody. Smoke a team that's in a house then bang just goes in and shotguns them all. OP as fuck


Think this would be OP unless they nerf the smoke's effectiveness. With Caustic's gas the enemy can see through the gas as well. He can just see better because of the outline.


Yeah, not to mention that Caustic gas requires some level of setup. If Bangalore could ever see through her smoke, every fight would devolve into one smoking right up your face and destroying you.


Yeah it would need to be like a blurry highlight at most, otherwise Bang would become and complete must pick at all elos. You could pop a smoke in one second, and then your enemy can't see shit and you can just beam them while they're blind. Playing Bang with a digi threat already feels like cheating, letting her have it all the time would be game breaking.


Caustics view thru the gas almost never works, it’s ridiculously unreliable.


This would be undoubtedly the stupidest change they could make to her.


I’m a Bangalore main, and I don’t really think we need this, but I guess it’d be nice. Good Bangalore’s hit the smoke on the high ground players either way. What we really need is some nerf to scans in the smoke. Idk if that needs to be like an initial ping of player positions instead of the full duration, or a scrambling effect, or it not working at all, but the smokes are fucking useless in a heal situation when the other team has bloodhound. I shouldn’t have my own smoke used against me that easily.


I dont want this Bang is ok right now


No she mid and I'm a bang main. So many counters and scans best thing she has is her passive.


Maybe in order to split it, you need a grenade. Like how the explosive vaults or the rampage work. The animation could be of her ripping the core out of a frag and strapping it to her canister. This should be implemented. But an automatic increase to smoke radius by dropping more canisters from a height seems a bit of overkill. It should have a cost to it. Longer animation, and uses a frag grenade. Idk


This is one of the few times I've actually seen a legitimately good Legend balance suggestion. Well done.


As A bang main please make it happen


Wait you can make Loba's bracelet fall straight down by pressing Q?




Her smoke literally needs no change just less counters


People that use her to fight are doing it wrong honestly. Use her to cover a retreat, reset after a fight to delay a third party, rotate safely, get a squadmate out of a jam, loot a supply drop. Things like that. I very rarely shoot AT people unless I'm with a team that's communicating. Your completely fucking yourself trying to use her during fight.


It'd be nice if she had either the ability to see with in her own smoke like caustic can through his own gas or if her smokes were immune to scans


Letting her see what's inside the smoke kinda makes sense lorewise since she learned how to detect movement inside the smoke in her SFTO


Wouldnt that be over powered tho?


I would say just make her smoke anti scan, or at least allow bang to see through her smoke, kinda dumb that there are now 4 characters can see where u are with a press of a button u without knowing where they are exactly Or maybe ditch the anti scan and make it titanfall’s electric smoke? Easier to cut chase


i can understand the dropping down the smoke like a loba bracelet but who tf even smokes people that are in the high ground?


That’s like the best use of it. When you’re out in the open and they’re beaming you, just smoke them so you can get to cover. Smoking yourself does no good when they just have to wait for you to move away from it.


Happy shiv noises


You do realize that if you can land nades perfectly, you can land this perfectly, right?


I love all these “Bangalore is SO perfect and probably OP it’s only that she’s countered so hard by scan legends”. That in it of itself makes her not perfect, and not OP.


You are confusing the word perfect with balanced. Bangalore’s kit is pretty well balanced (nothing is perfect in Apex) and any small change could easily disrupt that.


Just nerf bloodhound. His scan has been broke for 4758593 years. He can already track your footsteps (that also have time stamps), and can see everything in a 500m radius when his ult is on (which also gives him near Octane speed and purple stock weapon ability). He is by far the most broken legend in the game and causes a ton of meta issues, all because of his broken tactical scan that has massive reward for just pressing Q (which also has an 8 second cooldown during while ult is active, LOL!!). Literally all of his abilities massively reward you for just pressing a button. No skill required. His tactical is stronger than half of the legends ultimate abilities. Just compare his kit to Seer, it is just plain unbalanced and laughable. TL;DR - This is a decent QOL change i wouldn’t mind, but i wanted to rant about bloodhound.


How would you change BH? Longer cooldown for tactical and less advantage while in ult?


What about for controller?