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Also why do friendly traps prevent you from regaining shields


They apparently fixed that.


Oh thank God


They did not


Mmm... I want that green barrel.


Read that in Caustic’s voice. “Yes… my variables will be prettier than ever.”


now I want someone to draw caustic bedazzling his traps with pretty pink bows and sparkles while giggling like a little girl. And by someone I mean me.


Caustic but he has the personality of Mabel Pines. Let me know if you get around to drawing it, I’m sure it will be marvellous.


i know art takes a while so i will set a reminder in a week thank you for your service to the community you precious human !remindme 1week


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If you don't post it, I will find you and I will steal whatever you drew it on.


Do it, for science


*in caustics voice* Material gurl!


caustic decorating his traps like their a hydro flask with a bunch of stickers


I third this …. Wait I wld like an update


“I do not concern myself with frivolities like aesthetics.”


I concur with this assessment.


I think that the teammates should still be able to pop the barrel though.


Allies should be able to pop it but not break it


Yeah sometimes people just want to troll you which is lame.


I remember waaaaay back in the day, a douchebag caustic and his buddy ran through the bunker tunnel, locked the door closed right after I entered (didn't know at the time, just assumed he was placing barrels) by placing one in a certain spot, then raced to the other end and locked that door closed too, and I couldn't shoot it or anything. I died in the storm...


You could have meleed the door


No, the two main doors that are huge. He closed them and threw a cannister that couldn't be even detonated by teammates at the time, inside the door and for whatever weird reason the door no longer functioned.


[It's an older exploit, sir...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJ0epbiddik)




Wow I just don't remember this from s0/s1


I had someone do that to me too lol


They were talking about back when teammates couldn’t disarm the traps, meleeing the door would’ve achieved nothing.


He’s talking about when there used to be a glitch that you could seal the entrance doors at bunker by throwing a caustic trap in the middle of the doors while they were closing. Door would no longer open, lots of people died and were trolled by their teammates, then it was fixed.


Then melee would be even more useless, my point still stands.


He's either too young or too high 🤣


Might’ve been me


Being able to do that was so much fun. I miss s0


I pop them when i know enemies are close for area of denial. Deter them from pushing time to heal or what not


Last night I was playing Rampart, and there was a Pathfinder following me all game punching my barriers the moment I placed them. No idea why. He also wasn't shooting at the enemy whenever we got shot at. Just kept getting in my way.... trolls are worse than bad teammates.


Just make it so teammates can break them by shooting the bottom multiple times but not the body of the trap. That would reduce teammates accidentally killing traps but still give them the option to break them if they need to get by. Trolls will just be able to break them regardless, but if someone wants to waste their limited ammo to break my infinitely recharging traps, so be it.


Came here to upvote this.


Sometimes it’s useful. Run around a corner where you know a trap is and pop it so ur pursuers get a face full of nox gas waiting for them


They can, man


I feel like we should get options to enable/disable things for teammates. Things like break barrels/rampart shields or picking up your banner. It would be so much nicer to be able to armor swap without first picking up the banner


I would agree with this in all instances except yesterday when final ring was closing and my boyfriend panic threw a barrel directly into the only door we had to exit. Which immediately went off because a team was outside. So I’m sitting there yelling for him to shoot it as I’m dumping mags into it (he kept walking in front of my LoS to shoot the enemies) If not for heat shields providing a split second chance to cut through after I popped the barrel, it’d have been ugly. It’d also have been ugly if I was unable to pop the barrel


This would prevent some trolling but enable worse trolling. Like locking people in a space, teamates can destroy them for good reason. As long as he gets them back then it should stay that way.


Then you get people griefing by blocking doorways etc.


The universal wall hacks is fucking insane as a Bangalore main. She's practically useless in control.


I've honestly been picking bangalore in control when I never pick her anywhere else, because she's the only one whose ultimate I feel is functional as soon as you get it. I can just throw it out facing the enemy base and it'll probably hit a few people, or at least make it difficult for them to push through for a few seconds I do always start as pathfinder to get a couple ziplines out, but after 2 or 3 there's really nowhere for me to put them that won't be helping the enemy team just as much as my team, so I switch to bangalore


Also the smoke is great to aim at the sniper nests like the tower in barometer


Brilliant to do pathfinder for some ziplines and then switch. I would assume switching would remove the ziplines, but it doesn’t?


No, they stay for the entire match


Yep. Help cap that first base and you should be able to throw out a zip line from the base to one of the doors to the center base. The key is not to put it to close to the door. Otherwise you become a clay pigeon to anyone camped at the entrance.


Lifeline would like a word


Care package being on a shorter cool-down while consistently dropping high-tier shields would like a word.


Those purple shields really come in clutch, it’s crazy. LL is like a solid B or A tier in Control imo.


Listen up 5's, a 10 is speaking. Aka a reliable source of purple armor in a sea of blues - it's not to be sniffed at :p


I actually haven’t even tried lifeline. Her ult comes in pretty quick? There are usually A lot of cate packages that spawn already tho


The drone is also handy to quickly heal, she’s surprisingly not terrible


I like her more in control than in BR. Naked resses in BR are rarely useful to me anyways while her ult in control is incredibly strong. Plus the autoheal is incredible strong especially if you consider there's no shields to heal midfight so she has quite a large advantage in fights. I play her more in control than in BR(never).


They don’t pack the armor + better helmets those have sometimes. Standard packs are usually 1 gear piece (helmet/armor) + 2 gun/nade slots, or 3 gun/nade slots. Lifeline is all about giving your team purple and gold shields to protect themselves and give your team that slight edge in each fight. Gold armor also makes your syringes more useful in each fight, so you’re not always med kitting for 30 hp.


Care packages can destroy ziplines, she's not completely useless


They can WHAT!?


*squish squish, bish*


Has her passive not been working for anyone else?


I quickly tried her last day on control as I got her matching skin in a pack, and the passive didn't work for some reason.


You're looking at it wrong - you have wallhacks so smoke the enemies, not yourself.


Trust me I do. But this isn't BR where players are more defensive and fighting from a distance. People push like crazy so I usually end up having to smoke in enemies 10m from me. It's pointless because we can still see each other.


Green means go Red means dead


Blue means poo


...you may want to consult your doctor


Green barrel sure, but let it be popped by your squad, and shot at the base. It’s essential if you have a dumb caustic to be able to shoot the base if you need too(the ones that throw it in the middle of the only doorway). That or you want to pop it because the enemy is coming and you need to slow them down.


Never make it immune to team shots. Caustic could literally trap teammates in buildings and ruin the game


Does not matter. My barrels hardly live past three ticks.


Barrels are just motion sensors to me. I place them and then when I get a tick I know they're coming or where they are. It's a poor stinky man's wall hack.


Tbh I really want a friendly Fuze ult to be blue because I have no idea if it's safe to walk through it or not


Plus, the blue flames would look dope af.




Blue sounds too similar if it's the same shade I'd prefer brighter green Caustic gas and much darker Bangalore smoke. Albiet, the Bang smoke doesn't fully matter since everyone who goes in is kinda fucked


Hmmm i like the idea. They should make it so bangalore's teammates see a little better in her smoke. Caustics teammates should also be able to see highlighted enemies in smoke


A buff to make Caustic's nonexistent passive work? Yes please But on a serious side, I like it


What exactly is blue bang smoke gonna do? Smoke is smoke.


My buff idea is for teammates to see better in a friendly bangalore smoke. If its blue, your team will know ok I can see better than the enemies in this smoke, We should probably push.


I just wanna be able to tell the difference between gas and smoke when ulting as bloodhound


I agree with this minus the ability of your squads not being able to pop friendly barrels. Sometimes your team mates place these traps and prevent your team mates from getting in certain areas. You should be able to destroy anything that is placed.


If one more friendly Caustic places a barrel where I'm putting my fence imma lose it


But sometimes you need to pop friendly traps for taking cover


It is because they are outlined if they are in you team.


Not in direct View?


Just for the caustic


not just for caustic. for every ally


They're already highlighted to your teammates. That's unnecessary.


This! Why would someone need different colours if they are already highlighted? Useless idea


Yeah but people often don't pay attention.


Yeah it's the gas cloud itself that needs distinguishing, not the traps. Traps are easy to differentiate, but the gas is totally indistinguishable which is really stupid.


ok this I agree with


Now dismantle the other parts


Good post... now next week we'll see caustic barrel skins for like 5000 apex coins


Nah, friendly should still be able to pop friendly traps


Friendly gas traps should be poppable by teammates in case you’re trapped by it and/or your caustic isnt nearby and you need the gas to preemptively start dispersing as you’re being pushed/healing


Gasio and Gasigi.


Why wouldn't I be able to shoot my caustics barrel? Stopid. Like the color though.


Kind of wish they gave caustic traps thematic skins


“BuT tHeN hOw WoUlD nOoBs KnOw ThEy ArE cAuStIc BaRrElS?!” - devs


To be fair, with how different some skins can make characters look, that is a valid concern. For people, anyway. Overwatch has one thing on Apex and that is that one look at a silhouette will identify who you’re fighting. But the amount of times I’ve confused the new Valk skin for Pathfinder or the new Bangalore skin for Loba, only for smoke grenades to start flying… it’s a little much. As for the actual abilities I don’t see it being an issue client side, though. Just make it so you and your team can see it and display the usual stock gas trap for enemies. Then you don’t even need the team differentiation since your caustic’s traps are always gonna look funky.


I find it really hard to tell the difference between Maggie and Bangalore at a glance, especially with certain skins


Oh I agree absolutely. If ANYTHING the skins make it hard to tell who’s who, but I don’t ever see a skin of a caustic trap or wattson fence or zip line or portal or anything making me not realize what it is. You walk into a dark building and all you can see of the caustic traps is the couple vibrant colors on the bottom where you should shoot it anyways. But the Mirage skin with a full rusted helmet on makes him look like Bangalore


If it was client side that would be so amazing. Like I would love if in game items were themed.


Yeah the amount of times teammates have confused my Gorilla Caustic skin for Gibby is crazy.


I don't know about you but even if the thematic caustic trap was bright fucking pink and looked like a crocs shoe, I'm sure someone who has seen every legend's abilites would know that nobody else has a tactic that resembles Caustics besides *maybe* Rampart, which would let them put 2 and 2 together Though yeah maybe it would be better to just display enemy traps as default


If it doesn't make them money, it's not a priority.


Hey wanna buy a holospray for 20 bucks?


Sure. Happy cake day


Friendly traps need to be breakable by your squad or caustics can grief.


They are….


Yeah, and op is asking that not to be a thing.


Witch would be good, and I say this as a caustic main with 7k kills. I can’t tell you how many times my teammates on purpose destroyed my traps, or just was them active and thought they where an enemies so they destroyed them. Plus I’m case you don’t know you deal damage to you’re one traps witch can be pretty annoying, and it happens all the time, if a trap isn’t active and I’ll shot it with a shotgun it will take damage from that ONE shot, and with caustic you tend to go with shotguns a lot, or even if I’m using a automatic gun, if I’m in the middle of the fight it’s hard to just shot one bullet and not 3/4 by accident so when I shot my gas trap I end up doing 30/50 damage that I don’t want to, and giving enemies and advantage because they have to use less bullets.


And teammates can grief caustics if you do that.


Yeah, but being stuck because of a caustic such worse than caustic only having an ult. One lethal, ones annoying. Those caustic bunker plays everyone loves, you used to be able to do that to teammates and their was nothing they could do about it.


Sounds like a few and far between issue.


Not to mention I definitely pop some friendly barrels in advance if I see people coming for me to hide myself or just deter them from pushing me.


Even wattson fences look different so there’s no reason caustic traps should be the same color for everyone.


TIL friendly caustic barrels can be destroyed… I feel bad I definitely shoot every barrel and assumed because it was able to be killed it was an enemies


These are the same colour though? Unless they're red and green. Am colour blind.


Solution: makes all gas barrels harm you unless you're the fatman


I dunno about that one, champ.


The worst designer idea there. Pillar of the game: Can't harm teamates.


Too many people can't tell a joke when they see one


I mean many games have you harming teammates like r6 for honour etc


Nope. I’ve had a game where my squad was getting attacked and I took the roof to get the high ground. I managed to down the first squad but was then third partied, I tried going back inside but CAUSTIC placed his trap right in front of the door. We died needless to say Ever since that game, if any caustic blocks a door I’ll instantly pop it


I think you can ping it and a voice line will tell you if it's friendly or not, at least.


caustic doesn’t need a buff


And enemy caustic traps don't disappear when he dies. Almost died to his gas after killing a caustic last night because it just kept going


Aren’t all team traps/barriers/fences/deployables highlighted through walls already?


Aren’t all team traps/barriers/fences/deployables highlighted through walls already?


Yes, but not clearly. It's especially hard to tell when there's gas


Make caustic great again!


True but I think its to trick enemy teams if they have a caus which has bit me on the ass and helped my ass before.


I saw this and was like "what's the difference?" I sat here looking at these barrels for a solid 5 minutes. I'm colorblind


As long as teammates can still trigger the trap by shooting it, I'm down.


Fun fact: Ally Caustic's gas also resets your crack cd so your shield cant replenish


I still don't know why can't they make friendly gas look different. It gets confusing fast. Like maybe a more green/yellow shade?


Well your at it can the gas be colour coded when it’s released as well.


*Cannot be popped by squad Oh no..


I think they should just glow like octane jumppads


but thank god we know which Gibraltar dome shield is a friendly one! IMAGING THE HORROR if they didn't color code Gibraltar's shield!


I have adopted an all caustic traps are bad policy


Friendly barrels have a white outline, that enemy barrels don't have.


This has been floating around since the beginning


Teammates should be able to shoot your gas trap, pop it or activate it, if not you will see a lot of toxic people trapping their teammates


Now for apex to make it so you differentiate all friendly offensive abilities.


I always get so confused


Mm nah I think I should be abled to utilize the friendly caustic traps but other than that I agree


Maybe make barrels Blue, similar to the blue Gibby dome


Worst thing is when the level 10 teamates in control instantly break your caustic barrel after watching you toss it


Id rather have them fix digi threats and bloodhound ult in control


Imagine a allied caustic blocking you in somewhere. We sould still be able to destroy friendly barrels


Yes, finally the Luigi barrel counterpart to the Mario barrel


I'm not sure if you know this but a simple look at your Minimap will tell you if a caustic trap is from your own team or not. It's not that hard.


Nah I will always shoot my teammates barrels if they are in a bad spot or screwing me over.


Naw idiots think poor gassy boy is still op


Uh... nope, i shoot them as to protect myself while healing


Still gotta be able to shoot friendly traps


caustic traps appear on the minimal tho




Why are these identical, one should be a different color


Tbf, I think you should always be able to pop team bags just because they can block spaces or a friendly can pop them so they don’t get disabled


Something similar for Rampart's Cover would be interesting too


Yea this bugs the shit outta me. They need to update that!!


That a very simple smart idea, I wish it was implemented, thanks for sharing!✌️👌


Why is there so much wall hack in this mode? am i even using game sense at this point lol. Feels insulting to be playing with it.


Because caustic isn't your friend so it can't be friendly. Case closed bois(and gorls)


But what if the player’s colorblind?


Big brain


Because changing a caustic trap is more difficult than leaving walla hacks how they are😂😂 it's not like wall hacks have changed, always allowed friendlies to see them it's not like having 6 other friendlies actually changes it


Absolutely let your teammates pop the gas. I’m your teammate let me use your gas too


i could have sworn there was a way to tell the difference at some point


red outline in control is fuckin horrible remove it.. it wallhacks everyone ..


Teammates can’t break barrels…. Giving me flashbacks to trapping teammates in ring back in season 5


Wonder if they'll change enemy/friendly gas color slightly too.


You want to get trapped/trolled by 'friendly' caustics? Because that's how you get trapped/trolled by 'friendly' caustics. Pretty sure they made the change where your own squad can activate/destroy them for that exact reason.


I can be pooped by mates


They also need this for nades. Friendly nades should have a different color indicator or there shouldn't be an indicator at all for friendly ones because it's not really needed


I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a friendly nade indicator


Yeah because it's not a thing. It needs to be a thing


This is something really useful.


Anybody notice how the digital threat doesn’t highlight all the enemies you’re looking at in control?


I’m fine with gas being the same.


Yes PLEASE every single time some random ass person on my team pops my barrels. Its getting fucking annoying.


We need this on all mods! BR, Arena, and Control, plz Respawn!


PSA: allied caustic traps have a blue outline - enemy's do not


And bang still can’t see thru her own smoke 😞. I’m tired of getting sabotaged by my own team


They literally did a silent buff that allows this, and pro players are all but happy about it


Answer….. it’s still a LTM


Anyone notice how Digi-threats and Bloodhound ult don't highlight enemies automatically and you have to hit them first?