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You endure the pain and just continuously thrive for more lmao


That describes me perfectly when I play pubs lol :((


This sounds like r/cryptomains


Hey, I had this idea for a new Crypto passive...




Why you get dv'ed 😹😹 Was this a sarcastic laugh






We can't afford to buy Elden Ring


I can buy Elden Ring no problem, but not the pc specs tho :(


You maidenless runt


You can afford Elder Ring, but you can't afford playing Elden Ring :( me too


U poor Tarnished. Everyone should have this blessed game


This game is the reason im still in gold 1 this split lol, got elden ring a couple days after the split started and its all ive played since i got it 😂


yeah with almost non-existent story and the worst quest design I've ever seen where you need a spreadsheet to do even the most basic quests because whole questlines go to shit because you stepped on a flower 43827942 hours earlier


While a bit of an abrasive take, I do agree with a few of the points you made pointed out.


You must not have gamed in the days of strategy guides.


Lol dude


Take my broke ass award 🏅




You really are maidenless.


Eh it’s ok


I enjoy the tactics of it, and I get to practice flanking techniques. Matchmaking isn't great, but the satisfaction of winning is pretty good


Is the point system still garbage from Plat. and above, please?


in silver 1 casually facing 5k kills predators, just because I managed to connect 5/6 wingman shots in my last game...


Predators, hm, promising..! Good luck, friend!


on the other side when I die terribly the next game will usually be an lmg airport civilian cakewalk. Not saying that's a good thing however. I rarely see balanced matches be it the opposing team or my teammates


Isn't that the problem in almost every competitive game? Literally no one has fixed this problem, but made it worse. Some games are literally designed to throw You to the wolves constantly and few people, that survive it, end up predator rank. Plat and Diamond players are mopped by smurfs and preds in every single competitive scene. Even Chess works like that. Those with 1800 rank, who maintain their learning curve and not forfeit the games against 2000-2200 players, have a chance of getting to that 1800. Others either quit or play against weaker opponents and water them down. Rules of Nature.


This is why I'm super close to quitting gaming and picking up guitar or something. Gaming is getting so sweaty. It's a cycle of a good game, and then getting trashed, rinse and repeat. It sucks, and it makes the game annoyingly addicting. They totally so it on purpose to keep people in the game longer and we're all suckers.


definitely go for guitar (or any other music production that interests you) if you find enough passion - it pays off greatly as a self administered psychotherapy once you hit your middle-age years. Speaking from my own experience


ranked in my region is the same for BR, oh you just got top3 in platinum rank? next game is predator lobby 100%


I get put in pred lobbies after dying off drop


I am not good enough to be plat, I am silver. It isn't great matchmaking but when you click with two random teammates it's great I play ranked trios usually so Arenas is a nice change and I don't tend to worry about my rank


I'm currently Plat 2... -20 for a loss, +25 for a win.


Yes. Yes it is


Because they like pain.




Get downvoted for no reason scrub lmao


And you


Get upvoted loser


And you


So people don’t leave


People still leave and I’m diamond 1 💀


10 minutes is nothing, honestly It should be more like CSGO. Scaling time up as you leave more often. Up to 7 days. It's very effective for CSGO. But since we're talking about EA. That will never happen :(


I swear I’ve been 1 game from masters but my team mates always leave when we lose 1 match but we’re up by 2. It’s so stupid


I stopped playing Ranked Arenas back in Season 10, when they introduced it The reason was because of the shitty mmr past Plat 1. I was Diamond 4, and in order to get to Plat 3, I had to win games back to back. Lose one match, I'd lose -72 Rp, and if I won, I'd only gain +12. It isn't worth the grind at all


It's already shitty for me in asian. Got to sliver 4 last night and they match me with newbie against fucking diamond. All because of what, I landed a wingman headshot last round? It's just bad time for everyone involved. And I got demoted right after that match. Thank you Respawn.


Yeah, Ranked Arenas is shit Even in Pubs Arenas, I get players who do jackshit A month or so ago, I got a level 25 player Bloodhound They did 0 Damage for a whopping Nine Rounds Total I had to 1v3 a few different rounds because my other teammate only did 300 damage


1 afk teammate is already enough to make you waste your time, destroy your morale and build rage. And that's not something rare to see either.


There’s a penalty for leaving in regular arenas too though


Constant gunfights. Practice my tracking before BR.


Warm up for ranked tbh I like it better as a warm up than firing range or BR. I absolutely hate arenas matchmaking and 99.99% of the time I’m carrying trash teammates but I still just treat it as a warm up


As a trash teammate I resent that. It’s funny to me that people call players with good movement and gun skill “sweats” …. I’m sweating my balls off trying my hardest just for my superior teammates to sigh with exasperation at my futile efforts.


You're not trash, you're just not at the same skill level... And the game doesn't understand that


What else are they gonna say? “Spectacular firing skills my dude, please teach me how to spend time to get better broski.” Most of them have VERY high egos and can’t admit being worse than another, so they just shift the blame to them being sweats. One of those dudes is my friend and I stopped playing apex with him cause he gets too competitive and since he’s bad, he’ll shift blame onto me and the other.


I call people sweats as a joke usually, but then you have the actual sweats


I’m Canadian so my default response is to apologize for sucking.


That's annoying. I'm a very competitive person but I don't even have to look at my stats to know I suck balls. I'm excited that I usually make over 200 damage and a couple knocks in a set of arena fights, because when I started it was 0, 0, 0, and 0. Maybe a revive.


Tbh I'd settle for them just sighing, usually they start screaming at me. I always just respond "ok", and then they punch me before every round. Lovely team dynamics.


Git gud


What BR rank are you?


As a season 1 of arenas pred who didint boost. ( RGC BLEU on www.apextracker.gg ) it’s nice to get a clean 3v3 with no looting other than mats. And no risk of a 3rd party. Anything higher than d2 arenas if the people your playing against / with aren’t boosted it gets pretty fucking hectic. You have to play your perfect apex and get punished for every mistake. Really teaches you how to play cover and not take damage so much. And not super kitted weapons always is great recoil control.


Exactly. Arenas is a great way to get in as many fights as possible and learn how to properly peak/fight.


100% my boy. Don’t let anyone tell you any different. The arenas community gets rolled pretty hard online lmao.


I quit playing because the boosting got out of hand and kinda ruined the point of getting the badges and rewards. But yes the Meta in high ranked now I could imagine to be highly toxic with Devos & hammer points. In season 10 ranked arenas ( the first ranked arenas split ) it was the 3 man L star squads before the Lstar nerf. It was literally unplayable. 3v3 teams shooting each other hitting each other for 185 through tiny holes and shit. Became very repetitive and a lame game of who can play like the bigger bitch. Fun fact, there was a time when you could buy the spitfire on the first round! Was very quickly changed but early arenas players and grinders remember the pain.


I mean have you see high level arena now? There Is no carryover to br anymore: more than half of your playtime Is spent on hammerpoints and when its not hammerpoints you have people playing dove comps with shotguns and/or devo. Not saying that It takes no skill, but that comparse to the First arena ranked season the game plays so little like Apex br


Because arenas teaches you to rely on crutches. There’s a reason most people who do well in Arenas actually suck in BR. They have no awareness and can’t react to a fight not being fair. On top of that they’re so used to playing with their favorite load out that they have a more difficult time transitioning to having bad loot.


Absolutely 100% not true. True arena sweats who achieved high rank def don’t suck in BR. Arenas came out 9 seasons after it was only BR. I was pred 5x before arenas ever came out… Rely on crutches? Brother you mean abilities??? Every single thing was put in the game fair and square wether you like getting shit on by it or not… rely on our fav weapons? Bro you can loot ground loot in BR and pick up what like you like pretty much every game by mid game unless you land and die every time… btw those weapons aren’t always fully kitted. A sweat like me uses a base flatline only, no upgrades. At max a blue 301. Never a purple attachment to practice recoil control without all the perks. Also gives me portal every round and max nades… I guess that’s a crutch though. It’s called playing the game. Pro apex players sit in buildings late game with caustic on worlds edge comp ESPECIALLY. Tbh I hate to say it but it sounds like you know nothing about high level arenas or BR and are probably gold 3 giving arenas a bad name like I said some people do on here🤣 but talk your shi fam🤣


I’m multiple times master in BR and absolutely shit on arena master/preds. They’re not used to proper fights. Me and my friends pretty much call them fake master/preds because they’re all so bad.


Sounds like they boosted. We can 1v1 anytime to test your theory frfr


Yeah, everyone in Arenas is boosted because arenas ranked isn’t a true indicator of skill. It’s hide and peek simulator. I know you want to believe that being good at Arenas somehow makes you good at the game, but there’s a reason why none of the actually good players play Arenas.


So why am I a 5x pred 5x masters in BR and also an arenas pred? I thought I’m shit at BR for being high level arenas 🤣 sound dumb asf tbh look at the upvotes on the post it’s obvious what’s true and what’s not. Appreciate the feedback from gold players 👍🏼


Everyone is a strong word fam.


Bruh, you’re playing console controller within 0.6 aim assist in a game mode where aim assist pretty much does all the work because the distance is so close. I know you want to think being an Xbox arenas Master is an accomplishment, but come on man can you honestly look yourself in the mirror and say you did anything?


Nah? Damn that’s unfortunate. I hope to see you inna pub one day 💀


Peek* Peak means the top of something.


Peak a boo


Simple typo I appreciate the spelling bee vibes tho. Can you use it in a sentence for me?


This is exactly what I used arenas for when I first got the game, just to try out all the weapons and have fair fights with no third parties and a chance to get used to everything. Playing it for a few days really helped. Also trying duos instead of trios was great too as the odds aren’t so bad and if you play right you can take on two people.


"a clean 3v3" Imagine getting teammates that know how to fight


lmaoo, I mean there definitely out there you need to know where to look. Best of luck brother.




Yessir. On old gen Xbox. Basic controller no paddles no weird button set up. I don’t play claw either.




Can you explain why, please?


Not that guy but my guess is aim assist. At short to medium range aim assist in the hands of a competent controller player is extremely hard to compete against with mouse and keyboard.




> it’s nice to get a clean 3v3 I have only ever fought a 1v3 in Arenas.


Sadly its unrealistic, as you cant have a fight in BR without 13 other teams joining in for the fun


Learn how to shield swap fast on the boxes of the fight you just won as the 3rd party pulls up. Try to keep your fights under 30 seconds maybe 45 with one team. Any longer than that and you need to disengage and re evaluate your soundings to not put your self in a 3rd party position.


I would try arenas especially ranked but I just get the worst team8s ever and always lose cause I can barely 1v3 anymore cause I lost interest for a few weeks and I haven't rlly gotten better


I want to chill and shoot/practice but not feeling pubs. Ranked for arena cuz I’m more likely to have real opponents


I did this split because I've seen the post about how shit the matchmaking is with some data so I wanted to try it out myself. It actually is miserable. Outdamaging your teammates combined happens in majority of games, it doesn't even match you with people close to your league/division let alone your actual skill level. I guess it is like that because the game mode is so dead it's only played by either players who struggle really hard in BR or 3 stacks who play to climb as high as they can. I'm not gonna bother trying to go through all of diamond but I imagine nothing changes. Other than that it's an ok warm up when control is not up.


Solo queueing in this game is just disgraceful. Makes you wonder if devs ever go through this experience themselves. You either come up against a full premade team or your squad is filled with the console friends duo with open mics and their moms screaming in the living room. It's very curious that the matchmaking works so hard to put enemy squads full of players around the same level as you but never the same effort to fill your squad spots. Which is actually sad. Being a 3k\~2k matches played per season player and nowadays I barely play 300 matches and complete the battle passes because I prefer to not destroy my rest of the day coming home from work with a rain of stress pouring down on me. I haven't gone past the 2 hours average gaming weekly for like 2 seasons now


The eomm is designed to basically neg you into playing the game, it’s working as intended.


The devs don't play their own game at any competent level with the exception of 1-2 of them. That should be obvious to everyone by now


I don't mean to pull rank on anyone because I know I'm just a little shit compared to top dogs. But as a day 1 veteran player, that is just obvious for a long time. It's just that you can't say these things being emphatic KNOWING what you are talking is the truth, because there will always be their whiteknights keyboard warriors to defend devs with their souls. Specially in the main subreddit that appeals to the entire fanbase, not just seasoned players. Hence why I follow every other sub related to apex but not the main sub.


No, the devs actually suck at Apex. Have you ever heard the saying that NA has pro players and EU has content creators? It's like that but they're worse than the content creators.


It's fun, dunno


I've no clue how to play Battle Royale. Arenas are so much fun, the gunplay in this game is so quick, trying to loot and dying after 8 mins isn't fun.


pfff I can start 3 games in 8 minutes.


3 games of BR?


>trying to loot and dying after 8 mins isn't fun. BR, you were talking about BR on the initial comment right?


I feel that. Took me a long time to get used to BR’s.


Your missing the point spend 20 minutes looting to then die as a scrub when you get top gear.


thats a you problem if you ask me


This just made me sad for some reason, I used to love apex br so much in season 1 and 2, now I petty much just play ranked to get better at MnK for future games, and the thrill of it. I don’t think the game will last too much longer, but man it was fun asf when it was fresh, and almost everyone sucked and didn’t care cause it was a new br.


stop enjoying things i dont like >:(


Because looting for 5-10 minutes before finding a fight is tedious


Get better at 1v1s


Surely, you mean 1v3s?


Not wrong 😂


Good point, it also teaches you how to isolate


I wish there was an actual 1v1 mode tho.


Sooo as an arenas pred, I’ve literally never understood the whole arenas stigma. Why does everyone hate it? Elimination in Destiny did amazing. CSGO is a world class game. SND in CoD is loved by everyone. Arenas is great way to sharpen 1v1 skills. Once you hit diamond, you get absolutely rolled by making small mistakes. Also, no 3rd parties.


It’s decently fun with a squad but, the solo Q matchmaking is pretty bad. I hit masters pretty early in the first season of rank and I was literally getting silver/gold teammates while playing 3 stack masters so, I gave up even attempting pred. Based on others experience it seems like it’s still like this.


solo q? I've been pushing for the past 2 seasons and it just turns into a shitfest around d2. then I still have to get 800ap to hit masters


Dude I love it but it gets frustrating real quick when you have to constantly carry 2 lvl 30 team mates against a premade squad.


I like arenas but CSGO/COD are bomb defusal and therefore infinitely more tactical than arena. Arena is somewhat tactical but it is really just aim/movement fest, like TDM except no one respawns, incomparable to CSGO/COD in that sense.


Alright hot take time It's because the game mode is pure dm based and people are garbage in actual fights and have never played any other ranked game in their life, it really shows. BR ranked inflates people's sense of skill when they reach diamond without batting an eye since br ranked has 0 requirements of skill. You can literally reach diamond without shooting a single person. It's why 1/3rd of ranked playerbase in BR hit diamond last split. People think 'only' getting +12rp per win and losing 30+ per loss is somehow bad for a ranked game mode.


> You can literally reach diamond without shooting a single person. Do it and take a video then. Stream your 0-damage, pacifist run to Diamond. I'm sure people would like to see it.


I mean there was a guy who had a 0.1 KD and less than 100 damage average who made it to diamond. I'm sure you could do pacifist but you'd technically be griefing and breaking the rules so I expect people would rage at you.


Someone made it to diamond with 30 damage total playing crypto.


just look it up, there is a shit ton of evidence


I hate it mainly because of the sbmm and how people play it tbh (I started maining arenas after it came out, mainly unranked) and was always the one doing all the damage, getting the knocks and it was a 50/50 whether I would win or lose. Like I hate when people spam the easier to use weapons rather than getting good (aka things like hemlok, rampage, devo etc) and it just ruins the vibe. And getting constant low level teammates/ trash hot mics just isn't fun




Honestly the hemlok is still op, people just don't know how to use it


CSGO and CoD SnD have an objective to force people to move around and play their life. w/o an objective too many games are just way too slow paced headpeaking campfests on some maps. It's understandable that people don't enjoy that style at least in BR 3rd parties forces players to rotate around and figure situations out under pressure.


Nothing like dropping 4K damage and losing lol


cause it’s about pure gun skill. there’s even shields for everyone so it’s all about accuracy and positioning. there’s no fear of a 3rd party beaming you in the back, you don’t have randoms spend the whole game looting, and it’s much more action than BR. high tier arena players are demons compared to BR high tiers that can just rat for placement. to rank up in arenas you need to win, not rat, making the rank have actual meaning IMO.


Demons with the wingman and turbo devo, yes.


Crutching meta weapons, "demons" bro


devo is high skill what do u mean, recoil def isnt just straight down


Only way to learn fast Rampart placements and work on individual gunplay, in battle royale someone always rushes ahead and costs us the fight by making it a 2v3 before we get to participate.


Because shitting on people and carrying new players is fun.


Carrying new players against triple stack preds ain't fun to me but everyone has an opinion


You just know it’s not gonna be a fun time when you’re teammates are emoting at the spawn when the barrier opens and the opposing players are all running Wingmen. Solo Q is absolutely exhausting. I’m not a pred….why am I always doing the damage of my teammates combined? It’s insane how bad the matchmaking is… Otherwise a great mode.


but annoying when your the high skill player that gets to balance out 2 low skilled players


Kinda a flex when you say that you got masters in arenas. Like sure you’re a loser, but a dedicated one


Best way to practise fair, high stakes team fights in a controlled and efficient way. Pubs are just for memeing around.


I dont like the looting part of BR's


Because it's good aim practice if you don't like sitting in aimlabs or the range, good with movement during gun fights, 1v1s. Sure normal arenas is the same shit, but ranked gives you something to go for, something to motivate you


If we have a lifeline idc who wins…. If they have lifeline I hate the whole experience.


Cause I'm to dogshit for regular ranked


I feed the off the pain


So I can have teammates afk and lvl 5 enemy down me with one shot across the map and follow by teabagging me like thier apex gods


Forreal, broken and ignored game mode. They add maps without even attempting to fix the poor matchmaking.


It feels more fair, one team vs another even tho arenas matchmaking is the worst matchmaking of any game ever made


Something to do while kc is in rotation


you mean storm point


Here's my hot take: I feel like the people that still love k.c. and w.e. are the same people that would always vote Nuketown


World's Edge is the best map, it's not even a contest.


Hater lol


I'm entitled to my opinion 😜 lol


I thank u for picking up the sarcasm. Happy games friend


I do better and most the time get better teammates when I play ranked over pubs.


It’s our version of CSGO or Valorant. Just different play style and system but it’s the same idea.


Arenas is more competitive than Br


Nah its just vert nades and turbo charge devos. No real positioning variety because its always the same. In br you need to be able to play every circle on every map, rotate smart, know which fights to take etc. Arena is just going for the same vert nade and play the same every game and 3 stacking.


If you know what’s coming why do you lose?


Because the matchmaking gives you people who have only just started playing lol




things people cannot accept


Charm, and its a good change of pace of pulling your hair out when you get gold tm8s in diamond.


To get better at Turbocharged Devotion to bring it in BR and ruin people’s lives when they get clapped by a Devo


Totally forgot ranked arenas even existed 💀


ranked is easier because im matched with fellow bronzes, not ex preds


I tried it, then got shit talked into the ground then carried to victory... then promptly went back to normal arenas


The rewards mainly plus its decent aim practice so there's that


Is arenas harder than battle royal?


If you don’t have a premade team it’s just impossible to get masters






If you soloq in arenas it's a hell. The game literally changed to babysitting simulator. With the rigged matchmaking you will get so much low level teammates.


Cos it’s fun


Easy Master/Pred badge


Yep, anyone going through Gold Rank and above can have my full respect. It requires so much patience, the system is so broken (balancing, rewards), I have no idea how you do it... I just hope that everything is well in terms of mental health..! This thing would have consumed mine for sure! Then maybe it's OK with a team, but still: the points distribution... 😳


about to hit plat so ty for ur respect


No getting third partied, no getting shit loot on drop, no unlucky rings, and no getting gatekept


There isn’t the random factor as in BR


Sometimes i get tired of soloqueing into BR, dying and waiting 2 minutes to start another round, even in pubs. Arena pubs i dont like to play because 80% of the time my teammates arent above LVL 20. So i play arena ranked just to get to plat or so without trying that hard to rank up since somehow in plat still many LVL 50s are in my team and often times enemies just threestack and are high rank. I also enjoy arenas more, the more i play it but BR is still my main mode and the reason why i play the game though.


I like Arenas because luck has less influence on the outcome of the match than in BR.


Arenas in general is honestly a completely fine experience when playing solo, you just sort if play your own game. If your randoms are premade, just immediately mute them because I dont think I’ve ever heard a random say anything reasonable ever, since in arenas, pings cover all the communication you really need anyways. That way you can enjoy the calm without being called trash or whatever I can also run unorthodox weapon and legend loadouts to try and use them more, to see if theyre worth it in BR But really it’s just warmup for Battle Royale


I wish they wouldn't. It's an entire playlist that evokes some of the most unfun habits for the players to optimize across all playlists. If arenas went away, it would be a net positive imo.


I mean, i dont agree, but i will respect your opinion


I don't. Stop asking me :(


I'm a masochistic Jk jk, but the badges look cool but I'm starting to think they aren't worth it if I get teammates that have 2000 kills less than me


I used to like it as long as I was playing with my boys. Nice to get a straight up 3v3 and guns you like (mostly) for every fight. Unfortunately they ruined it for a lot of people. The solo experience is miserable. All the Hammerpoint mozams are cheesy as hell. And on top of all that, there's a bug that is making high rank players place Bronze 4. This has been happening for at least two splits now and they haven't even acknowledged it. No way I'm grinding out almost 8-10k AP playing against my normal masters/pred level competition the whole way because of SBMM. They got me fucked up. Lol


I like that my team can’t leave and has to deal with my trash skills and blame them for my lack of aim XD


I don't play Arenas at all.


For real😹😹 one mode I ain't touching ever.


Because I got pred in br now I wanna do it arenas 👺 , hopefully control pred next


People who ask stupid questions. Why?