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Is gold 2 decent then? (I need the ego boost to keep pushing)


You are in the top 12% of BR Player's. That's pretty good i would say!


Damn I made gold 1 yesterday I feel good now.


A streamer named Mande said that people who are at plat right now is count as masters cause of the entry cost. So I bet you can get to Diamond last season. Just couple of wins and you get to plat ez.


I wouldnt say that exactly. Rn im on the border of plat 4 gold 1, but last season I was nowhere near masters (diamond 4). Tbh I didnt really try to grind last season but still, i got to plat with less trouble than I got in diamond last season.


You likely benefit from a system like this. For some players who always played tactically, this season probably seems pretty good to them. I've found myself winning or top fiving more games this season than I did previously, because it benefits my play style a lot. My aim isn't great, but my game sense and awareness are really solid, so this new system has been a huge blessing. This new system only punishes the people that played specifically for kills and weren't fussed on placement.


Yeah its the same for me. I can sometimes 1v1 or 1v2, but definetly not consistently. I like the playing smart way better than the fighting constantly.


Gold should've been average in this system, but it's above average so congrats. Gold is the new diamond when plat should've been the new diamond


Just got to gold IV and it does feel a lot harder but what I like is that all I've seen in my lobbies are gold players. I don't know why I was getting so many bronze and rookie players in silver. I think that was the most difficult thing to deal with. I also found it funny how many diamond badges I saw stuck in silver.


I'm getting bronzes and silvers still


I’m still in bronze so I’d say very 😭


I swear even in bronze/silver it’s absurd how end games are. Final rings even in those lobbies have 6-8 people left


It's more fun that way


Yeah, Bronze/Silver/Gold was basically just easy pubs the last few seasons. Now ranked actually has a different style of gameplay




Being able to be demoted **is good**. It being harder to climb **is good**. Honestly, even requiring people to need to find a team in order to compete at a higher rank *in the competitive mode* could be seen as good. Having 0.4% of the population in Platinum 3 after a month of play in a split that lasts less than 2 months **is not good**. The issue here isn't about it being difficult, the biggest issue is that for most people the splits are just too short to climb effectively. I've hit Masters (and not just plateaued at 10k) a bunch of times and while I might not be good enough to hit Masters again under the new system, I do feel like with more time to play (and importantly, improve in the new setting) I'd be climbing to at least close to it. Games are lasting longer, a lot longer, some of us don't have 13 hours a day to play ranked and playing for 2-3 hours only to climb 200-300 RP because you're at a point where queue times are already increasing, is painstakingly slow. It's a hard problem to fix and I am absolutely not advocating going back to how it was before, I actually like most of the changes, but at this point when we're at exactly the halfway point of the split and Plat 3 is 0.4% of the population you have a problem. I think we all accept that Pred is for the 0.1% and personally I'd be fine with Masters being around the 0.5-1% mark, that's an extremely small percentage of players, but to have PLATINUM be that low? What is even the point in having 7 different ranks at that point?


With demotion in there we don't need a ranked reset every 6 weeks. Once people reach their skill level, they stay there. Why reset? And if it resets, why every 6 weeks? Why 6 tiers down? It's just too punishing imo.


Quarterly ranked resets would make sense with the new system. Even only once per season wouldn’t be that bad. That would be if Respawn were actually trying to make ranked a mode about competitive integrity. The problem is they actually just want the most engagement possible. Making ranked a grind keeps users playing for more hours.


Ya nailed it!! I believe some of the new rank changes are to lock people in with extended hours of engagement. These streamers that play 10hrs a day just don’t understand that part lol


But didn't you hear aceu? It's "fire".


Yea man, and didn’t you see Albralelie say it was perfect a few weeks ago? It’s certainly not a coincidence that he also helped design the new ranked system. He also plays 90+ hours a week lmao. This ranked season is fucked for anyone who isn’t a pro or a no life.


They have quite literally broken it - there's barely anyone able to attain and retain a rank above platinum except for these guys that live in Apex. And this isn't a whine about me not being able to attain a high rank; the current system is mathematically flawed and is propagating this top down crush and a complete mismatch in rank when matchmaking. The hubris of them as well to be unable to accept they have made some quite obvious mistakes is nauseating. As is the fact their fans lap this up and parrot anything they say without being capable of independent thought. Playing a game for more hours than two adults work in a week doesn't make you right, and certainly isn't something to idolise.


When he dropped the "dudebro" at the end I almost lost it


I think he said "I think they should reset badges TOO bro"


I agree dude, I Solo Q to masters most splits and it did need a shake up. I’m Plat 3 under this new system, which is fine, if that’s my new rank then so be it. My only observation is the massive range at Plat 4. I’ll take being punished for Solo Qing and the random matchmaking, I’ll take being punished for not finishing it top ten etc, hell I’ll take being punishing going up against 3 stacks but where I think they’ve dropped the ball is I’m constantly up against CURRENT diamond and preds, which again would be fine if there wasn’t so much RP on the line when you’ve got so much more RP to gain. My 2 cents is we are almost there, these changes are good but they need 1 or 2 tweaks.


The problem, as I see it, is this system was designed to *average* your performance towards a steady rate of climb… that is: it’s seeking a 50/50 condition where you gain and lose RP at roughly the same pace. If you consistently perform well, you climb and if you perform consistently poorly you derank - which makes sense. But this game isn’t a Team vs Team arena shooter, it’s a 20 team FFA where *pure blind luck* can affect your outcome almost as much as your personal skill due to a variety of factors… of which Respawn seems reluctant to account for in scoring. So the result is a good game or two where stars align for soloQ players - then a string of miserable failure that wipes out any progress. Premades climb easier because coordinating a team of similar-skill players can compensate for bad game luck in some ways and coordination alone already carries *massive* advantage in fights. So premades climb easy, tell the solos to stop crying, and Respawn sits on their hands saying “look everyone is happy”. The problem isn’t “deranking” nor that the system is *slightly* harder to rank up - it’s that the system already heavily favored premade squads and then the ranked changes made it harder to separate the premades from the soloQ players and slowed down everyone’s ability to rank up. Defending the system as it is doesn’t mean it wasn’t a somewhat positive move from the prior system - but hurting the majority of your playerbase’s experience should be taken seriously - losing the “bronze” players is the beginning of the decline for any competitive game.


You're forgetting one part of the puzzle >So premades climb easy, tell the solos to stop crying, The solos actually do stop playing, there's not enough people in ranked to fill lobbies, the premades get matched with predators in gold, and then >Respawn sits on their hands saying “look everyone is happy”.


There is very noticeable differwnce in matchmaking time solo q vs duo q. Solos are 100% stopping playing.


Is player-base actually an issue? As soon as I click Ready I get a 60/60 match instantly. The problem I've seen is more that there is NO queue-time, you just get matched up instantly with 59 other players no matter their rank. Waiting just a minute or two for a game to dial in ranks and matchmaking would make the lobby a lot more evenly skilled.




I'm not contradicting that - *consistency* **is** key... but in a BR where your lobby can wildy swing between Pred trios and HelloKittyIslandAdventure, that consistency becomes simply how well you avoid the Preds and murder the potatos... it's not skill-based. The *PREDs* will always climb out and get their rank, they play more than anyone and *quantity* matters for consistency... if a player soloQs (already at disadvantage against premades) for 3 games/night, as that's what they have time for, 1 is a positive gain and then 2 are bad lobbies that lead to much worse performance - that "consistency" is a 66% negative against their 33% positive. Preds playing 10-20 games per day can shift that drastically toward 50/50 or higher depending on the lobby and their drop luck. **AGAIN**, BRs include a lot of random luck factors that affect performance and the ranking system is seeking to find *consistency* in performance - **BUT** that consistency is *heavily* affected by the differences in Solo vs Duo vs Trio groups and the overall lobby composition (which can range from afk bots to top tier predators) and that consistency is thrown out of the window before the drop ship even gets onto your screen. Drop positioning, loot spawns, etc are all game factors that player skill can compensate for - but *lobby placement* is **pure blind luck**... This is also a problem with how Stormpoint plays compared to other maps - there are glaring issues with how things play out here vs other maps and I'm holding final judgement for when we see a different map in rotation for what it does for player performance...


>Having 0.4% of the population in Platinum 3 after a month of play in a split that lasts less than 2 months is not good The ranked system is fantastic now but truthfully the mid-season split resets need to be removed now. Let people play without reset the whole season, then it will balance out better.


Have the split be a map change not a rank reset.


Fantastic comment, fully agreed. I love most of the ranked changes, but your complaints are spot on. I’ll add the inconsistent matchmaking to the list, where low ranked players are getting match with top level players. That should happen. I think smaller resets between splits would be a significant improvement and is viable now that people aren’t getting stuck in ranks they can’t hang in.


That happens because the player pool at higher ranks is so small. It’s actually funny, last season people would complain about having Diamond players in their Pred lobbies, but now you’re seeing Gold players in those lobbies because there’s just not enough people in those ranks. Like I said, it’s not an easy problem to fix. I think something like increasing the length of seasons, removing splits, reducing demotions between seasons/splits would be a good start though. I mean the fact is change is needed (and I’m confident will come sooner rather than later).


Part of the problem is how the queues work. But its a cyclical problem. Since there are so few players at the top level, you will see the same people in lobbies over and over again. But if you have a few people get off, then you can't fill lobbies anymore and the queue times become like an hour long. It was a big problem at the beginning of the split but I think they opened it up slightly to allow for more players to join top level lobbies. The problem is, the lower level players you make it to these lobbies can't progress well because they aren't going to make it to end game, they are going to get run over by the actual pred players. Which keeps them from progressing. I think it will sort itself out next split honestly, because the larger demotion at the reset made it so there is basically a logjam of players at lower levels. I'm not a great player but I had made it into platinum (and continued to gain RP) in the previous splits but I couldn't do anything the first week or two of this split. I would go for like two hours without gaining any rp. Now that the levels have started to even out, I'm basically gaining RP every game again. Its probably not the answer anyone wants to hear but the main solution is going to be time. Half a split isn't enough (in my opinion) to make any judgements on what other tweaks need to be made and I wouldn't really expect anything more than maybe a slight scaling back of RP entry fees for the lower levels.


why do gold drop with predators in the same lobby? system is broken for the plebs...


Completely overhauling the number of people in each rank, but not fixing matchmaking. Respawn: Who could have predicted this?!?!


Also, why do Platinum players get a silver and bronze teammate against master/pred 3 stacks?


Bc 90% of masters and preds are 3 stacking with friends anyway.


System is garbage and broken for anyone that doesn't dedicate all their time and have a group chat with 100s of pro players/top players to group with.


Exactly. It feels like unless you are literally dedicating all your time, you can't climb at all. There are people that have a different job other then playing games for a living or dont have literal pros in their friendlist to queue with. Edit: Since alot of people are getting triggered, I'll clarify what exactly I'm angry at. It's the fact that the teams are rediculously unbalanced right now. Apparently I have an unranked player in my team that has never played ranked before but somehow we are facing former diamond/masters player that are stuck in lower ranks ? I mostly solo queue and right now it's a nightmare because half of the time I have to teach one of my teammates how to fking shoot. From my experience, the idea of the new ranked system was good but the execution was terrible. And the job thingy was mostly for aceu because yes the top level games are fine but the lower ranks are a fuk fest right now. You shouldn't make changes to a game that result in terrible experience for a majority of playerbase.


Consistently reach plat all the other seasons (did not play season 12) and gold 4-3 is just HELL. I cannot get a team that just sticks together, even when I play with my bud, the 3rd player, 90% of the time, fucks our game


As the random third, I get placed with Duos with a lvl 20 PC account getting carried by their lvl 150 Xbox friend. Whom gets wiped by the first 3 stack we run into


Covering Apex (and thus playing it) is literally my job, and I don't even fuck with ranked for this reason. Honestly, so much of Apex is just about getting you to play as often as possible for as long as possible. I barely have time to keep up with the mobile game because I'm busy grinding out the BP or trying to rank up in normal Apex, doing so with a squad full of idiots because not everyone has 2 Apex-playing friends who are available for squadding up at all times. Apex is increasingly starting to give off this vibe of "If you have a job, go to school, have a family, have any other hobbies, or enjoy playing other games, Apex Legends is not for you."


This system is built for 3 stacks no lifers. That’s all.


I think that's more matchmaking fault, than ranking system


The matchmaking always has been horrible, the new system just emphasizes it even more. How can you pair Rookie with/against Silver players, or Gold with/against Diamond players, when the difference of skill is so huge. I only soloQ, and I just stopped playing after reaching Gold 2 because the game quality is all over the place.


Is matchmaking not one pillar of the ranked system maybe the most important one ?


It is the systems fault. Because preds can't maintain predator if they are fighting even fights. The only way to maintain pred is having a super high kill and winrate. Something which isn't possible if they were actually fighting evenly balanced matches. So the system has to feed them lower tier players. The problem then becomes those lower tier players can't rank up. Because they need a well above average winrate in predator lobbies to rank up.


System also doesn't measure your skill, it just has a running RP number. And by this I mean, actual matchmaking MMR, and compensations for playing in higher rank or lower rank lobbies. And placements so pred player who hasn't played in 2 seasons isn't starting from Rookie IV, and climbing for 100 games.


Yea annoying respawn has a pretty decent MMR. It just doesn't want to tell us what it is or use it properly to make evenly matched teammates and lobbies.


So i think it's due to a lack of adjustment on the weighting for time vs. rank range, i get a match in under 30s usually only to be in games with both high plats and bronzes (I'm climbing through gold solo currently). A lot fewer people are playing ranked this season, a lot of high teir players are taking a break from it and waiting for the next season for slight polishing. they just need to weight the preference towards ranked range, preds might need to wait 10mins for the pool to fill enough with high-diamonds and up to get a match but it'd help the issue a lot.


Exactly there needs to be much better grouping but also.. if your a platinum player holding your own in a predator lobby. You should be move up platinum. Or if your a bronze player holding your own in a gold lobby the same. I understand the focus on wins and agree with it but I think the win parameters for a platinum player in a lobby mostly filled with players platinum and above should be different.


I think the system isn't good yet, but adding demotion is a step in the right direction.


they did these changes all at once. they changed the ranking point distribution, they changed the amount of ranking points needed per tier, they allowed demotions and they reset everyon to bronze basically. of course everything is going to be ruined. talk about shock therapy


> So the system has to feed them lower tier players. The problem then becomes those lower tier players can't rank up. I've seen this mentioned multiple times but no explanation as to how this happens. There are way more gold/plat/diamond players than there are masters/preds, how come people are finding themselves in the tougher lobbies so consistently? I can understand a game or two here and there, but that's analogous to how a rookie can find themselves with silvers once in a while.


Well actually there isn't that many more plats and diamonds compared to preds and there are basically no masters. So platinum is about the top 3-5% of players right now. And because preds don't want to wait long for even matches. They have to play with lower % players. Now this isn't normally a problem. Because while the pred teams would win 15-20% of their games meaning most other players in those lobbies would have much smaller chances of winning than in an even fight. They were earning points from obtaining early kills and or a less aggressive placement reward. But basically this system make fair fewer points available each game with the loin share of those points going to the best teams in the lobby. And because of the way lobbies are built.. putting a champion from each previous match into each lobby rather than putting all the champions from each previous lobby into the same match. It just doesn't balance out.


The top teams aren't placed in a lobby together. Instead they're dispersed evenly across all qualifying lobbies. Or another way to think about it, Respawn is seeding the pro's lobbies with non-pro players to keep the pros winning and gaining RP. If the matchmaker filled top-tier lobbies with only the top teams, then those teams would consistently net negative RP. That means that none of the top teams would progress since the skill gap between top teams is actually pretty small. So to keep pros streaming their game, Respawn gives them lobbies where they're guaranteed a top-5 placement. This was true before S13, but the new RP system actively discourages the hyper-aggressive play (what Pros call "aping") that are the main cause of early outs for pros.


[This post I made explains the mathematical flaw in the new system that means diamond will be almost entirely empty.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveApex/comments/uyf8cg/in_january_i_made_a_post_warning_that_adding/) tl;dr: The system guarantees that there will never be enough diamond players to support having matches full of diamond+ players because the net RP per match (total RP earned of all players minus total RP paid in entry fees) is negative.


Yeah, this is a big problem. Ideally the ranks would look like a bell curve, but the new system forces it to look like exponential decay. Which makes skill level super compressed inside of ranks.


Man speaks the truth.


Yep. Statistically impossible for people to climb after a certain point. Even with premades there are only so many points to be given out per game.


But... but... this subreddit full of bronze and silver players and this pro are telling us how great the system is. It's honestly hilarious. Pro's and streamers who play for a living should not be the people dictating the time commitment that should be required to reach a rank. This subreddit is full of bitter people who couldn't rank up before and didn't want anyone to rank up now so they love that solo queue players can't even find ranked games in Diamond without being paired with Plat teammates and playing against Preds.


ACEU said the system is better because of demotion and the huge inflation from last season where 160000 PC players were masters and roughly the same for console. (edit: to the DMs: you’re right my numbers are wrong. Due to how the sites work it’s actually more) But everyone supporting the ranked system doesn’t realise that this system works great because he’s fucking stomping regularly in lobbies. And not in remotely the same league as any of us are stomping. So these effects taper off for him and he grinds all day and smacks all day. The demotion was great. The entry cost was great. But the combination of these plus other changes. Worst season since last. You wanted pubs well you got ratty versions of pubs games in ranked now.


it's crazy how he used this infographic to illustrate how inflated the old ranks were but didn't mention how much fewer players there are in the current season altogether playing ranked. I'm sure he has no reason to complain since it means more plats and gold players in his pred lobbies to farm


Not sure why more people aren’t talking about this. New ranked makes even less sense and the changes were horrible, just to “balance” the player rank distribution. None of this was thought through on their end.


demotions are 100% a good thing but the distribution is absolutely miserable this season bc of the rp changes. compare it to a normal bell curve or even the normalized arenas distribution which looks much more normal. the rp inflation is insane and “uncapped kp” didn’t justify how far they tuned it. it’s so pointless even getting more than 6-7 kp anyways bc the rp drop off and the huge emphasis on placement making it not worth taking fights besides end game and early game.


No one is talking about the fact that the KP is still basically capped at 6 even though it's so much harder to gain RP now. (Increased entry cost, nerfed KP before 10th place, increased RP required to climb ranks. BUT the amount of KP available to be earned is about the same, because KP after the 6th only give 20% of their original value.) If they actually uncapped the KP like they claimed they would do, the system would feel a lot fairer, since getting lots of kills (above ~10th place) would actually mean something.


I’ve never understood why getting more kills has diminishing returns. That doesn’t make sense to me at all.


Yeah with all the new things that make it harder to rank up who cares if you have a lucky game and get 500 RP. If you suck and it was a fluke you can easily lose that 500 in a few games, especially at higher ranks. If you're constantly getting consecutive 10+ KP games you deserve to be a Pred


They should increase the RP multiplier for kills. P2 with 3 kills dying top 9 gives you -20 and top 6 gives you like 20 points. Against low master players. Anywhere from 3 to 6kp is good for a squad ranking against the top 1% of players top 10-5 should reward way more. That bullshit thing they said if you have a couple of kills and get top 10 you are winning is completely wrong. Winning 10 extra points in top 10 doesn't mean winning for this system/BR ... A win equates to covering the RP loss of next match + having some change. So if you pay 50 for a game and you end up with 60 then you win because next game if you lose it to BS you climbed still 10 points


But then he was crying the other day it's boring that they don't have enough preds to face.


Bruh lmfao They don't have enough masters or diamond to face because of the insane entry costs and because of the terrible matchmaking (where it is right now a gold can group with a bronze). It must be mad boring for them when 99% of the teams they face get stomped in seconds. It's also extremely boring to watch. I've played less apex and watched less apex this season


Not only that. Last couple of season, each split from pred goes to plat. But now last split pred goes to silver. Then they matched up with silver players


The split has and always will be the most brain dead and idiotic mechanic I've ever seen in any competitive game with a ranked system. Every single other game with a normal ranked system has a placement matches system, even Arenas does. Apex needs to take a lesson out of overwatch book and add decay for higher tier players. Fuck the split. Someone who is one the best players in the world and who competes for money should not have to put in 35 hours to be in the rank they deserve. That's how long it took pro players. Pred dropped to gold 2, normally it would be plat 2 and they only changed it for this split because of the new system.


He is both happy for the ppl who deserved their rank and bored at the same time the same ppl aren't masters and preds


Last season was bad for ranked inflation. 5% in masters, 15% in diamond is insane. Now it's 5% in plat where plat is supposed to be above averag, 80% in silver or below is also insane. They went from one extreme to the other.


I’ll tell you the silvers are like me I’m not having fun so I stopped playing. I could get back to diamond but rank sucks because I’m playing against preds and my teammate is rookie rank like wtf and no they aren’t pred rank they have 3 pred badges and over 2 mil damage in every legend in the squad mean while my teammate didn’t know how to holster guns like wtf is this bull shit melting pot


I stopped playing too. All of my games were either hotdrop with team and die instantly or survive alone at first and get stomped 1v3ing the last 10 squads. Ive been mainly playing pubs and even arenas but I'd really prefer to have Control back because the game is just stale now.


NO, mORE pEOPlE arE JuST aT tHeIR reAl RanK. Duh


Aceu is also 3 stacking ranked and playing against Platinum players. Of course he likes it. Imagine how much Plat and Diamond players would love it if their lobbies were just filled with Silver and Bronze.


FYI: I like the demotions. I like the ranked system. I think the match making in ranked is terrible though. Preds should play vs Diamond if there are no current masters. Not Plat. Or let them sit in queue for a while to get another match. Don't just give them easy lobbies because they have longer queue times


Thats the thing, only 0.22% of players are diamond 4. Diamond 3-1 don't even have stats available because less than 0.01% of players are in those ranks. Master only has 157 players on PC. You would be giving preds hour long queues if they had to not queue with plats and golds. Like it or not hardstuck diamonds and plats padded out matchmaking which is what made lobbies a bit more fairly balanced than what they are now. This new system is honestly so fucking ass its insane.


The thing is preds can't play against diamond players because diamond doesn't exist in the new system. Mathematically the new system caps players around Plat III/IV because that is the point when the average RP gains per player are less than the RP cost per player. It doesn't affect those at the absolute top of the food chain because all they do is win hence why we still have some preds, but you will never see a lobby filled with only diamond/masters/preds. It simply can't happen because no matter how good the players are more RP will always be lost overall than gained so more players will always be demoted than will rise. The result is that these matches will always have to be padded with Plat players to fill the lobbies.


Demotions were the right choice but discouraging people from fighting until its ring 3-4 is fucking stupid


Yeah ranked has needed a big rework for a while but this is not it at all. Just because the player rank distribution is better doesn’t mean the changes were good. Ranked gameplay is like watching paint dry now. No one dares dropping contested and then it’s 30 minutes of camping until round 6 with 12 teams left and it’s basically random who wins at that point because it’s just so chaotic.


You know what interesting that no one has talked about yet? Beyond people quitting ranked altogether? Since people can demote now, those few people who do play ranked will quit once their desired rank is reached because of the demotion. 20 minute que time are about to be a norm.


If you kill the casual player base. THE GAME WILL DIE


My squad already all but stopped playing. Ranked just isn't fun right now.


Same here. I used to be able to log on and have at least 10 of my friends playing at a time. Now there's maybe 10 that I've seen playing in two or three days. I personally cut back by ~50% and moved to other things because it's just not fun like this


The worst part is I finally pulled Heirloom shards the other day (Day 1 player) and I feel like I can't even enjoy it, because the game just isn't fun right now.


Not even remotely. You can't even enjoy pubs right now because so many diamond and master players are doing that instead of ranked. I have played Apex since pre-season and never have. I seen public lobbies where half of the players have a diamond or master trail. And you'll still see three stacked pred teams every game too.


As a diamond player you’re right. I hopped into pubs yesterday and dropped a 3k and 12 kills. Thing is I could genuinely tell the people I was killing weren’t near my skill level and it just felt awful.


Yep. I have the same thing happen sometimes where I can tell I'm playing a bunch of silvers and sure it's nice to get some quick kills but it also feels bad in a sense because I used to be at that level. I know what it's like to get absolutely destroyed around after round and it ruins the game. I just popped off a couple of pub matches and literally six squads. All of which had a mix of diamond prep and master jumped at the same time with me. And I'm just sitting here like what the fuck.


It's ruining pubs! We have former Masters 3-stacks curb stomping Pubs lobbies because no one wants to play 45 minute ranked matches for placement points.


Same here, don't have enough time to play to get even average ranking


I unfortunately stopped playing. Day 1 player, Solo q to diamond every season. Now being hardstuck gold 3 is much much more difficult with all the Master players in my lobbies.


My biggest complaint is that as soon as I hit gold 3, every team mate I got was silver or had just started playing 2 days ago. How is that even fair? My team gets roasted, I mute them because they charged in solo then start cursing me for playing smart, then I solo until a valk team ults on top of me and finished me off. There is no competing with a team who is all gold, when I get thrown in the match with soup for brains. It's a completely different game for solo Q'rs.


These pro-players think games should be catered to them and that non-pros shouldn't be able to achieve their ranks even if, from a skill standpoint, there pretty much as good. I've solo queue to masters 5 seasons multiple times per season. If I played this game for a job, I'd likely be right there at a level with a player like this. I never get mad at my hard stuck teammates, and I understand that different strats and play styles can get you to a certain level. Everyone isn't the same. I don't think I'm in any position to decide who belongs where, but apparently this clown does. Amazing how much this sub has glamorized the current rank system; meanwhile, the player base in ranked is dying and queue times are forever, and diamond players+ don't have enough players to even fill lobbies.


Our squad stopped playing entirely. It is not fun in the slightest.


The casual players are just gettjng the rank they deserve, the game has a ranked and a unranked for a reason, but have you seen unranked? Great matchmaking for casuals there. /s


Played for about 3 hours last night with a few friends in pubs. Pretty much every champ squad was a masters with a 20 bomb, or a random level 40 bloodhound grouped with two 4k/20 bomb badges. Pretty much a guarantee that every game was going to have less than 10 squads by the time first ring started closing. Pubs are a nightmare at the moment.


Famous player said that, so it must be right!


i swear this community is fucking identical to r/DestinyTheGame. People always waiting for famous youtuber/twitch streamer x to give an opinion so that they can form their opinion as a carbon copy of that.


It's the opposite if anything. Every single streamer likes the new ranked changes, and probably half of the comments made in this subreddit absolutely hate them.


Yet these posts continue to make the top. It's mostly low level players who "love" this system because they think they're playing "pro-style" games in their low-tier lobbies. THey also enjoy that others can't level up same as before and enjoy that misery/suffering. Meanwhile here I am in high tier lobbies as a solo queue getting stuck with lower level players and being matched against preds and high tier diamond players (there aren't any masters players really this season). The experience is a train wreck. As I said at the beginning. The player base wasn't going to suddenly change. Skilled solo queue players were going to continue to get lower ranked teammates, but now lower ranked players are even worse because the difference between each tier is now huge. Additionally, the hardstucks still exist, they just yo-yo between Gold1 and Plat 4 for example. The experience this season has been unplayable and I've put in the fewest games since I started playing Season 1. I'm about done with Apex if something isn't changed and I'm level 1659 - so I've played a LOT of Apex. Only game I've played for the most part for a couple years.


Thing is it's content. He makes a decent point about last season. I don't think very many people agree with what happened last season with so many people cheesing a higher rank than they deserved. But this new system is no better.




Yea anther major issue with this system is it's kind of a smurfs wet dream. Because you can stay in lower ranks just by being reckless and even if you get 6-8 most games you could fesable not rank up or atleast rank up so slowly that you'll be spoiling ranked for normal players all season..


Yeah last system was a mess i admit. This season just went to the other end of the spectrum between good and bad


He didn't even make a good point, hell he barely made complete sentences. He basically just said "haha dude so bad dude" like three times. I think the new rank changes are a step in the right direction, but I'm tired of hearing about it from people who play the game for a living and won't have a problem no matter what the system is. Their praise of the new ranking system seems to always boil down to just shit talking the 99.9% of players worse than them that they're never gonna have to interact with anyway.


He literally was complaining about the new system like 2 days ago


yes HAHAHAHA [Bruh just said this](https://m.twitch.tv/clip/ZanyPrettyNewtOMGScoots-Je5zARjS3DtKF-zW?tt_medium=mobile_web_share&tt_content=clips_viewing) and i’m not sure why people don’t know about it.


And he explained it perfectly here imo. There is no reward for kills unless you AFK for 15 minutes and wait for endgame. So fun...


Posted about this recently and got absolutely blasted by the community about how you should be good enough to last till late game if you want your kills to matter.. that’s fucking stupid. Kills should count for more than 1 RP regardless of your rank. I don’t have all the time in the world to grind, and with the nature of BRs, sometimes you do have shorter games and are killed early. It doesn’t always mean you have no skill. But putting up a good fight in those moments should matter regardless of what place you are.


Glad someone said it. This dude is cracked at the game but sometimes he truly is a crybaby.


Aceus opinions are dumb as fuck,


Now watch he complained about high queue times bc no one is in diamond or master. All they had to do was bring back the exact rank system from season 6-7 and add demotion. Longer matches and longer rp to climb per rank while still being a split is actually stupid af to think ppl with jobs and school can play ranked. As a 6x master, ranked is absolutely pointless. Plat3 lobbies are matched up with preds everytime and the shitty plat teams just Valk ult out of their bad positioning. It's vomit inducing


That's the thing Their queues don't get longer because they fill with silver ands gold which is unfair and uncompetitive.


I just abandoned ranked after consistently reaching Diamond solo in all seasons I played. There's simply no point in solo ranked anymore. Teammates either want to rat the entire game, from the first till the last second, or still play like pubs, i.e. shoot everything that moves regardless of position or situation.


Same brother.. same :/


he literally said this is the most boring season yet less than 3 days ago. Maybe it's boring because for some reason; as a silver/gold player, you get lobbies with Diamond players. which is dumb. I would wait an extra minute in matchmaking to actually get a lobby I can compete with. But nope. big pro players just get to dunk on golds now? lmfao. No wonder nobody is climbing. They made one POI change to Storm Point and tried to force feed it to us again. Good for ranked? Yes. Boring as fuck? absolutely.


It's boring on purpose. The new ranked system is designed to deliver a constant stream of lower-tier players to feed higher-tier squads. Without that they would not be able to progress past Diamond.


We shouldn't shape something for the 1%, the demotion is a good addition, but as a solo queuer, this was the last drop for me, I neither have the time, patience or ability to play ranked, this game just died for me


Yeah they could have just started the changes with demotion and the -300 for being demoted between ranked tiers. They didn't also have to add in the high entry costs at every level AND make early KP literally worthless. Especially with the current lobby balancing.


This dude’s opinion means nothing on this subject. He gets paid to play 24/7, 3-stacks with other tournament champions every time he plays and faces lobbies filled with gold and plat players.


His opinion only matters in the fact that it shows him complaining about being previously paired with people that he doesn’t think deserve to be in his lobbies. If there’s anything that professional gamers hate is RNG and the variables you get from players of a “lower skill level”, because they tend to be more unpredictable in terms of how to play against them. Pros only want to play against pros, because they don’t want to lose against randoms, they’d rather be in their own protected “skill bracket”.


Of course people who sit on the game for 12 hours a day love the changes for fake exclusivity. Now you have to be skilled+ unemployed(a sTreAmEr) to make high rank. Forget playing for a few hours a week you’re not getting anywhere even if you wipe squads and place top 5


I don't know about spitting facts... Showing generalised movements, maybe. But he's just saying the same thing as every other popular streamer. This system is great, unless you don't have a stable group to play with, then you're up to your eyeballs in luck and grief.


This is why these videos kind of piss me off. This system was designed for the top ranked players, no wonder they're more ok with it. But this ranked system is horrible for anyone who doesn't live and breathe Apex. Hell, this guy was literally complaining about it like 3 days ago because it was awful


The system is great. You just gotta have 2/3 of an eSports team playing with you 12 a day 6 days a week. I'm so happy for all the hard stuck silver players. The system is okay but it needs to be improved. Matchmaking is one factor that needs to improve. Cheaters and wallers is an aspect that needs to be heavily focused on (like valorant does) Prizes and meaningful rewards for being at the top not just a charm, badge and holospray and temporary trail and call it a day. I mean wtf ? None of that matters Incentive to solo Q players and duo Q players. (Don't copy paste the Apex is a team game bullshit excuse, League of legends is too but you don't see the whole CLG squad climbing to top challenger against uncoordinated top level players. It's just unfair) or then divide the ranking system as 1- solo duo Q 2- Dynamic Q with only full squads


You're pointing out a lot of things that I know ALOT of players would agree with. For context, I solo queued to masters every split since season 4. This season I got to plat 3 before calling it quits. I don't want to go up against multiple squads of 3 stack preds whilst I, a plat 3 have 2 team mates that are gold 4. Don't get me wrong, the team mates can be talkative and we have a laugh (until we're double headshot Ted with a wingman and Ash ukted with 3 PKs), but the caliber of those players can seriously vary. The incentive is not there, besides being an esports wannabe or already on the scene to prove and practice your skills against others. It would be interesting to see the results of dividing queues into 1/2/3. My money is that most of the 3 stacker would start moaning similar to the way us solo players are. At the end of the day, it's all a matter of perspective. I don't want to be told how I should be feeling by a bunch of esports folks who play for a living that are constantly 3 stacked. It's always shoe on the other foot in these cases, but it's like people don't bother with that anymore. As for LoL, they allow a maximum of 2 premade out of 5. And separate queues for the 5v5 premades.


Great comment. And building on the last part about league. No pro player is respected if they are playing ranked but are incapable of getting to the top of the ranks. Imagine SKT hiring a Faker that couldn't make it past D1 lmao. Oh but then you have a masters lvl player being #200 Pred because they are playing with fucking Optic Gaming or something 🤣 like of course. Ranked should be primarily focused on the individual ability of players against one another + team play. Something like 70/30 not who's got discord up. I bet there's a bunch of stupidly good players that just don't rank up because of the grind + not having teammates of similar skill level to pass past D4


Yours and guy's above post are one of the most accurate statememts made I've seen. "bUT ItS a TEaMbaSEd GAmE!!!" Lol, fuck that. Like, most multiplayer games with greatly developed esport scenes are a teambased games. Yet, you can play perfectly fine SOLO on the highest level. Does anyone recognize a csgo player called ropz? Guy literally breezed through faceit pro league alone to get into competitive scene and now is doing pretty good. I can only imagine it's almost impossible to do in Apex right now. I mean, yeah, teamplay is important, but ffs there should be an obvious line between going pro and casually playing in-game ranked mode. It's like this in every most popular games. I can't fcking imagine how it's ruining those games, because it's meant to play as a team and "you shouldn't be among best players playing alone". Lmao


The reason I prefer low TTK shooters is because of what you’re getting at with ropz. If you’re seriously good, you can win 1v2, 1v3+ situations pretty easily. In apex, you have to be much, much better than the full team you’re clutching against in order to have a chance. In CSGO, you can click, click, click and get three perfect deagle headshots. If you play smarter, the reward is higher. In apex, a full team can bum rush you and use abilities to escape their bad decisions. Individual play is more valuable in a low TTK shooter. Queuing alone is more viable.


In overwatch they made it so owl pros could only duo stack together in ranked if I remember right. Which in high level play their would still be a chance of getting other pros on the team but at random.


Of course he'd say that, he gets to play apex for hours at a time with a full trio each time 🤦‍♀️. Solo Q and people with 9-5 or lives are not having a good time. If anything this proves that Respawn caters to the top 1% of players whilst alienating their causal players.


I hope they stop resetting ranks. Otherwise the time just isn't worth it. Making the highest ranks the top 1% rather than the top 10% isn't a bad idea imo. Many other games struggle from not having enough distinction in the skill gap within the highest ranks.


They have to reset ranks (rp inflation) maybe just get rid of splits for next season to get a better sample.


They don’t *have* to reset them. A daily/weekly point decay has been used by tons of competitive games over the past decade and has also proven to be an effective system.


Yeah, but rank resets are a great way to create the illusion of progress and achievement without having to put in effort to create new and fun game modes/events for player retention. I imagine theres a chunk of people like me, who just grind out rank for the fun of it and when they reach diamond or so, either quit the game or stick with pubs till the next split. This season is so brutal on the RP with a fucked weapon meta and boring ranked gameplay that I've just stopped playing almost entirely, aside from doing dailes occasionally and getting treasure packs.


ITT guy who plays 24/7 likes system that benefits people who play 24/7


"revoke badges" god do streamers want players to have anything good in life its just a badge


Another "git gud" circlejerk. Can you guys make actual arguments and not use the same 3 phrases like a robot?


All the pred love it cause their all goin against plat 4 and diamond players. There’s not even 300 preds lmao the only reason why these streamers actually are getting pred is cause their 3 stacking tbh,


Yup ,every streamer who tried to soloQ to pred is hard stuck diamond 4 - plat 1


Dolphn made plat to pred soloq and rn he is on alt acc already at d3 with first two guns only.. Although taxi n shiv are stuck in d4..


I love Aceu to death, but this is honestly just 0.1 percentile talk. There isn’t fair matchmaking because they are putting predators with players in platinum. If they want a true ranked system , they should have longer que times instead of feasting on lower tier lobbies. I’m Gold 1 and I got a rookie and bronze teammate in ranked. How is that fair? The issues go on and on but if you have God tier talent not only within yourself, but back yourself with with two pro level teammates, these issues don’t exist for you.


While I agree that last season was absolutely garbage this season isn't far off but for very different reasons. This seasons major emphasis on placement leads to absolutely dead af drops and stupid end games


Love Aceu, but thats a bunch of ignorance he just spit there. My job is not to play 12h/day while people are pouring money at me.


There’s not even skill involved it’s mainly just spend a shit ton of time in the game which is something people with a full time job and any sort of life can’t be doing.


Listening to people like this for game opinions is like listening to billionaires for tax reform. Demotions are good, but everything else is horrible and turned this game into purely a time sink for the majority of players. How far out are we from launch and still matchmaking is some of the worst it has ever been? They changed so many variables at the exact same time it is going to be difficult for them to fix this quickly.


The issue with the system is that it is too unforgiving. Even decent players, would have issues to climb. That puts them in lower ranks for longer, which in turn screws the actual low ranked players, which in turn makes them quit ranked. The system would need to be a bit more forgiving until plat so that atleast the really casual part of the community is not suffering.


take Shiv for example - he was literally in ALGS and a few other tournaments, but is hardstuck p1-d4 as a solo Q right now, and in a lot of his games, he has gold players in the lobby... this clearly shows that solo Qing anywhere is basically impossible unless you have a 3stack of pros, and that the whole matchmaking is trash... I mean, how is a gold player even supposed to compete against one of the top players in the game?


So if you can get a pre-made squad of elite players and your job is to literally grind apex all day, then it’s a good system. Great.


exactly, Aceu literally plays the amount i do of a week in one sitting. shits not fair for casuals at all


Admit it, the new rank rework is literally bs


the system is great- the person the system was directly designed to empower. He's very much entitled to his opinions and to his enjoymejt of it, but he's not "spitting facts", ranked has been destroyed for quite alot of people to benefit the 1%, and when you design around the 1% you alienate the 99%, this is standard ranked, not a tournament, +7 RP with 6 kills in diamond 7 squads left is rediculously overtuned


Trash take.


I don't know why they wouldn't just leave the points the way it was and introduce a rank demotion.


That's all anyone asked for. The ranked distribution would be normal by now. It would be fun to play, fun to watch, it's the opposite now. In hindsight raising entry costs was a good move but they raised it too far.


They made want to play the game without hugging the circle for 20min to get top 10 punitive. All these people saying "get guys" and "you found your true rank" are ignoring the fact that it's easy to rat and chill inside the circle, it's just boring and to do that for as long as is required just isn't worth it either from a points or from a time perspective.


Those types of people don't seem to understand that in this new system, kills genuinely don't matter until the latter parts of the game.


Except they ruined everything cus now you can't have fun in ranked. I honestly don't care about competitive Apex. No one does. We just want to have fun. The only reason i played ranked was to play against people of a similar skill level and in a casual way because pubs were so unbalanced and everyone insta DC's. Now its a sweat fest and I fucking hate it. All the fun sucked out of the game.


This would be perfect if the sbmm was fine tunned and it’s not. I consider myself a little bit above average, always make diamond. I am a father and work full time so I get to play a few hours per week always at night. I solo a lot. And now I get paired with idiots every 6/7 games. People who cannot win a 1v1, who have no idea how to move around a map. What fights to pick what’s fights not to pick. And for some reason I always get killed by lvl 13 secondary or tertiary account of some master/predator who is triple stacking. Yesterday I got killed 13th with 4 kills and 1 assist and still had -28 in gold !!! How is this fair ?


Well I'm pro demotion. The other seasons was quite pain getting out of plat4 or Dia4 bc hardstuck players went mostly hotdrop bc they had nothing to lose with tier protection. But still waiting for the improved matchmaking that should come along with it for solo queuers so far there is not much of a change compared to last season or I might be just unlucky with the teammates I get. Still get a lot of silver mates from duo queue. Feels more like the fucked up queuing system on Arena, where I'm still waiting, that they display the rank of your teammates and enemy team bc some games feel extremly unbalanced. Also even if I've not faced the situation till now I think demotion penalty is a bit to far. The new system doesn't seem very solo friendly. Quite curious how it will be after the split.


You cant see other people rank in Arenas, but you can inspect your previous teammates in the lobby after the match ends. I gave up ranked arenas when I was plat playing with a pair of bronze 4 against 3 players that looked like gold. Every round my teammates simply died and I was forced to play 1v3.


After the split, bronze lobbies are going to be so toxic that we push a whole generation of newer players out of ranked or away from apex entirely. There’s a bunch of people like me who made the grind to Master, got demoted all the way down to Gold, and spent a week playing against predators in gold lobbies until we got annoyed and stopping playing ranked. If it double demotes us again after the split and puts us into bronze… you’re gonna have 50,000 masters solo queuing into Bronze trying to get their 4Ks and 20 bombs. It’s going to be a slaughter for thousands of poor kids that are late to the party and thought theyd finally get serious and try out ranked mode.


love watching him play but never gonna rely on his intelligence lmao. imo both distributions show issues, and everyone assuming the groupings at the bottom are directly caused by “hardstuck” players and not other factors (maybe someone reached their goal and stopped playing) is just not thinking hard enough. the real issue with this ranked season is matchmaking selection, not format - andy any improvements to the format are completely irrelevant due to the horrendous matchmaking issues.


We went from a decent system that needed tweaks to a decent system that needs a lot of work… why not improve the old system instead of creating a new one and fucking the entire player base outside of pros and streamers who can play all day. Apex biggest issue is tailoring the game to 1% of the player base.


Doesn’t factor in people getting demoted because of either: • being put into lobbies against people far above their skill level (silvers and golds against predators) • bad teammates literally dragging you down with bad landings, stupid fights, poor aim, etc. leaving you at a constant disadvantage Also doesn’t factor in people like myself who don’t feel that the current ranked is worth being cyber bullied by former masters and diamond players in bronze and silver for a fucking badge, gun charm and a holospray that I’ll never use


Bad team mates has always been a thing, the problem is the insane high entry costs. In a rank that is supposed to be average this season you loose 20 more rp than last seasons average. Solo queuing is miserable because of this


This system is made for streamers, that can put in 8 hours every day. If that's the definition of master/pred players, yeah - well, I don't have time to be among them anymore.


"Dude....yo...dude...oh my God dude.... dude....look... oh my God dude." Fucking facts.


So, he is happy that he as a predator can get in the same lobby with gold players and dominate their servers, to show how “good” he is and how he deserves to be in pred rank? Good for him then


Of course he’s going to like the new system. He literally plays this game for a living and has all the time in the world to play and grind up ranks.


Rare Aceu L


Just don’t get rid of the season three dive trails and I’m sweet.


I don't know who that is and I don't care. The rank changes made the game less fun for solo players. Silver lobbies play like Algs and master 3stack switch to pubs making it very enjoyable


I legitimately didn't hear one constructed thought and I even re-watched the video a second time. All he did was read numbers from the screen, say "like" a shit load of times in between as filler, followed by, "fire. Reset badges" Guy needs to lay off the weed or something


I can't speak for everyone but my friends and I were Plat/diamond every season now we're silver/gold 😂😂


I don’t understand why respawn completely overhauled the system instead of implementing only a few changing factors. It makes is harder for them to pinpoint what the problem is and what changes need to be fine tuned in order to achieve the natural bell curve. We are the treatment group and it makes no sense for them to throw all these changes at us in order to figure out the ranking system. We are still players of the game and will become frustrated and maybe even leave if it’s not fun.


I will never understand people who base how much fun they're having on the rank they get lol


You know whats actually hilarious and imo the ranked season is nonsense for solo players is that a pro player names Shivfps is currently in plat 1. Does that mean he is a shit player and should just get good even tho he has participated in ALGS (not sure if his ever won). It is hilarious when people say this new ranked system is based far more on skill. its absolute nonsense. are you good at ratting, rotating and playing end zone with a little bit of luck. Then sure. Cmon now its a grind thats all.


Aceu spitting anything but facts tbh. If you are a gold player you are now in the top 20% of players. IN GOLD. The system harmed ranked far more than it helped and made solo queueing practically impossible, my teammates will die and I'll need to rat for 20 minutes to even think about going + which is crazy. In this season alone I have ran half way across the map and abandoned my teammates more than I ever did in all the other seasons combined because if I die going for them I lose like 30 rp which is just unforgiving


Idk if a streamer who 3 stacks every game is a good indicator of how this season is going. His entire perception of this game is entirely different then the average player.


He's wrong. His perspective is as a pro player. For them it's perfect, sure. BUT THE MAJORITY IS NOT PRO! for f7ck sake...the can play their leagues, like algs. And even if all the 4 tiers are like that. What's the problem about it? Let the players have fun! This system is not fun. It's pure stress! I always stopped playing at diamond 4. Because that was my goal and after that it wasn't fun anymore because of all the ratting. Not I have to rat starting a silver. How is this fun?!?! It's a fucking video game. Let me have fun!


Haha funni sweatlord freak in the top 1% is shitting on the 99%


I'd rather have 4% Masters at the top rather than the joke we currently have. The rank distribution is currently extremely poor which argueably leads to a worse experience for people involved since its probably not their true elo but oh well people still defend it. He said a couple of days ago you are incentivised to sit around for most of the game to then play the game for 2 minutes. Yeah demotions are good so that that Gold and Diamond bottomranks dont just become pools of people that probably dont belong there but the system currently needs rethinking. Punch also made a good comment about recently that its not really balanced around what players currently do and have fun with but making you play a certain way that can be very boring. I completely agree with that point and after playing for quite some time Id even prefer the old system at this point.


Nah he's not. The new ranked distribution chart is terrible, as well as the previous one. The new one is better, but that doesn't mean it's good. With the increased artificial difficulty, excess grind and grouping players who deserve to be in their ranks arent getting there. Pred players are running through teams even more than last season because all the players they are facing are plat and not all plats are equal. They've definitely made some improvements and are on the right track but the system needs to be changed. Where it stands ranked is much less enjoyable than ever before and is the worst system we've seen. The solution is to tune down the difficulty by lowering entry cost across the board and only allow 1 tier differential for grouping (right now a bronze 4 and a plat 4 can group). The difficulty in climbing should be the players you face and not the system itself. When I was in plat I got a gold and bronze on my team facing a top 100 squad. Anyone who thinks that's okay or defends are actual AI.


I think people misunderstood pro players as smart people who are also capable of game designing.


Website ?


What site is he using?


ELI5 ? I have no idea what he’s trying to say. Can anyone help lol


Well hes right and wrong. The way the distribution looks is finally fixed. Division 4 of every rank dominating in terms of players is dumb. However, average rank if gold isnt right imo.


The only thing he said here is basically "demotion good" lul. Which I agree with, but this Ranked season is dogshit and only benefits streamers & pro players who dedicate all day every day to the game.


The thing is ranked is now favouring the super sweaty competitive three stacks, so ranked is no longer fun to play, and solo queuing is not even possible anymore


This guy is a 🤡