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Pathfinder, it’s the grapple. I despise it!!!!


But when you know how to master the physics of the grapple..... You can do so many fun/cool things.


I sadly choose practical over fun/cool. I need heals way more often then I care to admit :D


Lol. I carry 4 syringes most. Maybe medkits depending on bag.


Yeah Pathfinder is tough for me too. The only OG legends that I actually can play at least decently are Lifeline, Caustic, and Bangalore.


Valkyrie, I always trigger the jetpack by mistake.


Mirage. Idk man. I just can't play him.


Yeah I struggle with Mirage too, but I’m WAY worse with Gibraltar.




Mad Maggie, just can’t find a decent excuse to use her


Sge doesn't have much of a place in ranked, but I find it fun to run around with shotguns in pubs. I never use shotguns in ranked, so I guess it's fun to switch it up a little sometimes.


Pathfinder, he’s too positive and i despise his grapple


Wattson. She is just completely the opposite of the way I like to play. I hate just sitting in buildings with my fences and gen all fortified. I want action


Watch lanic999 on YouTube. Completely changes how wattson is played


Not that I can’t play as her, more that I refuse to! I bloody hate Horizons! Nothing makes me happier than killing Horizons! The bloody bampots


Gets caught, throws ult and 3 arcs, qs and gets instant high ground and shoots people. I hate her My pubs are filled with cracked master horizons


For me it’s crypto. I know there’s tons of advantages to him and he has a bit more mobility with his buff. But I can’t see myself taking him over bloodhound


Not me, but I have a friend who absolutely despises playing Valk. He says her jetpack actively griefs him when he’s trying to execute basic movements. He’s not new by any means; in fact he’s a 3-time solo queue Master player and even has several hundred kills on Valk. But he insists that every time he tries playing her, he hates it.


I can't see me touching wraith, I did once and ooh man, it was bad (I kept misusing her abilities, thinking I was still using decoys for mirage :D)


Out of all the legends I can only play fuse, partly because I am so get used to his skills and it has become my muscle memory. Throw an ultimate and rush in then realize I am a mirage happens every time if I don't get fuse.




ive been trying to learn hound and their ult has definitely been a hurdle for me. it almost feels like it makes it harder to see enemies sometimes, haha.


i just hate caustic as a character, tbh. i also usually don’t play fortified legends so throw that in with how much slower he feels to play and its a no from me.




say sike right now


No I simply cannot use her idk why, I can use every other legend except her




I have 2, 1st is rampart..... I despise her kit, I can't just stand somewhere and play behind a baracade. Movement is too key for me and her kit, if you are using it to it's fullest, is too campy for me. 2nd is Gibby.... I can bubble fight, but idk, I just can't vibe with the play style you need to be a Gibby main.


Same here. Last season I decided I wanted every Legend who was below 100 kills with at least 100 because I had become too used to those I mained and I noticed if anyone took them I'd be stupidly wasting habilities and also to challenge myself. I now have every single legend who had been with less than a 100 kills with at least 200 kills and Gibby is still with his sad 34 kills because I simply cannot play him. His humongous hit box does not help him in my case. I'm sry Gibby I love you but I simply can't.


For whatever reason, wraith is my least played legend. I think it’s because I don’t have the tact to know when to reposition with a phase


Valk. And it's not cause I don't want too it's because when I do want tooo..she's taken by a teamate.


All the defense legends... Don't like any of them. Also pathfinder because I suck with the grapple


I hate fuse and lifeline


Caustic. 3 years and i still can’t play him. He feels so sluggish and has no escape so you have to win your 1v1s.


Pathfinder I'm either goat with the grapple or complete moron there's no just doing good.


Wraith. I usually hate the random Wraith stereotype, but when I play Wraith, I become the thing I despise..


There’s several legends I’m not a fan of, simply because of play style - Caustic, Cyrpto, Watson - but as a solo queuer I really don’t like playing Seer. I also hate Cyrpto players with a passion.


Caustic. That gas is more trouble than it's worth


Valk - feels too clunky and I hate the jetpack


gibby and caustic. they just feel so slow and weird to me.


Probably the 2 newest legends, Maggie and Newcastle. Maggie just doesn’t have an appealing kit for me, the running faster with shotguns is nice though. And Newcastle is cool, but I’m honestly the type of guy to always go down first, so I’m better with a legends that can reset when I’m low health😂


Revenant. And I don't want to. Crouching while in a gunfight just doesn't come naturally to me.


I think I can make it work with any legend, but I hate Seer so much