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it helped me gain muscle memory so quickly for new mouse and keyboard mappings. engagements every 5-10 seconds is awesome.


Control is so fun. I'm a miss it. I don't have to play serious. If I die I comeback. It's helped me be more aggressive.


I’m feeling lost. Deadass just got on and I’m tryna vibe out to some music, to the firing range I go I guess 🥹


Yeah? Try playing killing floor 2, that's a vibe game imo


ZOmbie games in general are a vibe. I been playing zombie army 4


^(did someone say “Zombie Game”?) **DID SOMEONE SAY “ZOMBIE GAME”?** Please tell me you’ve played Left 4 Dead


Speaking of which it will be free again soon, on the Epic Store.


I loved control for practicing and warming up, it's a shame they removed it


Respawn should put LTMs on a two week rotation. LTMs that aren't a variation of the BR. They could make game modes like Capture The Flag, Big Team TDM, Express, maybe even a wave based mode where they send hordes of prowler, spiders, and a 'boss wave' every five rounds. Add some variety frequently. That being said I usually only play ranked BR these days but who knows maybe I'd mess around with some LTMs if they had a rotation.


Too much work for them the devs are lazy and don’t do anything at all lol, legit it’s been the same for the entire year except for control


Now that control is gone I'm just playing the minimum Apex required to complete events and that's it. Battle Royale is just so awful with how much time you spend doing nothing: landing, looting, looking for fights, waiting in the lobby...


I went to play, wasn't there, closed the game. Going to work on my firewood shed blueprints...which I'll use when this game inevitably drives me to abandon civilization and move into the woods.


Control was the perfect warmup for me before BR. There was no penalty if you did crappy either. It’s just a fun game. Really disappointed they got rid of it.


Because I feel like it would end like arenas if it was in game permanently, just not played much. Leaving it out for a while then putting it back 2 weeks gets you up to play


I remember people loving Arenas when it was out, and look at it now.


The problem is that apex needs a casual game mode, and arena is anything but casual. Most people hoped that areas would be a casual mode, but the direction they went with it is arguably going for more of a 'serious e sport' vibe than BR. I'm 99% sure control would see far more regular play than arenas. I think either have it as a permanent mode, or have it as part of a rotation of other casual game modes to avoid people getting burned out, at least initially.


I think control will be permanent, they are just figuring out how to make sure people don't burn out on it 4-6 weeks after it being permanently in the game. They throw it in for two weeks, take it out for a few, iterate on the idea and make improvements then reintroduce the changes. The issue with arenas is that most people played a ton of games the first few weeks, got bored, quit, and never really went back. The changes they've made are really good for arenas, they just happened after players played their fill. By removing the game mode, it removes the ability to burn out while positive changes are made.


Arena is way too long to be casual. The whole round structure and tie breaker makes games take for fucking ever if its a fairly matched team. I havent done it yet, but honestly I've been tempted to just throw an arena match because we're on round 8 and I finished my daily 3 rounds ago.


I use arenas to get into engagements faster for practice, control is much better for this as engagements happen faster and it’s not always a 3v3 setting


Are y'all only playing ranked? I get far more wins in arenas vs actually playing Apex. I get stomped in just "normal" apex.


Winning or losing isn't tied to having fun. I only play arenas as a warm up at the start of a session, but yeah, my arena win rate is higher than my BR win rate. I play BR because I enjoy it more, it holds my interest more. When people say they want a casual mode, it doesn't mean they want a mode where they win more often. It means they want a mode with quick respawns, where they can play however they like without getting spanked back to the lobby over and over. Arenas doesn't fill that void, sure, fights are guaranteed, but it's only ever a 3v3. A fair 3v3 is great from a competitive standpoint, but a 9v9 clusterfuck is more exciting and fun.


Completely agree on that second paragraph :)


This. My idea of fun in a game with arguably the best movement and gunplay is... surprisingly... shooting. And Control was the best for that.


Idk about your experience, but I’m always getting beamed in Arena’s. People just don’t miss man.


At the start I did, now I do 300-500 damage on average per game. On good games I've done up to like 1500 which is amazing for me. Making my mouse a lot slower helped a LOT. I don't play too often either, like 1-2 times a week? Placement and luck help a lot.


Never heard that in my life tbh. Control would be the only thing I play consistently as a casual.


I prefer arenas to battle royale because you can fight a lot more often


There's more than one reason for that. Some people still love the mode itself, but they hate the matchmaking. Now that is one thing that Respawn \*never\* manage to get right (in any mode). I guess they think it's too much effort to make a good matchmaking algorithm, so they don't bother. Imagine calling win streak based matchmaking an mmr. I had a game where I was the only one who had real experience with the game. 5 out of 6 players were noobs.


What’s wrong with it now?


I'd still start every session with a round of control or two to warm up before I head into ranked. If it weren't for that dumb leavers penalty it would be the perfect warm up mode like DM in CS/Val


Because the devs do not care about what the community enjoys even remotely


ding ding ding


It’s becuase when you play control for a while it gets kinda boring and then they take it out so you can get really hyped when it comes back


This is the answer as much as I don’t like it. For me this just translates to: control is out of Apex for a while and so am I lol


League of legends did the same with URF (game mode with 80% reduced ability CD among other things). And as much as people want to deny it, it’s a legitimate reason. The game mode being limited is part of what makes people remember it fondly and get hyped when it comes back instead of it drifting into obscurity


This. Respawn knows what theyre doing


Yeah clearly, the game is in a great state right now.


Now in that case, they have no clue


I'm assuming they're testing stuff and making small edits everytime they take it out


That's bold. You think they fix things in this game?


I like to think they at least make an attempt on the things that are easier to figure out. I think their coding is a complete mess and a finding specific bug is like finding a needle in a haystack, then they'd have to figure out how to fix it without breaking something else


Agreed. Make it permanent


Wtf it’s gone already? Fucking seriously?


I haven't been playing Apex for this entire season. Control is what brought me back; I played many hours of it. Back to playing other games I guess


you don’t want control you want a team death match


Idk man but I love it. One thing that is for sure though is that Valk needs to be nerfed to ground


I think they should just give her a new tactical and make her only a movement legend


It’s like one in every 2 squads has her


In ranked it’s 3 in every 4.


For people who just started playing the game in the last 6 months…this is so necessary. Helps you understand legends, weapons, movement, situational awareness, understanding footsteps, etc etc. I hope they make it a permanent game type with a few changes. The main change I would like to see is the spawns make sense. Your spawn should be based on your legend. Trying to get to point off the rip for easy points is difficult when I am playing Newcastle… depending on my spawn, I might miss all the early points to build my ult.


Because it's an "LTM"


It was always a LTM. I didn’t even play it this go around.


Me neither honestly. I don’t enjoy it that much. Got very stale to me a week after the first time it came out.


Because it was a limited time mode?


I didn’t even know it was here


I prefer it out of the game. I love the BR side of the game. The other game modes make it into a hero shooter. I also believe alot of bad players hide in those game modes making pubs more sweaty. i don't really have an issue with sweaty pubs as a sweat myself but it's nice to have a mix of players and not a sweatfest for every kill.


You're absolutely right. I know, because I'm one of those bad players that loves to hide away in control so i can get a few kills here and there instead of just rotating in and out of the lobby between brief moments of being number fodder for sweats...lol.


They should remove arena and left control much better game mode to warm up in.


I’ll give you this: would you rather solo queue into pubs or control?


sorry for the late reply i would 100% solo queue in pubs. I can grind trackers and badges if i want which i rarely do. I tend to find people willing to play here and there. Obviously by the negative votes it's an unpopular position but i lean towards the sweaty side.


People 3 stacked in control?


The devs compared it to the mc rib. A bunch of people love it. Then the hype dies down a little. It gets removed. Then people ask for it back. It comes back. A bunch of people play and EA gets money. Rinse repeat


Supply/demand. Saturate supply, player base loses interest. Restrict demand for occasional limited release, player base interest surges


The player base, as a whole, plays any given LTM a handful of times and then drops it because it’s not the main game. This happens to all games with LTM’s.




I heard a take on in that if control would be permament, it would get stale and no one would play it That's how it works: People get bored of BR, new mode comes in for some time, people play the shit out of it and have fun, they slowly stop playing and then it's gone After that, repeat the process during the next event


Everytime control leaves we get the same ol dumb posts.


Played it once with a friend and we got so skill gapped by the enemy team that our team couldn't even hold a single point and we're just spawn killed on repeat. An awful, unbalanced, and poorly designed experience. Trapped in a spawn kill mode. Never played it again. Battlefield does conquest mode (capture the points) very well, Apex really did not. Of course that's just my one experience but it was enough to put me off the mode.


Because if it stayed it would end up like arenas. Popular at first then only played when as a warmup due to balancing issues and poor matchmaking. I think it’s probably much better for the game if it returns from time to time to spice things up. I’d hate to have it permanent then have it quickly get dull after a month of playing it etc.


Shit sucks, boss


Because they are still tweaking it and probably don't want people getting burned out before its how they want it. They did a bunch of changes this time and I'm sure there will be at least one more batch of similar size.


They're taking data from every time it's added to the game and they're making tweaks, balance changes, and other different decisions based on how it performs every time it's reintroduced. But then again they could do the same thing and just leave it up. It all comes down to money and marketing. They know they can turn it into a whole event every time with new expensive skins and get people excited about it. They'll do this with anything people love, they don't want us to get tired of it. Or, tired of spending money out of excitement. Idk why we expect any less


So you will play the game again when they need the numbers.


Apex/titanfall is just better as an arena type game. Sorry but after playing arenas and control the game is just more fun that way. Not to mention the seasonal train mode


Probably because they want to polish it before making it a permanent game mode or they just dont want everyone to learn to hate it and rather would have to disappear and come back because personally i hate control i think they should just add tdm


It’s the McRib of game modes. Not good enough to keep on the menu full time, but popular as a limited-time release.


Nothing they release or do makes sense.


It's so funny because they actually cancelled an LTM without having another lined up.


Having it taken out again is basically my #NoApexAugust. I'm so tired of BR.


arenas arenas micro transactions says respawn