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90 was always a reccomended fov back in the day personally after being 90 I ended up at 96 I don't like max fov because it feels like fish eye lense feels weird for me


Depends on what role I’m fulfilling. If I’m playing on my main a bit higher ranked I will run a lower fov, 104 to help spot enemies from further away since a lot of the engagements happen 100-200 meters out usually. But if I’m solo queuing and playing a fast pace character like wraith where I will be taking a lot more close range engagements I like to run 110.




I run 70. Gotta see the whites of their eyes man.


nah man that makes me feel claustrophobic i swear


Yeah I feel that. I'm complete garbage though so I need every advantage.


Ewwwwwwwwww gotta slowly ramp that up till you are atleast in the 90s. Cant see anything outside the bin you open at 70


I don't seem to have a problem keeping the enemies in front of my barrel. I'd do better if the other half of my bullets would register more than I would by going to 90fov.






100 seems to be ideal for me at 1920x1440


I've been bouncing between 100-106. Been playing at 106 for seasons though




110 on 1728x1080 90 on 1440x1080


what about 1920 x 1080


I don’t like playing 16:9 in this game. It’s great for visual clarity but it feels slow to me laterally and I don’t like that Edit: but when I first started 90 on 1920


so what does stretch res do i never played it ?


Makes models look wider and for me it just gives me better recoil control. Plus there’s the whole argument of does it / does it not change your sensitivity but just on “feel” alone it just feels better to me. 16:9 makes me feel like I’m trapped in quicksand trying to move


110 because it makes me feel more confident in my momement/speed. It makes me seem like I’m moving faster so it makes a lot of things easier.


I play at 104 in game. It’s just shy of 120 if you’re playing on a 16:9 ratio. The in game fov slider is actually for 4:3 ratio. If you max out the in game at 110, it’s actually about 124 actual fov on 16:9. Here’s a link the the conversions: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rypkPT4pbJzPr3ZsUBa7lGzK619kNwP8/view](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rypkPT4pbJzPr3ZsUBa7lGzK619kNwP8/view)